The Huron Signal, 1883-08-31, Page 741H an Fanc.v. setstaiisa .sias towels - 1. 1.• L.1 Trued by ifire-Ifoloote4v Tins titubburis " Tufo Premien The Silver Ki -th, *haughty doi lar. Tbe -7 tie' liolid rya -The hone, us trot& A Veil Of "Tears--- hautlsoloo youug widow's. A Dosenrig Orme -A tailors salt at law Lo reouver a debt. Life is a tellibuthe journey, mil alien MUD *Rives at the mid lia 114 ail out of breath. "If you dint give ine .1 peony,' s.iid a young hopeful 11. iiissiisaiI .isy •1 s. a boy that's got toe ss &u., soil I II go and catch 'um." It is said that 0 p s.r it pretty cies are tha best leo oa for 4 IIISIS to sli.sve by. Exactly 0.1 ; AU I it Is tbriodidion.thly tho case that malty a in in hat 1..eis shaved by them. A man who sas dealowitratma to a crowd that the1u w i is alit.111 thIlig ss hydrophobia was tile Most to clitni, up is barber's pole alien a sin III yellow Jog came rushing doe u the street. "What a wwiderfill ,iz.. of love:16o it is," said Mrs. Patter...el ; ••1 soe they lire now 1/10E11'4 wire cloth, Ail 1 111 li4Vtf a011le this vury wool( to pot is 50.0. sts Jo1111111.1 y The reamius .1 a mail litve been alug uut of the rums of Pompeii, with both hands resting on his stomach...Tile build- ing in which Ise waa found is supposed to naive been • cheap rettatirant. Standing before a elergyintii vile, was about to marry him, a rustic wet asked, "Wilt thou have this WoR1411,•*.kc The man started iu surprise awl replied. "ay, surely ! Why, 1 ku.14 is 1puoisios !" "So you are going to leature 1- inquir- ed a friend of a 1111141C-41 professor recent• ly. "Whet oll •• Wall. If 1 Am tinily sober, on my feet sras the reply. "That's wrong,' wat the response. "Never Rive superficial talk on large sub - jets." • "‘Voinati's rights l" exclaimed a Phan- delphia man when the subject was broached. "What more ,rights du the' want 1 My wife boat • . me ; our daught- ers bosses us both, and the servant girl bosses the whole family. It's time the men were allowed some cights." "Show me a sensible man who is op- posed to capital puilishinent ! ' exclaimed a lawyer while in conversatiou during a recent of oourt. "I aw," replied a gentleman sitting near. "And why so, sir; give your reasons." "Because I aiu sentenced to be hanged next month." Teacher -"What do we learn by the translation .1 the prophet Ellett' ?" Dull boy -"That he saved his funeral expen- ses." Teacher (severely) - "James Dull boy -"That's wot my pa says; he's an undertaker, he is, .and I guess he know's.. Pa 'lows he wouldn't like to have folks go off that way nowadays." She was in the dimly lighted reception room of a city dry -goods store, and, walking up to a tall mirror placed against the wall, remarked : "Why how baine you here 1" then, observing some sur- prise, not to say amusement, on the faces of the other occupants of the room, she saw her mistake and explained in groat confusion, I thought it was my sister we're twins." Jeo•os, tipsy as usual. ‘Yhat in the world "am set you on thu spree now 1" "Ah, ye moonna be harsh, governor -did ye nohear usy grand whist- ling canary was deist ?' "Stupid fellow! leaving your work and getting drunk for the death of a bird. Don't you know a inan should look upon suoli incidents as trifle' 17 "So 1 do governor, so I do man ; but if ye wanted a spree yerser, ye wad be glad of ony handle to tuns the crane wi'. At a temperance nieeing an honest German was asked to speak, and after some hesitation did so in the following exhaustive manner : -"I shall tell you how it vas. I put my hand on my head; there vas von big pain. Then I put mine hand in my pocket, and there was noth- ing. Now there ish no more pain in my head. The pains in my body are all gone away. I put mine hands in my pockets and there ish twenty dollars. So I shall shtay mit de temperance." One of our best citizens would. say to the public