The Huron Signal, 1883-09-14, Page 7NM HURON SIGNAL, F ' ID
Fun ane Fancy..
Thu udittsr who kicked a poet down
stairs sp,loeixed to a primed who had
tows in to steal exchaugus to: eying that
he ouuldn't help It ; he he 1 :► solo for
A Waterluo infant who had been bad-
ly bitten by mosquitoes, happenin.g to
ser a lightning -bug one availing, ran to
its another declaring that one of the Moil-
quitote was lookiu• ter hint with a late
A Canadian conte ipurary asks: "Dues
Guldwin Sutith"-now stop right there,
plea s. Ooldwin wins a great many per-
sons, but when you tackle the Smiths
[uu've got a large family t•, purehese.-
Bostau Ater.
He slipped quietly in at the door, but
catching swht of an enquiring foes over,
}touseholb Hints.
l &ta ■ MEar -TL 10 pounds ..f
meat, allow one-fourth pound of salt,
one ounce of pepper, one-half ounce of
of allspice, and if liked, une-pelf ounce
of sage.
Sorr 51uL.taraa CAas, One cup of
molasses, tate cup of butter, oua cup of
sugar, one coup of uttlk, two eggs, one
teasllounful of saluratus ant four cups of
CAMPHOR OINTYaNT. --One tab.aapou:.-
ful of brandy, two tablespoonfuls 1.1
beeswax, three tablespoonfuls of sweet
oil, one tablespoonful of strong spirits of
INDIAN BREAD. -One quart of fine
Indian utoal, one and one-half pint of
wheat flour, throe piuts of milk, four
eggs. two good teaspoonfuls of baking
the stair -rail, said : "Sorry so late, buy powder, one•fourth pound of butter.
dear; couldn't get a car before." "So Critter Beer. -Four gallons of wet.;r,
the oars were full, Moo 1 said the lady, six pounds of salt, four ounces of su,.ir
and further remarks were unnecessary. and two ounces of seltpute •. Coat up the
"Wbst is that you are wearing 1" ask- meat, .over with a weak brine an 1 let
ed Farmer John of his Lair city boarder. stand 21 hours before covering ware the
"Oh ! that is my red Jersey." "All above.
right," was the reply, "but don't v.. near Yna o -u CAE& -Four Webb:erfuls of
my brown Jersey over in that fleld,unless flour, two and a half tumhlerfulls of
you are 'J"o d at climbing trees.' white sug a one tuwblerful of milk, one -
The sleeker ker wh'. t.:luded to his candi- half tuniblerful of butter, three eggs,
date as "a war horse that snuffed the ju ce of a lemon and two tablespoonfuls
battle from afar," climbed up to the of bakiur powder.
coplptatihnu room with a club after read- (iRCtt/ \1'Argaa. -Warm a .1 t inter of
ing it iu the paper as "the wall boss :1 prated .•f batter without ..die! it ;
that snatchuI the bottle from a bar.' work int, it tire eggs, one at a time,
"Well,"said a jaunty sou-in-law,l. ung- thea odd a pewter of a pound of pow
ung iu from the office a ith his fathers dared sugar, quarter of a pound of sift -
mail, "you've got a postal here from ma, ed flour, and a teaspoonful of gneind
and she says she met a cyclone." "Pity cinnamon, mixing all these ingredients
the cyclone," was the old gentleman's to a smooth paste.
crusty reply, as he jabbed his pen luta ULu it.t(HELnR'a CAKE. -One pound
tke inkstand. of tour. half p •und of sugar, quarter of
Minnie Palmer burst into tears because s pound of butter, four wineglasses of
the Edinburgh students insisted on juin- milk, half pound of Sultana raisins,
ing, in her songs when see sung them on (garter of a pound of currants, the same
the stage. No wonder. The 11.itrkeye of candied peal, quarter of a nutmeg.
nun believes it would make anybody cry two teaaptraafnl of 'ground ginger, one
to hear a party of Scotch students sing a of ciuu:seam, a.t.l one of o.rbunate of
funny song. stud*. Mix the ingredienta thoroughly
A lawyer once- said to a •couutryrnan mid bake In eitdsratte even for one hour
in a amuck -frock, who was undergoing and a hall.
an examination in the witness -box :- Cra:.SD 1VAttTLaa (SwsZT).-43ix eggs,
"You in the smock -frock. how much are one pint of flour, two ounces of melted
you paid fur telling untruth+ " "Lew butter, tend :mil one -hal cups of powder -
than e..11 are, ' was the reply. '•,r you sal 50t:,r. ouu o•.p •.1 milk,, wtu teaspoon-
wou a iu a to.,.
