HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-09-21, Page 44 nil HURON SIGNAL, FRIAY, SEPT. I. 1883. THE HURON SIGNAL 1. published every Friday Morning, by plc Os LLICVYDy Brus.. at their (►Ice, North Bt off the Squarer GODERICH, ONTARIO. Dad is despatched to all parts et the ewrwnad fax country by the earnest moils sad trains. By general admission it has • larger circa)* baa thou any other newspaper is this part of the 000ntry, d Is sae of the raciest. aswetest rad most reliable Journals la Ontario paseeming, .s It does, the tore-gMng emeatials ..d being In addition totbe above, • fire[ -etas. family and fireside paper -1t la therefore • w est desirable advertising use/Dist. Tears.—$1.60 le advance postage pre -pals bryy pyublisher. ; 51.76 It b.fore at= months �L00 if not so paid. Thule will be strictly enforced. RaTu OF AnrgRTIRINS.- E((ggppt cents pe Jae for fent lasertlon ; three oenti per line for each subsequent insertion. Yearly, halt yearly sad quarterly contracts at reduced rates. JIB rBJMTI7(C..-- We have also' fire[-cl•as lobbing department 1n connection, and posses. lag the most oomplete out -et and best facilities lwZurning out work In Goderich, are prepared Ledo badness in Chet line at prloe.thet cannot be beaten, and of a gaalit, that eaaaot be srpaased.—Terms Che& FRIDAY, SEPT. 21sT, 188.'+. IMPERATIVE CALL. Notice is hereby given that all overdue subscription, printing and advertising accounts exceeding two dollars not paid by October 10th, 1883, will be handed to Messrs. Garrow k Proudfoot, Soli- citors, for collection No other nbtice of any kind will be given. McOILLICUDDY BROS. The Huron Signal, Goderich, Ont. PRII'ACRING AND PA Y. Rev. J. C. Pomeroy. who took charge of the M. IC church of this town about the middle of .April last. at • salary of $800 a year, has been telfered,and has accepted. the position of head- master In a high school elsewhere. The sala- ry. we understand, Is in the vleinity of 51.000, and the reverend gentlenangate notice to his stewards on Sunday that he had accepted the position and left on Mon4ay. The nnembers of,f.he cbureh here feel aggrieved that the revert 1d, gentleman ehould have taken him- self away on such short notice. as his engage- ment with then[ was for a year. Some of them, we believe, are inclined to think that the 0400 additional on the year's salary was the chief factor to determining him to change the pastor's pulpit for the teacher's desk.— Goderich SlgnaL And we do not blame him if it was.' The old theory. that ministers can live ou the east'wind and preach gout sermons, is happily about exploded. If ever there W88 a time whena ministerial laborer was worthy of his hire it is the present time. Men who spend the early years of their byes' in preparing themselves fur the sacred calling deserve a better fate than slow starvation at the hands of some niggardly congregation. Ministers owe a duty to their families ; they are only human ; and if the ministerial calling does not afford them the means to bring up and educate their families in a maoner befitting their station, they should not be 'subjected tocenaure for adopting some other honorable vocation which does. It is incompatible with the spirit of the age for men of education and culture to spend and bo spent in the vain endeavor to keep the wolf from the door. The sooner this Goderich congregation dis- covers that the inviguratitt:; breezes of Lake Huron, however potent they may be in other respects,will not pay bakers', grocers', butcher..' and the thousand and ono other -accounts which even a minis- ter's family must incur, the better will it be for all concerned. —[Galt Reformer. Our contemporary makes a good plea for the support of the ministry, and we agree with it in much that it hu said. But the point which the Reformer has lost fight of is this,that the congregation, as well as the pastor, has rights and in- terests which should be considered. We confess that 'natty preachers are wretchedly rewarded for the work done by them. The pastor's stipend is too often given grudgingly. There js some troth, as well. as much grim humor, itt Rev.