HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-09-07, Page 7lora• of Uiisaom,
Affliction, like the irun-smith, shape
as it smite..
There is no criwo au great as one per
toetrated against the freed, ., of peoples'.
A clan's purposes, net rel at he has ac
cumplr.hed, are the true standard of his
Seude people live without purpose, and
they piss through the world like straws
on a river --mere puppets to the title.
It is needful that a man be true ; not
that he live. Are men dogs, that they
must be happy 1 Luther dared to be un-
De right and fear ne nue ; thou ntayst
toe sure tkat, with all they cunsideration
for the world, thou a ilt 1., , er satisfy the
" Improve your ..pportunities," said
Bonaparte to a echo I of young men ;
"every hour !nit now is a chance of fu-
ture misfortune."
Great souls are filled with Ione,
Great brows are calm ;
Serene within their might, they soar above
The whirlwind and the storm.
The highest education is that which
not only provides food ter the pupil's
memory,' but training for his judgment,
ciscipane for hit ale -blow, guidance for
his conduct, and ••h;ccte f,r his faith.
All the great refornles of society have
been based on faith (often a single man
begins and is derided, laughed at and
almust overborne, yet, feeling rght, he
dares to ge forward, and hy and by
triumph crowns the struggle.
muss, Things Tklags.
s The coldest thing in the world -The
kitehea oilcloth to your bare feet in a
winter's night.
The hottest thing- A raisin lying its
- ambush in • mouthful of hot plumb pud-
The dullest
The 1 nigest
vorite story.
The shortest thing --The memory of
the perpetual burrower.
The biggest thing -The fortune you
expect to snake by stock speculation.•
The smallest -Thr fortune which you
do make.
The toughest thing -Thu young wile's
pie -crust.
The softest thing -The conversation
which p urns between a duck and a
The highest thing -The mercury in
the thermometer, about this time.
The hardest thing -The bit of bone
that you "anile right down oil," when
eating chopn,
The easiest thing -Lying.
The tightest thing -1'ie marriage tie ;
that is to say, it used to be, but now it
is the loosest.
The prettiest thing -Look in the tnir-
rur, and you will see it.
The brightest thing -The suits light
Household Hints, shot into your eye as it comes reflected
from the piece of to )king -glass in the
Bit a COFFEE CAKE. -Two cup. of hands of the mischievous small boy.
butter, three of sugar, one of molasses, The silliest thing -Thinking that
thing -A funny newspa•
thing --Your frienq's fa -
one of very strong coffee, one of cream
or very rich milk, the yolks of eight eggs,
wealth produces happiness. (Wouldn't
one pound each of raisins and currants, you like to be knocked silly,provided the
one half pound of citron, 'he same of figs, money came 1)
and tire cups of hrown flour after it is The freshest thing --You know hint
served' he is everywhere. However, he will get
Put the flour in the oven until a rich salted in time.
brown, being careful not to burn it. The stalest thing -Common sense.
When cold sift with it three teaspl.onaful The geed hakinu pneder and a little salt. quickest thing -The flea.
Cut the figs in long strips, dredge all the ; The slowest thing -an ameteur drama
fruit with ti air, heat the cake rap well,aud by amateur performers.
bake in m•.derate oven from f, it to five , The heaviest thiug-A lung sermon on
hut' s.
Fd:' JCM•LEA -'One pound .4 sugar
ems t".bud of butter, 'cne pound and a
quarter of luur,eix eggs, half a pound of
currauts, and a little soda and uutinee.
Mil the butter, auger, spices a'id eggs,
then the currants, next the sola,- and
,Lally the flour.
PLAIN CA[g,-One-ball cup of butter,
two cups of sugar, one cup .1 milk, three
eggs, three tuna of flour, three teasp ns-
f ul of bakinst powder.
Icing for above : White "tone egg and
nine tesapouhaful of fine sugar.
