HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-09-14, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY SEPT. 14, 1833.
AL J.itnee Bethune, Q,C., ►. met through I NEWS AIiOOM
ME. Alex. ortoa was uavuimouslyeleetsd
r u!' John ,uo Shicldr and the other oeut-
( __ wheel truster fur St. PAtrtck a wa;d on
Ls published every Friday Mor•tng. b) 11'. a "Achiol'sr ye. teals' Saturday last to r.,+wD
.f . i'ereuaon.
art.uOODus arta.., at tarts Utlee, North et lours . i Lae �luakuka Kang. IC is quite Au' faith halt preat It." i re,uuv e..1 from town. Mr, Mortoa wit!
of the riquarel p„essnulu that the redoubtable John will make an eicellent tie/etre.
(It/HERD-3H, (ONTARIO. ! ere Long have ansopportunity of getting TOWN TOPICS. Mr. White ba\ retired fr••ui tt.e libra-
Aad is despatched to all parts of the surreuaa . his deserts from the ^.,urts rtatsabt 1 the Alecl:aaia luatuute, and
syr country by the earl'eat malls aad trains. New York Bazaar patterns, all new stvlasat Y "
by general other newspaper
U has a burger , Irrt of
Imrle'.book +Wro. ha been replaced trwpuranly by Hugh
ton than any other new•s{r{,t•r to this part of SrJ„It„11:►cduttald will lace the Youn4l,adles Juuru futrOctober and Feast. Hawiltuu. . Ir. White t..uud the post
the country, 4 1s one n the raciest, nestalest ty lfern d ter Septra. r fur rata at Mark's twat too c•+,uuu, eet 1.his health.Ontarioand most reliable journals in Ontario music at the Leu•W
're' election trio] at bunk sre• riubn;n rs naive twtrived•
possessing, a it does, the foie -going essentials Prompt delivery guaranteed. Everything wean wit time. Thurnd being (n addition tort. above, a first-cl•s. Napanee on the 10th (Jct. Whet if oho James &Sunders a tion wants tutus, crab p
family stud fireside paper itis therefore a apples and pears, and pa the h est prices
moat d
desirable arerfia.ay iamb it M. right honer:61e gentleman should bo dis- flick and handle carefully, as t e) bring • Ireosmagan in the It, C. church oil Sunday
• mute, when it was found that
Tsars.-$t.s0 la advance, postage prepaid qualified 1 After the innocent (1) Fau higher price when properly handled. 1 apart of the instrument had broken. The
py ublishers; 91.75. If paid before AI wapitis l You can preserve Oil lbs. of fruit, C0011110410. small or Kao was subahtutrll for vtts-
si.8o if not ,w paid. This rule will be steed), quiet getting the full penalty of the elec arc. with a package of the American fruit pre -
enforced. tion low indicted upon him, the servlay wder and liquid. with or without Pere.
RATIO' or ADvaa7lslxe. Right cents pe P° sugar. Por sale at jmrte's Gook Store. Jawee Clarke, tug .•toner, was in town
Inc for first Insertion ; three cents ppeer line tr I catkin of the ratan whn delights to allude lip at Lueknow they sing. 'a wee amp nirr last week on tie tugs. er, ripen. the
each subsequent insertion. l"rarty,ball-yearly ``]] o the whu+key,u !• But own bore intaadt-
and yuartcriy contracts at reduced rates• to himself as the "old fox" would not etch when •uyboGy wants to t the purest tug Jatueu Clarke as dui•r, splendid w, rk
son rttYT/Vs:.•• \ e have stlso•flnt clan previa a surprise to anybody. thing i tore. »they go to \ L. Ilortaa s un the Georgian floor. She is fast aud
Jobbing department in connection, and pew/woo-
e /woo- liquor areae. coin[urtablr. Mr. tarke was as brown
iug the most complete out -fit &•dbest tacilitirs Among those detained by stress of business
t.r turning out work la Ooderlck,are prepares from attrnding the Lucknow Caledonian as 0 bet.
to do business in that line at pekes tbat cannot The detested Tory candidate at the games waaeattowe tbcUoderich p:wto.fraDh The crayon portrait u[ Dr. 'C:a)lor,
psnrpasasd 'Tsrwa(ra1► ty that cannot he East Huron local election, Thu.. H.►)'tt, cr. The .toady pantronago bt i loo. S rices
him keeps st a close to the bridle, and he
from the clever hand of Miss Nettle
- — _ -- - has sued Mr. Pullard, one of the deputy hate.; to to disappoint his patrons. i nn.l +.•e Seetniiller, is much admired.. It is on
FRIDAY, B$PT. 14rst returning-officers,has work.
