HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-09-28, Page 2OOUNTY NNWB. ales 1 trees ear ■,sed ta'hame.e. The horse belonging to J. Buosden, Lundeaboru', which was recomify struck by bgbtning, has recovered. Lesds'boed is &axioms toemit er tea q.*-playiva e s ■gat a similar nowe- bee from any rift* doubleias bias. .1. IA Hooch , Brussels, hon sold ate of his steam Are engines to )resterile , o 1100 feet of best lice.. Prise. ,7$0. The township somas of Hallett and West Wawsoasb have envoi voted Rinds for cutting down the hill .t the west end of the main street of Manchester. Mato* boosts of 15 lampoon the main street within lea than 150 yards The people will now be able to see to keep out of the mud on many evenings. Dr. Worthington, of Clinton, read an interesting paper before the Dominion Medical Association, at Kingston, last week, and was elected • member of the Public Health Committee. Thomas Baird, a resident of Stanley for the peat thirty years, and formerly a municipal representative of th. town• ship, died last week. He was a native of Auohinleck, Ayrshire, Scotland, and came to Canada in 1852. Messy. Hardy and Dummert,of Zurich who have been engaged fur some year in butchering there, have sold out to Messrs. A. Bosaenberry and S. Mutter, and purchased the tannery of the late J. F. Moria, and are now pushing that business with their aocustomed energy. FATAL AOOIDINT. ■.a. Illoldriew re allyl hs • Wlweg Tesla. On Saturday, Sept. 1$■h, Mn. Mary Baldrow, of I undue, moths' of the wife of Oeuege AAettsitar resisting on the South Lied, tseardltr towo■hiparwttiei bees by the tatted *wan at two o'clock. fahe was aooe•ajsaied'by her oraullohatailmee, who, as eases ts the traM stopped, lett the ear to sty if ase fnamda wase is wait- ing at the station. She "'taloned in a moment and maw Add her grandmother had ;telt the ate us die lake shore side. She at once went to her aasta ,g and taking her by the Mand, ilea the track at the rear sad of the train wham the oars were backed up. Mrs. Baldrow was struck by the ear, sud the grand- daughter was unable to pull her off the track in time to prevent the wheels pass- ing over her loudy. Death was instan- taneous, as the wheels of • the truck crossed the body at the abdutnen. The grief of the grand -daughter was heart- rending. Deceased was aged seven- ty -Imine years, but was hearty and rigor- ous. The relatives were at once notified and the body was taken to the residen•e of Mr. Merritt. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, and the eery large number who followed the remains to the Kincardine cemetery showed the sympathy felt for the bereaved ones From enquiries made, we think that no blame can be attached to the railway em- ployees, or any person else in oonnec- .ton with the unfortunate occurrence The husband of deoessed taet his death s few year ago by being thrown off a wagon. -[Reporter. Arch. Matheson, formerly of Clinton, hes entered the mission field in the northwest, commencing his duties on Sunday last. He is a man of strong re- ligious conviatiuns, a good, forcible speaker, and that he rosy be abundantly auooessful in his labors is the wish of his many friends here. We are pleased to learn that two more of those who wrote at the late non-pro- fessional examinations at Clinton, Messrs. B. Sunbury and J. W. Shaw. and were only granted third-class certiticates,have, on a re -consideration of the papers, been awarded grade B. certificates. We are called upon to record the de cease of an old resident of Morris, in the person of Janie' Purvis, who died on Monday of this week after a brief illness, aged 60 years. Ho had a lame knee that got inflamed and it got worse and worse until mortification set in, and death soon relieved him from suffering. A boy named Geo. Birtch was arrest- ed in Bluevale on Sunday, on a charge of stealing $ watch belonging to Henry Miller, of Wingham. On being arrested the boy confessed to having stolen the watch he had sold for $2. Birtch was committed for trial on this charge, and also on a charge of having stolen a 350 bill from a man in Howick. Tag COUNTY TOWN. -In the iterim between dog days and Indian summer it would be in order for the Clinton .LVew Ern to tell the people of Huron when to intends moving the county buildings to its hamlet. Don't be particular as to the exact date -any time between a day and century will do.