HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-09-21, Page 22 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY SEPT. 21, 1883. L08088 THE C08TINEBT. Notes of a Rua to the Psoiee Slope. ese+lMe west* of sloo overland aaorm g - A WI&Awe aMewtpewlaes Malaita tr tYll/ressi % The follow in/ interesting leiter as from et the pof Dinteresting McConnell, who at one Mem taught 8heppeodton school, and who is now in Amstrads in the interest the World Publishing Co., of G . )fcOonnell's many friends illat motion will be glad to hear of his travels, His letters are well woe i,hy of the peru- sal of all. We this week give the tint of the sense :- I will endeavor to give your readers a few interesting exteseta from my notes on a trip to Australia. I have no parti- cular faculty for loos! details, nor any particular interest in them, but I should like to recall a few impressions which linger in tuy mind, associated with the scenery and observations made on my trip to the southern hemisphere. In travelling across the oontineut the tour- ist cannot be drawn to this town by the glory of its past history, nor to that by the beautiful and noble lives that have lived in it, nor to another by the good and holy deeds. that have been wrought in it. `1 e leave all these for our s iter contiinent to boast of. But the fine healthy mountain climate of the far west with its enchanting scene--•, THE 00LDLN LAND of California with its blue skies, fertile fields, fruit and flower garden, have given irresistible charms to visitors, opening to the tourist a successtpn of scenes worthy the efforts of a lifetime to behold. Leaving our peaceful and prosperoUi Ontario, we rapidly pass through the -States of Michigan, Illinois and Iowa, • stopping a few hours it Chicago and Council Bluffs. The eastern part of Ne• breaks is much like Iowr-fertile and flourishing -but the west is very poor soil, little under cultivation, and prin- cipally takep up fur sixes: RANI•HC., the Inert noteworthy of which is Mr. Iliti's, where over 40,000 head are gniz ed. Entering and crossing a part of Colorado, we now for the tirst time catch a glimpse of the enormous rolling up- lands heralding the approach to the groat "Rockies." Hitherto we had been gradually ascending from the prairies of the tlifissoun bottom, but now we are at an altitude of about 5,000 feet above sea level. In this State the principal places visited are Omaha and Sidney ; the former is the moat extensive manufactur- ing town on the i 1issouri ; the latter is the nearest railroad point to the Black Ilills, and is characterized as A FRONTIER TOWN where a great many died " with their boots on, in western language. Froin Nebraska we next strike Wyoming Ter- ritory, a barren, rugged country. Che- yenne (Shian), its principal town, with a population of about '4,000 is the most important stopping place for .alma dun• dreds of miles. We have loft all trace a distance of about ninety miles, we pass of agriculture for far in therear,and *hat through a rich agricultural and fruit the people of this and other small growing country. At Oakland, a subur- towns along the live by is a question for ban city of about 50,000 population, we John Stuart Mills, Henry George or any take a ferry boat and cross the bay a other economist to wrest!e with. distance of nearly five miles and find Sherman is worthy of note, being the ourselves at the foot of Market-st. in highest point on the Central Pacific road; 'Frisco, where we: will stop a week or its altitude is eight thousand feet, and two,'look about us, and give one readers the town coniptises the customary coal- a sketch of the city and what we saw. ing :and vttei•ing station, an • rating D. E. McC. house, an hotel, and a few rough, board houses, one revelling in the distinctive title of but las no visible outlet- Our attention was particularly drawn to the neat Mor- mon dwelling., with their trine gerdens and well kept orchards. All Eng1 at fruits thrive well here, grsilss am own exten �' . ,iy, but to secure aosemalul re - tin us the1 has to be regularly i at - ed, whkoftItta nal.