HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-09-07, Page 51. SIGN AL, FRIDAY, SE1'T.1, 1i8 lbslml11e1. 8o!....4 Report for August --alcor. Dili - Ghat - V ttllaaa-'total narks 7 •) --1 Hee• hest - lnb.rtsuu 572. 2 MI.: y 31orrish 5 }V ehm-4li30-1 Albs, i Robert- le4 4ilti 4 B.MY Stalwart 400, 3 Henry Xort'sh 461, 4 Annie LeTuuzel 317. IU VeretsBeor.-54A-1 Rabt. LeTuu• eel 43.7, 2 Albert )L«lel 433, 3 Gusty Yigttgme ++90 4 Herbert Fisher 407, 5 Albert Ciudbill 358. III Class, June. - Mk -4 Jas. Morrish 42.2, 2 Gottfried Maedel 363, 5 Eddy Fisher 328, 4 Man- ual Msedel 305, 5 Clarence Walters 282. ,Jtguiur Diyisiup--Il Class, Senr.-165 .»l Ldtiu Loud 141, 2 Ehr. t Lunt 140, :I/lu*Uce Gledhill 1:12, 4 T.izzie liob- erpn a 129, 5 ,1 'flee Jas Less 1::,. II s, Jr.1- 140-1 Carrie Church 121, 2 Lizuo Ste" • it 103, 3 Geo. Gledhill 10.3, 4 At . . Stewart 20, 5 "(`harlie Mandel 89. '1t t Mt ---1:1c• -180-1 Martha You'll, Al.)'1 Mary Rodgers 161, 3 Karr • T•'•t t 1148. 4 Ambrose Vanstone 140. 5 J.1• . Piper 117. II Part, Jr. -100--- 1 Facey Fisher 91, 2 Willie Fisher KI, 3 O' n Moore 74, 4 Libby Fi..h'•r 71, :n 51st a Handy 70. 13t- enlnat/be. TI e Tecuwseth House has changed 1'au•'t. It is run at present by Joseph Nisi r. He will be found a very obliging host. P. ter Kerney has started a general stone at this plane, and is doinga rushing hush see. He is also postmaster. Her Maj. aty's mails ari n e and depart from here tri-weekly.1.' Sine of the 4. ys, feeling nether (117, euteitd the cellar of George Brophy, and took a keg of beer, drwk all they wanted and left ,hat remained in a vnrart house en the premises. They will likely get a warn reception if they try it again. ,1tchael Walsh, on-' of the farmers engaged in the erection of C. I:ayuer's barn, recently fell a distance of 27 feet. eine of the rafters was not spiked. Hav- ing caught the rafter it suddenly gave way precipitating hint to the ground. He luckily struck with his feet first, w h'eh likely was the means of eating his life. His injuries are not serious. Jntmes Robinson's team tern ;way re coo y. His sun was driving them to tin t:rl'd. Somehow he lost exentr'1..f as in, send was thrown violently from the a, gtou. His leg was struck 1,y one of the wheels and broken below the knee. Dr. McKay, Dungannon, set the injured limb, and be is doing ns well as • can he V ILLAIIOt. Muaarr. Clare and 11'hitlr lie colo- 1 The Fruit Grower: Aaslw:au.•n closed witted t , examine they Dmnganuou I its session at $t. C.ttharittes ou Friday. bridge, and report at uvxt utuetiti rl; J c uw.itttlr WAR 44i uiyt)'d to r,1,41.•t council. bloted by Mr. He'llurchy.:.thu1,4 t•'/loads.,fete• 41134 1) r'.j>tj sounded by Mr. Whitely, that taw J-10 'laws, end w u.lvise unbar 51 aIIl1 .tl t stills iu thlu1 , L levied for county t ezlf.pn the "Cg. lila-(lGat:e 4114 the Toile:, and two stills its f'tte 4.41ar for , week Is ,l. township purpose'} 1)y•10w1 Nu. 7, 11$33, 1 '_, ., -- ----- .--- - to levy county, township and spacial. seine' rates, mut mid and passed. nor- vat by Mr. Griffin, seoundeu 1•y :11'•. MuMurilly, that rhes debit notif y' i'tlrn. 1 o'ltieliy to remove 1114 font fr iu Oho road allow. tees to the proper heir itaa8wd , out by TI s. Weather:ad, P L. iu a survey of sikio line 6 and 7, c:,1. 