•Dr. Miller's story of the seer, who, examining three lads brought him by a fond' father, who wished to learn their destiny, said : —One will be a mur- derer, another a falsifier, and the third a pauper living on the town As . the good father began t bewail his lot, the beer added :—"D.' not mourn ; those are the common lots of men. Your first son will ho a doctor,the second a lawyer, and the third a country clergyman." If 'he holy callinv be viewed as *trade, and a means of social advanvement, thert(-fa (much to doter any but earnest and de- - voted [nen from entering upon it But the call to preach the gospel has caused some to :talon their lives in their hands and penetrate unknown wilds to bring the joyful sound to barbaric ears. It has led Wren to give up titles and wealth, to`spetid sitd'be spout for Him who said, "The foxes have holes, the hint of the air have noun, Ent the Son of hien hath not where too lay his head." But the point lost sight of hy our cm/ rere is an important one. In any agreement made as to a pastors work and salary there ars two perties---preech- er and people.. The obligations entered into are binding upon Loth. The assembly which agrees to supporrt the pastor, either by a fixed salary or other wise, is not worthy of the Christian pro fession If it fails to du so. But equally bindln:, if not more so, is the obligati..n upon tho pastor. ile has .agreed to la• a shepherd to bit Houk a guide to the people. He is not trite t.. his calling if he deserts it for the sake ..f filthy lucre. if his stipend is paid at the time agreed ulr .n, be it hardly en•ngh to cover 'eta hare tieir hien. his word is so J stake, itis 10 ell his been elven, and hit place rt with hi. p ople until Ina terns expires We allude more particularly to the itineracy. 't••• anal•• r- r n h{ h have good opportunities of rotting a sew charge within nswanable time without restgningtor incontinently departing with- out decent ounce. We have no respect for ministerial "covenant breaker's." The minister's word should be iuviola- hla He should be a pattern to his peo- ple in all things, for "1f they be foul la wbow the people trued. Well may the baser ooln contract • rust." The preacher who so suddenly left his flock here for the tutor's desk, agreed to act as pastor of the M. E. church at a certain salary for the 'year. His enter- ing nterIng upon the pastorate proved his at- ceptaaoe of the terms. The congrega- tion gave its share of the salary, and kept faith with the preacher. He saw an opportunity of making mote money, and surrendered his charge before the time had oomo for hint to do so. It was practically breaking the covenant. Had the gentleman who agreed to become a leader of the people in spiritual things said that he was merely itoing to act in that capacity until he could see his way clear to earning more money, they would have understood him. As it is, they fuel aggrieved, and thick his preaching far ahead of his practice. TEM have a Niagara Falls in Reese. A St. Petersburg journal says the Won- derful Imams Falls, "uur Niagara Falls," 1 are visited by hundreds of strangers TJI S PRIN(,..6,14 LO UISE. Os the first page will be found a very fine picture of Her Royal Highness the Princess Louise. Also on the fifth page can be read a very interesting sketch of the Princess as she appeared on the oc- casion of her farewell visit to Teronto. WANTED—A POCKET ORGAN. OVER in Wingham they have two news- papers, and goodness knows, that is one too many, if the site of the place and the extent of the journalistic field be considered. But one or two sora -heads over there, having taken umbrage at the Tins, are ' anxious too start another journal in the town. The fund. are not yet all dead in Wingham, evidently, if we are to take any belief in the madcap proposal. If the papers in 1Vinghain are not quite up to the standard of ex- cellence which would suit the high literary tastes of the