* an,ymore n anteinghk the vast. Passing !lea "Mormon bind," w• are in -Nevada, one of the woof absi e.atres u(the 'Ilnited States, but void of all vegetation except hep and thew tracts of *tented sage bust mid axes* grass Fur mites, as fa r as the eye coo reach we aro relieved from the sage hest mondeey by white alkali deserts covered with salt sad alkali de- posits. We were great amused by the ienionIOV "'.tittle given t.t some of the mining districts in this state, nod ooncluled that Webster's vocabulary / f geographical names is com- giseNy, discarded by the original mind- . 1 diggers. The following are among the oddities, Shinbone Peak Gruund- hng's Glory, Gospel Swamp, Giit•up-and- Gtt, Hell's Delight, Pancake Ravine, Hangtown, Jackass Gulch and Seven op, all fro" some peculiarity of the distract they rcpreeeut, From Nevada we pats into Califotaia, and are once more among the mountains. After roundink a great many cliffs, shooting thr,ugh to numerable passes cuts and • snow sheds, we conte to "Cape Hurn." This is a high mountain in the Sierra Nevades, chose to the American river, and distant 'from San Francisco, one hundred and fifty miles. The railway cling. to this great cliff about 3,000 feet from the river and far below the summit, and as THE TRAIN CREEPS SLOWLY around we shudder as we think of a dis- lodged boulder, a rail displaced or even a misstep from the car platform,but soon we are out of danger a ad making a rapid descent into "Dutch Flat." The up- turned face of the country indicates that mining bperations were hero carried on to a great extent at one time. On -both sides t f the track the earth appears to hsvu undergone a great disturbance. Little vegetation is seen ; what were mountains are partly pulled down or rent asunder by Sonia powerful force; deep gulches cru washed in every direction, while, to give the whole scene a more strange and forsaken appearance. dotted over the wide tract of desolation are numbers of old board shanties in various stages of disorder and ruin, fitting ntunu- merits of the lives and fortunes ,of m•tny c tet ted away by THE GOLD FEVER OF '49. From the rough mining scenery we gain the g+acramento valley, the garden of California. Stopping at Sacramento, we visited the principal public buildings,the most attractive of which is the Capitol. The design of this is much after the fash- ion of the Capitol at Washington ; the total cost is put down at three millions of dollars, and the rich furnishings of the galleries and chambers are quite in keep- ing with this enormous sum. The city suburbs are flat and appear to be un- healthy, and they suffer from periodical overflows of the Sacramento river. From the capitai•to SAN FRANCISCO, ' THE e, twttn\-'. IloM E," The situation et the town is such that the ridge -board ..f a dense decides whether the "little (drops of water" will find a resting (dace in the gulf of Mexi- co Jr through canon, gorges, rivers and rills ;finally. be rolled into the l'acific ocean. Leaving Sherman we are shoot aniong the mountains, :"rel -to a person ttnac- cuetomed to this sight of these norm- o r a eence and eras:deur the meats f t t g nitik y impart a feelingef awe and admiration not awakened by the gentle uhdulatiug fields of an (het osis., er table -10:e prai- ries of an tllin.is or L.wa. THE Un'' N7' tIN tl'F:NERV here tae et.ts n zr.en.l appearance. Herr and there a white chant would bang' over or rest on the peak, ,.r• drag over the slope of the mountain, apparently cuttin.• it in two :and .iviteg the lower part ran irregular saw. -shaped appearance, while' thre n;.prr part L.o',:ed like a great costo resting d , vast ,note -drift, it haneing in rani L.:r like a to 'mood!' hAlluon. \\ ith a rn-fain; d.•r••ent, we enter F,cho and licher .