"Atte. '•.end shooting eon your Lulu r"
asked a !i Inter to *,farmer, "Splendid"
replie 1 the agriculturist. "There's a
dive -well man down in the clover tnes-
dow, a cloth peddler at the house, a can-
didate out in the barn, and two tramps
down in the stockyard. Climb right over
the fence, young mats, load both barrel*
and sail in. •
Pianos to right of us.
Pianos to left of tls.
Pianos In front of us.
Hanle and thunder.
Ours not to reason why.
Ottrs but to list or die,
Ours not to intake reply.
Lout we might blunder
O's. for a moment's peace.
Oh, for a sweet release.
Ok, will they never erase.
Sadly we wonder.
rocas of 1Wlisaom.
Better alone than in had company.
ful of '.ntia-es. Beat whiles and yolks
separately .gad very ati8; rub the butter
and sneer to:petite and work in llrat the
yolks, then the milk, then the tour and
whites. flake a well -buttered wafer on
waffle imps very quickly, Illuwnint at
little as possiiele. R..Il the whole h of
upon a so..aoth round stick not lar_er
than your four finger, slipping it oat
carefully *heti the cake takes the right
shape. An acceptable addition to the
ten -table. Ant]. looks well among fancy
Calces ui a basket.
FAWN' Tee CAKES. -Sift one pound of
flour on the p:utry-board„ make a hol-
low in the centre, put in half a pound of
powdered sugar, half a teaspoonful .1
lemon essence, fico ounces of butter,.
half a tablespo.onfal of sett and mix to
a•soft ainnottt paste, a.ldine the yolks of
three eggs and one gill of cream, after
. .I the butter has been thoroughly snmr-
purated with the other Ingredients.
When well mixed, let the •paste stead
for one hour then roll it out a quarter of
All days are good to good men. an latch thinfancy cntters, put the little
k, cut it iu various small
Cheerfulness is the suushinu of the shape, with'
heart. cakes on a buttered baking put, brush
thew over with a beaten egg, strew on
Tha-sks-living is the best thantsgiv- the tops Bowe chopped citron, raisins or
blanched almonds. Bake in moderate
oven until a lil'ht brown and cool on a
CINNAwo, Ctta.-Cut up half a
pound of fresh butter. and warm it till
twit in half a pint of rich.: milk. Sift a
Pound of fine flour into a broad pan,
makes hole in the centre and pour into
it the milk and butter•, having stirred
them;well to;,et Iver. Then gradually add
a large quarter of a -pound of powdered
edger and a heaping teaspoonful of pow-
dered cinnamon. Beat three eggs very
smooth and thick and stir then( in, also
a winee•lass and a half of brewer's yeast,
It is easier losing than finding a
To many words tete best reply is si-
You cannot Its vet wo mornings in the
same day.
!iA good Hama is better than a girdle of
A pennyweight of love is butter than a
ton of law.
Pride went out ..n hurseback,but came
back on foot.
Search others ter their virtues -thy-
self for thy vices. or two glasses"uf fresh baker's yeast.
A failure in a o(d cause is better than Then mix (having sprinkled some over
a triumph iu a bud one. the tope all the flour into the hole in the
centre, so as to make a Aoft dough.
