HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-09-21, Page 8ferreteelteeleeette r . isualger. Mx, Epee's midi hes Ire rwfited. and the iitistorprising owr rr is now in s rbier ation that ever t.) /Atone to tarsi es his line. Daketikken. - - The Ashfield airri:ultural show will be held here on Octo r 4th Quite • number !1 our cies -ns .ret - tending the exhibition in ^0. into this week. Jose ih Bell, who was on • tie, to the old country, returned a short time ago with a fine stallion colt. Mr. Bell 'resins determined to improve the class of horses in this neighborhood, and deserves the hearty support of fernier' of this vici- nity. It is our painful duty this week to chronicle the death of Miss Johnston, of Ashfield. She took diphtheria, and do - spite every effort passed Away on Fri- day night. She was en interesting y. ng lady of about twenty -years of age. Oelbeene. Cermet'. Marrero.- The municipal council of Colborne met in tke township hall on Wednesday, Aug. 22nd. Mem• ben all present except Mr. Gledhill. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Communication from James Mitchell regardine the water runeing off tbe read net) his property. The matter was left over 'ler further euesideration. Account of Nei, office for printing,$3.eb5, left over. Communication 1 iron the meaty clerk requirine the sum of 1191213.36 for county purp.oes. Commu- nications from the differeut school sec - tams rereunng the followee, ems for schoolparposes --No 1. Vie; N.?, MO ;leo 3, $5O; No. 4. $400; No. 5, $416 ; No. 6, •6475 . Nu. 7, 11'50 ; A. 1., 8&42; W. Le, et..2.87. Mewed and 'amended that a rate of 2j for local ladle d and 2i on the for county purposes be levied on all the rateable property to die township. Carried. 0" *erg, Bta.et w is Towel 616. :JO fur building culvert. J. A. MeDonagh was paid $35.75 fur "nee foam The council ; then adjourned. . I Iwobsza. - - - A tramp, strangely attired,. ar..1 loud, vulgar and saucy in het talk.. !levered around this locality on Suntiay. He was ; male to "vamoose. - Our Dunlop cetene was defeated at a recent game of crequet, which had at- tracted much attention. By moonlight a pair of maidens played two paterfami- lias, and wrested them. The girls are almost invincible on the croeuet lawn. !‘i TOE HURON .3IGNAL. FRIDAY SEPT. 21, 1888. t • kept his ..at fur sums time, bet the home kickiog, struck him on the leg • little below the kw*, and knocked hint off. The wound inflicted is a serious one, be- ing very deep and about these inches king mid has bled considerably. Dr. Yvung was telegraphed for aud dressed the wound. Te horse ran on as far as Mr. Symiugtous, sr., when' it stopped. The rake was completely destroyed, and the harness, which was magnet new, bad- ly wrecked. Oarbrald. George Morris is revelling in the lake breezes of Leeburn. John Barker and a gang of men are rushinethe job on the hill along in fine style. Chortle Morris and his "Shoo Fly" brigade are bnaily engaged with hammer and 'eerie on the new residence of Geo. Patten. • The "little bird" has a whisper matrimonial regarding George's tuture. Sleeth. On Sunday last a lecture was giveu by Ree P. J. liken, of Seaforth, in St. Michael's church, Blyth, entitled, "The Unity and Universality of the Church," which was largely attended. The merits of • discourse by the rev. lecturer need not be dilated upon, as he is well known to be a good speakerand a clever debater. During the afternoon veapers were held by Rev. B. J. Wetter., of Goderich, as- sisted by Rev. J. O'Connor, the pariah priest. Music was furnished by the choir of St. Augustine church, under the leadership of Miss Hussey, the organist, assisted by Miss Cooke, of . Goderich, whose singing of "0 Salutaris" was much admired. Rev. ,Mr. O'Connor tendert his sincere thanks