HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-09-07, Page 1• '{y-`{yyjIfi�rr{{,,
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New ldvrrthiessetats*Tbh Week. .
Aaeaon dale --11. W. family visited their frieuds at Saginaw and Miss UN, nie.e of Dr. Uro, are the -The Hemi -Annual Meeting of the Went;
last -.wk. guests of the doctor, and are enjoying Huron Teacher) Association will be held A utatclt was 'Inst.!" Wedaradal
Lett rarlau4-,ver k Lewis.rLix,t %nen the above clubs on the ground
Fa: - :ul.eai- t Mr. Trrand little eon, of \Vashtn � the lake breezes at his hospitable man- ie this Goderich High School un Friday
`3e.gsrs Lowe I IMPER Al IVs C A LIS. 1t sion, \Ve would like to sae Mr. 11'atwn ,and Saturda lh tub,er 11th and lath el the latter, reaching an a vietery foe
.... __ tor, t tut., were this gnats of S. Ylatt Y. . ti
_ ( this eel,.
I remove to G.,derich with his large fac- i eom,ueeciva each day at 9 o'clock a, m. : oderich in the first innings by :fD runs
Dentl�ltr '. t°Te An interesting pnagranome has been ore- : erith went nut in the second innings
Notice i'1 hereby given that all F:,,rs are entertained of the potato , 1 evening, 3. r 73 runs at 6.)711 m. and as it had
{ NIt1HOL`4t►N, • L D.S, SURGEON ! overdue euhs�ripti n printing and crop being a comparative f,tilnre, owing l lie Itisiea diel fry <'fever atlearn atOsh• Oshawa, Niles \on l- I Ben og ugh 1the clever pared. t hi artoin st • i G !p, 1 an arranged to draw 'tempest 6 the
11. 'bemire. rad rOAltd. o -e. tt'e.t to the nit.
Sunday last. 'Sloe was progressing very i will deliver a lecture entitled `'Caner- inglumites did not think it- worth
OuderiehStreet Wree doors bat /8' HtuT ut >tua' y ,• advertising accounts exceeding A large •guartity of piuma have been favural.ly, but, taking a relapse, her i tutu, the Funny Art," wider the auspi- ,while to go in fur 10 minutes, especially
„ a two dollar{ nett paid by Septan- shipped this week by Oeo. Old and Satin- strength was not sufficient to combat the ces of the asalDeletion. at they had to make 112 to tie The
SPECIAL NOTICE TO PAY UP. Mr and Mrs. Maloolun Nioholaott and John Watooter of Ayr, Mrs. Watson I Wee' 11118011twn,
tysolt TwACRilti' AwttAtnoCricket.- tl:
whisitass urs .derklb•
She People's Q;oiumn.
ber 22nd, 1833, will be handed to
Messrs. ()arrow & Prondfoot, Soli -
1 1 twee, itas two doors from t►nox' _:tors,
for collection.
,e.J.'c't ea t street. A clear
eon 'Zit ea. nw J. I.. McCOR• I No other notice of any kind
11ACE:.e7tiSD SSISMIM,set.Uerrland,Ohio.
1908.4t. will be given. Subscribers owing
1\Ft►acMATION WANTED JF JA- I two) dollars and over can examine
o.)B JOHN RAMP, wk. I.ft Ooderlch I the addrests label on their paper
..iii two years ago for the `,rib -west. 1 l�
Wjhiilast beard doftfn Out. Ilit2) hr was in and find the amount due there
Hfu.alv;cw, working oa the railway.. Any
igitorutv(nn conderulny him will be grateful'.stated and reluit without further
receive' be hie mother. .Address. MR .
SARAH RUMP,Ooderlch, Out. IIOhat. dela'. Parties owing considerable
BULL STRAYED - STRAYED amounts and who made eunairy
from the premeisea of the subscriber. on
August. 16th of Auust. a white buli,two ears old. promises to pay, are specially 1/0 -
Any armee giving infnrmetlun feeding to qts
twwrere willabiy re
be suitwarded. THOS. t teed to remit next week. No
11'.tNS, Carlow P. 0. 1'[0{3
other notice will be given until
Id steam thr�rdier, chase. Apply to the accuuntt arehanded over to
. y
JOHN MtCALLt'IL at tt.e foundry.
