The Huron Signal, 1883-08-31, Page 8THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIAY, AUG: 31, 1883. THE HURON SIGNAL U 14*CU Do/ e.ary �e $ s YeS.S. ? ter Mo ot7naT Ba:ue. to t►slr crib fit of wee Square) �a� OODERICH, ONTARIO. iq =tangy byydespatclthe ed m ear*11 liest mellls arts of datrr tags. By general admission it bas • Larger am= lost than any other newspaper in tbw part of the country. 4 is one oaths raciest, ueingest and most reliable journals in Ontario and being in additioning, as it 'ttohthe above,M-0tlaas. family and fireside paper- it is thereto • most desirable ad,crt4tne ttasdins& Tarsus. -$1.50 In advance, postage pre- bypublishers; 111.15, it paid beton six mos $00 if not so paid. TNs rule will be strictly seemed. RATES or ADvsarutwo.-E1ght meats pe fns tor drat lnssrtfoa ; three oenti ppeerUDe for sack subsequent insertion. Ye•riyy ball-yesri7 and quarterly contracts et red rates. a.s rRig rinse,... We have also • drat -clues jobbing department In oonneettos, sad possess - lag the most complete oat -fit and \satfacilities ng out work in Ooderiob, aro prepared to do business in that line at pee= that mantra be beaten, and of a quality that nnot a nrpassed.-Terms Cads OOMMUNJCATION$. Ws do not bold ourrlvM ble ten the opinions of our nus tees to this department must sodas t selves to public questions, end be brief. Bare halal ng. To the Editors of The Huron Signal Sir -Ructions attended a lately. and es the event made a deep im- pression on his mind and on other parts of by body, too, he will give you • taw reminiscsnoes.. Runtime has a natural dislike for rapid movements, and thinks that an early start detracts largely boa dignity ; hens the reeson he was not chosen on either aids, -not being on the ground in time. On his arrival he made a close scrutiny of the relative strength of each side and joined that which he thought the stronger end more likely to win. This movement on his part, -this important reinforcement to one side, - was not observed by either side owing to the yells that darkened the air. "Ho - heave," roars the men with the big hat, who had p' --Duty of tiros on his hand ; "ho-heeve" roan the fellows with the little hats and throats, and so the timber began to rise. Rusticus, catching the the enthusiasm of the montent,regardlew of danger to his person, rushes in among the crowd that was yelling, lifting and pulling with all its might. He hardly touched the raising timber with his for- ceps when a No. 12 cowhide, with a foot to match it, was pressing his toes into a jolly, bnnging the tears to his eyes and a roar out of his mouth, but°a different roar from the prevails one, -a roar of pain and distress. Witn a great effort he at last freed the tortured and impris- oned limb, hobbling on one foot (pui., a distance away from the crowd, thanking his stars that man was made with two feet, and hiding his emotions the beat he could. After • careful examination of the much injured foot, and finding that there were no broken bones, he conclud- ed to run another risk so as to secure a a victory for his side. "Ho -heave" it 1 goes again. "The"11 beat us" ! "Get 1 the pikes," "Get the pi?: PA. : •'H.) - heave". The commotion w ,1 immense. Rusticus could not stand in .'tiveiy any longer but, with one sound t ,.,t to stand on, seized a slim scantling with which to force up the slowly ascending bent, but just as he gut the thing balanced and the upper end in contact with the timber ter above hie devoted head and ready for a shove, the crowd. at the pike -poles hoisted and relieved the pressure en the upper end of that scantling which came suddenly and squarely, down on the head of a luckless