HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-09-21, Page 6THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY SEPT. xl, 18.so.
LUREDTO HT3 DOOM. 1137 street, Manchester, and read (.d amazement and horror. "G.•,d hest-
1 as follows the words found among the Iona S How 1 When f Where T'
I paper ashes 1 enclave in brackets : "How 1—by hanging ; when '1—six
nY MN KNULl411 DETEtTtvt.
It was s very singular, mysterious and
complicated case.
In a hare room "f au UId house in the
vicinity of Leudon Bridge Railway Sta-
tion a plan was found deed, hanging by
a small curd fastened to a hook driven
into the wall, his fent resting on the
He was discovered some days after his
detth, and by reason of the strnn, shell
sent forth from his decomposing body.
He was a stranger, whom no one
knew, and why he should have c ane
to that place to commit suicide was a
Ho was well dressed, had a ;;old watch
in his pocket, to which was attached a
heavy gold chain ; ho had a diamond
stud in his ah:rt-tront, and a cluster ring
of diamonds on one finger ; he had also
a pocked -hook on his person containing
over two hundred pounds in bank
It was therefore evident that he had
not committed suicide on account of
poverty, nor been murdered for his
"Was it suicide or was it murder t"
There was no scrap of paper en his per-
son to tell who the stranger was, nor his
motive for the murderous deod,if he had
done it.
The room, which was an upper story
of an old building, the lower portion of
which was occupied by a commission
agent, contained no Article ..f furni•
It had been rented about ten days
previous to a venerable -looking roan,
who walked a tittle table and wore gog-
gles, who said he wanted it for an office
for the sale of a patent that would sawn
becon e very popular with sea -going peo-
When questioned about the patent, he
said he would not then • explain it, but
would have some things on hand for
exhibit:ole in the course of ten days• or
two weeks.
The dead than wase not the one who
had taken the room, huweter, and how
and when he had get access to the apart-
ment no one knew,
There was en uld•fashiened fire -place
in the room, and some paper ashes in
this attracted the attention of s detective,
who happened to be no other than my
humble self.
In turning over these as'hes,1 disc.... r-
el tso or three little bits of pal • r nut
entirely consumed and they has, these
words on them, ,thoueh now kir. '.lis -
tint o,.bablu :
found her and licked
private route
moot you station
Now, after reading these disjoined
sentences 1 began to study and ponder
'• . 11.
Might thin not be a iortiou of a mes-
sage sent to the : • •' mall, to lare him
to the city for the propose of putting hint
ut of the way.
But for what motive !
soh, that it:deed`I -could net know
that was something to be found o.ut after
serious iuvestigatie: i caseo11 - '1,461
be made. 1
1 ex.emine 1 the r. 1 let -evens .. ell
as 1 could, - t' r • e 1 the ceiiclu+tom
+let'. what I had ' n'- = a pert •.1 a
tole which hail been sent by s„m:-
bealy int a distance, aria that either send-
er ..r receiver intended to destroy it.
New, if the deceased 'had received it, it
must have been Sent to him by seatehedy,
And that se:nobody intendelOto meet hilt
at the railway stati$ i.
Well, then, where w.:s that semehody,
and why had ho :allowed his e• ...:pnnl-
ent too tisit that out•of-the-way ri"em
:dune and commit suicide. without ever
going near him afterward 1
And why should the 1. • • elle to retch
a place to kill himself 1 And could he have found the room
without aghi:le. and get nceess to it un-
rknown to any one, if he were not the
man who rented it in the first pl 1
I have [ found her and lucked J her up
in a [prig ate event.] Cotne in and use a
parent's suthotity. Take the last
day train, and I will [meet you] at Lon-
don Bridge [Station U]
Judging from this, it was a case of a
runaway daughter, whom "G. ' had fol-
lowed enamoured in Loudouand whom
the anxious father had a on to see
and probably take back with hint.
As the dead wan appeared to be nut
far from five -and -thirty years of age, it
was natural to suppose that nu daughter
of hie could he beyond her teens.
A school girl, perhaps, whe had play-
ed truant and run away.
But, then, if she had been caught and
locked up, it WAS 'not reasonable to sup-
pose it had been in that bare room in a
'mercantile building that contained no
other lodgers.