-Seaforth Sun. We would like to gratify our cotem, but to publish the information asked for would be to put Goderich people on their guard, and they might go to work and chain down the buildings. No, no, the exact date for this Iilliputian undertak- ing cannot be made public.-[Clinton New Era. To RE DIStosTIioaD.-Some people have hitherto been under the impression that It tters, if unsealed, could be sent from one post office to another, fur one cent, and many letters have ben mailed that way. Instructions have been issued to postmasters that hereafter all such letters, if not prepaid, are to be sent to the Dead Letter ofiice. The same re- marks apply to axounts for parties in other places. Of course letters and ac- counts mailed for delivery at the same post office go for one cent, People should bear these things in mind, and they would save themselves much trou- ble and loss. CATTLE. - The Sarnia ubserrer thus refers to a former resident of Stanley :- "Mr. John Laut, formerly of the coun- ty of Huron but now of Winnipeg, pur- chased ninety-two well bred heifers, 2 years old,, and three tht.roughbred short horn bulls, at a handsome price from Mr. J. Smith and H. McGurk, breeders, township of Moore. Most of the heifers were raised in Moore, the balance in Sarnia, Enniskillen and Plympton. The e negate oost res titer $4,000, and the animals were delivered to the purchaser in Sarnia on Wednesday of last week Mr. Laut is comtnisai,ned to procure these animate for the establishing of a cattle ranche in Manitoba." Lao LILOT. HA NI0403! s PLE811\ r. -Chief Det Crim mon has shown us a handsome cap orna- ment presented to kiln by D. E Came- ron. The ornament, which is of le lid silver. is in the form of the MacCrnn- mon crest and was manufactured in Inverness, Scotland. The crest is in- scribed with the word• " Pennat:e. Cee• ter' Ihvu," bare the rest for the Gods. Hort AC Aie.-)L. D. E. CPak- on, banker, arrived from i:.l: "Ira o) Tufo- day evening last IoaoL;l f well after his long trip. Mr. Cantor •n ;rev ..!le 1 es I tonsively throa;L iltlat,l, ire!, 1 Bsot1anJ and i' :urya, ... t s,,:aks eat _:ow• 1 ? •g te..us .4 the s,1 'r, : aw•n a 1.1 coon. tries visite!. pa.. •cart':y ", " u .nolle Illeotland," which he r'•arat•.ua3aa as the loveliest and 1tMM ia..restint ctt.u.t in the world, :e..h as r: s boos natta.... besu'y and Liebe...A a-..,,nvi.mt. \ ,y one w:,o arias the "is : ..1 ;coati heath and shaggy wo.til " c1u1 t'rasily un derstal.1 ,e enthnsias.ic bore and deo.- tion en ...uud lig Sc.., seams tor thr• • picture.qu•I esu i I., . i .iu tear. 11r. John 11, i bolt, ono Iwo. I. .ewsw oral. on a y:sit t, hi- ..s •re ..a,.! borne at ,:'u s•.tse . les at.i a . A.,a r ly of 'he i•'••Aas,a e . •: ••••• 1 io, r.•r Ing the a valet of his ynu .1. Iia s :.r Heinen w•::e t.r•t a •,ts..:att.er number • 1 fr e,nls i• ,„, he 1. . •t . 