HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-09-07, Page 44
Y a lies tF:l Iforetlra, by ]Ic I Tiii punk,. ut Justice Pa terson's
a ">!`"T ` < t ` r uet& North eft 1Iugutent in the ltuakuiut election ease
(ciOD$RICH, ONTARIO. ' relating to treating should he pondered
by every -political candidate. The learn -
And is aesgatcbed to sltparts of the surround ed judge said :
syr country by the earliest malls and trains.
An attempt was made to bring the ease
Ws Quoin'. bench Divisi.w will sit
on Saturdey neat to give judgment on
the West hurtkumberku•l election
saaladsolwion It has a fir vireub t name outer news�aapae la t is varlet within the d altria o beta in some cath
the souattry: 4 to one orchil rectos srwsleit our courts, when. Imola the question
rad trust as it journt°r is in Ontario whether a carticul instance of treating
ing ivasddit un tothe�a$Mlpaoln a Itrs�l�as. was or wasnotn,rritpt, weight was given
family and fireside paper --1 lir therefore a to the fact that the custom of treating
most deeirubte u,trertis np midi UM.
Tsang.—st.30 in advance postage pre -pfd sows very general, and only a token of
b7 publishers; $1.73, it paid before six mouths good fellowship, and that t e person
$_•00 if not se paid. This rule will bo strictly charged habitually treated pe ns whom
enforced. astows
RATta -or AovERSsIIYo.- cepa he rust The reslx' dent
Inc for first iertioa ; tbtes a per Sue Tor asked to his habits in this respect,andt,ta►verns.
each subsequeutinsert ton. fear y, ,alf-seamy assented— though; as it struck mo, but
and quarterly contracts at reduced rates.
S PRINTING.— We bare alsosfint-elaM faintly—to the suggestiuu that such ors
• ebbtaSdryartment iuconnection and {wow's- his habit. I may be allowed to say that
•g the most complete out -fit and bestrsetltties the respondent is s gentlemsa of whom
•- 1st oat wort in Gedcrtela,are prepared 1 formed a better neon than that
do bu ass in that lino et prlc•esthaterannet �copinion
r vibe beaten. met of s quarry that cannot be which be then claimed for himself, and 1
ltpassel.-.Teresa Cash sboold be very unwilling to be!1eee that
he had so frr'seetled from the traditions
FRIDAY. SEPT. izS. 1833. which he must have brnutht with his,.
as to hare fallen in with the vicious and
t►Tlr'E Tel St"f1NlRIDE 1iS IN .{/;- destructive custom of which we are coin-
-V pelled to hear so much. But the cases
I:EAP•3. in which the matter has before arisen
An advertiaeu,e:tt in this issue gives were oases in which it was necessary to
formal uotice to subscriber& in arrears to allow atfirmati',ely that the treating was
pay up at once, with the intimation that corrupt Even from that point of view
they gave. I think, quite as much effect
all overdue accounts not paid by Septem- as could reasonably he given to the proof
her 22nd will be handed to our solicitors ct the habitual character of the treat.
for c •llection. Too many of our sub- For my own part, were the argument ad-
cribers have boceme su careless as to dressed to me that a man uut'ht not to
be charged with a corrupt intent because
the payment of their just debts, and the he felt compelled to treat to avoid the
amount has become so large, that enor- imputation of being mean or unsocial, I
retic measures will have to be adopted should feel it hard to resist the reply,
to enforce payment. If costs are iucurr- that if he feared that imputation would
ed it will not be our fault. All accounts hurt his election the corrupt intention in
treating was not negatived.
of a stated antount will be handed to our
solicitors for prompt collection without
fear, favour or further delay. It will be
useless for any parties to offer excuses ur
mike promises. Promises are very well
in their way, but they don't pay.
THE GAJ,, , km eked another Algoma
election slander ...I the heal, in the
- follow:ng paragraph :—••A statement is
going the round of the Nor.luay organs
that Sheriff Clarke, of Algoma. has 1 -eau
prevented trr.m actino as Returning
Officer in the approaching election, in
order that a partisan of the Government He keeps it for E -lac -tions.
may, for some sinister purpose_ be pdt in 1 He had it in Mug-ko-ka.
his piece. The statement is utterly un- Where is John Shields now `
true. The Government fully expected He is away in Al -go -Ina.
