HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-09-21, Page 7•�1 1'Hh HURON SIGNAL. FR11Ai r SEPT. 't, 188 ►' Tun anb Fancgt Conakry m• g uessiug matches. 57andguess w r ea Remy a title roti, we maidens nets .1191, lllvldinle Tb r out in the it's S potato i.r is a'+swlteg t Traveller : " Hi l couduotor ! Have you -seen a man walking about with one eye, of the name of Walker 1' Cunduc- toe (muatngly)--"21-ns, Or, t dense as I ball,. What wee*. name esi theeith- er eye, sir t" A satiety' gu•h• r, in tt+ling whore sbe was ali*ng for the auaIliy, said :- •' I'm truing to Newp,rt,'snd ,I'm going to Mks my maid, my eves. my two dogs, sqy children, end - ad, oh, yes, my heabald." The holy of • fes was titled user Newport the other day after a fashi:nta- able hunting party had returned from the chase. The verdict of the cor'oner's was, "Died from fatty degeneration of the tissues, ceased by lack of exercise." Nothing more disQuets a New•p et bx-boatele than to havparty m mold cow get ahead of them and go racing all snorting along, with her tail in the air and terror in her soul. It looms as though they were chasing the cow, and that's not an English custom. " The bees are swarming, and there's no end to *ern," said farmer Jones, oomiug into the house. His little 'any, George, came in a second afterward, and said there was an end to one of 'cin, any- how ; and it was red hot, too. A farmer once told his u an, who,, was from the Emerald isle, to run iht,i the pasture and catch an ex, " I mean the orlon ; 1 will manage the other myself," said he. Pat ran to do es biddeu, but soddenly paused on his way, with the ex- clamation : " He's • reasonable fejlow, anyhow, boded ! And how am I to know which is the orphan 7" A man who bougha badly fitting suit that esu much leo large for Ilion was constantly taken to task I.y his 1;14.,1 wife for his fully. One eveui:le tui their little daughter was retiring, they were hunch surprised to overhear the (•.11e -tin•-. c,, - elusion of her .venin ,1r n, :• 1'Iea'r. God. make 1.1 en'1•. t,,•' i. hi• clo he411 fit him, and th • . a: .0:: t nes; at hint anv more " hat did yon nee at t.w ,o cling, Har. I•' cid the pre'-id.ut ..f no alkri- cultural • ub t.. hi, eel. ''1 t', • mem- bers of t!te cloth, wile wore .li+ti1 _ with the boy'+ f .the •, it>..'ie.l at the lad as he replied : `• I heard Mr. Jones there n••►ke a few feeble ren ,rk,. '" 1Vhy. Harry 1 " exclaimed his father in dis- tress, •' Yes, sir, it's sic ; for didn't he say, when be get up ee Apo tk. • I'11 vet,- ture i few feeble remarks ` Aw, can you .tell nit. Mos Fair, queried (e•urge Wash inet.et L►Dude, after a brief period of intense study, " why the-aw-Pul,t• 1's c . l.14t append age is like a nominee event ?' "No, Mr 1 Dude." " Well, a -w • it is some;hint to. a cur. don't you know -ho ! ha :" " Ye.; guild, Mr. L•aDuele, vet; Load. But can vnu tell Inc why your (tat is '•':e a bad habit r' " Vhv, er-r.,' aw ; well, no -why is it 1''' • Becsuce it is something a void." Oh ! weally, now, Miss Pair, you are just ton lad fur an, .ting, don't you know 1' A gout uman on a stos•uixaat with his family, on beim.t asked by his children " whet makes the beat go ?" :•ave them the following very lucid description of the.machin, and its principles, which w certainly colnprehensit•e : -- " You see, my dears, this thiii .tbob here g••es dos 1 that ' inle and fastens • n that jigeo..uares and that connect; with the crinkum crudkumt ; and then that Inas he's the engineer, you know, kind o' up the -what -de -yen -call -it. with his long poker, and--and-they ail shote along, and the boat ogees ahead, you nee.'