11.4.I1 r• ane A Maar t.W.4la Itlal.es. The lutid.was Watches. Yesterday, au old roan emend Little Rock store, and taking from his p. cket an old buckskin pouch, he smptiei two .Mimi on the counter, and then, after re- pelling the silver fur a few moments, Mid : "Mister, I want to buy Bosse goods to utake a dress." "Tbd money ls metilated old gentle- man. Thio twenty -Ave osnt piety has notches Med in it,and this Alty.oent pipe has Men pouched You see they doers been abused. I can't take them." "Abused Y said the old moa "Abus- ed 1" and he took up the fifty-oent piens and looked at it tenderly. And you wou't take it on account of the holes 1 Heaven trent that 1 did not have to offer it to you. Years ago, when my first child was a little girl, I punched a hole in this ooin and strung it around her neck. It was her eunstant plaything At night when she went to bed we'd take it off, but early at morning she would call for her watch. When our John -you didn't know John, did you 1 Nu 1 Well, he used to come tt town a good deal " "Where is he nov 1'' asked the mer- chant, not knowing what to say, but de- siring to show apprecia,ion of the old man's story. "He was killed in the war. I soy that when Jahn was a little boy I strung this quarter around his nc :k. One day, his watch got out of fix, he said, and he filed these notches in it. He and his sister Mary -that was the girl's name -used to play in the yard and compare their watches to see if they were right. Some- times John wouldn't like it because Mary's watch was bigger than his, but she would explain that she was bigger than hien and ought to have a bigger watch. The children grew up, but as they had always lived in the woods they were not ashamed to wear their watches. When a young man came to see Mary once, she forgetfully looked at her fifty cents, 'What are you doing 7 asked the young man ; and when she told him she was looking at her watch, ho took it as a hint and went home. After this she did not wear her watch in company. Well, Mary and the yuung man married. John went off in the army and go: killed. Mary's hushan,1 died, and about two years ago Mary was taken sick. When her mother and I reached her house, she was dying. Calling me to her bed, she said, 'Paps, lean over.' I leaned over, and, taking something from under her pillow, she put it around my neck and said, 'Papa, take care of my watch.' " The old mah looted at the merchant. Tho eyes of both men were moist. "Do you see that boy out there on the wag- on 7" he said. "Well, that is Mary's child. I wouldn't part with this money but,my old wife, who always loved me, died this morning ; and I have come to buy her a shroud." S nen the old man went out, he carried a bundle in one hand and the "watches" in the other. - (Little Rock ; Ark. Gazette. TALK IN YOUNG SOCIETY. The neared e'...we..att.. wee. • $..s• M ass Lem Poe Words. On Monday of Wt week three of Wm. McNeice'■ daughters were some distance from their father's house, on Range 2, S. D. R., in the vicinity of Black Furse, township of Kinloss, when they observed thrte large bears The girls at once ran hone and narrated what they had seen. Two young men, John McNeice and Hugh Taytur, secured a shot gun and re- volver with • dog and started in pursuit. In s short time two of the animals were overtekeu. Taylor treed one, and Mc- Neice with his dog was soon engaged in a hand-to-hand conflict with the other, he having found that something was wrong with his revolver, which prevent- ed it from being diesharged. Taylor observing that McNeice was in gnat danger in the fight M clone quarters ran to his assistance and using his gun as an Irishman would a blackthorn, soon killed the brute. During the fight the bear that Taylor hr 1 treed made it. escape. The young men certainly ex- hibited great pluck in attacking the bean single handed. Taylor completely ruined his gun in strikingthe bear,break- in„ the stock and bending the barrel. The sante animals were seen a few days before while they were endeavor- ing to secure some of John MoGregor's pia. Mr. McGregor and Jos. Stafford heard the pigs squealing and went to see what was wrong. As soon as they saw the bears they set their dog upon them. The bears turned upon the dog and a lively race at once ensued, with the men leading for home. Stafford fearing that he was oast becoming winded made for a small tree and was soon safely esoonseed among the branches It is said that he was not afraid of the bears ; he only wanted to secure a good positiontowatch the race between McGregor, the dog and the hears McGregor won on a canter. -[Kincardine Reporter. The .r • s me •'•.rrt t . not fill r ,e 1 e sate , oaf _. ' c+.