HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-08-31, Page 62 '1'H kLU SIGNAL. FRIDAY AUG. 31, 1883. iimod Advise. Whets the brit'. un her bridal penury >Y aoensi►lc young -pet -nee she will k •ep her silk suit in her trunk for a suitable oxission and not wear it on the railway train. A pretty young girl the other day snaking an expedition to the Cats- kills, and leaving New York un a rather cool morning, wore a black silk dress— but a white Spanish lace fichu, with a broad Gainsborough hat and nodding plunges. It got quite cool in the cars on the northern jourrey, but there was no wrap available. If she had a shawl it was packed away in her trunk. The groom, who had given noadvice evident- ly to his -spouse, or, perhaps, didu't know, had •a stout chevoit, and must have been, aa he looked, comfortable. Arriving •at the railway terminus, and taking the stage for the further pull up the mountain, it made our spectator's teeth chatter eo see how confidently the little bride climbed into the vehicle, still in the airy fichu, not a scrap of woolen for her shoulders, and her face alar• with the oohl. Probably in her modest outfit fur the•wedding there was a flan- nel dress, or a woolen stuff of wine kind, intended for the ,house. If she had put that en for tho journey, and saved her best block .ilk for hone uses, she would snore dearly have been on the level of the -city persons, whet had left their dia- monds at' -the bank, and had taken two woolen buil* and one cotton grown for a fortni{rht's journey among the moun- tains.edge with bands of deep pink, bordered 'Home, and not hotel parlors, ledge a thread of gold. and, least of all, the [parlor cars, is the Ribbon embroidery is now used for placate smear one's pretty, airy clothes. working monograms or initials upon In a pt►blic crowd, un a journey, all de- licate 'wear is sure to encounter duet, rain, or chilling cold ; the plainest flan- nel 'suits are beat fur climbing, beach lounging and comfort generally. • Denerstn e r sews, Pink proud Wit. sell fur teetgty oeuts a piece at Cape Cod They very much resembe the ordinary lewd lily, but are much more fragrant. Coffee ground., tkuruuely dried, make an excellent .hllinw fur a pin -cushion As they du nut gather louisture they do not rug the needles. A grtat deal ttf trios is used fur bed- room decoration. It ie seen in profu- sion on tie •couahrp1nes and pillow and the toilet tuats and table covers. A pretty penwtt.er• that resembles a rose is made of twelve circular pieces of cloth of different colors, edged with crys- tal bails. Fo1i the pieces in four end ft•ren together in the 'enter with n silk thread. Plants, insects, anti annual life of every description and numerous histori- cal aceries us well as pictures of social life are the engraved decorations on crys- tal ware. AU are exquisitely delineated in a very truthful nnnner. An attn'.ctive decoration on a dinner service has the ground color of a pale Nile green, around the edges runs a com- pact wreath of wild roses, with bees ex- tracting the sweets of the blossoms. The coloring is happily true to nature. One thousand dollnre was lately paid in New York for a dinner set of 374 pieces orf the design called "Etruscan cut edge." The ground is purs milk white, ornamented within one inch from the ensesaYff The more charming wontsu in Queen Victoria's court a new years agu was one whose features were homely anu whose eyes were :n,ased, nays the Youth's Com paniew. The secret of her attract wu lay in certain perpetual bright freshuess, in her drum, the tutu of her mind and her totemic-. Jaw Welsh Carlyle, alien an old, sickly, ugly.wumau, could se charm men, that a stranger meeting her accidentally in a stage -coach, followed her fur miles, punt -haste, to return • paras..l which she had dropped. .The charm lay in Ler bright