to the members of ! outside denominations who favored the lecture with their presence. .1 Lan Sunday Rev. J. A. Turnbull oc- cupied his accustomed place in the Presbyterian church here, looking much improved in health after his trip among old friends in Usborne. Ile intends to deliver a series of sermons from the fifth chapter of John. W. H. Abom has returned from avisit to the old country, and looks wellafter his trip over the tulles' of the bre ti At- lantic. He was the guest of his isther in Lincolnshire. He reports the creps4 in England below the average. -1.3 . will sh..i.ly proceed to Montreal, to study medicine at McGill College: • ,:i11111Cr9. --- A new and permanent lei,- ler hatae. peered at the Exchange. P is a A ninliber 1,f our residents whe visited the Sepoy village on the day of the Cale- donian games, had a hearty shake of the hand from A. Hodge, :he well-knevrn lumber dealer, fernier!y of this place. A BAD TR.ANIP.-Lillt Sot 'Ay about 2 1, In. one of that unfortunate class of persons armed with a brassp.n and tin slipper, ushered himself :unannounced into one O1C 1our farm !leases threugl i t II emt don., frightening the inmates, !two females 11 1.1 causiie.; considerable alvr.o. One went for , hat aid cane fr in another quarter. an 1 the intruder was ejec.l. Helf a nide lathe, on, he !nide another call, this time u..ing the dm.r bell, asket1 fer a While tI;e latter was belie, prepared, he aske-I fer the r i,iark ing that it was Sunday. After reading it few veraes, he a.0..ing where itwas Inatle- and siol he never 1 ar,7 book without kniveing that. Net hent encouraged in his arzinnent. and mime neighliors ap• pearin..4, lie thought it hest o make him- self scarce, le tying bit meal • untested. He next applied at a I.ei.1.urn home • stead, thii time' demanding a het meal. Being til however, a 04)1(1 one wuhl b2 more convenient, he used some profane laneuage, whiC11 1110 1109t did not approve of, and the impudent stranger Was told to deSild, or to "move on." Previous experiences suggested "humble pie." He thea prika-etied tootle Presby• terian chinch shiels, intending to take up his quarters for the night. Being ad- vised, however, pi pr,e,eed elsewhere, he retraced his steeps to Daalop. taking the VIII towards Carliiw. Ilia dress and ap- pearanci were hicleees In the extreme, and sent a thrill of honer through the women and children who beheld him. Mappilythe day was Sunday, and the mien woe about, to keep ao eye on the fellow. The township councils should provide se •ie means iif skiving such Worthl at 'iatacters quickly placed in &trance . There is no need for any an to be liefing ln this country at har• vest i eatfeekee.. Far.ners have I harvest. SOWS WV tin see :ing. Some lovers of mischief amuse them- selves by throwing stones through the wheel windows occasionally. The trus- tees are no the alere mei if round the ,fender. will no doubt get their de- file -M. Rev. Mr. Pntehard and family are off for At lidera, visiting friends in the met. They left fur Tnronto nn Monday morn- ing. They propose betng absent for three Sabbaths, during which time other supplies will be furnished the °enema -- ties. Next Sabbath Rev. Mr. Leask, of St. Helens, will preaelt. While a lad named John Nietands, engaged Le John SImington, west of the 1.11age, was returning a sulky rake be. loneing to the latter's fatherein Tuesday afternoon .last. the horse he was driving took height and ran 'why T..