•. ";sow 1'•• .. t. 1, li t. III,(, Red •1 Vase - E‘ '73(t t\ .. td S r .•t i y. '' tri , tire. Ceti) .1." : ;vii l at•d Cert'0. nn.l has mea•u• «5 !.i 1 •,..r,..`, a er nevi' :,;' >- vs 1'.o•;llet. i:'orchM n'ot'e ee.. . 'earl Itiolo 'i w 1•it i•rr Vey :, d :'1 "• it' h `'.iii. 1• Beres all forte* •.I...t,tr. ('.. Voyage of the Protests. New York, Sepi. 14.-A Heruid's St. John, Nfld., special, giving details of the loss of the Pi oteus, says that on July 16 it entered a false lead in the ice and oon- tinued until stopped by the ice on July 19. Retreat was begun by way of favor- able leads in the Ice, and an effort made to force a passage. This was abandoned on July 21 and another lead entered, which promised to reach open water, but before the opening was reached the lead closed and the Proteus was unable to force a passage. The ice continued to close, and at 2 a. m., on July f'3, the vessel was stopped. The ice was spongy; and after two hours pleasure opened again. The Proteus steamed forward only to find that the open water had disappeared. It appear the vessel steamed back for Cape Sabira and near- ly reached open water when a Geary ie , - pack began to close upon it. Every effort made to saw through it was un- successful, and a quarter before 3 p. m. the vessel was again nipped. The hat- ches were opened and neceshory articles were thrown upon the ioe, and transfer - led to s safe place. The ice was break- ing through the starboard bulwards, and crushing in the vessel's side, and the en- gine boiler was expected to explode every moment. The hold was fast filling with water before the cries of "come off: she is sinking !" were heeded by the wreck- ers on board. At 6 p. m. the ice slacked and .he vessel sank rapidly. The masts war; sttippod of their yards and, as she sank through the ice, the dogs and pigs were scrambling among the general debris. an,i the whole presented a most horrible pic.ure of a wreck. The ice doe t n the port solo was drifting rapidly down the Senn& and threatened to carry away a:erything they had. Sevor:l boat bads were hauled to the floe and the remaining 'bin:s abandoned. The ice et the lime was slowing and packing be- tween us and the shore, and the headed boats could tort be tis!:ed in the water. The expuuli:;nn effects wino piled 'o'uh- ,'r .s he'll as :p..as1 In, it „tear„ a a.nst Lite 'tut l.•::,, ; nnnia of 101110 : le i. Th.. I nitrltil. ; .0 ' 21.11 W.t4 I .l:llt Uj 111e n•lat .ferri. ,( •up,•aes fr.o:n the toe to the shore, which was te,; '4. i'irr •us wor::. The di ifti,_i floe was At,uot.,eni by the worn-out :I:t, .y about 3p. no., and all reached Cape d.Joine early. D (7.t,..• : a 8..,w,cli il. . 0;* :tee Wit s,•, :\k',,,?i) •inlitlalsl, ,rift A n.trels, le.ahle)4e4,. me. Ca. b.: iu std 'Tonic v .tt is°•, 1,41 anal iovnln,.h!e L, ami :tree - ,to of the kionlac•1. Liver avid 11. 'cis. rre :,ha and C.. •11 . ,at 11 e. !:'is •Ir I; 114 a.n•r s,•..1 .1 ni• r:.. \I• -ti . w.se `1. Try it b (Enter Thomas and Chat les. I Thomas bad Charles -"Good evening, ladies.' Kate -- "How do, Charley, Tom 1 Where have you bran this age '1' Josephine "Sure enough ! Henry Brows waste jest now. -Did you meet hies 1" Tbooaa--"Hon is a gnat fellow, ain't he! Did be Ors yes a lects s on twt- erupsychesis, or a dissertation to frogs' lees as a remedyfor the unsettled coon - dittos of the labor market /" Kate -"Oh, Tum ! you're too hand un Henry. You shouldn't have said that before mammy. But his conversation is a little tedious sometimes." Charles -"Hen's a mutt" Josephine -"What's the news 7" Threes -"Ain't any. Charley, who was that girl you was so sweet un in the car's this afternoon 7" Charles -"Didn't I mash her,thoughl' Josephine -"Oh you naughty boy !" Thomas -"Charley gets the bulge on all 1,1 us." Charles -"Where did yori get those cigarette., Tom 1 : o■■ ones !' Thomas -"Out 'em in New York. Can't gut a decent cigarette in Boston. Have tried 'em all. By the way,Charley, you want to try Snigglefriti s beer. Beats anything in town. Drank six glasses there last night." Charles -"Who beat's this afternoon?' Thomas- "The Long Stockings -six to nothing - regular whitewash. Catche- mob's an awful muffer, and Slick pound- ed the Yellar Legs all over the field. But we must be going, Charley, Good - by Joe ; good -by Kate." Charles -"Good -by girls" Kate and Josephine.- "Good by Should think you might stop longer though." [Exit Thomas and Charles) Kate -"Tom's a nice fellow, isn't he." Josephine -"W hat a splendid conver- sationalist !" Kate -"Oh, yes; Tom can talk on any subject. Josephine- "He isn't much like Hen - Mr. W. J. Guppy, of Newtwry, in- forms us that he has used Bardook Blood Bitten in hie faintlywith reel effect, and adds 11 s•. the lv. J. R. Smith has used it and speaks of it iu high terms of praise. It is the great syst•urremold • ufg tomo that cures all douses of the Blas. -d, Liver and Kidneys acting bar- ,nululwsly with Nature's laws 26.000 bottles sold during the lest three months, 2 August 29th, 1883. Dalmeny P.O., Tp. tletto.•ds• Meagre. Obnrobill & do , Door Stn, I have been troubled with Pilot for the last five year, and during that tine 1 Fate taken medicil • from hve doctors wh e'i failed to effect a cure. 1 have used only one box of your Climax Eye :Fake, which I purchased from W. F. Rot -hie of Osgood' Station, and osu re- oommend it as a safe cure to all afflicted wi h sone disease. 1 consider your Fountain of Health an excellent t to biild up the sysie tt. Youis truly, fit) Ain •cg MrDu,ua o. Jay eye itee'. Great Tref. Five thousand people witnessed the trotting at Narragansett Dark on Satur- day last. l'he greatest interest of to -day centred in the attempt of Jay Eye See to beat his record of 2.14 for a purse of $2001. He trotted his warming -up heat in 2.30, and when the final trial came he made the most remarkable ethibi.ion of trotting ever seen on this track. His time to the first quarter was 34 secs., to the half in 1.061, three-gtarter in 1.39, and finished in 2.101. He went over the entire course without a skip or creak of any kind, and when he came* under the wire showed -no signs of distress. In the 2.22race Amelia C. wag, the favorite, but H. B. Winship won in three heats Time, 2,221, 2.22f, 2.211. A REWARD -Of one doses "Taacsc- rY" to any ore pending the best four line rhyme on "xaALs.:CY, the rents L 9ble little gem for the Tee:b and Ba.t.. Ask your drnggest or address. Thousands are being cured, of Cai:trrh every year with Ball's Catarrh Cure, that he doctors had given up and said could not be cured. 75 cera a bot.le. Sold by George I:h1nas, sole agent for Gode t • rho ..m Now that there is a reliable ren-edy for kidney troubles, half the terrors a. -:ached to these complaints have been removed For this let all be thankful, and to D:. Van Buren'■ Kidney Cure award all praise for hating thus removed' hi.hero considered fatal disease from our path It was never known to fail. Sold by J Wilson. 2in A slwrlUwa MIarercry. Physician's are often steered lr nwrkabl• discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery tnr Con.iimptinn and all Threat and lung diseww. isd+•Iy curing patients that they bare ttiveo up .o die, is atertli,g t1 ono to r alm. their serene of ditty, and .limine i,:,o the 1 merits of this wonderful disoorior, re - suli lag in hundreds of our hes.. Pi,1ra- ! cines usirg it i•1 their pas ie... Trial lira ties free at J. Witold.' Doi Store. Iteiutar sive •1 0 . (4) &Ir'o, N. Y., I'),.