HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-09-07, Page 22 THE HURON t3IGNAL. FRIDAY SEPT. 7, 1888. OTIRIIIKLIING CSI?I 76,000 Persona angulphed �y Volcanic Disturbances! Jan and elver wands lltlfeaeen—Alaars• inrewe.a stow• to tee ssavw—MI. Isas mad et rlai►-AeNMees Sagan gess r w vats--..aMA "NW esnnaw e1 ■oseetalos• waada, and Teesa.--Pussesss That Waves --ISS. ostlattse lap Lava sod aenusas—T . f.sea l V ran> Beaerib.d-1.pp..ed Mete ea um Altana* Isab a d. upon thous bent in Batavia. The km is largely increased since the former re- ports the roof of the Governors bow was crushed in by rand and three re- tainers killed ; the town beide is de greyed, ind the Diamond and Peart bodkins damaged. The Berries redusbt eels destroyed. In Caysesead, Yaks - lax and Lion streets, tbte priaeipai ave- nuetsy, the odnstlia�e�Ie� is veeryy great. Fort el town 7. isentirely is severely shakes, The few bsildin are left 'standing. A violent sheik wet feet on the Island of Sumatra osads . Itiddsb Island, ten miles from the Javanese asst, is almost whol- ly engulfed by the sea. The small Is- land of ?legit has disappeared. It was uninhabited The aggregate lues of life is fully 76,000. A despatch from Batavia says the con- dition of the Strait of Sunda is danger- ous. New Wanda have arisen and the comet line altered. The government is preparing to obtain new soundings. Sixteen volcanoes appeared betweeu the site where the Island Krakatoa stood and the Sibiaie Island. A portion of Bantam is an ashy desert. Cattle are starving. The population is in despair. The Soengepan volcano split into five podium. Seven hunored 'and four bodies of victims have been BATAYIA, Aug. 27.— The volcanic eruptions in Java began on the island of Krakatoa, in the strait of Sunda, 100 miles from the oosst of Java. On Satur- day night and Suaday the disturbance had extended beneath the waters of the strait, causing great waves and a rise of twenty degrees in the temperature. At seethe disturbance was felt 600 miles away. By noon, Makes Meru, the hugest volcano in Java, was in violent eruption shortly after Ginning, ing, the craterof which is the largest in the world; and fifteen of the other craters in Java were either its active eruption or seriously threatened. At dusk, Gunung 'sent out streams of white and, sulphurous mud, with an ex- plosion of cinders and stones, which car- ried death to all about the valley. The clouds were charged with electricity and fifteen water spouts were seen simultan- eously. The inhabitants fled terror- stricken, and a hundred were buried under houses, which were crushed by misses of rocks and mud. Gunung Mugger, which had not had an eruption since 1800, shot out great red-hot boul- ders, which crushed through the huts of the Chinese fishermen. Fissures and yawning chasms appeared in the fertile valleys, which were covered wit'.t flourish- ing plantationi where now there is but mud, stone and lava -covered fields. The destruction is probably so complete that probably not a single crop in Java is saved. At the entrance to Batavia was a large group of houses, occupied by Chinamen. This portion •is entirely swept away. Of 25,000 Chinese about 5,000 were saved; of 3,500 Europeans 800 perished. At inkier, the Europeen and American quarter was tint over- whelmed by rocks, mud lava; then the waters came upend swallowed the ruins, leaving nothing, and e'tusjng a lose of 2C live& Bantam, once a prosperous native city is now abandoned by Europeans. Many years ago it wit entirely covered by water, when 1,200 to 1',500 were drowned. The island of Serving is com- pletely inundated, and not a . soul re- mains. At Cheribun the loss of life and property was considerable. Buiten- z3rg suffered very seriously, as did Sem- arang, Jogjakerto, Sourakei:a, and Sourabaya, while meagre reports from leerier towns indicate their loss to be great in proportion. The last advices state that the eruptions are continuing, but their violence is abated. It is some- ' what feared that the disaster will be the most fearful ever known. BATAVIA, Java, Aug. 