that he has trt .t1 Hall's Ca- tarrh Cure, and it is all t',at is claimed for it. I'rice 75 cents pro. bottle. Sold by Cleo. Rhynas, s de agent for Gode- rich. 3m: Dr. Moffatt, the father-in-law of Dr. Livingstone, whose death hour just been announotel,weia for many years a mission- ary in Africa In 1870 he returned to England, and was presented soon after- ward by his friends in that country with the sum of $30,000 in recognition of his great services in the rnismonary field. Such a recognition is too rarely accorded to missionaries who have spent the best part of their lives in an apparently thank- less work. "Leaves have their time to fall," says the poet, but Wild Strawberry leaves are en the rise just now, being utilized in such enormous quantities in making Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry- - the infallible remedy for Cholera Mor - boa, Diarrhote and other Summer Com- plaints. 2 An Oasis in the desert is no brighter light to the wanderinit Arab than • bottle of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure it u) the unfortunate .offerer from Kidney Dusanse. It is a perfect, positive and permanent cure. Seld by J. Wilson Gederich. 2m It seems impossible that a remedy tootle of such common, simple plants as flopis, Buche.Mandrake,Dandelion, &c.,should make so many and such areal cures as Hop Bitters ; but when old and young rich and poor. pastor an doctor, lawyer and editor, all teatify to having been cured by them, you must believe and try them yourself, and doubt no long - e1'.. "Why should s man wh( se blood is warm within Rit ke his grandaire out in alabaster 111 Or lot hie heir grow rusty, scant and thin. When "ChroatannanwrwIlla willmnske it grow the faster. For sale by .1. Wil- son. 2m Worbe ot Vishom lahe StP, D utnaiii w rote, on his last birtJotay, t.. a fg.10441!“. !imitators ..ttempt the inimitable. soli Act eildsooseteol-sopeaat take. In Ilse lag bartutifikilaboriptioli of a elope wocksh• ..r reoin4.11 which he s .41 It IA thAt ROI* litttly•, alld It , IA 01 ..ss 11*11 looses them. rod approliohnly "There are tett hin is of .hiappt,twis for Whines ptutoat fr 4*. 0.10 /WWI 1.00.1006i paission. men. Toe first said best is murk -unsful, Cteisider exiatenee as a trsk, and you unimpeded out's. Tale is hi:chest. It will Ise able always to ruder), it. gives a snare of Wu and growth. With Those to be feared are not those who reasonable suooess, it te Goals best boon. HURON SIGNAL 11111).11., AUG. 3'. dispute, hut those who concede. What we ought not to de we should ma ever think of (wing. -1Epie1etus. still and think and reasember end hope. The isecund is reit. Whim dm powers flag, and the work canowg be dents, to sit I try to teaks tuy enmities transient, and my frWitibillips This lest kind I am trying, anill 1 succeed T. be c with little is difficult ;1 it. I eajoy life about, as well as ever tt tei content with Much, impossible. I did. I gab reconciled to "4.ing smith- Wu usually learn to wait only when we hose no longer Ally thing to wait for Write ,Its the advice of him o Iso lives you, thonith you like it not et pres- ent. Thooe potpie 111 whom heart and un- derstatoling balance each other develop late. I oas never afraid .1 failure, ft r I would sootier fail than not be among the gleatett. The light of friendship it the light of 11,110rue - baell plainest wheu all :around is dark. Ko tone lost, nothing lost ; counts.," lost. touch lost ; honor lost, more lost ; soul boat, all lost. The sympathy, uf most people consists of a mixture of ig.iod humor, curiosity and self inip.oleince. The people whom we never contradidt are th....0 whom we eithet love moss; or rospect least. Witat Is defeat 1 Nothing but edits*. bon ; nothis_il but the tint step to some- iug better.