growlers, why the. mischief don't the grumblers cease to grumble, and furnish the newspaper [nen they have already with the where- withal to further improve their journals. If they knew anything about the ex- pense and trouble of running a small country newspaper, the sore -heads would not run the risk of catching too many flies by being so open-mouthed. We hare edited a paper in a country village, and we know how it goes ; therefore we advise the Wingham kickers to let well enough alone, and support liberally the newspapers they now, have. If the gen- tleman who is spoken of as the most prominent promoter of the new project ever went into the business he would have cause to regret the step during the remainder of his life, notwithstanding his well known trade abilities. If the Beaver block would not melt from him inside of two years, we are much mis- taken. The difficulty between the Times and mayor McKibben is no concern of ours, but with a far better knowledge than mayor McKibbon of what consti- tutes a good local paper, we have no hesitancy in statins that the newspaper in question, as at present conducted, is better managed than any paper under any management ever printed in Wingham -- and we are aware of the status of both papers under all the publishers during the past ten years. The mayor, in his wrath, stopped his subscription to the Thews a`bouple of weeks ago, but the newspaper has not suspended in consequence. if the mayor is wise, now that he sees the paper still thrives, he will get over his petty spleen, and endeavor to work hand in hantt with the newspapers of his town in a joint effort for progress. .1IEU7M AND TEf-3f, LAttr week we published a pressing in- vitation to our friends in arrear, to pay up. We are pleased to say that a large number have responded to the call, and have thus shown that the arrearage was a here ,inadvertence on their part. There are still some beck subscribers to hear from. and we hope to have a re- sponse from them during the next few days. We don't wish any -me in arrear to imagine that the " Imperative Call " at the head of the editorial column is not intended fur him, or her, but only a solicitation to a neighbor to pay ur. The notice is intended for every moth- er's son and daughter who owes Twit $t,tltaL for subscription er jobwork, any- thing - from a nicklo upward. So don't he shy nr backward lett cacao in and tilde the ,11:7,:tts which you are h.tlding in trust f••r os. R e cru make bitter use of it in an aggregated fotm, than yea can in small Binns. We could give strong argnrnents why you shnu!d pay at puce, hat haven't time to enter up,wr a lengthy diacussi•,n. By advertisement it will t e obset vtel that a weighty areument IB the sham' of additional costs t' ill be ad vancetl h♦ us to all delinquents aft, r Aim !lay. 1f you hat en t tittle in call; around and see neo send the funis by re. gistereol letter er P. O. order, and we , will amid you a receipts for the aseotint. Tote intelligent c o ntrallnr who trade that article nu Manit.,lxt as a Itttwini country read " crewing " country, didn't tr a cv 1s.1 mistake• ria every summer. They have the regula- tion starry of mei, toeing drowned by the boat its which they were altemptiug to [goons the ricer Lent'[ carried over the falls. They have, too, a cable etre ched over the falls, and f,'r a oonstderstion thew who have nerve enough to under- take the jeuntey are seat over, the falls in a basket hanging trona the cable. The crossing of the Imatra in a bas- ket attached to the cable that runs over the falls is alae not quite safe. The Russian osteoset, however, has one drawback. Nothwithstandin_ the fact that convicts are shipped there in dirge uumbers fur theft, and other crimes, the promoters of the schema have been unable to obtain tone extortioner who atuld even begin to rival a Niagara Falls hackman, ' FoLLownta imdtuaiately after the e>' hibition of Scottish games at l,eucknow, the Caledonian games at Brussels were a great success. The attenlan. of spectators was larger