Fame is sometimes the voice of the When all is well mixed cover it and set
wise and sometimes the cackling of geese. it to rise in it round, straight -sided tin
Habit is a cable -we weave a thread of pan. Place it neer the tire, and when
it every day, and at last we cannot break quite light niid cracLed all over the stir -
it. face, flour your paste board well and
place the loaf ,eon it, and having pre-
pared in a pint bowl a stiff mixture of
ground cinnamon, fresh butter and
brown sugar beaten together so as to
stand alone, make numerous deep, cuts
or incisions all over the surface on the
sides and top of the cake, till them with
the cinnamon mixture, and pinch togeth-
er so as to keep the seasoning from
coming out. Glaze it all over with beat-
en white of egg a little sweetened.
Then return the loaf to the pan and
bake in moderate oven until thorough -
Laziness grows on people. It begins ly dune. When cool, cut it down in
in cobwebs and ends in iron chains. slices like a pound cake.
The more a man has to do the more he is
able to accomplish, for he learns to econ-
omise his time.
Circumstances are like skeins of silk
or thread ; to make the most of thein we
must take then* by the right end.
He that has tasted tho bitterness of sin
will fear to commit it ; he that has tasted
the sweets of mercy will fear to offend
"I never complained of my condition
but once," said an old man, "when my
feet were bare, and I had no money to
buy ahem; lout I met a man without feet,
and became contented..
Actions are holy and good ; they at-
tend the heart when it returns to its
Creator, and they shine back upon the
earth beneath. It may be that At the
grave among' the dead we, like John,
can mark best the value of an active
krass's /paid Llghlalas.
Cures Toothache and Neuralgia quick as
flash, re'ieves any pain instantly, the
rheapeat and quickest Application known.
Why suffer with Toothache, Neuralgia,
Headache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Scia-
tica, Sore Throat or Acute Pains of any
kind when you can go to Geo. Rhynas
drug store and get a perfect and instan-
tenseas cure for 25 cet.ts. Ask for
Kram's Flnid Lightning. b
Perfect, Positive and Plesmenent are
the cures effected by Dr. Van Buren's
Kidney Cure. Relief in all case•. of Kid-
ney Disease is obtained after a few doses.
See that your Druggist giveseu Dr
Van Buren's 11ide y Care. Sold bp .1.
Wilson fioderich ffte
LADY It■a0TiPtula--Madan(, gnu can.
not make fair akin, ray cheek., and
sparkling eyes with all the e'rmettes of
France, or beautifiers o! the world, while
in poor health. and nothing will give
you such rich bkxsd,good health,strength
and twenty as Bop Bitters A trial is
certain proof.
"Why should amen whale blt'.a Is warm
Sit ke hie grandsire cut in alabaster i,'
Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and thin.
When "CntoALsat*RxwRwaR willmake
grow th.. faster. For sale by J. Wil -
an 2m
One of nue hest citizens•wnuld say to
the }public that he has tried Hall's Ca-
tarrh Cure, and it is all that is claimed
for it. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by Geo. Rhynas, s ole agent for Gode-
rich. 3to :
Says Dryden
"She knows her man, and when you rant
and swear.
Can draw you to her with a single hair."
But it must bo beantiful hair to have
touch power ; and beautiful hair can be
ensured by the use of CitmALEaR HAIR
RRNRWRR. Bold at 50 eta. ny J. Wilson
s•rleelod and Cored
A hensehold remedy that will cure
Rheumatism and like ailments, such as
Sciatica, Sprains, iaante Back, &e., has
long been needed, and an it has been
famed in Dr. Dow's Atwlean Oil Lint
men t W. A. Vvterean,Greeewootl,Ont.
writes of it as follows : "1 have been a
greet sufferer from rheumatism, and the
pain being se severe that i muld not rest
at night. Finally 1 became crippled hs
both knees, when 1 tried Dr. Dow'*
Sturgeon (hl Liniment and was cured by
it." 2
Fashion's fancies.
Tasteful curtains fur the sitting -room
windows are wade of drab anomie cloth.
Put thew up ettha centime and its the.
usual way ; then, where they pact, fit in
a piece of the cloth oil which a pretty
getup of &weirs is embroidered in Ken-
•tc (ten stitch ; the edges utay be trim-
med with fringe or with lace cr cheted
..1 linen thre,' Tie the draped fart u1
the curtains loick with uarrow bands of
Me ate cL.tb, oil which is a tine
matching the baatuet on the curtains.
