HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-08-24, Page 8Oolborae. Mina Etta Putter, who wrote front S. S. Nu. 1 and gut au intermediate at the recent examination tor teachers, wan pre- pared by P. Strang She did well fur so young a candidate. earbzatd. The Misses Beattie and Taylor, of tirucefield, were the guest. of Miss Auxins Motitis last week. .1 E 11 U4(ON SIGNAL, h`RIA \ A L (:. 211. 883. RAT PORTAGE 1 tib11r reeling Is re%•r of satarN Kok. 1 ten ■ •t • Mslateresed �aMNer. The Rev. Dr. Cochrane, in the course of a letter to the Lundeen .4(ire rtiser touching the recant disturbances at Rat I Portage snd toe present state of public eentintent there, says : That big load of hay drawn in by a tiheppardton man has been eclipsed by one built by J. H. Barker and taken to his stable. The Garbraid load was eleven inches longer. Joseph Morris did the pitching. A genuine "rabbit" ai)peared in the harvest field of Mr. Morns one day last week. The workers chased the lung - eared animal for about ton minutes, until a Bing of the pitchfork, given with the precision of r. spearman of old, pinned the rabbit at a distance of about twenty feet St.13e1eni. John >ticPhersun and Mrs. James Mc- Pherson, of Puslinch, were visiting friends here tact week. At Rat Portage 1 suet with leading peen of both Manitoba and Ontario pro- tlivities. The eiening before my arrival a meeting of the ratepayers had been held, at which, by • large majority, it was decided to seek incorporation under Ontario. Both parties admitted freely that fuU juitioe had been done them,and that representatives of both Provinces had been allowed ample opportunity to state their case without interruption. While those who favoured the claim of Manitoba maintain that the mere Incor- poration of Rat Portage under Ontario dues not dispose finally of the boundary gnestion, they freely admit that it indi- cates pretty conclusively public aeuti.- mont as favourable to Ontario rather thau Manitoba. And, indeed, the pet - ple of Manituua are very indifferent re- garding the matter. They have already more territory than they can well govern or maintain as they would like, and the addition of the disputed territory only means fresh financial burdens. Mr. Norquay himself, in his (published address two years ago, frankly stated that this boundary question was nut a matter regarding which he or the people of Manitoba need concern themselves or Dome into collision with the authorities of the appear Dominion oeasson for a change Ontario. Nor of there apps$ Y this opinion. This somewhat sharp and unexpected conflict between the Provin- ces will not be useless if it hastens a set- tlement of the boundary question, which cannot but lead to endless trouble if left longer as it now stands. With eh due loyalty to the Crown, there are nut a few who feel that after the matter has been submitted to an im- partial tribune of arbitrators there ought notj)e further'appeal to a Privy Council. where decisions on such questions, what- ever party may be favored. will not car- ry so much weight as the opinion of men conversant with the country and indi- vidually interested in its prosperity. It is admitted by all that whatever improvements have ba.ln made in Rat Portage, and a•'latet•er measures have been inaugurated towards the setting up of Government, are due not to the Do- minion, but to the Ontario authorities. The court -house, and lock-up, and all the resident -officials ere the servants of Ontario. The Ontario Government did not certainly do all it ought, and doubt• less this has caused some dissatisfaction, but the Dominion Government has done next to nothing. For the beat interests tint you are already a subscriber. please of this whole section, and that Manitoba neo tale adeerttsement to someone whc does and Ontario may remain on terms of the sincerest friendship, it is earnestly to be hoped that further complications may be avoided, and a wise settlement ar rived at of this disputed territory. Mrs. A. D. Cameron is prostrated