vivacity of manner, and the keen sympathy which shown through her fea- tures. Margaret Fuller also pu•.sssed this magnetic sympathy, in spite .,f her enor- mous egotisin. Men and women, the poor and the rich, felt themselves drawn to open their hearts and pour out their troubles to her. Yet Margaret was an exceptionally homely woman. The Copular belief among young girls who read the Companion, is that it is only a pretty ;face which will bring to thein the admiration and love which they naturally crave. No books, it is said, have a larger sale than those written that give rules for beauty, receipes to de- stroy fat or freckles, and to improve the skin or the figure. Now no recipe will change the shape of a nose, err the Dolor of an eye. But any girl, by daily baths and (wholesome food, and by breathing pure air, can ren- der her com,llexion clear and soft. Her hair, nails and teeth can be daintily kept. Her clothes, however cheap, can be fresh and becoming in color. She can train her mind, even if of ordinary capacity, to he alert and earnest ; and if she adds to these a sincere, kindly,sunny temper, she will will friends and boo as surely as if all the fairies Iota brought her gifts at her birth. But it is no mei for a woman whose t c person is soiled and untidy, and whose long -continued monotony in daily pur- with some humorous design, 'sand the temper is selfish and irritable at home, suits. 'A •wife and mother surrounded by family -ares is acted and reacted up- on by the acme sights, sounds and labors until the 'freshness and vivacity of the Pat become worn out. We ere so con- stituted .t our natures demand for their enjoyment of Life and for the -vigor- ous exercise of our powers, change, variety and relegation. For lack ad these the interest m life dimiuuhee, the mental horieon narrows, life becomes contracted end memo not worth the living. Then .come various unhappy moods and tike possession of the mind. To learn to metro] and banish unhealthy moods is one Of the teaks that must be undertaken by .every woman who would lead a happy and useful life. The first step is to reooenise their eminence and must influence. Reason be called to the aid to declare Curt feelings of desponden- cy, hopelessness, complaint and dis- couragement are -hut' the result of • maid, and thereft vet can be resolutely "You talk so much you twtsht the eye of held in check. Il one can only bring me." one's self to make the frank *knowledge - "I've a hundred dollar hill in my vest met et utsereble mortal in existence ! 1 f you are broken down in constitution u probablythe °wintered dyspeptic. Bartock ood titters cure Dyspepsia and all diseases of the Stomach, Blood, Liver and Kidneys. ler 001 trust our word simply but address the proprietors for proof. 2 poucket handkerchiefs. It is executed so finely that at a little distance it appears like raised embroidery in colored silks. Another style of handkerchief embroid- ery is in twisted silks, which are couched in foss silks. and wasting Away by sickness, diasipsttou too great nervous tesation, or suffer from any cl runic disease, du net abandon hope until yuu have tried Burdock Blood Bitters. IA'hat it is doing dai'y towards restoring .then, it might do fur you. 2 ilre rse. Float Ltabi ata Needs no advertising when 0000 intro- duced. Every bottle sold sells hundreds of others by duet[ all and more that re - promoted ha Neuralgia, Toothache, Headttohis, eta h removes toy pain ins utly quick as hash. Try it sad you will y it is well nain d Fluid Lightning. Get p 25 cent bottle at G. Rhynes' drug store. b Perfect, Positive and Pleamauent aro the cures effected by Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure. Relief in all caea aof Kid- ney Disease is obtained af.er a few doses. See that your Druggist gives you Dr Van Buren's Kidney Cure. Said by J. Wilson