29—(Afternoon]. —The towns of An)'ier, Ijiringine and Kelokobelong were destroyed by the vol- canic eruption. All the lighthouses in the straits have disappeared, and where the mountain of Kramatan formerly stood the see now flows. The aspect of Sunda Straits is also much changed and navigation is dangerous. Since noon on Wednesday everything has been quiet. The sky is clear, and communication with Serene is re- stored. The temperature fell ten degree. on Monday, but is now normal. The town is covered with a thin layer of ashes, so hot when falling that it kills birds. The telegraph linemen report that white repairing line near Anijer early on Monday they saw a high column of sea approaching with a roaring noise. Th fledwithout learning ej nth earn g the fate of the inhabitants. Quarries at Merak dis- appeared, and all people i,f the place perished. A Mating duck at the Island of Onrust, near Batavia, is adrift and badly damaged. LONDON, Aug. 30.—Particulars of the volcanic' eruption in Java show that it war even mare disastrous than et first ettttstiun of the panel ens, of nearest le varied as the areas clay seggest. Bode, and otter appropri- ate things could substituted for the flowers. buried in tie district of Tenant and and 300 in the village of Kraiiat. WASHINGTON, Aug. 30. —A telegram from Prot. Davidson, assistant superin- tendeat of the coast and Goeditic survey at San Francisco, mays :—The earthquake waves commenced in the nusalito tide to gauge at 1 o'clock a.m. , Aug. 2?. They had increased in heighth yester- day. The height of the waves was one foot, and the time about forty minutes. It is supposed these waves were caused by the earthquake that destroyed Anjes and other towns iia Java. There was a simi'ar occurence on 23rd Dec., 1854, when the town of Simoda in Japan was destroyed and a Russian frigate on three gauges then used on the Pacific coast Disturbances of a like character were also recorded in August, 1861, when a suoc anion of terrible earthquake waves broke upon the coast of Para, dest4.ying towns and lauding a !'cited States war vessel high and dry. saswsee Tessealb esseMaaes. It is perhaps unnecessary te my that the following refers tbs United States' somber remote : Ant.—A lively insect, found only in the country, where it axista in a state of suited uncertainty, whether 'its home i . in the sugar -bowl, the old stump or the pantaloons of th gentleman from tows. Not down on the bill of fare, because it is a matter of course, like the salt. Ais.—The loan who believes sL that he reads in the advertisement. Cream.—A pale blue fluid, composed of aqua pun, prodexide of hydrogen, and some other substances. Used to astonish berries and frighten rebellious coffee. Croquet.—Three wooden balls, a mal- let, with a hickory handle, and from ten to three wire wickets, a000rding to the age of the set. Usually three. Chicken. --A feathered fowl, that runs wild about the barn -yard and under the house ; remarkable for rapid longevity. sometimes attaining the age of seventeen years in a single spring. Not available for human food until after the seventh year. Dairy.—A place on the next farm for storing real butter, cream, milk and cheese. Obsolete. See pump, `1 Bath Room.—A woodshed with a pail of well water and a cedar wash -tub in it. The spiders ,pro not mentioned in the advertisement, because they go with the woodshed. Eggs.—A sphenoidal body, containing the tterm of a new individual of its spe- cies, In n stage of greater or loaner Je- relopment, as the case may be and some- times is. Hammock.. —Ingenious invention for teaching peal.le to stand om their heads. It is wale of numerous lozenge -shaped holes with twine around them. Flea—Pulex irritans.—See—but that's the trouble ; you can't see it. Key. —A hasp and staple, by means of which you can fasten your bed -room door on the outside and then climb in through the window. Meadow —A place out of which you are uideretl every time you venture into it. Before the long grass is cut the farmer orders you out. After the mow- ing is done the Durham bull talks bass every time you look over the fence and you don't to go in. • Pie.