HICKORY Nrr CAKE. -1 me -half cup of
butter, two cups of sugar, and four eggs,
beaten separately ; three cups of flour,
one-half cup of sweet ntilk,two teaspoons-
ful of baking powder, two cope of hisk-
ery nut meats minced, one teespe onsful
extract of vanilla.
PAR1a1Ax CAKE. - Five tumblers of
sifted flour, three of white sugar, one-
half tumbler of butter, one tumbler of
milk. rine teaspoonful of Cuda dissolved
in a little water. Mix well, beat three
eggs, yolks and whites beaten separately;
one teaspoonful of rrutaneg. Beat all
well for ten minutes. Bake in a moder-
ate oven.
SEKD fit"s:.- Two pounds of flour,
eight ounces of dripping, six nuncea of
sugar, one ounce of caraway seeds, a
teaspoonful and a half of yeast. As
these should rise quickly, mix as for
other yeast capes. When risen. roll nut
re-.; lightly un a well floured beard, cut
with tumhler.an'1 bake in a very hot oven.
When rather stale, these buns are nide
•Flit in half, toaated and battered, chit -
:ren being especially fond of theta.
ResE CAKE. -One-half cup of butter,
one cup of sugar il,.est to a cream' add
two cups of flour, two teasp•x,nsful of
baking powder, lame •.1 esaence of
lemon, art([ the whites of five eggs, atir,
all well together. Take analine, size of
a pea, tie in a thin cloth and pour (a
teaspoonful of boiling water on it ; take
of cake half a teacup, pour the analine
on until you have a pretty rose color, put
in a layer of cake, drop,in hire and there
of your rose as oddly as yeti can, then a.
layer of cake, and so on uutil all are
used. Bake in slow oven.
powdered sugar,,t -Tiro
two-th'rdecupful of
butter, four eggs, one-half cupful of
milk, one-half teaspoonful of soda, one
teaspoonful of cream tartar, three cups
of flour. Bake in thin layers es for
jelly cake, spread between them, when
cold, the following mixture : One-half
pint of milk (sweet ',two small tea.poons-
ful of cern starch, one egg, one tea-
spoonful of vanilla, one-half cup of au-
er. Heat tho milk to boiling and stir
in the corn starch, wet with a little cold
milk, take outs little and mix gradually
with the beaten egg and sugar, return to
the rest of the custard and boil, stirring
constantly until quite thick. Let it
cont before you flavor, then sprout on
cake. Flavor Moth cake and icing with
a hot Sunday afternoon.
The lightest thing -A lover's vow.-
The thickest thing -Your tongue when
coming home from the "lodge."
The thinnest thing- The story you tell
your witi next morning. .
The wettest thing -The foot of the
stall lel with a new pair of rubber
The dryest thing -You have just been
reeding it.[Ikston Transcript.
The Marquis of Lorne has given a
contmissiou for some muskrats to be
caught fur him to be taken to the Duke
of Argyll's Scotch estate.
Mrs. Saubnrn, of Metuchin, N. J., ten
years agoswallowed a set of false teeth.
Recent F
ede Tooth was extracted from
her shoulder; and eight more from differ-
ent parts of her body.
John Ateher, postmaster of White
Oak, in the fourth concessionof West -
minister, has eloped with his servant
'girt, leaving his wife end family behind,
and his amcounts in ad unsettled condi-
Fred Y uuug, of .Etat Garafraxa, has
lost fourteen tine sheep and lambs by
lichtniug. -Some of thein were torn by
the fluid Ind so thrown in a heap promis-
cuously on the ground. His loss is over
.1. H. Moron; of Amheratburg, Ont.
is in Manitoba under commission from
the Dominion Government tr. report on
the advisibility of f. rest-p'a:ding in the
Northwest. Ile thinks there will be no
difficulty in the tree -planting and that
the trees will flourish well.
',Why should atnan whose blood ra warm
Sit la hisgrandsiro cut in alabaster I
Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and thin.
