The Huron Signal, 1883-08-24, Page 2THE HURON ,3IGNALe FRIDAY v AUG. 21, 1883. lOXING RZTRAORDINARY. all Myers Overseas. Maassta s to elle Monti A Ort The box''aL glove is a large fat milted, with an abnormal thumb and a string at -the wrist with which you tie it ed, so that when you teed it to your adversary he cannot swallow it and choke himself. I had never seen any bluing gloves bi- ters, but my brother weal they were soft ani would itot L.a4. anybody. itlo we took off some of ode, ro.' :teat and put theca on. Then we shook hands That was to show that w.� were fr:cu.::y, and would not rlay each eth„r. My t is younger than 1 stn, and so I warned him not to get excited and come fur me with r'lything that looked like wild and ungovernable fu►y, because I might, in the .ices.: of debate, p''o his jaw up on his forehead, and fill his ear full of sore thumb. He said that was all right, and he would try to] be cool and collected. Jaen we put our right toes chose togeth- er, and I told him to be on his guard. At that moment 1 dealt him a to rific blow, aimed at his nose, but through some clerical etair of m• o it went over his shoulder and spent itself in the wall of his room, shattering a small holly - wood bracLet, fon which I paid him $378 site. ward. I did not wish to buy the bracLet, because I had two at hums, but he was rrbitrary about it, rod I bought it. We then took another althetic posture. and 'n two minutes the rir was full of poulticed thumb and buck -Lin mitten. I soon detected a chance to put one in where. my brother could smell of it,- but I never knew just where it stick, for at that moment I ran aQa'nat some- thing with the pet of my stomach that made me throw up the sponge along with some some uther things. lee filet change was to throw a coverlid My brother thin ,propose 1 that we, take off the stoat•, but i ►h. u_ht I had over .he sleeper; then another was used, not sufficiently puniihel 1 :1' t' t anti tlw persons undress,;., their liren another round would cotrpleto ,hr c• , . being substituted for Kiat ets. Beatrice guest, which w a .hen *levet t ihr'1 Ilry says Elie would "as lief sleep ' t'a wool- grup. I t.a.k a h' tin h powder and len'. which s..oas tint au:h a tliieg was squared myself ; hut t warp ee off a lefthander I furs;ut ail about try adver slo 's right, and ot my nose i-tt ' the middle of his bo-'ne gli,vc. Fearing that I had injured h' n, I re,. . i ?- idly en my elbows' and •'moulder blades to the corder Of the •room, thus t;ivieg him • nple t• ne to recover. By this means my younger brother's features were saved and are to -.ley as symmetri- cal my,ot, a. I can still cought up pieces of box''- gloves, and when I close my eyes I ran see ' •'nm lifts reel blue phosphorescent - :cross the hori- zon ; but I ant i'•^ -i-et 'et c•nv'nc d that there is ne physical e era e w L; 'a yields the t Imo amount of health and elastic vieor to the punchor than the manly set does. To the punti,e, a1s.•, it affords a large wad of glad ru. , rine and nose Veal, which cannot be hi,::- ' ful to t'.'.e wl.o 1 tnker for 'lit. pbeasieg netvuus shock, the to.; • '. jar and the pyroteeh:.ic c ..cuss:un- 1 'de " eliy I shall c, .. tt, i1.... ,. - pr.,ctie,'1 . ,n a .,..,:, o••' 'e'11P• two rot 1 ut • wu s.:.•11 feel a illi:, more confideni.e in u.r,•,'f. THEI 000D OLD MINS. Wheat : ..e • el xehles acme unrest • and Veil • • tar-'. 't as more you lied out about the much vaaatfd "good 'std times" the tetter pleased yes are not to have lived in them The people did not only live like dogs but they fel like hosts. A pauper in a workhouse would kick now at the nu .. which a noble used to devour then. The roast beef of old England was unheard of , best was °alyssten ealtedand boiled, and bread was sorest lusury.not intim- ates me even by the nobles. The re- cords of the Percy family, tet the time of Hct e., show the extreme toerse- new of the mode of IP.' .g,at.d an extract or two from the household book of that femme family will give a good idea of the manner t which the most famous noble of the t. ne livel. 'ea) pe:.uanent household numbered 166 persons, and the average of guests was 50, and the whole of the warhitty for these 216 per- sons was for one year 40.., a sum proba- bly equal to $20 • the present day,most of which was fur the chapel linen. From midsummer to Michaelmas was the only time they induleed in fresh meat, and the instructions ay, "My lord hes on his table, fur breakfast, at seven in the moining,s qua.. of beer and wine, two pieces of alt fish, s'e red hr,:inns, four white ones ; and on :resh days, half a chine of beef or mutton boiled.'" At dinner, men reeking as knights had a table -cloth, which was washed once a month ; and as they had n3 napLins,and Ileo fingers were extensively used in fee l- ing, this po:.ion at least of their linen must have been in a sad condition. Until the 13th century straw was the bed of lz; fes ; and before that date the 1 ing and his fatnilyslept in the tame ch amber. Later 'e Letters. . I 0:ilden. Bao a uses Rise -One Jey last week Mia N tisun, who resides • it ! • st. set metmwith an tato mate accident. Sb• was engaged ''t putt ig up winJuw bli.tds, and to ret^ t tl • top bad placed a boa on a she- sal was stand: -.3 there- on, when she fell, betaking two of her til Susie amusirr i ss'-ncee of ''laconic letters" are then by Mr. Felon 'n his "Gossip about Letters and Letter - Writ -e..." Says Lord E. rkeley to the Dots of Dorset : " 1y dear Dorset, -1 have just beau married, nod am the happiest dog alive. -Berkeley." And gets for anewtr : "My dear 1;svLeley,--et't. ; dog has his da • !