—A layer of dried apples held to - D. McOriesmon, of Lacoste r, ws.ts that be bas sacrad with iofiand esMoe! e r►wslatisa, more or less, floss and had tried nearly alt advertise I rem- edies with but temporary fiisat. Bur desk Blood Bitters have radios ly curctl him, and he authorises us to ay so 2 Loaoua, Aug. dviccs from Ba- tavia say that after the sudden subsi- dence of the volcanic disturbances in the kingdom of Bantam on Monday a feeling of relief was experienced, but at 10 o'clock at night the craters became active again. The Papandayang shot out three distinct columns of flames, and its sur- face was covered with fiery lava. A whirlwind accompanied the eruption, carrying off houses, trees, men and ani- mals. A shower of ashes covered the ]roofs of the houses at Denamo. Off Point Cadythe floating pumice formed a layer two eet thick, through which the -vessels forced their way with grtat diffi- culty. The rise of vapor produced the appearance of columns several thousand feet high, based on the edge of the cra- ter, "Suddenly the mountain split into seven peeks. In the seams open could be seen great balls of molted matter. From the fissures poured clouds of steam and lava. Exhalations of carbonic acid gas killed birds and animals in large uuinbers, and a few human beings. The great fissures opened seemed to act as safe:a valves through which the lava ;gently flowed into the valley. The fires though still burning at last advices had Lost most of their fierceness. One of the queer incidents was the sudden using on Tuesday of fourteen new volcanic moun- tains in the straits of Sunda, forming a complete chain in almost a straight line between Point St. Nicholas on the Javaneze coast and Hoga Point on the coaat of Sumatra, almost on the tons of what had leen the Merak and Middle Mathis, which'sank into the sea on Mon- day. In Bantam, where 1500 persons ,,. •. were tint suit 1 to mace perished the lit dies of 2800 have already been recov- ered. Nine hundred inhabitants .,f the interior town of \Warange were killed, and at Talatn, on the coast, 3114 bodies have been found. From r'l over the island conic reports of loss of life and property. The estimated ;+t,000 killed will tat prove excessive. On the low lands wherethe waters receded hun- dreds of mangled bodies are lying. reported. Ty Sunday noon the disturb- Sanitary c•.rps have been formed and *flees were supposed to he at their the dopes are buried as fast as Tamil - height, but but later in the day their violence .1)1e. increased, threatening the destruct'iun Beattie, Aug. 31. ---Thu captain of a of the whole island. At inidnigh' eu,l- steamer which was in the strait of Sunda denly an enormous luminc.us cloud during the, volcanic timptions reports formed over Kendaug Mountain. skirt- that ashes fell on the deck to the depth ing the south-east coast ar.d gradually or 18 inches. He 'visaed masses of float - spreading until it formed a lurid red ing pu'niice atone seven feet deep. It is canopy. Meanwhile the eruption in- cat:m('0 ated that 10,0 lives were !Oat at creased ; streams of lava poured down i'jiringi11. The total killed by the erop- into the valleys, sweeping all before lino rnd tidal wave is 30,00n. them. In the midst of the molton sea of lava was a bed of solid ice, emitted from one of the craters, which wits carried aIong and landed at the north-east corner Montan'. kingdom. of the island, surrounded by a thick en- A cane -seated chair may he improved veiope of sand and acorire, which are 1'7 Patting sof> is the liaok a ,n oveable non-conductors ..f beet I oust cushion. One way to accomplish this is t re suppue the ice formed the crust of soma subter- to buy a scarlet Turkish towel, fasten a raneous lake. At 2 o'clock on Monday morning a great cloud suddenly broke and vanished. At the sane time fright- ful rumblings were heard. and the columns of fire and smoke over the south-east corner of the island ceased to amend, while the craters in other parts seemed to open their fiery throats still wider. The hissing 41 the