- Wendell Philips. When a strong brain is weighed with a true heat it seems to me like balancing a babl.le against • wedge of gold. The simplest and t farnitiai truth seems nee and wonderful the instant we ourselves experience it for the first time. Memory is a net. One finds it full of tish ellen he takes it from the brniktbst a dozen miles of water have rnn through it without sticking. Taciturn people always inspire re- spect it is difficult to believe that one has oo secret to keep but that .1 his OWII insignificancy. The pelt man wishes to conceal his poverty, and the rich man his wealth ; the former fears lest he be despised, the latter lest lie be plundered. Wealth is like a viper, which is harm. lesa if a man knows how to take hold of it ; but if he does not, it will twine round his hand and bite St. Clement. Disputes between true friends and true tag. I miss rhe boraffillaa delight of exertion, but I escapi tk.. partial sense of failure, the imuntinglesdigg that I do not node come up to the iiiterk, and the ansittas usseertabsty rilipt!tliaitther efforts. I sit •.vaiting. Felends nice end, children go.el, and the world gnus fairly well with me. I thIllk 4.11 the wholts;Ine.er liked living -better. The summer is' boaueiful. I wait for the winter, and for stiminer again, if it comes, with phtiedd expecta- tions, but shall nat he disappointed if it dues not coin.). Title cabill have the great beyond, iustead. • • My cup is full. Proyi.bwitil) is kiwi. I am dying, it is esilhaussia.." If A 1.11re 111111Ttlas Feseee•i. Mr. M. Z. Allison, lietchinson, Kan., wed his life by • simple Trial Bottle oi Dr. King's New Doscoveey, for Con- sumption, whorls caused laim to procure • large bottle. that en it* tely cured hins, when Doctors, °image of climate and everything else had failed. _asthma, Bror.clutis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs. and alt Throat all Lung diseases, it is guaranteed to cure. Trig Bottles t J. Wilson's drua store. Large Ilia) SI (1)* NOW that there is a reliobte rowed, for kidney troubles, half thefeirons attached to these complaints have boon removed For this let all be thankfal, and to Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cite award all praise for baying s mut tved hitherto considered fatal disasse from our path It was never known to fall Sold by .1 Wilson. 2in The-int:unit are twine cored Catarrh every year with Hall's Catairli Cure, that ; he doctors had given upend said could not be cured. 75 cents a bottle. Sold by George Rhyne., sole agent for Code I ;tit. Sin Curma.a..m. -Awell known in onuaction with theiller Renewer,which estores grey hair to its oat ural color by lovers are of no consequence. The only dangerous quarrels are those between a few weeks use. Soll at 50 cents per people who do nut quite understand each bottle by JIIIIMS ,Wasen. 2m other. The robin sinors, as et ola. from the limb The cat -bird croons in the lilac -bush! The rich milkSinging buttercup Its tiny polished urnitolds up. Filled with ripe summer to the edge, The sun in his own wine to pledge. House is next to heaven ; and the home that is well ordered, comely, pure and bright, is thus heavenly by the agency of woman's heart and rnade by winnau's hand. *all tor the Throat. n theae days Whell diseases of the throat are so universally prevalent, and in so many cases fatal, remarks au ex- change, we feel it our duty to styli word iti la2ltalf .1a most effectual, if not posi- tive cure for'stire throat.' For many years past, indeed wermaysity during the whom of a life ot more than forty years, we hart- ccu subject to a dab hacking cough, %clot+ is not only distressing to ourselves but to our friends, and those with whom we are brought into bus:i. -ss contect. T ,t fall we were induced to try what virtue there was in, common salt. We co mihenced by using it three times a day --morning, noon and night. We disailved a large tablespoonful of pure table -salt in about a half a small tumbler full