fellow who happened to be underneath it. Now, I've ftnished him, thought unhappy Rusticus to him- salf, and determined to degy the author- ship of the deed, but forgot to let go the other end of the scantling. "Ho -heave" went on as before, hot there was no ho -heave out of that poor fellow's head this time. He staggered. inclined to the one side, then to the other, apparently undecided whether he would stand or fall felt his pate like a phrenologist,and finally set his eyes on Rusticus, who still held the murderous weapon in his hands. That poor fellow's eyes glittered and stared like a wild -cat's, and he made one spring towards Rusticus whose looks of sympathy were not likely to save him. The latter took to his heels towards the woods, with the scab individual in chase td him; but "Ito - heave" went on,regardless of the tragedy that was likes to take place if the pur- suer overtook his victim. After the race wotinued for some time and nature became almost exhausted, Rusticus look- ed behind and to his great relief saw no one in pursuit. Where the split head went to no one ever knew; though some thought he went • home. What a relief is afforded by the disappearance ,of our enemies ! Rusticus felt it. His run did not entirely remove the interest he felt in tho suooess of his side, and returning to the building when the excitement was at its highest, fiercely engaged in lifting. "Hu -heave!" "Bring your pike - poles." Just at the word of command a lubberly fellow seized one of these polo. and made a rear attack on Rusticus, in- flicting • terrible wound. It was very little convolution to the wounded to know that the thins was an accident, and the one who inflicted the wound was hurrying with the spike for quite a differ- ent purpose than to stick it in a mortal's flesh. Rusticus was borne away from the busy scone by his own legs, vowing that when he attended such meetings again he would climb up the timber out of the way of cow -hider, piked-p,lee aad scant- ling. Moral -When you go to a raising kelp your weather eye open. Rootl(va. Ashfield, Aug. 241 Messrs Julia and Robe sok MaKsnis out four and • Tarter acres of pass as Tuesday lest in eight hours with scribe. This L peeinworthj work, eonsdoei. the short epee, of time they were st It and the heaviness of the grain. They say they are randy to bet that they ccs cut five corse a day, or will out against any other two men in the oounty. The farmers of this neighborh000t oowplaining greatly about the very bad crop of fall wheat they have been reap- ing thew last fed weeks. Some have tt.reehed and the yield has not weeded on an average ten bushels to the sore., The sample is also very inferior. 1 Tenders will be received by road eon- miasioner Oirvin, Nile P. O„ up to Sep- tember 8, for the letting of the job of building the Dunlop culvert. Plans and:.reciflcgtions can be seen M the county clerk's oases, Ooderieh. et. Iles& Ws are called upon to record the death of Mrs. Purvis,of West Wawaoosh, which took pios on the 22nd. She wee interred in the South Kin{on cemetery the following day. Her husband and family have the;heerdslt sympathy of the community in the loss they are called upon to bear. Last week our matrons had impt,eed epos them the task of once mere heed - in` off the ppttooaoaa�iinaies to the gest of Illsgnting st Sekford. The holidays gee rad and the youngster* here semis to wrestle with the .bete and primer asd other auxiliaries to mental colter,. , Mr. and Mrs. Brodwell, of Alpena, Kieh., are gds of their sou -ie -law, A. C Maodonald. _ Atea young lust a finefirer 'Asmtati<n. firer year old soone day lest week was 8l7 v t atom* It is with deep regret that