HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-08-24, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY AUK. 24, 1883, • THE HURON SIGNAL Tnestutte the efforts of Tits Slew, THE "EXPLORER'S" CRUISE. ��$•ppabllMed every b'rbdo, >►f}prr•11a•��•• by Mc they hal a comparatively quirt council ettticoour Hsor-, at their palute,Torth tet meeting over at Brussels last Teak. The k era up the lie by a Party from stele off the bquare!! 1� members at the public exhibit nun that rte$ -weal rises a els steres The GODERICH, ONTARIO. occasion endeavored to imitate the "hap- , Pistols et t temtrs. Ant is d patched to all parts of the sur-rotud 04 40 by the earliest minima trains. 8y admission it has • cereals tem thinadmission any other newspaper is ids part of the oopptry, itis one of the raciest, newsiest Rad most reliable journals in Osteno posseatas it does. the toregojngessentials and being 1n addtUou to the above. a arae -dos. family a d fireside paper—It 1s therefore a most desi We advertuftp assdiates. TERMS.—$1.50 In adv.nCe postage pre -paid b; ublishers; $1.73, If Ives tb before tis months $..0O it not so paid. Th rele will be stetctlf enforced. Rare* Or ADVERTIerwe.—Itiatia coats psi Inc for drat Insertion; three cents per� line for eu each subsequent insertion. Thirty, half- ray and quarterly contracts at reduced t'sse4 Jets PSisisat s.iV•Lave alsoa frMM-clasa Jobbing department to connection, and ooaovsa- tsw most complete os•4t-At sad besttaciuues fw teeming oat work t• Oodericb, are prepared twee business is that line at prices that cannot lie beaten. and of a quality that cannot be amassed.— Terme Cask FRIDAY, AUG. 24TH. 1883. py family " in the menagerie, and pulled the fur over their claws so that the pub- lic would not again catch them endeav- oring to hurt one another. But the claws are there all he same, and private- ly the hitter feeling is just as bad as it ever was, Reeve Rogers won't he ousted by councillor Drewe at the next municipal election, if he an help it ;And ceuucillor Drew* is very anxious to fill the seat which " It i'ers has kept warns for him for the past three years." The present reeve is eager to be re-elected, for, is a jesting mood, some of the coun- ty councillors promised him, at the June meeting, the wardership of Huron ter 1884. But if he does conte back. he will have a heavy tug with Mr. P. Kelly, for the honor, and will be sure to. be Troi:1)N ), I:I:EY d• BI:r-CE R. I:.. floored by that genial Milesian. The question of the in,bringing (f ole' Oen, contemporary, the Stoi, does not Toronto, Grey & Brace B.R. to Guder- ich is a topic which ought to permeate the public mind inGoderich and vicinity. That theroad will become part and par- cel of the C. P. R., and act as a feeder to the train line of that road, can be 1„oked upon as a foregone conclusion. in such an era* no time should be lost by our prominent men in setting forth the claims of Goderich as the proper ter- minus of the western extension. Already the T. G. & B. has a lake port at Owen Skid, but the western branch, when building, was blocked at Toeswater, ow- ing to the inability of the projectors to obtain bonuses in the northern town- ships. These townships refused bonuses to the rued at a time when the local Gov- ernment was granting subsidies to lines having western hike ports in view for termini. That the line would be naw store successful its obtaining bonuses from the townships that rebuffed them before, seems to us doubtful ; reverthelcss we observe that efforts are being made by the neighboring town of Kincardine, through the council, to carry the line thither from Teeswster. Southampton, we understand, is moving in the !tatter also, and would like to !make its harbor the terminus. Under these circumstances there is.,no time to lie lost by Goderich in presenting its claims. As between Southampton and Kincardine there can be but one opinion, and that must favor Kincardine ; but if the relative merits of Goderich and Kincardine be 'submitted, Huron's county town should have the preference. Goderich has the best harbor one the lakes—the Govern- ment harbor of refuge—and is for that reason the choice of all mariners ; our town is located 31 miles further from Owen Sound than Kincardine, and would on that account give the erten tllsion an opportunity of tapping more rival lines, and