Itl;Rll- return•n -utfi for 8'-00 for own -cosi- tlshibitiou at Sauuden Son's, e
"Who sandbagged Courtney r is a yuc■tiun rdsemWal:ce is striking,Sal the finish
pliance with the section of the Electio.0 who. h has not yet been answerer!, holt ail ad-
I1 PERATIVE CALL. Act requiring tho poll to bo'k. t open graphs.
(i. k thtsHobseyn takes styli.h photo very artistic.
cl g 1 P graphs. Ile kept fair eiesopcn on i;.a recent Mos. 11 deem Martin and famil , if
bet we'ea nine a m. and tire p.m. The trip .Solt, and willgb a his patron. ups benefit
of MI experience. His cabinet pictures are Manitoba, armed au Goderich On tq r•
given that all grounds of action are that the deputy re- last the thing.” day, to visit her parents and friendl,stid
Notice 18 herebyNow that wood is getting so dear, coal
turning officer in question closed the poll stoves will be iu demand. and Saunders &tion will imuteaiateh• proceed, tit British Cu -
overdue stllaicription, printing, and for half an hour on election day, and ad- are getting in a stock of first -claw coal steres. lumina. to join her busbsnd,who intends
It/lt'ertl!IlIler accounts exceeding bate burners and cooking stoves. of the most residing there.
journed with the poll clerk and scrutiu- improved pattern. Intending purchasers
should get prices before p g. "The We regret to learn that Mn. Robt.
two +loltars not paid by Septets- errs for dinner. Motion to strike out Chcapeat'louse Under the dun.” Henderseu is down with an attack of
lir "anti, 1883, will be hantlttl to Part "1 the statement of the claim ars Mia Amelia Tether i. at Windsor. typhoid fever. We understand, however,
emtom`bar ng was adjourned until to- Dr. McLean has not tired of his 'bike' that it is a mild type of the disease.
Me.,sr. (harrow & pr0alelfalt, soli_ day. yet She had just nursed her daughter safely
Citors, for collection. Mrs. Humble, of Brussels, ie visiting —through an attack.
No other notice of nn�' kind friends here. S"me half drunken blackguards in-
,. sarreretrtse7 A� rresldett. dulgeti in a free fight just in front 14 St.
Andrew's ward school on Monday even-
ing, about .even o'clock. A night in
the cooler would have taken a bit r.1 the
".punk" out of thew.
ljute idea , f the within of cls
ereo returned this week hum their trip Nlorth west Territory of 13 Imola nosy be
SI. C. Cameron, blip., and Mrs. Cam-
scr.oss the Atlantic. They made a long tunn:d fr"ne the f.,e rt,;tr .1 the two
Allier -
continental l tour, and, ore understand,
Registration districts into rhie'1 Alfie
hada pleasant journey.
Mr. Cru Bron to has leen divided, one contains
will be in prime oeadition for knocking 000s uern Soles, anal the „gigot 644
the poetitiuuer out at the coming eleotioa a4ttare miles. And Alhe eta is elite one
trial. t{e laughs at the idea (of being of four prodsiunel Ter puri at di,rr cts in
. the No hwust.
Harem or Tttwxa IS ON hate.—The Ott 1 leiesday, Sept. b h, a small b ey
altitude of certain
on towusiu this Provisos uuwsd arry Colo,who resides with Mcertainabove the levelf the sea is as follows;-- Rid° t,Clinhahwet with u hist accident.
lianie, 779 feet ; GuderieNl 715 ; Belle- He and a evna]'auien were riding u horse
cillo, 307 ; Hatsultun, 323 ; Pembroke, witho41:y bridle ur other attaoiiiii int,
400 ; Peterboro, 028 ; Biome, 3010 ; shin one throw ii stick at it, came.Stratford, 1,182 ; Toronto, 3494 Wind- ing thase to wheel, suddenly. lith
stir, 020. It will surpries some to Isai'a buys were thrown ere, Co!„ dislic.at411
that Stratford 1.407 feet higher than and ale., bs , ikatg his lett arm. Ho ha 1
to bo put eerier tit; iu !meal: of chi .: u
a Cluc••� e.,ok in the Detroit art tz "u tv have it dowsed
lt► exbibitiou l+ut work. He sale bole Iu a white oak e..r ht; over three feet
a big thing, but out likely to phone a in diameter, which was .awed up in
fitaucial Success. There is a $10,400 Sauer Baird RI -ethers' saw cull at
picture of the Jeiuette iu the Arctic Platteville, one dry lately, a too inch & Baird
seas, bel(onginit to J.twes G°tda,a Belt oak pits was fouod,and that piunet] again
nett, that conies pretty well up the pie witk a I pin, the whole had again been
ture of the United Empire p'eint.'d by overgrown with solid wood 5 iucees It
our talented local artist, must hate been put in a g ml many
years ago. The hole was hared with .a
THE GLEE CLUB. pot suitor, the point showed very' plain
__ yet. The true we,+ cot on the firm of
hwte.tre ammeter.