•. 1. 11e70. 1 am ,h. Vest...? of tire I..ti.tiv! '!mush here. s,,••1 an wlirca.cdlpht'otter,. f am ti rt ie prat 'ce, but alt tlty.0:e family ::r resit: Ain, and a.lvi.0 itl ,n..ur el t , .: c.asea Occr r ret • ao • . ry 1 ' yam. H -4' A t* o #° .t .,«fit • ': }Ie !,..•- , . snit • •,.. nrD 1i' 1 r1t.•• ! • !:er 'brier,. t.outo. irlalasl iii*• •M+ hr •'sir floe. c h ., h r .q a'w.wen.1 • hotel 1" nes f i,, 1,. i nine ..f whom hies s.e, Irisin CUM l .4 their 'Arlon allwtenfe i,1• third• l:gv. t R WAYi/.. Kate -•'No, I hope not. No matter what comes up, Tout's never lost for a word: He's sr, entertaining ! And then one learns so much talking with him." -[Boston transcript. Mrs Partington declared the Neural- gia it/ lot w••rw than thr old Rheumat- ism : bat. hi,* ewer ba•1 either ...ay M, Burdock Blot 4 hosteis wil. eouyuer it, "a It also uul.as pure blood, rw,utatu.g the Uver, Ksdney..ud 14.wd•, and eradi- cating .crtduluus humor biss the system. 26,G) bottles sues se dm last three tr,edls ll Ot■etOmi4fieM In jingoes to' Mr.44 Int mutt he admiete4 that Qom ern limits to hicleibery, Thep ars limbo, limits - (Londun Adt ernistar. In Dr. Carson's Stomach Iattets will M found a Specific for Biliuusuess, D:apepaia and Indigestion. You ate foolish if you suffer, not to try it. Fur Sale by all druggists A Good Geographical R..sdary, Judge Ryan, of Minnedosa, and an excellent authority, speaking of the boundary question, says to a Winnipeg reporter :-I have studied it, and am well utisfied that Mr. Mowat is right. When last in Ottawa 1 argued the ques- tion at length with a political and per - sol friend of Sir John A. Macdonald s, a man, " on the verge of the Minis - ti j," as Lord Beaconsfield would say, and upon finally putting the question, " is it not a good geographical boun- daay 1" he reviled, '' it is, but a bad political one ? meaning, evidently, that it did not suit Mous.eau, Masson; et al, as they themselves declared. -[Rat Port- age Argus. Of all tee sweets of which mortals can d••eam. 'here is naught to excel strawbe.rlea and c-eam. Neither is there any remedy known to mortals than can a _cel Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry as a cure for Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum and all Bowel ('omplatnts. 2 Summer Boarding. IATTI1ANII N.JACE! MR. RICHARD HAWLEi•'S Elegant Resi- dence Is now OPEN for the SUMMER Fur the reception of a few guests. The rooms are very targe and NICELY FURNISHED Bath Room with hot and cold water, Bowling AlleyCroquet and Ornamen4l Grounds, plenty of choice fruit a good table, and every comfort will be found. Guests will be met at the station. TERMS :-Seven to Ten Dollars per Week. MAITLAND PLACE, Do.lcri•zh. Ontario. Goderich. June 11, 18.3. 1895 - LINDSAY'S WHARF, Aug. 224, 1833. Messrs Churchill k Co., Gents, - I have been afflicted with Salt Rheutn for the past three years, and have beet treated by some of the best dtw.nrs in Eastern Ontario without any lasting benefit. I was r• ended by Mr. C. J. Lindsay, of F'r' is t• - your Foun- t: 'n of t-'ealih. Atter using five bottles of the Fountain and two bottles of your Climb-: Salve, i helieto I am perfectly cured My general health is also much improved, and I now feel lite a nen mail. Yours truly, RonueT Bcatx.r, Engineer Str. "Olive," Montt eal and 2t.1 Portland Line. PITY TN t POOR DvseaPTrc.