• (Luke ideased Tho children were 1 ue 1 e eed with this scientific lesson in tnechauici.--they understood it thoroughly. • rresert'atlea of 1 'Words of Wisdom. Modesty never soli* ties its value w the open market. ,Opinion is twilight ; eoieuce is day- -{ight i ignorant* is nlgdtr ()ne ungrateful man dere an injury to all who stand in need of ail. We should do everything we can for others, if only to dissipate the thought of what they omit to do for u. Being leas annoyed et the defects of others is one of the best petiole that we are approaching freedom' ire► defects ourselves. 'Tis the fine souls who serve us, and set what is noted tine socisiyi Forte im- piety is only a self-protection lust the Vulgarities of the street and tet., tav'• ens. Don t waste life no .ubts and feats • spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the belt pre- paration for the hours ur ages that follow It. If there is any srpt and good thing in store fur you, It will not come at the first 0: Iles second call. "Steep and craggy," said Pulphyry, is the path of the gods." Be jest In all thy actlena : an-. 1f jotted With those that aro not, never change tby tatad. If aught obstruct thy course. yet stead not still. But wind about, till thou hat topped the MIL To solicit and persuade one another are privileges which belong to us all, and the wiser or better man is bound to ad- vise the less wise and good; but lie is not allowed, generally speaking, to vielre biro, No mart or woman that fills a lariat: place in public view can pieaee each other individually; no philauthrophist give to every one, even though he pos- Se.sol as many generous impul.ee per Minute as the fabled Briarous had hands. tier twilit. 1•ts1 nameauinmy':re Nu shoe,. it nine not In in silence now. 0,1' ui„re to ate tuan slater or m^ w"c Ou.c- .end now r.otl r! 1 ;+ card to know That , u. 11'h'' :r 1:vel _ t.ud r e n •1, lend 1 n.'••, , t eel's a p 'sea a en rat r.:• A , 1 t nos upon it, L • Tn or is 7.1, I:.• Alit os hot all the dlab o:u.t.; .t. at Wert-'• - Mew Mate U.t:e.• --- But '0 0 may ay, " .\'Ey give; w. re- iue ln.•plu spuc.4l time t., tit"te f Wt .t gu'xt nae sill they make et it !' L •1 ua sec w:cent they have dune Take gent r.,: 'Itc..101 - 1 uK ut Daniel Defoe, tete author ut ' It Anueuii Crusoe,'', aeon o1 the grtate,. to -Ahura of prose (lotion th.: ever lited. He began life aa a hosier, eto'1 cis it' met who"y self taught. tl hi. Cobbett, the gleit nhasterof racy Sixuu- l:u;llsi., wits 1 'c &farmers t 'y, aim after.i.tnls a gin' 'non soldier. Isaac Walton, the pleasing• biographer and' "complete smiler," was a linen draper. Then ul science : 'rhea. s ei,.lpson, the distinguish d r ares elle n, truus l:t, for the "treater pat. of his iife, as a Weaver. CA .. C..uk, one of the most .'n' 'l er "..ors, and a very pleaarug writer; was wholly self-taught. His tomos, 1► pour pew nut, learned to road whe.1 tul.ud of seventy, in under thit he might lie able to peruse his son's voyages....o; ;ht, erfiseclueitly Sir 1 . Rhanl(t, the nven.or of the cotton spin- ning uiachiee, w." a poor man and coal- men • 1 e : s t ..rber. James Brind- ley, etude ' of .nal uaviga'ion •v Eng- laull. the tiret.who tunneled grant hi` s, and brought ships acro net igable riv- ers en 111.105, esus -i n: "wright. lies • L s" sequently Si- \t' ' • t:, origi- nal.. a musician in 0 Hanoverian re. t- mee.' be- me " ek'•rul . ptician and a great a»tome:nes. '' 1 L' •, Cs ';pb re- ferred • I th. well -Known line. "Gate to the I' e of l eavcn another s.ri• '. Tilde for the tine arts. ('hnntery was t, ' Id hatter hay, and his model- iuga were it, aetfter • t( ! t...n nierble. ;It• ihe'1, •r.' w'1 :r" - t:.