And then agen,if the father had conte
on and found her, and of "G." who had
sent the nlesaage 1 and why had the
father re.uained behind to hang him-
Or has the girl, assisted by "G." mur-
dered her father ! '
In any event,the affair was one of great
mystery, and on privately reporting my
discoveries to n y chief, 1 received the
welcome order t, work it out to the
To du this properly I immediately went
to Manchester.
The address to nue to a large, ele
gent mansion in the suburbs, which lel
me to be4eve the owner was a person of
I diol net rine, enter and state my
business, but visite 1 the neareat apothe-
cary, as the man meat likely t.. know
the general fasts about his neighbors.
"Wou'd you be kind enough to answer
a stranger in the city a few questions ?" 1
said to the dispenser of in_dicines.
"Proceed," he reilied,lookin,gcurious-
ly at Int..
•'Do you knuw'a gentleman by the
name of Horace Grander 7"
•' N lust is his businese ?
"He is a broker."
"Is he reputed wealthy ! '
"He is.
"Has he a family./ •
•"A wile an I daughter."
"Aleut what age w ,cid you judge hien
to b •
"About thirty•tive.
"And his daughter''
'•.\bout ttlirteen."
"Is Miss Granger nos at home '"
"I think net. I think she ii away at
a beatdiug school.
.'Pardon nte, sir, if I seem t.. , inlluisi-
tive," said I e "hut I have a rcaeon be-
yond mere curiosity for all the ,p.iesti, is
I ask, stud settle, if not just at this mo-
ment, you shall know all. Could yew
tell un• if he la on good terms with his
wife ,"
"Ila he said, with a start, "Ii this
sone scandal for a law court to which I
may be called a8 a witness .o"
"No, sir. On my honor, ne use of
your Ante shall be made in connection
with any "ifermetion you may give
drys ao ; where 1—Isoudou,' I answered
"Yo take away toy breath !" he al-
most gasped.
"What isur lions I queried.
"Oeorve ham.''
"Ah. yes—the 'O. r. 1 thought.
"You knew Mr. liranger went to Lon-
don nearly s week ago, to find hisdaugh-
ter 1" 1 proceeded.
I saw the man turu pale and shudder,
as he answered, in a niunibliui , confused
"I believe—he did—go—somewhere."
"But his daughter was not in London
you know 1" •
T said this at a venture, for I fancied I
had divI.•ad the plot.
")Why, how do you know that 1—that
is—I mean —"
"Never mind," I iuterrupted. "His
daughter was not there but you were."
"Man !" and his eyes fairly glar-
"You had been there before,iu the dis-
guise of an oldman," Iwent on; "you had
engaged a room in a commercial house to
exhibit a patent ; you went on again,and
telegraphed to your employer that his
daughter was found and lucked up, and
to come on, on the last train, and you
would meet him at London Bridge Sta-
tion. You did meet him; it was in the
night; you took him to the room you
had previously engaged; you fell upon
him; you garroted Lim; you hung him
up to the wall; you burned the telegram,
and then you hastened back here to play
the role of innocence !"
I went through with my accusationseo
rapidly, eking the villian no time fur
consideration or even interruption --I
piled one fact upon another so quickly
and surely, that I seethed to the guilty
wretch to be an eye -witness relating
what 1 had seen ; and I. brought the
whole damning scene so vividly to his
! mind's eye that, with a face distorted
with horror and covered with the sweat
of mortal agony, he staggered hack, sank
down, and half groaned and half shriek-
ed out:
"Good heavens, have mercy !"
Well, I•had my clue; but before I
could make touch use of it the murder-
ous scoundrel blew out his own brains.
It turned out, in settling the estates
of the murdered t.reker, that his mur-
derer had been he cuutideuti.tl man of
business and trusted friend; that the
latter had systematically robbed his em-
ployer of many theustlld of pounds, and
tint he had cone .cted the hellish plot of
murder which I lis a thus revealed.
•Of course the affair made quite a sen
sation in certain circles at the time, but
was kept as much as possible front the
public at large, and was 8 )11 hushed up
and forgotten by every belly not in any
manner interested beydnd the mere curi-
osity- and scandal of the hour.
