HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-08-31, Page 1• ER NTE LL I ENC • Yogi Id erthesseiguas Tat. Ififfeets liouse.trasitect Th is Stator. 11.. itaggigd- Mork*. iht,' ;Atwood -Thicua, Hurst.. Ten 'erg Wanted-J*0w raweili. It c ?petiole -Mrs. llot'oeumok. *reel tosaWsur Rigs et Montreal, GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 31 1,883. NE%V8 ABOUT HWIE.1 Miss Pauline Beudall, of Detroit, and . The london Free Press. •• r ay Ar vs i.e„ I shall (Mich) Bicycle Club, atoompitnied Miss Bina Mitchell, of Goderich, left for eityet : -"Messrs E. R. Johnson. C. E. Detroit on 'Monday last. . Toncs. !pending a (ley or so vrith Jesse Carling, by George B. Cox, u Esq. -(Exeter Reflector. cycle Club arrived here yesterday." To the or ot The Huron Signal of Gediretes. ; notice io your last issue of Ttra SIGNAL & challenge from Mr. John Thursday of last week was ohatarved eel w York Remo patterttg. all lc* al J. M. Best has reterned Lora resmontla's auto with the proclamation of the IllAyor. N1cD. Allan left lin Tuesday to at- indfitil and apples, seer avid juicy. her relatives in town, and to the guest of , and will we understand, gethyerusatirsidosies.. under the swede.* cs te Jamas Platueders it Sou waittaSWI,Itioltris of Miss Watson et Detroit, is visiting I once. for whielt they will pas the onto, livic" her snider, Mrs. Frank Smith. !tics connected with the cenner b body el Goderich. Some tit0 availed ' holiday trip. The seefietb hieties,„ day ten, a. meeting of the Oman. tired art...wad's kasociatiou. Ile will make a The chief event of the day was the likeUirmiosi TO LONDON, throu h the Niagara fruit district, as they paid lest seamen. The mime( Nanie and Minnie Hama. themselves of the exportunity visit Yon can preeerve tie lbs. of iron. ioinatoms. The 1.111'huw of the Ashhe" Branift I ton have returned to St. Paul, Minn , the "'mem' ettl' an view Ihe tanwill• *c. with at peonage et the A uterit•an fists pre-' Agricultural Society will be held in Dalt scow_ y hi f points of interest in that locality. By ! ad old, with ur without Thursday Oct. itih. • P and Miss Trenholtn, of Halifax some error the ezeursiou embalms intend- I • wrier • lig 0141 14 sugar. Vor ode at Imelda Book Stare. If the students anti kilolitre of the tioderleh Gielerich visitors are all charmed with N. S., whi• had been the guests 0 Allen and the county' clerk, ettaillifted • ?le keee eiteer together. he train dee culvert at Dunlop 11,1 11 ey a adasioner lave it enlarged to twenty reeched London about eleven o'clock and feet. the excursionists were duly notilied te We regret tii chronicle the demise of bLin readinearto return by the regular taa.n at 4 p. ns. This ann•eunceruent did been a confirmed invalid for a long time „niters, who nad nakoatad „ a Limo, frem n rheumatic affection. Ile WAS a ' W TOW N A " et:debates whitit way yen, heavy showers we have • t debit. Ilatt ;pollen. Apply at this office. itste-ly The fallow/ who are trying to swim the carolacti works to Ware twert histvit- homed Moult his patrons. ApPle to ALEX- 14')ft °•-• The Wives will soon begin to tticu, told an. mum'. blasts will want ot wtagasr. soesethimgrotregardieg son 1:1011SE AND LOT FOR SALE- dere. and his views of tiodeeteb for cash situated two doors from Knox in - church. Oaderit.h. on Etuit. atomic A clear deed given. Address MRS. J. I. lift•COR- M.k 91 Hunt ingt on street. 4 ley el and. Ohio 91110-111.. 1 NFORMATION WANTED --GF JA - ah rwo years nor for the North-West. When butt heard of lin Ckt. Imo be was is Broadview, working ost the wawa . Any information ooneernum lean albs gratefully received ler his motbw. Addrees. MRS. 8Alt All HUMP. Goderich, Ont. 11101-3I. rilENDERS WANTED - TENDERS to the Sfh day of Sept. 1/03, tor the orootion Wick block of stores In the town .1 mated Hayfield. Pions and speciflesIlon*eon be seen at no office, reabb's block. Kingston street after the 31Stli day of Angulo inst. .The lowest or NAV tender not necroses& accepted. JAS. AM AI M.. Arohitoo. Ooterich. 