- son of a:, lent-ket ler ..ud wholly self-taught. .10! fete s' s' ft end be Dr. Walcot working II a taw -pit. V. l jA..h; t.,e - e,ltcst master of e' tr.. Jr .hat ever r+ •vehpcd his ideas 1.e• (means -i f the pat c", s rt•• ! ' ' • ,nemticeship to an engraviee •cite, and commenced c :r_c:• 1 •v:. ci...; coats ,,f a...is awl -'• 1•' ,.,en u1 .,e: : the tir.,t clitor of th i (' he:;.ul life a; .t peer sailor boy, find af- terward screed an apprenticeship to a shoeo.tker. Bloomfield-pardonme for ' • lieu the Englisl. Bu, et -a :oto itis poem, '• The Farmer's Boy," wl•''e he, tato, aorke 1 in . ga. A it., shoemaker. 'Alen .1.ni; r " to :tiller, in his "Emaisll Worthies," "worked for seine time a; a bricklayer and meson. He helped in building the new structure of Lincoln's ' • i, when, having a'trowel in his l an 1, he had a book in his pocket.' 2;hakeepeere was a pour loan's son ; bis father could not weite his name and his enol or mark still exists in the record of Strntford-n-Avnn to attest the fact. The Iaoel'i ethical /teems to have been very limit el, an'1 tt.tdition describes him es haviug lrveel for a time b, et.; humble ern p'oyment. Then turn to theology, the higher, range of all. The Mil- lets, 1)r. Isaac, the Dean of Carlisle, and his Ind ther Joseph, the author of the we l: -known "Piste.; of the Church," began life•:ti weavers. Lr. Prideaux, sett her 1,1 the "Connection," std Bishop of Worcester, got 'his education by en- tering Oxford es a kitchen boy. John Bunyan, the grestost master of sllevo. j, aed sethe.r. of the second best book in a!1 the world. *as a self-taught tinker. The be vrse of En>(land'sbest working mea wliu have thoeglit, and thought to emme purpose. These be some of year hosiers, and linen drapers, and mill• wrigbts, and .isms, and sawyers, and shoemakers, and weavers, std barbed, ani tinkers is En land proud of them We'I shy mat he. Doe. she want mire of the'v i Sbe needs these all. Theft lye linglised give bee wneking people time tethink ; for the nhan's mks, for the mestere sake, for Rowland a asks - for God's sake. --(London Lectures. R. W. Phipps, author of the r•:..ent pamphlet tat "('reservation of Forests,- has orests, has issued the folio% int; circular to clerl.i I of mato:ipalitcs and others, and would he glad if any of our r 1 s c"u.1- tend him the desired it.'.,, dation :-- 23:1, Ilichn'und St. :\'est. • Termite, Sept 3, 1833. "5..t, -(laving been instructed by the Ontario Ge•etnment to mak( c.. :au in eniries roletivu to the desirabili.y of tree-plantinlg and forest preservation, I -"I _mid be much obliged if you would send me word if any 1•lantati'ens of fn./ trees have been established in your neigh- borhood, whether ugly a few trees or u hy, as even the exl'eri•ncnt of a snii tary tree is valuable. .Ilso, it you hap- pen to know or can reedi.y ascertr• lichen such WAS planted, what varieties 1 •.re been fennel to thrive last, and on what soils, and what method of planting have been heed. I may be menet your way, sod would be glad to see and enquire personally into any improvements of er' sort ; but circumstances may forbid 1h' -, and a lu e from you would be vane able in the meantime. At the sante time I would gladly know whether, in your neighltorheK;d, any change iu rainfall or in drying up