HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-09-14, Page 5rat HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, 6E111'. 14, !1W 5 THE EARLY FROST. laeehe. $he Lase sesrtable.. macho neat sed t lever Crewe Daraae tet reps 1,1 t aaada and 14 I tilted Mute. The Landon A 1rertiarr on W.dn do m•,rninst oontained the following tipMal despatches regarding the recant frrn :- Tv, ssDAY, Sept. 11. Lucknow-The fent u Sunday night killed nearly all the tomo les and grape - tines in this section. fe l and etl,ter hes also suffered by the fr(tst.but to what eetent it is difficult at.preaent ti 4 Stratford -The plums un tt trees, ae grapes, and alae toinat.s are 1y in- ;uted. The damage has been awful. Clinton -Corn is the pril..i.alern, do- i4royyed by frost here. Clover bad beep blighted previously. All the late gar- den I roduce has been injured. This will apply to the county generally. (;rapes in certain lucalit:us have also been de- stroyed. Goderich-The frust has killed buck- wheat and badly injured seed clover. The injury to grapes was slight. The isrowth of late corn has been checked. The frost was more severe inland, the lake having a beuebctal influence upon this immediate neighborhood. The dam- age by the frost on the whole is not suf- ficient to cause alarm here. More anxie- ty is expressed regarding the generally backward state of the season. Unless very favorable weather prevails many varieties of grapes, tomatoes, and even plums will not fully ripen. Sstaforth, Sept. 1O. -A severe (rest here last night completely destroyed all warden stuff and corn. The plums are seriously injured. Vit. Catharines, Sept. 10. -The frost of Sunday night was severely felt in this vicinity and (lid an incalculable amount .•f damage to corn, tomatoes, cucumber and other vines. It is thought many small t'ardeners will be ruined. Chicago, Sept. 11. -The 7ribu1,• spe- cials says another and more severe frost settled down et.rly yesterday morning with disastrous effects in Wisconsin and Michigan. The corn belt is practically out of danger. The damage in Illinois is the severest in the northwestern quar- ter, where August hail storms have also injured the corn. Two northern tiers of counties will nut have more than dealt n e ..p. Northern Indiana c 'unties (yet! cel a little better, Iona reports scrolls damage north of tho line drawn east and west about the middle of the State, across to Nebraska. This ts also cyclone and half belt, where the damage will be twenty-five per cent. The most serious reports come from Michigan and i \\ iaconsin, where many farmers will have to buy corn. These States probae • bly have little if any corn for Rale Losses by tho recent frosts will bo about seventy per cent. in Wisconsin and Michigan ; fifty in Northern Illinois; thirty in Northern Indiana ; twenty-five in Northern Iowa ; other sections com- paratively unharmed. COUNTY NEWS. tuned from vier Leenl Exchanges. • T.,dwarda, of the Winghaui Tiitt,s, lean enthusiastiq Cricketer. P. Brown, of East Wawauush,recently refused $460 for a team of horses. - T. Coates, of t',borne, purchased the Bailey farm on the 3rd eon for the sum of 6,650. Blyth is booming. • Ad just get his cider mill in shape. The N. P. -Mo Parings. Jaa. Daniels, north of ;Vinchelsea, was offered the sum of 1$400 for his mare and young eolt, one day recently. Ll.t of fell fair". Agricultural Exhibitions will be hell during 18K;t wt follows : Industrial- Tirol -to, Sept. 11th 1.. 