Oedert,h. July 111, 1'a3 110G41. our Solicitors. The unit way to
premises of the sub'.-ribsr. about the first
(June, a red steer two yeereold. Theeowwn--
•t ie requ.wedo to prove propar'tl,Cpad' OiR-
-,Arel take the animal away. H
.'irg Lot 12, coo..! Asbaeld.
save costs will be for to remit
within the tilne specified. Address
registered letter or Post Office or.
der. '
hereby given that all parties indebted to The Huron Signal,
lbs undersigned by note or bock account are ' i
requested to settle the same at once and there- ,Goderich, Ont.
nest. save an enforced collection. I mean bnsi-
ne.t. .AI1ItAHAM SMITH. 198"-
i-1 Blacksmith. —Owing to Iii -health I desire
to rent MT blacksmith shop opposite the Te-
cumYeh Ito:t.e. Brussels, for a term of years,
Three sets of tools can Dished 11 desired. There
are threw forges, and all the necessaries to
carry on a general jobbing trade. A goodbus-
Iness 1. being done. i would also lease the
wood an,! piglet shops in connection If .ranted.
The abut: o is a splendid chance for a man
with path. For full particltlars enquire of tY.
T. HUNTER. Brussels. pant -/t
For Sate or to Let.
Let So. 1 to the Ilayfleld'con. township
of Goderlch, e8 acres, 40 to 50 acres cleared and
free from %temps—balance well timbered• has
frontage on BA%feld river and on the Clinton
road. and adjoins the incorporated village of
Baydel 1. For terms -farther particulars and
"A ciders au.ang ye. takln' notes.
An' faith he'll prent 1t."
N• -w York Bazaar pat eins, all new at [-les at
Imrie's book stone.
Young ladies feurnat for Scptemler for sale
at Immo • book store.
den & S.'n. disease. She was buried at Oshawa on
O. G. Martin, of Blyth, an old Godo- Tuesday.
Mrs. G. H. Young and child; firs. G. gr`o�iind was lothg good
asciInas, theid rs wicket
K. Jackson, and two children; Mrs. E. -Mater Dieser% Armstrong and Wedneedey. water melon" at Ball's at 25 and 30 eta. Miss J. Ward, Mini e: Ward, Mrs- T Williams '\ '
Mac -
rich man, dropped into our eaectuie on A large arrival of ripe large Georgia
i isms and child. Miss
. untne• Dennott for the hopte trsm.i.n.iing eery
J. McBride, of the Albion, took a run { each. They are better and cheaper than �\ , na.fe; Mrs.H. E. Cu ,h and child, deettucti� a to thecisit^n, tii•tte wcceed-
oetrma for tnakin reserves. Our ed in msgwe double bg r,Lh the .only
oter to Detriet on Monday. He went 1 p all of Bay City, are at the Grigg House, double fiami'es for (i &m th in the "rat
by the Oco e°. "stall" was treated to a big melon yes- The party have been spending a three ,
� torch b Mr. Pall, and enjoyed the innings were a 12 from . matr.n>t, and
Mr. Kilburn', tie inspector G. T. R., „ Y Y ] 3 weeks' holiday in the vicinity of Gode- r from C. C. Row. who carried his tut
Itlscious.' rich, and are on their way to Detroit,
had a leg broken near isrtuu roeently, Y through without giving• a chance. In
while on duty. Troy W. Savage, of Buffalo, was in where they propose remaining for rut- the second innings to only double
Mrs. Creasmen left Goderich on Satur- town during the week. • He believes that other week, when they will return figures were a 14 from MacJennott and
day 'a. m., to visit her mother. Mrs. Omver Cleieland will lou the next pari- home.-IU.ndou Adcertisur• 21 from H. Vidal. The foll.wieg is the
Sprout, of Galt • dent. Mr. Savage predicted Cleveland's A correspondent of the Clinton Nero seers.
The cul child of Mr. and Mrs. Gem -go
for gnvernot, iu this °them, Era, who has been attending l:rimaby uuUERt•�,
Y ren ac lout: time ahead of his choice by the , a np meeting, thus refers to an old co P. Hays b !tall...