of water. With this we gargled the throat most thcroughly just before mealtime. Tie result his ,been that during the entire winter we are not only free from coughs and colds, but the dry hacking cough ha.sentirely draappear- ed. We attribute these satisfactory results solely to the use of salt -gargle. and niost cordially roc nn mend a trial of it to those who are subjected to diseases of tho throat. Many persons who have never tried the salt -garal•havsj_ldte bia- pression that it is unpleasant, but after few daysuse, no person. wh 0 loves a nice, clean m oith and a first-rate shay- ener of the apputite, will thielan it. -[ Exchange. Gmert.swest -Your Hop Bitters have been of great value to me. I was laid up with typl 4 fever for ...er two months and could get no relief until I tried your Hop Bitters. those suf- fering with debility r any toot in feeble health, I cordially reomninend them. J. C. Srorrari.. 683 Fulton -at., Chicago, 111.. alll+Wee Wa•teel. an any oue briug us a case of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters wilt Trot speedily cure 1 We say they cannot, as tLinsands of MIMI already permanently cured sad who arg daily re commending Electric Bitters, will prove Bright's Diseaps, Diabetes, Weak Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the Mood, regulate the bow- els, and act* directly on the diseased parts. Every hedtle guaranteed. For sale at .50c. a bottle by J. Wilson. L1J: • -------- To Slat Medias! Trotesason. and all whom 111111a: resent. Welt llewassisd. • Itlsocal weird will be paid to any I p it ty wao will produce a 11111111 of Live,. Kidney or bituusomli complaint that glee - Inc Bitters will not speedily cunc. Bring them along, it will °oat you nothinfr for the intalicieu if it f•ils to cure, and you silk be well Ilserardpal tor your in...Isle best All Biala diatoms, Baliessa- 1 ness, ondiee. eowitipation, and rel 1114 ate quickly ounxi. Salami- tioil guaconteol or looney relesarted Poke only fifty cents per bottais. /for sale by J. Wilaosi. • Illblesing to all Mashhad. lis those times when our newspappre are flooded with patent utediane advise - torments, it is gratifying to know what Lo procure tilso will certainly cure you /0 pos. are bilious, blood oat of order, firer ins/rhea, et renewal dabditated, there is nothing in the world that will cure you so quickly as Electric Bitters. They are • blesaing to all mankind, and con be had for only fifty cents a bottle .4 James Wilson. [2:1 Thousands bear witness to the posi- tive curative powers of the Gaut Gau- lt/a Isrvtoolotroa, the only remedy that has proved itself 15 specific for general debility, seminal weakness, impotency, etc., and all diseasea that arise from self- abuse or overtaxed brain, filially ending in corusumption, insanity and a Nemo- ture grave. Sold by all druggists, Or will be sent free on teceipt of $1.00 per box, or six boxes for $5. Address P'. J. CHENEY, Tutuila), I )hi, wok agent for the United State°. Send for circuler and testimonials of genuine cure. Geo. Rhynas, Goderich, 3m Banking. .0.1.11001111111110.1111MnIn A CURE GUARANTEE/ • Ler Oid sod gawwits IWO Weal lesisais P-laositively a. res Nei.% (Amines' Mall its staple Wear Ati m .rw, loss of lir . in Power, oteracti Preatruttew. AtgrAt Sweats, a4permatorr440a..5 Letererreeses. Barrenness, Neonatal Weakness 1 and General Loss of Pouter. It repair,. Nervous Waste, Bejaveastes the Jaded lases& ler., et reneptbens She Enfeebled Mein, • ad Rse steers Surpriatno Tome and Vigor to Me La. Auustett Gemera4lee Oman& With each or- der Swims:Lys moskages a0Colillyableit wail Elva duller', we will send our Writteu ti awe - entre to refund the money. If the treatment dues sot MIleota cure. 11 1. the Pheavoisewild Dee. Medicine In the market. iNIFFuU partleillons in our pamphlet. which we desire to mail free to any address. Mack's illegoetle Nedlelae is sold bo Long- giets at 5411 eta. Imo bac or 11 boxer forth.