Guderich 2�ra llesdl•e.s In Tresses. A '. hand' " fol' gentleman's room, Mo od.ness in women may almost al- I which pis Intended ,for brushes, combs, ways'heti-aceddte an overtaxed couditiuu I tttz as, etc., has the f.alnd::tioi of ecru or of the system, tum much car and too light blue kid, embroidered in uutliue m In Dr. Carson's Stu•ch Bitters will be found • Specific fur Bilinusaeas, Dispepsia and Indigestion. You are foolish if yuu suffer, not to try ie For Sale by all druggists. Maisie Field Unarming There a oo no prep.ratubefore the pets pie to day that c Is their cunni deuce more, „r weals with A) el WI sale than doos Ur F•,wler's Extrac' of Wild Strawberry—the infallible remedy for all forms of Summer Complaint. 9 A painter named Yverar,r ha4 been ar- rested its Dublin em the charges"( threat- ening to slime Golding, the Phuinis Park ranger, who was a waterer in the trials of the Caer e:dish and Burke murderers. Is the only instantaneous relief for Neu- ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Itub- bing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. Ne taking nauseous to dicitts for weeks, but one minute's application removes all pain and will prove the great value of Kraut's Fluid Lightning. 25ne cents per bottle at Getirge Rhys drug stn re. t' LADY BiartrtEaa –Ladies, you (sus not make fair skin, ray cht.eks, and s rklittg eyes with all the cosmetics of France, or beautifiers of the world, while in poor health, and nothing will give you such rich blood,gtssl health,strength and beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is certain proof.. Seeing is believing. Read the testi monists in the pamphlet on Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure, then buy a bottle and relieve yourself of all those distress- ing porus. Your Druggest can tell you all about it. Sold by J Nilson (iodertoh 2m stripes of contrasting color at arranged as to form special places for the articles to be put in .it. Perfumery bottles and medicine flasks may also, be kept in the " handy." to hope to cheat anybody by pnttmg on fine clothes, and a smile for company. The thick, muddy skin and soured ex- pression will betray her. "John," said an artist the other day, to a Chinaman who was unwillingly act- ing as `model.' "If you don't look pleaa- ant, I'll not pay you." "No use," grumbled the waaherman. "If Chinaman feeler ugly all the time, he lookee ugly," which is true of every other man and woman in the world as Tee Handy with • res. Ex -Senator Thomas J. Creamer tells a good story of the palmy days when the Hon. Paddy Burns was a Deputy Sheriff. He was frequently detailed to take con- victed prisoners to Sing Sing prison. Ore day, as he approached the entrance, • nnilti-mannered prisoner held out a pair of small white hands chainedtogeth- er with handcuffs. "Sherif," he said, in pitiful accents, "look at those hands. They will be no good in the quarries. I'm here for ten years. It'll kill me to go into the quar- ries. You night as well put a titled lady in a laundry." "Ah, be airy, now," said Paddy. melt mentally, "1 Seel mean, cross and ugly to -day," and then to restrain and action accordingly, the battle won. But vigorous men/ must sorted to in order to -dispel the and for this nothing -is ao effective for women as to leave home even if but for an hour. Get away whew ether influ- ences, will act upon the Mad and body. And by force of will, aided by social in- tercourse, drive away despcedency, and gloom, and thus the happieess and en- joyment of home may be madeemnplete. ii. half i��"isper, whisper," broke in Paddy with sudden interest. be re '•It's ray last hundred dollars," the mood, p it's yours if you'll only keep ane mut of the quarries." "What can ye do now T" Paddy in - Mow t. Meea.ve • Ttakt Mag. ,tA novel method of effecting the re- mo,ral of a