getting the local trade of a far larger extent of country ; the town- ships be -ween Wingham and Goderich, through which the proposed line would pus, have never rejected arailway bonus for the line, and this fact would be favor- able in the prosecution of the railway campaign. For these and other reasons which we shall advance hereafter we con- tend that Goderich is the more available point for the terminus of the Teeswater branch of the T., G. and B., and hare no hesitancy in calling upon our towns- people to be up and doing in the !natter. At present we have a railway commit- tee appointed by the council, but the working up of railway schemes, rarely emanates frors the council board. A man may make a good councilor, and yet not be skilled in the methods of railway agitation. There are, we are pleased to say, iuthe Goderich town oouncilanum- ber of sharp, enterprising, wide-awake men, who will not be backward in rail- way work once a scheme is put in shape. But outside of the council we have many -who are able and willing to grap- ple with the question, and who, if the opportunity were afforded,would not fail to give time, talent and means toward initiating a successful railway !campaign. We hope to see shortly a public meeting called, when the question an be openly discussed, and the !nen best qualified to urge onwerd the scheme, solute.' by tie popular voice to do the well/. This tnethtd It* been ob- served in other towns where anxiety foe additional railway acoomthodation existed, and we Ielieve would not fail to act well in the case .,f Goderich. .The people of Godd.rich went to bring in soompetitive line ; there is a chance of getting in a good one if proper work be done ; let them do the re paired work, and get the mach -needed road. Tau Saturday edition of the Hamilton Bening Trib ere is one of the most read- able papers we receive. It is only a cent in pries ; a marvel of cheapness. The one out dailies of Canada appear to be asking a hit, The Tribune of Hamilton, std the morning World of Toronto, are a credit to any country. Ws reed of "spriog fredheta-• and "fall Moods,” but the midsummer tor- rents appear to be doing the mischief in Has eourity. The valuable bridges ~ri- ot away by the recent heavy mina swel- ling the river Maitland will mpx•se con. Menthae ices on the eostty at Huron 8y a digital aerre,p.ocdeut, here is nothing -u tangerines or we calculated to tiringg 'bac a digging tip tite or drive assay dispepeia, es plen• ty v out of door exercise, and of fresh, pure air. If, after a year•r hard work and clo application to business or study, yo eel that you need to recaps rate your energies, you cannot procure the means of doing so in a better way— nay, it ip asserted, in anything like se good a way—as by goins( orf on a camp- ing and fishing expedition, or a elitist) upon the lakes. Fur tus:ance, you get up on a • Sue morning, at sunrise, and take a sharp row of a toile or so to cove or river mouth, where bass abound ; then the escitetuent of landing, say half a dozen or so of tine fish, which have made a gamy fight for life and culled into action all your faculties to success- • fully land ; then a quiet row back te' camp or yacht, and a cold plunge bath, while the tish are browning over the camp tire er coal oil stove, sputtering on the broiler and tillim; the morning an. with thoir delicious amnia. If afterthat you don't sit down (n a camp stool or box, or anything that may be handy, and enjoy a good, hearty meal, and feel refreshed and invigorated, there is some- thing radically wrong, and you want to go and see the doctor without delay. These, at all events, are the sentiments of the- party who have just returned home to Goderich from an extended cruise around the Georgian Bay on board like to hear any reference to the peti- tion against M. C. Cameron, M.P. Any remark about said petition calls fur a wail from the organ. It would like to have the matter quietly buried out of sight, to be resuscitated only at the instance'uf the star. Now, we would like to know if the petitioner has the faintest idea that the case will ever conte on for trial. We don't believe he has Cameron has sat for one session, and Mill certainly sit for another. By that time it is quite pouible n new order of things will obtain at Ottawa. In any event it is not probable that M. C Cameron's right to