Sheriff Clarke to undertake the duties of
the .position until ho sent in of his own Has he a Big Trunk There
motion a letter requesting to bo freed ' (1e$ local "chief magistrate" •baa re -
from the i'iecessity of doing so, urging ceived a communication from the horse -
the state of his health and the arduous guards of the Salvation army in Canada,
nature of the work, as his reasons. Mr. asking if -legal restrictions would be at -
Thompson, the gentleman appointed in ( tempted should the leaders of the army
his place, has for some time been clerk seek to locate a corps in . Goderich.
of the municipality of Shuniah, and is in favor Horton, with that bruad•spirited
every way *acceptable tt the people of Christianity for which he is nvted,replied
Algoma. The organs will have to search in effect that no persecution of the army
in acme other direction fur a• grievance." would be encouraged by him in and
By the way, our Tory confrerr appear to around Goderich. We can now look
be more virtuous on the natter of setting out for the advent of "Shouting Annie,"
aside sheriffs as returning officers at "Happy Sam," "The Manchester Lass,'
elections than they were at the time of "Hallelujah Jane," and all the other de -
the Dominion gerrymander' contest. vont soldiers of the army at an early
The sheriff of Huron was passed over by date, and we hope that no obstacles will
the Tury leader, and not one of the be thrown in the way of their good work.'
slavish organs raised its voice in protest. 1 There is any quantity of raw material
f fur recruits in and around Goderich, and
A CORREVI'rrNDEaT, signing himsel
"Veritas," in another column makes a I if the Salvationprmy can do any good in
working this section of the moral vine -
correction concerning the item recording yard—even though they do it after their
the death of Mary Ann Buckley, which I own peculiar fashion—let them be en -
appeared in our issue of last week. l couraged in the work.
t •Veritas" seeks to convey the impression 1
that the unfortunate girl, in a fit of tem- MAYoa Horten has received a letter
porary ineanity,committed suicide. The from Chas. Drinkwater, secretary of the
itemota originally printed by us,was scut C P. pt,, acknowledging the receipt of
by a correspondent in whom wo have his letter, setting forth the claims of
every confidence, and we can assure Goderich for the in -getting of the T. G.
"Veritas" that neither our correspond- & B. 11.„ -recently acquired by the C. I'
ent nor ourselves had the alghtest inten- R rMr. Drinkwater's epistle further
tion of insinuating anything not in accor- informs our Mayor that his communia-
daace with the facts of the case. Per- tion will be duly submitted, to the C. P.
orally we du not feel bound to endorse R board of directors at the next meet -
the opinions expressed -in our correspua- ing. The action of the mayor is opening
dence columns, but in the item published up correspondence with the C. P. R.
last week we feel assured our cbrrespon- officials is a step in the right direction,
dent had no thought of being otl.erwise and we hope to see it soon followed up
than accurate, except that, in deference by other important doings on the part of
to the feelings of the relatives of the our public men.
deceased, he omitted to state tlfat there _ __-
See the Trunk.
It is the Big Trunk.
1)o ., it hold Clothest
No, it 4101.s n•ot. 11,1,l ('Got?nes
What *loos it 1144.1 .'-
It is full of \,,wand Whisky.
John Shieltd.c owns the Trunk.
Oats of the Dominion Government a ut-
plttyeea in Huron is, we regret to state,
is delicate health, and already the Tury
othce•seekera are putttltg forth claims bur
the prospective vacancy.
Juts StfISLus,of Section B. notoriety.
is at present a fugitive from justice it
Itat Portage, on account of his efforts to
debauch the Muakoku elect•,t•are last
spring. John was the chide( the "big
trunk" brigade.
west wet Beer r1 the
1.i4 M, 1105. ' resseatal/es are edemas be tee I'eep We do set held ottwalvee yaawrrt4{� Ise Ow
of I:.denicb se saw. h. N. sri:aetar• opinions of our Correspondents. t estrtby.
ten to this department must oes¢se thaw
The regular meeting of the town awn The Uouutu, ut �,n •ivaw naafis ants argots t• nubile auwtioss, sal t.