ring which has become con; .tn.ided around a swollen finger, er in any ether similar situation; consists sire• ply is enveloping the afflicted member, after Ntetnannen,0f a circular landage,iii a length of flat India rubber braid, such as ladies make use of to keep their tuts on tate top al their heads. This should be soeuratety applied—beginning, not close to the ring, but at the tip of the finger, and leaving no inter.'als between the suoces.ive turns, so as to exert its A RLWARu—Of one dozeu "Tame:e- RY" to any one sendinc the best four line rhyme on "TEABauKY, the remarkable little gem for the Teeth and Bet kirk your druggest or address. A Gem" Offer The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company has just issued an illustrated treatise, "The Heart of the Continent," describing the wonderful growth of the six Great States, The book si beautifully printed, and numerous en gravings of high merit adorn its pages Any one sending their name and ad'ress with two three -cent postage stamps Wilt receive a copy by return mail, by applying to Perceval Lowell, Generla Passenger Agent, Chicago Illinois. 5t The Greatest t/ealing Compound, riso.uer continued in a low tone, "and Summer Boarding. Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters are not an Alcoholic Stimulant, but a purely Vegetable Medicine. Cathartic anti Tonic in its a'•ti.•Ir and it,tslualls in all allele Dens of the S', iii trli, Liter and Bowels. MA1TLA1B ?LACE! is a preparation of carbolic acid, vaseline and curate called McGregor A: Parke's Carbohc Ceiste. It will cure any score, cut, burn or bruise when all other pre- parations fail. Call at G. Rhynes drug store, and get a package. 25 cents is all it costs. b MR, RICHARD HAWLRY:3 Elegant Itesl dense Is now OPEN for the SUMMER For the reception of a new guests. The rooms are very large and NICELY- FURXISIIED rlmples and Ill.tehes. Call at deo. Rhynes' drug store and a package of McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It is composed of V aseline,Car- belie Acid and has never felled to remove Pimples, Blotches, Ulcerated Sores, and Rough Skin. ft cures when all others fail. Try it. 2 C}ODERIOI PL.PL.I.VING .MILL ESTABLISHED 1655. Buchanan, Lawson Robvison Bath Room with hot and cold water. Bowling Alley. Croquet and Ornamental Grounds, plenty of choice fruit, a good table, and every comfort will be found. Guests will be met at the station. TERMS :—Seven to Ten Dollars per Week. MAITLAND PLACE, Go l 'rl2.h. Ontario. Godericb. June 11, it, 1 IFt These are Solid Farts. The best blood purifier and system re- gulator ever'plaoed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit - Address : well as of John Chinaman. Iera. Inactivity of tie Liver, 'Biliousness Hawthorne's weird fancy that eur se- � Jaundiee, CoblaMantion, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or wild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. Sold at fifty cents s bottle by J. Wilson. [4] cret weakness or sin should hang like a black veil over our faces between us and other men, is true in fact. Every hidden propensity or vice, every noble trait or feeling, leaves its mark on the features, the expression, the eyes. Day by day and hour by hour, line after line, here a little and there a little, it is recorded on the face as on a tablet, and when we reach middle age, there is the story of our lives plainly written, so that he who runs niay read. It is net cos- metics nor rouge, nor depilatories, girls, that will make your faces as you grow older ; but the thoughts and words and deeds that have given you the ugliness of Hecate, er "the lineaments of gospel books." A few weeks ago the superintendent of the Welland canal received orders from {aired. Ottawa to lock the steam barge Active and her consorts through the Welland "Any light work," was the