than thjat of any previous year, and the number of athletes and other competitors wrs also ahead of previous competitions. It is really wonderful how the small villages at the other side of the couuty have suc- ceeded [in gaining a reputation for the holding of athletic spurts, but wonder or no wonder, they have been success- ful in doing it. A good oonundrum fur some of our local sporting men to solve would be : Isn't it possible for Goderich to place itself upon the circuit as a fit and proper place to hold annual Cale- donian games 1 Don't give it up, gentle- men, for it is easytu solve, if the right method ISe adopted. We were at the meeting that initiated the Brusse's Cale- donian Fames, and the odds against the success of that project were greater than those which now exist in Goderich. Tae Globe has shown questionable taste in attaching its splendid weekly to a job lot of watches. The weekly Globe ought to have a large, paying circulation inde- pendent of the doubtful aid of a stern - winding watch,or any other meretricious device. No great journal should join its fortunes to ,tis enterprise not directly and entirely controlled by it. A broken spring, or any slight accident to the watch at any time, will bring an an- athema upon the head of the editor of the consort journal, who knows no more about making a watch than the watch- maker knows about writing a leader. The Moil hypocriticully reproves the Globe for its premium dodge, but the Mail has also been an offender, with los horse book premiums. We offer neither horse books nor watches as a bait for our paper. We don't mean to „run THE SIOVAL on tick. AT a recent meeting of the- Rat Port- age municipal council, the advisability of getting a suitable corporation seal was discussed. After various designs had been submitted, the reeve suggested that the seal should represent a rat being pled through a small knot -hole by Premier Mowat, who ttrasped it firmly by the ears, while John Shields with the Ottawa Premier in tho background, hung vainly on to tail—the same being greased. The municipal rulers at Rat Portage evidently have their eyes open. From thel^.test and best information received, we are in a position to state that the chances of Goderich getting in a competitive railway were never bright- er than they are today. „ The harbor of refuge possessed by the town, and the immense trade which it is possible to work up with the Saginaw district and other western pointe on the lakes, are factors that favor the making of Gode-. rich a lake terminus for a competitive line withthe G. T. R. When the day for work comes let our townspeople be up and doing. THE London newspapers are just now greatly excited over tho advent of qua- druplets .n that city. "Sparks" of the A.trerfisrr has been visiting the new arrivals, and atter great research,in medical circles, announces that Lt has the phenomenon of the age, "by a large majority," seeing that the wee things continue to "live and move and have their Irian;;," up to the time of writing. The name of the quedreple papa is Stockwell, ins he is evidently of a variety true to name. • MA's. Geo Little Rideau murderer, who butchered the Cooke family, has been (brand guilty, and sentenced to be hanged ern the 1Yth of Oct. His counsel endeavored to wise the plea of insanity, bat the testimony "1 ,me,ltcal expert* failed 10 sustain the the,.ry adaancetl by Ise lawyer The contemned imam IS re- pt.rtnol to_ hare remained entirely en• not t• 1 Annoy( the trial, and even the pond se tteinee ..f the court f*iiel to ef- fect hien. HAtstt.rolt'a pretty evening paper the is nude stfire At, rachte "maw itCual)y by the afy.eusatice of sows Oar• traits engraved *isseielly for that joist• nal. The Trib,n,, is not keepnag e*to Ike standrsrd-- it is getting rather sieve it roLITICAL NOTB8. Ir u drawls g on toward another SN - Moe of the Legislature, and yet M•rwat dors not utanitest an; .iglu of "going.' Jaid', Tauw, of South Perth, lute vir- tually knocked the petitioner uut in the first round. The