HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-09-07, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, PRIAY. SEPT. 7, 1883. 3 Cha .'.et s t.orn'r. A Met .e.'. Mer •aeras //AAP r. ruse. e•hem ye that toil eiieseslaS. Mete mai. k head sad bort Nae Attaint duly he ace wy.blm dale le b 'do roe• ut 11. has I. I weak/ Isla betas yea s aseewdn That eer'd eager sad help yet 160; But Ino words seem weak sail utak., Yoe • asset se paid ser 1 trio It at algid year heart V bear, WI Its lead .f petty tarts. Da eaamorns the day as wasted ; Bad• may Museum amasses. Though the . b.11rs. Boom to heed set Vol- sue .-uunmk $I4 oommaade, Ouod end suwu will sae day ripen ; Oulde them on with briar lauds. Ohre abets th. y soca se ...arrived. Thiekier u& ut 1. etr pts, , la their be rrs Owl feel IesNnI aa.: Furtbe (.a to ut ; gNaedr,. Tuatr yuuag e, r. .or very lewd). And th.'rla.t..a leu a stru..e: Lei than see 'toe lure . het a ..as. m.$ ; "Rile by patseu.+v.' gay. t... end. Ott the day. .r, u1.1.11•1:14 b tutu Te keep poser a.ul du the But the Writs. la .n furl{..,... Whim the dayl..r.et .ales tram .hell. Taub. Al It latlu . to 1. 014.4 10110 41. Or w1.11 ..04.1 u . sabers bread. T..1 voice w cru •r. "Naw 1 dy '— But the aatole Its to, the r . M•, bars. du ye know yea- power •Itr.agtb t. your. ; thea still endure. For tbe head that rocked,. cradle Itr'es the world .ad keeps it pun. JeW le Thar. Any day • . summer, "says the Detroit Fru Prow, 41110 111 ey prat around the fere" d..ck an ..IJ Lake csptaiu who was o toe ensuing 8ucinew Bey in his schen. . er with such a gale howling after him that no one expected the craft t.. reach harbor. As the gale reache•1 its elites:, the captatu announced to the mate be- side him : "Mr. Thomas, if we come safe out of this I am done with whiskey. ' The mate said it was the sane with him, end the Captain presently contin- ued : "And I'll utter another oetk." The Date agreed to also stop swearing, and this warmed the old man up to pro- mise : "And I st.lomnly declare,Mr. Thomas, that I'll leave off chewing and amok. i,ig .. There's another thing, captain," shouted the mate after a while. "What's that 1" "You might , promise to leive of ly- ing." 'Y., I—hold on—hold on! No, I'll be hange 1 if Ido ! There's blue sky ore° there and we've seen the worst of it ! (lit those men on deck ready to put bar about, and if you ever tell anybody of this I'll pulverize you to a jelly :" Meow lewd Se SNp e. W ever hews ollehly au better divisive .4 time undo than that into three equal periods ut eight Own each, weight hours given se h misuse, eight to reading and im veu.rrat, laid the reueaiwiutt sight W s. The celebrated Alfred divided hi. tine 1.. th s way. I have long thought tint the native Ani erior'. requires more sleep than the Li opeaa. Fur mywlt. I final that unto or tee hours sleep in a eight will elan me ut all trilling maladies wits. •blob fr. no time to time I may be afflicted. Some extraordinary advice hes Leen given by certain du- tinguubed p.urren.s, skit reference to the time devoted to sloop, but • ash writer fells iibo the c.mtwm blunder of applying A rule to all which he finds good lit his own caw. Bishok Taylcr advises three hours. Wesley sum/tete six as the Mica.► time that will answer. He declares that during his life he never knew auyene to rstaiu vigorous health even for a year with lass quantity then six hours, mad he thought that women required nt..re than men. Excess of sleep is ve.; bad in its influence, pro- duces dullness .4 mind and body, o.rpu- leney and disp...ititw to apoplexy, hence Olden calls sleep rite mother of 4.atb, and my. i...thiug is re I.ernicioa., slue tarried t.. exons. The Americans Afield go to bed at 9 o'clock std rise be- tween 5 and 6. 1 d.. Md mean b. pay that circumstances may never justify their sitting op till tuidnight, or later, hut I am simply interpreting the voice of physiology. If the average American with the Darrow chest aad smsll vitality would retire at nine o'clock, he would live some years longer, and each year would afford him more happiness and ability to work. But Amenoan women most need a change to early hours. Their crazy nerves, neuralgia and other mer•idences of premature decay would be ct once checked, and they would be• comae younger and fairer. What with tight corsets, pastry, candies. furnace heat and midnight, American gide begin to fade at 20, and women are old at 40. —{Din Lewis. Fanners abs Bralaude. '1 aere are • few general principles th r ought t41 I. • b ,rue in miud in draiu- A ditch will drain