•dons, an,l ::ro surrounded by rocks and boulder[ l.csodo which a!1 east- ern iei_hts are pignrieaa, They aro psi rel pally of red sandstone formation. and by the rection of the weather and the !,recess of erosion,are wrought into every 1 - conceivable shape. - "I' LPIT R• I'K," from which, it is soil, Brigham Voting preached his sermons in early ,fences days ; "Tho Wit lies,"•npparently haviu: a chat together, an 1. as sono• on., has already commented. '•g: ieeo•t.ly afflicted with A (ir.Mian licit 1 - It .: u i very gored keeping with the .!loony of Leih•hes; "Battlement R•.e...," :a d 1:0111 •sou, other freaks of it pots. in rapid suc- cession and we c' u,• to • ai= oerly. There is a TAW' on the statut'+ book for- bidding the sale of liquor from 7 o'clock Saturday nicht till 6 en Monday morn- ing, but w•sti :use informed that this law is absolutely and defiantly disregarded in this village. It is hist!' time that the matter was investigated by the authori- ties in order that the Sabbath may be, at least, formally observed in our Inidst. The Ashfield Presbyterian congrega- tion,tf which there are many adherents ithis !• t t•icinih', era, about to present a call to Mr. • IG•ss, of , to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resigna- tion of ilev. A. Grant. \Ce cannot but sneak in eulogistic terms of the above congregation for the manner in which they extricated themselves, from' their financial entanglements. The debt ant.lnited to over 81,100 inn thousand .f which was presented to their aged pastor as a retiring portion. They did mot indulge in t' ii ar festivities or in- aptly denominated socials, which are :n.o, i ate,! with match turmoil and iner- t -..pity, no, they resorted to no ouch ,1i.pic•able means, but each man are,.rdicg to his ability contributed until the necessaty amount was collect- ed, -t-_ In tie -limner aelthe Fall. t he rehire T • u climbs the t;arlcn will, For riot of n apples, in his troll lie win rat Ida fill, till. '-cry 111, lid s loathted up with Colic. The antis. to is I)r. Fowler's Extract of �1'ibl Stn ‘berry -an unfailing remedy for (..1'e, Cl,oiet-a Morbus, Ch••lera In• folic 1 :.u.l as Simonet. Com-.lainta. 2 Ile Is a Ion. The editor of the Brant Ji, ri.,r has be- come a !Arent, anal is just proud enough to want ell his readers to ;;now it. Al. «'ty he begins to feel the drain spoon h s p cket. and sitters his r. :uteri as tot - , "Tilt t,.:'IL's «LITE.- 11 .sea :- ''Ow sal to the re,. ,••.• , 1.; it ton t,. .lie family • (the i.r.•i.tioter ••f this p - 11 by it ahoula 10' e .;:..1 "Tlw 1" •.'apose An el,. hpound we feel Slide. we know no:, but we lame !i, •1 at ' ,.all -d au' •11 t , rcqueet (!hos. in arreare j the Iud,cn.os picture he Satanic otaj••sty I for the if r e•- err owing for job work to • would prevent "plae'eel a.n hi;,th *loose eell in and fettle at once. Meet of oar { the dorm's career,' regardless "4 the ' readers know that an increase in a family' many ea it c•.nse•Inen ea attending such ',•f a daughter means s great additional o n act, and in the regular sru.sll b..y style ,,.spans., and as we bare alrea.iy torn the eliding Prem top to ta.•tlont of the steep, lining out .4 our wallet in '.etch of the rocky declivity. The Slide is two Op• ' newlfu). we urgewtly valued that all right ledges of Rrauite, projecting fifty win call at the ofloe and settle." The or sixty feet from the slope of the tuoun- 1 most heartless (-wild not resist seek as twin serrated in shape, and lying two -9110 ' ,, peal. base each other from the Ise to the top, ; and 1 ,'.in:. v: r touch like two groat ; Thu '5V. C. T, 1'- of (9tatihaew was al. i saws slicking nut of the nauuntaiu. After' ,lees•,.! iwat Sun,i,y .rei by the Itev, ' a day spent itt th" n tulat if this wild I tfr Temente, of th it clues, eh,. sari sesnety, we' enter di. •:rant Salt isike' t!i if w' en a min .L•es f, mu arooheone•as Talley, and after lea, ilia t holes" City. we it, a•e,.l;ct of tho ;•t: - sh .'