9 and 10, W. D. node Ly him on , e 27th and 30th .lune 1,00. The tuM 1 j se-- ennui were ghee d : Wml Mis b, 'veva takes by Messrm, Gray, Ellice', Ureuty, Smiley, It',a'1, CIuW, liaise, McCaig and Wiggins, p athinater, $39 ; 1Y 1'. 1' 1v. c. ntra. t on hill south of 1 Helloes t/Mi, elgla,; ,Trate $tew+ait, cut -1 ling IiiU'wi S. 11. 3344"4, laork 4, E.D., 86J; J. .1,:0.tig, work duce un Dun - 1 _•anmou hill, 810 ; J. Mullau, luutber, 1 8:3.45 ; 11. AfeGinry, ditching on D. L., eon. 5 #1U; Win. Cunningham, do. $20 i A, Thielny, ti;t eeleert on c 'n. 4, SS ; Wen. -Malleu i, wire folic,' in frust ..f his Linn N. G. rna3, $17.26; C. Sanderson, graveling on am. 12, near Grant's drill, 117 ; 1). McLean, spikes and nails, 70 cents ; John Shea, ditching, ane. 10, $4 ; G. , repairing eulvert T. It. 12 anti 11, $14 ; D. Matbttwn re- pairing culvert L. It, $10; Ales. Me- 3inrcliy, repairing two810 ; I). McKenzie, gravel twlveris L. IC, rom IT IS NO HUMBUG, EUT REALITY. taken f That Diphtletl I. is sae of the eget daa;.:r ons diseases and ■nasally swcepsaway thous- 1 ands of children, is s feet which no one can deny, sad that doctors iu many casae, :.-•' pl-... rices againft It Mies! ss true. .\ ute•ti- vne that ii s certain wed slue . i.....:• (•.r this dangerous and re •a.t 'uadisea.+e abould be halted wtthjoy a.nJ warnuly wth..used by •• very family, for utas .a :4.n • of need. A con- flagration is much more wily checked at the begin•.in:p ttasafter it has en:nc.t headway. -lo it is with this dlatm:te. Keep medicine on hendeand do not wait till it is too,late. Such a medicine i -t ofrrrnd the public at DIER- I-AM31 s DIPHTHERIA and C1tOVP ItEM- bUW. \We are tborou,ildy convinced that it will answer Its purpose. Letter* patent have been taken out fort the Dominion of Canada. sad precautions are taken that no one ,rill imi- tate it. We kindly ask am,peiical men '.o givI•. this remedy a trial. 'restl^.ionl.sis. .•iireolars and trial bottles sent oa alit$vitutt4 for. ' Address Itcv. 41. U1 i:1tL.A B31, 'lnr`.•I :'. Q. Ontario. Fee :tale. a1 GIItn. tun -five Ute: stere. (railer:r:•. Pat. July :18. 1863. • Dnnla=011. Mr. Fitz, of Blyth, moved into Dun- gannon last week. Theodore Roberts mid family of De- troit, are visiting J. M. Roberts of this village. The Methodists a'rc giving their church a much-needed coat of paint, which adds . greatly to its appearance. While E. Munro was unloading some timer at J. M. Roberts store, one night last week, ono of the boxes fell on his knee and seriously injured that useful member of his body. 1Ve are glad to tee he is able to be round again. Since writing last week, B. J. Craw- ford has crane into px.ssession of a splen- did English setter hitch. Lie has now as fine a pair of setters as the country can produce. At a meeting held in the Presbyterian church on 414.1i.lny evening last, a depu- tation was appointed to wait on the Presbytery at its next meeting to obtain permission to J,uild a new church in Dungannon. The sunt ..f two thousand three hundred dollars has been snbscrib- ed towards the building fund. A build- ing committee was appointed, and every thing look, ns if we sill have a fine new church in the•villa-c before very long. Kingsbridz . ColtvA.as-. eNr.