dir;,::ly 50 feet each way; and when the slope is three feat or more in a hundred feet it will indirectly ',drain one-third of the land beyond ttis 59 feet. If the grade of a drain is doubled per 100 feet the carrying capacity is increas- ed one-third. For drains not more than 500 feet long A 2 -inch tile will drain five acres. Lines more than 500 feet long should not be laid with 2 -inch tile. A 3 -inch tile will drain five acres, and should not be of greater lenvth than 1,000 feet. • A 4 -inch tile will drain 12 acres. A 5 -inch, 20 acres. A 0 -inch, 40 acres. A 7 -inch, 60 acres. Of course these are the mtint, and are supposed to be three feet in depth and on a grade of three inch.', to the hund- red feet, which may be taken as an aver- age. Tu further assist in calculating drains it may be stated that 14 inches of water falls in 24 hours, and that on one acre 40,731 gallons will fall in the sante time and one-half this amount is used by plants and carried off by evaporation ; so that 20,265 gallons ef unnecessary water per acre would be required to pass through at least a part of the main drain. A sereessrrl Rase. a clad w ttte alga. Water kl the strumpet drink. It drives .tine ; la's the drink ut lien. and kerma, sed Samosa never deck wy- thi.nt .Ins. lift beetle men be teetotal- ers if tidy for eo.w.my•a. sake. The beer mosey will mute budJ a Lows. If what guns into the mea► -tab wort into the ksesdisg•trusgh, families would be better fed and better taught If what is spent in waste were t.nly saved against a res day, workhousee wools newer be ..bent The man who spends his money with the publican and thinks the landInd'. b .w and " Haw do ye d., my g Mod fellow 1•' mese true respect, is a perfect simpleton. We duu't light tires for the herrings comfort, but to east him. Men do nut seep pothoe.es for the laborer's good ; if they do they certainly miss their Dim. Wky, ►her►, should peo- ple eeple drink "for the easel .•f the house r If 1 speed motley for the good of any lou..•, let it be my own, and not the landlord's. It is a deal well into which you must put water ; an 1 the beer.hoel e is a bad (mud, bac ince it takes year all and leaves you nothing bat headache,. He who calla those his friends who let him sit and drink 1y the hoer is igno- rant—very ignorant. Why, Red lion., and Tigers, and Eagles, and Vultures are all creatures of prey, and why do emu/ many put themselves within the power of their jaws and talon 1 Such as drink and lire riotously, anti wonder why their fans are so blotchy end their pockets so bare, would leave off wondering if they had two grains of wisdom. They might as well ask an elm -tree for pears as look to those habit, for health and wealth. Those who go G. the public house for happiness climb a tree to find fah. A shot. time ago some 1'hilaielphia Qeltker., belonging to an Indian delega- tion, were crossing a wide plain in a hos- tile country. The driver of the ambu- lance called their attention to four In. diens on horseback, who soon surround- ed the vehicle. A young brave in war - paint made unmiatakahle'demonatrations of h .tility. The interpreter told him they were, medicine -men and peace. He replied that they must prove themselves medi- cine -men ; of peace -men they had had too many already to steal their land and have soldiers kill them. " Be quick," said he,. " show us some wonderful medicine work, or we will kill you," putting action to his •vords by the tlonrish' o; 414 arms. Here was a dilemma. Pointing to the oldest one, a fine-looking Quaker, six feet in his stoekings, with white hair, who had been the first talker of the party, he furiously gesticulated and cried out : " Medicine roan, show ! Iiledictue fn an, show !" An inspiration seized the Quaker. He had a double set of false teeth, on plates of tlesh-colored material, and printing at his teeth with his finger, and then tapping then, with much grimace and decision, he motioned for all of the braves to come up within sight, and when all were intent upon him he de- liberately took out first the upper set and then the lower set of teeth, and made a motion .with his neck as if about to sepa- rate his head from his body, when the braves wheeled their horses and rodo furiously away, and the party of peace- makers also turned their horses' heads forward, rejoiced at their shrewd deliv- erance. The Wild Strawber. j leaf is a good P .tidote to the poison of the green apple and cucumber. In other words, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a sure cure for Colic, Cholera Morbus. Cramps, Dysente.;, and all Bowel Com- plaints so often caused by the i' itating effect of untipa fruit. 