2'2ud. Western -London, Oct, 1K to Silt. Hay -Zurich, till} et. 20, 21. Sour n J l urou-Eseteri ; October At is aud fit. %feat Duron -C ieticb, �ti. !Lit and 10th. Tucheryluith-Seaforth, the. sth and El 10th. Irl Stanley llaytie 1, .Ortuber lath and `1I lath. Mortis Blanch -Myth, t►ctul,er 1lth and 12th. Asltfel4-Duugsunou, Thutw,lry, Jct. 41h. a� Mr. ti. Jllurtetu, • t Guelph, has Leen a uteri st petluten.t. tit of the rocas and horticultural den r tuent at the In. dustri:d 11 bibitiou, T. vont.). .Auctioneering. TAMIES BAILEY , LICENSED AM- U TIONSI'dt for the [bounty of Buren. hav- ing enured the list. is now prepared to attend en alt orders for Auetloaeerins. Order* left at Hailey's Hotel, Ooderich, or sent by mall, promptly attended to. 1882 - JOAN KNOX, LICENSED AUC- s TIONEER for the County of lluro0. Soles attended ill ah parts of the County. Or - dere left at Martiu's Hotel or at this office will be promptly attended to. &*7-tf. W. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR . the county of Huron. Pale attended in any part of the Comity. Address orders to Goderich P.O. 1885. Tonsorial. `�T KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR HER and Halr-dresser, begato return hanks to the public for past patronsgeand a�lleits a continuance of custom. 11e can always be found his Shaving Parlor,aear l'o Of ice Ooderich. 1757 f CTIOAT SALE or' - Household Fiirll1llhie s The under,itmed has received instructions trout GI•:OIttE RICE, Etil,! to sell by 1'ubtio-' Auction at his residence. Apert street, at the end of .evegate, near the Station, at 1 p.m..on Saturday, Sept. -15, '83 the balance of hit lioueeL., d Flfrniture, con- sisting of 1 Parlor stet, 1 Parlor Chandelier. 1 Hall Table, 1 Knehen Store. t Chamber Sets. Plate,! Ware, Hanging and Hand Lamps. a large number of Curtains Crockery, Parlor Carpet, Stair carpet, 1 Marble Top •('entre Table, 1 Book Case, 1 Hall Stove, Drums and Pipes. 2 Bed room Set s, 1)iningroont Furniture. Deriding.:quttraa+es. I iron Bedstead. Glass- ware, Diningroum Carpet. Ornament,, and other ar!!cle, too numerous to mention. • N.B.-1 he carpets and most of the at titles above i entienerl are nears} nen', hay in.: liven in use but a few months. TEII-\IS CASH. H. W. BALL, Auctioneer. Ooderich. Sept. 6, .13X1. 1907.21 nmBlnrtzerhes MON COAL DEPOT R. Northey is proprietor of a two-year old colt that brought the beam up to 1475 Its., when weighed the other even- ing in W iochclsen. J. Fisher, en emt.l "-e•uf 31r..101instun of Hullett,wns kicked in the breast a fete days ago by a fractious plow and incapa- citated from work for a few days. W. Wise, of floderich township, picked s single stool of black oats. on which Were growing eight complete- heads, and -one of the, heads shelled out nearly 400 {,grainy. Rev. R. T. Treleaven, (formerly '.1 llayYield,) has returned to London to take charge of the Queen's Avenue Methodist church during the remainder of the present year. James Marten, of East•Wawanosh,had 55 acres of clover, all in one field, hut it was .1 4troyed by tlio frost of Last u-rek, He had bought a clover thresher, which will e. nseyuently be idle. This will be ,suite a loss to hint. G. C. i'elI, of Belgrave, moved to Al- goma last week, where ho has bought e mill site and other land. Ile has ship ped the