Winds ■p wvttt • rsesentatlea se w. O. Thos Bund, ..f Btan.li rd.
1Vm, Huw!ey, a fenuar living near
SLarbut lake, being int( :Mated, lay
During the summer mouths a Somber
41,,,u en the railway tick to sleep,
of our lovers of musto have met every When be Stool's from his drunken stupor
Monday evening at the private residences he ,,,rased his right raw which had been
of members In the capacity of a cut Offnear the shoulder and whirled
Klee Club, and spent rho time over ,wine distance away, He walked two
the scores of popular music of the better ,miles to his home and is now in the
class. The club held its tint meeting Kingston hnpital expected to die.
in the parlor of 11. S. Willisms, of the
One day Last week ne'itr. and Mrs.
of Commerce, who has been assid- CJrtttt. „f ]tt easels, were driving elan
uous in his efforts to cultivate a taste g
the fish c
for good music in Goderich. The last coo., t n their way to Belgrave,*
meeting was also held there op Monday, Mr.Gillespie, whn has a contract on he
and was made the occasion of the preaeu need, had occasion to remove a tree. He
tation of a handsome writing desk and a left it on tho side of the road. Mr.
snug tobacco stand and pipe to W. F. Cleegei horse took fright at the unusual
Foote, who since June last has acted as object and in his cavorting' upset the
conductor of the musical exercises of the bum* throwing hoth eccupitnts out,
club. About 20 ladies and gentlemen of breaking Mr.. Clegg's inn near the
the club were present, and some favorite shoulder.
glees were sung in a very creditable How To Know Tuan.—It is the saga -
manner. At the close of the singing, vireo remark of a keen observer of tour -
the desk and tobacc % stand sero pre- ists. And rte (offers it 4.. the travelling
seated to Mr. Foote by the EEecrctary, pu'• li •, that you can generally tel] a
Mr. Williams referring to the pleasure newly married couple at the dinner table
the members of the :dub luta experieltc• by the indipmation of the husband when
ed during practice, and expressing their it by alights on the wife'. hotter.
regard for the recipient ns a teacher and •' 1 want to get my tilt insured for
leader. 3Ir. Foote in reply thanked the 8100,000," said a Southern editor to an
donors for their kind gifts, and disclaim- insurance agent. " but to be frank with
ed any idea of being is teacher of the you. I have accepted a challenge to fight
club They had root y to in- s duel next week. If you cheese yeti
dnlge their taste as lovers of mustsmnerelHe can make out the policy at once." "Who
expressed the hope that alto Choral is the other man t" asked oho agent, as
Union would be resuscitated, and he handed over the papers and pocketed
thought that in each it case Simpler, but the premium. He was told, and when
no Ices classical, pieces ahnuld he rat- he went to bed that night he felt that
the two policies issued that day were the
tempted by the union. He would gladly
servo as a prix to in the ranks in• such a infest risks that ho had ever accomplish -
case. ort. •
The club and several guests were then ,ni(fellowhas said mewhers —"In
entertained' to cake and coffee by this world a man must be either anvil er
Mrs, Williams, and a pleasant half-hoifr hammer." He didn't take much stock
was spent in social chat. During the in the man who is more of a bellows
evening the president, G. It. Robson, worker
paid a neat compliment to Mr. Williams., than
rker. bel r s his day sand gent backer n we
as the promoter of the glee club, and have too many men who pattern after
thanked him on ],.half e f the club for the bellows—they de nothing when not
the hospitality shown its tnenrben, blowing. If only their wind could be
We understand that the Choral Union utilized, sowebusly might reap benefit.
will be revived, ami we hope that all But it is generally found that the vvindi
lovers of harmony will turn in and put a a roan an is, the more uutruthful and tgh-
'boulder to -the musical wheel, reliable he is.
will he given. loons Pee le' LlfeofGeorge Washington.
NIcOILLICI'DDl BROS. By William al. Thayer. Elzevir edition. 466
pages, Brevler type.leaded. With illustra-
The Huron Signal, trona. Extra cloth, 0 cents ; halt ltussiared
edges, 05 cents.
(ioderieh, Ont. No other name has received such
i'nisaiti subscription accounts handed universal homage as that of Washington.