the seat will ever b questioned, knowing, as the petitioner knows, the flimsy basis upon which th protest rests. We would ask the ,�h+r t• come out square -teed uu the subject an tell its readers that it honestly he beeves the petition will not fizzle out. Early its July, Mr. Ed. Lewis, of Guderich, an enthusiastic sailor and the owner and toaster of the staunch yacht Explorer, built of oak from nese to heel, fitted her out and kindly invited a num- ber of friends to join Kerwin n cruise. The e invitation was very gratefully accepted. and on the 12th of July last, sail was e made, the Sucher heaved and the yacht sailed out upon the voyage, amidst the cheers and hoed tt ishes of numerous am. THE YACHT EXPLORER. frjentls. The party consisted of Mr. E. - Lewis, M:. and Mrs. Sealer, Mrs. and Miss Lewis, 'Miss llaiuie Macdermott and Wafter Crane, . f Gouerich, Miss Ida Arkei, .,f St. Thomas. and Miss 1.,a Ellis,' .f Detroit, besides the crew. THE FIRST DAY (CT of a yachting expedition is proverbially wards waning the United Empire arriv- ed, having en board one of the party frutu Detroit, who had tuia:oil an earlier boat, but now joined the )swhr, and all WInyt HMV complete .dynes -e was taken up (about dirk, to snake n start fur costs miaow, about 60 utiles distant. The early even- ing was very pleasant, but after dark heavy thunder clouds began to gather on the horison, and sharp streaks of light• ning Hashed upwards now and thea, fol- lowed by low but determined and dog- ged t -ged mils of thunder. The clouds beginning to rise, gaff and jib topsails were hauled in, and under reefed main and foresails and stay sail the Expheer stood out for sea count.- At about 1U o'clock estrum( wiudhad got up, with c tit• siderhle sea rolling, Sud heavy thunder and lightning. However,the yacht rode out the storm steadily, and the ladies were all snug below, and everything was secure and comfortable, barring an un- certainty in one's footing on deck as the yeeht moved up and down upon the waves. In the afternoon of Sunday, a stiffbreeze still blowing, land was wen over the lea low, and soon Cove Island lighthouse love insight, and all were very much pleased when the Explorer passed the northerly point of Cove Island, and rounded up into smooth water under its lea. . No sooner was tha anchor let go than a sail was seentu make its way from the lighthouse dck,a ond ma few minutes a boat came alongside hav- ing on board Mr. George Currie, tho keeper of Cove Island lighthouse, and a brother of our townsman, Mr, J. C. Currie, who had kindly conte out tc see if he could be of any service. After' load- ing Mr. Currie's boat and the yacht's boats with the camp equipage, and ntem- bets of the party all went ashore and t'r11C•IiED CAMP of a avorable land breeze, which sprang THE Brantford Terev,oa, has rushed to the rescue of the editor of the .nisi; to defend that worthy from the assault of W. G. Smith, of Goderich. Th Telegram has, net;er heard of W. G. Smith, and is anxious to know what man ner of man he is. For the information of the Telegram we would state that W. G. Smith had made a reputation and a name for himself as a successful centro versialist years before the Telegram en- tered upon the stormy sea of journalism that he has never been worsted in arra ment, to his knowledge ; and it tke said W. G. Smith doesn't roll the Td.egraen up tight, and tie a knot on the end of it then the old man's right hand must have lost its cunning, and his 'cute brain have been forsaken of its fertile resource. There's a rod in pickle for the Telegram, that will scarify that journal to the quick. e the most trying 11, amateurs, but the weather ..n this occasion was propitious, and a pleasant afternoon'a sail brought ' the party to Kincardine, where entering between the piers, a small circular ba- sin at the shore end is discovered, in which the Exo' •rer cast anchor and lay snuff an:: cosy till morning. A feeling, - + of uneasrt ess might be telt ':y an exces- sively nervous person as to the c,nse•, quences in case severel vessels should be' in harbor at once in Kincardine. but to ' be quite accurate there really is room for several vessols in Kincardine harbor. Next morning the party went ashore , to see the town and renew old time ac- quaintanceships, among the good people of Kincardine, and to visit the " park," and other points