1906•1t 1111111ULL STRAYED -- STRAYED L1 tro.m the premises of the subscriber. on the lath ot August, a white built wo years old. Any person giving information leedIng to Its restorers will be suitably rewarded. THOS. BURNS. Carlow F'. 0. 19011 NOTICE -- THIS IS TO- -NOTIFY Sher The Oconto is likely to be the menus or the premier The management of the Gevernineat dredge is now in new hands, and it ia at work swain. A change was badly mod - Mrs. litrkbride returned hum boo trip to East ivaw, accempanied by bet daughter, ra W. Logan t Mrs- "mid .111ustwites raid her news Miss Buckley of Nevus .,Iske Super - pleasure of sidlinactor a treason on the erect Doyle. kw Mich., are the gettan re- Janne es or ht babes anti in cocoa itiono• t ere any man in the counties ef Huron and Bruee under BM Iles„ to put the heavy shot. I will nocept tho challenge, the match to be competed on Saturday, Sept e, on the Lueknow Caledonian grounds, for not loss than 820 a side. l'o show 110 with Rube Copelend, of Lucknow, he to be the final stakeholder. Hoping re hear from Mr tient/nun soon, I atu, yours truly, D. GAUNT, Lucknow. town was reached. The ereatest good nature prevailed however, and the scan- ; The Goderich ffnanziall district meet - tines* of space oily made the young peed ing was held in the Methudist church, Clinton, on Tuesday last ; Rev. James Gray, chairman. presided over the meet- ing. Res. G. H. Cornish, eecretary of the district, east at his post. A minis- terial and delegate from ticarl7 every circuit ou the district preeent. or- dinary routine of busiums having been clamored of, tuemoriel to the Ciiited ipartner at one time in the flouring mill owned at present by the Messrs. Hen - some years saw. on*. Tuesday a. m. was so great that the winter wardrobe seemed necessery for the day. Philip Bch, vf the legal firm of CAMS - run, Holt & Cameren, left on the United the lakh. tweak the G. T. %tenon and deente s MIS works. hties McQuarrie having finished the ',term for which she WAS engaged in the public school here, has returned to Bay ST. Jose:ries At: tettelt.-TIIP AltIlt•rA 01 SA. Joseph bee KI1111.11111100 that the Academy will be opened tor public tuition oft the third of Septataber. and all who with inetructioe in vored aid instrtunental music. 'Johan* on seillos, chum, do% %%mild do wen to apply. at weak Lumber taken in eat:brume for furuiture. Ifismiswed, soft cutio, birch and hemlock. I have a large stock of ottomans to chortle from, camp stool*. window cornice. Pits ure framing Also • large stock of furniture al the loweet powible price. at G. C. Ttobertsott, Fast e. Honey is plentiful. Peaches are in season. Has the tend disbanded ' "Mrs. Leitch hs.s been very ill this week. M Hie ham has some beautiful tea al,he Public that MR. Al,F,X•11 MANN Only person authorised by me to awake pareha.ses or contract debts in guy halite., His written order only for goods and materials will be acknowledged and paid. All tousle us - Jest ions must Ite•addressed to him only as my Miss lkmagh Is visiting friends at Mr. John Omagh bas teturtied last Sunday of September, or the first The chanee in the weather early on , City, Mine, the leader of the opposi in the Manitoba Levislature, and a for- mer Hematite, was in town hot week ac- companied by his two daughters. He has an abiding faith in the future of the John McGillivray. missionary te Byng Islet. Ont., received a pleasard surprise on Wednesday the Idith nee. His peo- ple presented lent upon the Al rival of his brother Donald; per stearner Meg- netawaee. with a handsome new row- boat costing 840. On Tuescley, Aug, elst, 'Court I. O. F. rend a fraternal visit to • •11 C urt Alter the business Mreand