sees bacnute deafening, and the wave* rushed up to an unprecedented height. \When dav- lieht Dame an enormous Tract of land, layer of cotton to it, line it with Turkey red calico, catch it at the top 441 the chair with bows of ribbon, and attach it at the bottom with cords. Patchwork and cre- tont.e is admissable in place of the tow- eling There is a beauty about crystal chan- deliers and pendants that cannot be done away with even by fashion, and it is n•.t surprising to see them again com- ing into use. With nddttional cars in cleaning, the glass may always be bright Afty miles capture. bad disappeared, m •41141 the effect brilliant. winch were the villsgvs of Nry;cry an41 A toilet set which is very pretty and Babawang. None of the mind. scat- tasteful for is '.irtliday gift, is made of 4etad sparsely tbn.utih this forests 14; tie. a.,in. Tine sit is tornnastofapin- on the plains escaped death, and the loss ..1 two mats; line the mats with a life must have aggregated 15,000 by blur pi!, • • .. and trim the edge with el- fin. The Handsaw range of mnsntaiva, encietroea lace ; on one mat work in out- sxtending 66 mile., bad gone out of I line stitch a small horseshoe ; work this sight. The town a Tanerang, within Zit with alit a and pink embroidery silk. miles of Batavia, was swept away by a Do mad put the honeshae in the centre lava stream and half the population, 18,• of the mat, but at one side. The wool. ) pQ0, perished. At Spevlwyck rad hot .•0.....1 Luck" should toe worked in the 1 rocks met Are to the jhouses and swept ! inn rd the h,rsesh'o. Ti. other mat fumy all the thickly rettkd p orti..n of r stay be prettily ,nnameeted by entbr.i- tM town. Ton task"b.l'mgtnq to En i drying a fan ou it. The ceehioa should ropgana were destroyedt but iso tires - have the m,m(rtrein '1 the owntr. and at each coiner put a satin Mow, and a frill I o,1 lace snouted the edge of the cushion. are known to bare been lost. The Rorer ,jars, on which Bates a is situated, it so dammed by lara tl et eta c urwr u Figktni is owns't..rwllr de- ' A strip of Merit aahn enibr,ttdered And—s hug'e io-tnhe..f liras an ' with s • t•retty floral donee, makes a Vogt. The Island of Onus, 116 miles east rich well panel. if this is supplement - 0( Batatis, is inutedatwl and the floating rd at fop and bonus*,, with hands of , desk destroyed Costaye, Claps and - crime on and cepp.•r color, it addw much Trostaciis islands are out of sight. Baby 1.. the lientit'. A silken cord may be sad Cheriba wands. in, the north coast, ( ilecti to suspend it. end balls of iilk might er{ lost. the Mw homers and inhtbitents he attached to its lower end. The de- Tee4 any Testimonials reoouseediug NoGregor'a Speedy Care for Dv.pep.i$, Indigestion, Oustivesees, Head ebe,etc., that see sot gessisae ; node of which are Reese persons in the States or thousands of anile away, Out from peewees in and wound Hamilton, Oat We give trial bottles free of oust, sit that you cannot be deesived by purch.tliog a worthless ar- ticle, but knew its value before buying. Trial bottles and testimonials given free at 0, Rbynas drug store. 118418.01 Nome Igether by plaiting' of dough. It is laid away to coop where the tants can get at it and labeled to suit the taste of the con- isumer. Pillow.—A long—not too long—nar- Irow sack or case, containing a handful of feathers at each end and nothing in the middle. Said by people who never. tried it to be an excellent thing to rest the head upon while sleeping. Terms.—See landlord. \Worn.—An animal of the inferior , grand division of articulates that will browse gradually on the leaves of the maple trees until he sees a good chance -to,drop clown your back. X.—The price t•f. a livery team for one day. Yarb.--Any green thing which can be dried and made into 'a most horrible, nauseous and bitter tea. Believed to possess wonderful medicinal virtues. Makes a man want to die or get well in five minutes, and he won't care vet, much which.—[R .F. lturdette, in Phila- delphia Times. t'are)'. .$.