of creeks or rivers, seems to have followed the olearin•e of the forest. An early answer wi" greatly assist. - Yours truly, R. W. T's•tr•w, Clerk of Preservation of Forests, Ontario. The °tutsrfsrenus with Envlaad's t. ode. with China, which would result from the breaking nut of war betwoen China and France, would be a serious natter. It would be a serious nutter t•. all other eougtries as well, Canada among the toucher, as the euprly of tan would be ''tterfered with. t would tie world say if some tine day it dut•,vered that its supply of tea had run out and that these was no mora to be had t Life, ander such eircumstanoes,wnuid too stare people he unbearable, and elderly maid ewe erne! l clionff hy the some. rant is a swamp atingle c.eitimmgla(e. )"cry Jane Mo.. • left a child nu tib dtwirstep. e►f thy) I%tese .of Jones Plowed, a blacksmith at Barrie. Clot d Powell was the father id it. bet he de e i tad to take It in, and the wostan has hoes otmttnitted for trial fee deserting het child. Little Chief, a Cheyenne Indian, ap- peal. to the Washington Government for a dew snit of slathes, says : -" I dog's ears much for grub, but I do like to dress in proper style. I want the best whit* het you can purchase Postai. Nosh., -The postal note is a method fpr sending moll sem. Vf money through malls, which rceonly went into east in the United 13Ntes. It takes the place of the money older for sums under $5 and u sold fur three cents at post •'flioes where nleney orders ars neon.:. Preoa•utious are taken in order to prevail alteration of the amount of the p AEI - note after it 7'1- paned out of t1 • a't's of OS ins' i' poastmaster. ()or own l ,vera mu, t t ,'I:,uld IoM no time in adopt- iej the r on. Newspaper men would a )preciate eueh a convenience fur their su'uerii tr., who often postpone rued - tanoes tee •use of the tr. ub•s and w•ue'• et time inrolea 1 in making such telling laymen's, bud which aggregate a eon- siderable amount to the 1 ublisher. Well Rewarded.. A liboral reward will be paid to any pasty who will produce a case of Liver, Kidney or Stomach complaint that Elec- tric Bitten will not speedily cure. Bring them along, it will c tat you nothing for the medicine if it fails to Cure, and you will he well rewarded for your trouble besides, All Blood diseases, Bilious- ness, Jaundice, Constipation, and gene- ral debility are quickly cured. Satisfac- tion guaranteed or money refunded Price only fifty cents per bottle. For sale by J. Wilson. (5] Paitioulars received of the alleged .Ines or disease among Canadian cattle imported into England show that the British authorities were hasty and that the slaughtering that took place was un- necessary. The animals ..were entirely free from disease except a very few, whose blood was • trills heated by the experiences of the voyage. Simply miraculous is all I can say of the effect of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure in my case. An elderly lady writes this from Antigonish, N. S., who had suffered from pains in the back for twenty years. Sold by .T. Wi!.on Grade: rich. 2m Tye oauekeSt Thing en Recant Is Kram's Fluid Lithuti • t•• :'fes algia Headache, Tooth tele, tt •.. not blister or dideolor 11so r,•i e .: Oho applie11.11 to „•', I, ,,t ut_te- ally w m!.e .l o'. . _ .tet e' j 1.1%,;;,,1% 1t ur c u r1'i rl i• 411 !t••, • u !•1 t r.a:. ter weeks. Cr: a Y5 :C•11 •• tthyuta 1ro..Is:. b - Sevin 1 , 1, •!ieterie. it e.'. the t •-•. m ,inter 11•'1'c• 1'-t tepi.let el. Dr. Von Burade li1.l...