cil wet held on Friday oveniug last. I h ' • -- • `r
Present—The mayor in the chair, mend of Capt. G. W. ?dearegus, , i'ettectaya.
reeve Juhusten and ouuncilliors Nursoy, I fres recently Aeon lout upon the Saginaw,
Culburue, Elliott, t+cx,bie, Biu Astro But- Cleveland and Go erirh route, Madeher As!,tiuhl, beet. 3, 18sF.
ler. Mitchell, Stager, Jordan, lint trip to (iudea Wb on Thursday 44
fir To the Editors of The Huron thenal
The minutes mf but unetitt were islet waw la anticipation of her ar- SIE,—In your last, issue you wake the
read, approved and sitpwd11
sisal a subscription was set on foot for tulloringstatcment:—"NatyAnn Buck.
The following (Aileen' r -sports were the purchase of a suitable testimonial to ley, on. \\'etlue (lay e.rr.it:y,r, Aug. 15,
red : ('apt. J1cGregmr for his pet efforts antj went fur a out . t nares, which she had
• sow THE.tsvRzli a'srATwMCNT Present cxurtnuus to work up the frac to haul out of a eon- *tidy a sop', en so]
for the month Of AniLuet shored of the tieginsw route in the.wturests of count of a dofeotiw lump, sod
o l a sup
lite-ei b... $1,O'i'J.zv Gcderict,. getwruu+ reapouss EU
to have fallen in."
l zpenliturii 1,133.75 wade by the i i lents of the Wwn, and
posed airing to he as hei,.f as p oss,ble it
Rrluttru in Itauk 87•6I ate result was he purchase of a valuable
c,,ntr:lii:in,t tile; ..,.lttWOt, 1 Lave to
LuId watch at d chant to De presented to .t,:te os It 11.o.)• _'tt,u liu;klr.,� „n the
Noricx has been given int. the South
Essex election caro that the petitioner
against the refers of Mr. Balfour, will
withdraw the protest and pay all costa
Mr. Balfour retains his seat, and South
Essex holds tomd to remain solidly Re-
THOMAS Gibson. M. P., for East
Huron is nut lusing flesh by fretting
about the result of the petition against
his return in East Huron. Those who
have recently ..on the petitioner. Thos.
E. Hayes, do not return a similar vet -
diet in his instance.
ON Saturday last au application was
made•by the petitioner in the Muuck
election case to withdraw. This was
consented to, and the case was dis,uiesed
with costs against the petitioner. The
Tory petitioners aid along the line are
having a peck of trouble, sod a large
amount of costs heaped upon them.
Tut: Tory •bio trunk” pack are now
in full cry throughout Algoma, and the
Moil, although aware of the fact, is
preaching the gospel Of electoral purity
If the Moil will call off Shields and
the other Tory ••logs of war" in the Al-
goma district, it w:ll not be constrained
to weep crocodile tears over the detauch-
in•• of the constituency.
were evidences of self-destruction con-
nezte.'. with the death of the unfortunate
Box. DavIe MILLS, the able editor of
the London A.ire,tiaer, is just now the
target of every Tory slang-whauger in
the Province. Mr. Mills has brought to
the editorial calling • large fund of vari-
ed information, and his vigorous acid
timely articles ern the political situation
are unpalatable to the Conservatives.
The endeavors to misrepresent theeditur
of the A,fcer•fi„rr have been many and
Waage, One of the latest is to charge
him with being a Yankee and an annexa-
tionisie. Mr. Mills pricks this "Yankee"
bubble by dating that he was born and
wand in Bothwell, the constituency 1..r
which be was elected in Jpne 1882. The
dead set made un Hos. D. Mills, first by
counting him out, and now by villifying
aad sajsreprussnting bins, is very dirty
work. But he is made of the stuff that
will Arvin' it.
Tats Times wants the people of Wing -
ham to take advantage of the breaking
of the dams by the recent freshets to
dean out the old millponds of garbage
and refuse, In the sanitary interrest d
the town. If the people of W ingham'
d 't follow the Rood advise of the Tithes
clean tilt tips millponds, the mill -
will likely olegn oat tube people of
Winghans, If patinae, is WA by the
ittuprci w�
THs serving of a writ for libel upon
the Exeter Time., by the proprietors of
the 1Cetfector, has hail the effect of chok•
ingoff the personal abuse of the rival edi-
tor. Nowadays no journalist personal-
ly abuses the proprietor of an opposite
paper to him. The only indi-
viduals who ,calm off personal abuse are
greenhorns. When a newspaper man
can .find time to blackguard his confreres
it shows that his judgment is poor, and
that he is unfitted for the business, and
lacks journalistic training.