What part the wife had in the wicked
pl,t I do trot know,
I, of course, wort the did' temishid ap-
proval of soy chief for the part 1 )tad
taken in '.Le dark affair, and that l r..ved
of tench importance to nue ••1 the future
of my profession.
Thy well knoen drug brut of Orinand
h walah, Pete/bora. write that Dr.
[owlet's Extract ..f Wild Strawberry is
no el their "standard summer medicines
Id has a good sale" An watailiug
remedy fur all forma of Bowel Cut -
pla,nt. 2
LADY BsauTlrltaa —Ladies, you can-
not crake fair skin, nosy cheeks, and t,
suit the most fastidious and th most ecouuntio buyer
sparkling eyes with all the aswetica of
Francs, or beautifiers of the world, while m y
in pour health, and nothing will sieve
you such rich blood,guod heakeh,strewgth
and beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is Is now oumpleee, and I take pleaanre in informing my customers that at no pre-
certarn proof.. vious time have I had such a
me." _
"Well, then," he answered. wit) a Mrs. Partington deal:u•ed the Neural-
pcculitr senile, ''It is tomored—mind gia t.. he wer,'e been the el•1 1:leumet-
yun, f only say it is rumored- -tl•.•t he is tem but. 1 sev,.r i,:.1 .•ishore In:ty 1e,
hued uok 1,1, .1 Ibttors n•il. , t et•tr it.
jealous of a cel-ain gentleman of when) It also makes pure blood. re.u! (tie ! the
he has no reason to be, and that he has Liver, Le'. d.eys acedPowe.' :u1 1 .•rt;li•
all confidence in one who may yet turn catine scrofulous limner fee n t .y -t •,n.
tut to he a trea_aarous villian.' 25,0'. J 'bottles s,.1,1 111 Ille 1.,..t tluee
This ---' eciont--- ---- - --.. - tuontlia. S
"May I venture tie' as!: the mete, • of the
second pa_ .y 1" •
"W011, sir As you are a ettanger to
me," replied the druggist, "i wtll not,
mention any name ; but if you should
ever happen to have bus' teat with the
head clerk of Horace Ganger, it is my
..pinion that yuu_ICIhe )sijii shut:-
dred miles of the party."
„Thank you," said I, fel pretty
sure of my course..
After some further questions i left the
apothecary, and repaired to the Ili et
Horace (:ranger, the street and number
of which i had ascertained. •
I:vrlteiI 'rh•ol.and:
.U1 ..ver the land are eeine teiteee,tacy'
over Dr. Kim_'s New De: -.very fere ()on -
gumption: 'Their 'uule•.:e l t •r recovery
by the tint oiy use e1 this .great life See-
ing remedy-, ca'ise•ie thein to g.. itearly
wild in uta praise It is t;mn•anteed to
positively cure severe couxt,las. vetch, as•'
• ime, hay fever, bronchitis, hoarseness,
loss ..1 voice, or any affection of the
eere„lt ;red ltmgs. Trial ;.ottles free 1st
.Tenter \1'ils,:n's ilrn; More. Large size
R 1.01 (2:1
At She Olteat Established Shoe Store in Town,
In Endless Variety,
Some idea "f the vastness of the
North-west Territory of Canada may be
formed from the fact that of the two
Registration districts lute which Alber
to has been divided, one contains 37,
0011 squrre miles, and the other 65,000,
squab)miles. And Alberta is only nue
cfour provisional Territorial districts in
the Northwest.
John R. Vert, Hamilton, says : "Mc-
Gregor's Spetay Cure for Dyspepsia and
Indigestion is cheap at fifty times the
price leaked for it. I ant a commercial
man, and travel continually, and would
0.. more think of leaving home without a
bottle of McGreeurs Speedy Cure in my
valise than I would of leaving my team
at home and going un foot." Fres trial
bottles at G. Rhyne. drug store. Regu-
lar size 50 cts. and $1. a
kraal's Fluid Ug slag.
Cures Toothache and Neuralgia quick es
Hash, re'ieves any pain instantly, the
cheapest and quickest application known.