of . intereet. The " park " is a pretty little square, but no more to be compared with Goderich CONSIDERABLE dissatisfaction is ex pressed by persons interested at th manner in which the Government dredge is allowed to Ise idlo in Goderich harbor. For the,past three weeks, we are inform ed, nothing has been done, and the captain and hands are having a go(d titil square or parks in size, situation er natural beauties,than are the latter with their ' • sheep walks" or deer loins" across then!. and the evidences of their use as cattle pastures, to be compared e with the neat little Kincardine part- In tidiness and cultivation. After passing a vary pleasant day, and an evening on deck enjoying the hrignt moonlight,the • ladies retired to their cat in, now con- verted into a cosy bower, and at 11 p.m. e ,AIL WAS MADE FVR ..OUTHAMPTON, at the public expense. If this dilator) ' Next morning early, all were on deck, mode of procedure is attributable to the Minister of Public Works,then that pub- lic official is certainly deserving of cen- sure ; if, on' the other hand, the do nothing action is the result of incompet once ie those who control the dredge locally, then the sooner they are set to work, or are discharged, the better i and. passing PortDouglass and Por; El- gin, anchor was let go in the large har- bor of Southampton, about half a mile from shore. Here Chantry Island, lung narrow and'prettily wooded, runs paral- - lel with the mainland ,andabout t wo miles distant, forming a natural breakwater on the west: Some years ago the Dominion Government, at an expense "1 about t $120,000, built a !luck and breakwater, which connects by means of cribwork the northern part of the island with the I mainland, leaving a "gip" in the centre foravessele io pass to and from the north. wards. A very SPACIOUS AND HANDSOME HARBOR is thus furmed. Still in many respects it:is not a goad harbor. The entrance is about 2 miles wide, but on account of shoals and rocks vessels hare to be care -1 ful to enter by a channel which is,mark- ed out by a "derrick,•' a sort of a light- house without any lights in it. This, of course, cannot be seen on dark or stormy nights, and, as the lighthouse is situated abort the uontre of Chantry island,-ntere- ly shows where the harbor is,in a general sort of a way. The entrance at night is net. a very easy matter to find. The harbor is swept,too,by westerly and south westerly gales, making it a very likely thing for vessels to drift from their an- chorage, as they sometimes do. CASTING ANCHOR,.. the party went ashore in the boats. A village is seen in the distance, and walk- ing in that direction fora .nile or so, upon a winding and sandy though some- what picturesque road, through stunted oak and fir trees, you at last emerge upon a street, and the village of Southampton -lie disclosed, lying peacefully and sleepily in the sunshine Not a vehicle of any description, nor a human being 10 be seen. Requiring some supplies, the 1 purser made his purchua, consisting of a couple id dozen laves of breed and other articles in the same proportion. As the merchants of Southampton do not seem t.. have ever heard of the buss- - I nese practice of delivering goods, and were without the means of doing so, ou. party shouldered their purchases and made a procession back to the bo*ts,and thence on board. The remainder of the day was very pleasantly spent in rowing about the beautiful bay ,and walkingaboat the island, which is a very pretty one and much in favor by the people of that region as a picnic ground. In the after- noon thellghtkousewasvisited, where the party were kindly received by Mr. Lam - the keeper, who showed them over his pretty grounds. and conducted them to the top of the lightheuse,from which A mah magnificent view wee obtaed extend- L4tg maty mike in all diroetians. To. will be for Goderich. Guderich might as well have the government dredge 10,000 miles away, as lying idly in the harbor. THB telegraphers' strike has collapsed. The striking operators wero out four weeks, are supposed ttt! have lust 8400,- 000 in wages; aria many of thein will have to seek other employment. The men allege that the Western Union lost more by injury to business during the past four weeks thin would have paid the increase asked by the employees for ten years. There have been losse.t all around, but