Wher. "CTN.:ALF:EaaxMwER will make
g. r,w the faster. For sale by .1. 1Yil-
on 2m
line of on:- l.amt citizens would say to
the public test he has tried Hall's Ca-
tarrh Cure, and it is all that is claimed
for it. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by Gen. Rhynes, s ole went for Gode-
rich. 3m :
fasry"able., What Iolt r
Poison's Norilin° is a combination of
the most potent pain relieving substances
known to medical science. The con-
stant progress made in this department
of science points upward and onward.
Neviline is the latest development in this
movement, and embodies the latest dis-
coveries. For neuralgia, (cramps, paints
in the head external, internal, and
local Nerviline has no equal. Expend
10 cents in the purchase of a sample bot-
tle of Nerviline and be oonvinced of its
marvellous power over pain. Sold at
Wilswl's. Lorre bottles 23 cents, at ell
drt fists,
rots HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, 8E17. I s i
A title AMU Lead (beat
1 once eaporieneed • great bereave
swot, which tested uy trust in God's
providsuco beyond any previous trial of
my life. One night I was seated with
my little try un say knee, :assuming over
my lues, when my eve rested uu • favor
its text over the mantel -piece. These
of the child else turned u► the same di-
rection. and without any request on my
part he sc:::.be text aloud : "The law
of the Lord is perfect, converting the
soul." As I heard the words from mfi
dear boy's lip. they seemed to sink int.
usy heart with a power they had never
done before. To any surprise the child
asked the question, "Papa, what dues
'perfect' mean 1 ' My heart was too full
to make any reply for a few moments,
nd before I could break the silence, my
little one supplied the answer by saying,
"Papa, doesn't it mean that God lours
?to mistakes?"
The New rale kldg,
Poison's Nerviline cures flatulence,
chills, speame, and cramps
Nerviline cures promptly the worst
caats of neuralgia, toothache, lumbago,
and sciatica. At Wilson's.
Nerviline is death to all pain, whether
external, internal, or local. At J. Wil-
Nerviline may be tested at the small
est (4101/cents. Buyat once a 10 cent
bottle of Nerviline, te great pain reme-
dy. Sold at Wilson's.
GsxnEttltx-Your 1Hop Bitters have
been of great value to me. I WAS laid
up with typhoid toyer for over two
months and could get no relief until I
tried your Hop Bitten. To those suf-
fering with debility or any ono in feeble
health, I cordially recommend them.
J. C. &cornet,
683 Fulton-st., Chicago, Ill..
Attorney -General Mowat will investi-
gate the Guelph lottery business. In
the meantime infteeiation has been laid
before the county crown attorney.
EEelted Tksueandls
All over the land are going into ecatacy
over Dr. King's New Diecovory for Con-
sumption. Their unhooked for recovery
by the timely use "f this great life Sav-
ing remedy, cauaeea them to go nearly
wild in its praiseit is guaranteed to
positively cure severe coughs. colds, as -
thine, hay feilsr, bronchitis, hoarseness,
loss of voice, or any affection of the
throat an l Rings. Teal bottles free at
,lame, Wils.n1'11 drug store. Large size
$1.011. , (2:)
CIROALLlt -A name well known in
onnection with the Hair Renewer,which
.stores grey hair to its natural color by
s few weeks use. Sold at 50 cents per
bottle by James Wilson. gni
An •••rear lammed.
Can any one bring us a case of Kidney
or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters
will not speedily core .' We stay they
cannot, as thousands of cases already
permanently cured and who are daily re
cnmmendiug Electric Bitters, will prove.
Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Buck,
or any urinary oontplaint'quickly cured.
They purify the blood, regulate the hov-
els, and acts directly on the diseased
parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For
sale at 50c. a bottle by J. Wilson, •[1J:
Perfect, Positive and Pleamanent are
the cures effected by Dr, Van Buren's
Kidney Cure. Relief in all cases of Kid-
ney Disease is obtained af:cr a few doses.