,ever to tour aalicitove will Le invariably Edward Everett spoke but the verdict of
charged at the rate of 82.00 per enema. the world when he pronounced Washing
Rack subscriptions pais! before Sept., tan, "of all the men that have ever lived,
22nd will be charged Only 91.:,0 a year, the greatest of good mon, and the best
of great men.' Frederick the Great,
where own name ranks with those of
it 7--4N Tilt.' !'4 T: Alezander,Cataar, and Napoleon, declar-
ed his deeds to be "the most brilliant of
It was tuoblul that Jambes Taylor, the any in the annals of military achieve.
lonely old rlarkey of Nominee, let the meat."
Whether as school boy, surveyor boy,
cat out of the bag at the Irnnl,z election Indian fighter,mentber of G.nt;ress,Cum•
trial on Tuesday. It appears that a fel- mauder-in;Chief, or President, his life
low named 'Lawry, vino was canvassing was full of striking incident, and ever an
for A. 11. Roe, torp Tory caudiatate, earl- example to thrill and inspire any youth
ed upon the venerable Afrioan early rine whose heart pulsate with the free and
vigorous blood of the Abglo-Saxon
day juit before the election, and- asked race.
himto vote for Rite. ' Lowry took a Mr. Thayer, the author of the present
strong ft}ney for a eat lying near the fire, work, just published, has provedbyhis
and offered the negro' 1M furit,.sa ioq he 'world-famous lives of Lincoln, rem
Y Pioneer Home to the White House,"
would come for it on a certain day and of Garfield, "From Log Cabin. to
Taylor replied that the cat was all the the White House," a writer whose pen
housekeeper he heti, and that be could is wonderfully suited to its theme. He
writes with an enthusiasm worthy of his
not well apart her, but Mr. Li,wry.
hele times and tvsceelnes through drawn t which
upon the solitary neer-, who pocketed Washington passed, quoting thelanguago
the price of his .belered feline. The cat of his friends and contemporaries and
Was never called for, but Lowry had crowding the pages with serpropriste
since called upon thedescendant • of .illustrative auecdotee, he makes the
1'r aged tunes and the chsrai:ters seem present
Ham, and asked him what he was Going realities to the reader. His book will at
to do about the matter. The answer once be accepted as one of the best of the
given by that personale was that ..He lives of Washington, not for youne peo-
plewould tell the trend whether it killed. or only, but for older folks as well, It
is not sold by dealers, but only direct by
• cured." That cat ought to join the big the publisher, who will send a 100 -pace
trunk in the p,litiml museum. descriptive catalogue of his, attractive
and famously chap publications free on
— _^ request, John B: • Alden, ,publisher, 18
Tux Hotpot Rule demonstration at Vesey St., New York. '
Waterf..rd drew tt.grther30,001 people,
when resrlutiotit demandiu!it a Perlis -
Miss Nellie Donagh left last week for
Howell, Mich.
Vesey Elwood has been making a holi-
day stay in town.
Mrs. Duncan, of Seaforth, is visiting A new firm of butchers, Andrews fi
relatives in town. Allen, will shortly take possession of'
Mrs. Janes Connolly is the guest of Stephen Andrew's old stand, Blake's
Mrs. Capt. McKay. block. "Hub" is the Andrewi of the
Mrs. R. Sallows is sojourning among firm. Allen is tram Dunlop. They op-
frionds at Luchnow. en on Saturday morning.
R. Logan has accepte.l a situation to I 0. A. H Mend, the a.'Iable and cblig-
the United Empire. ' ing hank otticial, who has been quarter -
Ball, the fruiterer, is now e cupy.tee ed at (loderich ter the past , tenth or
the till St. Elute 'Rand. twat, left for.Paris on Saturday last to
• Col. Rua ', M. P 1'retur nd free' lids reliete Archie Dickson
(mho well kttuwn
trip up the lakes on . , ret a) . in this section 1 or his holidays.
• The Rot Portage, Ont., argots, is the
Mr. Fiudley,of the Bank of M..uteeal, I haute , 1 a prett\• little weekly just issued,
Guelph, was in town this week. It appears to be well patronised by ad -
Miss Emma Campbell, daughter of the vertisers, and ie a model c f typographi-
town clerk, is visiting friends in Detroit. ego neat,.ese. It is ably edited, and de=
Mrs. McWilliams, formerly of the Al- I serves a large measure of prosperity.
bion, was in town past week visiting oldThere was no service in the M. E.
friends. • - 1 cburch,on Sunday last. Also no service
11. M. Cowan, rind wife, of Exeter in the C. M. church in the morning, on
wore in town during the week, visiting , account of the absence of Mr. Campbell
relatives. , • at amference. Rev. kir. Birks. of
Mrs. Blac':, of West, returned e,n last' H••pwesville preached in the evening.
week from an eujoyable visit to friends Lv, Romeo -The second twelve of the
in Detroit. Hurons went to Kincardine 'yesterday
Miss E.Iard, of the Misses Wilkinatw's Thursday) to play the junior club of that
establishment, has been 'visiting friends teen. The first game was won by the
at Lucknow. Kincardine team, but on account of rain,
The county jury selectors will meet at the play had to stop, and the referee de -
the court house for busiaesspn !Saturday awed she
match a draw.
at 12 o'clock. John Parsons. J. P., and Mrs, l'ar-
Isaac Camay has received an app- 'eche, of Centralia, passed through Gode-
poiatment as baggageman at the G. T. rich last week on their wedding tour.