in this fight capital has beaten labor. When the telegraphers failed to bring tke companies to terms within the first forty-eight hours they should at once have endeavored to effect a compromise. The belligerent bodies would have been money ahead had this been done, and the public would have been better served during the past month. We have received the offer of an ad vertisement of the Guelph Opera House company, Trust, hut as the concern has been ably shown up asa humbug by the Toronto World, we refuse to have any thing todo with it. We hope none of our readers will be so foolish uta invest in this or any like concern. The resp•n Bible men td Guelph who had been en- veigled into the Opera House enterprise at its incubation have since repudiated it, when it was shown to be a thinly disguised lctterv- . We would advise all to steer clear of the concern. JCM/R Black who set ably combatted the views of Col. Robt. G. ingersall, in the North America» Rorie er, some time ago, died at York, Pa., on Aug. 11th. Ho remained conscious almost to the end, and did peseabiy. Oulpoy's bay sued meet ewriei ee reached M &WOAJD, where there is a small harbor formed cribwurk uu all four *alas. Meatord a thriving little teen. surrounded by a quid adnoulturai e.tuntry. Rev. Mr. Chaucer, (formerly of G,.dq ich), trial his wife end two obi`dren, and Miss Clanger auto uu boar- ant after a very pleasant day, sail was trade its thseven- ing and the Kxtdorer squared away fur Penetang across the lower eni of the Georgian Bay. The light land breeze soon died sway, however, leaving the yacht still and motionless upon the gluey surface .1 the water. The ds lad been very hot on shore, but on deck Inn ou the waters' was c,wd,alld a ple.0 wt evening was passer!. later on, however, Ilea: y clout Is could be scan hanguug for sate time along the western horizon. After a while the scud began to rise sad a storm wasevidrutly uppruaching. The calm still prevailed. however, and all was quiet on beard, the ladies being fast asleep below and the watch thine on deck. Shortly before wiJnigbt the Navy clouds bagau to rise rapidly, and the li'htain-t flashed incessantly. " All John Gardener tin the 7th con. had hands on deck,'was the word to the his house struck also on Saturday even- '• watch below," mild in a few minutei Ing. Tho hon=e was injured to the ex- tent of about 8100. Fortunately no in- jury was sustained by any of the in- mates. upon a pleasant spot, with " Flower Pot," " Echo," " Pleucky," '` Bear's Rump," and numerous other islands in view. The party remained in camp here three days, exploring the various points of interest, taking sketches, fish- ing and sailing about the, numerous bays, in one of which the wreck of the old Tecumseh lies, having been driven ashore one stormy night last year. C ,ve Island is A., named from the num- ber ..f coves or large bays which pierce it on all sides. Approaching me of thew coves by a very picturesque portage or, storm at sea. This was the aura which firming above read. Muted by J. Cos, Path through the woods, which are the citizeps of G tench will remember seconded by J. H. Elliott, that bytiaw literally carpeted with a great variety of taking place uu Saturday, July 21st. Noe 5 of present year now read be ptosed showy flowers and mosses, you emerge - (,.osetrUC» NEXT wExx.) —Carried. Moved by J. Beacom, see- uned by J. Cox, that the a?pointssest of s persun to act in the capacity of engi- s ewe, ienba. neer (as required by statute) respecting Nicholas Flood Davin is considered ditches and water coulees be deferred to one of the best Tories in the 'Dominion. next meeting of council—Carried. The He is the editor cf the Regina Leader and following accounts were paid, viz : Peter it u considered the spiciest paper in the Towers for work on Bayfield con. $6.96 ; Chas. Cryderman, re-tainng hill on 6th con., 50 cents; Sam'l Platt, for lavabos for McCartney's bridge, M. C.. *45.60 ; D. Dere., for repairing Deevei hill and approach to bridge, *15 ; 8. Cook, indi- gent, 825 ; J. R. Holmes, P. 31., for shovelling gravel, H. R„ $8.50J. Miller, iudigent, for clothing, $8 ; school tree - tees applied for following sums to be FLOWER POT ISLAND. the diat-rdered village. Here is a littlelevied on their respective sections, No. Tho 19th July was a bright fine day, of what he writes': mezaimmog 1 S. S., $325 ; No. 4, 1380 ; No. 6, 13911 and with a fair but light breeze the Ex- "The Manitoba prison is not a proper 1"• `t+ 5460• The trustees nt lbs re- plorer left Cove -Island, and shaped her place to keep anyone who had even had ruining sections tie requested to read course along the south and west shore the least motion of cleanliness. It . toss in their applications at an early data by rumoured during Friday that a rescue letter to the Goderich P. 0. Colman would be attempted. Capt. Brereton adjourned to meet on first Monday in armed his men and kept out of the way. Octoher.