we inform our readers of the death of Miss Jessie Gordon, third daughter of William Gor- don, of Toronto,formerly of St. Helen's, who departed life on the morning of Saturday last, and was interred in Whit- bycemetery on Monday. Wherever iss Gordon was known she endeared herself to those with whom she associat- ed. She will be greatly missed by 'all her acquaintances, more especially ily her 1 number of friends. She had schooled herself to think that the ides of* blind unconscious nature was a bitter and barren creed, qnd had taught her- self that this little life was not aIL Her disease, having lingered on for years, baffle.' all medical skill, and change of climate seemed. no impediment in its course, which ended in a happy dissolu- tion. &VIM. Pexsoaai..-Mr. M. Braithwaite took in the excursion to Port $tansy last Saturday. Alex. Watt spent a portion of last- week visiting her brother near Wingham. R. J. Ploody, who has spent his vacation at home, has returned to Garfield to resume teaching. yr, returned. LGeo. A. Newton has returned and ..,.erred school at Harlock. He is accom- panied by Mrs. Newton, and will reside in Harlock for the future. We welcome them to Hallett and hope their residence here may be agreeable.. Joe. Orasbyhaebo ht a farm in Mor- ris, and it is expected that Hullau will sown lose hint. Deme Rumor asserts he will take one of the young Lithe* frum the northern part of the township with him. David H. Lansing r.f this township met with a severe loss, last Friday. He was busy hauling in grain; Mrs. Lan.ittg went out to the barn to assist bon in un- loading. On coming out of the barn, the house was all in flames. It is supposed to have caught from the chin;ttey. There is an insurance 0E8800 on the building. Nothing was raved except an organ and a few trifling articles. Mrs Jar. Dobie left here last Monday for Dakota. She arrived here about amonth ago froia Parry Sound, and has been visiting friends since. Mr. Dobie is to meet her at Emerson. -[New Era. Kineaedlee Aries for Acether Rallwo7. The committee appointed by the Codn- cil at its last meeting to watch the inter- ests of the town in the natter of the de- sired extension of the T. O. & B. Rail- way from Teeswaterhave organized and hateoummunicated with the proper au- thorities. Mayor Baird on behalf of the committee, wrote to the Pacific Railway President, setting forth the claims and advantages of Kincardine as a terminus. of the line from Teeswater, and he has received • reply, which fit tibia early stage is encouraging. The Rep.» t.., has al- ready set forth many advantages that would oe gained by the town should the Tine be brought through. There is no doubt but that Kincardine is the point which has the strongest claim for the ex- tension, and if the Pacific Company de- cide to eootinue the line to the lake, we will have it. -[Reporter. The Baron Sinal will M wttt-Maee of for the FOR 50 CENTS. This otter is made la seder to put Tan 8sasaL tato the hands of nose who =a= tab s. Avail yourselves of this eppeetaaW to wear+ Tmensenas for the balance of the Mr for so small a sum: 5 0 Ceritc.. SUBSCRIBE EARLY, 1110R\. At 131 Arch street, St. Paul. Minnesota on Friday morning. Aug. 17th, the wife of Zrit McKay, cabinet maker. formerly of Ooderlch, of a daughter. B LBW kb. 0•ffith August at St. George's church. (lode - rich, by the Rev. John %Vatters. M. A.. Charles Itenry Bioko, of Montreal. to Satan Gertrude, youngest daughter of the late Henry Bancroft of Montreal. barrister, stepdaughter of (I. Rice. Esq.. of this town. RI to. in Goderich Township. on Wedn'eday. Aug. Mb. William Marshall, aged 10 years. Goderleb Markets. 0ODLaiCH. Aur. 2). 