Green, Nelson street., died last week eonveutio'i uaintance : –"One was thew whom I • W`• Prwtdtoo b tJsbur.. ... ,..,.. 7
atter •short illness. q
OBITUAEY Poeray.-We have received had heard before, the Rev. Dr. Wil- T. Arms fell'........•. t1
Henryurton is Itaviu kis ,roundsM A. . toes a outyor 7
rY g 4 a large 'twitter obituary !,nems dor Hams He did net pnach,hut veva us a Roes emote
on East street put in order by the gard- ing the past few mouths, but have print- .nest (earnest and thrilling exhnrtatimeat 'r' allleDtrmoit c C.utd b Caber. V
ener,H. D. Themes.H. t Ida! II Browabrt e,
ed none of them. We do not insert the close of a very able and el,quel•t ser- t'. llcPhllllls a Cltrd b e witteldaie O '
J. T. Wetherald, of the Mail adver- such twitter at leas than usual advortis- mon by the Rev. Mr. Crossley,nf leant- i'• tt • Foots b iirottahrldaa t
thong agency, was in town during the ing rates. Our charge is 3 cents a line ford. During the doctor's exhortation, K. J. CurDuncryan run b Hatt. out • { $
Berk, pushing business. for obituary poetry. "Praise the Lord" and"hallelujah" woe Mares....'..., M
Consul Chilton paid a flying visit to The United Empire passed dewu from frequently ejaculated by his hearers. Total.... N)
old friends at St. Catharines on !Friday Duluth on Monday with 180 cabin pas- A c,rcespooneent of the Loudon .14- wt.r.BAv.
last, and returned on Tuesday. veneers, 40 steerage passengers, and 80 pert User writing from Baytield, and dc- I J. Carter to Neclrermott, 1
tsars of flour. Mr. John McLean, of scribing that quiet little village, says • !Mckinnon bArmstroog .....1
Among the choicest Hower gardensg y' Ilrow•nbridKe b Mac1)ennott,;.... 1
cultivated by amateurs are these of Mrs.
Goderich a now second mate of the Em- srooug other things :-"Next year ad- Brie b )taasermott 8
Armstrong and Mn Mathews.pire, and is looked upon as an efficient ditionel attractions will be secured, as• I'rb.-r a +lark b Armstrong...,{
officer by Capt. Roberts.... Mr. T. G. Moorlsouse, of Gtelerich, has H. hCail t. Armstrong... 1
A correspondent wants to know why Lanham b �[aclhrmott {
Goderich tire company didn't compete at Leo IL CHANOE,.-The ae11 kn..wulaw purchased the large estate nn the north Han•• Maclh•rmott b Arntetroust . 7
firm of Seeger & Meilen, Gederich, has side of the liver, uppuaito th i Morgan , ('duaa.� b e b Ar ruwu... . 3
London. Ask us an easier one. gl'nrdc Foote b Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Girciu have re- been reinforced by the addition,
wedding of E. N. House, and is laying offpleasure grounds . Edwards tot out 8
turned from their tour, and are
barrister. Mr. Lewis N the auth- by the acre. Architects and buildersExtras..............................6 '
the vuests of Mr. R. toot. or of the clever work knows as "Lewis' are already at work, and in a few months Total ..... ....... . ..... .... .. . te
Manual .of Criminal Ltw." The tirtn of a ten thonsand dollar mansion will crown H. %V. Ball and Major Cooke acted as
umpires for Goderich,andJohn Gusman,
for `\'inghani, all of whom give eminent
Mr. and Mrs. James Doyle, trade
the round trip on the Ocont.., having
started on her last Thursday week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Carlini, left
fie their home, London, on Saturday.
They spent the summer at the Park
Mr. Cowherd continues to improve,.
James Saunders k tion wants pfirms, crab and is very free form pain. His meal -
rippled and ware, and pay the' highest prices. I cal
liattendants have every hope of his re-
ck and handle carefully, as thh •y bring a c,t•ery.
higher price when property handled.
You can preserve 15d lbs. of fruit, tou,atoca, W. F. Trainer, of Chicago, arrived' in
Ac. with a package of the American frust pre- town on Saturday last, on a visit to his
serving powder and liquid, with or without relatives in town, and wit: remain about
It the students and scholars of the Goderich three weeks•
co��tt�dltloue u[ sale a>�pl to E[TH, B►I\G- hl4h. common, model and separate schools,
fAM fr ARMOI,$ glic.EIT 18 Ging "''lllca!lat lmriee book store, they will receive
street tW..t Toronto. or to John ltorgam something rewarding school books which may
Hotel keen. r. Hayfield.
fall" Interest them.{1•�
sugar. or sale at Imrie'a Book Store.