-- Miss HonnahO'Con- nor is recu%eril:; from a sevete illness. Miss Libbio Lennon, of Toronto, is visiting her sifter, Mrs. Joseph Griffin, of this place. Miss :Mary Dalton, of Lucknow, is visiting frienlis here. lot 3, Huron township, 85 ; J. Johnet;,u, ditehiug, con. 10, $1 ; J. Sullivan, re- pairing hill between luta 19 and 20, also repairing McDonald's bridge and Thont- suls s culvert, 818: R. Wall, plank ou S. R., 3 and 4, 81; Mr. Mattie, charity, tis : Mrs. Lucy, do., 810: A. Davidson, coffin for the late J. Lucy, 814 ; T. Calvert, ditching and culvert, 813 ; M. Dalton, repairing culvert un G. If, in front of lot 20,85 ; J. Griffin, part payment for ditching on con. 9, 125 ; R. Jewell, road work and bridge on D. L, con. 6, and plank by pathmaster 078.61 ; Wm. 1Mc(;rory, fixing bridge nn S. R. 3 and 4, 84 ; T. Hackett. charity, $10 ; J.:McKenzie, culvert lot 3 con. 12, E. 1)., 816 ; R McIntosh, plank S. R. 3 and 4, con. 12, W. D., $1.80; A. Phil- lips, gravel taken by S. Phillipa, 3. Cranston and Wish Shackeltuir, path - Masters, 818.40 ; N. rl.erriar lank Harms b I) Jonas, pathmaater, 81.62 gravel taken by pathmasters. $4 ; J. Fletcher, culvert on boundary Ashfield and Huron, $6 ; J. Bryan, p.rintitlit, $36 ; N. Ure & Co.,printcd fornis,gl.58. The council adjourned to meet at the same place on Saturday, the 6th n,f (lc- tober.-JOAN Coosa, clerk. One day last week, while going to work, a bachelor who doesn't live 100 miles from here, espied a pair of rabbits just ahead of him. Jerry doffed his „F rot anand vest, gave his trousershitch, lecaltaral and kris Associatiae andd chased the nimble animals. Hr . captured them, ton. The young bachel- ors of Leehurn cannot, we opine, give as OF ONTARIO, good a record or agility. Even the re- doutable Jog Maywced can't equal this feat. ie., The Part Albert Troller. PORT ALBERT, Sept. 3, 1863. To the Editor, of The Signal. Six, -In last week's issue of TIE SI.; - NAI. I notice a "big puff" in the shape of a challenge from Richard John Henry DeLong, to trot hie mare "Minnie" against my mare "Polly," for $50 a ride. Strangers would suppose Richard de;Lion meant business and 'honest Injun" by his challenge, but the fact of the matter is this puffer knows very well that my marc "folly" is very sick with "pink- eye,' ant alae, has a colt six weeks old. Heuer th., blowing. People smile to hear "Dick" talk about bit, trotting capa- city. If my mare gets better this tall, and she u.+ "herself again;"Itichard John .r.010 ER WIN. 2 HIltON COAL BEPOT Private School,"The Cheapest House Under the Sun. QQDEiiICH. • ,('LA 1'7x`:ltltllttlMifDON se,un.clers' Varicty- seZtere Tl c dnesda.i, .Sept. 5ttt . 99 lir.tlsAbN well psorltl/sl 4u. at *PRESERVE KETTLE'S, given to rea9:sg ase'TIC*: FRUIT JARS, I ,'s Very ;1A/erafe FLY TRAPS, t., iµrt':er }art: u:am el'plr 1 R. J. PLDTCM R, Wort itemise. 1:: dirk*. Ana a h. Ute:. 1tt23.AL iNGHA14'S.. GROV is the best place in tiodertch to hold a PIC"TV BIRD CAGES, REFRIGERATORS. ANL/OTHER $EA1OSABL1. (100D$ E tovea 'a dd Tinware argcsf stock In town. I %veal s. r, et, dour W tl • I'.U• Jule. rah. la'•'3, TSN E01' -- Bargainb ►rl BINGHAM S IJ RSEkY 'kiItis) Jn .►... tµtjoinln^ the arose. will supply any quantity of choke lower.. at reasonable rates. Buu'lttet,. Ceases end utter i'lur.tl Ornautcata made to order. Persona requiring Coal fog the coming eer.