.'d Ic, : pt a view of the beautiful blue "flied from the effects . f p ie'eott :ulniini- "LAaR OF TwR atnPwoas." sterid by the sh• p -k.' Ter wife i ailie.' It is nearly surrounded by mountains. i afnrethonght - P"i""" ! an.ler th • an- ; i reoeivts a number itt menidm shred nv- l thority of the ley-" To:. wh tle a 1 bane airs. Poor •e le"ep CIN taseala. Two oitiaena, not ye./ o'd, were tit• tieg in a railroad ol6ok a few Omits ago, talking about coming ent•rtiinments, wh.s os .aid, "LLt'e go up to the re. mak Cdlege to -night, and tidiness the eumluencement uLr eisss. Then is no- thing I like hotter theft to ,tee girls whet are pat budding into womanhood, and this listen to the ideas that' advance* Meir addressor, which lags, far beyond thele yearly" The other man pulled ad Ilas cigar a few times, while !there ittO a faraway look in his eyes, 6nd he finally said, "Not *Ey Female College f r George Augustus. Not none 1 I gra vs I never told you my experience at a Female Col- lege. Several years ago 1 lived in Chi- cago, and I bad a cousin who was attend- ing s Female College, a short distance from the City, and on Satsld want up to the College to see her, and put itt the day. You wouldn't think it, to see me now, but in those days 1 was a regu- lar masher. 1 was not exactly a duds, but I was got up regardless, with white linen pants, white flannel Goat and vat, a panaina hat, linen over -gaiters, a high standing collar, and cuffs that came clear down to the ends of my fingers. My couaiu was glad to sue me, and she was a daisy, and it would be well for you not to forget it. The other girls were all glad to see me, for it was not often that a live male man was allowed to visit them. It seems that the teachers had all gone to Chicago, on a shopping ex- pedition, and tho girls were on a tear. That is they were in fur fun and I was a Godsend to them. I met my coati's in the reception room, and the gids came in, two or three at a time, to be iutro- duce.l, and, before I knew it, there were fifty of there around use, and 1 never felt so good iia all my lite. I felt a ; eel deal like the dude in the opera of "Pa- tience," where all the girls yearn for him, and I wouldn't have sold out my chance, that beautiful Saturday, for the wealth of Vanderbilt. Before night I would have sold out for fifty cents, or world have even given myself away. "First, a beautiful blonde girl wanted me to allow her to draw a picture of her- self on one of my cues, and I thought it would be all right to have her pic:rare there, where 1 could see it constantly, and I gave her a commission to pain: it, and then another suggested that they blindfold me and fix me up for cI mpany. I thought it would be all right, and so they tied a handkerchief around my eye t and made me promise not to take it off until they gave me pe. uispion. Well, for an hour I sat there and allowed them to do what they pleased with me, until 1 got so nervous I could hardly sit still. I could feel the touch of a gentle hand o:s my neck, while there was an occa- sional snicker among the girls, and after* a while they took the°bandago off my eyes end I looked at myself in the utirror. 1Vell, 1 was [mad enough to bite every girl in the room. About a dozen girls stood around with paint brushes and these boards that painters ruu hurnbs through, and mix paints ou, and they, had painted "designs all over nae. First, one of them had painted a black moustache on my lip, with terra cotta ends, and a sky-blue imperial on my chin, pointed with yellow. They had painted a picture of a golden -haired girl on soy white shirt bosom, sty high standing col- a rf adamuledrawing aw•1 n a deg -car _ c , sty cuffs were ornamented with two fighting roosters, and my whit/pants looked like a circ us bill representing Daniel in the lion's den. Brat nay white coat was the worst. You 'rave seen the door of a county paint shop, where they try all the colours of paint. Well; the back u f my coat looked like the door of a paint shop, only the artist had got the colours on in the shape of a placque, in the cen- tre of which seemed to be a lost dude, looking around for a waggon track to fol- low p:. lilt, if I could have got out of there in all the purity with which I en- tered, I would have been glad. They wanted tous takt me ant on the -gratis and g1` play with me, and swing me in a ham- mock, but I wouldu't go, and just then oily of the girls looked out of the win• flow gave the grand hailing sign of 'din truss and they all rushed out .•1 the r.,in, leavlll4 Ill. al..Iic, And ipfole I catuh' look nt n: -. ' f to tee, fur of t:te fe- male t•- aa:o•ra .aloe into the tooth, male Co'lege, r n1 what a fool I was that I did not Far• gall snou;h to 1 t s every ours of them." Tbi strawberry blade. The Philadelphia ffrcord ars of the modem strawbet and sighs the rich red berry of kis buries( d, ( - t grew tueadowa Hear him : - There is titre Ameba: shiob glows in the countii meadows, sweet, Whule- self•, ,d, step., d�lloste itt iia flavor and wholly tpll�gbtfttb. This sttewbeny pinata ttetu►ian,I propsblatre itself. alai anatinues fr. m generation to restitution. • geed thin[, ashlar no odds of any body. It was of tkb siresbercy that old Isaac Walton declares : " Ddtllttbeaa God could make a better berry ; but he Oerer did." Thera :i ors &trawl*. y, the hucksters delight ; evendsed suttee atesket will net not many ; of leveed gr@w .ti, so that its juices aro immature acid tasteless ; soft, spongy, sandy and misshappen. This monster has mottopol' :ed our markets. This strawben is a fraud. It is a ttrswber.i dude. It is • proof that over -cultivation is as disastrous as under - cultivation. For years past the strawberry has been growing in ams, pries and worthlessness. It is impossible to estrus our steps and go back again to the little, sharp -point- ed, deep -red berries that looked when picked as it the tips of a fairy's fingers had been served up for the breakfast of a mortal mean i The fruit merchant*. strawberries may not fill the measure ; but Dr. Fowler s Extract of Wild Strawben j fills th;, measure eve -' time in the people's re- quirements for an unfremedy for all forms of Summer Complaints 2 Ah ! you have a headache ! Why don't you try Ayer's Pills 1 They will relieve the stock, restore the digestive argans to healthy action, remove the obstiuctioas that depress nerves and brain, and three ce• a your headache per - nasals'. Net . Pse. Polkas.* Nerveltie Litres flatulence, chills and 'names. Nerveline cures vomiting, diarhtana, cholera, and dysen- tery. Nerviline cures headache, sea sieknw, and sumwer complaint. Ser. vibes* cares neuralgia, toothache, luin- bwg'o, and sciatica. Nerviline cures .sprains, bruises, cuts, &c. Poison's Nerviline is the beat remedy in the world, and only ousts 10 cents to try it. Sample and large bottles at Wilson'i drug store. Try Poison's Nerviline A Valuable Mane Lamed, Mr. A:`C. Eakins, Campbellton, N.B., had a valuable horse lamed whilst driv- ing on bad road inathe dark, and at first thought his leg was broken, and got him home with great difficulty. Knowing its benefit, having used it before, he im- mediately applied Dr. Dow's Sturgeon Oil Liniment,and in three days his horse was well again. Mr. Eakins always keeps a bottle handyin"the stable and records its praises as vas only horse lini- ment in the world. A REWARD -Of one dozeu "TaassR- RY" to any one sending the best four line rhyme on "TFA9ERRT," the remarkable litt:e gem for the Teeth and Batl.. Ask your drug;at or address. Thousands are being cured of Catar.h every year with Hall's Catarrh Cure, that he doctors had given up and said could not be cured. ie cents a bottle. Sold by George Rhynas, sole ageut for Gonlo tied. 3rn 1)r. Caren .'s Stomach Bitters ate not an A:- ,holic Stimulant, but a purely Vegetable Medic', ie. t` .thait,ic and Tonic in its action and invaluable in all affec- tions of the Stomach, L'': er and Bowels r'tnpaea sad Bleaches. Call rt C -o. !'hynas' drag store and of a pae'c; e , ' McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It iscompcsed•.f Vase- line, Carbolic Acid and Cerrito, rand has nen•r f ."^d i . rets.. o Pimples, Blotches L'Icenat•••1 S. JR. : rush Skin. It cures when all others fail. Try it, b .1 Care rrr Calk, Peres. Etc. The tine' h. ,'ing compound untie: ,.he ae i is `':C,:. dor .1r Par! c C..rbalic Cer- ate. There is no so -•t bet will succumb to its wonderful healing properties. It is an invaluable dressing for scalds, fes- tering., etc. Price 25 cents at G. Rhy- nes' drug atom. h Se:ieto, N. Y., Dec. 1. 1M79. Z am the Pastor of the Baptist church here, anon an educated physician. I ant not in practice, hut am my so'e fancily physician, and advise in many chronic cases Over it year ago I recommended your Hop litters to my invalid wife, who has been under medical treatment of fAllmn b physicians yy s est several years. She has becon\e thoroughly cured of her various complicated diseases by their use. Wu b•,th recommend then) to our friends, many of whom have also been cured of their v,ttioua-nilments by them. Rev. E. R. WARREN„ [Continued] (•RAPIER It. They had retarnwl trout Clut:.a,•, bef.,re w "t ireful and my'steriouscurative power they had been expected. Did they 1.4 k undeveloped which ns sty varied in its op- vrati.als that no diseaaea or ill-heiJth can Ai me 1 Well, i slwuld n -[nark 1 tried p,seifiility exist or resist its power, and to explase, het titer won! 1 root a•.'ir to 1 I, i' ie 4117 e5:,:4eat ,:n, and 1 h:.; r,, iv, away. , 11 %mules for the most frail woman, The o•u.i.i I ed..lerf•t was •only w cousin sac invalid or smallest child to sac in my mitral. and sl a had resole ether ars "Palliest, runic -:uvula about relatives sad didn't "Aimed dead or warty Arista." swig raw no more. ani I sent out into For years, and Riven up by physician Sha wide wvrW w Pion of flee. rwtccl , "f Iinght's and other kidney, diseases, 1 iia, r complarnts,seveicc..ujhsratllod cnn- chitlw, su.h si was never seen before..... . : ::.•,., have been cured. At a store I Iweught • linea sister, sent I, w -me', ions newrly Crary ! r urAla, to the ts!;e and washes! ire. , "f she I'll' $$I 1 sea;.-f!rues sed of nvanoesdiseasesaousness peculiar • if .ray (see, termed op my cwt 041111( sad ' to w"Isw$. aster dark r.•,b into Chieargo us a timber j IP.+g4e Arawn ant of shapeft.,,ta •xcrn. err, arid spot to my lweerttne• piece, where eiItintt penes of Rhenn.stiun. chore wee $ rorty, noel 1 !tad tush •w say- I halal inflammatory and chronic, orsnlfering self end explain it all. I tell v n. teats h••in scn.1.. 1 s. rid hot t.. a Fan's'•' College LW- ! '01, ei n.. 'f � « t r tenor, bleed pwrsar•ning, dyspep• pndvctad, ae.d (A:.• A rn.w,1 , 1 .:rete (ei:e, ip.li•joatiam, and in fact alitard all girls, for a f.n.n s.% 'i u'•y aro Awful 1 soh,. lases frail hetiey :.•,•t •.ta I spree, eml en nun', \wti.ra• rat heir to w th tie is ole, 1 niters see a.d" of girl now Ila[ .• /.4.,,.1 cured by Ifo Mitten, g proof of which can he found in .retry at 1 think of that afternann at the Tort i neighborhood in the known world. im among theta the Jordan and Weber. was • Molt npraastivs ono. Of all its sweets of witkk iv11ale e* di wag There is aaurbt to eats* .t •awb.rrks nano creams., Neither is then any remedy known to m o, :ala than ono excel Dr. Fowler's ix - tract el Wild ttittawbet./ as a tate for Chutes Morbus, Cholera r rautnm and all BoaeiCwnplaintr. 2 _,'__,, A Weesa stiles[. the befoeathe A rt ieaa psb s,1. Hop Bit - now ters, You a it etetywhere Peuple fa' • it with good 'Esti. It build. them Op. It is nes as pledget to the *este as see. ot5sr Bitten, as It is nut whiskey brisk. It is more like the 'fashion- ed bone ret tea, that has done world of good. 1f you don't feel just mist, try Hop Bitters -(Nems* News.. A Bre ea a Deng more Never was such a rush :wade tor any Drug Store as is now at J. Wilamer's f..r a Thal Bottle of Dr. King's New Discov- ery seov- ery fur Cotsurty.tion; Coughs and Colds. Allpersons affected with Asthnu, Bron- chitis, Hosseness, Severe Coughs or any affection of the Trost or Lungs, can gat a Trial Bottle of this great remedy free, by calling at above Drug Store. Begg- ar size el. (51: Summer Boarbing. MAITLANIJ PLACE! MR. RICajARD HAWLEY'S Elegant Resi- denoe is now OPEN for the SUMMER For the reception of a few guests. The rooms are very larges and XICEL Ye FURXISHED Bath Roost with bot and cold water, Bowling Alley. Croquet and Ornamental Grounds, plenty of choice fruit, a good table, and every comfort will be found. Questa will be met at the station. TERMS: -Seven to Ten Dollars per Week. MAITLAND PLACE, Ocelerl_•h, (lutariu. Oo.:criclt Jane 11, 18 3. 