2 Prrr TH1 room DvartrTIc. —Poverty with perfect health is rather to beehoeen that riches and dyspepsia. Try the ntseiti effect of a dollar bottled Foc NTA Ig Oi BRALTH. If you are troubled with a disordered Stomach/ Dr. Caesar's Bitters will afford preempt relief. It is the best Family Medieie., far Sepmior to Pella All Druggists soil it. A Owed Oar The Chicago, Burlington & Qeise7 Railroad Company has just lased an ilhalestd treatise, "The Heat of the Oowtinent," describing the wonderful growth of the mix Great States. The book is beautifullyprinted, and numerous sal gravings 14 igh merit adorn its pages Anyeso nudism their name and address wittwo three -cent postage stamps Will receive a copy by return mail, by a ging to Pena rad Leuven, Gaulle Agent, Chicago Illinois. St The 1peed of T.rhn.. Tlmely Wartaag. An exchange says ; Steam threshing machines will sewn be in operation all over h and of thexwntry and iseopl is. charge of the engines and boilers cannot ne too direful' in working them properly and seeing that they are in proper order. The other day a terrible Nailer explosion oc- curroti in the cunt.- of Not folk,by which one man was killed, another fatally in- jured, and two had narrow escape from death. This was caused by a faulty steam gauge, a defect which might or might not have been known those in charge, but which to allow to remain in that condition,waa a criminal neglect As steam mord become more and more used on the farm as the country pro- gresses, it is necessary that boiler and engine inspection should be extended over the rural districts. Many people have been killed and trained on farms by hone machinery, lett a boiler explo- sion is more dreadful than any other probable accident with agricultural ma- chinery, and every possible precautioou should betaken t.. guard against it: "There is something beyond calcula- tion in the speed of yachts," said one of. John Roach's experts. " Two boata may be built simultaneously from the model, with orety effort to make them precise dnplicetes'as to shape and ma- chinery, and yet one will prove faster than the other. Why this is no man can tell. The steamer Maty Powell has for fifteen years jxen the swiftest on the nucleon river. During all that time she has never been beaten. Time and again an exact counterpart has been Inilt, with everything copied to a hair, as nearly as the beet mechanics rid facilities could do it ; bet none of these have turned eat as good as the original. As the repute - tins of unrivaled speediness in a valua- ble advertisement for a passenger boat you ass see the object of trying to beds a second Mary Powell. Experience Ins been the same with yachtmett. Theiy order copies of the swiftest ora't, or eon. bine the supposed g. od points of the points of several, and nine times out ef ten they are disappointed is the real& —{Utica Observer. • Beek N.tlrta. au req Amey ttkglle+d, Ohto .., io, FIebb..Tr 11triad, ImoH- .•p ICiJ.FS r Bitten, and sever took anything the, did too so stook sued. I only took two bottles and I would not take •100 for the geed they did as I recommend them to my patients and get the beat results Irani their °n . CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOM $T1C C. B. Miaoaa. M.D . L THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN t'.tppw e d treses A full line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on Menti (Physicians Prescriptions • 8t�soialty.) A household remedy that will cum Rheumatism and like eilmeata, such as Sciatica, Sprains, Bann Back, &c., has loseg been needed, aad an oil has been found in Dr. Dow's Sturgeoa Oil Lini- ment W. A. Freeman,Greenwood,Ont writeslof it as follows : "1 have bees a great Sufferer from rheumatism, and the pain being ro severe that I could not rest at night. Finally I became crippled in bush knees, when 1 tried Dr. Dow's Sturgeon Oil Liuin.ent and was cured by it.' 2 The dlasekest 5...4Thing ea Sawed Is Brain's Fluid Lightning Inc Neuralgia Headache, Toothache, eta It does not blister or'discolor the skin ; require but one application to banish all pan magic- ally without Wing an 'creasy liniment or carrying your head in a poultice for weeks. Try a 25 cent bottle from Geo. Rhynas, druggist b mess BOseem. tared. Are you troubled wits Salt Rheum, Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ; if so, go at once to (:ere. Rhynai Drug Store and get a package of McGregor Parke'. Carbolic Cerate. Prins 25 cents. It was never