—Jam. P1rTor, Clerk. About nine o'clock onehundred at:d fifty men t:ongregated before the prison shout - point. They,consist of large masses of ing. They tired one .,r, two shots "to rack standing upright out of the water, state those inside.- The police who circular in form, wide at the top and ware to hold the fort went upstairs and narrowing gradually downwards, then lay on their faces on the floor of the luw- yy widening nut to the base. whicls is set roofed left, and then the mighty door of guests of Mn M. Clutton. upon great square rocks forming the the prisongave way. How dreadful was AN OLD FACE.—James Bnrketiem pedestals. They are about 40 feet high, I the foray which sent down this door may er resident, is moving about here visiting old scenes, and amusing old chums with tales of travel and adventure in tar off lauds. HoNoas FOR 'ARMYas,—The many flower puts, but five of them have fallen well for the bolt held by two screws friends of Harry Horton will be pleased and lie broken upon the great rock which did not enter the timber a quarter tularn thathe haspassedhis examination which surround thein. The Explorer of an inch. as a teacher. Harry wu an old No b passed slowly along in the light morning on Saturday Mr. Nereus). the Prime boy, and later a student at the high oreeze under the shadow of the island, Minister, ex -Judge Miller, Chief Con- school, Goderich. Before assuming the giving titue for taking sketches, several stantine and a number of specie) con- duty of his profession he will attend the The 1141, to taigas'}. Tuesday bit th. directors of tbiCena- dian Punk railway. sosouputied by a number of [,romiueut Canadianand d..- tinguished fureieueirs, left Montreal on a tap to the cud of the tr.uil', to 4elebri t the upeniug of the tine to l,rlgarryStI, 860 miles west of \V suipwg, er. the foot of the perky muuutaius. Autuua the CASA. diens who aeoompa nivel the director* are ex -Governor Archibald, T, K. nay and J it. Detfus, of He:iiux, i rid C:iarles Caasi ,, of Montreal. Aue g the Iue- eignel ore Prince Hoheulohe of Prussia, the Count (tleichen,the ]Earl of Lytham, Lord Elphiust,+.;e, John Leda,e, editor of the L„ndoi Tiler • ', ; 1V Aanlmas, editor ..i rare L •u 1 .1 .'i..:',. Pouf; Boron -tltort Salta l.r, .• 1•t••r of the Paris ../..;,boo: l'sofeit..r f'a,tl f'.tr.ie,Paris and I)r. Oskar ltcrgrueu of the Vissas& Fiat, faro. Other distinguiaho l gew tleutenarill ales he numberxl iu the par- ty. - Goderich Teir23112. sail was haulttd in and ceder squatted foresail and staysail the yacht was put before the wind for shelter behiud Christian Island, about 20 t r 25 miles distant. The peaceful evening scene was wonderfully changed The tushing wind rattled through she rigging, the rain fell in sheets upon the deck. and the waves heaped up by the sudden squall were serving under our lea, while the lightning and thunder kept up in- cessant flash and peal- Soon the look- out reported " light ahead " and in a short time Point Cockburn light on Sttu i x By L14HTNINo.—On Saturday evening last, about 8 o'clock, the barn of John Clark, 2d con., was struck by light- uing, and together with the contents, was totally destroyed. There was in the barn at the time eight tons of hay, 300 bushels of old wheat, a seed drill, two fanning mills, two sett of harrows, a dqg churn, and other small articles. The tete] loss is estimated at =1,500; insured for 8500: cents -ries 1sLAse Hohnesville, Aug. 13th, 1883. shone cheeringly out of the darkness, Council met to -day pursuant to ad - and at 2 a.m., the Explorer glided out journment. Members all peewit. Mia - of the tempestuous wind and sea into ' uses of last meeting read and pssaetL smooth water, under the shelter of the Moved by J. Laithwait, seconded by J - land