Plush applique is very baudsome,doue
either inn cloth,velvet or plush, lila which
latter material it has the effect of mosaic.
Autnui leaves cut tram red and uld geld
plush in various shades, are especially
beautiful. The leaves may belied already
cut, but the leu expensive plan is to buy
the plush (an eighth of a yard of each
shade) and cut thein Tout for yourselt.
Tee button hole stitch ou the edges, and
the veining for the loaves may be done
either with silk or with gold thread, the
elk being more natural in its effect ; the
gold thread richer and more fashionable.
The pattern for the leaves is easily ob-
tainable from • ustural leaf, oak or ivy
being preferable for green leaves, maple
for the autwnu foliage.
Simply iniraculous is .11 I can say of
the effect of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney
Cure in my case. An elderly lady
writes this from Anttgouish, N. S., who
had suffered from pairs iii the back for
twenty years. Bold by J. Willem Gode=
rich. 2m
The Muse kee Ting en leeerd
l• K ac's Fluid Lightning for Neuralgia
Headache, Toothedie, lit.: It duos not
blister or discolor the. akin ; require bat
one application to huot•h all p:un magic-
ally without using auy greasy liniment
or carrying your head in a poultlou fur
weeks. Try a 25 cent bottle from Geo.
Rhy'o.s, .riteeist. b
Social; is balievin4. ltoa . the testi
mutiials in the pamphlet lit: Dr. Van
Buren's Kidney Cute. thou buy a Isoele
said relieve yoters.t'f..f all tilt*,• diNtr *s-
in; Laine. \'••',r 1).tt;Y,u eat ort! you
til about it. •+'•!ill s.yJ t`teil i aIo ielr
2i* •
141 the biuters' et es iitidee nu erepa
ranee lets rmasseud meet u tivatsal we..-
w •udetiou for the sllevuatiun it ut.rdr,
uud the penis meet cure it effects is kid -
owe diseases. ;is ler Vii Boren's Caney
Cure. Its action in these distreaasltg
o7.utplaint. is %iwepl)? wo.dderful. Scold
by J. Wilenn. 2in
CINGALLYE. - A name well k'iown in
ouuection with the Hair Renewer,which
eatores grey heir to its natural enter by
few weeks use. geld at 50 cents per
bottle by James Wilson. 2in
An Oasis in the desert is ne brighter
light to the wandering Arab than a bottle
of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure is to
the unfortunate sufferer from Kidney
Disease. It is a perfect, positive and
permanent cure. Sold by J. Wilson
Grederich. 2m
As the tr eta et winter vanish under
the caloric influence of the sun's rags,
so does Bright's Diseese, Drupay, stun -
in the Kidneys and Bladder, anti Imam;
mation of the Kidneys, leave the body
upon the administration of Dr. Van Bu
ren's Kidney Cure. Sold by J. Wilson
Te the neatest Prwtosema. Salt alt whom
1n .ay Tree.
Plusphatine, or Necre'haute a noes
phate Element bled upon Scientific
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin,
M. D. of Boston, ?if is. , cures Pulmon-
ary Cousumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo, and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseas.ta of the human
system. Phosphatine is net a Medecine,
bus a Nutriment, became it contains no
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates,
Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but sirup:
ly the Phosphatic and Cedric Elements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
is sufficiont to convince. All Druggists
sell it. $1 00 per bottle. Lownite &
Co., solo agents for the Dominion,
55 Front Street East Toronto
tlatttle.'s Armlet* Halve.
The greatest medical wonder of the
world. Warranted to speedily curo
Burns, Bruises,Cuts,,Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains,
Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all
Skin Eruptions, guatauteed to cure in
every instance, or money refunded. •25c.
per box. For ale by .1. \Wilrn. ly.
few Lire lir Vaaetbns Weakened by DI.
e.a.e. Debility lad DUslpttloa.