reply. anal en the following day -.Sunday. "Can't you get me something easy ? ' Cases frequently arise when this becanes "Nell—now—I don't know. Are ye necessary. In eed, in the opinion of handy wid a pin !" f veaael owners at least, the closing of the "Handy with a pen 1" repeated the anal on Sunday is a great injustice "Heavens, However, in this instance, informations captive with sudden energy. were laid by a local dead -beat agtilest viol oro IT WILL PAY n.ANl'r A('Tl aa'lt• u►' .S'zslr, DOoi'S -' Blinds Eyt, Ear and Throat. DR. RYERSON ► 317, ('hare\ Street. Tomato. Oat.. L. R. C. P., L. H. C. S. E.. Lecturer on the Eye, Far and Throat. Trinity Medical Col- lege, Toronto, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Esr nical Assistant Rol Ophthalmic yHospital. late 11Moorflrlds. and Central London Throat and Ear Hospital, may be consulted at THE WINDSOR HOTEL, BTRIITF'ORD, On Last Saturday of Beery Month. n6ALEIte IX ALL KINDS toV Lunaber, Lfi'th, Shingles and builder's material ut every description. SC'i`OL FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. tea All Orders promptly attended to. Ooderieh, Aug. 2, 1883. a 1909-1y YOU TO PROCURE FROM YOUR Druggist a bottle of TAPBOOTTS DOMINIOIQ' HAIR RESTORER It keeps the hair fresh and natural ; itis not otfemive nor injurious In (ta effects, but pleas- ggfpeesant nd tone. twent(yandtnatu`ns ralnthe esstothe'and bah.. it promotes luxurious growth and prevents premature decay. PRICE, 50 CENTS. W.J. C. Naft;e1, Druggist. etc., Agent for Godes ich. Aug. 16th, 1881. 1904 -itch man, I'm too handy. That's what I'm twelve of the lo,ek tenders, for ate here for."—[N. Y. Sun. Dennis Renshawa, who shot at three evictor' Monday, was arraigned on Tuesday at Banbridge, Ireland, on a charge of shooting with intent to murder. The doctors testified that the head con- ttable was wounded in f(/u keen places. The case was remanded for a week. Dr. Fowlers Extract of Wild Straw- berry will never fail you when taken to cure Dysentery, Colic, Sick stomach, or any form of Summer Complaint. Relief elastic turao gradually end gently up..n is almost instantaneous; a few doses cure the tissues underneath. When the when other remedies fail. 2 . binding is completed, the land ghoul] Tfnu are troubled with n dismlered be held aloft in a vertiosl pwrition, and oit.auach 1 Dr. Carsen's Bitters will afford in a few minutes the swelling will 1e per ppr,inpt reli ef. it is the best Family Mathcine, far Superior to Pills. Al! ceptibly diminished. The braid is than taken off and immediately reapplied in the same manner, when, after another five nnnntes, the linger, if again taptdly nnotr.ted, will be .'stall en ouch ft.r the ring to be removed with sear. Druggists sell it. tsr6reg es Mpeedy s ■re. From the many remarkable curse wr„ultht by using McGregoor's ('urs' f .r Dyspepsia, indigestion, mete pgti,tn and Affection of the Liver, and item immense sale of it without any ad• TIDO politica) et a/.lt 1sinR uteri the ,e..t>iug. we have concluded to place it papules' vote of the Peet le t1gDYla� la eats .•r..v on the market, so that those lives of Dv. Fowler's Estreat of wid who safer say perfect Strawberry that matchless remedy for Cholera M,sbus and all Stemmer eos- plainta 2 A man a wife should always be the . am, repo -easily to bre hareem . but if she te weak std tereens and saes Carter's Iran Pills, she cannel be, for they make her "feel hk. • different persr.n, at least se they .11 say. and their husbands nay Ott Ital. ,p.�ars sad MMrtes. Ol et (i•u. Rh sae dpg More and d • of Weareger d. Parka's Cab„ It isen apcsed of Vase- line, Conde, and has nev failed Add S Pimples. Blotches never fsila.d to ivioe• Ulcerated Soros, Rough Skin Tt core when all others fail. Try it. 1. 1 hare w cureno tit G. Rhynes drug store and get a trap beetle free, er the register vise at 50 cents and • 1. a l'ti' TI$R r'c'R DAerkrT1.. - Poverty aith perfect health is rather to he chosen than riches and dyspepsia. Try the magic effect of a dollar bottle of For vra1Ji or HMALTH. Arsenic and quinine are not desirable eomnvsiities to carry in one's system, snit it is to be hoped that the pollen—ions awns remedies have hal their day. Ayer's Ague Cure is a sure antidote for Ague aril all malarial fevers, and is perfectly harmless leaving the system in as good rendition as hetet• the charmer was eon trsetawd of the Lord's Day set. The learned and intelligent justice who upholds the majesty of the law at Thorold derided that the lock -tenders. though fulfilling a public duty, in obedience to the orders of the department, were offenders within the act, and convicted and fined them accordingly. Yesterday an order was granted by Mr. Justice Osler forth. issue Of a certiorari to briug up two *meta - lions. and their legality will steady b. tested. W. J. Guppy,(d Newbury writes --"Dr. FAwl.trs Wild Strawberry is just the thing for Sommer Sickness. 1 sold out my stock three times last sum- mer. There was a gond demand for i4" Dr. Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry is infallible for Dysentery. Ct.Iie Sick Stonuch and Bowel Cowrpleint.. 2 The manta fur notoriety is spreading reridiy and hide fair to become epidemic ere long among • certain clams of intel- lect. A Brrlf•ord, Ps., drag clerk has aught the infection hed17 and premises to Imp (nen the Kinsua iaduct into the stream,310 feet below. The wid,ew 11 John 1'. Heenan is liv- ing at Lone Pine, hnso eitunt!, (`Ill. /the is a daughter of Col. Sherman !elevens,s highly respected resident of that Ogee I 'Mt DARLiNG IMPERIAL She ntnrried Heenan greatly after his fight with Tom Meyers, and prior to that SE she was an Retreat. lune 5th. 1881. 1 - ALLAN LINE ov ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL -LONDONDERRY -GLASGOW INIX)NDERRY-GLASGOW McColl Brea. & Coi, Toronto, Manufactures and Wholesale healers in Every Saturday From Quebec. onenv 5T .EA PAaiAsiE. SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY. Suni;nter drranijement. BEb6 ON 13 - LARDINE, CYLINDER, BOLT CUTTING, WOOL OILS. --IO(•R CSLEBRATRD(— "LARDINE." bread is unexcelled by any other oil on the market. In recogn(tion of its superior merit, we have received All the Highest Prizes ! wherever we exhibited it since 1878, among other awards • large number of Gold, Silver & Bronze Medals, besides numerous Dipl as. 11 is warranted not to gum or clog ; wears equal to ('astor,011 and being fess than one-half the price la the cheapest oil on the market. tOTRY iT. For Sale by 'R. W. McKenzie, 1 dei. Goderleb. e Cheap Tea Ston. AYER'S JUST RECEIVED, A LARDY SUPPLY OF : ��,ED FRUITS .AND CANNED MEATS OF ALL KINDS. A CHOICE SELECTiON Or Fresh Groceries Mao • flue- assortment of Crockery & Glassware IN THF. LATEST DESIGNS. rTeas a Specialty 'to heus•hoM should be etnselered ample ter without s berth" of Dr. Van Pers's Kidney Ome is ire the ekeee. It is the only remedy that will positively, permanently end j.rnmptly enre all forms of kidney diseases. 't..ld by J. Wilson 9rat Forlerstwnw HrAt.rn Ti remould' the secretions, an t.ttes the mncees sur - fares "f the head. lhrrat.sturrach.bowele and Walder. expelling Catarrh in all l" forms Price •1 Hair Vigor restores, With the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown rotor, or deep block, as may be desired. By its nes light or red hair may be darkened, thin hair thickened, and baldness often, mange not always. cared. It checks falling of the hair, •ud stimulates • weak and sickly growth to vigor. It prevents and tures scarf and dandruff. and heals ewarly .req disease peculiar to the scalp. As a Ladles' Hear Dressing, the V tuna 1. unequalled ; It rentable neither oil nor Aye, render. the hair soot, glossy, and silken in appearance, seal Imparts • delicate, agreeable. and hurting perfum.. Ma. C. P. note ..is writes frio RM+r, a, July 1, 1M2 : ' Wt fall my hair emmwe.eed tailing out, sod In a short tips 1 beesms nearly bald. I need part of a bottle of Avra's HAI• Yrrtonr�, wbleb stopped the falling of the heir, and,acted • sew growth. 