189.5. Add, - Eye, Ear and Throat. DR. RYERSON, • 311, ( Muret turret. -Tarsale, eat.. L R. C. 1'„ L. It- C. 8.'$ , Lecturer on the Eye, Far and Throat, Trinity Medical Col- lege, Toronto, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear Infirmary, late Clinical Assistant Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, Moorfields, and Central London Throat and Ear Hospital, nray be consulted at THE WINDSOR HOTEL, STRATFORD, (lu Last Saturday of Beery Mouth. Pune St1,, 1883. 1S19ti IoColl Bros, it Co,, Toronto, Manufactures and lVholeaak Dealers in LARDINE, - CYLINDER, BOLT CUTTING, WOOL OILS --)OCR .EL I••' ATF:It-•- ",LA RDINE-, Mr. W. J. Guppy, of Newberyt in.' forms us that he has use 1 Burdock Breus Bide ri su h s family watt good a Q••t, and a Ids tl a the Env. J. IK. desk!' Ms', used it t.uJ sleeks of it its ISO ty ..s of praise. It is tee pewit syetvelsuvat- ettlr tuuue Sha cusas a:1 d :t�.Jt4•f the Bluu.d, Liver sad J�Jtddueya tootles har- moniously with Nth'ute'. Iowa 26,t, bottles s•.id diaries ate last three moths. 2 f Any reader froewild D�lpepsis, Cosp S&Feaa, Qiadal ., lArsr tbsp1sint etc., should fall at Geo. Rh drug store a id secure a free !kettle of McGregor -4 pure at which will co .viae. u of thea its d the Iaedi. int.. II cores penman utty where :111 other medicines have failed. As a blood 1 uribet it has no .opal. Rsssem- ke:, it co is nothing itt) try it. Regular size, fifty cents and viae duller. a ZIAIMP" C3 .:rD2DRIO33 PL t->! NING MILL ESTAB1 'SHED' Ise. Buchanan, Larson 1, Robinson i AMI:raC1'('JIRRs of .0 rs/a, Doors & Blinds TEALEre IN ALL KINDS OF Lumber, Lath, Shingles and builder's material of every deecripuos. SC:I;oL ruIlurrunt A SFECIALTI, WAll Orders promptly attended to. Ooderi,b, Aug. 2, 1683. molly ALLAN LINE or ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LI VERPOOL-LONDONDERRY-0LA2010 Every Saturday Prom Quebec. t.D0DTE•T *Et rA5SACE. -rl'F:EI., COMFORT AND SAFETY. Summer . l rra ngement. 3D4-3 OPT 13 - Circassian Polynesian Peruvian Sarmatian Parisian Sardinian Circassian .......... July 7 !fay» Jew at; fa " m Peruvian •- 1 • 88 Sarmatian Parisian Sardinian Circassian Alai. ' 11 Polynesian Peruvian Sarmatian Parisian iardinlan " Is t'ircasstan - Polynesian 1'erut•faa Sarmatian Parisian Sardinian, cassian Polynesian Peruvian Sarmatian Passengers require tat leave (letterteb at new on Thursdays, to connect with steamer at Quebec. Prepaid certificate issued at greatly rates to persons wtahtng to bring [bed out front the Old Country. Fur '1 ickets and all information.* H. ARMSTRONG, Ticket vine er Godericb, May lith, 1863.1' S.pe. rE Nee. $ " • SO '1 21 11118 2;19qq#�S kssGg It•CI 104:114 Opal s41.1:1 020A .0 brand is unexcelled by any other oil on the ' market. In recognition of its superior merit, we have received 'All the Highest Prizes ! wherever we exhibited it since 18m among other award, a lar,;e flambee of Gold, Silver & Brom 'Medals, besides nnmernnv Lipl..nuLs. it is eart/m(1, not to gum or clog: eears is ural toIaeter,lli1 and bettor les, i athan "n.•- ha.f tt .r . I rice . 11..• cheapest oil on the market. Ls 7`!tl- IT. For Cale by R. W. McKenzie, !sego _ . _ ---- C.«tc.;ctri TESTIMONIALS_ l took eti�red t c'oftKick iteadacherafter twenty years of sufferingwithout being able to find `s • J. .. OSIIEAR „ A ' rhdf. Mits. J 1oLiiv Y E S Cl+trkehmlr, Ont. -The CrowfootRitters per nn) othered me of medicine.SMBA.JObEriltLotoes nog. ri1[�rry DAAi�,w.Al to get the k No other complaints are so insidious in their at- tack as those affecting the throat and lungs: none so trifled with by the majority of sufferers. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trifling or unconscious exposure, is often but tho beginning of 1 fatal sickness. AVER'. Curaar Pcc-roRAL has well proven its allure In aforty ani fi Tit with tth B throat and lung diseases, and should be taken In all cases without delay. A Terrible Cough Cured. " In 1$t7 I took a severe cold, whish effected my lungs. 1 had a terrible cough, and passed rel t after night without sleep. The doctors gave n e up. 1 tried AvElt'a CHERRY l'ECTofAL, which relieve,! my lungs, induced sleep, and afforded me the rept necessary for the recovery of my strengta. By the continued nee of the l'Ei TORAL a perma- nent cure was effected. I Am now C2 year, Ohl, hale end heart., and am satisfied your CHERRY PEeTiRALeaved me. HoRAer. 10.411111110T11/11.'• ltockiaghatu, Vt., July 1.1, tl,s2. Croup. -A Mother's Tribute. "While in the .entry lsst winter my little boy, three years old, a as taken 111 with eroop; 11 teemed to it he wound die from strsngulation• one of the family sugge.o-,l the use of Area's CfIFRR\' PEcTonAr., a bottle of which was at. ways kept in the house. This was tried in small and frequent dioses, amt to our delight In levitate half an hour the little patient was breathing eat. 11had Rayed nmyodarrIlnj7 lifr,the 1Cast you wonder our gratitude! Sincerely your., alas. EINA Ornish-." 1I. West 12Btb St., New York, May 14, tree .1 htee n.ed ATta'S Cnwaat- PVC -FORA!. la Rey famay foe ssveral years, and tie aM hesitate to a pron. nnd colts att tbe e h mat er tried. remedyA. .1.RA7rL !oche Crystal, Mine., Mareh 13, Ir.,. "I suffered foe eight years from Bronehitio, mart after try 1 many remedies with no twee_ Cured by the wet Area's Cetaav reef a,t. Byhalla, Nlr., April a, lent wALDEIr," •1 rants* say eaongh 1a arab, M ATxw's CwrRnv Prete_ believe,/ as 1 do that but ear its use 1 .he.i8 keg tine, have died front Inn trnw L. Barone," Pnlertl , '[erne. April 12, fear. No .•AM of an affection M the throat or lane exists aid, 't cannot be greatly relieved by the w of Aires's Cuellar PICTORAL,audit wlllefwwpl erre when the disease i. not already kayoed /hs eoutrol of aretielee, Pati•AttzD ET Dr. 1. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Moos. ow by ell Dr5W.. wane etosra,uy 4s year drwggls/ rorh.♦l�a TILE .-ILL KEEP. IT! 31n 17th, lt•S 1891. • 20 ACRES FRS! -IN THE - Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain and Mouse River Country, NORTH DAKOTA, 1rthutary to the United States Land Once GRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. a1a/T1eiAL NIP and ME particular math it PURR to any edderal by 11. F•:McNALLY, General Trave111a5Aa..1. ST. ffUl.:$IMEANUS A MAMMA II.1 sty r. Pans N. Terentw,en. S. SLOANE, Hos as i end a large commute of WESTERN CORN For sew ingest adoaN, ales a lot of Camtdiasc Corn. GIVE HIM A CALL aaarri.k. Mayinum n. *Ai The the LIN Stewed society. inst., Lai du Londobc thirty 1 for itae W itted scanty. distribt mss: At Use isseyo' stat ver tell 4true c t s, 7Theeh All Wita Who'd e we Eau rent not From ti 00 The Use Ibr And pros tea Throughi talo H un a. Thereto] WithCedrs COS As the tit CHI Item th r And Mce lain Here M! toe. ♦ed Cas • roe CHI In the .s Who hat cot To wing you 1a $ lard Oita Theo kr Wheilee Yet o reit ,kit t bat cot Estites Be still Wb. The eel Thy OP Thee To sort Thou 1t T:Ot The fie awl Aad th More Ltkeal Isaw drawer .venin t ered it had lilt t We ha% drawer buy, an ns until hart d't but I re There hat. wit stock inn spools, ral tray that do prays e upon tt Some not oft[ someht Iii you lives th covenn an • eve child t, boy use up wit) only tc deo th It is the wit sparkle there. his me there i climb my pot broom knobs. I ea knife, my az. go, an came; tie bet n st wash, for lug slain v IAIT m and le AAP r team die tk It threw rtr01 liege Ca otld will t 01111m perm arimr $rid or AT They eta, par esti.