1' "sisterly la acres of block lettered "s'," to
th1 th Conceits: ..1 of the Township of Col-
by: About 11.5 or 90 acres are cleared. The
gra log timber consists of map!.•. beech The discussion over the rival readers still
and elm. A trams house, u Large frame barn continues. and each publisher has his admtr-
and stat+. are on the premises. Fences . ens. There is but one opinion. however, re -
telly hast • miles from ()oderich by • gra- ggaarding Sallow's photographs. He gQivessatls-
ret reel. leer particulars apply to JOHN factiun. "3allows the photographer" ilia
BRgeKENRIDGE, Ooderioh, or to SEAGER household word in this district.
k MORTON. SoUcltors, Ooderich. um ST. JoYe19t a A,.tor:Mr'.—The &sisters of St.
Joseph beg to announce that the Auden[
will be opened for public tuition on the third
of September. and all who with instruction in
vocal sad instrumental music. painting on
silk. satin, china, &c.. would do well to apply
et once.
James Saunders 5.; Son have 20.000 feet of
picture moulding in stock and frame all kinds
of pictures cheapest in town. Their fruit .)aro
and preserving kettles oontinne to go off. "The
Cheapest House Under the Sun."
ree.d.nee. Domer Betttanla road and Mc-
1►onaldstro et. opposite the High School. with
two lot.. The house is in good repair with
carriage house and stable and other out
uvilding•. The garden 1h well eked with 4 Volcanic eruptions bare changed the face
rust trees, grape
vines, • ro c•• of nature at Jscs. Time• too, makes fes
It H, COZZENS, changes a pon the human tsce. Rut Itobeon's
For terms apply to Davison .0 John on, photographs remain the same, unchanged b
Barristers. the flight of days: See scale of prices and
samples of work at the studio, over C.
r beautiful brick residence occupied by There arca great many attractions in Godc-
Mr. Rice. and formerly occupied by Mr. S. rich for persons summering or wintering here,
dalcoson, at the head of Newgate street. and not the least of these i•, the liquor store of
Possession given In October. For particulars W. L. Horton, where invalids can alwayb de -
apply to tthe owner J, lettEC K e itaxig, pend upon getting the hest and purest of all
sewgate street. Ooderlch. um kinds of liquorsat reaae.al,le rates. Corner
South street and the Square.
Mr. Bliss is in town for a few days.
Capt. Dlallough was in town on Wed-
Mrs. Hibbard returned to Detroit en
Alias Ada McKay spent her vacation at
Valuable Property known as the Shep-
paMton Store and Post Office, with quarter of
an acre of land, is offered for sale or to rent.
Stook In store all new and fres'[ this year. The
proprietor has other business which will re-
quire his sole attention. Also the west half of
of 5, eon. x. K.D. AshflelS; all new land : two
good orchards, two good wella. and comfort-
able frame houses. The lot contains 100 acres.
of which .10 are cleared and all well fenced.
Remaining 50 acres heavily timbered with
hardwood. For particulars address: R. T.
HATNE`t. Bbeppardtoa P,O• UN -
11550acres, nearly free of stumps. Good barn
and other buildings. Brick cottage with cel-
lar. Good orchard and all well fenced. En-
quire of IL T. HA Y N ES. lfheppardton. LMbtt.
Loans anb insurance.
Frank smith, R'aterhrn-se, has an at-
tack of bronchitis.
Mies L. Knez of Clinton, it the guest
of Miss Jessie Wilms.
Mrs. W. D. Shannon has returned
frotn a visit to Detroit.
W. Campbell, sr., returned home on
Saturday for his holidays.
Miss Grace Fraser has returned from
her holiday trip in Bruce.
(aEAOER & LEWIS, Orroarrir MAN- The cold weather has been causing the
A7 no's HreTrssrr�, Ooderick have orlrate summer 'hiders to migrate.
e' an sumo to wilt parties wanting loam at Mies Annie Doyle, Park House, visit-
. Cry any rates. ire%'- .8 trends in Saginaw last week.
• e500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO Kir Strachan !accompanied MissMc•
W CAMERON HOLT & CAIIZRON. Oons Connell on her return to Sarnia.
•tc►. Mn. Sheriff Gibbons left for a trip
to Detroit on Monday on the Ocont°.