Il station, Goderich. They took pestlage on the United Em-
pira for the North-west, and intended to
Mrs. Robt. Johnston found the p...ckbt take in Rat Portage, Wintiipeg, Chicago
book lost by Mrs. Black, and promptly and ether points before their return.
restored it to that lady. G. N. Davis and Miss Davis have re-
tiepry Horton and Dave D1enald*on turned from their European trip. Mr.
are anchor tliose who are doing Mop. Da, ie appeers to be much improved in
treat on the big excursion. " health and spirits by the journey. The
The model school opened on Wedpes- trip on the whole was a must enjoyable
day last with an attendance of 27. A one, and Mr. Darts many friends are
few more students are expected. plemeti to ase him safe home again, and
The old salt block at the R. R. cr.'s- looking w wdL
ing, Huron Road, is being converted' The Dunlop midge -was duly let by
in a cattle shed by R. McLean. tender on Saturday last hy read corn -
J. Kidd, jr., intends to leave by that I wiasioner Girvin, reeve Young. deputy
Ocontn for a trip to Bay City ' nd Seel ,reeve A11ao. anti rnunty clerk Adamson.
naw, and will return next week. There were four tenders for the job, as
:Hiss Trainer and Miss Bertha Trainor fellows : Michael Healy, 83050 ; A. Mc-
. arrived home from from Winnipe on j Laren, 8375 : (:e"' Neiloergal. $31i0;
Mondaylast bythe steamer l►nwno tractanureng A: Dawson, 8300. The t tract was awarded to Armstrong & Daw-
The Misses Mary and Kate Nicholson Man, the work to he completed' by Oct.
remained at Saginaw to visit friends On j p!;,,
their )recent trin, and returned later.
loved that est, and pressed the il8
moot for Ireland along with the samo.l THE METHDDIST UNIOIreland
measure of bume rule which Canada en -1 gee nee, and Dr, fame, to be isuperin•
joys were passe,i. Irudents ltev. air. Aetna' General !tee.
- eetary -- Entbeslsasaver the aomina•
Ta, relati•Stn between Germany and • !leas-eselslttetervrr.gress.
Russia are said to I* very much strained ]IELLEAiLL6, Sep. 11.—At the united
on account ,o1 the hatter's aggression in general conference of the Methodist
ltulvaria. There 1+ said to be Fn alliance church, the report on discipline, relating
1.1 I bumanis with Germany and Austria, particularly to the constitution ef;the an-
nud there are geese fears that a crisis notal conferences and district meetings,
uta\ l t reached any tray. and the mode to be observed in conduc ing the business in both. occupied muc t
time,]. Tho mode of electing the general
superintendents was discussed at length,
mid ultimately Dr. Rice was elected to
The Deeninitan election trial re West remain iu edict) until 1890, and Dr. Cr -r -
Huron u date.1 f• rOctpber 18, in owl,. tutee to remain in office till 1886.
i . Both gentlemen were greatly cheer•
rich. led whent hey ruse to acknowl-
edge the lemur thus conferred on
West Nerthuaihet)aud Du ' • m elec. then. Some ladies threw hoquets
lion caw will bo triad at Colx,urn on from the gallery. Tho election excited
Willie Armstrong is c,mbising twines ,
Moselsf Oct. '29. . great interest. The committee ort the The Seafnrth +re, lied terribly regard -
name of the church reported they were with. pleasure in a trip through the ing the into lacrosse match in that town.