locked bay. Arrived in harbor one II. Elliott, that a rate of two mills on of the gentlemen, desiring to quiet the the dollar be levied on all the real, rate- suppcsed fears of the ladies down below, able and peninal property of the town - opened the cabin doer t.. inform them ship for county purposes, that a further that the storin was put, ail they were rate of two twills on the dollar lee levied safe in shelter, but a sleepy exclamation on the real rateable and personal pro- of enquiry and surprise was the only re- piety for township purposes std that sp..nse. They had all been fast asleep and the clerk levy the different sums requie- in the seclusion if their cabin had no ed by the several s. h.wd trustees for the idea that they had paean' through a current year—Carried. Bylaw con - upon what seems to be n small inland lake about three-fourths of a mile wide and several miles in length, and skirted at all sides by a dense green forest, every leaf and shadow being reflected with mirror-like distinctness upon the smooth water of the cove. It s a weird ani solitary, though a very beautiful North Neat. Its (pinions are eloquent - scene. Pushing out,in your canoe upon ly expressed and wdependent withal, the water, disturbing the wild fowl in Now,when Nicholas hard about! the .Rat the sedgy nooks, you can distinctly Portage row he decided to investigate it see in the clear water beneath you large rsonally He wouldn't read the Wm - bass and maakinonge sailing about innripeg Tinwrin racier that his mind might not be biased by the infamous re- ports which it Contained. He got out his buckboard and in due time rode into great numbers. Two of the party here captured over 75 pounds of fine fish in som.thing less than one hour. of the Georgian Bay. During the morn- ing numerous islands were passed un either hand, and amongst them " Flower 1 Pet island, so named from the ' `` Flower Pots situated at its easterly Lisburn. PERSONAL—Mrs. MOrriah and daugh- ter, of the Valle City, Dundas, are the and have an astonishing resemblance be gathered from this that the mossy to flower pots or drinking goblets, and door was held on hinges 6a} inches long are extremely interesting curiosities. and put in with a inch screws and the Formerly there were seven of these lock was a thirty -fire cent lock with the of which were obtained, while from the I stably appeared on the scene. R e ex- Model school for the usual term and will deck you could almost throw a stone , *mined the prison together, and Chief then have full permission to sway the into the numerous caves along the rocky ; Constantine proceeded to lay his plata. rod. We also congratulate A. H. Ctot- banks. During the morning Mr- John Shields, the Contractor, also ton who received his diploma from the g rice on the prison, Inc damage to 1 a curious natural harbor surrounded by 'which s 20 cent tie of lass was brok- 13th of August, 1883, Wally written on high rucks, was passed and after dinner I B parchment the seal bearing on its chest Cabot's Head %� ingfield basin and Lion's en) wu being repaired, heasked why the the implement of husbandry and sheaves ToatsMO*LY Bar, 'v arrived, and when he cast his Napoleonic Guelph Agricultural Co lege, dated the ls h Head were passed, and the Explorer 1 fe dirt id not kaow�t�eto the crowd l He of grain. This is the first Colborne man rounded Cape Croker and sailed through he Id mum, who has gained the honor. He attended the channel, between tho cape and meaning tike Right Honorable Sir John the winter terms et '78 and '79 of the Griffith island, into Colpoy's bay, which Macdonald, would think of it." college. is about 2 miles wide and 14 miles Ione, ! Now the above is not the sort of criti- ciam which will please the "old sten" at A picking bee of twelve of oar gado - "Hay' guarded at its mouth by"Griffith"L Ottawa (r W innlpeg, but wt the risk of wives wuheld one day recently. Towta "Hay' and "White Cloud" islands. The 'their displeunn 111r. Darin proceeds : dusk they broke up suddenly, and y e water in this bay is "At ,resent Rat Portagecorrespondent is informed that the reason p is the ugliest P° TOO HEEL Crow-sNeaoa&- , - town on the prettiest site in Manitoba. s t tIte ladies were "lima to get It can boast 11 hwaome thwnet ore dark, as their husbands forget that were lovers, and do not go for their ladies fair to see