THE SEXTON s RSPUi:^' the "Wain ►u, t. the uranv.il of the Uornntu 1 e veantg Its: et tele to plot amt q u to i boo well
showed that four adults had been in- p `
oar has purl**. tarred since last report. Fled. to for the puri ut..t drrw'uiad pail ef water
It haul Iwen:auuouuc,•.l b pos'rr that therefrom, t•e.aatp she had no means tot
sur, sTRP.ET tN IrErroo a 6EreaT the O;onto, ••u h sr titst u•il ,leuuld give a drawtog :u.j such w:a:cr,the pail and rope
showed that the sundry expenses slate •' muonl1 lit exauisi .u,' and as a c•^"e ,.till remaining in the !muse or p.rch au -
June 29th had been $439.08, for public queuco a largeutw:'.,; at, t:ledthoutaelvu3 111,r the control i•1 the housekee
works, $Ii,i0.t15, and fur street watering. u. them , urttm.11 t..us :Itf• Wird. r pe:
$72.7.,• Also that the tank on \\`idder i u I A. •: c h. 1••u appear t•• uuiuwte
Th., t,conte is r,.m.i,a rip built b •::t, ti, ,t she io•;;bt have fallen in tv•i:iettAnl-
street was now tiui+hod, and that the L„f• 417 tons bush u. Site 1t 14'1 feet • ahieh tmnfoe 'either.. with the fonow es
work was now being dune at tank near lona, with :LI tt. 111 in. bre:titlt et 1•.:1.1. tatdishett that she did 'nut go then for
station ; that the drain 00 Quebec street sod ham a carrying capartt)• i••r :,.11,"1 ° i 1 Lu ptn•pu u of drawee_ any wa'er at all,
was furnished, and repairs on sundry „f ftei;;ut au.l 1v) ,a+aet.ati•
other atruvts were completed ; aid that 1 ,tin.t ti..:,e1LLus .•i •luiw� eu
the streets were watered at e•ften es re-
quired. Filet.
Ar'. •Ot' NTA.
\ number ..f accounts wore re -ad and
referred to printing committee.
Councillor Elliott reurtel that he
had given relief to Hugh Rosa, in St.
David's ward, being a care requiring im-
mediate attention, ant that for a short
time yet relief would be required ; and
asking the conned for instruction.
Moved by Johnston. seconded by
Seater, that councillor Elliott is hereby
authorized to grant relief to Mr. Russ
as long as be may consider it eecesaary
to do so—Carried.
reapirted as follows :
(1) That at prweut no action bo taken
respecting Mr. A: McD. Allan's com-
tnuni:atiou on canneries., brat that it
lay over for future consideration, to en-
able the committee t .'!,rain ti..:•- iufor-
,oa:i .n. 2` \\'e r. co .y:u"ii•i chi: ail
by -Law.,. of the e.;r .•,rati•.n of th to'e'u
of (:oalerich, reapectin.t lively Trebles,
he re inded, and that a by-law t, that
effect be passed by the council.
Moved by Johnston, seconded by
Murney, that the report be opt
and freight traffic tetwteu
Saginaw, Goderich and Cleveland, and
l adopted.
commanded by Calot• t:. \\'- M'21;"'-' I'. Third) The well is still in the same
with Win. \tin..• u,', first 10114, 3. .l. y'
i onditlei, and any unbiassed pesos will
Lu;teubeel, purser, M. .1. liu;hes. ci•.iet ser at a glance that poor Mary Ann could
euuiueer, clot get into it "-;,bout herotrnhelp which
Just befo:e the b.,.0 set out 04. .9 thea is the general verdict. The wellhis not
excursion ou Thursday evm,ior, Captain :im insinuated, i1, a dangerous aundition,
JlcUregor was called into the cabin by pc,it.Kalwaya carefully dtpsnd up u was
the gentlemen Who had charge it the ,lone by the housekeeper on the evening
address and prvseutatiou, and the pleas in .oration which circumstances movie.