1853. Wheat. t ralli i bush........ .. $0 r, 0111 00 Wheat (Spring) 45 bush ........ 00 te 1 (0 Flour, 5 barrc ............. ... 1 40 r b c Oats. P bash ....:...• OW • J 3 Peas. p bush .. 0 fe K 070 Raney, i bush ..... . 0 10 a 0 30 Potatnee V busk nest .. 1 0 M 5 0010 Ha) V ton ........... . . Bitter. 1 s.. o is .f 0 ,s Eggs t/ dee. ......e .. t 0 0 N Cheese. 0 li" Shorts, t owl ........ • : 01 • I IS M blears. el cwt II ..- slssmm :'. i •• a +ei Auctioneerin9. JAMES BAILEY, LiCENPED AtC- TtON ERR for the Comely of Bern. hav- ing entered the list M new prepared to attend to all order" for Awetiewe deg. (»stars Ida at Halley '• Hotel, Ooderieh, or seat bymall, tt promptly aewled to. t 11111* JOHN KNOX, LiCENSED ALC- • Tl(7!fRICH for the Comity of Harem. Sales attended In all parts et the Ceatty. Or- ders lett at Merle's Rotel sr at this DAM will be nreeepcly attendee to. 1b7-11. Ij W. HALL, AUCTIONEER FOR I. the County of Huron. Sales attended `t% any papt,; M t\e County Address deers to 11105 AwillIelip mal got the ten benefit of this offer. (1) � 41 New (School Books Pi fml k Tv7 le=c 44 O 4:1 • � FA) A t Tmnin�n (��nhp�l Tlnnb Pmnmm�m &frIt yon are already a subeeriber. ply show this advertiseweat to someone who does not take it. JOB PRINTING. ma F.,' o DIA This Department of Tas SroKAL Office is replete with every facility for turning out •11 clam= of Job Printing with wetness and des patch. and et reasonable tse e rates. CALL AND GET ESTIMATES. McGILLICUDDY BROS., Editors and Proprietors. Goderich. Aug. 21. 1883. Sensorial. W. KNIGHT PRACTICAL BAR BER and Hiair-dresser, begsto rewret Maks to the public for past palms/re and solicits a ooatinneeee of custom. He can always be found W Shaving Parlor,near Po Office Goderich. HMI TAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &o. Office. Crsbb's Block. Kingtton fit, Oode rich. Plans and Motions drawn carved ly Carpenter's' plasterer's and mason's work measured and valued. 3lebical. JJB. WHITELY, M.D., CM., PRY. B . SICIAN, Surgeon. Accoucheur, rte., M. C.P.8., Qatari°. Olsce-The Square, 2 doors East of Wilson's Drug Store. up stairs. 100$1 GR McDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC - . IAN, SURGEON, to.. Graduate of Tor- onto oronto University. i.losettate of the Royal Col. las of Physicians. London. England. Ike., Re., Il: C. P. 8 Ontario. Office and resides=Opposite Bailey's Hotel, Hamilton street Qd- erleh 1 DR. MoLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR - 0111014, Censer so. (ice and Settee Mese. mooed door wast oflslwla S treet. 178. HO. MACEID, 111. D. PHYSI- Serge= . etas. Seegesad ♦��oOso bur. Orsdes$s • Tombs Tots Ualv.epty. Omeeep ie to Camsr �t s Csmeres . Beak Li buow. If set la Mos. mitre at the Beak. 1701.y. i %RB SHANNON 8 HAMILTON, 1mmeters. t oassJ a w$sss'I !. c:t;toderle\. O. C. SRarrwowdwg` c ISM MR. W. F. FOOT, ORGANIST AND choirmaster of alt. Oeevge's Church, is p�r p�s�,d to give lastrwettea In the following brwiehes of midcal study vis '-Nano. Ot Icbmh and cahtnett Phyla at slew v culture.tiecoogb bass sad hartwesy. As r. Foot has had tansy eremitism both r{e city sed =entry. a taerorsig$ traiatng may he p�ls. Teed mamasUberally Msp al t\ Isis Op�ttrak argag t .. wc.=_ c=, 0 rn rt:3 0 O a 22 c* -1 a� 0 r-4 O P414 1-1 WWW PO4 1E4 01 W4 WOlit wwww zzzx The Largest and Nod Complete Stook -OF- SCHOOL BOOKS Used in the Conroe, Model. High and Separate Schools end Colleges, et Irnrie's Book Store. PRICES LOWEST IN THE COUNTY Sattsfa cti0=3. 