•rials. London. Aug. 27. --Before O'Donnell, who killed Uarey, an informer, was com- mitted for trial, he said, " I am not — guilty of wilful murder. The killing was done in self-defence. Carey drew a revolver fr -m his pocket. "I snatched it and shot him." O'Donnell wishes to be tried at Capetown. Application for a writ of habeas corpus will be made to the Supreme Court.. It is believed Mrs. Carey will give important evidence, which she has hitherto withheld. a Of far sore bapou s se than the Ns, tionel Policy or the Illisk Question is the qusation 'of restoeiag health when Coat. The most suddenly fatal dimness tae:• dent to this lemon are the various .1 Bowel Complaint, for all of whteh :. Fowler's Exalted of Wild Strawber ry is el soifio, A good Baptist clergyman, of Bergen, N.Y., a strong temporises, man, suffered with kidney trouble, neuralgia, and diz einem almost to blindness, user two years after he was told that Hop liters would nun hiva, because he was afraid of and prejudiced against 'Bitters." Since his cure he says none need fear but trust in H. p Bitten.. :ease are Solid Farts. The best blood purifier and system re- gulator ever pleoed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit- ers. Inactivity of the Liver, Biliousness Jaundice, Coastipatiun, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever require an appetizer, tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the bast and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. Wilson, (4] sof gored sines. If any anlid use slek person b• ' the least doubt of the pater and ea my d Hop Bitters to ours them, they eon fled cisme exactly like their ewe, is the'- own asishbotrhood, with prod positive that they an be ess'', sad peer'ssatly cured at a trifling cost --or ria your druggist or phy.icia'n Oazt y1M.CR, Feb. 11, 1 8J. Hup Alters Co.—Sias--1 was gives u1 by the doctors to die of scrofula con- sn.uption. Two bottles if jot:• Bitters cute' me. Lduuv Baswea.. Most** and .tet.aes. Call at Geo. Rhyme' drag store and a package of McGregor & Parkes Carbolic Cerate. It is composed of Vaseline.Car- bolic Acid and has never failed to remove Pimples, Blotches, Ulcerated Sore, and Rough Skin. It cures when all others fail. Try it. 2 [Continued] CRArrEa 11. wonderful and mysterious curative poser is developed which s so varied in its op- erations that no diseases or ill-het.lth can possibility exist or resist its power, and yet it is • Harmless for the most frail wemaln, weakest invalid or mattes. child to USS. "Patients "''most dead or mer ¢dying " For years, and given up by physicians of Bright's and other kidney, diseases, liver oomplaints,severe coughs called con- sumption, have been cured. Women gone nearly crazy ! From agony of neuralgia, nervnnsness wakefulness and various diseases peculiar to women. People drawn out of shape from excru- ciating pangs of Rheumatism. Inllammato.j and chronic, or suffering from scrofula ! las Salt rheum, blood poisoning, dyspep- sia, indigestion, and in fact almost all diseases frail ,• Nature is heir to Have been cured by Hop Bitters, proof of . which can be found in every neighborhood in the known world. lm IT WILL PAY YOU TO PROCURE FROM Y()1'1 Druggist a bottle of TAPSCOTTS DOMIN ION HAIR RESTORER it keeps the hair rah and natural : it is not offensive nor 'nil *loos in Its effects, but pleas- ant leas ant and refresniag: it cleans the scalp, and gives tone, beauty and naturalness to'he ha',. It promotes luvr-sous growth and prevents premature decay. PRICE, 50 CENTS. W. J. C. Naftel, Druggist. etc., Agent for Gode, Soh. Aug. lett J 3. 1901-3tch A Boas Cuss sus Sumas Oot{M.a1Rr. —Procure fruit. y.4 r d realist one 37 $e bottle of Dr. Fos :. i s Exhaust of Mt`d Stnewbrr , , ..u.1 use seeotd1 to dirsey time. It Is i..fall.blt 1.r Diarrheas, Cholera lf••rlw>,1' uk,-r its the St niar'`i and Bowels, and Cloisters Identuw. fl Pe .pie are pea, ctly ma's in h.q' alt and using the great reundy knot , "Fomi- tdn of Hwlt't,' as eve bottle h .n t'te guarantee of the proprietors. I i• a Blood Purifier. Price, tat. Summer Boarding. HITtAll FLACE! MR, RICHARD HAWLEY'S Elegant Reel - dews i. now Ayer. Agsu Cu'.