Why suffer with Toothache, Neuralgia,
Headache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Scia-
tica, Sore Throat' or Acute Pains of any
kind when you can go to Geo. Rhyne'
drug store and get a perfect and instan-
taneous euro for 25 cents. Ask fur
K ram's Fluid Lightning. b
ever Give fp.
If you are suffering with low and de-
pressed -spirits, las cf appetite, general
debility, disordered blood, weak consti-
tution, headache, or any disease of a bil-
ious nature, by all means procure a bot-
tle•of Electric Bitters. You will he sur-
prised to see the rapid improvement that
will follow ; you will be inspired with uew
life; strength and activity will return ;
pain and misery- will cease, and hence-
forth you will rejoice in the praise of
Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a
bottle by J, \Gilson, [l;) •
Perfect, Positive and Pleamanent are
the cures effected by Dr. Van Buren's
Kidney Cure. Relief in all eases of Kid-
ney Disease is obtained aLera few doses.
See that your Druggist gives you Dr
Van Buren's Kidney Cure. Sold bp J.
Wilson Guderich %lit
':Why shout 1 aman tree... Moos is wane
Sit ke his grendsire cut in alab utter lj
Or let his ;lair grow Lusty, scant and thin.
When ••CINOALa.tl.ENrwER willmake
But then it was ce..a:n that he a • I found a tall, dark, tnuscul•t• 4.rwr the faster. For salt by J. \\'il-
011 lin
not that man widest he %%a+ disguised I ter -looking clerk, about thirty years of One of tor host citizens wnuid say to
when he hire 1 It ; anal why had he gone
t, ell the trouble 111.111y 1.• hang him -
Reif, when he mold have dome it quite
as effectually t ten th 1 hitter
places ,
No ; look on it —teat. h as 1 ought --1
t.,uld not bring myself io believe that the
age, standi
ng at a desk behind the the public that he has tried Hall's Ca -
c :alter. tart!' Cure, and it is all that is claimed
"1s Me. Granger in '" I askedfor it. Price i5 cents per bottle. Sold
"tic'" was the curt reply. icy Geo. Mynas, a ole agent ter Gede•
"Will he be in soon I" rich. 3m :
"h .h t know." Are you troubled with Salt Rheum, rope-er
{ Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ; It: eonrrdrs
'. • oo.• Das
saes Bhewss tared.
kraa's-nuld Llgh ala.
Is the only instantaneous relief for Neu-
ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub-
bing a few drops briskly is all that is
needed. No taking nauseous 'me divines
for weeks, but one minute's appl cation
rem oyes all pain and will prove the great
value of Kraut's Fluid Lithtuine. `25
cents per bottle at George Rhynes• drug
store. b
S.=M,p Seward
For any Testio:on i;.ls te.:cion mewl
McGregor's Speedy Care f.•r Dyspepsia,:
Indigestion, Cestiveuess, fleeei..che,e tc..
that are not temm�e ; nine et which are
from persons in the Mates or thous:u'ds
of miles away. but from persons on met
around Hautiit,'n, Ont.. We live trial
bottles free of coet, so that you cannot
he deceived by purchasing a worthless ar-
ticle, but knots its talue before beytne.
Trial bottles and testimonials given free
it G. Rhynes' drug store. a
Physician's are often startled b• e( -
ivarkable discoveries. The fact that Dr.
King's New Discovery ter Consumption
and all Throat and T•amg.iisratea is daily
c'iriu_ eetients th.lt Vary I. the et :en op
t:, die. is st+r;lit.g them ; t.:.': •• tl'.rir
50gso of duty, ..ul e,.:cou" nee the
merits of this sender(,1 diseeven r. re -
its. lin,. bells . f our 1•eat I'hpsi-
ciaus using it m their practic-i. Trial
it titles free a: .i. Wilson's I)ru' Stora.
Regular size :el (4)
e 61ar111aslemerever,.
Large & Varied Stock
As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price unti
it is a positive fact that no such value in foot wear can be got elsewhere.
of every grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be made up,
in the moat approved styles by first-class workmen, and
of the very beat material obtainable.
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Q .wt). .r 9
Hamilton Street, GcdeIncb.