% or will be mailed free of postage, on reueigt of the money, by addressing RAMIS V AGEITIC MILDI4'LIM14.... Windoor. (no.. Canada Hold in to derieh. by JAM TA VitAllits2.and all Druggis .. von' wile" 1r • AN vtirOkt•iitt,• ts7i IRE HAMILTON PROVIDENT • • I; LOAN SOCIETY. HEAD oFFICX, /I abilL.ToNVNT. lutemitag ourrowers will ounooli their beet la termite by examtaleg Ins advaraladetaue teem* offered by this Rootety. before going else where Vor rates of Intoritell, laus.Mhiso tied further parlIkulars, apply to SAMUEL POLLOCK, Agent, Ges1,r.ch 111014in tluderich. May 171h, ISM. INSURANCE CAR.D. BRITIsll CUT, lrossortyo- kstablislati PH USN I X INS. (WT. of Ississxm kngload)- Rstablisbed ITIN HARTFORD INS. Oh ed n ow/on n. cons -Setablushed okra the loweet rates bi,trart-HORTON. Risks taken in class °Mee* %I The uneendgeod• *Asa Appraiser for tile CANADA PHIL LIMN Ana/SAVINGS ('*YT Tosogro. Money to Loaa ea IntstAlkuss socurit). eon T to 8 per Ceat.-(Slargos moderate, H0111.ACIL HORTON. Ooder'A 8eptic.ltA whs. THE CRIE41T 11/t004 rurifier RES not, life is so/replan by. g •ool dare before you dle something mighty and sub lone leave behind to conquer time. gal a week in your ow w, 2WWW. OS thattlt tree. No risk. P:serything new. Congol not required. We will furnish You evetything. Mashy are making fertune.. Ladies !make as much as men, and boys sad girls make great pav. Reader. If you want businees at which you ma make great pay oil the time, write for particulars to H. II Lucre ilea.. Portland Main BANK OP MONTREAL. CA PlrA L. - • - • 111,0410,G.k. aURPLLIS, - - • *5,000,000. .Goderich Branch. D. GL A SS - - • - - Manager, Allows interest on deposits. Drafts, lette. of credit end circular notes issued, payab In sat parts of the world. 1754. CANADIAN BANK. OF COMMERCE Pusd up (jopita/, • 86,000,000. Rest, - 81,400,000. - - Presidemt - IC..V Mr.V-ISTAlt General .Vanager, • Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - Mae -thew Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on a the principal Towns ,and Cities in Canada Great Britain and the United States. bough and sold. Adraneesto Farmers on Notes, with oneo more endorsers, without mortgage. .! 1753 Wit•ts VliftEit tI,e follow trig diseases : It lieu rotational, Sy pis Ili*, Sit .11 IL hest III. rciars y midi CIE:- T /)ZrZstasias. It tin remove GPi Mr, i', Hi -errata; :.nd Leal Ulcers ard Ohl Sores. ,s -0- _ Dradre Specific Medicine. TRADE MARK Tim G MCAT- TI114111101 ISLAM KNIIILlatt It5- ,410)y. An ur- falUngsen= for Wass* 555, Spermater- rhea, impot- ency, •nd alt dlaealleil that follow as se- Ilfrelf MEM quenee of self 41T111 •01Rie;aa Lem of Mentor/. Una% resat lasm‘• .u.le, Pain in the Hock. Plainness of Visioud, ,•retausture old age. and many other diseases Hutt lead to insanity or consumption and a. Prernelure grave. 14.1.1.V palticulars in our piunphlet, which we re to *end free by mail to everyone. The Speeille Medicine *tad by an einsgoosts *1 15 per package. sr tax packages tor Ix or will be sent free by mail onreeeint uf the money by addressing THh: ORA V MICHICINK CO.. Toronto.Old. VI Sold In Ouderieh by Jas. Wileo 1 CA/1..G.M•-i...nk for "Dr. Sarsaparilla," take no other in Its place. If your Dru-:- gist has nono in stock, requr;....* him to send for it. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. PER 1 • Perry D3114 & n L! - s 1• '1 ir) people are aiway • on the Look mil tur ehanses to increase their easralegsomil It, time ha cense nealthy ; the,.