them home as in the ante -matrimonial days. Girls; beware. [ We fear that some one has been trying to deceive our correspondent Surely the married men of Leeburn cannot be so ungallant am s to leave their mistrwss to travel home alone. And if so, why do the bachelors stand idly by and see the ladies goipg home without aeon/ 1— Ed.] OsrrVAay. --It is with'deep regret then we record the death of Mina Keough, wife of Geo, A. Robertson, of Detroit. She had been ailing for some time with consumption, she died quite suddenly es the morning of the 5th of August, in her 32nd year. She was the second daughter of P. Keough, of this phos, Her re- mains were bought here by her sorrow- ing husband. The funeral 1111111111,10011eviowere conducted by Rev. J. Sabine, pastor of the B. C. church. A large number view- ed the remains of her who daring her residence here years ago had been so general a favor •'e. The body wee bows in a handsome casket neatly decked with flowers from friends in Detroit. A friend here also placed a beautiful bou- quet upon the coffin lid, and it was h- terrd with the body in Oolbums eseks- tery. The sorrowing relatives have the sympathy of the entire neighborhood. Leehurn lodge of Gond Templar*, d which deceased had Metz a mevaber during her residence herr, pseud a erne of condolence to the bereaves/ friends, moved by J. Linklater, and secreted by 8. B. Wtflissue but you can sail up to the banks and tie >•s ofan ecce eni newspaper, up to a tree. The wind was light but the /'....great, which it supports well. The dead ahead. ani finding, on getting up sentiment of the populace, owing to the next morning, that little progress up the lamanagelttent of the Manitoba people, m hay could be made, two of the party took s leaning to Octane . The Ontario the smallest of the boats and rowed up G°oernaeat are making rinds They to the village of Wiarton, 12 miles dis- have far more at stake than Manitoba tant, to get the mails and supplies.and have more resources, If Ontario wios she will hare the lauds, minerals timber ; if Manitoba wins she will have the net of management without much to support it. Ontario could afford to do something for the people a.d could pay respectable Magistrates. Manitoba is in the miserable position of having no reve- these there are many cosy private resi-unison w nue unison should mention the colos- dences, having a tine view of the eaten- al suet !hackie p. cored into the trasgry sive bay. Joseph Kidd, of Goderich, for petunia in Manitoba. This brings owns a large sawmill at Wiarton, and' the art of hoaneiuig to s fine point- You several others were noticed. The ear- tlh your treasure by allowing penmba• rounding country is rocky and sterile, letting upseolston, dead beats and en - end the villa, chiefly depends upon its �� to AU reser stomachs with old rye lumbering interests. It is this year the to "'rdiei•Ill porPn••••" headquarters of our townsmen, James ---�-- Clarke's fishing establishment, JunesZUllette McKay, of Goderich, being his beanie's is the terminus of the Port Dover $ Lake Huron railway, and is a prettily situated little place. The main street runs parallel with the head of the bay, and other streets along the hillside. On agent. The tug Clarke runs daily Hannay Dams. =tit Monday evening from here to South bay on the Manitou- ]lith Inst, about 6 o'clock, Thoe. Adams lin, where his fishing fleet is stationed. of the 6th cos. with his daetghter, left Here he loads the este! and proceeds to home to en to j ondeaborn, leaving Mrs. Wiarton, whence the fish ars shipped to Adam. at home ; on their return they Tnronto,Buffalo and other markets,pack- found her en her face on tet floor, iosen- ed in ice. The catch this year is gond, Bible, and when medical assistance was Clarke's fleet catching nn an average Ii0 obtained it was fend she was too far tots a week. Mr. Haley, et N iartoen, gene to remover, and she expired before nice o'clock that ermine. Up to that everting she had always enjoyed exoep- tionaih good health, and no suspicion of being liable to say aurides attack. She leases two mania use and in unmar- ried daughter. an enthusiastic young yachtsmen, wet just fitting oat his new yseht, Hackett, for a trip, and kindly volunteered to run down to the Explorer in the afternoon and take our friends hack from town. Early is the evening the Explorer left