-y Cale, then boy a b.'o le and 'tele.. t••urself of nil those distress- ing pane. Veer Drte •eat can tell you all about it. kind by J Wilson Gldurich 2m In the history of tue.licines no prods ration has received such universal com- mendativu for the alleviation is aff,n'ds, end the permanent cure it effects in kid- ney diseases, as Dr Van Buren's Kiuney Cure. Its action in these distressing complaints is •sin,ply wonderful. Sold by J. Wilson. 2m Ctva.ttege. -A name well known iu ounec.ion with the (lair Renewer,which (•store+ grey hair to its natil:el c ' by a few weeks use. Sold at 51 cents p. r bottle 1 ; James Wilsey. 2m • An O.tsis in the desert is no hri_ht light to the wanderintt Arab than 11 bottle of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cave it 10 the unfortunate suffe-er f:• i:n Kidney Disease. It is a perfect. pesitit•.• and permanent cure. Sold hy .1 Wil••oo Gederich. 2m • As the tr.,sts of wu.ter vanish under the calorie infnenee of the sun's :ay., se does Bright'. Dir.•,,..•, Dropsy, stone in the Kidney. and Madder, and Inflaa, e 'nation of the Kidneys, ieate the bolt upon the administration of Dr. Van Bu run's Kidney Cure. Sold by J. Wils •n 2in T. the Iledleal Pretca'soa. end all whom /t arty (•.Hees. Phesphttiue, or Nerve Item, a Pees - plate Element based upon Scientific Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Mass., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Heal- •'Ie, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all ,wastine diseases of the human system. Phee1ohatine is not a Medecine. btu a N mtriinent, because it contains no ''Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates, Nircoties, and no Stimnulants, but situp; ly the Phosphatic an.l,Gartric Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle is sufficient te convince. All Druggists sell it. $1.00 per bottle. Lowvw'e R Co., sole a. este for the Dor:►inion, 55 Front Street East Toronto A clumsy sttemptt() ••salt prttpwty'in Gatinean Valley has recently been dis- covered. The owners had succeeded in transplanting severs! hundred weight of the mineral before their fraudulent ensu patina was detected. Load papers prom ice that when they are in possession of fni .her information the names and lo- eelity will he published. Iteeklea's Arden Salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns, Bruises,Cuts,t'lcers, Stilt Rheum, Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains, Corn., Totter, Chapped Hanols, and all Skin Eruptions, gteuanteed t" cute in every instance, or mnney refunded. •25c. per box. For sale by T. Wilson. ly. hew Life for retortion* Weakened by Ms ease. DeMllty and Misslpellon. The Great German Invigorator is the only specific for impotency, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in the Feick or oldie, ne matter how shattered the system may be from ex- cesses of any kind, the Great (le 'man Remedy will restore the Inst functions and secure health and happiness. per box,. six boxes for 85.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent nn receipt of price, .1.Cheney,Toledo, by T letd. pnstaQr paid, F Ohio, sole rgent tar United State.. Cir - Cedars sod testimonials seat free. Bold by ileo. Reyes*, see agent for find. rich. 3ns : Boys Dryden "Rhe kuows per man, and when you rant 441 swoon Oen draw you t.. her with a sinvle hair," But it mast he tt. estiful hair to have such power ; and lteautiful hair can be ensured by the use of CutuAi.sus HAIM Rnrtwsa. Bold at 60 eta. oy J. Wilson ba A .$1I all Nemklade I,. 