-Poverty with perfect health is rather to be chosen than riches and dyspepsia. Try the magic effect of a dollar bottle of Fors -rare 07 HEUSW. No household should be considered complete without a bottle of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure is in the closet. It is the only remedy that will positively, permanently and promptly cure all forms of kidney diseases. Sold by J. Wilma 2m s -s A,swee Wanted. Can any one bring us a case of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Ilit.ers will Not speedily cure 1 We say they cannot, as thousands of cases already petmanently cured and who are daily re- commending Electric Liam, will nro:e. Eri•rhl's Disease, Diabe.es, Welk Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the bow- els, and sots directly nn the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale et 50c. a bode by J. Wilson. (1J: [Continued) CHAI TSR 11. wonderful aid mysterious cut at ive power endeveloped which it so varied in its op- erations that no diaeaae, or ill -health can posaillility a int or resist its power, and yet it iA H.,rmless for the most frail soma.), weakest invalid or sinat'est child to Geo ••1 tne.1 dell or n.. It d; leg." Tor visors, and zgiven up by physicians ret Britht's and other ki.L•ty, disu,ase', livers usi.laintkiieveresow;h•e.11sd0011- 'nmf ' i'.. , :ave been emrral. W.....rl 'zone y ••t iffy t lr, ••tot a,tnly of nen . , nerrewness we.!..•fn:note and various diseases mealier 'Ir w. gt.ew. Poet* rt--wn o+•t• #f s` RP• vry eta exern ! ..• 1, • o,u.time. .v xeia,<•• and r:,toniy uf■itet. • .1 teem, blood pnis.•siJg, diaper. WA. i r•1 .•t•a'i.M, and in fact almost all close t00% frall Nat ere ie hear to 11 tee leer rooted by Hop Biters. proof 14 whish eau he (curia in every neigbbtrrhoud in the known world. lm Address : Eye, Ear and Throat. DR. RYERSON 4:3 'D.0113111ICIAK PL A NING MILL ESTABLISHED 1163. Buchanan Law8on l Rebinaon WI, Caere* alive., Toronto. at., L. R. C. P.. L. R. C. 8. E., Lecturer on the Eye, Ear and ,Throat, Trinity Medical Col- lege, Toronto, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and F.ar Infirmary, late Choice! Assistant Royal Ophthalmic hospitals Moorfields, and Central London Throat and Kar Hospital. may be consulted at rAMurAtTvama$ el Sash, Doors & Blinds THE WINDSOR HOTEL, STRATB'ORD, Oi Last Saturaay of Every Month. lune 5th. 1883. 1;'V McColl Bros. & Co., Toronto. Manufactures and Wholesale Dealers in nLALgla IN •LL RIND. or Lumber, Lath, Shingles and bu4der's niu•er'al o eve.: deeetlpilon. fCHO(L ref ill IUNE A $PECIAITI. der.'.II Or ler.- prompl'v ...ended to. Oudcriuh. Aug. 2, 1B3. 1 1 lay LARDINE, CYLI N DER, BOLT CUTTING, WOOL. OILS. --,,t-R IELt:Rt[ATF.Dc- "LA.RDII\TE_' hrand it une:ceelled by any othc- oil on the market. In recognition of its supe -tor merit, we have received All the Highest Prizes ! wherever we e..hibiterl it since 187R. among other awards a large nr artier of Gold, Silver & Bronze hleda.1$, beside* nvmeroos Diplomas. , 1R tr.: anted not to gem or clog . wea a eyi1 al .o tem, •0'1 and bel,'+ less than one -;mal the nr. a is the chea For 8.le. oil on the ma -Le.. EMTRy iT. by R. W. BAoKeizie, 1- Qalc-ic. AYER'S Hair Vigor restores, with the gloss and freahnea of youth, faded or gray hair to • natural, rich brown color, or deep black, u may be desired. By its use light or rod hair may be darkened, thin hair thickened, sod baldntss often, though not always, cared. It checks falling of the hair, and stimulates a weak and sickly growth to rigor. It prevents and cures scurf and dandruff, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to the scalp. A. a Ladles• Hair Deeming. the VtooR is unequalled ; it contain. ieUlaer oil nor dye, readers the hair soft, glossy, •Id silken in appearance, and Imparts a delicate, agreeable, and lasting perfume. MR. C. P. flalrw,a writes from Kirby, 0., Aar 3, 11.12: •' doubt fall my hair commenced falllnf oat, and In RADII time 1 Demme nearly bald. I used part of a bottle of Avmien HAIR t'Io0 which anpp ,1 the falling of thr hair, and started a new growth. I have now a full head of hair growing vignmasly, and am convinced that but for the one of your preparation 1 should have been entirely bald." .7. W. Bower, proprietor of the McArthur (Ohio) exe"elellent'prep•rat on for the hair.lof epest oot it. from my own etperience. Its tee promotes the p,wtit .1 new hair, and makes it glossy and soft. eke Vita,R Is alio a ours cure for dandruff. Not within my knowledge duo the preparation eves failed to give entire satisfaction." 