See that your Druggist gives you Dr
Van Buren's Kidney Cure. !sold bp J.
Wilton _ luderich 2m
LADY BEAI'TIFIF.RO - Ladies, you can-
not make fair skin, rosy chteks, and
sparkling eyes with all the cwtinetica of
France, or beautifiers of the world, while
in poor health, and nothing will give
you such rich blo od,go od heelth,strength
and beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is
certain proof..
Seeing is believing. Road the testi
moniale in the pamphlet on Dr. Van
Buren'• Kidney Cure, thorn buy a bottle
and relieve yourself of all those distress-
ing pains. Year Druggeat can tell you
all about it. Stria by .1 Filson (lot -tench
It sewn. heiress' hot that a re(tie{y made
f such common, simple plants as Hops,
flitch u,Mendrake,Dandehon, R'e.,should
make s•, many and such great cures as
H• p Bitters dn. but when old and young
rich -and poor, patter and doctor, lawyer
ands editor, all testify to having been
rimed by them. you must believe and
try them yourself, and donht no long-
, r.
To the lledlral rrstt,sasa. and all whom
It tray traces.
Phosphatine, u; Nerve }that, a Phos-
phate Element based upon Scientifie
Facts, Formalst i by Professor Austin,
M. D. of Bosto� Mass., cur.* Pulmon-
ary Consumption, Si.;k Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the human
system. Phosphatine is not a Medecine,
btu a Nutriment, because it contain no
Vegetable or Miner,'tl Poisons, Opiates
Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but simp!
ly the Phosphatic and Oartric Elements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
is sufficient to convince. All Druggists
sell it. $k00 per bottle. LOWDSN &
Co., sole agents for the , Dominion,
55 Front Street East Toronto ,.
in the history of medicines no peeps
ration has received such universal com-
mendatiou for the alleviation it affords,
and the permanent cure it effects in kid-
ney diaesaes. as Dr. Van Buren's Kinney
Cure. 1ta action in these distressing
complaints is simply wonderful. sold
by .i. 1% item. 2m
.An Oasis in the desert is nu brighter
light to the wandering Are)) than a bottle
of Dr. Van Baren's Ktduey ('urs is to
tie unfortunate sufferer from Kidney
Disease. It is a perfect. .p'eitive and
tiermanent cure. Sold h/ f Wilson
Gedench. 9m
As the !meta of winter Ankh ander
the calorie inflienee „f sun's nye.
a, a. 4,1. Bright's u'u rotay .stone
in the Kidneys ani 11 r. and inflate;
motion of the It IA cavi the body
neon the *dint on of Dr Vin His
r.in s Kidn re Kohl by. 1 Wilann,
Hlarkies's Aralen Naive. r.
The greatest medical wonder of the
world. Warranted to speedily cure
Burns, Bruises,Cuts,Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Cencers, Piles, Chilblains,
Corns, Tetter, Chapped hands, and all
Skin Eruptions, gualauteed to cure in
every instance, or money refunded. •25c.
per box. For sale by I. Wilson. ly.
Well Rewarded -
A liberal reward will be paid to any
party who will produces a crae of Liver,
Kidney or Stomach • plaint that Klee•
trio Bitters will not speedily cure. Bring
thew aluag, it will cost you uuthing fur
the medicine if it fella to cure, and you
will be well rewaraled fur your trouble
besides. All Blood disease., Bilious-
ness, Jaundice, Constipation, and gene-
ral debility are quickly cured. Satisfac-
tio•i guaranteed or money relunded
tel only fifty cents per Mottle. For
.,y J. P.'.1son. [5]
A ilesalas N all Waaklad.
io these times when our newspapers
are doodad with patent Medicine adver-
tisements, it is grati;eiug to know what
to procure that will certainly cure you
If you are bilious, blood out of order,
liver inactive, or ; eneral debilitated,
there is nothing in the world that will
cure you so quickly as Electric Bitters.