• is .1....sly remedy known. which • ter:aiu to. cure Fever end Ames perei.teetttly, h� espielisg the .•Metol p. on which }}•r elooes the d's- • ea It doe. this •• r•sh'. sad loaves no ghosts s ••.o the •y.to it. Nothing is so shove rgbty **Op wooing and discourag- ing as the p e riodioal return of the alter- nate °bills, lever ui d sweeting, peculiar to this d' eeca. OPEN for the SUMMER For the reception of a few guests. The rooms are very large sad NICELY' FURNISHED Bath Room wtth hot and cold water, Howling Alley. Croquet and Ornamental Grounds. plenty of choice fruit. a good table, and every comfort will be found. Gnats will be met at the station. TERMS :—Seven to Ten Dollars per Week. Add MAITLAND PLACE, ti."Ierl-.h. Ontario. Ooderich. June 11. 18 3. Eve', Ear (111(1 Thi -oat. DR. RYERSON, 1117, t'iurel Street. Tomato. Oat.. L. it. C. 1'.. L. R. C. S. E., Lecturer on the gye. tsar and Throat, Trinity Medical" Col- lege. Toronto, and Surgeon to the Menxr Rye and Ear infirmary. tate Clinkal Assistant Royal Ophthalmic Hospital Mooraelds, and Cenral London Throat and Kat Hospital, may be consulted'at THE WINDSOR HOTEL, STI .TF'ORD, On Last Saturday of Every Month. • "line Sth. 1883. 0'..- &cColl Brost & Cor, Toronto, Manufactures and Wholesale Iiealere in LARDINE, CYLINDER, BOLT CUTTING, WOOL OILS. —.0111 (ICLESKATP.I) — "LARDINE." CAOD�F,IOH PL A : VINVG.l MILL i TABLi$uKU int. Bnchanan,La+�so11 Robinson brand is unexcelled by any other nil on the market. In recognition of its superior hi t, w e have received !All the Highest Prizes ! wherever we exhibited it since 1S7e, among other awards a large nnmber of Gold, Silver & Bronze Medals, besides numerous Diplomas. It in warranted not to gum or Ong: wears equal io4 and being less than one-half th,• price 1. ,1,, cheapest oil on the market. s -rjtY IT. For Sale by R. W. McKenzie, 14 i;. 1: . .r 11$ The Cheap Toa Store. AYER'S PILLS. A large proportion of the diseases whieh caw Inman suffering result from derangement of the stomach, bowel, and liver. ATEA'. CATHA*TIc �.PILLe set redly upon these organs, and are especially designed to sure the diseases caused by their derangement, including Constipation, indigestion, Dyepepela, Headache, Dysen- tery, and -a host of other ailments, for all of � which they are a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these FILt.a by eminent physicians In regular practice, shows unmistakably the estimation in which they are held by the medical profession. • These PtLLs are compounded of vegetable sub• stances only, and are absolutely free from calomel CANNED MEATS or any other injurious ingredient. Never undertake a long journey with- out a battle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry in your travelling case, to guard against sodden attacks of Colic, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Sick Stom- ach, Sea Sickness, and troubles incident to change of climate,water, diet, etc. It is a ready and reliable relief. 2 Ile ',invee s Speedy rare. From the many remarkable co -ye wn,aght by using Mcfiregor's Speed Cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Guist potion and Affection of the Liver, and fn.m immense sale of it without any ad- vertising. we have concluded to place it extensi :•ly on the market, .., that those who suffer may have a perfect cure. au to R. Rhynes' drtg store and get a trial bottle free, r.r the refuter sire at 60 cent. and $1. a No household s4. tt'i be er:asidered c•mpltte without a bottle of Dr. Van Ruretes Kidney ('oro is it. the closet. 1t is the only remedy that will positively, per.nenently and p.ro'mptly cure all forms of kidney disoasse. !Cold by J. Wilaoa sit Sc., that there is ' reliable ern ray fee kidney tremble. l.a l f the tern •reattached to these r-oupl•.t it. i,.tyA heel rumored For this Let all he thankful, and to Dr. Van Koren s Kidney Cure sward all pride. for hsvin:; thus te,aoved a hitherto ',moldered fatal 'lions' flow. oar posh it was never known t.. fail. Aoki h J Wil.ntt. fine (JUST RECEIVED. A LARGE SUPPLY OF CANNED FRUITS .'