Mrs. Elliott, after spending te . their vacation at Holyrotel and Gede. , of the evening, the Goderich brethren rich, returned to their hetne at Celedo- \ invited .the visiting brothers ti• Ball's nia last week. where they entertained them with fruit, ice cream and cake. His Lordship Bishop Walsh intends I ' The editor of the Exeter Times steps forward like a little man, and testifies as follows :-"A large number of 3ur citi- zene went to Goderich yesterday on the stay in the city. At t o'cloar, however, The harvesters have hail unusually Igiving conbronation at St. eter Sunday of October. fine weather. Miss McConnel has been enjoying the he town anti old with the • could I was the right place to mend a pleasant I beauties of her c Id Goderich home dur- exoursien. They were lughly eh, ) ing the past two weeks, the guest ef Jday in, and that they had been well ee- Mre. D. Holmes. &Lai at. 1 ; tenanted by its warm-hearted awl hosei- We feel sure tied., all who went on the excursion cannot but fuel well pleeeed with the results. The excursionists feel much indebted for the many courtesies shown them by the citizeus 1,f lioderacp, A 110 did every- thing they could te make them feel "at the most taf the eactitedsousts were ready General Conference, moved y r. and willing L11 start for house,baring our- Tewler, of Winghatn, seconded by Rev. felted theinaelves with the eighta ef the ' G. 11. C'ornish. was carried, asking that city, and -beets the elephant'. to their the children's fund he so modified as to hearts' imatent. After • pleasant return more -fully meet the end for which it trip the party Yeached home shortly after efts desiened, and be tualie more accep- 7 o'clock, in . good spirits, and without table to our people. Allio e memorial having had a misadventure to ear the to the adjourned General Conference of harmony of the trip. our church, moved by A. de Fisher, seconded by Rev. D.. Clappison, of PRIVATE. rli:NIC.'i Byttmels, was carried, praying that the were the order of the day with nanny of ollesia of Ur,ion - be adopted without thece whet remained at home, and a t.titib, eesetsdation. (tut id fifteen ciecuits thew is now but one tnissien on the tioderieh district. About 3U years agc, an the county of Huren, at that time settled, belonged to the then Goderich mission, and the labors, as inissiimary, ef the present chairman Of this district, extended over this large field, and many of the old settlers au the vicinity of Clinton well remembered him as att earneet end successful laborer in the was indulged in nn that court house square during the day by teams chosen from the Huron club, aeil te um geed was made. In all other respects a very quiet 'ley was observed in town. The Slight Flare fee Laserslett Parties. et - , as chairman, his eenial and uniform kind From the Wingham Times. llls11)..81U011, theetler wall business tact The exoursioniets arriaed borne about I and knowledge, edinirattly qualify hint 10 dclock, all feeling that they had had I for a presiding officer." a delightful trip, that our ceurity town1 We regret to leant X •t Er. H. Hale No accounts will be acksowledged by me -.. F.. Palmer has sold the trottinc horse . Mies Belle Matheson, of this place, a.;- - ---- ---- - - -.- "Nod Hanlon.- - companied by her cousin, Miss Bella of Forest, are visiting at their old hotne. PO THRESHERS -FOR SALE, A Miss Kinahan is the guest ef Mrs. Mathesen, of Kincardine, are at preeent and at her parents, Mc. and hire. Sand. except on My order. ALF.X. MANN. is indispused.. r And think.. that the bracing air of her 196641'• Misa Radcliffe has returned trent a. M. Hutchison. of the Harbo n is the guest Mrs.; day lest. Thence he will take Amin . •' left on the Manitoba for Detroit on Sun- old home will restere her toebeelth. long visit in the east. I premise; oethe subscriber. about tbefirst Da Mrs. Capt, Shepherd and twochildren, request", .0 Prove leePeren tbalite Vivian isadding a cheice lot of pea- C' rare Quick of London East, and Ilett on the 23rd neat., to meet the steam- er "Northerner," ta accotnpany her bus - lune. sued .