They are a blessing to all mankind, and
can be had fur only fifty cents a bottle
of James Wilson. [2:1
Thousands bear witness to the posi-
tive curative powers of the Cases GER-
MAN INviuolurua, the only remedy that
has proved itself a specific for general
debility, seminal weakness, impotency,
etc., and all diseases that arise from relf•
abuse or overtaxed brain, timidly en.line
in crosumption, insanity and a p,tenr.t-
ture grave Sold by all druggists, or
will be sent free on receipt of 81.00 per
Mu, or six Ia.xes for 85. .'.ddreas F. J.
CHINsl', Toledo, Ohio, ode agent for
the United Stator. Send fur cireslar.
and testimonials of genuine curer (ia:o.
Rhynas, Goderich. ant
CAPITAL, •- - •(!,000,0.X•,
SURPLUS, - •- $S,tp0.000.
Goderich Branch.
D. (1L.4.IS - - - alfunagrr.
Allows Interest un deposits. Drafts, lett.:
of credit and circular notes issued, pas ab
la all parts of the world. Illi,
Paid sup Capita', 86,000,000.
Hest, - - 81,400,000.
President - Hu:'. WM McMASTEJI
General Manager. - W. A. -..,uei.ca.
Goderich Branch.
A. JL le)3j, - - - - MANA•.t:n.
Interest* allowed on deposits. Drafts o,, a
the principal 'towns and ('dies in l'ana.la
Great Britain and the United States, bough
and , ,:d.
.t ir.. F.r,n ••-- i'It Note., with ons o
ill 1., -ter,, vii-. t: t,,ur:K;,... f _ 1:39
Kew Life Ike Fanellsaa Weakened by Dls
ease. Deblllly and Dissipation.
The Great German Invigorator is the
only specific for impotency, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain in the back or sides, no matter how
shattered the system may be from ex-
cesses of any kind, the Great German
Remedy will restore the 'oat function,
and secure health and happiness. 81.00
per box, six boxes for 85.00. 801(1 by
all druggists. Sent on receipt of price,
postage paid, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo,
Ohio, sole r'gent for i'nited titrates. Cir-
culars and testimonials sent free. Sold
by Gen. Rnynas, sole agent for Godo
rich. 3m :
Ohrystal & Black.
New It oi: ,.'•: 1111:11.4ALT PANT marn'i.
' nr,• 1 on short:St notice.
All kind of Repairing executed ender the
oe.e..-aed . 1:, rvision of the Proprietors whe
Travelling s%alde.
Pre,. Fxp's. M,x'd. Mtx'd
God Pete b.I.v.l,4ians _12.10 pin .11tAm 7.40 am
Seafovtb Ar422 Lbs CM0:10
Strstford. A e.7.00 210 6.10 11.40
Pass. Rxp's Atiid. Mlx'd.
Stratford 1., 12nlpm C .Mtpm n.4:,arn .11.4Spn
Aeafort h. A r 12.S01 tett gen 8.40
OodnrichAr. 1.3•' 0.]D 04. ;.11
STAGE 1.(\ Ke
Lnekenw !Rage 'daily 1 arr. 14.1 wmapm dee
Rineareine • 1110anu aa,
lfen�8lar " (Teedawfat
aimE `t u rpt 1 Ar. 0.00am.. De.0.10
Pr..cricii Workmen.
P. O. Boz 101 1787
We will i oy tt.e 1'4 .vo reward for any sane f•1
Liver ('.t'nplai:d, ileapi paia, Sick lieadaeke.
Indigestion. l'unst,pa•n,n us. ('ontivebits ws
cannot cure with %R'est'sVegetable 1., er Pills.
when1he dire.ti.,n-rare atrictly complied with
They are inv.-ly V.,,,•tablc, and never tali t'•
give suds:a• tion. au,rar('uutcd. large linger.
cmttainin; :tl f,Its. 2.11 cents. For sale by n':
Druitg.4*, 11 war' of counterfeits end tine"
tions. The, genuine manufactured only by
JOHN C. %TF ST fe CO.. "The Pill Makers."