petitioner will hate to pay the ants of the oourt so far. Tus Lindon ,4drerfwr is nothing 11 not practical, as the followinv timely calculation will show :--"It a safe to say that sausages are not made of cat meat in Lennox. Even with the `uncleaned skins admitted free oaf duty, the enter prise would not pay, with oats selling a' two dollars each." Aimee Cotton, one of the parties serv- ed with is writ for libel by John Shields, writes to an Ottawa paper to the effect that he has waited fur a long time for the latter to proceed, but he does not. Ac- euriingly he iutends to apply to the corms for the dismissal of the writ. Perhaps Mr. Shields was only doing a iiet,1e brag. Judges Patteson and Ferguwn sat in the Court of Appeal on Saturday to give formal judgment in the Muskoka case, the petitioner having abandoned his claim to the seat and a scrutiny not now being sought. The judgment of the court de- clares the election of Mr. Feugaier void and the seat vacant. The respondent is to pay to the petitioner his costs of the petition and trial. Tnz Toronto World informs us that the hat was recently passed around among the Conservatives of the Queen City, for the Algoma election funi, but that very little money was dropped in. The more sensible Tories did not want to raise Ontario money to fight for Mani- toba in the disputed territory. It now looks as if the party will have to make another draw on John Shields' $40,000. The petition against the retutn of Mr. Balfour for South Essex has been with- drawn by the petitioner. A motion was made on Saturday to the rota jndges, Burton and Osler (J. J ), W dismiss the petition, and upon proof that the proper advertisement hid been published in the county, and that no new petitioner had come forward, an order was made. Mr. Osler, Q. C., appeared for the petitioner, and Mr. Aylesworth for the respondent. The election in Algoma will noon he over. The "big trunk" brigade has been swarming the constituency for the pest few weeks, and every effort has been put forth by the Copperhesds to defeat R. A. Lyon, the old member. At present we are not in a position to safely predict the result, but believe the riding will be retained by Mr. Lyon, despite the cor- rupt influence of "Big Trunk" ,Shields, "Big Push" Wilkinson, '`Gum Swamp" Anderson, "Jack the Trapper," "Cap- tain" Kirwin, and the other sweet -scant- ed members of the frozen whisky [tang. We learn on good authority that the friends of Thoe, E.. Hays, the defeated of East Huron, are fearful of the die• qualification of their candidate should the canter -protest be pressed by the Reformers of the riding, and hopes are expressed that the petition against hits will be withdrawn- The Reformers of East Huron, if true to themselves, will carry the petition against Thos. E. Hays to the end. This turning of barns into whisky mills should be dealt with severely, and if Thos. E. Hays is per- sonally guilty he should he male tet feel the heavy hand of the law. Tim following bit of gossip is given by a Toronto journal :—If reports be true the outgoing and incoming governors are not likely to meetjou Canadian soil. This is a state of things which has generally bean avoided, and for good reason. The regime of a new governor should in no way be identified with that of his prede- cessor. The same favorites, the same clique of complacent c'urtisers,the same acquaintances are undeairablo Lords Gosford and Aylmer met at Quebec, not without unpleasantness, and since that we du net rememher that any governors have met. Ties Exchange Bank has suspended operations, but it is understood that no Ise will be sustained by noteholders. The suspension is attributed to the fact that the directors of the concern were aline.' entirely unacquainted with the methal of cot,ducting banking af- fairs. Some three years ago the Ex- ehenge hank was forced to suspend, but was afterward placed on its feet, end re- easne.l toll nnass. The present suspen- sion will prove final, in all probability "Cele- 1100 Bewadary Dispose. Hsi!, inskes plain the situsti it at Itit Portage 'ay means of a cartoon. With bnadsword and shield Mowat and Nor yyay contend.