ant event was at once
proceeded echoer ceJlt, , when she saw the tanking re -
the presenc., of the large number of ex-
cursionists who were then on Lutrl• i that 3Inl-y Ann had manage,., to throw
theiucid/r resa Horton
aid ho haaddrabeeu se.eetrdto ing hetseo it.t . it iu a moment of temiveraq
} l amenity
the promoters of the scheme t., :octet:
i uo I
Now, for further informationour at.*-
address aulimako a preeentatieu to Capt• teutiou is respectfully drawn to the fol.
C. W. McGregor, to behalf of the ileo.' i„wing taken from •Clinton ne r,
pre of Goderich. The ,dare was to show ,' which is acknowledged as • fro cul
Captain McGregor that his present of -.1 stite•u,ett .•f the facts in the ow:
forts in the marine interests., f Gode"A girl nutted Buckley,aged about
rich, sere thoroughly ap.porcciated ate I ,ti, employed at the Rev. Father Bow -
valued by the residents of •unr sn„st'e, teen n:iaed on 1Vednesday let.
town. The teak thot aG. tolvei upon , eretrcit was made, and she was found in
hint stho utyyor. tills "venin: ;vas A 1.at- ' it wall L'l; teen deep, with 20 feet of water
tfculul lexsunt nue, f •r it
"'al 4e4,1st-
�' 1 ' she was taken from the well by Mr.
ins{ to dot honor t ..ui 1 to,r:awln-- Hussey. Ile was passing when thealanu
G r L” b •'.,ecce t' tins Jtctirt�, r a::s was
even, and to..k the lines tiff his
bon, cold r"arw', ill 11 lerieln. hear, I hortes an.l drew the body frotn the well.
hear. ' In fernier ye res the captain La•l„cue time age her mind was somewhat
be'n the chief m i msof Mat itutinga tbrio- deraod, but no fear of violence to her -
mg paw/mister self or anyone else was apprehended
There can be no doubt that she suicided
while lab•,ring under mental aberration
An inquest was not consider d necessary.
The funeral took place on Friday.”
it was fervently hoped Isy the friends m
Goderich that he would be again suc-
The finance committee reported as foe- oessful in revving the Business interests
\\'r. don't hear any further remarks lows : ill That we have examined the of the route. >s the majority ••f those In conclusion, trusting to year sena
from our Tury,county contemporaries to following accounts and recommend their ing, ¢elves .,f then the boat w opportunity to ere anxious to
havcil at co u- "f justice and fair play, you will please
the effect that "Cameron must go."
payment3; o. Grant, t erelief, 86 ; John N SIGNAL, itlid- ple of hoots' 'excursion on the lake, lie t}tc m-
art thisstatements, atnno doubt on in rebuttal
Mr. Game'-'', M. P., for West Huron, her, relief, $3 ; A. Kirkbride, public would not detain them by a len<.thentd
ii expiated home from Europe about the works, $7.73 ; A. lilickson, postage, speece h, but .. •u,d at once proc+•.td to tingly admitted into your columns o
last week. V gtlTAs.
middle of the month, and those of wag $2.74 ; Jas. Imrie,stationery, 60 cents.
Tory friends who have bet money that.We would also reccmmend that $15 be 111E ADDRE$'.
paid J. C. Martin, im full of his account CAPr. G, tr, 3[cGatx,on, statnerthonta: COUNTY NEWS.
he won't sit in the Dominion parliament of $20 21 We would also respectfully The inhabitants of the town of Gide-
nest session are likely to be out of p oc- submit to the council . the estimates for rich have long known your anxious ef- lulled frees ear Loral tlsekasses.
ket to the extent of the money involy- the current year. We have had • by- torts to establish acarine connection leo Clinton curlers and skaters are takes
ed ,law prepared, fixing the rate for all pur- tween the city of Cleveland, the Saginaw
steps t.. establish a mud rink iu theistic
}loop at 11. cents on the dollar, wbiin is valley and this town. And for sante ten I g1
1of • cent higher than last year, but the or twelve years to you, and to you alone,{ tion town.