known t•. faiL b Says Dryden "She knows her man, and when you rant and swear. Can draw you to her with a single hair.'" But it must be beautiful hair to have such power ; and beautiful hair can be enured by the use .1 CIvoALaam HAI. Rarcwen Suld at 50 cts. by J. Wilson 2m John R. Vert, Hamilton, says : "Mc- Gregor's Speee..y Cure for Dyspepsia and Indigestion is cheap et fifty times the price asked for it. I am a commercial man, and travel continually, and would no more think of leaving home withouta battle of M.Gregor's Speedy Cure in my valise than I wou:d of leaving my tram at home and going on foot." Freer trial bottles at G. Rhynes drug store. Regu- lar size 50 eta. and $1. a Sitn;.ly miraculous is a!1 I can say of the effect •.f Dr. Vets Curen•s Kidney Cure in toy case. An elderly lady writes this from Antigenish, N. 8., who had suffered from pains in the back for twenty years Sold by J. Wilson Goda' rich. 211. • CANADIAN MRTAODseT MAOAZIsl.—Price $2 a year • direr nix months • is cents per num- ber. For sale at all bookstores. In this number is begun an admirable series of illustrated articles on the Do- minion of Canada, which promises to be of much interest. The first paper is de- voted to the Eastern Provinces ; two others will treat of Manitoba and the Fine Scenery of the North-west. Mr. Dent's " Last Forty Years, or Canada since 1840," with ao:eral striking en- gravings, is concluded, and the the ab- sorbing interest of Stanley's " Dark Continent " increases as it approaches Its close. An account of the Southern Ex- position at Louisville, Ky., gives an en- graving of the Exposition huilding,which coverns thirteen acres. Dr Meacham late of Tokio, Japan, has a thoughtful paper on the Problem of Missionary Support in that country. A charming life sketch t f Miss Havergal is contri- buted by a Canadian lady. The Stn: j of James Da.,11, whsch has been read with intense interest, reaches its pathetic close ; and a striking sketch of Prison Life by Helen Campbell, comprises an excellent number. Principal Grant con- tributes a striking article on the Nurth- West,to the October number. A Baa ea a Dreg mare Neter was such a rush made for any Drug Store as is now at J. Wilson's for a Trial Bottle of Dr. Kings New Discov- ery Inc Consumption, Coughs and Colds. All persons affected' with Asthma, Bron- ?hitts, Hoaeeness, Severe Coughs or any affection of the Troat or Lungs, can get a Trial Bottle of this great remedy free, by calling at above Drug Store. R.gu- ar size e1. (5): Use O..... — •eath=temples.. is a preparation of carbolic acid. vaeali.s and cents called McGregor & Parke's Carbolte Cerate: it will cure any err, cut, berm ns braise when all other pre- parations fail. Call at G. Rhyne drag stove, sad get a packager 25 emote is an ft eaM. h A REWARD -0f owe doIMS "Tu>,oa- ay" to any olio sending the beet four litre rhyme ow "TIAasalT, the remarkable little gem for the Teeth and Bath. Ask your droggat or address. limes'. Fluid Llabtalad Needs no advertising' when once intro- duced. Every bottle sold Belle hundreds of others by doing all and more than re- presented for Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, etc. It removes any pain instantly quick as Clash. Try it and you will say it is well named Fluid Lightning. Get a 23 cent bottle at G. Rhynai drug store. b Fared Free. Any reader troubled with Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Headache, Liver Complaint etc., should call at Geo. Rhynas' drug store and secure a free trial bottle of McGregor's Speedy Cure at once which will convince you of the merits of the medicine, It cures permanently where all other medicines have failed. As a blood purifier it has no equal. Remem- ber, it costs nothing to try it. Regular size, fifty cents and one dollar. a In Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitten will be found a Specific for Biliousness, Dispepaia and Indigestion. Yoti are foolish if you suffer, not to fry it. Fer Sale by all druggist,. 1». Canoe's Stomach Bitters ate not an Alcoholic Stimulant, but a purely Vegetable Medicine. Cathartic and Tonic in its action and ilavaluable in all affec- tions of the Stomach, Liver and dowels. rtmpiM. see BlNrbea. Call et Geo. Rhynas' drug store and wet • package of McGregor A Parki s Carbolic Comte. It iseonnpcsed of Vase- line, Carbolic Acid and Comte, and has never failed to remove Pimples, Blotches Ulcerated Sores. Rin h Skin. It cures when .il others fall. Try it b Thousands are being cured o: Catarrh every year with Hall's Catarrh Care, that be doetore had given up and said could sot be cared. 