• who do no Improre their opportan tiles remain a poverty. We otter a grea ehanee to make money. We want men. wo- men'buys and girls to work for us in their swiileeellties. Anyone ran do the work pro- perly from the Bret start. The business wUl pay morenthen ten times ordinary wages. Ex- pensive mite* furnlahed Inc. No one who en- dattca fails to make Inone1 ell1PldlY• You con acetate your whole time to the work, or only your spare monients. Full information and ill that •is necessary sent free. Address Svcs sowst Co. Portland. Maine .GODERICHZ BOILER .WORKS. Ohrystal & Black. Phom)hatine, or Nerve Porta, a Phos- phate Element based upon Scientific Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Plass., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Siek Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. Phospliatine is not a Medecine. bir. a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates, Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but sings, ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle ia antliciont to convince. AU Druggists sell it. el 90 per bottle. Eowoax & Om, sole agents for the Dominion, 55 Front Street East Toronto ItaeltleaNt Andra Salve. The greatest medical wonder of the ; world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns, Bruises,Cuts,Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains. Corns, Totter, Chapped Hands, and all Elkin Ertiptinnso guatanteed to cure in evety iiistance, or money refunded 21.e. per box. For sale by J. ly. TO 311 LL 31 EN and Sa LT WELL 3IEN New 8011,Ela anti fSALT1 PANS manilla.. tureal.on shortest notice. All kinds of Pic -pairing executed under the persons,' supers ision of Cue Proprietors who ARF Practicai Workmen. 'IS:FOWLERS P. O. 103 1787 1)111AWBEEN 4)-PirrWith> $500.00 We will pay the abo% e reward for is-ty ease of Liver Complaa tat, Dyspepeia. Sick H sulacbe, Indigestion, t'onstipation or Costiveness we cannot care with Waged Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable.. and never fall to give ant kraal ion. Sugar Coated. Large Boxes, containang Pills. 2.5 cents. For sale by all Drugg sts Beware of counterfeits and imite- Bone. The genuine manufactured only bi JOHN WEST & CO., "'The Pill Makers,- 81 and 83 Rang St. Fast, Toronto. Ont. Free trial package bent by mai prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. Ter nate rat WILSON** DRI G ATOM Ilealth is 'Wealth • : C Fr' E cHOLERA CHOLERA1NFANTUM it• . 67, • ALL SUMMEWCMPLA1N Ti S'.' 41 I. EWL EPS 4; 4tess ola't .4.61, relief er cues e:fe. te I, veer emery will hi resists/. 1 New Life Ter Femoll•we Wo.ke.ed 111" 1P40 rage. Debility and Dbadvation. The Great Gentian Invigorator is the only specitic,kr impoteney, nervous de- bility, univellratil lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in the back mr sides, no matter how shattered tLe systein may be from ex- cesses of any kind, the Greet German Remedy will restore the lost function, snd secure health and happiness. $1.00 per lea, six boxes for $5.00. Sold by all druggists'. Sent on receipt of mice, pistil -et- paid, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole reont for United State.. Cir - enters end tcetimonisla sent free. Sold by Cleo. Rnynas, sole'agent fnr Gode- riots. 3m: Trowelling Cold*. In the history of medicines 110 ',aria ration has received such u514rsal com- mendation for the alleviation it affords, and the permanent cure it effects in kid- ney diseases, ea Dr. Van Buren's Kinney Cure. Its action in thew distraint complaints is amply wonderful. Sol tot ituanow arairmalatly1 arr. : dee by J. Wilson. inn'rnarilsrldbirattilligele.:41417) Ar. 0.00sta -NILE* .I.Ihn Cal rick, one of the orteiaateres _ of the Exeter fklt,efor, is now 1, -al wit tor of the Chatham &tomer As the frosts of winter vanish anideol. so does Bright's Disesec. Dropay. ersierrit for am. New is Shf UAW Von in the Kidneys and Bjecillee, anti InfltroL e,an swan. Woe. or riot wooto motion of the Kidneys, leave the nody I t""l^"" 5. rot lIssibolo wjU y magi/ env nein tali to upon the administration of Dr Van fin oto ren. Kittney Care Sold he .1 Wilms, 1:7*."17414.....wiwtatitiorikadase.Hz 2m o.. Augusta Maine. (MANI/ TRUNK RAN?. Du. E. C. WIt•I'VR NIttirit Ain littArt THRAT MRYT. a guaranteed specific for Hysteria. Me einem. Con v oblong. 