Judge Atw:.ur reserve) 1 g ud muni u11 in favor of designating the unitedchurch county of Grey. 'He will ire atlseut for . It .tans off with the statement that the
by the name of the Methodist church. a few'weeks. 'Haloes were Neaten in three.,At,niyh!
a motion lip H. J. Sport, for pohtiuncr, Res. J. C. Antlit$, RD., 31.A., (Carle- R. McDonald, of Aipena,Mich.,broth- i nnrue.t, and adds falsehood to falsehood
to ext -:n-1 th , time for the trial of the ton',trout Primitive Methodist church. er 01 J. 11icDonald.lo.t nn the Explorer, ' as it goes on. We 'Protest against such
Toronto: was elected general conference was in town during the week, to visit his ' conduct, However; those who know
Waist.Hid tlrsrx Petition. tho six months
Who're 1 •.y tis havint expired, and G. f x secretary. He belongs -to one of the mother in her affliction. 1 "that five games were played, the visitors
Sounder bodies, and his election is a 3iisa Dottie Handma ti. appal, winning the second and third), will not.
trdey for tetaJ, proof that the genera] conference is dis• daughter of R Headeriott, turnkey, has be snrpriae"at the entire story of the
potted to distribute its humors amongrecovered from an attack of fever, and is `t"•• being scouted here. We didn't
Tut efforts of the Tory press to white- those who have come fruit tiro swailer again eble to be ap and about ;think the Nen or any other paper in the
wash Ilei Fau p tier since his di*ualifi- branches of the church.gMist Hattie Black, late of Wioniper, : rwnty could or would tell such deliber-
Rev. • WVna. Brim wan elected book _ ate felaebooda
Ceti . t reminds gin .4 the Story of the girl steward fur the western section by ac- Earle,! f 1Doted t, u vissitia them 081.
urer, I New %a,turu Yanvtx —We are in -
who ,'eivurc•l t•.lithtun the. burden clamation ; Rev. S. F. Easton was elect-,
et bt:e:oo fur he: ahsas by saying that' ed to he same office in the eastern see-
the era W. L. Penningt.ar, u( O derich. dehted to R. Patk,ws, photographer, int
e Wee woe ••n r • tt
r tittle one." tiuu, in the Baine manner Dr. Dewart Rev'. Mr. Sanderson, rf (',,.borne, will
Pimctum phres ..f Nbrw lehtalanmm fd nativthaets. denipierstantl
_ was elected editor of the 17t,iefien (icor- hold service in the M. E. church., en foto. mu•_
.lin;, ; Dr. Stunt+, was elected associate Sundny next, by instructions from the colony 1'y Mr. Wells. One is that of a
A T tcdc;Rttty retneruin: oilpcer, down editor. Rev. T. Withrow was re-elected presiding elder of the Lindon center- almond al chief,% fierce looking old fellow,
is )$tet Nort!r,:•at e••rltn.l, W:44 last week edit,�t of the nr,nthly. Dr. Sutherland once. i with his face rahoreed in a tight urn%-
' mental manner. He is attired in a caNe
lhuieteA in fete) sal costa for insiint y, was re -sleeted secretary -treasurer of the D. Crich Stanley, who has been visit- made ef inanity, and it shark's tenth
open a Referee Suter ttkiii an oath not tnirsianary society. John Mae.tun%ld int, et
his butt
in G.eolrnch and this city fermin 1.•n.lant for his "ear -rinse' The
was el octad hay treasurer of the mission- for the fist few weels, retnn:wl to-olny
applieablo to his cape, Some of the myM,eirty. Dr. Wei Al tows elected to his home at l%atfonl. -; L nd.•n .fol- ee'cr'nol (rctatre is that of the queen of
(:odemh drintty-roternine °Mears at the hunatery eee.et,ary. vcrti.er. the TIumoa Talley tribe, who, but for
last Duasiniun elections played the sawo A. 1) Dickson. sell of the a,'kr, was the rah",ingotn the lips and chin, Thole
t' 3 - _ • -- —...-- R pars for � not homely mulatto. Those
game. netahly in the crew of it voter from Tho strait et mows lemtherblte .mon¢ t'so sue-.what7.e.i Iates at the who take• an interest In the study of
Haiuiltoet, whn wouldn't, ht'wov er, tae teeMt raw exnamnwsi.w,.. Ho is jest the human race should see these phot -
bluffed ',tr. THE H' OCR, Sept. 8 —It in officially entering open the .turfy of that /canted ; crapha '1 typical Now Zealand natives
annonuccd that the pasauge of the Strait profession.
u( Sunda is now clear, the only physical Rev. J. A. T'nrnoull, MM. Turnbull The Vi in•_hsm Timr. comes to the
change beim between Krakatoa And So• and Miss Strep retn;•
rrel from their G.ur f"!!owing omei u* mvs regarding the re -1
beckee. The Iightl.ons a at Eerstopunt weeks' rustication *t Farluhar on LVetl• eller tour of the It Ingham cricket clop
is fntiwt. The lighthouse at Vlakepeck tie. (It y. all much Moore„rl b)• the nest ''Witht the exception of some diw►lis-
will be relighted within a week. advices snit chnn•_,•.