with inflanuuation of the lungs The heavy rains and hail of late have damaged the spring crops badly. A number of the fanners have been threshing out their fall wheat, and are greatly discouraged at the sample and poor turn out: The little boys and girls in passing alone the street this week with a bundle of books below their arms seem to have g, pad countenance on, in thinking they have to pass another period of daily toil in the old fortification north of the vil- lage. It is our painful duty to record the death of Peter McDonald of this place, which occurred on the 13th, inflalnnta- tion of the bowels being the immediate cause of his death. He was interred in the Dungannon cemetery,whither the re- mains were followed by a large number of people, showing the respect they bore for a person worthy of esteem cut off in the prime of life. His young widow hu the heartfelt sympathy of the community in the severe trial that has been allotted to her an early in life. \Ve also record the death of Miss me - Pherson, which took place at her broth- er's residence, near St. Helens, on the morning of the 20th inst., after a long period of suffering, which was borne with Christian resignation, although uncon- scious for a number of days before her death. She was always willing to assign her lot for fairer heavens than earth could afford. She was buried in St. Helene cemetery on the 21st. The Moron Signal THE WORLD OVER. THE Algoma nomination willjltake place en the 7th ot Sept., and the ,elec- tion on the 21st. Specials from forty counties in Georgia and Florida, state that rf the brought We heartily endorse the following from the Hamilton Tribune : "The Mill and the Still" is the subject of a picture in this week's Harpers Weeldy which we would hang in every home in the land. It is magnificently drawn by Jessie Shepherd, and tolls its own story impressively. In the center a sheaf of wheat divides the picture into two sections. From one side of the sheaf rises the beautifully -draped figure of Temperance handing a loaf of tread to a happy -looking family. A mother with a babe boy lying on her knees, a little girl reaching for the bread, and the well- dressed, intelligent -looking father seated at the table partaking of his bounteous meal, are the principal figures. Froth the other side of the sheaf rises the grins figure of Death, emptying from a bottle held in its extended bony arms its blight- ing contents, appropriately depicted as destroying tire. On the bare floor lies prone the form of a wretched man - either insensible or dead. A ragged mother with the look of despair upon her face is seated on a bare box, while at her feet in the most wretched of rag- ged garbs are two children -a boy and a girl. "The Mill and the Still" is indeed an appropriate title. It is one of the most beautifully designed and impressive temperance pictures we have will be seat to ser address for the balance of 1881 FO R 50 CENTS. Thiin`offer is ao of those who e in order to dTits o othe handstake 11. Avail yourselves (Att is opportunity to secure Tits SIGNAL for the balance of the year for so small a sum : 5 C Cerus_ SUBSCRIBE E.4RL Y! and get tl:e full benefit of this offer. The MITI sad the B/u1. continues the cotton crop will probably be 30 to 60 per cent short.) .2 I AM Palmer Kellogg, it Port Huron carpen- ter, has been arrested on a charge of incest. The complainant is his thirteen - year -old daughter. George Jones, of St. Thomas, was ambitious to become a tbicycliet. He fractured his skull, broke his amts in three places, bruised his body, and sold his machine. A painter teamed Everard hat been ar- rested in Dublin on the charge of threat- ening to shoot Golding, the Phoenix Park ranger, who was a witness in the trials of the Cavendish and Burke murderers. D. D, Hay, we observe by Scottish exchanges, is lecturing very acceptably on the Province of Ontario in `,;otland. Prominent people aro giving him en• courageutent in his efforts to induce a desirable class of settlers to come to