Mr. ,lames Bethune, Q. C., un Mon- same u the year previous (1881), we find the town was indebted for this prmht•- 4 The Blyth R,'ri.•,.- denouncer Hbyloti
day last, on behalf of the petitioner,Mr. that the rate last year of 1j cents on the ble and pleasant connection. Had not ;,,i: Jenney, of Dayst., New York, as
Bettes, made application for summonses l dollen•, did not cover the expenditures of misfortune overtaken you in the h.sa "dead beats r,f the worst kind."
to be issued to show cause why. Shields, the year. The greatest are and mono- of your boat in the -year 1879, wo have I The Brussels P. at took holidays
my wall he neccesaary to keep ti, ezpen- no doubt this comwction would have I week, and the natives of the village
Roddy Pringle, "Gum Swamp” Ander-(ditare within these testimabes.' tt wall still been continued. We find you here I to depend upon outside pitenturw f�
son, "Big Push" Wilkinson, Capt. Kir- t be observed front the estimates that the again to -day with another boat, to re -
R'ilfgra has sold'his tarns Ah the
win, and others should not bo diwpualifi- council actually control only about ono- open a trade which you had formerly town line, three miles east of Blyth, to
ed. The settlement of this matter will third of their entire revenue, the balance created, andshich has been closed since J. Coulter. fur the sum of $8,100.
being taken up fur schools, sunking the loss of your boat until now. \\ e
take place Saturday next at 11.30. I fund, interest. municipal loan fund, duly appreciate the feeling that has Clinton ledge I. O. G T., No- 705
It is time these
se debauchers of the elector- county rate, fie. prompted you to think of your old will hold an entertainment in the tem
ate were brought to book. Moved by Jordan, seconded by )Iur- friends : and we say' to you, Capt. Mc- tleraNCO hall of that town this evening,
ney, that the finance committees report Gregor, that the best wadies of this coin- Sept. 7.
MO iDAv last judgment was given at be adopted—Carried. munity are extended to the owners •If Rev. P. J. Sites, of Seaforth will de
THE EA1LWAY QUESTION.ourboa., and to you as its cemctander, liver one of his instructive lectures it:
Oat;omdc hall by Justices Patterson and Moved by F. W. Johnston, seconded hoping and believing that this old en• the R. C. church, Blyth, on Sunday,
Ferguson re the petition ..f Mr. Bettes, by J. H. Colborne, that the clerk cut,- terprise, renewed Again through you, Sept. 1l.
I will bemutually benetieial to pour cum- A few days 'ago T. Carter, of the 9th
tor the disqualification of Mr.election
Fauquier, i mmuicate with the council of \\ Ingham, 1,any yourself and tLe town of Goderich. cot., (Jt.derich township, split 1,000ced-
the respondent in the Muskoka election ,tat reference to the lease upn of the T. As a slight token .,f our appreciation of ar rails and cut 100 posts, the rails aver-
t. and h,B. R. (now lewd by C. V. R.; ou personally, our fi lends desireyour
case. The court held JI r. Fauquier, the I Goderich, asking their co-operation inacceptance y y' y aging four inches to diameter, on the
th con.
thittdhlttnduniny of corrupt . f sections practices5lancumthe tatittee, and will statingmeethat theinuur whenever al
watch, withf the sincere this hss, ar•e that nd thts you farm of J.4.
'cashier at Scott's
within the ea i{ (may long live to wear it as an all time bankinghouse Win ham, has been a
162 of the controverted elections act, for ;notified. pp --
remembrance of your (:.derich friends pointed town clerk there, in place of B.
air. Jordan said that in his opinion
treater; a number of electors at Coni- chi& motion was at present premature. Signed Hoitet HoR7roN, mayor. Flynn, who has
gone to Ottawa to fill a
manda creek 14n February 23rd. In con -1 Until the litigation between the G.T.R. At the conclusion of the address the situation in the gone
sequence of this offence, the respondent and the C. P. R.was concluded no one mayor stepped forward to where Capt. When the Clinton town constable wish -
was di salified for eight son from land
say whether the latter would secure McGregor was standing and presented es to preserve order and put drunken
} the Toronto Grey & Bruce road. him with the handsome and valuable gold rowdies in the calaboose, the resititnts
holding any municipal office and from , Mr. Sager said that no time should watch and chain, on behalf of the people „f that .wn 'sympathise with the oxer•
ever holding any government appoint- be l..st ur pains spared to push the claims of Goderich. tiara mf tGhe roughs to give thin constable
went. of Goderich to the terminus of this rail- Captain McGrelor.in responding, was a headache.