The Great German Invigorator is the
only specific for impotency, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain in the back or sides, no matter hew
shattered the system may be from ex-
cesses of any kind, the Great German
Remedy will restore the lust functions
and secure health and happiness. $1.10
per box, six boxes for $5.00. Sold by
all druggists. Sent on receipt of price,
postage paid, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo,
Ohio, sole rgmnt for United Stelae. Cir-
culars and testimonials sent free. Sold
by Geo. Rnynas, sole 'went for Gode-
rich. 3m :
?sMiolllue Rules.
a APT.
Paas. Xxp's. M.x'd. Mix'd
Goderich.Lv.S.LSam 12.40 poi 3.00pm 7.40 ars
Seaforth Art 1.3a4.11 9 Mt
Stratfor'ri,Ar.7.% 240 le 11.40
Pass. Rip's Mix'd. Mis'd
Stratfom).i.r12.Mpm 7.3Opni .%LAwm 1.41pm
Seaforth.Ar.i2.M1 A.42 800 4.40
GoderichAr. 1.1e 030 9.41 7.15
Lneknew Sty. tdallylarr. wiaseeett n .. dap
Rennie/sr " (Wednesday
Sad Saturday lAr.11110am.DMJI.a
week , lade M _Wpm by tis la
d',stricter. Dant Itattas sew lle-
t,•r. the t•,1MIr. Capital not nerd -
••.1. We will start von Monwo-
men. hese and gltl• wanted .very
where to work for ns Nan Is Ills lime You
can work in Spare timeor rive , whole
time tote bq. is.a 1:o hyaline= hualinwill
pay yen ntwdy so well. Mn e eras fail to
maks rowan Pay, by ta
ensag15g at once.
Cutely outfit end townie free Money roaU
fast. casuy, end honorably Address Tara it
Co.. AoR11.ta. MaAr.
Well Newa•ded.
A littoral reward will be plaid to any
party who will pnoluee a case of Liver,
Utley or Stomach complaint th;u Klee -
trio hitters will not ,;.eu.11ly cure. Bring
thew alutiN, it will roar you nothing ted
the tn:ldiclne if it toile to cure, and you
wilt be well reworded fur your tr,ublu
besides. All Blond diseases, ltilioas-
MY, Jaundice, Cousti1aiuu, and gene -
1 rel debility are quickly cured. eittisfac•
t tint :lir rantetd lir uu,uey ret meted
Pro. ,nl y fifty cents per bottle. For
[5] t
A to all nark Iasi.
10 these times whet. our neaspapers
arc do.ded with patent uudteiue sclver-
tisementa, it is gratifying to know what
to procure that will certainly cure you
If you are bilit(lus, blood out of order,
liver inactive, or : eueral debilitated,
there is uothiug in the world that will
cure you uo quickly as Electric Bitters.
They are a blessing to all mankind, and
tan be had for only fifty cents a bottle
of James Wilson. [2:1
Thousands bear witness to the tiosi-
tive cttretive powers of the GaiAr GER:-
EarMAN INVIGORATOR, the wily remedy that
has proved itself a specific for general
debility, seminal weakness, impotency,
etc., and all diseases that arise from eelf-
abuse or overtaxed brain, finale) ending
in consumption, i.iitnity and a ptetna-
ture grave Sall by till druggists, .i
will be sent free on receipt . f $1.110 per
tux, lir six luxes for $5, Address F. J,
CH■Nltl', Toledo, Ohio, lame _gent fir
the United Stater. Send for eircelar
and 1e t menials et genuine cures Geo.
Ithyu•a►, Go`lecioh. 3111
C.I Pi1'A - - - 01f,000,OJ0,
SURPLUS. - - - • Notte.000.
Goderich Branch.
D. GLAN"Y - - • .- - 3L.:rt.,o ,
enema on deposits. Crafle. tote.
of uresln and circular nut,. pa%tt1,
to all porta MMus world. 173I.
Paul tap Capital, $6,000,000.
.Rest, - - 81,400,000.
President - itteX. /F'.Y J7edldSTER
General Manager, _ 11'. h. .G.114011./
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROSS, - - - - Mexat.Ck.