--er two years old. The D. FeneVron, Deereat. westward on his holiday trip. ,N, tee 12. con. 2, Asbfleld. fectionery to his stock. • son of Mrs. Gavin Struthers, has taken oand on some of his trips. 'f he "Nor - And take the animal away. rat et TOTICE TO DEBTORS-- --74-41TICE Is 't Mies Floody, of Hulled, ie reeruitine tiyhehseiltduahteilodnba;tThheoGs..c1:.),:htaetera,i;n,fornier- therner" is on an entirely new route thO tbteil to Flier health in Goderich. • DIisses Ida Robson and A. Ford, aiid • .1- hereby given that the undersigned by note ttr hock aeconnt are requested to settle the wino at mbre and there - VS save an enforced collection. I mean busi- ness. ABRAHAM SMITH. tan- to rent tor blacksmith sbop opposite the Te- cumseh House. BrUSISVIII. for term ,A years, Three set* of tools can be had tf dr.ored. There are three forgets. end all the neersttories to carry on a general Jobbing trade. A good bus- iness is being done. 1 would also tease the wood and paint shovel; connection ft wanted. The above is a spntild chance foe • man with puksh. For full partieulars enquire of W. T. HUNTER. Brussels. litt-st Master McAuslan, of Galt, are at pre- wereen town over Sunday. sent the guests of E. I. Brown, and are The town council will ho'd the regular enjoying their stay in town Nery much. monthly meeting on Frets!. Mr. and Km Craig spent a few tlsys at the Point Farm last week. Mr. Maitland Montgomery has been epeuding some' days at home. Miss Shone, Chingacousy, is the guest of her consin, councillor Sloane. Miss Dieu& Platt, of London. is the guest of her uncle, Samuel 1 latt. Rev. Father MacRae was called to • vacatien. LucknOW fid a few days last w7k. MissLoretworth, of Rid Axe, Mich , Miss Patterson, teacher of Sarnia, is and formerly head teacher in St. An- spendiug her vacation in our tuwn. drew s ward school, et taking a holiday Mrs, W. D. Shannon has entirely re. I tsdlilp,) ariltd1 is the guest of Mrs. George sTor Sate or to Let. • v.ALCABLE FARM FOR SALE -- Lot No. 5. in the Hayfield , on. township free from stumps balance well timbered. has frontage on Hayfield river end on the Clinics reed, and adjoins the inecroorated •illarre of Hayfield. For terms-turther pezticulars and conditions of sale apply LEITH. KING - street West Toronto. Or to John Morgan Hotel keeper, Hayfield, la19-tf -14IA RAI FOR SALE -BEING THE eaoerly Macros of block lettered' "F." in the ith Concession of the Towneblp of Ont. borne. About PA or 90 at re* are cleared. The growing tirnher renege of meitle. beech and elm. A frame house. a large frame barn and stable are on the premier.. Fence* good. Only four mites from Ooderieh hy good vet ros.d. For perticulers apply to PORN & MORTON. Solicitors. Goderich. 1S111 D. McGillivray, M. A., returned to town last evening from a most enjoyable eit r e ter Brantford, t..4 resume his visitens brother John at Byng cent Rev. C. A. Stafford, of Forest, was in town last week, visiting old friends. Ele purposed taking in Brussels, Teeswater and other points in Huron, during his our vil unday last. B. J. CrawfOrd hail added a tine iron fence to his already beautiful place. D. S. Munru, our head teacher, has been re-eng-aged for the ensuing year. Mr. Johnston,teacher its what is known as Findley's school, hes else been re -en - The citizens of Goderich did all that Miss Blair, of Menchester, et *pending s lay in their power to make 'Ole stay of 1 a few weeks with her easter, Mrs. D. E. the visitors eleasant and enjoyable. and m„e„. seastAu, pAssinsz throutzh the canal on her; eine)? courtedes were rendered them, through trip frem Heinle t; Chicago. Illicit were duly