from i'elukbelong, Sumatra. say that the J. T. Gamow. of the weit•kn,wn t
Ditch residents house, the fortress null •f Onrruw & 1'ev,adf,.et, ro st,,,ai (mai
Extra copies of this week's issue of The Presbytery of an Francisco met
THE ora co L tee -he purchased at this , Iset week, and in a report .of the Lusiness
office ur the bnsik stores, at a cos. a eopy. .lour as r xunled in rite 11.11 we cheeri o
the following, which refers tro'a young
Will Yates, we are glut to say, is con- 1 non well-known in Goderich :—"Mr.
valesoent, and we lull he will regain hi. ifeldram, a the'.h'gial student whn has
wonted vigor beture the wooer sets been preaching from time to time recent -
in. lo- in St. John's Church, applied for
The Ven. Arehdeaern Elwood lei: • n license as a minister of the Gospel. After
Monday for Montreal to attend the synced ; a long and thorough exautinntion, which
of its Anglian Church now being held ' prover] highly sa,isfactory, he was form -
in that city. I allyl licensed to preach for one year.
Tot: 1{amilh•n TriL.•n. reprints the
'• New Primer," llluntrntcd), and gives
the follewiac seotuul to that interesting
store .4 the trunk, taking for its etre the
quoit tot,. Hilo .1.0,n Sho•1do n Ili; Trunk
in Al. run'
1.•s, amt i•.eto. thaw Erse.
What Else r he• have
A check for For It fhen.vui ('otters,
What will he a" wrh It '
Judge Ardagh, of Barrie, has left
Winnipeg for Selkirk.
Ex -Lieutenant Governor .Canchon is
dangerously ill in Winnipeg. •
Mrs. Mowat, Miss Mowat and Miss
Clara Ewart will pass the winter in
Wira,screens have Leen placed . over
the windows of the Salvation Army bar.
rtcka at Toronto, to keep out the stoned.
It is stated Lord and Lady Lorne will
leave Canada a week .after Lord Lans-
downe's arrival, which is expected on the
22nd inst.
Prince George, of Wales, is described
as a fine, bright-bookin1 lad of '18 years,
his quiet, pleasing bearing being particu-
larly observable.
Robert �1lat thew*, of Guelph township,
fano a very heavy yield of barley this
year. From 31 acres there were thresh-
ed 210 bushels of it bright and plums
A pinny man Hunted James Sowden, a
butcher, was thrown filen his wager; on
Monday, in Itrantford, alighting on
his head, and it is feared, received fatal
Some one set tire to the house of Mr:
B. Rowe,near Guelph, last Friday night,
but the blaze was discovered before it
grained much headway, and was quickly
extinguiahed. .
The Ilev. W. F. Campbell, of Lon-
don, has' been tendered and accepted the
position of Missionary Agent for the
D' cese of Toronto, and will return to
,nye, Akk b ey .lfacdounell will
prosecute all newspapers in Essex county
which publishe: advertisements for
journals offering cash prizes, chromes or
any other inducements to subscribers.
A lunatic in a clergyman's garb, with
a pipe Always stuck in his month, is
tr.tv-eling about Montle:0, representing
himself as Cardinal Manning. He is
said to be from Rimnnski, Qyebee.
George Sparrow,•of Taranto, a well-
known show nrercllant, died suddenly
Saturday morning from' hent disease -
His brother, W. H. qp arrow, while no
a visit to Ireland a few weeks ago, died
in the *,1010 manner.
Ten rcanit of an .delernrsnic election
in Winnipeg s•iA the return of W. T.
Mc('roary over W. G. Fonseca hy a vete
of 9 to The itrnaliness of the vote
is accounted for by the fact that most of
the crater* are non-resident.
It in **apposed that the men Sylvia
anal MoCoort, of the tch•,oner Prussia,
who stetted from [Garden inland Inc
•' on in a skiff on
have been drowned. Their boat Anti
„lin on the Kent
FEAR tan Lovr-.—True reverence for
God includes birth fear and love. Fear,
to keep him in* our eyes ; love to en-
throne him in the heart ; fear to avoid
what may' offend; love, to yields prompt
and willing service ; fear, to regard God
to a witness and judge ; love, to cling to
Him as a friend and father; fear, to ren-
der us watchful and circumspect ; love,
to make us active and "resolute ; love, to
keep fear from being servile or distrust-
ful ; fear, to keep love from being for-
ward or secure; aad both apri*ing up
from tone root, a living faith in the 'infi-
nite and ever living God.