* May Weddassi NUL On Tuesday eyeless, lhh inst., • very Imre numberof relaMves and friends rcaem Tiverten, Brussels, Tesswater,Ket- rdine and elsewhere, assesubled ak the residents, of Mr John Soule Lake View Fern], borne, about four miles north of Kincardine, to witness the marriage uf Mrs. Janet Scree one of the most esteem- ed and charming of Kineardine's really fair daughters. to Mr. Jana. Struthers, of Toeswater, the papular north -sed druggist, (son of Gavin Struthers, of Goderich.) At nine o'clock the bridal party entered the drawing room, the beautiful young bride leaning on the arm of her beuthor, Mr. John Saute asd attended by two lovely maids, Miss Bella Scott and leis' Maud Reid. The bride was attired in • cream satin, white tulle veil. orange blossoms wreath and loop. The bride's maids wore cream cashmere, Spanish lace, and rare and choir* hand boquets. Mr. Leslie sated as groones man, and performed the duties of that somewhat embarrassing position in a dignified and graceful manner. The green' war alightly nervous, but RI supremely happylookierg as any fellow in such an envutble position could well afford to be. The bride looked compos- ed and bewitching, and the beauty apd grace of her attend: nt we: e su %emit- 19 inspire the most indifferent and tam tide ns young bachelor with rn irresisti- ble desire to follow the noble example of the groom. The Rev. Mr. Murray offi- ciated, and sifter the beautiful and im- pressive marriage ceremony haa been performed, warm congratulations were bestowed un the newly -made husband and wife, and the company partook of a sumptous repast. Carlow, New Wearer Sour. -Wm. McPhee sold some new wheat in Goderich for el a bushel. Mr. Currey has opened a boot and alioe shop in our thriving little village. We wish him success. Rev. Mr. Leask, of St. Helens, is ex- pected to preach in the Presbyterian church next Sabheth. Sou, -W. Downs has sold his house lot and blacksmith shop to J. Walters, wagonmaker, of this place, for $1,100. IMPORTED. -F. McDonagh has return- ed from Scotland bringing with him a very fine heavy draft stallion. eer. McD. is one le our leading horsemen. Alex. Young has sold his three year old shorthorn bull to Wm. McLean, of Goderich, for six cents a pound, the ani- mal weighing 2275 tbs. This bull was never beaten where exhibited. COUNTY NEWS. As the mixed train on the G.W.R. was on its way from Brucefield on Thursday of last week, a brakeman named McDon- ald, fell from the top of one of the cars, cutting his head open. When the train ar- rived akVlinteln,and he was net en boatel, the engine backed down the road, and met hiin coming up on a dead run. He wail very fortunate in getting 'if with such slight injuries. "Geo W. Milken, of Yuma, Arizona, formerly G. W. R. agent at Clintrin,paiii -his respects to his old friends iu Huron last week. He locks somewhat bronze.] by his residence west but has not other- wise changed in his appearance. Mr. Radom occupies the position of Division Superintendent of tha Southern Pacific R. Re This is what the Wichita, Kan., E,rile says about a former reaidenb of Huren. "Ike" deserves it all :-"T. I. Humble, first assistant postmaster in the Wichita office, has aceepted a position in the Kansas National Bank. Thus it has ever been with that postollice. 8 soon as any piling men demonstrates capability and honesty,and fairly masters the banks, acconats, and routine work demanded by the people and by the Department, some banking er other slestitutein tieVer lets up till they hare secured him. We have no words of cominesedationefor Mr. Humble, for ne man can so stilltifacterily handle the funds, accounts and records of a public office, as he did, without everybody knowing it." By the way, he has recently been married. IIYMENAL.