appreciated. CHALLENGE.. -I hereby agree to eitter "The heerty reception accorded them, any brown mare Minrie against Geo. I awl the friendly welcome remarks of the Erwins black mare Polly for a netting I mayor ef Godench, weuld, he w.ut sure, match on the Goderieb course fer 850 convince the excursionists that the chuce- side, mile heats, best three in five, to nee of Goderich as the objective point sulky. Race to take place en the tirst had been a good selection. ---,Front day of October next. Put el, er shut ereve Elliott's speech. guest uf Alre. B. 3. Crawford for some time past, has returned to her home in Mrs. Wilteei, itf this village, ie at pre- sent eittoyini a visit among her friends Mies Millie Cowell, of Toronto, is at preserte %denim; her sister, Mrs. W. J. Miss ;Jeanie Wilson, who has been the in town on Monday night in charge of 1 . - on3 Adolphus Balleutree, c!,iiiiiiitted in \ Olt dig afternoon of Thursday the defroilt of security to keep the peace 23ni, inst., between forty and fifty of the against his wife. In this case, from white hildren and grandchildren of Mr. John we learn, Aodlphu., who e; ds At,y. the nannsof "Husband Ne 1,- is ini re sinned against than sinning. X rumor haying got abrued that G. A. ROM, local agent for the Sareet iinple- oovereci front her attack of quinsy. 1 On Friday last About :t00excuseiniets meant company, hail "cleared, out, a pest D. C. Strachan's bed of gorentimis are arrived in town from St. George, Drum- I card has been received frent Mr. Rids by the admiration of the neighborhoel. bo, and other points. They spent a vety'R. S. Williams, of the Bank ; f Com - Miss Maggie Hamilton is rueticating lea.sant time.and left at six is clock p.m, Imerce, denyine the impeach:nein, and - The Mimes Burnleigh returned to their home at Bmntford ;ids Kincardine. VOR SALE.-TIIAT DESIRABLE residence. corner Brittania road and 11ge- lionsid street. opposite the High School, With two lote. The house is in good repair setth carriage &ono. and stahle and other out sending's. The garden 1* well Mocked with reit trees. Krone yin". shrubei7• 8re,„1' For terms Apply to Davison te• Johneton, Barrister*. 1110-11. •voR SALE OR TO RENT. -THAT I.' beautiful brick residence oecupled by Mr. Rios. and formerly treenytted ity Mr. S. Maloomeen. se the head of Newest,. street. Powlessien given in October. For particulars appay to the tooter, J. 13111LCKIVIRIDON. VOR SALE OR To RENT -THAT 'Valuable Property known as the Sher. parciten Store old ride (Mee. with qoarter of an acre of land, lit offered for male or to rest. Stock in store all new and fresh t hi coo- The proprietor has other husineti. which will re- galre bis sole attention. Alto the oeet WO( of nt 5, eon. 1. K.O. Ashflelti all new tnrol ; two good era -Wards. wo good wells. and comfort- able frame houses. The lot enntains IPS acres, of which Se are (dewed and all ell fenced. TO RENT. was totally destroyed by tire on Tues - Rev Dr. l're astel Rev, Mr. Campbell exehanged pulpits on Senility evening etre. John McIntoeh, music teelher of Kingebridge, is spending n few days Miss Cooke, of I'. Crabna airy eode department, spent her helitlays in am- minion party for Cincinnati to visit his aeon. brother Willism Williams, who has re- petty g;•t more sunhutn wind and weather being agtailiaisni tanalc ;etch:. i «id truant. guide, and direct you during th. Miss .1 (mitt Rims, of Loudon. spent a ailed in that city since he left Brussels. ; remaining clays of your life. andel death grant few days with her parents en S't. David** Fred C f P t 1 II k Atrip on shore after wild fl-sters. *rune ; Tee an abundant entrance into heaven. We orey, o e rii ea, we ;clown „f ,ehich are knewn as -ev.-tlastings ' ! tram that the plesonnt relation* that have al- wsy• ex lord In our family may continue until street. i in Goderich, took Snit prize nt London was nine% en. 1 h t' • w '• 1 11.. p•yet y Nair irder ant. isl deepatntis;rtra,stvatinitiz : ainnd , w et pray ;bat ft rrh erinf mentor in the Presbyterian church at I 2251bs in weight. Time 13 sec. Fred - ' j Christ uninticreth up his jewels, hut yllsot we H. Morgan has been appointetl Pre- I on Tuesday, in the race for fat men orer , I throw of (inct in heaven. Signed on behalf of an tothroken family -around the DOrflalit. 1 Innit harts been in good form nn the id• d d d guest of her tont, Med K. Campion, Fred J.Pridhain is opening out • Mini Wilkinson left fur Teronte this' Crabtis bloeit. Fred is an old Goderich ductions will be brought not in two vol- Mr. Morric though nikeelt affected, Huron read. , ionable tailoring establishment in shortly tell].) from the preen. The twee week, to select her fall parched.* for the boy, a good tredesnian, and we have rea- umes, •ine containing his Eneluth poems, triad.. a ouitahle reply. thenkene them for lion tt• believe will soon work up a good the kind address', but mere especially for Chicago house., the other Isis effusions in his native Gie- the handsomc chair. After several in. Dave Currie has natusteei front his; business'. ' lic. The publication% will he awaited terresting guises of cromet and ilftioiti, trip to tee acasiaa, Ha appears to stars The Cnited Idmpireein its upward trip eagerly by the many admirer% -4 the van- sad the partaking il an elosillent supper, enjoyed himself. ' last Sunday, hatA a large number of re- emu, hard. the compony broke up. all wishing Mr. , Port A.1.13ert. Miss Frasier, of Oodorich, is lofting . *portable ;looking emigrants, Icelanders, The lacriteite notch played At Kalif 'rob Morris many happy returns of the day. , _ her sister, Mrs. Neter McCaw. _ [Kim-, itoit• modern in dress. The girls, with a en Friday between the- Gdierteh 'suet . love nf lot itizter;lice, bought new hats ileatorth clubs. was declared in fawn? tif cardine Remitter. ,m„ es' „3""" c""ree' 111.,_.1.1 th"4,eePeu'. If II Minute' tut Mr. Chilton, the roughly treated by their rivals anti the the tish Wee, tones i reel, mimes y , .,_ ""nevi...' we" 'fle g'.."4 ''''' .."..''" American co.ustil at Goderich, on Mon- crowd, although our boys didn't let the i Jehti Morris...., the teat ',oats Alberta I 4 “4""Y London. Mr. B. .1. Crawford td this village, who is something iif a dog -fancier, is the happy possessor of a fine English setter - dose Dlr. J. E. Brydges has taken admit- Morris sasernbled at his residence, Mor- . tagc ;if the cheap exeursions to Chicago, risdale, es celebrate the seventy-third and goneathither en trup•rtant business. anniversary of his birthdey. Mr. Morris was tronewhat taken by surprise,but wise Last Saturday evening while Mr. John quite t•verconte• when, after all laael Durnin's hired non was driving his team arrived. Miss Mary Morris stePped for• 'halite, the animals; ro,,y fright, bec.ame wanl sod read the following unmanageable, and ran away, throwing ribs. Mr. Durnin followed his team to we ull, children aul grantIchihirtio. a.- near Wingham Idlers he succeeded in To Mr. John Metets. °etching them. sernigi together. desire to congratulate y to ferret oet the instieet ir ef the I upon the attainment of your twaventy-third Rev. T. Broad, of the 11. C. church, , shortie' . , . , .Icavenly Father our deep sense of gratitude !I, tfloorr111114:57 thin dal• We would. express to our Crediton, formerly of the Colborne cir- . rumor. cutt, who has been sojourning in Texas ' - rneaqure of health with whieli he han for his health during the .suipmer, has WWI performed hy doctors iif this tewo on blewied ynu. es well as for all the temporal . herd who have su ered the epee excru- you our sincete thanks for your fatherly ove .h •ounit and returned to Caned*. Tuesday, on the Iverson .1 Thi P. Cow- and. we trust. spiritual blettaings He has niade you the recipient of. We would conveT to furmerilf- at croting paio for a length oi.h.inso from. a and care. . spite everY effort to gave lt- Goderich, died at Brussels last liffelee 1 for your parrots{ advt.