14a. Aanrs FAtIMIRft lewder of the eels Misted" Fairbsi,R Family' of s-ottish Vocalists, -rites from Moores, .Vasa, P.A, it, INRs: ••Ever ,lose lay hair began to give slivery evidentro of the Mange witch fleeting time proeureth 1 have used t*• Ara HAIR Vtoon, and .n have been able to malatatn as appp{ie.•araiem of youthfulness - a mat- ter of rvrssi.Mrahk ennaequent•e to ministers, Milton, actors and in fact every one who lives is sloe es e eyof the public." Vie*. O. A . raeso ori, Writing from .a frim 1* Fila .41., rlw ses,./souNews, Apr•{I 11 lett ' Two ears e.g., about tour -thirds of lay kat, tame nR. Tt tblward very ssphily. and 1 wan fast growl baba. tit ming dein • H SIR Vtoo* the falling and a new •hoer • .oath st Agrowth commenced, and 1s, wick.Mrvt 77 was e.wnplrtely marred hair It kat ell. 1 regularly glow acid t noir ss grand as wen's It fell. 1 regular) y eased bet one bottle of the due's, but sow nee It necssloa. ally as a dre,•alug." Weimer hundreds of similar testh.wmials to the i elleacy of Avrs'. II Atm Vino*. it need. int • trial to methene the mist skeptics') of Its value. rRTTAarn t.)' Dr. J. C. Ayer 6 Co., Lowell, Mese. Sold by all Druggists. ALLAN LINE or ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS L: V ER'•OOL-LONDON DERRY -OLS S901,e Every Saturday From Quebec. ,NYRTItsT sit PASSAGI. NPkEL, .1FORT AND MAFET ". Sff•ifz »t e, .1 rt'cang ement. Meares Islip. Cir.assian May 19 l•olynw4 t Peruvian June 2 Se mat lea. 9 Parisian ,•• 16 Ssrdinlae. N (,ycasslaa. Moyne -hen Arty 7 1 aravlan Sarluatho Par -alar.. bsrdiniao Ci14Circassian... Polynestsa Peva v inn Sarmatian. Yr t. 1 Parls'an Sardinian - Circassian Pd) neaian Peruvian Sarmatian . ........ Parisian Sardinian Polr r , ynesian . Peruvian tiarmatian «. Pease tigers reeu're to leave Ooderbh at neon on Tb, adays, to connect with steamer at Quebec. Prepaid certificate toned at greatly redo( , ra es to persons wishing to bring their friends out from the Old Coun.ry. For 1lcLets and all it ormetier, apply H. AIRMSTRONG. 1 icket Agent Ooderict May 17th, 1883. Dederick. TESTII,QONIA1..B_ Collingwood, Ont.- he Crow'oot Btttets I • ook cord roe of M e: Headache, aster twsattyy yews or a, Tering' wahont be•ng able le Pad tells'. Mita. J. hot.wlresn.un, Clartsbn Oti..-', he C row 'ooi BiitersQEr fect'y et 'ed me of Baltrbruin, whbout rant any aster medlctnc. Mos. Jomg 'H LovessAD. If you wish •• gel the watt !\ of year swine ask your dtrwtq)at tie ie. THEY a4LL KEEP IT 1 May 17,h, I IMAs 2O ACRES FREE! IN IDE, De, 1'e La' e Turtle Mountain ane or se River Co: y, NORTH DAKOTA, Tt.:•r•_ y o'he t•nitre Rialcs I end OM( e GRAND FORV.S, DAKOTA'.. OVATle\AL MAP .n' Ft Li particular ml 'c•'. F1 5'; :o any address b; AU - 14 • F. I t'NALLr, central iram:PiesAgit el. Yiisr.reti:i 11111111111 1 •eel N•Toie.N,f • S. SLOANE, F n ut..r'•'- 1 01 WESTERN CORN Platen. T a let Of Canadian Corn. GIVE H'•' A CALL 1 'eget '.fey 1714.- me. rj 0 nos Theca day. v. IMving and Hu! eta.. t. g M said Hu buvgy n it be je evening, -sit": w goito kart .iso'.IIsow at iw1, gazing a fellow w his direr I ahuulc •the folk "Oh' rMne 4 raged. I, is slate Marion w. you s man cwt eat ram find sn "Ver bail M tabes !. It we. by a lar e" broogbi while h thickne ions ''We the boy to the l couldn' world eleven r Luogi 11 i1 1 bo "Or tested you we at the Th Huber I shot allow 1 fellow bay ha aoppel h is tis' "Of going you m hotne Mat Pie k would daw,l such dehb Ott.1t Nu aaha the y E' Id cases fices, poria `bail cit bays wont well fell war ciW er O join he t Lire pial' me he, reit het Vm wh •P to as bel Ill's, 5 lot Lei M r 1 M ti