1 hese times when our newspapers ar.:I.aolud with patent medicine adver- tiseluenta, it is gratifying to know what to procure that will o.rtsiuly sure you If you are bilious, blood out of order, liver inactive, or ;metal debilitated, there is nothing in the world that will cure you so quickly as Electric Bitters. They are a blessing to all mankind, and can be had for only fifty cents a bottle of James W elven. [2:) Thousands tear wltuess to the posi- tive curative powers of the GREAT GER- MAN INrl,dul(ATn11, the only remedy that has proved itself a specific for general debility, seminal weakness, impotency, etc., and all distaaes that arise from self- abuse or overtaxed brain, finally ending in cousutuptieu, insanity and a ptenna- ture erase S.11 by all druggists, or will be seat free on receipt of $1.00 per hex, er six holes for $5. Address F. J. Cesesv, Toledo, Ohio, vole agent ft.r the United Statue. Send for c velar and lost minis of genuine cures Geo. Rhyne*. Gu,lertth. 3m tl Banhing. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL - - - 915,000 O.C. SURPLUS, - - - • lb,00O,boo. Goderich Branch. D. GLASS Me :a Allows interest on deposits. Drafts. )ette. of credit and circular notes issued•yab in all parts of the world. 1754. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE I'utd xp ('•Ipi.tof. •SG,000,00V. fCr..t, *1,400,000. - ,..::. n .tl McMASTRR J tuns , - if ,,... caw.. "i JJ;,rich Branch. A. '1, •--. - - - - Mwxwc.att. . • "..• .d on deposits. Drafts on a •,, - - n•.1 'fowna and Cities in canoes Great Ordain and the United States, bough and sold. AdraucostoFanners onNotes. with cern more endorsers. without mortgage. ,.. 1; GO:_ t i ii(5. ca. 1 kt! -14 & s�lacka TO .•110.L l.L V K N an 1 S-ILT WELL \I E N New RO:I.EIN and SALT' PAnt:^tars : a : •.1 41 . , .7:,•11 ,nut lee. All 0.•1 if .t: , ort 'n ; ^cccntcd on 1 r :. personal sillier, •._n, . ,:. 1'ri.1r.e'.• VP. 0. Pox 10.13 Travelling Suede. ORAND TRUNK RANT. Pees. Rep's. Mtt'd.. *11x'4 Oederleb.Lv.5.40aw .Mee pm. .%tlerwn1.10 Snaith Ar.t al 1.tm 6Y1 s 15 atrN[erj.Ar.7.1Iws440 les 11.1+ ne Pas. sip's 74111d. ((ilea. Strafford l.vttam .. 7.54m .. 60081 .. "OWN Seefoeth.Ar•iltJS aH ILO /M GoderlchAr. 1.M 9.M 1.44 1.111 STAGE LINE41. Lackaow Stage (daily(arr. la lis mines .. 4ftp Kinard too ' asaMlMr " IWeI¢reeflaT'16anmJSw .. and fiatoardal) Ar.ISO*M..De.S,IS, A CURE GUARANTIED a, 11AONET[C„341.0161 iv r • -; ,/ oral BRAIN &NERVE FOOD: • f Bar lel l 4.4 Yesag, setae •sod Female Pueitit cly cures Nervous/mos In all its stases Weak Memory, lou of Bruis Power Sexual Prostration, Night Sweats. 8pnw eaiorrAoea, LettoorrAua, Bseereaweas, ,ikon ,uai Weakness and General Loss of Power. It repairs Nervous WVaate, Ref urestates the Jaded Intel- lect, strengthens the Enfeebled Brain, and Re- stores Surprising Tows ..... r'iyyor to the Ex- hausted (irneratire Organa. With each or- der tor Tws[.vR packages accompanied with Sive dollars we will send our Written (: r- antee to refund the money, it the treats' nt does not effect a cure. 1t is the 1'beapeat d Best Medicine in the market. Pr Full particulars In our pamphlet, which we dewire to mail free to any address. Mask's Magnetic Medicine Is sold by Drug- gists at Se eta. per box, ur If boxes for Itis. or will be mailed tree of postage, on receipt of the money. by addressing MAIM a Willa ' ML'Wl'1\6 Co., \'indoor, Out., t'anada Sold in Ooderlch, by JAMES W1tt)115. and all Druggists verewbere 1882-lr 0 THC CREAT Rrifoco iMarl(fi`%e` /1 4 g ' I 1 1 ur• '•,rowing .liseasts : fit 1'r:' 11 titntlnut, la :1 L ('t'It1C 11/4i . • Ba=t tiro rt3. Aad II l ' --- rt '1s ! •'•I Pi i i' t', 1:i.,,TCRFS t. r��, :.nd 1 eel t"c• , 1 at:d Ol.l Sores. -e- . I ;, (TION. -Ask for "Dr.Char, t;r's Sarsaparilla," take no' 7,tt-tar in its place. If your Dn.. - !I_-. :tag nono In stock, regre:A him to send for It. t'RICE, ONE DOLLAR PER 11 )TI : r T'err'y Davis A Sou st Lan!. ... Sae Ag^nt., MON'r'REAf . 