* end counsel. which alter* lingering litotes. Deceased was vf7.1"7 e".. • , • • '''i 'ery stui coediting to guide _us In many_ et the ,,„. mossy atter tne amputation 1.f tee linth,lettairs of rite, %%to wouidtpaydri yodthat. you . 1 nere will be aeougregational ineetine land we trust that his life tiley le heng thamvhei.re:enrd . wrimeonin Rea neerond,e,ar paanr,dnle oAtse?, in the Presbyterian Church on the even je .30s Williams, Ilan of our tonsorial i sP4red him' small token of the love and esteem with which 1 The Ex liner retured 10,,,. !.,,,r tei o, i tour family regard you. AS Well AS a remeni- artist left im Wednesday with the ex- . , • • P , P reflect of this toy. de hew of you to serer; its present site to the vitiate,. • the belting *retinue on Tuesday. The I this eany chair, hoping that you may long II In it We pray that God John 51cliay and Wm. Burrito, bot h former pupils of uur lichee], have suc ceeded in passing the recent eiamina tions for nen.profetaional certiticetes. Mr. land Mrs. W. J. Treleiven buried their four yenr old son, Johnny, on Mi•ndey. The diAeaito Watt diphtheria. All that could poesibly he lone to save 11611 Wat4 done. Th., parents have the deemmt sympathy of a largo circle of friends and aseptaintances in their be- reaTriemintfnime lore in this vicinity hays threshed out their fall wheat and the re ports with regard to the yield roe net yary encouraging. Robert4'entland, our village black- smith. sustained a serieus hies in the death of a v.luahle twe year old colt. The animal wsts in paature near the vil- lage, and received a wound in the side from a stick, and died in a fed dare de - Mien Mende., ef teelerich, IA 1111S1 it G. T. Graltem a when they Montreal. 014, saiforth team The visitors were The hshing tuj. Blench. Shelby, and _ „ . b , Ytise mosso LA'S 11.41 IIAA returned fr - and Starde,v streets. It cogitating eleven mows. Pe wet lifir hard end soft water. iie acres. neerlt free of pi nntt.e. Greet Wm sod Doper butitilngs lirick esti tege with rel Ise. Owed orehaffl end en well ferteed. En• Slid* of Ft. T. H.SYNF.A slopes/drew ups. g visit to Letreit Reese l'rice last week. clay last rooked! en official ennotittee- Seeforth elugsrers het-. it all their own . awl Speedy hleasenger, hy Allan Tns HA Ratite. The scow Reliable, *fro Cantelonoantlier of It ‘'antelon, ment from secretary ••1 state Frelinghu• wey. .It hedged as if the nmehe were; Mnrrey, and tee fish hoot Despatch, Detroit. and scow German of the earn ered (rem her recent ' of the death of Judge •lere Black, determined that floderieh ehiculd he , ..11ned Rohe Clarke, left on Thursday I piece, are **Waged in drawing tan heir hasten at ell hazArtia 5.-tme of the Mtn- ! meriting for Greeneck, labeve th.• Foh- I ha• Wm Lee. The Government tu forth player* midi 'hocking hangmen. , ing Iolanda, for their fell eittcli They 1Trudiou was here im Wednesday Th and were plain!), itchtng for free tieht will cure th• ftsh caught, and pack them harbor was seunded anti we preintrn on their own ground, anti with a lid of shorts. where huts here hero ereetsel ! report sent to Ottawa where it so "tiiughs- back them. Feir play afro for the scrotum Astiom of the homy Lprobably he noticed eome time dtsri always been shown ms Gotiereet emend crews ' the nest t wo or three years. torero attack of illness. find requested that the nonsulat• ofiee I station agent, of this tow fancy pigeon*, which he hibit rit the fall show en Tommy Straiten, sen ef Mr. Straiton, ' here he put in mourning for ten days. n, has a let of Intends to e: 1 tit_ 11th anti flatwiut flying at half mast on Tue.- It 10th. personal friend of r Cin re)