81 and 51 King St. Mast. Toronto. Out. Free
trial package sent by inn! prepaid on receipt
of a 1 rent stamp.
For Sale Of %I'ti.-.o * DUI ea tsTottr.
Eealth is Wealth!
7 t week .'lade at home hy the in
•inetrinu.•. peelmalnes, now he-
foesthe ,.,,hole spttalnot sand -
e.1. We will 'Wirt you. Men. wo-
.nen. hors and girls wanted every
era to work for us Now Is the time. Yon
rsn week to span dale, or ?lee your whole
timet', tie hwslnes. tin Other h,i.i ere will
pay toe Nearly en wen. (n rine can fail to
ma enormous pry, hr engsetlnt at (trice.
(••,ty roll AT and terms tree Maher made
fat., .sally, sad h.w srahlr. Addrewn't'Mt-v .♦
Co.. A turista, Maine
f •
laAhlt i ``.Mu4. �!
gar Akl sad asasg, .Mate and Arrant,
Puatti%sly cures Nervonsnars In all its tlrylea
II'eak 3[ewtpry, loss of Brain Power, Sexual
Prostration, Night Sweats Sperntulorrfuw,
ewurrhwa, Barrenness, Seminal Weakness
and Genual Loss ofotoer, It repairs
Nervous Waste, Jkjtwreia w the Jaded •481
lett, atr+rwarns the Ender d Brain, and Re-
stores Srryrynnliwyy Tone and Vigor to the Ex-
hausted Greerutisr (hlpaw,. With each or
der fort -system packages rceutnpan!ul with
lye dollars, we will send our Written guar
antes to refund the stoney. it the lresUuent
docs not etrecta cure. It is the l'beapeslakd
Seat Medicine in the mai ktT.
ddrleull particulars In our pamphlet. which
we desire to mail free to any address.
flack's laga4le medicine is sold by Drug-
gists at Ig eta. per box. or 11 boxes fur Al. or
will be walled free of postage, on receipt of the
money, by aeddressing
YAngle MAGNETIC f1LNe'INE/'e..
Windsor. Ont.. l'ana.da
Sold In Goderich. by JAElEs W1UaAK. and
all Druggists verywhere 1&.2-I,
Int. E. C. WpT'n NKRya AND IIRAtx TRsiT
atk'T, a guaranteed stw•ciflc for Hy'sterta►nx
rincaw, ('tmrnieiona, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia.
llcs'iache, Nervous Prostration caused by tha
use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Men-
tal Depression, Softening of the Reale, result
ing in Insanity and !Coding to mlacr!•, decay
and death, I'remeture Old Age. Itarrcnness,
Loma of Power in eitntrars. Involuntary Losses
and Sp,rmatorrlera, mused by over-exertion
of the brain. slf-abuse or over -indulgence.
One box will cum recent canes. Each box con-
tains one mint .'• tmatment. One dollar a box.
or six tauten fur flee dollars : neer by mail pre
paid on rooeip of price. \1'c ,guarantee six
bole. to cure any twit-. With ouch order re-
ceived by na.for six bonen, accompanied with
five dollars. we will send the. purchaser car
written gitaranlee to refund the moue• if the
treatment does not effect a rare. Guarantees
leaned only by J &NKR W1LMAY, role author
(red agent for(iewterlrh, tint. JOIV.1 (' tVI NT
t (X).. sole proprietors, Toronto Ont.
1BrooJ A
. following eltta-set :
Illicit nuttiest'',
Milt Mittman,
N Sem\'y stud
17.X.1-1 DI3E4.3E9.
1 ; wit remove
PI t1PIrs, d'1.oTCHES
ILA and Leal li:ecrs
IS ' and Old Sores. A
CAUTION. -Ask for " Dr. Chan.
riing's Sarsaparilla." take no
ether in Its place. 1f your Dr.- •
4Ist has none in stock, renis•,•
h!m to send for It.