Tom Finn is building- a boat for his
bosoms at the fishing islands the fall.
Mra Capt. A. E. McGregor was os
boned the United Empire on her down
Mr.. W. Seymour and family left for
*Mr home at Tletmet on Monday evening
Qt 20.080 PRIOA'R run* TO ll2ND John Hinnks has returned to Detroit,lV en Fara sad ?dim t'r"Nee7 M w""m ti to pursue hie medical studies in that
servo mortgages Peseasa..A. ne Oesaesdsdsu silty
ebsrerd• 1'o4rstaaeMg Frw ressonabis. Charles Bst e a erectr
1f, S. Iin.Towers eon obtain iaeoey la Doedoy tug a large build
if this ,fes DAV MON k Jotter ing at hr factwre
ory, to be ed as a wa-
prfOls. 1aBbleea tis tl08srieh- -- rim Meese.
Oree.. Pfwamoa Go.lerieb.reehold Drearily. ASSAY to
{{,,"�•1)0,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND
eat ea geed rano or arst–e su Tows
-, { per eset. Arewlr to R. RADCIAIFI. 17
sgpuet d Private VUaI for In
At GARROW I WaravolassWVOr• p~I
to GAR
The members of the Salvation sonny
have notified Gr.derich (officially, by let-
ter to the mayor : "Hold the fort for
we are coming."
We sce by the papers that Alex.
Saunders, of Goderich, was one of the
orators at the Forester's gathering at
Rev. B. J. Watters, of St. Peters (R.
C.) church, returned from the Seaside on
Wednesday evening, looking much in. -
proved by his trip.
Rob. Thompson has returned from
his visit to the North-west. His ie now
full of fact and anecdote relating to the
great prairie region.
If "time is money," there is a geed
deal of it spent foolishly. judging by the
way some young men spent their time
hanging around the street corners.
The nomination for a school trustee
in room of D. Ferguson who, has remov-
ed to Detroit, wilt take place on Satur-
day next, in St. Patrick's ward school.
Rev. Mr. Bowers and wife are eon a
visit to friends in Huron. They aro on
their bridal tour. Mr. Bowers was sta-
tioned iu Godard))) about sight years
Judildoue a rertising always "aye
Nearly everybody in Goderich reads TILE
SI'IAAL, and new subscribers are contin-
ually being enrolled. A'lrerfie., and in-
crease trade.
Chas. L. Davis arrived home from
Stonewall, Man., on Sunday. Hu u
going to spend a few months around
home, and will likely accept a position
in Portland, Oregon.
We like the appearance of the ('onus -
diel Stork Raiser's Journal,a new month-
ly just started in Hamilton. Every far-
mer should send for a sample copy ..f
this pretty agricultural magazine.
IV. i.IA awe Ae.Meat raeorsses Agee!.
R-pnaentIng Art Aro Cowponies AIon norm
for it. r'swsns (.tvs Orono Iwsettepen ('o.
Money to lewd on Mortitay Omer Taw*" T Macey, jr.., of Dotkor's establish-
eT ( �e1iltav's blast
Min Orsbam, milliner, ha. returned
frons making bee nillisory purchases at
T A$ 11111AILL, ADOHITW T rte.
• (tAle+o. ('raMe• Meek, Magpies at.. fie/e
PI Rod spe.'t(trattoes drawn (came
newt, has taken a pneition on the steam -
Lewis & Lewis has been dissolved.
R. S. Chilton, jr., of the Department
of State, Washington, is staying at the
residence of his father, and will remain
for a couple of months. He is at pres-
ent convalescent after a severe attack of
typhoid fever. He likes Goderich,. and
is improvise rapidly in our bracing at-
Tits Jt'm4•E SHOP. -John McKinnon
and Norman DfcGuire, of the schooner
Ontario, were cited before the Mayor on
Thursday, to answer a charge of assault
preferred against then[ by James Purvis.
An amicable arrangement was dome to.
between the parties, however, and the
case was withdrawn.
are now prepared to receive orders for
show printing of all kinds. \Ve expect
our merchants and business peen to s o
eensiderable in our line for the agricul
tural show to be held here this fall, and
we are in a position to supply whatever
is required in this direction.
e. M. Polleyon Wednesday last shiep. to the sports for the last limo, this Ming
ea 16 magnificent horses for draught pur-
poses to Pennsylvania, where he hes
opened up a good market. The man
who gets the start °f A. M P. in the
matter of gathering up good horses has
to get up early and keep wide awake all
the time. Mr. Polley says he is g.,ing
into heavy purchases this fall.