- lion.willgetitattbie Lowest Rales Going Ry sending in their order now. and thus ea - edging the dealer to secure it when the rate of freight is low, and the price of coal U at the cheapest point. which it always 1a in the mid- dle of the summer. IB.4CKSMITHS E BINCH 1M. Wanting a supply for summer and fall use should apply before the middle of July.11pow Bible. Orders by mail carefully attended to. \5 rite or apply to S7OHN A. NAFTEL, Hardware Merchant, Godcricb. June 13. 1833. le):16- 8E1: -ruE51. - A EINE f.tx1'. ...4SHTOX',S GEXU!XE F.`I,''1' (tt)L011's' .\T 0 AND lc) cF: •rei 1'1•.ti YAM,. U.xlcrich, July S. '•le1. i F; t: North rest Traasputi +i;ell CI1IIii i iy rr 1: The Cheapest, Most Comfortable and Pleasant Route • TO ALL PO'TS IN TIIE+111E..4T.it)I,TII it'EST is ries the Steamers ..f the North 55..4 Trans- portation Company, on f which will. weath- er pyccrW&.ting. (rase s,Pnta taut 1 es 'otos.. tt Friday right. en arrival of Gra:, 1 True Trane,. ('ALLItiG AT s:Otsl.nl(' t'.e T`,L- LON'hG Oa\. /.•r I'riu' t L :r'. I.a, •1:c11. Itul:ttlr.and:tit .1'-:. .•. r ••n. Disko:sand tP t Ne;;:.:`.': •. gPi•;v21i.t,. The :':earner "MANr'r-.•H:\" w;: rich• weather perm lC u e;: cry to -i foe at.+ Anil FrtLive .- • K;n. aldlne, tlo.itttamp nu dee. 't• 11tt. otcotinl Pre ::, > Tbnn.l'r Hay. For ter;;ter mforeiatio:: as to 1' lis \W3f. LEE. Godcrtrh. or to .J ARIES H: hh •17 TY, Oene:•al Mana3 r Jane 7(b. 1845. 183* -:m Canada's Great Fpr!,, THE• N11TI021" Henry will either have to "Ai) up or 1111 f T •'dry •Faithfully your, l (' k E N'I Gederaeb Markets. Ootnattcu. Sept. 0, 138.1.. Cif Live Steel:. AericWtural sari ludustr :i `. et t1 al \W beech (Fall' la bus),........... 00.37 tWbeet, (Spring' :+ been........ 08 Flour, tt barrel .................. t 60 Oats, P bush 0 :ar Peat. St hash.::..... 0 ro Marley. N bush ..................0 10 Potatoms 1' bush new 1 00 Hay iy ton ,.. ` Butter la lb 0 13 ........ Eggs, V doz. (unpacked) • • ... • . 0 15 Cheese, ..•• ••••..,-•- • • 0 11 Shorts, r cwt .............. 0 90 Bran. i cwt • 0 70 chop. la cwt .• .... • 1 60 Wcod_.:........... 350 !lidos.......... 5 : 0 S h eeusk as ............. . Products, Fine Ar swot La:Hoe Work. S••••• lit l(0 i ti 37 TO=OINaTTO, • 070 9 b Sept.11th 1•o 2nc(l,1S<Sd et 0 15 ss 0 10 0 10 lit 100 082 1 70 600 1 20 • 38th ProYillcial Exhibitiou ORiTcskt.--Many of your readers will be pained to learn of the death of Miss Margaret Hogan, which sad event took place on the 31st inst., at the resi- dence of her brother. The deeease,l had been in excellent health up to within' a short time ,,f her demise,but was sudden- ly stricken by an attack of inflammation of the lungs, and succumbed afterashort illness. The large attendence at the funeral showed the esteem in which the deceased was held. "Leaves have t heir time to fall. The flowers to wither at the north wind's hu, And utasreato e.i lint alt. Thou has d1 seasons for thine own. D Death: To be Held at Guelph, ON TAR 24th to 29th Sept' r, 1888 The 1'ruzrecan • of Spacial Features and Novelties will be the heat yet presented by this Association. Prize Lists and Entry Forma can be ob'eia- ed from the too :netaries of all Agricultural sr- •lack. and Me,-nanies Institutes, or they w•111 be sent anywhere on applleation by post earl • to the Secretary at Toronto. Entries should he made at once. Cheap Rates and Excursions on all Railways. The Read Time to TlsI( Ike City of Termite' Entries must b' made with the Secre at Toronto, on or before the untierrae rd dates, viz : HersCattle. Sheep, Swine. Poultry. Agri- cultural Implemcnte, or