A gond assortment of Kitchen, Bed -room, l ln!ng itoom andll'arlor Furniture, such as Ta
blue. Chalet balr, cane sad wood seated). cupboards, Bed -steads, 3iattreseee. Wast. -stands
Lounges, Sofas,. What -.`...•s, Louking Glasses.
N. IL—A complete ass*.te,cnt of Coffins and Shrouds always on hand also Hearses for hire
at reasonable rate .
And s0
polo's In Lr•.,
X•bresks. M 1 .curt. l: a s-
ess, New His ion, Arlrona, Mo,.
WIG sad Tv
I lie solid:Tear. yen Ck5T sad
PEST 11ne 10 et. Joseph,
:sue. Topeka. Dent.
son, nansa, Sal.
ti sums
4011 c 0A. O
h4 henna hem iee seprrk.r f .r titters
Lee, MiteespoIt. me atrial
nwiled r
the Greet
a Car
• Line
"Has he been in to -day 10
',ranger Itangine t ' litre room ltd "Can't soy." 1 if se, go at once to Geo. Rhyne*.Drag T:. ,. !!hip,.d f.
put the rope around I ' era etc' . "Was he in yes!er lay I st••re Anil get a 1ackaree •f Mctiregor & f e • • •
i told the cer•pner m: he.ef : hat '•t'en't say." Park. • Carbolic Gyrate Price 25 cents.
lIt was net er known to fol.
whether 1 e eo'ncidtl with ale or not, it et% ell he ever in i -t see...I
Haye.etdle, tlhie, Felt. 11, 1880+• certain his o.. did r •• for they The delete k• ..1 and 1 ",kat at Its. fur R1 ant eery glad to lay 1 here tried H
brought in a v.. ' : of suicide. the Area time, '•' a quick, a•' • ' ' .-0 bitten, and never took anyth' ig i it
'I ne body was placed in the n ott s , way. I did me so much req. 1 on1• teak two
for re• e;;nition, and i re.l'icste 1 that it ' • \Ghat do pas u1e•mn 1" be r ee t.b Atli.* and 1 would not take t' 100 for the
shoal,' ' .t the, • ''r • - "1e, "Hashee.me beck it i•`. t;, deeight.,r''E'""1 they del me. 1 re .anmrnd them
t • rot patients, and get the he,. results
for I hal a ' - to s.'c what 1 could do 1 gneetioned, in turn. t from their use.
in work'ntt up thecae.. He again started, carie Foraartl, and I C. R. Maas u, M.D..
i Martel nut with the hits of paper 1 al -rely at+rutinized my pen •n : tint, it i
hail tee -tired to see if 1 r•• ' 1 end at any fancied, with a guilty conscience. krone. Mail Lteba/Nns
tee -tired
reed+ no advertisint when once inern-
teleiral.h oPic' any u.• recently
tent off, motet') . • • the words 1 heed
trenscrihe 1 m their erns -ntire order.
1 was Iron foe tenets ie getting potaes-
en of whit I believe1 to be the orig' :n0
metlsa {c.
It w•ar statelier to I•• ee 11 ranger.
R'he are you N oat Ju gnu w deiced. Every Mottle gold sells hundr 1s 1. 1 POTtr^.
here 1 And why these impel ',tent •10' • of others by dnir • sit and more than re. w 1T • rr t' t,s_ .fe;►. i L r , Ili
Dons ?•' he den- •'i le I, ' t e, fiei.e way. I presents 1 for ?tier .alt's, Toothache,
"1)..n't you knew that Hot. .0 tirang. Headache, eto. It remo -es any pain J. Sive/eon,
er is dual 1" mid I, fix n, a link B; ee I instantly 'nick as flash. Try it and you Canadian P,ss. Ag t,
will as it ', well named Fluid Lightning. Ton no, Ort
the fellow that made h n genii• I Geta l5 cent I title at G. Rhymes drug Deo. B. Jeax, OY,
"Deal "' he eselaimod in well • - nor store h Ticket Agent, flodeieh
Tarwia •7
Ttrkvts Ifs n,..