A writer in the American iViteel,usst
declares Canada in the matter of roads is
fifty or ono hundred years ahead of the
United States. While this information
will doubtless please Canadian lovers of
the "bike," it will certainly be gratify-
ing to many a poor municipal represen-
tative who is perpetually being reproach-
ed with the horrid state of the roads. -
THE Heel S.•HooL-Goderich high
school re -opened ou Monday last with a
registered attendance of about 70. Any
of the pupils who passed at the recent
examination., and who have not yet re-
ceived their papers containing [narks on unser
the several subjects. can have the same land the rev. gentleman gave notice to
bywriting to H. I. Strand, principal of his stewards on Sunday that ho had ac -
the high school, and enclosing stamp fir ceptod the position, and left on Monday.
• - The members of the church here feel
Tee Parana Lai'. -'Phe folbwing aggrieved that the ire. gentleman
is a synopsis of the appeals in crnnec- altodld halo taken himself away ..n such
tion with the voters list of Goderich short notice, :s his engagement with
town, for the year 1883. J. G. ward them was for a year. Some of thein, we
complains that 26 voters were wrongful- believe, are inclined to think that the
ly omitted ; 1 voter was wrongfully additional $400 on the year's 'Wary was
named ; 34 were wrongfully inserted on the chief factor in determining hien to
the list; and 1 voter' was wrongfully Ile- change the pastor's pulpit for the teach-
er's desk. Tho going off of the pastor
will nut, however, interfere with the
services, which will be conducted as
usual, pending the Appointment of
another minister by the Lender) confer.
Miss E. Luveys, of the Institute for
the Blind, Brantford, arrived in Gode- scribed on the list. James Vivian ap-
rich, on Tuesday night last, for the pur- pealed that 49 names should be put on,
pose of conducting several pupils hack to 4 corrected, and 13 struck off.
the Institute, to renew their studies. I PARTY GaaiN our Pleas.—We under -
The Huron Soap Co. are now mann- stand that the use of Paris green on
featuring the celebrated Swiss soap, the' plum tree, has not been altogether hene-
same as manufactured by the ¢Cwt ficial. The effect almost invanai,ly has
Ecu nomy Soap Co., of Zurich, Switzer- been to blight the leaves of the t -oes,and
land, Read their new adv[. ties( week.
the Bayfield Heights."
The central and ward schools opened
on Monday, when the pupils were ar-
ranged in the classes they are to remain
in for the current tern,. From presint .4tdre.. to Capt. aoh.rt•ew,.(Ike t gilled
dat„ the 2nd ba,ek clans in the centtwl, Rae►err•
will be discontinued, and the subjects as As t''ee steamer United Empire was
formerly taught in it will form pert of approaching Goderich harbor en Mon-
th. woik of the seT.tor deportment lh the day last, Capt. Ed. Robertson was wait -
ward schools. This arrangement has ed upon by the cabin passunkers, and
enabled the School boaru to reduce the made the recipient of an address in taken
number of teachers from 13 t , 12. There of the nppreciatien of ins courteous
are no alterations in the staff this terns demeanor and valued services as cont -
except that Miss McQuarrie,as per agree- mender of the teat. The address wail
ment, will no longer teach, and Miss read by Dr. Str.ckerell, of Port Huron,
Louie. Trainer has temporary charge of who prefaced d with kindly allusions on
Mies Trainer's class until that lady's re- behalf of the. ladies to the female
turn from the North Weal, subordivatos with whom they had ex-
TtxE NOMHEite G.iw 5 . --Thu Luck- perience during the trip. Capt. Rob.
now Caledonian society will held their ertson maolea suitable response .on lie -
annual celebration of fiendish varnea in half of himself and the ship's c tit1any
their c,mniodiots park on Wednesday under him, and hoped that he and they
next, the 12th inst. Donald Dinnie,the would ever be able to secure the good
world-renowsd veteran Scottish athlete, will and esteem of the passengers who
will be at the gathering, and participate travulhttl ou Cie United Empire. The
his farewell tour through !'amid.. In
addition the best-known Comedian and
American athletes have alae, signiled
their intention of being present, together
with pipers, dancers and well-dressed
Highland °ten, lads and lassies. The
prize list bas been incroaaed to 81,300,
and the attendance it expected to be
larger than on any pre% ions .ascension.