75 nuts a bottle. Sold by twigs llihyn•s, sole .gest for God. GEORGE RET1IA13, BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE OTS&SOES ZNOwxZ.irsg 'met Wededeup Beg t. announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above Store in the store lerely occupied by Horace Newton. Having purchased a large and well assorted Nock of Spring and Summer Goode at close figures, we are determined to give the Public the benefit. QUICK BILES & SKILL PROFITS WILL BE OUR IOTTB. p -Please call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. AMP -Remember tho place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store. AM -Custom work will receive our special attention. p• -None bat the best of material used and first-class workmen employed. MP -Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice. Goderich. March 9, 1882. DOWNING & W ED D U P • NEW ARRIVALS SPRING &OMER GOODS ScolcL Eii1izk Irish & Cauathau Tueds krem'. Fluid Llablrleg Is the only instantaneous relief for Nt - .-algia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rt bing a few drops briskly is all that .s needed. No taking nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's application removes all pain and will prove the great value of Kram's Fluid Lightning. 25I cents per bottle at George Rhynas' drug escrow is ever GIs. I p.- If you are suffering with 1..w and de- pressed spirits, loss of appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak a'.esti• tution, headache, or any disease of a bil- ious nature, by all means procure a bot- tle of Electric Bitters. You will be sur• prised to see the rapid improvement that will follow ; you will be inspired with new life; strength and activity will return ; pain and'misery will cease, and hence- forth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. Wilson. [6J A Wad laneve That is daily bringing joy to the homes of thousands M same, maty of their dear neve from an early grave. Truly w Dr. King'. new Discover, foe Oorewmp- tion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Brrwe±ites, Hay Fever, Loa of Voice, Tieklieg iw the Throat, Pais in Bide and Cheat, es any dims.* of the Threat and Lusga. • positive acre. Ouannteeel. Trial %i. ties few at.; Wilson's Dreg Store. Large rigs 81.00. (d) Swiss Swiss THE BEST IY Tesla YARI:F.T. Ise YOUR GROCER FOR IT. 0 0 TAKE NO OTHER. Swiss No.. 1 Swiss No_ Ooderich, Aug. A. 1103. 11011.1tn HTTGH D TT NLOP_ ll TU ME FARMERS OF WTI OF 11110N GENTLEMIfiN,—By request of a h.rge number of the yeomen of the County we have decided to manufacture W_A INQ .siqn 2iOWINCI- MA.OBINE$, in connection with our Plow business for the year 1883, which fur material and workmanship will be second to none. Do not give your orders for reapers or mow- ers until you see those mazdlfactured by ua. We will attend all the spring fairs in County, which will give the farmers a p;. od opportunity to inspect our machines. We will warrant our machines to do as gool work as any other made. We will .I- so have a.number of good LAND ROLLERS, for the Spring trade C CO 0 MrrINTQ STOVES always on hand, and will be sold cheap for c tsh, or be exchanged for wood. Cash paid Inc old iron. SEEOMILLER & CO. Goderich Foundry = N Ff R 0AG-A=N ABFLA SMITH CALLS ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING : CLOTHING, !WA LARGE ASSORTMENT, AND THE LATEST DESIGNS:1M air FINE ASSOWIN ENDLEMS VARiE1'l',FURNISHING GOODS HATS, /WALL THE LATEST STYLES. AND EVERY SIZE1S3 t3AI.l. PATTERNS. •A' AND A E UPIN OUARA TEED OR NO PALE.4ICLOTHS NEW CFO 0D S, NEW PR10E8. CHEAP FOR CASH. TA?.. ARO'LTT M"RZT=T CHAS. A. NAIRN HAM THF. FINEST BRAND OF 4 CANNED PEACHES iN THE MAItKET. AND HIM ' CANNED-TONIATOES AND CORN ARE IF:Llt'IOU:.. A TRIAL. WILL, CONVINCE_ COURT 11O1'ME SQI'AitE• OODKRICH, ONTARIO Sarnia Agricultural Implement Manufacturing Company. (LIMITED I„IA1•TUFACTTJ11.30RS OF Reapers, Mowers, Binders & Threehers. See the ee.minion Separator before you purchase. The Easiest Running, Simplest and most durable machine in the market. SMOKE TWIN -NAVY THE 8tG Hr. PLUG Li'- rtic 1E1 N rig Ei W A NT tl CP Address at Once 621•313014.0.X1 A. ROBS, Oeaorsl Agent. Oo4.4s Ari Desgns iu Wall Papers. New 1s the time sr ye. wtsh awe err two else nests at hamd to ser Putter's teem peer r Ste W ever 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs DesatlfM a dere, sad at prices dem rhea very moat Ia4rrler deeds. Call sad sea than slog aro the hal •sir Is tows, sad meat Meeh. The Lalesi Sping Bazaar Pa1es Fashi At 81:71"1,M='a