--A somewhat unusual event in the matrimonial line took place at the residence of E. Corbett, Esq., reeve of Clinton, on Wednesday mOrnine, in the shape of a double wedding, when this gentleman's two daughters "joined their fates and fortunes' with two young gen- tlemen welt -known to most of our town readers, at least. The contracting pit. - ties were Chris. Dickson, of the City Beek Store,and Miss Annie M. C,:rbett, and John Powell, (principal of a Detreit legal firm,) and Miss Mary M. Cerbett. Rev. John S. Ferber, of Myth, (an tdd friend of the family) performed the cere- mony. The brides wore dresied alike, in very pretty bion .ilk, and looked ex- ceedingly. attractive, Mime Rankin, of Stratford, being bridesmaid for the first - minted, and Miss Powell, sister of the groom, for the second, both being dress- ed in white lawn, and all wearing natural flowers. Mr. Dickson's groomsman was his brother, and Mr. Powell's, .1. W. King, of Constance. A number (if very hanilseme presents testified to the esteem in which the ladies were held. After dinner had been partaken of, the happy couple* left on the 3,4e train, Mr Diek eon one wife intending to go from Lon don to St. Catharines and other points east. and Mr. Powell and wife merle direct to their home at Detroit. A very large number of friends gather- ed at the station to see them off, and wish them abundant happiness. -[New gra. Airiest 29tb, 1883. Dalmeny P.()., Tp. Osgood.. Malan. Churchill & Co., Dear Min, - 1 have been troubled with Piles for the last five years, and dieing that time I have taken 'medicine from five doctors which failed to effect a cure. 1 have used only one box of your Climax Eye Salve, which I purchased from W. F. Ritchie of (*erode Station. and can re- commend it as. mile cure to all *filleted with tome disease. I consider ?our Fountain ..1 Health an excellent tonic to bullet itp the sperm YOGIS truly, ?t Mini ideDsaainr. The following were among the bridal presents: A china tea set, Mrs. Scott and Mee W. S. Drummond ; dinner set, Mrs I. Scott and Miss Scott ; a breakfast set stone china, Mr. and Mrs.' Paterson, Tiverton; a dozen hand paint• ed fruit plates, D. F. Fairbairn, Tees - water ; • handsome bedroom set, Dr. and Mn. Martyn, Kincardine; • china tea set Mrs. Robe Wilson, Goderich ; a kand painted bedroom set, Mrs. G. Struthers, Goderich; a silver card re- osiver, Misses Peter, Kincardine ; a silver fruit dish, Dr. Stewart, Teetawater ; a silver pickle cruet. Miss Maud Reid, Eincardiae ; Two silver napkin rings, names engraven, Misses Fisher, Kincar- dine; half dozen silver spoons and silver 'moon holder, Misses Drummond, Tiver- ton ; a silver card receiver, Mrs. Mc- Kibbin, Teeswater ; a sot of trays, Mr. and Mr,. S. H Marshall, Kincardine ; • pair of vases, Miss F. Thornhill ; a handsome table cover, Miss Connick, Brussels; a dozen table nappies, Mrs. Perry, Simcoe ; a dozen silver forks, Mrs. Hewitt and Mr. Peter Bervey ; two silver napkin rings, Miss, Carrie Templeton, Exeter ; a five o'clock tea set, H. C. McKibbin, Teeswater ; a silver napkin ring, pepper and salt dish attachad, R. I. Leslie, Kincardine ; a silver butter cooler, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Scott, Kincardine ; a silver pickle cruet, 51es. Cowen, Exeter ; two silver napkin rings, Mr. and Miss McRae ; a silver pickle cruet, Mr. and Miss Struth- ers, Underwood ; a sofa pillow and fancy table cover, Miss Sott ; a set of napkins, Mrs. D. Campbell; an egg holder, Robt. Scott, jr ; a glaze decanterand pickle dish, Robt, Struthers, Goderich ; tea cup and saucer, W. N. Scott, Kincar- dine ; glass water pitcher, Miss Mary Wilson, Goderich ; a dozen nappies and two table cloths, Mrs Robt. Wilson, Goderich ; walnut spool and thimble stand, Mies Mary McDonald, Gielerich ; large bride's cake from Mrs. T. F. En- rlow,Lecaseetate ef1..5- 1, r. S. The li appy eon e'eliive the best wishes of a Tarte circle of Men It for success in teel is Mlehlgas. • Roseoseinun, Mich. Sept. 17. -John freak to -day °Weald almost pure petro - oust front • well be is siuking 011 bill " eaoe, wed which is now down about luny -live feet deep. There is a dead - id furore over the oil discoveries here at 9 mane. ..