.ND A Sufferer from Headaelte writes i OF ALL RINDS. "Avsa's PILL, are invaluable to me, and are my constant companMn. I have been a seven• sufferer from Reattach., and your dims are the t CHOICE SELECTION 011. only thing I could look to for relief. One dose wil gnlealy move my bowel and free my head from pain. They are the most effective and tea Groceries Fresh to me to speak in their praise, and I always do reasiest physic I have ever found. it tea pleasure e when occasion offers. Also a dee assortment of I W. L. PAos of W. L. nage* Bio Franklin St., Rlohnurn., t a., .tune 3, 16th. "1 have used A% en's Plum In !timberless Ise Crockery & Glassware iN THE I.ATFAT DXSIONd. Teas a Specialty; ,tsars as reemmn,on'led by you and hay. n? m"a known them to fall to aeplisi. avethe desired re- sult. We constantly keep them on bated at our Meme, and prize them as a pleasantsafe and reliable family mediclne. FOR 1) MPIPSIA theyare Invaluable. .1 T. Hayne." esta, Texas, .lane 17, flat. The REV. FRANCIS n. 11A/stows, wr ting from Atraab, Oa., says: " For some year. past T Mn hewn subject to eonstimition, from whish, to --- splte of the use of medicines of various kinds, I suffered increasing lscougedenee, until ..is. THE DARhfNO TMI'FF,iA1. ,monthsage 1 Wqs takingAvza'sMut. 1M� ;ave entlrcIJ eareleted tis eeetive baht, aa{ ave vastly improved my general beehb. , SEALERS 14471:: 1.it: W; IN ALL TIM eiw. f eeaction" y. tons and rigor to phewswkol. pa Tent; a Specialty. retreat's se Dr. J. C. Ayer l Co., Lowell, Mese. Sold by all Drupelets, see a splendki assnrtsN nt o! 'o1111a, All trepsetemlie tie wnw,Mrftl loose. GOOD HARVEST MITTS Uri. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 0'. H. OLD, THE OROCRR July fe, 1881 o Childran With !owe tree, s. trim ! M anI serofeless nv ypblhsm.WI"'May be made healthy awd strong by las aro. n dDERIC'I ' I este y all Dv1ggiets: fpm. sin bottles for 11 s' t': r:• t. rrnr.s or /,, Dt,.1;'J' f1 131:�ui'. AL,:G.• i :}1.1. Etter sir La lab r,-: /, �i1i, .5'/�i✓tgles and lytiklet'a u.:.tri-. ,.f t very description. ::i V. Fu..i.uNt A SPECIALTY. 14f .IB order. t.rea p ly attended to. aoserw, Aso. A lain 118617 ALLAN LINE • or ROYAL MAIL dTEAM0HIP LIVERPOOL-LtrAn- os stay -menta 10 livery Saturday From Quebec sseeveter ani !Atlases SPEED, 1toMFnILT AND SAFETY. Summer .lrraugernent ON 13- t'ir.•..ria may if . ;.:. .. cern%fan Jane 3 Sat Masan. ... 9 Parisian » 16 Sardinlaw. . " ('iressstan.. . Polynesian I'-ruriaa. ka.matian. - . • n 1'-t. •inn....... „ . s EsMfnian. Ary 4 Chased, 4 • 11 I'dyneal Peru., an Sarmatian Parisian Sardinian " 1S ('ireasdan .. . I Polynesian-... . Peruvian.. ................ Oar. Sarmatian . ..... 11 Parisian ' • , "trdinien » :, Dior. 3 M semis, tan . :. SI passengersminiretoleaveOoderfelat on Thursdays, to connect with steamer Quebec. use .•.. Prepaid cornmeal. unwed at rates to persons wishing to brimown - out from the Old Country. For 1 iekete and all information. • • to H. ARMSTRONG, Ticket Asset Gd.rfcb. July 7 14 » s er.t e Polynesian Peruvian l3oderich, May 17: b. 1883. .1.3qo a PQ :864.P a . lis 8 I Tr 0,11 i 'OA a o. _O 8 g,+ gbq TESTIMONI, S., ('oilings,tt1. Grit.- The-'rowfoot Bitten 1 look cured me of Kick Iteadache,,after twenty yearn of suffering without being able to And relief. Mire, J. loot LIMoe'16.AD. Chit Watt ,;, (:ht. --The Crow:ootBitters per feet!) rum! 1,,, of Faitrhe, n. w:thont using any other me Heine. Mos. JOSEPH LouoHEAp. 81sou slab to art the worth ofy.urttwle)- tisk your druggist for It. T111: I-' .1 LL KELP IT.1 May 17th ' 1891 O ACRES FREE! — IN THE— Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain and Meuse River Country, NORTH `DAKOTA, Tributary to the United States Land Osie GRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. ag(TISSAL 1e.1F and 1111. partilbler mtlkd FREE toaty address bl 11. F. McNALLY, Gen • hl Travelling Ages'. IT. P1111, ;ilf&EAPOIIS A •ANITOIA N. N 1.'1.. it eat It. ianale. es S. SLOANE, 11. u Nu. d a large yuant.ty of WESTERN CORN Fcr see w :rgibrtadr sit: Mao • kt of Canaci e n Corn: GIVE Il1MACALL Ceded/A. Marina Don. i