- Nnrgnay being held up to the ctnflict by Sir John, who in turn is pushed f•.rwartl by Mounters,* as tepre- sewing 030 igloos. Mr. Mowat, with the sword Oil right and shield of justiee, bat• ties rutile -handed on behalf of Ontario, and while he is bravely fighting the bat- tle crf his Province, a large Copperhead, Oh the face sof the Mail dodo, attaobs hint in the rear. It is a telling *tern td the made Ontario has to eoateed against in holding her owe laser's 4asesehe Ia England. Loonos, Sept. 14.—A lend oontereiee w. s held Sunday by police inspectors W consider the 'object of securing he safety of O•Duunell and the wit- nesses of the Cony murder, upon their a rival here. The authorities at the lest moment decided to take O'Donnell W Southampton instead of Plymouth. It is ne.t known whether this course was taken because of informstitau received relative to tuovemolsts of sympathisers with the pri,ouer. O'Domnell stated he hi' a ,tleasaut voyage ; he had nut bees plaetd its ireus, our handcuffs ; that his custodians treated him with remarkable kindness, allowing hila to gar upon deck mornings and afteruootu, end that his meals were carved in his cabin. O'I)eu- nell ha. the Irish c st of counteaauce, and piercing black eyes. He shook hands heartily with the detectives what received hint from the Cape policeman. It is reported that O'Donnell has said ite dues not much fear being tried fur the murder of Carey, but is afraid he will be recognized by Ow police as a partici- pout apt other affairs, as the detectives who have ttke. e'aarve of O'Donnell ferreted out flu r •coot dynamite ctln- spirsturs. Tao e;:tr in wh:eh leu will us conveyed to L meson said the carriag, s preceding acid follow ing it will be tilled with pnlicolno't. He maintains an easy demeanor . n 1 reiterates his former state- ment that Ito only acted in self-defence and is confident of acquittal The 1Vinaham fall fair, ride posters, is "open to the world." .[settee Mies. Dentistry. (.NICHOLSON, LD 8, BIIROEt7N' • �Vi Dentist. Dillon and reeldenae. West Street three doors below Haug Of Muarr.,al, Goderich 1762 Svturday, Sept_ 22-Motteare sale of house and Int situate in tnwhof Clinton, at the Al- bion Hotel, Goderlch• at 1 p. m. Saturday. Sept. EY Mrs. Fletcher's house- hold furniture, at house. on West street, at 1 p. m. At this sale a New York Webber Plano of remarkable purity of tone will be otibrei for public competition. at�e�. In Galerieh. on the 1st Sept, the wife of lair. Roloert Armstrong, of • son In Clinton. on the 11th Inst., the wife of Mr. E. Moody. of • son. In Gnderl.•h townahin, nn the 9th Inst., the wife of Mr. Osamu I Barr, of a daughter. {t the F.tchan•tr hotel. Ilantop, nn morning of 11th Sept, the o. ire of F. Horton. of a ann. t14E81E0. At the residence of the bride's father, W. Wewantwh.on the Itthvinat., by the Rev, A. E. Smith. Miss Elizabeth Fluker• to Mr. Robert Stalker. At the residence of the bride's father, nn the Lyth lost., by the Rev. John S. Fisher, Methodist Minister of Myth. Mr. Chris Itickson- of- Clinton: to Anna M., eldest daughter of E. Cortett, Esq., Reeve of Clinton. At the residence of the bride's father, on the 14th inst.. by the Rev. John S. Fisher. Methodist Minister of Blyth, Mr- John Powell- Attorney. of Detroit, Mick. to Mary M.. second daughter of E. Corbett Esq.. Reeve of Clinton. BLEB. Oa 23 July. less. at their home, sixteen miles inert► -wed of Wfehits. of whooping cough, Oeorge, son ot formerly Rabble Hum- ble, forerly of Brussels, aged nine months. 1(s (loderteh, nn Friday. Sept. lith. , George A. Park. only son of George and Annie Park aged 2 years and{ months. § HERIFF'S BALE OF LANDS. c Torre or HURON ! Ry virtue of a Writ of TO wrr: ( Fieri Facias, issued out Of Her Majesty's County Court of the County of Middlesex. and to me directed and deliver• ed against the Lands and'fenements of JOHN MAIN'WARRINO. at the suit of RICHARD FUOOLE. I have seised and taken in Execu- tion all the right, Ut1. Interest, and equity of redemption of the above named defendant, JOHN M'A1NWARRIN(l, in and to the fol- lowing lands and premises. sir : Two acres of land being a part of lot twelve, in the South Fast bout(dary concession of the Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, known as the Imperial Mille Property. of tt'oodbam, and situate within eighteen rods and seven Inches of the South East angle of said farm lot, said two acres having a frontage on the Town line, between the township of t-sborne and the Township of Blanchard, in the Count of Perth. of sixteen rods. and extending back the full width of sixteen rods a distance of twenty nods, which Lands and Tenements i shall offer for Sale, at my office, In the Court itouse, in the Town of Goderi h, on SATUR- DAY, THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF DE- CEMBER. 1883, at the hour of Twelve of the clock, noon, ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff's Office. Goterlch, 1 SheriffHeron. September 1911,, 1343. 1004td SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. COUNTY or HURON, t By virtue of a Writ of TO WIT: f FiertFacias. Issued out of Her Majesty'. County Court of the County against offRuron and to mo directed and delivered LiAGREY and ARTHIIR CANTELOTenements of N. at the suit of EDWARD TiNDALL. I have seized and taken in Execution all the right, Itis and Interest, and equity of redemption of WILLIAM GREY. one of the above nam- ed defen cants la and to that portion or tenet of land ting and being in the Township of Morris, County of Huron and Province of (M- ario. being composed of the North half of farm lot number twenty-one. In the fourth concession of the said Township of Morris. and coptaining ono hundred acres of land, more or less, which lands and tenements I shall offer for sale.'at my office, In the Court House, in the Town of Geoderich on FRIDAY. the TWENTY•FIRST day of DECEMIBER. 183'1, at the hoar of twelve of the clock. noon. ROBERT GIfllioNS, Sheriff's Ofilce, Ooderjch, 1 SheHR, Huron. Sept. 131h, 1883. i 19118-14 She People's Column. APPRENTICES WANTED — .TO learn dress and mantle making. Apply la person to MISS SAULTS, Deters block. 1113►tt VARM FOR SALE --SOUTH HALF 1 of lot 15. twncomion 7. Oodert It town skip, a,staleing 71 soros. on the out line, 2 lades from Holuses•Uk. 6 miles from Cll•tou, sl from liudericb. Fur farther lel .rmatlen, spp'y to B. OKR1tY Brussels P. 0. O ,1. las AGENTS ON SALARY—W sNTED Lou good live travelling agents 10.. Du- nes County who will devote their e..rc time soliciting risks for a leading stock Pi .e Iaser- mace Co. A monthly salary and oo nml.slou will be Dahl to competent '[Bents. CII on or address, Alex. Molt. Altar, (Roderick Ont. 115511. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE— for cash -- situated two doors from Knox church, Ou lerluh, on Rost stress. A dear deed riven. Address M115'. J. L. McCOR MACK, 97 Huntington street, CleveI.tud.Ohio. 11106.11, DULL STRAYED — STitAYED from the premises of the suhe:rfltren the 16th et Au , • white WHAMS ;:-a old. Any pelwoaving information leading to Its recovery will 1S• suitably rewanle 1 THOS. BURNS, Carlon 1'. O. 1105-3 110 TIIRESHEItS—FOR SALE, A good steam thresher, cheap. Apply to JOHN Mt'('ALLCM, at the foundry. Ouderi: h, July 19, 1883. 11100-11. \TOTICE TO DEBTORS --NOTICE Le 11 hereby given that all parties indebted to the undenlg te41 by note or pout ascount arm requested to settle Lite MOM 000e .tad tiaras by save an enforced oollcctlon. I man bust- A - nevs. ABRAHAM SMITH. tasf- For Sale or to Let. FARM FOR SALE—THAT FIR8T- clw farm known as lot e, non., 8, D. Ashfield will be sold on reasonable tes the proprietor is giving up fatlug.itt. l t es Is nearly square, contains 100 serves is wen watere.a, has a good orchard, and well baht dwelling and outbuildings. For particulars address 1'1108. GRAlt.\M, Shepperdten P.O. 1905-21. 'ALi;ABLE FARM FOR SALE— Lot No. 5, bit the Ruy6e1,1 oon. township of Goderieb, 85 acres. 10 to 60 erresdeared and free from stump. - balance well timbered, las frontage on- Hayfield river and on the Clinton road, and a•tloins the tneorporated village of Bayfield. For terns, further particulars sad conditions of sale •oply to LEITH. KING - STONE t ARMOI.IL Solicitors. is King street West Toeoeta Or W John Morgan Hotel keeper, Hayfield- 1805-11 FARM FOR SALE—BEING THE easterly 130 acres of block lettered "lo" In the 7th Concession of the Township of Col- borne. About ai or 20 acres are cleared. The growing timber consists of maple beech and elm. A frame house, • large frame barn and stable are on the premises. Fences good. Only four miles from Ooderich by a good gn- vet road. For particulars apply to JOHN BRE('EENRIIKJE, Goderk-h, or to SYAOER & MORTON, Solicitors, Ooderleb. 1886 FOR SALE.—THAT DESIRABLE residence, corner Brittaala road and Mc- Donald street, opposite the High School, with two bit. The house is In good repair with carriage house and stable and other out outldings. The garden 1s weU stocked with ruit trees- grape vines. shro /cc. R. If. COZZkNg. For terms apply to Davison 4' Johnston, Barristers. • 1888.11. L`OR SALE OR TO RENT.—THAT beautiful brick residewe 000upled a Mr. Rice, and formerly occupied by Mr. Maloomaon, at the bead of Newgate u Possession given in October. For partbc apply to the owner. J. BRECKENIIE S. Newgate sever Gode- eh. 1111 AUCTION SALE Housobo1iI°Forjilhjire, The undersigned has reotived-1ns• ructions from MRS. FLETCHER, to sell by Public Auction, at her reaidence. West et.-eet. at 1 p.m., on Saturday, Sept. 29, '83 the whole of her household fnrnitnrc. consist Ing of 1 Piano, 1 Parlor Set, 1 Pentre Table, 1 - Fancy Table, 1 Extension Dining Table, 1 Lounge, 2 Cupboards, 1 tvalnut Bedroom Bet. 1 Oak Bedroom Set, 3 Chamber Sea, 1 New Bedstead, 2 Brussels Carpets, 1 Tapers Car- pet. 1 Threc-Ply Wool Carpet, Can • Chairs, Bedsteads. Itedding, Maternaw•s, Hnreaus, Welsh Stands. Bedroom Carpets. Stair Car- pet*, Curtains, Window minds, Stoves. Pipes, Mums, Crockery. Lampe. Pictures, and numerous other artickw, The Plano offered for sale is a 8R1n:00 New Yprk t►'eber. ®'he parlor set an I walnut, bedroom set were made hy Hay & C r., of To- ronto. ronto, The woolen carpet has only been in usea few months. PIC RJl2B- AD euros n10.41, cneh; on 51.1.00 and upwardsC 'N'll.i. HE ALLOWED on g00.1 soca W. BALL, Auct:.,neer. Goierich. Sept. 15, I$7i, 1900-2t JAMES SkUNDERS & SON, J >- 0 4 UCTION SALEcn 0 OF FINE llollsho1d Fllfllilill'O. h4 favored with STEbeWART, sell by ubbk, AeeUoa, at her residence, on 'Wee Parcel, neer the Light House, Gtodertrh, nn Thursday, October 4th, 1883 At 1 o'clock pp m., tale following vty„sbte Housebold effects, els., 1 Drawing Rosso Snite% green rep; 2 very handsome Card Tables: 1 large Pier Utas., 1 Mein way Man In exedlent order; Cntasl,1's Irst mantel. Carpet with hoarier 11114: Hand** n' Cor tains In rep amt silk stripe*, with cereic'p.• 1 ION Oil Painting, for which p wits t Rahe by Mr. Popham. of Montreal; IV. Cornets a,,,, Cressona by the Newt Ankle: Fine oil Pallet - logs: 1 Superior Che ndelier: (implorer. Dininw Room Fats; Dining Re en Carpet. same as In Denwing Room; 1 • Huedenme Sideboard: (7 .mpiete !icemen' seta; 1 itoyal Rise garner with If Air altac!lmerats; 1 -,m' r .resume McchImo (; roe, Crook (not .'Ince and n largo. IM of Kitchen Utensils; 1 Clothe* Mangle,. TTh.. aM,.r 1. soli a partial list ..f lite art r. ries. r.11 of whi •h are snpertnr to anything ?enally n?red In th!. way. 1t is pns(tlrrly the twit nppsetnnity for Intending purehasere which hie presented ItseIf here. TERMS (vA11ft. H: W. BALL. Auctioneer. OedttMb. Seta- the. Ilett 1105 )4 1VA08 snowVI s,Aariova ar••nt. f., '' .17'0 Faraews ROYAL RASE BURNERS rap. Coal & Wood Cooking Stove More fitting afteondvd to by exper(e eel work men no shortest notice. Second hand Steil ea Taken In Kxehange- "The C!„ ap est liirnre Under the Sun." tt-est ewreet, next to Poet O0e • (indene). Sept. 2n, Inn r Fi