- Loan', anti jrisurance. QZAGER & LEWIS, One:mere Mee- k) TINR Hay*.. Oodarich, have private FUNDS TO LEND, In any stuns to suit parties wanting loans, at very low ratee. • 1107- 11000,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO ' tIF CAMERON HOLT &CAMERON, Gods 'lob. 17144. -1\40NSY TO - LEND. - PRIVATE I.Ti. tunds-on treekold security. =to Geo. Swanson, Goderich. 1 a60,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND ne on good Term or first-class Town Property '18 per cent. Aonly to R. RADCLIFFE. 1761 le/ONEY TO LEND. -A LA RG E IVa. amount of Private Funds for investment it lowest rate. on first -ohm Mortgsges. Apply to ()ARROW k PROUDFOOT. 4a20,01110 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND ‘IY OA Farm and Town Property at lowest in- terest. Mee/loges purhasd, no communion "Weed. Conveyancing run mononnum ht. 11.-Hotrower• can obtain moony in one day if title is astistactory.-DAVIsON k JOHN STON. Barristers. &o.. Goderich. 1751 Dit RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, i.e. Life and Accident Insurance Agent. R,presenting arat-claaa Companies. Alsoagent tor the CANADA LIVE STOCK INIURANCII CO. Money to lend on Mortgage, either in Town or Farm Property, in any way to snit the borrow er. Ofiloe--Mp-stairsl Kity's block Goderich r.egal. QRAGER & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, 1.3 Goderich. C. s zaorm, JR. J. A. idowrox. E. N. Lewis. 1107- '1011? C. HAYES, SOLICITOR &c., _its Office corner ot the square and west stret, Goderich, over Butler's bookstore, money to lend at lowest rates of interest. J EWIS & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, IA Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery Ste office in the Court House, Goderich. Hu Litwin. M.A. B.C.L. Z. N. Lirwia. ilfe. el ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR ClRISTERS. Attorneys, Solicitors. ete Goderich. J. T. Garrow, W. Proudfoot. 175 life. Visit le Gedetieb. SPECIALISTS from the International Throat and Lung Institute, 173 Church et., Toronto, will be at the Albion Hotel, Goderich, two days, Sept. 28 and 29. Tho surgeons will have a supplylof spirometers, the invention 1 51. Souvifie, of Paris, ex - aide ,aurgeon of the 1"i co; ac for the cure of C.ttitt It, 'it trill 11 Leaf- ness, Briiiichitis, and Ceosurnp- Oen. Consultation :111,1 trial ef the spirometer free. Don't foil the surgeons while here, as they make a spe- cialty of disease._ of the head, throat and lungs.' and are curing thousands of cases every year the. have hem' given tip to die by the doctors in general itt general practice. Crowds are visiting them in every town and city. For particulars write to 173 Church street, Termite, or 13 Phillips So nare. Msntreal. Marren smith Gene Sure. Halifax, N. S., Sept.15.-Diligent en- quiry hes been made, but nothing has been heard of the ichiter, W. A. Smith, that left here e 1 the 27th ult., to go fishing. Sho has midoubtedly been lost with all ttn-14- Iler crew compris- ed five men named Slauglienehite, War- ren Smith, the widely known eariman, and Win. White, and Joseph Ryan, two brothers-in-law of Smith. LIND iAT'S WHARF, Aug. 22d. 1883. Messrs. Churchill k Co.'Gents, - I haye been afflicted with Selt Rheum for the past three years, and have been treated by some of the best doctors in Eastern Ontario without any limiting benefit. 1 was recommended by Mr. C. J. Lindsay, of Kars, t. try your Foun- tain id Health. After using five bottles of the Fountain and two bottles of your Ciimax Sslve, I believe I am perfectly mired My general health is also mach improved, and I now feel lite a new man. Yours truly, RORKKT Benwirre, Engineer Str. "Olive," Montreal and 2tj Por tland Lin• 11144eirleh Maeltess. Gotimucia. emit. Is. Ifig& Wheat. I Falb 3 bush- ..... .. 