74) liltiIle, [thrum, 1 tenors A A P A 1 IN 41141-.11t• KU 8,11. 1s71. THE HAMILTON PROVIDENT ••,,, • LOAN SOCIETY. I • t'ANlTAL SI,tu41,(AA)"“. BEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON, ONT. Intending borrowers will consult their best in teresta by exaautusag the advantagt•ous terms uQbred by this 8oclets% before gWILK else- wbere. For rates of interest, I n tables and further particulars, apply to SAMUEL PO OCK, .!gent, Ooderlch GOdetrkh, May 17th, i$z ISe1•Gnt INSURANCE CARD. • BRITISH ASS. CO'Y, ToaoNro- EI.tab1Lle 1851 PHONIX INS. C(YY, of LoNUUN England). Established 1715. HARTFORD INS. (O'Y, of IIAierY01 ), Conn Established 1810. Risks taken in the above first-class Offices at the lowest rates by lion ACK HU1tTON, The undersigned Is also Appraiser for the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINGS CO'Y Tortorcr /. Money to Loan on first -.:las security. om 7 to 8 per Cont. -Charges moderate. Ooder'nh1M011°.Sept. 10. I0.HORACK NORTON. IIE n ,t, life to aweeptng by, e and /hire before >ou die ..nnetbiny tulglhty and sub- lenslust a Ir•hiud 10 41 'IQ ler t i:00. i16 a we. kin yourown tutu • ,•u:;a free. No rink. 1 I i'.rythLYr al 1 ,.t re tu:r, . \'e• will leRtiah uu rt onthit, 1tau} are making (minas - Ladies takee a. much as men. sod boys aad girls make gr of par. header. If you wart bu.iu4ev rat which you can make pay all the time. write for particulars to 11. 1iaLlrr .fico.. Portland Main -r- Grady'8 Specific iedicine. ;anise T:.tRK fu.c, .r t- TRAM MARK tt••u 0.r 'ietutnsl 1\', .0Iev, • • r mat or. ..... ane•. 11 .- bEFORE Th' '(, -:.: ~.''+t , ArrIR TiL•(tHI'. I,oea l♦ ''1:1••. .�`: .. •1 •.M l'a" n .ii i• a • aa,i .` our rbY eta hall 71 •1, •. rr; si r .•. , pre - .1• •. : will 2.",.-.1,.7'rt,1 ,a., :: .t' . 141.11- 1111•;• .,• 141 •!1,. • •• 1 . 11 Can caul lair( h• .01 u1.•.. ' r , t.k oh, and 111 1 YI ;p In-.,. .,:,t, .r. t 11... :l L: f:TIX .0 •4-,(', lynlluri'...'l :: 1. H. ( r 1 .,..,t i .,T . . vim" , ti X. .-.. ate •. ' ►: r1.,. 1 • ., :len.Y;• ' t + . 7• - . 1;e, • a. ..•� . _-.kg.C.t<~..':;ti- •- 1 -a _ . '`'I: ViLt..t".M:,• TORY OVER A I �1 PHS R•/ IT iS NO f UT ,- LITY 1'h-tt 1•iphthrri • . r, the moat '1•tn,: - One ,li,c.e04e.n 1 , r: • W1epsaw.t•'tie nud•o1 -'.121ten. s, 1 ,eh 1e •., :1. tut, erns'„ and th 11 111 t , •e c1 :u'• p)wee, M ngl.n' lc hImo.:. •u1'• '' 11 i. et .�'l ' (4.•SI 1".'.1•,Rr e.ot.. ...,.,.,,• Rohl.! th• 1::, d with a ^d 1'y eve. fc'n'1.'. . ,� •, .. eon• flu,:rd •, i. 111; t •' ,r :Lt hex. n•iinicth•' .t'•. 1, --.'. a,. Se if ,. wall t r t 1 t'r. c.•• tor 1,11'1, and do ra t • I' 1 - 1 1 err. 2'n.41 n mtvu.-Inc 1' "' ' : • •' p•t'JI c 'n I IfEII- 1,i)itt:•11)1P.IT I : 't , n 1 ,'I;.t;' • Qi'.?t• F:o\'. We are t t •r.. t :. • ' r -rat It will answer Ifs -r•, ••'• 1, t • er:.•.t •, ' bort been taken nut ' •,• , .. :1 •-n caw ,d i, sad pr -.indoor •,-.• tn."-' t: '. will Intl - 'Ate it. We kin'' a.':.1 -'.• '' t•e ., 'e 'Net thin rc+neer n tear. Yen/ , • ,'..l+. •-ere'u.ar- and trial bottles v.nt on 1n•.4 i•.4 tee. Addrryet Ret. Ii. Dil•:.:'..t:1.'Zurich P.O. Omar(, For Saler el gig*. R -It • e .' Dress stere. 