machinery for it. The site is three miles above what is called "The dump on the Thctsalon river." Arch. Nickelson, of the 3rd eon. of : Morris, was watering his 'horses at the i SCjJI. Ill i to ;2211d, 188;5 Persons requiring Coal for the coming sea- son. will get it at the • Lozc'esl Rates Going By sending ia,tnelr orders now. and thus en- able• the dealer to secure It when the rate of fret, .t is low, and tie place of coal is at the cheat;.eat TOhit, whit+ 11 always is in the mid- dle el the simmer. IlL.1 CICSMITHS - Wanting a *apathy for summer and full use should apply before the middle of July. if Pos- sible. • Orders by mail carefully attended to, Write or apply to JOHN A.'NAFTEL, Hardware Merchant, Goderich. June 21. 16:43. 18111- Cauadas Great Fair! T11 -' NBT I0INT gL POSITION Of Live Stu( lc, kgriceltu'al and industrial Piodecte. Mftrc Arta and Ladies' \York. ti.'..&e. 'TORONTO, pump one day last week, w'Itettztne cif them +aught him with its teeth, bildaft The Procreates* of Special Features and him on the cheek, and inflicting a gash Novelties will be the best yet presented ly this Association. that will take Pomo time to heat. IMae Lists and Entry Forms can be obtain - Geo. Godhe,lt sr. of Usbexne, was at- ed from the Sec,ctarles of all Agricultural 80- + +ietle. and Mechanics tnatit ince, or they tacked a short time ago, by a vicious hog be sent anywhere on application by poet and received such injnrt,s that he has to the Roor•etat1 et 14ronto. riot been able to do any work sim e. We EntMes rlwsld be glade et once. on glad t.. say that he Is d,rng «.•il, til- Cheap Rates and Excursions though his arm is pretty stere yot. on all Railways. Jaa Gillespie, "f Blyth, has the job of gravelling the road between Morris and Wawantesh at Mehl per var,l The reeves W A I T FO E. I T of loth municipalities were present at II. J. HILL the letting of the contract. The work Manager and Secretary. .111 (•,.etimenr- at ltelgrave. alai) is to J. J. WITBROW, be spent. President. 1900 -td 8. Harrington, 4f Myth, on the ..cat- sion of his removal to Clinton, was pre- sented by friends with a gold ring, s watch chain, a silver parka, holder and a nest pin lire a net truing to run a jewe'ery store Pry greats, whit Pay & Wiseman, is his field. A dispatch to the daily repent eon- crrnin_ the Toronto -Guelph same .,f WS•IRurrAilk . ire. beset -mil. says "this is the first time the en arena Ki.lnef cure. Leaf. have been beaten this year. This statement is incorrect. The Clippers, of ttrnaarls,beet the Maple L••afs,nf Guelph, in Brussels about three weeks ago. A esnine cemetery has hem estst,liah- ee1 on the lot in the rear of the town hall hat we are of the opinion that it in not a deairshle plate to deposit the rernatn■ of end the practice ought to he stop. The al illation of the proper author - ales is stalled to this matter, --j Wingham Times Tire Best Thar to 7I.11 the etty of Termite. WILSU N'$ Piiescpi1ou 1)r'ii g SI Ol e IIs11'a 1 •atarrh C are, (-inmates, Hair Renewer, Crowfoot Indian slitters, Warner'. Nrrviae. Kings New liecovery. Fowler's krtr.et of strawberry. Try NSHVILiNF, the new Pala Remedy - OW sal beetles. ler. DiAMON'H1) DYES, BEST IN THE WORLD. 100 PLR PA.0 AO' . omml y B 0 0 0 v O = ca 0 -I Z � 0Q C3 E z 0 op •c•I! Amy W W W zzz t!1 rwicta 724 Private School,' "The Cheapest House Una :ir the Sun." iaODZIRI01-3. _ot ��rmatsljt;rl N r..l, it : N14iLi,yp:IION � _"���' Vari ty- t...ore i "edJsr.tlay, Ai(.1/1. e)I/L. AM ltraarh.•s ..41 provided 1. t•. Souriai at- teylWs;suitor ill. a:..o1rc.l:atiou. t di,.7 .1/ e'2' . !'; 4//Vfo . e. "n 1'., - partieutara, app!) to P. 7. F'. 1 Street. } U±detleb, Aar. 8 1.. try^ iJe t i asp BITAT c4-131.Ivr'S G'� PRESERVE KETTLES, FRUIT JARS, FLY TRAPS, BIRD CAGES, REFRIGERATORS. AND0lII2 t -F:ATONABLE GOODS Steven and Tinware test .i ret•t, next door to the Larded stuck iu tut. ll. J lltb, Las, • THE 1EOPI41's STORE. . ti.. • „ I t.,... , Godetrieh to hold a PIC -NIC Bartains in . -)r� ! 6/NGh'A141 'S NURSERY t S adjoining the grove. will supply any quantity of choice flowers at reasonable rates. Houynets, Cresoesand other Floral Ornane:nts made to order. E. BIN C+I-TAM. Oodcrich, July 5. PM. IMN.L1 North Welt Traosportetiu Cry Ip !Thy ,4t t r: r. The Cheapest, Most Comfortable and Pleasant Route TO ALL POINTS' IN TILL' GRE.4T ORD IJ Fr•E,-'T is ric the Steamers of the North West Trans- portation Company, one of skillet will, weath- er permitting, Leave narala Every Tnr.day t Yrlday %1RRht, on arrival of Grand 'l'runk Trains, e'ALLIA41 AT GODEll[(11 Vic F'OL• LOWI\t( PAY, fqr 1'rinc9 Artluira Tnndtng, bulu:.t,anti all tennis snMae itoba,31ititie )tit, Dakota aud the Emil; West. - t3PHICI1'`L. The Steamer "MANITOBA" will lea t rich. weather permitting. every t •n 1•ue.dava and Fridays, •alttrnat.• tar Kincardine, Southampton. Sault ,.u. Miuhi {rcotin, Pre Nttc0n,n, S!•,;r t and Thend'r flay. F'or further information as td rate., . ;;ply to N 51, I.EE. Goderich, or to JaAb1ES II. 13EATTY, General Manager; Sarnia. June 7th, 1883. 1$J.."m C 2 rn 1•••-4 rm•-i 1:4 wrnE.1 V�'�WW tglOcibv�W cd 014 4e4 wwww zzz�� - CilLT III 1E1.61 RHEUMATISM, Sci< pelta, Neuralgia, Lame Back, Lumbago, Contracted Joints, Cramp in Muscles, Sprains. BEST HORSE LINIMENT. /n Larger Beflksafc. Feta. J. W. BRAYL}I, MIQHTREAL, P.Q. SCROFULA -'EE t'111 -U. - A FINE LINE. • .1,;111.O.1" GEXUI.VE I':1ST COLORS AT 0 AND 10 CENTN PLR YAM). Tiil: 1'EOPLF:�-'1'nRE. (:slcrteh, July math. 1"0.° Cot:. .,; -'r .'. I-. .L1 i' r !WARE. .:...i DRESS GOODS SALE. THIS MONT- A T t DETLOR & CO S :HE. R-M1.L:LXD VALE M.tNI t'at el:1:1NO t;tl.:S E[ARVEST TOOLS, AIIE EQ,1;AL TO THE BEST iN THE MARKET • 7o/in A. Naftel Has nein in 1 ..lt l: v Class 111, Forks (boy's care,, 20c., men's size, from 'toe. and . pwarl. Harley and straw Forks,, Smythe§ (new pastern), and Smiths. Ciadlcts and Cradle $ty thee,•llar .. _.late, c.c. 31se_tlino 011,frutn23c.upto21.00agal. If • cant PERFECTLY PURE W 1-11.TELL* Ll' JOHN A. NAI•TEL has it. guaranteed w bythe u . 1. (e:. of 1230 tut esch.ounce rf adulteration•found in it. 1f erou.ba, I o 1 •: ut Lady for immediate use JOHN A. NAFTF.1.lute it, the best In it-,., C+UTTAPE .CHA 3?AIl\TT, .waers•;ted'fo contain nothbtg bit Pure White 1,.-;d nod l lip in.b ne i w,f11 r'uttaperehaand oxide of Zinc, til for is nt JOh ld �. I�AFTEL'SC Her._ ire .'Emboria r. G aIerlch. July 1::, t� + and all acrofnlons diseases, Sores, Eryalpelas, Eczema, Blotches, Ringworm, Tumors, Car. buncles, Bolls, lend Eruptions of the Skin, are the direct result of an Impure state of the blond. To core these diseases the blood mtut be puri- fied, anti restored to a hesathyand natural tlon. ArER'S SARSAPARILLA hat for over forty years been recognized by eminent medical au- thorities as the moat