or before Saturdsy. Agust 25t h. (train. Field "toots and other Farm Pro- ducts, Machinery and Manufactures general- ly. on or before Saturday, September let. Horticultural Products. i.adies' Work. Fine Arts. etc.. on or before Saturday, September 811. Prize 1.Ista and Blank Forms for making the entries upon can be obtained of the Secretar- iesof all Agricultural and itorticnitural So- cieties and eehanieti Institutes throughout the Province : or to Malan' WAGE. IMrretary, Agrleniteral a Arts .'awed"'leas. Termite. . r. McGtl101. President. Routh Flush. Ang. 10th, 180. 1100-3t SahLo1d. The council met on the 25th of Au- gust, at Finlay's school house. All the members prevent The minutes of last meeting were read and signed. Opinion of (farrow & Proudfoot nn by-laws Nos. 10 and 17, 1881. Letter (rem the clerk of W. Wawanosh, stating that the coun- cil had made an appr"priati. n of $6O to . be expender! on the N. Y. road provided Asbtield would spend a like amount. Letter fr on .lames Mahaffy, complain- ing of damage done by water running from hills north rat the village in Port Albert Letter from the county clerk, reomring in,333 21 for general county pnrp.'ses. and $531 for Leg. Weatherint Talent Account of Thee engineer and surveyor, for surveying site roads between Iota ta 6 and7, W. and L 1)., through eoneeaainns 9 and 10. Amount .'f Jas Bryan, for printing. Ac- onent of N Missed i Co • for printed forma Moved by Mr Griffin. seeondwd by Mr MicMurshy. that the reeve and MISS WAIT FOR IT H. J. HILL, 'tanager and4tecretary. J. J. WITHROW, President. 1913.(4 WILSO N'S Pi'eSR11111011 DCII'SioN, g W.Taetes Rato Cure. Van Buren's Kidney Cure. Hairs Catarrh Cure Cingaiese Hair T'tenewer. Crowfoot Indian hitt gra. .. Warner's Nervine. King's New Discovery, Fowler's Extract of Strawberry. Try NERVILiNiI, the new Pain itemedy-- trial bottles. 10c. • DIAMOND DYES, —THE- BEST IN THE 1 ORLI). 100. PSR_ F'AC3KAG1r _ _ 11 . R 1 I' I . THE I'F.OI'LL'S t rOR?', COR. 1:1.t:.-tro:: .•. 01'ARE. Godoricb, Juh 12t1:. 1`..t. SIG DRESS GOOD= SALE THIS y ;t MONTH t e AT J. C. DETLOR HARVJST TOOL3 ARE EQUAL TO THE BEST IN TII;•::.L\Rift:T 7i'Izn A. 1Vaftel. Has I /ie&Iz in Every.Class Hay Forks Iboy'a size), 20c.. men's size, from 30e. and h.pwanl. Darter and Straw Forks Scythes Mew patterns, and ynaiths, Cradles! and 4'radle Scythes, liar% cat Mttte,etc. 31achine Oil, from l5e.,up to $1:OO a gal. • 11)0': want PERFECTLY PURE `17.I1 1 TE LEXD,. JOHN A. NAFTEL has it, guaranteed po by the, maker. end.ra forfeit of $250for each ounce of adultcratios round in it. If you want a paint, mixed and tinted. ready ter immediate use JOHN A. NAFTEL has it, the best in the market. CUTTAPRCi A PAINT, warranted to contain nothing but Pure 'White Lend and 011 combined with Guttap:rclta and Oxide of Zinc. SaTAll for sale at JDh.N A. NAFTEL'S Cheap Hardware Em'orium. Ooder:ch. July 19. 154 . Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. T}ae Chicago House, ,:U: ti E.\DQt1A1tI :I;- 01 FAS!'I'•N it; N.EW 1IIL-LiNERY .OF .11.1. KIN 1 S. A cheap' lime in T:ii:fnetl (pats a Specialty. .\ first class ..