6e.Mrteb. wo •. July N. tau. t7124 1 2 al 1r ........,:,:,..„.4:,..-.1,17.it....Errs Linos 1.1' : ored o GERMAN iN.' t.`"-":)ATOR. which tauntts-ely and permanent y cures Is' w�Netr�eA snare t:..t. by es, • of any k n4,e aesntwat Wyeawoos, sal all di.rsrs that fol- low aw a mummer of Nett -.1 t t . - a. Itis. of en Prin. 1 ea of memory. mite -.I 'moat side, psis In the tout, dlntneso of t tr on. prewua- tare ol.l aver and mann other '1 • rtes('. (hat lead to;negnityorr+ewsam$torl,tt,'! II 144171112l - titre wesrc Mend for elrentars with urtlmrnrlals free by mail. The iv s is.siR A tteS is sold at 41 per het, nr els Luxe• for t}t, by all drusgl.ia. or will be gait tree mymeanly mall canly reeled. eve metesmetesI,� ps of price. 1 addre.ttna. (' i T. J. ENF:V. 1n•.nrulat, 187 >lommlt 81.. Teledefeat o QUO. R M Moot M G �'-FDWLER'S. Mk) BERki CURES - CHOLERA INFANTUM' O1ARRHQ'�9,•' solo- ANO AILSUMMER COMPLAINTS SOLD BY 'ILL (MALERS: et • no $500.00 (©Were. \".• will lu.) . .11"\c t', t.a0!1 ..:,� .4.1.01 1.15'1' t'.':o;,,... �., ,, : p, , � iu... • canna, coce't a tt '.r 1'r u, ut11 . 1,is ,-Title, 4414-1,'1„ i:. t1.- 11 c, :nplird with. The:. u e • e table, and u, ser •ail to -I ••• . • ,1'11rrt.,' ttil, 1.: 1,1•i,l.\'14a, ,•002, , . , ,", l , [J ( het. ' , 111*' 1.Y all 11; .i ,(. t 1c, 0.n • et ...01 11, • 1,11. and imita- I;un<. "I'1,:• „ r e n"u- .1h e'1 only by 11111 V c 1V1-.1.1.1' "111“. I' t: ('tt,,'1';,' \fakers,' ..1 aha h.::''- Tal 1.1,I2', lint. Free :r:ul pac'ot..., •,.''} alas 1.rrpal'1 an r. -e -Ip. of a 31•011 �It n.••. Foe %Aleat t/Itr/N'M Dill 4: b1[otE. Health is Wealth I WORM Ars pita*, at t. • t 1... ... . . •.. . R n Pluegati,.. i s r • 1. , :.:r. , ., (ec.errwel doetngrr .t warms ea C1 Bh, t+w et A ileigt F• �e/VsnA Lel 1YYp ` • • `'oil ia. E. 1'. :1'r. 1''N Nvat 1. A..t. IB,tAIN ThrAT Sic . r, " Rn u' u,1• e'1 Ihr. 11i. for IIs aeNa, Ina .(rya., cm,rnlCon•:, F11„• V.er. ,t- \r.lrsl�ett lr•ady1.he. N!'rs•o' . 1';.•at'.,' • raw :1 1.> the n•••• ••( :1, .,hal or tobn, ••n. Re„.• t"huw, en - al locpr. ,-ion :•I.•1 ,-011.0 of Iia !train, result Ingle In nails .i 1 f'a'llow 10 n•'.,•ry,after and ...loath. l'n•rint'tn• 1161 Aire. ltesle►nna0. Loss •,f 1'uwerineithers. 1, lhe.,i•It,laryLonnie and ttpermaor"h'r•a, .name by e,.,rearefiea of the brain..,. h ,•bunt' or orrrindolgenele. 00e bot '.ell! rare rec"l t • 0'O'- 1 ,• 4 M,s con. talus nae mnnth'p 1r'•Atnlrnt. 11n' ,4•Iler,i licit, '.r 711 b„re.tn' floc .1,t•!or .. • ,rat ' e,e l pre. 1nNd nn re. rip .'r prlte. Vit , , •urea:r' NR .\I•4114, I 3113 nes• With e,• h order re. ceired Ly nn for d1 horse, e.•..,eeytat.ied with Ilre,Innen, we velli Brod the putvheorr mar .. Beira guar(:.1, - , n•: nn l l:. ;,,, n') if IN) treatment dors twit t•r 1-ct a i tiro, tt,.arwntaea iwtw-A ,.alt I') 11111,:+ MVO ..e nit, sulher- iir„t ., ...,, 1,., t:,,,Eco 1,, 1nn'. .I*,.IN r W KI'r k 1 0., ,a•le l.2':rtes'. T•.riattn lint. t , ,4'.'.'• nese ey the fa u• . H •1 41. notes now be • • r I Tte > mbl k•. 1 .'pita, not weed- , -1. We sill 'tart yon. Men. we- n+^e, 1 „ ..n'l girls t.:v 114 every 1 who. t., work for u.. N,.w in the 'ime. Yea ,an •.•,rk in ..parr limr,or v.tr vont whole time route to/fitness. No other huedM•as wR 11.1 on >on nearly MO 5.01!. No onecan Ml t* • tt's.cd. Ntg Pay. ;,.4},y r::11:;.!' k'• 47377^11.1,1*;'. norinons pa>-, M• :1.411lnR at oaoe AGENTWort Cowtsnt em . .. a (n.tly ontflt and term. /try. No m er C apital tegjrnd, lAkm Lek R ' e tin teat, easily. and howMably. Address Tat a t sal. t=ttebeo 476: Oo., Awroo s Maine. ,/ s?s, r ;r� s: