HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-08-31, Page 5t , ♦e rah HULtON 814141ilL, )iU AY, AUG. 31, 168.; meal t •tn•fd away serum air bay for Cleve ia'ead, UOKIWA**D SOUND. Cove island was retched I a due thee, and here Mr. and Mrs. Currie, whose kindness and hospitality owing be too mesa appe.siM&. were awaiting the yeaht'rotten with their usual ohserful weleutaa While at Cove island both outward and inward bound the Explorer party were under any obligations to James Clarke and is men in Awes of his tuts Clarke and Climes, for kindly stepping wails pawing Cove isle to take tslegrspb messages and letters, hue giving the party opportunities of m- muniu►tiun with friends at !tome, which they would otherwise not have been able to obtain. Tarrying pleasantly at Cove island for a short time, to visit one of the cores slrsady Alluded • to, the Ex• poorer was once more headed out on Ides Buren, and after a pleasant run dove the lake, OODIWCM LIOSTl wits IN 51ORT daring Saturday nicht, and before day- light aylight on Sunday, Aug. 12th;, the Explor- er oast anchor once again in the harbor of old Ooderioh, just as the old t•,su sleek o n the court house tower tolled, in familiar tones, the hour • f four o'clock During tbs morning the party dispersed to onkoy with refresh- ed appreciation home life snd comforts ; the happptitneu of returning to home and friends being mingled, but by no means alloyed, with regrets that so enjoyable a trip must have an ending. S.' XiltCt;t4.12111. Kincardine has recently been faturt•d by professional gamblers, who are on tha look -ort for pigeons to pluck. They appear to be the mildest mannered teen that ever scuttled a ship or cut a throat. A few days ago a number of Ioovs were bathing in the lake. After coming out of tbo water they kindled (tire on the beach. While the ho)s were standing round an explosion took place and ..ne named Lindsay, stepson of -\C. Miller, Queen street, received a severe wound cin the thigh of his right leg. some think a stuLe had been bunt by the heat and brrther have the sympathy of the whole that a piece struck the b.,y, while ot.rre. ;,vmmunity in their sad bereaccaeent. �' HURON COAL DEPOT Dune? Cosa. -Last Sabbath, is the absence of the pastor, short services were conducted by R. E. Brown and T. Gress, and suitable selections were rendered by the church choir. Mrs. John Stewart, who has. been visiting friends in Lucknuw returned home en Wednesday of but week. s.� We rssdrgr Coat for the mating Mr Lowest Rate Going Bgy� seatlag is their order sad tats est• siting the *raise b 511 It tion the rots et tntgat tspre..wwhich the ti always is is prioa m W arid - d1. tae se tamer. BLAr tar 1 S gau 11.6 Miss Hannah Brown, Mrs Stack and Waste apply titres Mrs. McKenna, hare returned to their ' „ mem omega: sttesded m, home at N MAW11ee, after a pleasant Write or empty to sojourn with friends here.. JOHN A. NVTEI., D. Wall and P $ ey lbresbe l for Hardware Metehsat,0odse4eb. George Denman 3t')1 bushels of fall June rt' ma u1� wheal, the pr,di„ of 32 sere', which •3fl33 Great Fair. RJelr. If IMO'seeekt ties A rather unusual a;%.ir occurred abuut 2 miles north of this t Shale last week. It appear* that two young teen were blasting rook fur the purposed getting a su old to 'erecta fuundation under s TZSa1 N�,TION1r,L bans b.trn. !)ae of the Caen, whu was •to.•. •.e. used to the business, got every thing ready, and told his partuer to run, that the Hast was going to blow up. He started ntf at a brisk trot when the blast exploded with terrible foce, which t'au•- ed hint to double up in M. and S. time. Y' hen Isst seen he was going cast, and has not beet heard off since. A IlLtD A. r1D1NT.-1t it our painful duty to record the sad death by drownitnngq of Miss Mary Alin Buckly, which sad event took pace ou Wednesday the lath inst. The deceased was assisting the h .uakeeper at the Rev. R. Besuseng's for some time back, and on \Vedensday about 'J o'clock went for a pail of water which she had to haul out of the well with a rope ou account of a defective pump, and is supposed to have fallen in. A few minutes afterwardsahe was missed, and an alarm raise(l, when several of the neighbors collected. and succeeded in raising the body which was immediately "le Nem' Tlsse se "Ili the city of Teroaee. taken to her home. It was a sad sight daughter a nth whom she parted but a short time before, brought home a cold and lifeless corpse. Her mother and PUSITION Of IJco Stock. Agricultural sad Industrial Produp to. Fine Armand Ladies' Work. Sc.. eco. T01MONTC, Sept.11 th to 22rLd, 1888 The Programme of Special Feature* and Novelties will ba the beet yet presented by ods Assuotation. Oriole Lisps and Entry Forts can. be obtain- ed from the Secretaries of all Agrtesltnrol So- 'iettes and )techantos' Institutes. or they will be sent anywhere on application by post card to the Secretary at Toronto. Entries should be made at once. Cheap !Woe and Excursions on all Railways. ,. for her or aged mother •n see stet `N A I T �-s, 0 1R# I T H. J. HILL, Manager and Secretary. J. J. WITHROW, President. 190344 are of t e opinion that a cartridge coos: hate been lying on the ground where the tire was built. The wound"was an. ugly one, and very near the femoral artery. Dr. Walden dressed the lee, putting in two stitches, The boy will soon be All right 'again.- (Reporter. Ambesiy. Mus Freer, of Goderieh, is the >ruest of Peter Shields. Andrew Roes, of Detroit, and Miss Ellen Ralph, of Goderich, are visiting relatives in this vicinity. Miss Annie McDonald, of L•,ndon, is tnpt a few weeks at her uncle's, Boyd. Mr. Ward has renot•ed.his 1.hotogtaph gallery to this village, and intends io remain a few weeks. W nacre are you cosies from with that arm full of goods t Wby. I hart just bees le - R_ PROeu DPOOT'S, The Cheapest and Sfost !tellable Store in town. Wby, you can get G001) TEA FRO.II 10c. TO 80c. PER POUND. HIS SUGARS AND FRUITS CANNOT BE BEAT. L'rt• ant .end Oh, m ! if ).ou only could see the Bargains in Faotories, and Flannels. n fact, e•-.rytb:ng VIC woad.* ".n his 1:11e is ...limper and better than I eau get anywhere else. The cylinder *ud tvntsres of D. fi• -- leKenaie'e thresher was smashed to , . Ms a few- dsya ago. The accident' was (measioaed by an unlutse.l +hepf ac- cidentnify getti'tg into it. It ha., '•turn • repaired snd works all hunky t sin: Mass M. McLeod, better iutoao ref. rr Lady Halifax,- is at present canvass- ing this vicinity in order to sell her biographies. .It appears she has had a very Checkered life, having come in eon. •tad, with relentless knaves in Nova Scotia, abandoned imps soil -municipal ..- bugbears at Kincardine, togre.ther with a monstrous medley- of all. conditions, • over all of %Stich she ezpeotsto trtuutprh in the glomus future. Barr tine is progressing favorably, though it will be 'somewhat later than • usual, The threshing machine which is tltsain'in operation diseloees the fact that the arda oua labor of the 'Mons of toil will not be op limply rewarded as in former years, -.Yet even is Poverty seetio: ' the limiest yeomanry will have bresd enough and to spare, as some ;=t=z fields exceed twenty-five bushels to the WM , though the average yield will pre - holy be only about hag that amount. ♦sbtum. =� 'Farmers in this vicinity are progress- ing very slowly with their harvest owingi�,1.ht to -the kwerdness of the spring trot in ripeuinl. line or two who have c=...=threshed their fall wheat, repo. fies '.- very poor yield. The grain being very a ' .." .A44 very hear thunder storm over the villagey ou Saturday eveenniinng.� I 0 last. The lightning, which was very sharp. struck a chimney n' Harry Rett- - - - - --- - - - die's house, knocking off some breaks _ Un. Beadle, who was in the i but be- ()H SAY 1 N E I G H B 0 R lea, esrperieAoed a slight shock but for- twtateh wet ala► h tits. A r table belong- ing 5 W plasENIONIMII 0 0 4 3 0 Private School,' "The Cheapest House trader the Sun." Ss�,gr�,zz5d.er ' 77e xiety Store JARS, FLY TRAPS, BIRD CAGES, REFRIGERATORS. error, XCK. CLAIMS WILL BI !UMW= ON Wednesday, Sept. 5th. ANtoosttoss elveBraisebes s ea rell eading svidoll ad iedssus..� Terms Very Moderate Yoe timber nsw&We. eat* /e R.3. PLaTCHRE, West Street. 1111114i UodiNob, Atte. fah, lMf BIN G HAM'S GROVE is the best place is Goderieh to hold a PIC -N=C BINGHAM'Sthe BNURSERY�u hof choice dowers will supply rates. Bouquets, Bouquets, Crosses snd other Floral Ornaments made to order. T. BINC#HAM. Oodertcb, July 5. 1883. 1966-tf NorthWeat Traiaportatioe Cempai y The Cheapest, Most Comfortable and Pleasant Route TO ALL POINTS IN TEE GBR4 T NORTH WEST is via the Steamers of the Nertli\ W est Trans- portatton Company, one of which �atl, Weath- er pe rm�ittin Leave *ar is livery Twesit• a,rtwa,y N on arrival of Grand Trunk Trains, CA 'P (G AT COOtiIC the ►OI. L WINO OAT, tor Prince Arthur's Landing. Duluth. and all points in Manitoba, Minnesota. Dakota and the North West. $PSCL I.. The Steamer "MANITOBA" will leave Gu:'.e• rich, weather permitting, every tan days .n Tuesdays and Fridays, alternate trip. for Kincardine, Southampton. Sault Ste. Marie. Michl lootln, Pre Nipagon, Silver Islet and Thunder to her, information u to rates, apply to WM. LEE, Ooderlek. or to JAMES H. BEATTY, General Manager, Sarnia. June 7th. ISes. 1Nt4m ra to Mr. Heepy r. pormito Mr. Beadle's house was else struck:, *wean piece be- ing e • where did you've those A. S. 'MIMING MTV C4 ing slivered nut of the side from rep to bottom. HARVEST TOOLS Tile public school reopened nn Mon day with 3'3 crocus t,resent. During yr cation the trustees have had both room coiled and generally renovated, melting the building much wore eomefortmbie and -------- attractive. t� Ha At ten lace entwine* nomination, two /11IL �� are the Best Goods aBaQe Seen.pupils from this school, vis : Joseph Stalker sad Jeanie Badelillle, wrote at Goch rich. Oat of the .8 who wrote there, theme two stood first and sitth w" trpeetively on the let of those who cated fernier tabieg the highest new 4.0411tka obtained by any autdidate inHuron. Messrs. David Anderson, Jos. Farrow and Arthur ir'wit.,oi-Pupils. ��tn tatting third slows Ce.talbatea at the ALIT esastsimtle*. The river daring the past few days has beta hulas?, for this Beeson of the pear, than it seer was before in a edWme leeel ten eldest inkabitts1. Osi >l itmley evirmiw, about a SO e'eleekWpm to rise and by it day tbe wwela ableerll,d, the high water trtssll Wag wash higher tt the Um* of the age rim freshet. Headralds 41 loge street ileatiemileere jbe easeat sbowisg that some persona were loris, beevi . The femme along the river, on>eed by Meows. Caldwell and Wmt the ton,, eseelmt oil A p ost of was earliest oat, and taaA wIN llltefz Woad for the &sty of tie alawt. r --t Opt TIUiM AT R.W.M'KENZIE'S CHE.1 P 114DR:4 3 POs. OtiTgat --4-at7Aiesas ia- RHEUMATISM Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lame Back, Lumbago. Contracted Joints, Cramp in Muscles, Sprains. BEST HORSE LINIMENT. /e Smit Ra(.'s 2fr. Ear -i. J. e. TMST, IOITREu,, P.Q. PRESERVE IC FR ANDIt egASON.Al Lk GOODS Stoves and Tinware Largest stock la town, West street. asst deer to the July. lltb, 1SS. THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Bargains in Prints ! eitS THEM. - .k VINE LINE. .IAS11TOX'S GENUINE FAST COLORS AT 0 ANI) 10 ('F.NT4 l'Ett YARD. THE !'EOPLE'4 -TORE, COIL. KINGSTON 4'I'Itt:t:T AND SQUARE. Go,terich. July 12th. Skirl. AYER'S Sarsaparilla *- BIG DRESS GOODS SALE THIS -MONTH AT a e J. C. DETLOR-& CO'S TIIE WELI.AND VALE MANt'i'At"rt'ItING HARVEST TOOLS ARE EQUAL TO THE ltEsT IN THE M.1it6F:C 7ohil A. NafIel Has Them iia Every Class Hay Fork. (boy's aim). 90c.. mete. size, from :10e. and t.pe erd. Barley and :straw Forks i4oythes anew pattern). and tsnalths. ('redles and (Iloilo Scythe/1. Hatcc.t Stith. etc. Machine 011, from '15e. up to 81.00 a gal. 1 f you want PERFECTLY PURE W 1-1 ITE LEAD' JOHN A. NAFTEL has it. guaranteed so by the makers under a forfeit 05 VW for each omtee .:f adulteration found in It. If you want a paint, nixed and tinted. ready for immediate use JOIIN A. NAFTEL has it, the beet In the marker. G•UTTAPERCHA PAINT, warra tied to contain nut dug but Purr White Lead and Oil combined with Outtapercha and ()chit of Zine. for sale at JOHN A. NAFTEL'S Cheap Hardware Emiorium. ewe Mb emailm r. ?f niralgii. Rheumatic. Goat, G.wal D.bf1iiy, Carrera, and all Hoarders mewed by a thin sad bapoverlshed, or sorrepted, eoadltton of the blood, expelling the blood poUoos frost the system, esrtebiag and renewing the blood, and restoring Its vital - Meg power. During • long parted ai unparalleled essfwl- nsss, ATMS'a $.sYrAnilLA had proven its perfect adaptation to the ewe o5 .11 diseases ortgls.Mwg terser Need and • weakened vitality: It le • Wady eoawematraa.d extract se Meese paella east %other Yoad•ferifylag roots, eoasbtaed with Iodide of Petaeesws said Ire.. sad 1e ten safest, meet fellable, aa} most economical bleed•partaer sad bled -teal that Cera be bard. The Finest Assoittmerii and Basi' Value IS TIM omen. , Orb PER CENT. OFF FOR CARR. st� adsrlelli, Jeer N. Ifs Ouderieb, July 19, 1813. The Chicago House IaMtneaatory lth•sommiswa Cae.i.. " A vas % RAINAP* w ILLA bat eared re 01 the laaesosmeoey 11Ysam•M.s, with 'bleb 1 Mee sassed his asatt years_ W. H. Mo" Durban, 1... FMoms" Satoh 2. t.tl. " T,Igb1 yeas ago 1 bgd as attack of shmwrer Maas so swore tem 1 cold sot me.e from tko lard. or dress, wnhomt ftp. 1 Meed se oral remedies vItkowt aper•\ K gay relief, ural i took Atta 5 SoMmAttt.u. by the We et two books of whisk 1 gram emnpletey ..rod. t bay* ase bets «caw wttb aha lbs Naas. Mama sea large qu sot ee d year S.RSAPAIL LLA. 054 M 51011 Moho ism wesdertal pnprlvaty. The wool astabk www it W efert•d to 3115 newsy cow -�yt.e ass tt N ten ta kW blood o/mIM fifirmv •fwsd to ptbite. K i. tAmssa" hoer tat. Iwai. llau.. May 111. MEL.at Oh weer Moo. 1 amia 1 d .w walk wl.heaaT Mie 858. isertw� tbo deuce d a Mead, 1 as5si Avta s tAae•rAatttA ad 5.50,5 1 bN Owes bottles 1 f5 n s5 wag as 1 .ver ad la myy, Ise. 1 bare aloe at wet sew ins two 5M =Idiots � 09, Seas•rAnatiA t\. flea* I ewers is t ool MN eweM. Mew Ter!, Cal=21... ~vara s SAVISAIPAIOLLA ~el Metres 5rtd M Nnwlrtoas osaa,sa/sb. a .marshes. >w mesa.. neogworas, aware% mormi. sow. Taro.rn, sod lras'Mese Matte Okla. 11 ekes the bled et dl t.pgrtese, olds rgw*Ms, Mao Wee *5. sales se rho tngrekt ask Om memo aealy sad elesett\s5s Oke wh0b sgtl m& *.OAa.m se Dr. J. o. Ayer a Oe., LEMON, V.«. SIIg fig el AerlSs'AN M. els MIM alt 1s !I:: 1!t QI'(IF 1•'At$IION Lt'o11 y NEW 111LIiNE1tY (_)F A11N1)s. A cheat, ;ane in Trivanred tt..t r Slawialti•. A first chills • Dress Making Establishment 1 ,:.n • r-ri.• ton in connni . n ah t' e yi111nery Department. .1 call sotkited. A. J. WILKINSON. HONST 1.2AINT UFACTURE PHIL4 N013LE, D„IERCHANT TAILOR, NOr TH-STREET, NEAR THE SQUARE, GDERICH, t-IWILt. F't'1IN.I6II Olt MAKE. CPl- Genn' Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lowest Prices. 1e YE Mt exte d:we:. bt'TTiia A iPM'IALTT. POateM7f WIT tiCAMANTF11111. otnEltt MIONPTI.T ATTENDED TO. • NOTE. THE AY3Rialt PHILO NOBLE, NORTH -STREET, GODIilRICH. SEEDS !SEEDS. .A. T B1 bL b3 DICAL 111.A A LL JUST RECEIVED A L.(ROE ANi) CAIIIICH STOCK 'OF FRE H GARDEN, FIELl), AN 1) FLOWER Z EEDS from oat et the mold iteliable !teed Warehouse,. In the Ibminlon. FOlt SALE BOTH IN BULK & IN PACKAGES FJORDAN Chemist and Druggist! F. ! J y[�t1ICAL H1t�LL. tC3UD87RZGH_ FIRQT PRIZE A'V rARDI3D THE ONTARIO STEEL BARB FENCE CO1PANY ILZyt1T m - v i Fox 3E3o,r'b ren..01=6" AT TORONTO EXHIBITION 1882. 11t °i _ rkW31 T Piti> .amide Ic]oirerir t there was "SAWN ■