Crirhrurd L " fat
the 1 S. sad -'
Cass*: e
. ads
� T7 M
lad you MIS
ane i ra•Htae e
htsry, Nosed
N e deo
/�► resspwt
•. /
Picture Framing a specialty.—A call solicited. 1751
3eing the Creat Central Line, affords to t•avW',re, by resson Of Its unriraled geo-
graphical position, the shortest and best rauts betw,ren the East, Northeast an
Southeast, and the West, Northwest and Southwest.
It Is literally and strictly true, that its O,nnecttOns aro ale of the principal anal
of road between the Atlantic and the Pa^ffc.
By Its main line and branches '- manias Chicano, .trust, Peoria, Ottawa,
Fa Salle, Ceneseo, Moline and Rock tsland, I-1 Dana, : ; Davenport, Muscatine,
Waahinet On, Keokuk, Knoxville, Osk.aoosa, Fairnoll, Des Moines. West Liberty,
Iowa City, Atlantic, Avoca, Audubon, Harlan, C.th ,. Censer and Counoll Bluffs,
in Iowa ; Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas C.t.', in Missouri, and Leaven-
worth and Atchison in Kansas, and the hundreds of c;nss, •adage• and town
lntermoOlate. The '
As It 18 familiarly called, offers to travelers all the auvers age. and comforts
incident to a smooth track, rale bridges, Union Depo-a at all connecting points,
Fast Express Trains, composed of COMMODIOUS. WELL VENTILATED, WILL
latest designed sed handsomest PALACE S! CUING CAPS, and t ININC CARS
that are acknowledged by press and people to be the FINEST RUN UPON ANY
ROAD IN THE COUNTRY, and In which superior meals are served to travelers at
the low rate of SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH.
THREE TRAINS each way between CHICACO and tt.e MISSOURI RIVER.
TWO TRAINS each way between CHICACO and MINNEAPOLIS ant! ST. PAUL,
art the f7.mous
A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kankakee, has recently been opened,
between Newport News, Richmond, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and La Fayette,
end Council Shifts. St. Paul, Minneapolis and intermedivo points.
All Through Passengers carried on Fast Express Trains.
For more detailed information, see Maps and Folders, which maybe obtained, as
well as Tickets, at all principal Ticket Offices in the United States and Canada, or d
Vice es'-Prt Cen'l Manager, Cen•l T'k't A. Passer Asst
,41 t5e 4et,r t,
t,7u coma % r4...-..
Aad for Parity/mg as Inc.....
it lap )far+ .n we fur wyrart re,
teclM M t •.. antta.
BL ] '1 T:. 1 d , .y
-]alt ..-1 /
%. red a Ltetersee.
Iter ora'
ease er
)SWI iaSt.e' 1
I.. dit a
•ghee ,
rllltsa lee 1 r•
at 5558 lasEtt11 ..5.
.t lona,aortae Ilse-. Ir
ft! 0l.atf.� the �'
h n .511
at one dollarre a ttsttA i . a
heves ea far t. wee mew*
estate n M-: i .
the ssnMelas fret their deer. : •
.e•1d IS ele 4.Osr. sad we writ 0... ';
t" MIS.
tr. MOM! Seo . Vizeb eeirs,
Ameelastss se rr
For sale by •
.1AS WTL1101t,
Ctvk 1T'rsdnehs and relieve all the tm nh'.;, i^et•
rrnt to a bilk's' state of the iyMosil, snrh se
reel.. Nausea, IkowsUx.a, Distress ah.•r .w: inS,
Tam in the Side. Le. While thele WOK remelt•
ebk success has bee bona lu tiring
=eel's rsiuulpaUsa, ern 5.4 pyre -lanes esyet Ceeta.LKte Lives 111.err, clean,
OLINa,i�eiea t'{e itemh, lhte *5. ve
sad rgalele the bowels. Teen It they only carte
Ache they wield beausnetprfesese to Moor who
PONT fr..a this distressing eoapeet; twit fnrtn.
aandy theft goodsese dors stet rad lee, and those
who outs ley theta will tad (hese little pins , sla-
sh", Is ne 'nay ways thievery win ane M will is
to do without them. Plat after all ekk head
is Mebane( sok *Iwo we
MIM. O11~cuts k sift;
n •.-_
Pao are vwlal) sal
i1RkW aiaMt�gettiese.
ISRER p limo 5! of*
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New York Ott.