Perry Davis if Sou A Lae
ix 'ukroitaTLt'a.U. VAL
14 AU OFb'11.41, HAMILTON, ON'!.
Nu l ending burrowers welt eche ull 1 L elf beet In
serest' by examining /M adrtutag. one tarts
offered by this t:ty. before going else-
F'ur retreat l.l.reet, leas Wim and further
pert it wens. apply to
Utoderteh. May 1118, 11111, 10111-6m
BRITISH ASS. CO'Y, TosoNTo-Patablishe
PHBNIX INS. CO'Y, ol LoNDON iinglandl�
Established 1782.
HAit'PFOItD INS. C(JY, of .1A11TYORn. Conn
--Established 1810.
Risks taken In the above Ant-cl aasOAces st
the lowest rat, s be HORACE HORTON.
The undersigned 1s also Appraiser for the
Money to Loan on flat -class security, on
T to 8 per Cent. -Charges moderate.
Coder'^h Sept. 10. 1885.
not, life is strrcpinK DYE t
1 and dare before you die
somethlue might, mad sub-
lime leave behind t.0 conquer
time. PS a seer'
town 3:, outfit free. No r' Wer'.. In erythour wu
new, Capital nut reuuirr ' -sk, Fill t thing
I Wo• will furnish
rum erirythin,t. Ab.' , are making fentune,
lartiea make as "'..ch as ul'en, and treea and
rhos make ,err pay. header. if you want
business at which you can nuke great pay all
the tome write for particulars to 1i. lis.w rr
'K' ... Portland Main
Grady s SpeCiuC Mr2(1iCillO1
TRADE Anent Ty * au irltItK,T-lit,•- TRADN MARK
failing cure
r •Seminal
�t'r.trx sea.
` rh..,t, 'input-
:` cn• y, and all a,(`.
Macaws that
...eafolly.• ..;Arc-' _-
BEFORE TAKING.'tueace of :.. i; AfTEN TAKING.
.Abuse: a.. LOSS of Ale y.1 bra. real habit -
Lode, lysin in the lteot- 1.0.mncsc of Vision,
('rentaturo uhl age, am: ...1. er diecaace
hat lead to insanity or ron.I'utl 1.• it and •
tn-e Wave. Y9.Fui, paitfeuler.. in our
"imlet, whlih 1 -is dealre t• rend ''fee by
untilo everyone.'lore`W'tilcJ1ell:a:ue+old. all druggttti at $1 per ity; �„iM, at Y -
ff.tik:s r,•a fur 33:no As ill hs .ant free bymail
tarvvlpt of Dm Dude} M- adrhee+ing
THE GRAY MEDICINE( .0..'1'oronto,Ont
-04 Sold' in C elerivh by Jas. W ileo
tly'nite are i -'se a.. r on the look
ont fur '•1.: • es to increase
their earn. ,a.ancha time be
.-i,Ille weal' by : It tr' w hut do
no intprore tt,,•ii' oplw,rtnn
d .as rr:ealn iii 1 .' erty. Wt. • :' ,t gree
chi :.. 01111.• to. met. % t i:.' t „•, WO-
nt..... 1sp. awl girl l o work tor it -... thetp'
•N r I.,. at t a a._ A I 1 e. 41 1•• . • k .pro-
le 1 ant t the firs' win L . 1 t 1 0,. ,.
pe .. bre t„ar, ten . u..l4.r.{.1 01 ..