powerful blood latrifler In existence. it frees the system fmm all foul hu- mors, enriches and strengthens the blood, removes all traces of mercurial treatment, and proves 14 self a complete master of all scrofulous diseases. A Recent Cure of Scrofulous Sores. "Some month. ago I was troubled with scram lout sores (nleerst on my legs. The limbs rets bdty swollen and Inflamed, and the sores dis- charged large quantltlee of offensive matter. Every remedy i trier) failed until I needAerie@ i$a5.A r AR,LiA, of which 1 have now taken three kettle.. with the result that the aorta are heal and my general health greatly improved. 1 fee very crateful forth. good your medicine hes done nes. Yours reapeetfully, MRs. ANN(J'KRtsa." 1M Sullivan St., New Fork, .lune 24, Itl.2. itir 411 persons Interested are Invited to rail on M re. O• lleten t also open the Re.. Z. 1'. Wilds of TR Fast 14th Street. New work City, who will take plesaere In testifying to the wnnd,•rful efficacy of A is 1anaparil- 1a. not only In the rare of ts10 lady. bat In 115 own ease and many others within his knowledge. The well-known rem/erne Me Rosen,' Hemld, H. W. 11'.11,, 02 nor ?wader, N.N.,wrttes, June 7, 15yt: „ Having suffered severely for someears with F. -Tema. and hering failed toiled relief other remedies, I have made tae, dureog the past three months, of a% ries RAasAPARrl.r.t, altlswileh hsa eteraromp!, mare. 1 ematder II a megnll- ssat remedy for all bl..ul di.ea.e.." Ayer's Sarsaparilla sigmn:ates end regnl.trs the *e•tin5 of the di- gestive and arimlletiva swan., renews and strengthens the vital Corer, end speedily entre lalenmatlsm. Xewrole*, Rhenenatle Rent, search, General TMMllty. and all dlaeares mflsIng from an Impoverished or corrupted condi- Wa of the blood. and • weakened vitality. it is ineomperablr the ehaapest Mood meMeine, sun accent of its 'nneentratod strength• and great power over dew.. 1'R►rAR►t+ PT Dr. J. C. Ayer h Co., Lowell, Mase. Mold hr all ferntgis,a; pries 51, N. bottles for Il& `:' Chicago House, ii Il E;t 3ii,t'.'.it:'r if: oF £.t$l1ION: F01' E W 1.11.141: E I1 t XP Al I\'DS. A cheap iir.,e in T ri meted liar s n Sp:. l A 'I •' ' close , .cess Makincr Estabil hoc nt • •carve'on!neennectio1 •.. , zl lit;;:,carr,• ,t eau got hat: ti. J. Wfl.K.IN'3ON. i:IOMM MAINT 'LT F'.ACTUF p 1\T 0 .76 J -61 3SII3E]RC11-1A1\7T T._ITLc NORTH -STREET, NEAR THE SQUARE, G01 RICH. IN'ILL IiCI:\fill o!t ':AKE 1,P( - cuts' Clothing in Fashionable Styles 1+ Lowest Prices, : 11:tali r[MEKIII:\ei. I Twin A aPf4'LILTY. (RERR8t'T INT W:A$AJITRE14. ORDER1 P1te11PTI.1 AITI:\t►r'.li To. It eine TUE AYD88en, PHILO NOBLE, NORTH-STRE,F,T, GODRBIOH, I3EEDS1 A_ 'r 'r I-1 ID 1t.2191DICAL i311LL Jt(IT REC1•;1VSU A LARGE AND VARIED tiToCK OF is Ill11-1 GARDEN, FIELD, AN D FLOWEII, SEEDS trout one of the most Reliable Meed Warehouses M the DO.IInasa. 1'f 111 SALE BOTH IN BULK & IN fACKAGES P. 3O11DIATT, Chest sad Druggist , 2.tl81DIOAL 23ALL_ G+G1y]�RIOH_ IT '=CS i33:30R Where are yon coming (rim with that RPM tuff of ,e.eela t Why. 1 hnvc ;not been to R_ PROTTDPOGT'S, The Cheapest and }fast !tellable Store in town. why. yen IUD GOOD TE.! P1W.1I 10e. TO 8()r. PER POUXD HIS SUGARS AND FRUITS CANNOT $* samr. its2 int tad (lh. my ! If 1 en n,.1% cnn!.l tee the Bargains in Faotories and Fla tuisla. i0 fact nverrthag ono wants ;n hi. Ilse le , heaper and be ter than I ran got anyw1.5 it