14 I in. Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol 01. Wakefulnese. 51en- MI Depression. Softening of the Brain, moult Ing In Insanity and lending to m4w.ry, decoy and death. Premature Old Age. Barrenness. hose of Power in either sex, Involuntary Lomeli and Spermatorrhow, caused by oyers.xertion of the brain, self-abuse or over -Indulgence. One box 111 Cure recent cameo Each box con- tains one month'', treatment. One dollar • box. or six boxes fru Ave dollars; sent by mail pre paid on revolt), of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any caw. With easeh order re- ceivesi by se for sit boxes, accompanied with flve dollar*, We Will wend the purchawr our written guarantee to refund the nsoury if tbe treatment does not effect a ,•nre. (iLaran. era lensed may by James 1111.0WeA. ode mit hot howl lareat Inc Ooderach, ('t).. 040 paroorigiora. Toronto Oet. Pees. Kee's. 31' 1 1 '.I. M I led Goderich.i.r.S.4Sam 12 in pm 1.110pm 7.40 eel Seoforth. A r.11.111 1.301 CM Ohl deafortil...r.51 11 S.411 Strat ford. Ls 111111pan 7 11141a S.44am S. i5PO, Pass see's Mica., Mlied RoBB PIS S10 of their rIrtinve.Frea and health mot, Irpti prolonged. happineas St rat ford. A r.7.10 1.10 A.30 11.i0 --Thousands of greets RI CST. are annually robbed lagderialkair. a .sr 5.31 54., 716 to the Igoe of the treat the celerrie inflnence of the sun 111 rare. la. hominy...a Tony hp horns A; the ,ta tr. to Capital 110* need- '. will ..art yew. Men, wo- wea, boys wed leo. waste* reeora GERMAN INVIGORATOR' I .n which moot veal alto permanent y enrea low ClailCY Kano**, by earramna of an kind oaik Weakness, and all diwoosio that e,,e. 1411, Sae boNflonOr ef Self -Abuse. &eine* of re Ines oe f memory, sti resat lawsalswla. perl In tbr. hat.k. Molars. of vision. pomp* e old agoand ,,any other dia..won-• t b•. lead tn Insoftn I conanmpr ton anti a pr. nu, PIM Wave. gond far nireinart "rob trotansonials Inc-, hy Mall. The IIIIIrPOSIR IT411111 I. lieskl id es per bee, sw six bests for 15 by •Il drompet,,. or will be sent free my mall. se. sorely aiettle.l. 015 ryotrIP1 f Priee. by 'addressing T. J. CHENEY. 14rnortie, 157 Slemonli ni Tolvsles flhIn OWL RI1118... note Agent for Orwirrir, ;* FIATT'S W011.111 are t Lo, 5 u:-. !1:.•ir n0 n Furgetiae. 11 I. "...re, S•ife, Ian I e diesereyer arms In CI Lldr -n or • dolls. BIT 4.1 Am:, • a 5' t. tat • • fq • f .1 1. 4 HALL'S rARRir 1U,RE Rerosnmemiei he Pt. sadden& C1:7T-Lls:S Catarrh of the Nasal CsvIty -Cirtmc ard Ulcerative, COT of Pio lot% Eys or 1 hrost, It Is takes IN frifIALLF anal aits PIREETLY upon ta Blood arid Mucous Surfaces of the Syttem. tt Is the hest ElIsod In the WORLD, and ls north oil that Ihirkhrgseidoiefor It. for ONLY INTERNAL CURE FOR CATARRH Lair IN TIM NIAUKET $ o 1 00 W:ins41111:107.1y 11.3,17 C2,01,3: $ 00 went.sxn, 1101. Mnreh 55, 1961. My little ...a.aulttwy WRa trout. I with Catarrh . for two you', and was verymmcii henetItted by the use of Hall's Cata.rli Clitre'" glut is now about enrol. W. T. HOLM& - On,., March 90, ISM !have used '' Hall's Cstarrh Cure," and jai. Ina from the 'nod results I derived from ere bottle, belasera it will care the most stutsbaro ease of Catarrh 11 !is tuie he continued tee a reasonabl• length of Woo. W. HELLER& West.sen, Ont., Barash J. CereveT a Co., Toledo. (1 Sews& - Hare soli' Hall's Catarrh Cure kir Obi nes yeas, sat 110?.. emir* aattatsetion. Tours truly, 15 W. HOII.O.):: , Brogaings Hall's Catarrh yz, • Yold by all Wirwole eel BAUM sod Dealers in Patent Idediehase ko Ib. United Stales and Casmillai PRICE C4mtA a BOW.. MAO Sul aaelmord by F. J. CHANZT 00. Tb. geselee cameesi fMicarr4 sirmswere ot Imitationa 5oll1bn1 for Ibir Ontario trade by H. W. HOBSON, Welland. Sat :EinitsK RHYNAS, Role Airest