visibly affected. He had not ewpected
people of Goderich. It was true that
such a manifestation of esteem from the At a vote taken in the B. C. Church
at Clinton, on Sunday last, the cowrie
for years he had endeavored to work up Kation reversel their decision on the
the Saginaw route, and it was owing en- union question, the majority being as
tirely to circumstances beyond his con-
strong or union now as it was against on
that the line had not been kept up. a former occasion.
But he was pleased to be in command of Front the Clinton New Ent we learn
a steamer on the line again. and would that ominous rumors are afloat concern -
do his best to once more work upthe route. ing the death 4)1 Mrs Gallagher, whiff
The Ooonto was a 'staunch boat, and was found drowned in a cistern last week.
although the season was too far advanc- A full enquiry should be made into the
ed to do much this year, he hoped in affair, and all doubts set at test.
the time to come to work up the old ►{ElImesved his
trade of the Saginaw route. He wasn't fall what ao,dfew, Hdoayls ag i,wlleith Mh
much at speaking, ai his business was steam machine. The yield was splendid
sailing, but he wouli always keep in from the acre in the orchard, but in the
grateful remembrance the kind wards field, allowing for stumps and the little
of the people of Goderich, and ever hold grove would only be about 1i4 bwh-
as n valuable treasure the handsome els to rhito acre,
temeenir with which they had seen tit Tho team from the 33rd or Huron Bat-
tuTre:gathim g this evening. talluon consisting of Messrs. Charles Alex-
Tparis of the then diapered theto veru- ander, J. A. Wilson, Malcolm Munroe
ors parks of boat, to enjoy beau- and Alex Love, of Seaforth, and N.
tfake h arbor as the n the steamed Robeson of Clinton, have succeeded in
out shore.of the harbor and down the re pleas-
es- winning the India' Challenge Cup and
A couple of hours were plan- ethe teem competitions the gat primp in
arn at the imy n
aptly spent, and the party
about 1 o'clock, all well pessed with returned 930 in cash, being
Association's matek at Toronto lost
the ezeursion, and loud in prise of the
wiling qualities of the Oconto week.
A LSOAL FOUR. —A gentleman paid
member reesteisulea another $90 while protesting against the
Daring the tip across from Saginaw a equity of the demand. He seed to n re -
sty of gentlemen comisting of James verse the •mount back. Judge Dnyle
le, J. J. Doyleen and M. Nicholson, non-ssited plaintiff on the emend lthhaatt
of ioderich, and G. J. Kidd, of Dublin, the law (contrary to pppukr tssditios)
promoted Capt. MoOregor with • maria- the cast odoes not of a moo litigation, and
fir's cont in setting, Py M[7
nob setts sews- Mr gaawes _ ed with tan anew' and he surmount- pow br mo ritgl-t fn p yo gild thfis suia�
figurefor it, kgs • tendfiuey to eaeosrsge lilt-
StAaaaa FALLS, Sept. 3.—At Niagara • titsq wai.e. its thllwaM.. sailor—to b. worn u • charm with the Ration. If a party doss not own atteeey.
Falls Saturday afternoon Horace Dann. 1 —T wsMi and ohms presented to him by deatsadwd of of im he ehewld nsifit pq
port, of Surbiton, started from Brs$Itton the people o/ (}odench. The boys didn't , and by an acing the onus of suing
the font of the incur railway in Pros petitioners take time W write an address, but the is thrown on the dgimsnt, who, if kin
peel Park to indulge la a swim across the Ltet ptwse.tatioa was $ somas, all tail aaatfi
river. Th. overeat se this point is very ogk t+rw(tk demand k an owed one, will nutgp Mktg
sarong, gad the fesrybeeta gra ottkgd te aiaRid 10 the ecaurta feel of a man paykeg
make quite a etrewtt before being aide to ebb agency whim no fees is aged to maks
land in Canada. Mr. Dsvenpnet i�wo�d k pkefi, upon forged
him do en, is looked upon u evidsnos .