Interest allowed on deposits Drafts on a
the principal Towns and CUT... in Canada
¢rest Britain and the United States. bough
and sold. w+10 Fariu••r-, "tee. eat, tort
more cu•:ur.rre, w.I L,u ..,urtgace. V 1 3
Chrystal & flack.
TO 511L: tlEN an 13_ILr WELL MEN
New DOil.klt.: and hAALIT PANS manufa•
t tre'1:,n . i.,rtest notice.
All kinds of Rut air.(. executed under the
penogal snporvia!un of 1!:e Proprietors wed
Prig! 2l
P.O. 13..i 106
$600.00 Reward.
We will i,ay the ah ora -rwar.l fur any tate of
Liver C.omelette. I)ysp•pai t S:ck Ileadaehe.
Indigestion, Constlpic mu et. (.etse,tut e we
cannot enre with We -:'s Vegetatde Liter
when the directions are s+ nett :. ani pl led with.
They are pu cly Ve_,t •rahle. owl n :. r fall to.
give et, ia action. HumC,,atcd 1...r. i•
confetti ny 34 Pik YS c.rnte. For • by all
Drugg wM. 11•:ware of counterfeit. •t, •1 :)ll:'
Mono. The Rennin.. manufacture'. oily tic
JOHN C. WEST a CO.. "('be I'M `.fakers.'
81 and 81 King St. East. Toronto. Out. 1-rrl
teal package sent by mat prepaid 02 re. elp'
of a 3 ren; !tamp.
F•,r sale s1 1: tL+4O. S tlfCC .TOPE.
Ilealth is Wealth!
Mawr, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dix
*inose, Convulsions, bite, Nervous Neuralgia,
Headache, Nervouttss Prostration caused bp1he
use of alcohol or tobacco. Men-
tal Iteprosslon, Softening of the Brain. result
ing to Insanity and leading to miser', decay
and death, Premature ((Id Age, Barrenness.
boss of Power In either se x, Involuntary ieosses
and Sprrmatorrhrra, caused by over-exertion
of the brain, self-abuse or over -indulgence.
One box .vlll cure recent canes. Fath box con-
tains one month's treatment. One dollars box,
or six boxes for five dollars ; sent by mall pre
paid ow rooelp of price. We guarantee sex
buxea to cure any cue. With each order re-
ceived by na for six boles, ace lauded with
Ave dollar*, we will "end the purchaser our
written guarantee to refund the money if 111.
treat:neu,t don not rfreet a cure. Guarantees
la.aet1 only by J lean WIL*YN. sole author•
teed agent fn1'Gslerieh. tint. JOHN l' WEST
sale proprietors. Toronto Ont.
aro annnellf robbed
of their'- ietems. liven
prolonged. happiness'
and health restored
hr ter nor of the great
chi. -h pealhl.Iy and perntanent y (urea Du- tessad by excesses of any kind,(
M.s1.1 gMMtaaas, and all diseases that fol.
low as a liequesee of nape Abuse as Inas of en
ern. Itis. .t memory. oetterswl I*.altnde.
pals iw the hark, dinner et . itempr.rna-
tare cid are. and many other dis.ea.. that
Wad to Insanity or ennsnmpttun amt a pro.n.a-
turr scare.
Bes.d for circulate with reefImmntats free by
m�all The t*5leee IT*, le sold et $1 per
box, or Ms boxes for $5, by all druggists, or
will he sent free my nal(..•.cnrrll .eale4, on
ve.etpt of price. b1 soldrea*ing
F. J. CHENEY. droners,.
187 fawn.mlt fat. Toledo. Okin
Ode. Rntw AO,
iflole Agent tar GNerteb
TIIAit i.:....,:l.ciaf
_•aa- . .