re- copy the Crown Landojlof this Province. The mania for notoriety Is spz-gaMig rapidly and bids fair to become epidemic ere long among a certain class of intel- lect. A Bradford, Pa., drug clerk has caught the infection badly, and proposes to leap frein the Kinzua Viaduct into the atream,310 feet below. Fifty cents a quart is what a Utica man gets for worms. He hunts for the big ones and sells thein to fishermen for bait. When the market is dull he keepi then, in damp aod and earth, in is barrel perforated with small holes and feeds them with meal. The early bird has to go without his matutinal meal when that man is around. The Queen Victory, a handsome side - wheel passenger steamer from Hamilton, Ont., arrived at Detroit Thursday and went to Chatham to take out an excur- sion. After this she will make Windsor her headquarters. Her carrying capacity ie 400. David Dewell Lake, aged 10 years, of Brantford, has died from lockjaw. He -endeavoured to take a knife away from a playmate and in doing so the knife was drawn through his hand, between the thumb and forefinger, cutting an ugly gash, and although every precaution was taken to prevent lockjaw, it proved en - availing, and the little fellow died in great agony. A Lexington, Mich., dispatch says Wm (larwo(d, the man who was tarred ani feathered there Saturday night, is box et Croswell in a critical condition. The (thank on which he was given • free ride fell on his fent and broke two toes. His back was air t cut b i the stones that were thrown at him. His friends have begun' suit against the mob. Citizens generally are indignant at the outrage. Do Maurice.. the artist of Punch, it blind in one eye, while the vision of the, other is often affected. A few years are he frond it almost impossible to draw at all --at least on the cnatnmary small de- licate Beale, when a friend ensurestcd that photography might be usefully employed tr ret a the M 'drain nopen his urier'ssppea-at. mide ink sdrawings r is that ar nooalutways O meldcrabit ink drstk the impressions which appear Hirer in pooch. The drawings are phntnRra hs ed on to the engravers lock, dimensions bone re'lueed in the process to the requieiff! sine ever seen. Beek Nettees. HARPER'e MAGAZINE fur September his reschedjour table, and is as usual full of good things and profusely illustrated. The contents are : Dalearla I; Prisoe- en, part IAss Unpublished chap,er of Hawaiian History ;The Cattskills; Paul Potter; On the Beach -a poem ; Haunts of the Swamp Fox ;. Reoent building in New York ; A Castle in Spain -a novel -part V; The Question -a poem; Tho Government of Cities in the State of New York; Why? -a poem; The Genesis of Rip Van Winkle's Legend; a Silhonette-a story; Editor's easy chair, literary record, historical record and drawer. Published by Harper & Bros, New York. JOB PRINTING. This Department of Tits: iw!tal. Office is replete with every facility for turning out all classes of Job Printing with neatness and des- patch. and at reasonable rates. CALL ANI) GET ESTIMATES. The London Morning Ne u•n earl Lynch's election to Parliment faom the county of Sligo is certainly an immense victory for Parnell. it appears from this (that the Home Rule party will be stringer with the people than it was be- fore the English Gnvetnment sought Vatican interferences. M A t•1_. Os the Lith Int . at the reeldem,c of the brides mother. 1:11 VtMnria-et.. Toronto. by the Rev. Thomas CdMn. John Robert son; frty$her1R. Winnipeg. to Eliza Herm eiMwtelengbterof the late Rich- ard Clarks of t)ousty Cavan. Ireland. - - Ceder1eb els/lutes. Onnsnrert. A•g. !1. 1A9t New ISchool ;Books McGILLICUDDY BROS., Miters and Proletariats. God/visit. Aug. 22. 1882. VOTERS.' LIST -18S3 MUNICIPALITY uF TRW TOWN OF (ful)RRIWH. l O bask+ : gl ( 0 ( •Mash ........ Mtn Notice is hereby given that 1 lave trans- mitted nr deltirred t0 the persons aserstasd in the third and fourth sections of the"Voters' Lista Act.. the copies required by said sort ions to be sn.transntitted or deli.ered of the• i.tst made pursuant to said Act. of all persons an - nearing by the last revised asaesrtment roll of the said municipality to he entitled is vote in the said municipality at elections for /leathers of the Legislative Assembly,and at Mint icipal Kin/lions. and that the sold List was a est post- ed up in my office on the Sixth day of August. 1(013 sod remains there for Inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said List. and if any omissions or any other errors proceed- ingsare �to immediate o have said error' corrected arousing law. >WI1.1.IAM ('A21PHELI. Clerk of said 'Municipality. OODRRI(•H P.O.. Dated this Rth day of August. 1883. 0et(- e fs bob .. n tet p 0 76 y, r bone ................ . 0 In n 00 ow f/ 50 hush tMw .......... 1 f.0 I Oil 7 i50 P ne pI�wilss,r • a........... a 13 R 0 1 (tfiettin doa.l O�idt 0 it w 1 1 ne•at orias gra" cwtwt cwt ...... Week . Hides.. IL.s.Pdtins 0 0 i 110 1 7e t 'N / 00 's no RM le 1 21 J. B. WHITELY, M.D., C.M., Fla - . 8ICiAN, s Aeeosoheur, sae Y. C.P.M., Ontario. Odle, -Tee Square. t East of WIlson's Thug Wore. eft paten GR McDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC - . IAN. SUMMON. &c.. Graduate of Tor- onto oronto Uslverssty. Licentiate of the Royal Col - f (itene,ace.. ite- m.CP.S..Ontar. London. resideace OpessIi. Bailors Hotel. )lalatltcs street. M- erick ' al T1R MCLIA3, PHYSICIAN, SUR- 0100N, UR- oe0N, Camay Spe. Odea and residence Brost Street, ssoesd door west of Victoria street. 1751. (:. MACKIE), M. D., PHYSI- H. elan. Surgeon and Acroneher, �mer uats Of Toronto 1' n i . ersi t y . Office opposite ••eNEt Cameron's Flank. l.neknew. if not In ogee. esquire at the Rank. 171111-y. IIRS. RHAmIOIi s HAMILTON, PnyMctans. ftarrests. Aecosetiers, &c. office at Irr. Shannon • residence. hoar the Rrnl oodertch. O. C. 8111a141(nv. J. C. H A76Mtr. 10 *,r R. W. F. FOOT, ORGANIST AND ITN choirmaster of ist. Oeorge's(Tureh, M prepared to give in Hca the �1 owing branches of nominal *nay tchnrwh and raiding)Moanlgtt at sight. V ennure thnrnngh haw sad harmony. As Yr. Foot ban had many years exgertemee 1Yildninit ��> stay� rity end country. Vocal elands Ileetsliy Ito l cvtwrs l bby pupils. s dealt with Pupils on eltnr op1gasff ea have ase of Instrument Terms 1MO0M•. 1✓b✓8etlit 777Z= T;TCE2v= AI Imric's Scilli Boot Ellooritia i The Largest and Most Complete Stock 444 (1) 0 QGREA Q o AT COST & i11�IDEfl COST 7.5 A _THIRTY DAYS_ SCHOOL BOOKS 1'sed In the Common. Model. lIlgh and Separate Schools and Colleges. at • -a rinitTY•tlV'tH 1- lt' 1 )l,lt uM:l'•:e tow td.reti+, tion.; Wasted Thi' 11 •. shitted -Alex. fh+' teraye.t -Thou, •�.,n 'Ors Wanted -Ji It 1• for rials -]fru ' r xioa')L i) �1e 1, 1) 4' r nes tam la ars teen elek '" Imrie's Book Store. PRICES LOWEST IN THE COUNTY • Satisfactiora. G-t�axaxiteed JAMES IMRIE, Goderich, Ont.; A_ B. C ORNE LL, 'CABINET MAKER & UNDERTAKER v ` Corner Store, Horton. Brick Block, Hamilton CODER.ICH, ONT_ A. B. C. has, a' a large expense. purchased a FIRST CLa4SS HEARSE and is prepared to attend and conduct funerals on the shortest notice, in town or oountry. A large stock of COFFINS AND CASKETS .1 PT CONSTANTLY ON W*JDA Both In Decent et woo -1 and Black Cloth. at - cry' I;caeonable Prices. % - srA CALL SOLICITED_ _ $_ CORNELL_ Uederlch. July 1:+: n. 1t•t%. 1510+itrt T BARGAINS.I=gam STEW ART T cd ich. J i:y 1 s`t. lebl. THE WELLAND VALE MANUFACTURING CO.'S HARVEST TOOLS 5114. EQUAL. '141 IIIF. IiF.,T iN THF. NI.tl:h:.I 7o/in . Naftel Has Them in Every Class flay Forks ,boy's size). 5)c.. men's sips. from 30c. and upward. Barley and Straw Forks eleythee,new patterol. andel Sn ms^ raedi p t e1 00 r gel.es and e Slyyon ��est Mitts. etc. Machinent 011. PERFECTLY PURE WHITE LEAD' JOHN A. MATTEL Melt. guaranteed es by the makers tinder a forfeit of *430 for each ounce elt idPyaratisa *Ind 1n It. 1t you waa ant pint, mixed and tinted. ready for immediate use JOHN A. NA1tTYL has It the best in t. Qt TtiAPERCHA PAINT, warranted to contain nothing but Pure White Leal and Oil combined with Outtapercb* I T Oxide of Zinc. &PAll for sale at JOT' N A. NAF T EL'S Cheap Hardware Em4orium. Oderlch, July 19. 