— re ss Mak] n.g Estabil sllment .1,•. • .n 1n coanertiat wit't'I,r :millinery Department. A call solicited. WILKINSON. A AT The Rev. Z. P. Wilds. well-known city mieslonary in New York, and brother of the late eminent Judge Wilds, of the Massachu- setts Supreme Court, writes as follows: e "78 E. 6118 St. New York May 16, 102. MrSSRS. J. C.LTaR a Co., Oehtlemen : Last winter was troubled with a most uncom- fortable Itching humor affecting more especially my limbs, which itebed so Intolerably at night, and burned so Intensely. that I could scarcely bear any clothing orer them. i was also a sufferer from a severe catarrh and catarrhal cough • my appetite was poor, and my system a good deal run down. Knowing the value of ATYR'e SARAA PA- RILLA, by observation of many other cases, sn•1 from personal use In former sears, I began taking it for the above-named disorders. My app.•tito Improved almost from the first dose. After a short time the fever and itching were allayed, and all signs of Irritation of the skin disappeared. My I catarrh and sough were also cured by the same means, and my general health greatly improved, until It is now excellent. I feel a hundred per emit stronger, and 1 attribute these reruns to the rax of the SARA A)ARI1.LA. which 1 rceommend with all oona,tence as the best blood medtelne ever devised. 1 tank It In small doses three tl 1 mpl.ss.dhay • sift Iy'uar, se l Sts t han tw o bot tl.•,'. service, h •yring thd[ puWicat'lnaoursmarydpecoat. y. 7.. T. WI tisk.* Thr *bore instance is bet one of the many cots- ' ,cantly coming to oar notice, which prove the pee - deet a.laptability of Avr5'R RAasArsRI1.1.A LO the care of all dhw'ases arlaing from impure or ler peterlsbed blood, and a weakened vitality. l iTIOW .A .RT Ayer's Sarsaparilla duan..... ,nrlrhm+, and strengthens the hlnnd. Mksnlatee the artlnn of the stomseh and bowels, U A I N S' da thereby attacks enkoa tb. mrnfuhsystem to reds' andrsover, R E A T BAR dame the hshe, tcaha rna, Aomori, .neral paws of Me she, Narr'anliann, r'nlnrrrA, General Ili Debiltly, and all 'Reorders resetting from poor or igrrwpted blond and a low state o1 the system. PRrrARTD RA Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mase. Sold hr all Druggists, prlee 11. err battles for 5s. _LOMM MAN UFACTUF • 1\ToT31.1i 11AERC1--1ANT TAILOR, NORTH -STREET, NEAR THE SQUARE, GDERICH, --)WILL FURNISH Oft MAKE UP(— Gents' Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lowest. Prices. SELLZNC+ OFF AT_COST & UNDER CAST TIRTY DAYS. Uoderich. July 49th I11a1 tv t.' YI:►R% Fxl'I:R161('P. ('ITTiNG A RPPA'IILTI'. PI:I&01N'T FIT 1.1 MARTYR.. ORDER* PROMPTLY ATTBVDl:1)'TO. neTI: Tilt: IUuRP.tt6' • PHILO NOBLE, NORTH -STREET, Gf)DERICH. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS -Best Purgative Medicine - wire re...illation Tndla'set inn. it.a,tvbe. sad .n nflk,w bI.nr.tem I.M e,errwbsew. Always ••'Lola EEDS! SEEDS A.T 'l I-3IC 3. 37DICA1-4 1IgL2 JUST RECEIVsD A LARGE AND VALUED ST('CK Ol•' F1:.ESH GARDEN, FIELD, AND FLOWER SEEDS from naeof the mast Reliable Weed Warehouses in the Dominion. Fc)1{ SATE BOTH IN BULK& IN PA('KAGES P. JORDAN, Chemist and Dr aggist, 11L.DICAI, HALL_ C3CDERZC;H_ 31=, I -I CR Man SWyou coming from lith that arm foil of goods t Why. 1 hart. font been to R_ PROTTDFOOT'S, 11 e ('hrapeM asd Most Relial•le ',tore in town. \Wh), yon ma get GOOD TE.1 FROM 10r. 7'O) ,S'' r. 1'.' ( POI. ,VD. HIS SUGARS AND FRUITS CANNOT BE BEAT IPM -1m And Ob. my 1 If 1 nn anti co'lld see the Bargains in Faotories and. Flannels. n I , -, .ren thng nn, want. in bile line Ia ebewpc' and be ter than I ran get an. w h m Nae. 1