1 have now a full heal of bats wing ♦lgor,atly, and ►,n eonvine.A that but mitre!? bald. .1. W. Bowie, proprietor of the McArthur I O►W{� Ragas.., says : Avaa's HAI* Vico,* N a natal excellent prepavattos tow the hair. 1 speak of It from my nen seperlotow. It. or, promotes the growth of new /air, anti makes It 'tory i d anti The V loos Is also s sate ease for dandruff. Not wtthln my kneettvige has the preparatbe ever failed to give entire watlstaetlos." M. A.ara TATAR •IRA, I.erler rat IM eel*. hrateri " ratrteirn ramify • ',r grottiab Vosaltais, •rites Sown Hra.on, M,u.. I'.A. s, term 'Item loses my hair brims to ggi1 re .every .olden., of the sassueese whieh Latae tin,. preen reek, 1 have used ATltir'5 HAte •row,*, are, so have been able to belated• an •N.. resp• ,tf yosthfalaese – a emir N of osssw eshle enesrys.nee m ministers, °tutors, rrtw+, anti in Net every one who live§ In A R tine .m.eyeof .he publineuro r L E Yea. O.A. hse,nrv/, rwfrltlwg from lA Iris *t., rt/.rt..s.sw, ewyo.tl � the use of your preparation 1 should bars keen Circassian Polynesian Peruvian Sarmatian l'srldan Sardinian. Circassian. PeruviaPolynesian Sar atian . Parisian Sardinian Circassian Polynesian Peruvian Sarmatian Parisian Sardinian. Circassian Polynesian Peruvian Sarmatian Parisian Sardinian • Circassian Polynesian Peruvian Sarmattan Passengers require to leave 0oderiob at noon on Thursdays, to connect with .leaner • Qufereww ebec. illird certificatet t psigreatly reduce,_ rates to persona wishing to bring their .meads out from the 01d Country. For Tickets and all Information, apply to H. Al1MBTRONO, Ticket Agent Ooderlch. Ooderlcb. May l7th, 1823. May 19 26 June 2 9 • 16 Jdy U Jig. 1' 11 Mt Oetr. s IA If.Y. f 1N ALL Y SLAMS. Teas a Specialty. own a .pi,•IA ,'1 vee, ortanent of GOOD HARVEST MITTS G. 1-1. OLD, Yee., A ! I♦ IMQ ways •• Taw Inds m tblaa.d very rapidly, shed 1 way ts tam ggrowing baM. ON value AVM* • H AIR V 111411 the tatgsg stepped Rad • sew „vnwth ro,nm.weed, sad 1a Meet • meso my bead was rowpl.e.ry With short MM. it has owetl.u.d to pew, sed • wow r gotta rle tell 1 red ed bet ower bottle .A too teeg, hug now Ms it oe creme . ally r • demist'. W. lave lumbar% of Melia, tretlewesia e M the effs.ry rat Arse's HAta V,noa it •.siOwl trial to e selsee the most sk.paMal of 161 Rtlee. r*arawwn av Or. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mng. TAM GROCER t*ODCRiCiI field by all Droggislia !nt) m IMP o8Q.q a °itt8 glAcQ41 X141.1? R1�g U" sagrj *144 7f38TIMONIAI.l3_ ('ollingwood• Ont. --The Crowfoot Bitters I took cured me of Sick Headache, after twenty years of sutferingg without being able to find relief. Mita. J. HOLLtreoettcsD. d • Clarksburg, Ont. The CrowfootBitten per fectly cured me of S•Itrbeum, without natnff any other medicine. MRs. JosarH L.ovonasD. If yell wish to gel Ike worth .f your money ask year druggist fee It. THEY ALL KEEP IT May 17th. 188 1IS1. 20 ACIIES Fes! Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain and Mouse River Country, NORTH DAKOTA, Tributary to the United Rtatrs Land Office GRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. srrn•N A L ■ t r ao lparticular melte' Fagg to any eddreY b) H. F. MI'NALLY, I i e newt ?revealing Agent IT PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS f lANITOSSA A t Miff nem M. Termite, Om. S. SLOANE, Ilse 0411110d a keg* adaat W of WESTERN CORN Ter sewing broadcast. alas. bat N Canadian Corn. aivE HIDE A OALL OolMteb. May 17th IIMa