111 001 . Wisest, 113print1 • WA ........ I ( • I O. Illmir. e horrid.. . ............ 5 0 580 Oats. 0 hush . ........... 0 0 )3i Pee& 0 blob .............. 0 0 MI 0 0 0 M Petatnee • bush New ... ...... 00 • II NI oiler, IP 0 It le gt • le dee. fundeetell..... 0 9I • 0 . . .... 0 II • 0 0 M • Ia Bran. II eve( 088 088 cboo in rut IIII " 1 " 4 Hides ..... Ithempeitme.. ...... • . .2 " • CIAMERON,. HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors in Chanoery, to. goderich and Wingham. M. C. Cameron, C.; P. Holt, M. 0. Cameron, Goderich. W. Kamm, Wingham. 1151. SEAGER dr MORTON, B A R R I'S TEM, &o., Godericb and Win C. Seeger Jr., Goderich. J. A. MortorkAtirse ham. 17SL: T B. WHITELY, M.D., C.M., PRY- . SICIAN. Surgeon, Accoucheur, etc.. M. C.P.S.. Ontario. Office -The Square. 2 doors East of Wilson's Drug Store. up stairs. HaNt eelMcDONAGH, M.D. PHYSIC- . IAN. SURGEON, &c., Graduate of Tor- onto University. Liaentiate of the Royal Col- ima of Phridelans, London, England, tic., &c., M. C. P. S., Oatario. Office and residence Opposite Bailey's Hotel, Hamilton street. God- erich 17954m ew School ,Books 7.7T R=C="77== 1 Imrie's School Boot Emporitm ' it' • e Largest and, Most Complete Stook SCHOOL ROOKS Csod in the ComMoll, Model. Itgh and Separate Schools and Colleges, at Inarle's Book Store. nR. Mel EAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- GEON, Coroner &c. Office and residence Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria Street. 1751. 10111 G. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI 11. cian. Surgeon and Accoucher. Graduate of Toronto University. Office opposite Camer -on iz Cameron's Bank, Lucknow. If not in ottice, enquire at the Bank. 1762-y. 'FIRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, Paysicians, Surgeons, Accouchers. &c, office at Dr. Shannon's residence, near the grol Goderich. G. C. Sit iNNOv, J. C. HixiL- TON 1781. Tonsorial. UT KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR T • DER and Hair -dresser, begtto return hanks to the public for past patronage and :pelts a continuance of custom. Retail ways be found his Shaving Parlor.near Pe Office Goderieh. 1753 TAMES SNIAILL, ARCHITECT, &c. itt Office, Crabb's Block. Kingston st., Gode rieh. Plans and spec (peat ion s drawn correct ly Carpenter's' plasteter's and mason's wGrk measured and valued. Apples -- AN :Pears. THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR APPLES AND PEARS WILL BE PAID ' by me this season. I hepo my old patrons will hang on to their Fruit until !see them, I . -AND-- kew Customers Wanted -I WANT - Good Sound Fruit Aad will pay the highest market price. Teas & Sugars And all sorts of GROCERIES -AT - Rock Bottom Prices. GEO. OLD, The Grocer, Court Hone* %mare 1911 11101 PRICES LOWEST IN THE COUNTY Satisfactiora. G-1-1.e.ran.teed. JAMES IMRIE, Goderich, Ont., 13_ CO1R,1\TI.IT.J, CABINET MAKER & UNDERTAKER Corner _Store, Horton's Thick Block, Ramiro Street, 13.403DERICI-1, ONT. 1. B. C..baa, at a large expense, purchased a FIRST CL.4SS IIE.IRSL and is prepared ,to attend and conduct funeral. oathe shortest notice. in town or country. A large stock of COFFINS AID MRS RFT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Poth In D costed Wood and Black Cloth, at very Reasonable Prices. 4/FA. CAt somaarricr). CORINTMial..._ Goderich. July 19i h, 1883. 1103-3m AND THEN P1 t4 m Fa Qa 11 AND SEE THOSE Fi w 11 OH, SAY 1 NEIGHBOR Where did you get those A. S. WHITING 16CFG CO. HARVEST TOOLS. They are the Best Goods I Have Seen. 001' THEM AT -w-- R.W.M'KENZIES CHE.4P 11.4RDIKAIRE STORE. ,s HAS-. The Finest Assortment and Best 'Value K. N THE COUNTY. £7 PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. usiariot..101, Stb. 1 ; • •ti