L,r e11 and seals, Male and Yeah&
\'.watt v1) curet Ner% out:. r.s in all Gs stare*
\fuck Memory,toga .lf tftvin Poorer, Sr-rwal
Proalrution, %ipA1 Stomata, S,per.satorrisa,
Lrtatr,r-Ape, Itu.Trwseaa, Sentinel Weakness
U ad tit sacral Lou of Power. It repairs
.%rrrous Neale, 1frJ. rewales the Jaded b.etel-
Let, at.retdArne tMj 11gfeebled thein, and Ile-
afur..r..rrpprui,iii ear uta( the F:r-
Mau .A • (4ae,itire Grp*...... 11'tth each or.
der for relit -Yr; peekegra .rt•..n.paaied with
tive dull+rs, we will send our Written nue:-
anto "Ida
A rho u oneyy, if the t at meat
doenut t a cure. U is the l'bea tabs
Meet Alerllelne la the market.
Lat'Fuil particulate an our pautp',le . u Well
we desire to marl free to any address.
Mark's Magnetic Mrdlwlae ie wild by 1 true -
el 5•.. .0per box. or I9 boxes for Pi. or
w,h b, (tailed free of postage, on receipt of the
leAtY's IIA07!
4'Itulwor, careen
Sud in floderleh, by JAvr.% N'tLl44011. alaJ
all Dr tswls.s yen where 1102.1t
q `.
Y D�
,.esst Yfl»P:,3 ,.SISI
and l a:.l .
HQand ' . ; S :res. �
CAlITlON. Ask tri•.•• ere, C't c '
nine's Sarsap.^-riila.r"- take •
n:E1er in Its place. If year Dr,_
els: has none In rook, re'.
hl-.: ca send for It.
u 'ol'ow;r.�, oh.easrc
Mitre nant:Itm,
by phi Sit',
halt I.Ireuw.
sears 3 and
E1 ='T D:=:As s.
1 :t1..E, ONE
rt'rry Nevis* tea A' :
Selt ;air .
INOORPOYAr1 DA... . 1871.
Intending borrow,rs will col sul : th eir est In
tateste b, examining the advautaxuuus •rte,
oAbrs-' �' this 2' •^k -ty, bt (e.•' going ..;e -
Po: n acs ill interest, total tables and : u-ther
µarticulare, apply to
('nuc icb
Gone -rich. May 17th, 1883. 1891 cut
BRITISI Abd. Co'Y, TOSONTO- ISewbllshe
HARTKOlttl INS. Cu•Y, "1 HANTP' t r . Coon
- Este C:shed 1810.
Risks taken 2...he above newt elms l:n'ras at
the lancet rates by 110RAC.2: HOB N.
The unclenitypied 1+ also GppNr•iii r tartar
(' 'Nt IIA 1'117 LO.t!:evuLA%', k- t'o'y
T To.
Money to Loan on first-class security. em
7 to 8 pt•r fent.- Charges u oderatc.
I oo.ter'll Stpt. 10. 1*80.
11 11 1..t, atebis t. ,bafnrtx.eeitsyQ ey._Sddff
Ind aro •
aomnnethiavng bm1mtytoa14 o ngsaYaht
�: time. $86a week inr our own
tot. a ;3 outfit free, No risk. Ever. thine
nc.v. Capila! nut romp -d. We alit furnish,
you everytl In'. Many arc u•akh'g f••r:unc.
Ladies make as much as men, anti lar) a and
girl" make great pay. Howler. if yin want.
betimes, at which you tars make t rent pay all
the time. write for particulars to ILL LIALLSTT
term.. Portlan;, Main
flrady'u Spe iu� ru, i:lIl�t
TRADE !1.1RKTn1:D1: Y: (.I:t:Aa.tTW- rIasi MARK
M\DLaell fit
failile: tee
" `.*.eil1dl
I en u.p..:
d.4.y, une! ail
,• Ake'
fu''r : -.
Weil 0" 4. then,, •:.►.Ir 6sh(R TAMS,
i:51,... . • sw 1 r u i1ca err. 1',I,:.:: , . „ �sul-
in.•.0 a Ra.k. 1' r ','i•.on.