Ibis hot turd sass eases to the C1•wda ) buUels iso his (eaultaadl t3dttsdlty that he acknowledged the debt. The
shore is 3 miauten and 69 seconds. goat stand kis ttrisl TMy has referent" to the not of reduces re
espsttlaA 8haanakssl tried is Quotas neeatly,
✓ szo
sal 4..
Yana t
sol M
• OL
,+ �lu,
A t •
F8011] Faoul
3 0..,
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Tus New York SIM ha s issued a to
print of its first edition, ;issued Sept.
3rd, 18•',3, and & comparison with the
Nen It 1883 is instructive. Journalists
has made rapid strides during the last
half century, and n� paper has progress-
ed mon than the Now York San. The
most popular daily newspapers are now
modelled men or Iso after the pattern
of the Sun. Its editorials are written in
very pun English.
Tas (ieelpk Mercury hes opened oat
upon the bleary question, and is show- •
ing up mena sr Murphy in an unenvi-
able light. The three treeless, whose
,soca were used to give the sowers an
sir of respectability, have resigned,
and the " Guelph Open Hesse Tract
Co," is sow in very bad mans
SWAS seems to be inevitable between
France and Mina.
nee ala Trunk full of Liquor.
Any one who took the trouble to read
through the long report of the first day's
hearing of the Muskoka election petition
knows what the result premises to her
If Mr. Fauquier, the sitting member,
gets off without personal disqualiCeetion,
and merely loses his seat, he wiil be a
lucky man. Instances of sush whole-
sale and gross corruption in election con-
tests as in this case have rarely been
brought to light, and we question if the
Mail will have the hardihood in future
to make s dead set upon the Reformers
because liquor has too often been favor-
ed by them as a persuasive electioneer•
ing agent. The notorious corruptionist,
Shields, it appear, was nn hand with
two large trunks, which did not contain
clothes, hut liquors of a superior brand.
Men were hired to go from the organized
to the unorganized townships to vote,
without the slightest legal right to deco;
liquors were distributed on every hand;
individuals received direct money bribes;
and a cheque for $1,000 was handed by
Shields to the Secretary of the Liberal
Conservative Association, to; be cashed
for election purposea This huge sum
was an outside contribution apart from
that raised in the constituency itself.—
[Hamilton Tribune Sian the stews
was put in type, Mr. Feminist has been
way. The matter was now before the
railway committee of the council and
everything was being done thst could at
present be done to secure tltis result.
The present motion was unnecessary and
premature. It would be unwise to pledge
ourselves or enter into any binding en-
gagements in regard to any particular
route at the present moment.
After several members of the council
had spoken in the same strain the motion
was withdrawn.
Bylaw No. 7, to assess and levy the
sum of $20,310.37 for 1883, was read a
first and second time, and on rule 34 bo-
ing suspended, a third time, and
Johuston moved, seconded by Murrey
that it be read a third time and passed.
The council then adjourned -
Tee reeds fir Corruption.
What makes the whole matter worse
if the certainty that the funds adminis-
tared with such glaring corruption (in
Muskoka) were supplied directly by the
Dominion Government, or at their in-
stance, a state of affairs which cannot be
too severely condemned. It u also cer-
tain that they are interfering in the Al-
goma election in a similar way, chiefly
throsgh their trusty agent, John Shields,
It is to hoped that both thane oonstitu-
eacies will return supporters of the
Government, if osl for the sake of re-
buking the immoral of the Tory
Misistsy at t *taws, —Wisely.' Free •
, Aug. 28,— Fred. Beckhout,
the chest wittier for the is
the kb eleetios trial ni Northam•
berland, wu last night t before a
bench d rales ander $ charge
obtaining goods from Themes Webb, a
merchant of this a
order. The jennies etwassitted hint to
Cobosr; to .
John A. Maas, et New Bans Con
wearied by beniaan troubles, And four
fattened on his shall and hit re -
smelly b j
here t
M wants
will ll
try it
DI i�
One t
ing c
hi. li
11,4 t
11.4 u•
w' gK
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