1083. Loans and insurance._ X1300 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO to CA, )[1LR0?p HOLT R C A ' M ERON t (lode•Ich. 1759. MONEY TO LEND IN ANY cent. PNovuntte tnn. boAmppwrsto stSCIORRt per and MORTON. Ooderich. MONEY O funds --on fteeholld seecurity. pPRIVATE to Geo. Swanson. Ooderleh. 1876-111m, *50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND NP on geed Farm or first-class Town Proven; 't a per cent. AUDIT to R. R ADCLIF►e. 1781 MONEY TO LEND. -A LA Ra amount d Private Fnnds for inrega est vt loweot rales on first claw Mortgages. Apply to OARROW t PRGIl)7()O'T. LOANS FREE OF CHARGIL - ]iosey to lend at lowest rates, free of say oases or ehargea *KA011t •* NORTON. e�a�e (borne Hotel. -peMrM - !aid Nareh IM. IAO. .90.000 PRIVATZ FUNDS TO LIMO on Vann and 'Town Property at lowest In - FeroHort ages pnrchasfd. no Commission Conveyancing Fes* reasonable, Harrowers eau eaaaln money in eneda If tlU. Is andel .-DA t IMON k JOHN STON. Barristers. mo.. Ooder1ch. 1731 RADCLIFF'E, FIS. MARINE. . Lite and Aoeldent insurance Agent • 9preseatt ag Ir*-etassCowtpu oleo. A lain arm 1 the Canova Ltvs Meds lxat-RArca ('o. to bad es Me�rtpge, either In Town on � M rfiteN !b"Meett borrow n(e' 38th Proiiicia1 Exbiflou r TIIE Avncoltnral and Arts Association OF ONTARIO, To 1)e Held at Guelph, ON THE 24th to 29th Sept:r, 1883 Fntrtee nitwit be made with the secretary at Toronto, on or before the undermentioned dates. via itersea Cattle. Sheep, Swine, Poultry. Am enhnral Implements or or before Saturday August )8th. S3rai•. Fled Roots end other Farm Pre ducts. Maithinet7 sad ileaufactutes ly, on nr before 9atday, lieptember •1 t. ba' Horticultural Profenta India: Work. Floe Aseil 41146. le or before ate nod ar, E4ptewW!' Prise Lista and Monk Ferns for Peking the p lspoa can b• ntrisl d the Secretor les d 011 Agricu)tnral tied ortlahitnraf Rn citifies and liteettentese Inef(tntes throughout the Province . n. • c Emma babe, ae.retar, Agriculture' Are. Aaeeetartas. Tocests. R. P. l,I11N:s101, rressdenl. Soot', Paseo. Aug. iOth, 1501 towel EAGER A MORTON. R A R R i v 1,7 TERA, ft c., tn. bedevil+ and tVinerhsm ('. neater Jr Oedeetet J A. Merton. Wing ham 1761 s Sinas.TO lllodetste stz st.Ne gad Ilan 1)lY WANTEI Le minium work sum tieing. Apply 11()I'SE AND 11 for cash - »h t. church, (IAdericlt. deed given. Addr M ACK. 97 Hunting 1 NF.)ItMATI() 1 l:.)B JOIiN 1 ah .nt faro years e \yhea last beard of Broadview, works information ooncei received by his SAIIAII HUMP. C r1PENDERS >t' L nut beroceic to the Mb day of S mice hired( of at 401A. RUTLEDC Hayfield. Plans* at my odic.. crab after the n)Ib day or any tender not 3)1 Ai M.. Arahlte BULL STI1 front the pre the 16th ot Angus Any person givin rneoverr wt11( be BURNS, Carlow OTICE .01 he Public isibe Only parses purchases nr con' written order of will be actuiewle ications must be' agent and genei No accounts u except on My on Osderlch. Ana rnO T H P.E; 11 gond ascan JOHN )L-1'ALI t3oderi:b, July 7�5'fitAY premises 01 lune. feted • is reluests• . and take the X, hot 12. co XrOTICE T _LI hereby gi. the nnderstgne requested to se n�ue an enf, ABRAI , PLENDII t Blaeksmi to rent nos bis cumseh ikons Three eels of t are three fors carry rnl n ger Ines% it being wood and pail The above is with pupil. T. HCNTF.R. 'For VALUAE r Lot No of Ooderich. free from stn frontage on 1 road and ad Hayfield. F, conditions 0 STONF. & street West Hotel kecpe -LI ARM casted) the 7th ('or ge. Abe ti growing and elan. ,t and stable e Only four n vet road. BRECKE" t MORTO FOR S reside Donald lit n two lute. Carriage 1 rult trees, For terr Barrister. FOR S 1144111 Mr. lace. )Lnt.'otnw Ptrseaaiot apply to New ,(ate FOR V ala pat rd t (11t an a. ren Sto. I. In propel/an claire his nt . ran ere' stole Fran of which 1(etm•tnt e re woe 911) R l hat ar and "at pantry r finery 10,0 t f 1;>R err sod utt ler fii quire o'