The games will coinmence at 11 a. m.
sharp. In the evening a grand concert
and ball will be held in the society's new
octagon hall. Railway tickets from Gede-
rich, to el to return next day, fi0cts. For
further particulars apply to John Mur -
chis ,n, sazretary.
Ben Sault's, the µpular bar -tender of
the Albion, intends removing to Mani-
toba City, in the prem.! province In •
few weeks, where he will join hie brothel
in the conducting of the premier hotel
Cant. Dan. Allae, of Use g'iPeill's hr.
Rifles. Tomato has boon promoted to
the positiou or Major of that crook
oorpe. Major Allan is win of Rev D.
Allan of this town, and we congratulate
him upon his peninotion.
We are plitheiel to earn that Mria
Leitch is recovering fmm her recent
severe attack of illness. ()wing to bee
indisposition she was nod able to *Bowl
temperarce work tiering the past week
or two. and an arrangement to have
of (hrionto. Km Bore, of Michigan, deliver ma ell
Barry, the undertaker, haa • very neat ler addremou on tomporanoe onnewjeset-
wi• for his business painted by Z R, MI through. The loeurer arrived on
Watson On each aide of the lirerd a Wednesday, hut onfortonately no pie-
heereedrs vrn by aspen of horses appears paration had hien made for a meeting
mum I era tnituesi
unduly hoiten the ripening the frait.a" 1
injuring the quality. Buvers who hate
Visitefi orchards where Paris green was
sprinkled over the plum trees in spring
are not in favor of the practice, and are
not novo= to handle the fruit.
Nate4 flan, tit. alarbar.
un the lest trip of the Ontario,. she
loaded nine car loads of height at
The Ootari!, and Oconto ere in the
harbor on Sunday. The latter experien•
heary weather eremite/ over, as the
A in„,,t„ of the Emerson y„sesee. storm was high at the time.
Jima! haa been visiting Manitoba City, a The *ohm. China anol German &veiled
C. P. R town some 100 miles south- themselves of Ooderich hotelier of refuge
west of Winnipeg, and thus refers to 011 Tuestiny last.
up. enterprise a a ioniser resident of The dredge Challenge has been stead -
et °Aerie& -"Among the other con• ily at work for the past fe • der! "Wait- The %% Ingham rime*, is va last issue,
li"Prevemetito i• • ledit6 h"t•I, ing for orders.' is no longer an excuse. contained the fAlowing item of interest
which a to Ile ereeted at once at • cost of The Dufferin is loading a salt freight t4.'41"dench Yalulara Mrs' j• Re" "f
shoot $5,900 It twill be eon by Win.
for the Huron Salt Ateociatom. tnis town, is visitine friends in I :oderteb.
&wits, who is s ',lucid hotel titan in ----Mies Jennie Bell and Lena Graham,
appseranris. weighing over 240 vomits The United Empire paused clown on Godertch. have heen guests at the
Monday and the Manitoba on Wedneiv („r the pest week. —Mae Meg -
/a -A -natured. Mr Sault' runs the day
sled like moat stout people. genial and
v. %,‘",itom, who haa been visiting at the
Grand Southern, the present hotel, and A settee sates. Royal, returned to our home on 00411-
11 le doing .him simple justice to say that •
rieh fin Wednesday. ---Mr and Km.
he seta nee of the cleanse and best tables Auction ii.le of horses, buggies and Walter Green intend leaving town nu
of any hotel in Manitoba, and that he furniture, next to. Msrtine hotel, Gods- Tuesday next. to snort friends imar Kis -
can pot to sham. some of the !alleged , rieh, by John Knott. auctioneer. on Rat csrvline and Goderich They will b.
first class hotels of Winnipeg urday. Rept Ath lAA.1 at 1 I, re ewer shorn flee weeks
following is
LAKE HI:110e, 3rd Sept., 1833.
To Captain Robertson.
of the Steamber United Empire.
St*, --As the ship which you have the
honor to command is now near ap-
proaching the end of her voyage, we,
er passengers, feel that we would he
remiss in our duty if the opportunity
were allowed to pars of tendering to you