3- .ara1',1teed JAMES IMRIE, Goderich, Ont., A_ B. CORNELL CABINET MAKER & UNDERTAKER Corner Store, Horton's Brick Block. Hamilton Street. - G'I•OD EP IDH, 01•1711- .k. Il. C. bal., at • large exocnre, purchased e FIRST CLa4,S'S HE. (RSI; and Is prepared to attend and conduct funerals on the shortest notice. la town or country. A large stock of . "leaps COFFINS AND CASKETS KEPT CONSTANTLI ON Ri (loth in Ikcorat.•d W00.11101 Haack Cloth. at ler) Itcawnahk Friona. Sur.A. O A LL BOLICITED. A. B_ do:a Goderich. July lthh. 1s83. 11110.3n' MISS STEW gRT GREAT BARGAINS! SELLZNC-�- OFF AT COST &.UNDER COST -te(Ftt- THIRTY- DAYS_ Goderich. July Lith. 15513. Legal. C. HA YES, SOLICITOR &c., Office earner of the square and West 'trot. J,iodericb, over Butler's bookstore. Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. ProviIic!al 38th OF' T11r LEWIS ALEWiS, BARRISTERS, Mac anal aid Arts Association - Attorneys, Sollcltbrs In Chancery tc Office in the Court House. Guderlcb. OF ONTARIO lea Lttwie. .lt..i. E. N. lawt,. , '"eD' To be Held at Guelph, CTARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR RISTEItS, Attorae s. Solicitors. etc Ooderich. J. T. Oarrow, W. Prelates,. 1K CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON., Barristers, Solicitors is Clt•neer7. Ste. 3oderlch and Wlnfham. M. C. Cameron. QQ C.; P. Holt. M. G. t.araeyow, lioderieb. W. S ac Mara. W Ingham. 1741. O\ T151: 24th to 29th Sept'r, 18 'Entries =set be made with the 1ec• Toronto. es or before the dates, viz : Horses, Cottle. Sheep, Swine, I'onit , Asrf guttural Implements. or et before ale day Angler Soh. - Grain, Field hoots and other Farts Pro n a darts, Machinery- and Manufa. tures Loans Loans ane insurance. ly ors or before %urday, ecptentber 1st. __ _ _ - - _ Horticulture' Products, Ladles Work, Fin Arts. etc., on or before Sat urday. tteptem,o 600,000 TO U)AN. APPLY TO soh. CAMERON, huLT t CAMERON. Oode mss Lists and Blank Form. for nmaktpg t • 17fe. monies nies upon can be obtained of the fes of all Agrlcnitursl and Horticultural cientMONEY TO LIND IN ANY isiepr visand ex. to ice Instlttttaethru t a tea berewwers s e to W Per the Ptstvlsce : or to gqaatt.. 1'r►vate hum's. Apply to Snow= and ti mise . Mearon. Goderlcb. Area Arsrestllss.;osreste. '. F. Bettii0i, Precede■(.'taste Marr Miff. 10th. I li ft 100S3t a owi ilial w'Ast• . roe rets A wed MONEY TO LIND. - PRIVATE lvl tends -on freehold estvity. Appt7 to Gee. Swanson. (leder ch. 1 60,000 PRIVATE PUNDfi TO LEND on good Fara or Ikat-clase Town Property leer cont. Astir to R. R A UC W V Fir. 1741 MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Toads for levesiment te OARROM t P aF00'Mesgrtstsfilowest races en Apply T OA1H FREE OP CHARGE. - 1.4 Meson to lend at lewaw tree of mg conte or charg'p. summit t t i owToN. e�pee11. ColborneHMei. Oederlch. Ltd March 1401. 1770. * 20,010 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on Penn and Town PreMrty at lowest hi- tetaat. Mortgages purehesed, M (esrnlsston charged, Cooveysactag roes reasonable. R. it Btwrowers can obtain mosey la Gee des ((title N stldletorr. DA WHOM St JOAN STOW. BerrMen axe (;oderich. T711 RRADCLIFFE, Fig , MARINE, . LW and Accident Tnenrswee Agree. vinery Ong fleet rlaseCowman iso. AImo am= the CANADA I.tva th•x-u liFOURAICII Co. easy to lend on Mortgage. ettser 5* Town 05 Property.ln any way to suit the borrow or. (Seo-fitoetatrs► Kae. Mock Sweetie\ QLGER & MORTON, BARRIS Ti ire. tea, Ste„ Ooderlcb and WM100 C. %eager Jr., Oedeeleb. J. A. Mortis& Withens.. 1711. WILSON'$ Pftsc['Iplion Dr'ug'�ior Worter's Sate rare, , 3's, M a. Kidney Cure. 5.85'e Catarrh ( are, CET=Hair Renewer, CtMfont Indian Blares, Warn./Clsr''s, Nerelwe, Fowler', [street of StrawbeNew rrrry ►er7 trial bottles. 10e.Try 1rE, the sew lis llemwy DIAMONn' DYE BEST IN THE WORL loo. Ira71. 1°.411.01r...41\ I 1