- " Sir," began a stranger ss he walke.l
directly up to a business man on South
street yesterday, "I- am strictly busi-
ness:" "So am I.'' "Grxed ! I believe
!every utau should furnish money for hos
own tombstone." " So do I." '`Good,
again ! I want to raise 11150 to pay for a
stone rat my grave, What assistance
will you render the enterprise/ I want
a business answer." "You shall . have
it, sir.; I will aid the enterprise by Tar-
nishing the corpse." The stranger hur-
ried orf without even mentioning the
sort of epitaph ho designed having en-
graved on tho sacred stone.
etM.a, Newsiest
For any Tcstimenitals recoutmendine
McGregor '• Speedy Cure Ger Dvepepes,
Indigestion, Cestivencsa.•llesdache,etc..
that are not genuine : nom? orf which aro
from persona in the States or thousands y
of miles awny, hat froth pennns in and
around Hamilton, Ont. We give trial
bottles free ..f cost, rue that you catmot
lisideeeived by pe rchnring a worthless ar-
ticle, but know its value before buying.
Trial bottles and testimonials i;iven free
at 0, Rhynaoi drug store. a
Smeller Mies.
n.tl.t:n At'(Tto!t RA1.p1.
ti.tturday lto•morrnw) ttept. 1:L -lir. (ten.
Rice. household fnrnaere, at house on Albert
street. near station. at 1 p.m.
Matnrday, !slept. -MoItggaage sale of bonne
and lot situate in town of Clinton. at the Al-
bion Hotel, Ooderich, at 1 p. m.
Satnntay. Sept. 29 --Mrs. P'letcher's house-
hold furniture, at house. on Wes. street at 1
bber Plano
of remarkable purity of tone. m. At thiv safe ft New r will ebe offered
ler publk• competition.
�- assn.
On Wednesday morning the 19th Inst-. the
wife of the Rev. 1'. \f. ('nmpbell of a son.
In Dungannon, on Monday. Sept. 10th, the
wife of D. M. Mnnro. head master of the
pubik school. of • son.
In Co;hor'n,' nn tt•odnrsday. Sept. 14th, tom.
David Towaley, seed a yeas aad r months.
aseetletlt INatri•Ns.
king*t k tf Thnrsdav night, (tu.:821C11•.:
tttason. rept. 1a.
fico ion y the+ very rpueoatpotwble decisions Wheat. I F*11t,aqvt� bn*h........... .7 M ne
erre oven by the f7rvAotavielt umpire in the been f 1 1 e I ioint Frederick l �heat•t1 Airrrell.. bush .......,....10: 7e, :::°1
ml ii,¢eeeing�the oriann urn still etandn'g, hat ever) rrecaiter.l• An,l s very plentent dA s (parr, Whush..................f7r,1 F1 b, t, an lrrirlay iaat. ]M1s hh;w•hr1, y ThP r'nnnecticult rind Pu*sum rr Pr, avsole,health `trek! wa• wa. rnj•errA, Thr Wing• iC,knrlr,•Y1,nsA ......... 0 M0
thing oleo wee desire}red by the, eruption. ..f true_ tttalr•1.al;y nnp•i „ hart club were h•apitaht, snel erner�n.t railroad has taken nut a writ of *e lure former. t bush Nw . ton a t P1
No further details here been received ; 5,5 the trip. rnrart*inwl h teeth the til Y bid"r*juil Uri •.1' i".......• •............. 7 fie w o'0
front the coast (fist rite*, whore the der- y Blyth and (: ole• ] Rment against li.,uthenrtrrn ,trr, to >♦,,,, ,, •,
1 annp•auv .nd Bridle Rerlow for 9lno, F.ggr, 0 1.t fie n Lt
tructuln appears to hats been Kraer*p. A area mg class Ili cermet tion with riche *ter+, who Air! all in their agpower000. The C*narkAn Pacific directors t hetass des.lotsprsaelel.. •.... lis n in
1t will [ley n flood flea! 1 Keticf ha. been *eat to *ovrral p".rhos ihr Itfrehano• P inaihite will 1.e ripened ,.•mate Meir ti eIrvet� Snooker later, ateh have Lererl.aPrl their mortt(1,Qi f. r 1A1,- F;,, ^ Mp esrt............ a 10 w *m!
Where dot hr get the �t"no taco, ; I next week �Irss `•r. filler F.•r hie rine It es „•....
Y - rhoolars, .nternti ,nteils .h.,ul,i v, i ark the al elu}n will rake x,000 ngainet tta Southeastern. This t'hop, e cw{,.,..,......,. e 1 -n
N,,,,, Gin nv I•,n't 1+. - o in.�.tnR 1 The enlvatitnl Army has
rrtehed pia aft tPlace hers _ ... ^
tire. toonte r•l, poly to the lady uatveA. n ebhnr ten we.tks tiwee.' vifluSUDO, lly males tltrm W ot+er of rhe• hire• IIIA......................." :I;
•ete.Yt1*tlnr ,..,,,. " , 1i)