. . Ex.
pet, r . , :ant furnished fr. c. No ....
u i n en=
dale., foils to rusks m: •' mi. t:it . , i. as
te%We.)'•.:urtvbolrinnctn 11.4 r,.:1. :,sill
your Spur moments. Full u,:,,•1• • 1',.,• snd
til thn, 1r l,,,'t •sr•e s.•n1'fr.'t',. •-11 , , l4Ttx
son &' Co. Portland. Maine
i uta`.
are annuai) robbed
of their rfet1mr, Tires
prnlnngcd 1,tpptnrsa
nn.1 health rertored
!,y I he err „h I,,• great
which positively and prrmanrnl 3 . arr. IIle
ppMMear, $cnnsrd h) 'scares of any kind,,
atsalaal Weakness, and all diseases lhat 101
bre a • two n.uwse of dell- Abuse, as loss of en•
erg}', loon of memory, nisi venal lamaade,
plan In the hark. dininem of vision, prema-
ture old aim and many other diseaare that
lead to insanity or consnmptann orad a prema-
ture •rare
!lend for rlre's tars with teatimnriiale fret t.y
Mall Th.. igiRiARiTAS is sold at e' per
box, or *lc hexes for lis, by all Trail«til, nr
will he writ free my mall, .ernrrI, sealed, on
reeetpt of peter, h ad4resaing
r J rIIRNg.Y. f)rngglat,
1117 Onm'Mr Rt Tniedo, Obin
titan (tavaaa.
rink. tern, for .Jnderiett
t •..r~'�� C
O E -'- RA
W O 3t i ''' : '.1 ,1) . .
Purgative. Is 1 ' .' , it , Ln 1 etarlrssl
destroyer of worms iu el i::• 't orA.i111Nk
• tyanted Ntg I'ay. A (. .ea
C'E N 1 it'ork a'aw.ta((t e:n Y
or apttal rye, red. J stare) 1 in, ek ('.. M. a
rr•si pueb a 1'ltf
ice' -r1:1-1.!-1101‘' 11 1' 1 1
I** rel.'
WeffilinhaaliMMIniliiii ices am
IL _mw ,11411d by I'htsIrtawe
G:1;3T..9 •
Catarrh of eta N:. -a! Cavity-Cnr oc and pie
Catarrh of itis far. Eye er lhue%t 11 M :dr
INTERNAA LY and actsCTlr 000
the Blond sad Mat's 'g er.
System. Ills Oa "'1llMoss rwNer
in the WORLD, VIA is worth ill:
that isTORI - rgea'd far It. to
IA- IN TIIK MA(ttecr
w. !.0 t:00 for u7 ars 51 et I oo
Cst.rrt " v'. ' :til
1t'F LLAND, ,•Lt llarab'
CJy 1.1(15 uang',ter Wanlrtti , ..t
w1tee tlt5g
for t'.o yaarn, an'I reW1 very tt.1 1. "Ar+'. '...1
'Ds •,.s of " H dl's 1 siwell Osee ' Note 1
Sit/,.0 -uro 1. W. T. IL
1Vri,r.svo, tams, Morelia, ia1I.
Ih.r.nied"lial..:'.uerYUsr.,' ee,l edge
Ing tm:n the g rod rosette f de-.. r•1 Lout one
bottle, ,relieve it will cure the n:,,'t et ,hborw
are of Catarrh if its win tw song 111 •1 fur •
reasonal,.c i.•.,,. 0 of tine
Wsi.I.Aau, Ont., March ri, INA&
r. J. CaaaaT ! ,'.,.. Ty1040, O.
111•0122.- Haws sold h all's1 to ., r','r. fir tai
!sat) ear. art It gIvee euttee 'ar..tsei.on.
Ynues trot',
11. W. 110.402i, itrag♦lat,
Hall's Catarrh Cure
watt by alt WI•olessIs sod it•ta11 Drypdty
and healers ... 1 steal Med ,'.nss to
bks Uetled NNIe- erd Oana.ls.
1 . CK:
i Cent a Bottle. $4.04) a Dos
The naly meanies Hall's Catarrh Cars 1s ease -
Jamul -WI I by T. J ('n''xlRT a Olt.. Tiled*. a
a/D.wars of 1 'tst•ena
Bottled foe the rint.O- rra'1e h,
H. W. HOBSON, Welland. Ont.
F.o1L'•.F' 1:11\ \ \b