. .• t .... e, 5144 11.111» i o lac*
. tier ur.,.t•.nn,., rrvl►
Y•n11 1• •.. It,'., i. -u slur
L M :re re by
Or. 't)e• Yt«, ,-.+ , -re
-. ,)''1pe int -,..r. -r Ns
r .� 'Ire lit 1 , :.. aril
i I.1 ii,C. CO.t ,, .Oka,
, ... 1'. I. by Jas. 1
E o:t1t t t 16, 1. r +3 Nei' u .rt me a
& n,. 11,t.o t.,,.
r:aw rc.t,a'. •,e 1171).. {1':
elecae u. a itun Na aloe.
la0 i. tr,y+ c d girt, to WWI 11
•.an loaldleo .51)tn• tat. .e• at
tg•:1) from the fiat s nr. 'l e I e
ray more ll...... . ,.12.51. old.( 0 •
twos, s.• •oath furni.i.ed fir Cor
"'11:".. full.: , utaLc un: Ley I 1 •':
getter }our ulnae (lie to 11 N .
your .pare eine nit. Full to
- Iall tlmtiap •lat)sent it••
.,t1OY'd• Co. 1 ort hind. Jlo;ne
`-:1 haMjaw��;.. ere -'fit.,.
• •N�r .rptge
at re". • r • 1.- t
• Ex-
. ii
SOLD BYALI. %lr4, f -HS
J:l'e. a.I: a ins
Are pion -1. n: t 1.,. i e t.t..ia their, en
Purgative. is n ar.!e, n:rc, en i tree 'sag
d..trorrr ••1 worms In C1 il4r: a e Adult&
rs:;ef ,r etc ••^ .t-, ..• rir
I: lel retan''t
ICimemminmeenet e reeesit a
tib �a0 5asot -
'sl IteeonruenJt:J by i't!Melonl.
C tri N's -
Catarrh of the Ili* 1! ,ashy- tvonrc ant ifirso tltlal
''ltarh of the tar. Lys oe hrnatt, It Is tear
INfEPNALIY, ami sett IRECTLY ,,;es
titBlood and Mucous Surface of th,
rystem• It Is the be 't Blood Peri:,or
It th. WORLD, and le w.,rth All
Mat Is charged for it. for
THAT atone.
'elf rd
e 1 4 TI.'A• %KART
S I 00 W. his: t:y :0512 Q� i Iw
Ct•. : w,a tet Cart .7, . /J0
sus r..att�e.s
.....4 t AST), Ont., Jlareb 21,
lay tLtl, .•• - woo trou::.e 1 w:ch stare&
for two year., "lid Was -:e'ry nNinh bow 411$sd bl
Un. us"of"Hr.l's t.-.'.t.u1 ..urs' aha N sow
about :.brei. W. T. HOt111s,
Wriaa,DD,, On•., 1f::r'b?7, Irl!2.
1 hers used " Hah'a'Catan •i Cum," •h.l Ada.
Ina from the goal nasalis I derived iron --•e
bottle. believe 11 *'11 emm 'eta most stubborn
ass. of Cwtarrl . t. eaa be rnnttanw4 for a
reasonable length of time.
WrLLAnn Ont. March In eaa.
t. J. C.essT t Co.. Toledo, O.
newt. -Haus wild Hall's Casirrh Cur« far the
Iasi lest. and It gives entire SsSlsfaetica.
Y.'urs trot
H. W. HOi1:loN, Draggles.
Hall's Car.arrh Cure
'• M by all Wholesl. and RMall Dr.. .Ip
sad Dealers In Path ,t K-Ilelass 1s
us. cattail ttail !sass. out Canada.
1 i1CI.
1 COMB a Bottle. $8,00 a ./s
The rally pant.. Wall's Catarrh Cur.. Is man-
ufactured by F. J. CRRNEY a 00. Tondo, O.
1 .■mewl,+ ot Lala. ..
Bottled fir obs (loiarti trader by
H. W.
HOBSON, Welland. tTeatl•d. Hsr Pay. l.irbtd. Ont.
1%'er0t Constant eta -0, ymer
or Capital Mani Janke l.aa 4 • -n
'real (Jneb.e•
17E01.(i$ 11.11', '