-Jo,set." A y:,ang fellow et college to his unsi•, on whom he entirely depended : "My dear Un- cle" -Ready for the needful,, -Your af- teotionate Nephew." The Male replied: "My des- Nephew,-. as needful is not ready. -Your affectionate Uncle." !t Is pleuonnt that affection should survive pecunia►y embarrassments, as it dad in the case of Samuel Footi s mother and 1 •mself : "My dear Sam, -I .,m in ris- en rixen for debt ; come and assist y.,ur lot':ng mother. -E. Foote." "Dose Iluther,- Soam I ; which prevents I. duty be'eg raid to his !vying mother by her effeoe tiouate son, Sam Foote." .' , En,. '•h noblemen was deeply '•r love with a "lady fair." He met her one evening esti a crc wded ball, and u he could not get an opportunity of tat':' ,g to :tor, he oontrived to slip into her hand a piece of paper with the two words, "Will you r a ritten upon it. -The reply equally as brier -•" Won't I !" One world t' that et cspor:tenoe could scarcely be made more laconic thrn th'e ; but the '-npoaibility has been achieved. Broth- er Smith, of Leeds, art ions to lea t any news his friend and fellow -Quaker, Brother Brow', of Sheflleld, might t ve to con nugioate, sent le' n a qua • sheet with a poietof i-ltorrog_tien in the middle. Brother Bret .t repucl by sond'eg a sim•'•tr sheet on wh'eh wl.atever appeared. The 0u:.i.'o Sot t:•. �. The zooid posit.: :y : drsnced con- tention of Con••:rvaiive pare" .e t1 boundary question hes ileo:► t•, -•t Cie a-- ' bitratora intended the line chosen to be merrlr `et nventional," and not to final- ly and definitely ti : alio L mei* y. A denial of this which ehouit! sum••'•• ! n authoritative .:.tough to satisfy anomie has just been made. Sir Francis Nincks said the •,1her •lay to a r, ,resei"auv3.1 the Montreal Herold : "The newspapers are constantly say• ing that I :,ave admitted that the bou W- ary line of Ontario fixed by the arbitrat- ors in 1d78, wee of .r. -.y a eonvenaional liMe,and not one based on legal evidence. This is,however, an error; anything that has been said in tont .._arse had reference solely to the no..hern boundary of Ont- ario, and not to the western bountla--', whish is the one over which the present disputes have arisen. 'Lite two bound:+-- ies, as fixed by the arbitrators, are based on entirely different grounds. No trib- unal could find a le>.sl bontnda.e on the north for Ontario, because that bound- ary, as defined by the Imperial .Oct of 1774, is declared to be the southern bound-.; ..f the territory granted to the merchant adventurers trading to Hud - a en's Bay. The Hudson's Bay Company r'e,eived their charter from Charles II in 1670 and they were granted all the terri- tories in that !mi. of North America not in the possession of any other Christian prince. It sontes the" to a question as to what were the b'ett elarita of the old !ranch Province of Quebec. Two treat- ies, those of Ryswiak and Utrecht. were subsequently made between the French and English crown', which were believed to have effected the boundaries between the posseesiotu of France and England. but there is no evidence of any new gr r. t having been made tn. the Hudson'. flay Compsny. !!y the •reaty of Utrecht it was proved that the boundaries should he settled by comm'.. the. never were settled, and in '1763 (treat lisitain acquired the French title." On being asked if the award was unan- imous, Sir Francis replied : "Yes, the three arhftrstot's,Ct of Jul.. ties Harrison, Sir Edward Thornton and I MUM ameelf, all me to the seise enncluat..n , without any previous cotsulestion with 1 sash other. There never was a doubt in 1 our minds as to the true western begged - wry of Ontario." There is no preparation before the pro- tn-day that ammonite their and- �g�egammonite mon(., or meets with a better sale don does Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Apawbrry-ten i falfiMe remedy for all hem a ssatsse int 2 dune even in Shakespeare's time. lee ueu of nothing but coarse dirty woollen nest the skin, seldom changed, and the heavy, esciting nature of h'41 -'y -alted food, on which all lived, of course tend- ed to produce those diseases for which hospitals were founded all over England; hospitals for leprosy pa:ticular abound - •'t " 1 Sever L,.oLed at 11 In That 1' There are some people who hare 1,:eat •� .thy for hotel keepers when a tot o, es en -license and the bars are closed. We met a man a few drys rho who s:.'3 '•!-.,u to -pe- :nee people are depre- e'a: ing the value of prope..y ; our hot leeper will lose $2,000 on hta prepe•- y if the tows remains no -license. You wit' admit this, won't you?" "Yes, of course we will admit this, but my dear sir,let us see if this hate: has rot heeu a mons of depreciat' ,g the value. (•f real erste. `P. y.u1-, r'1--.emu"h ; 'i f .r' :• r i t• -1 years ago t' "Yes, he raid $10.000'"r 1', and at that time it • ... a bargain." •'I w ' .'.ere to -dei•- :.i sew the ,1).• , ,' • -s were • ff ti.e'lotus, the fence down, '1.e l,n' t ,e'ie•1 o'', in:; ; t'1 a'• .' ' . . i.:.cca I r'w ti ,. How n:.... ,, ,,, 1 you gine for it n w , you are a geed judge of v..u,,l not "ive over = . ' ter it ; I weit'l r.• t wan' it .,• at. "How (1,1 t' Jc•:n•to.1tmorn as is leas ; 11.1e, you 1 --tow C . ..et *pent his time at the hotel in the village, nee! 'el h'- f:. . ! •r a' err ni - '.age en i; Lee-, nuJ r, ,t 1'.e hotel ; e'n I over.tatir - it t" .t r.- 1, way you 1 - :,,n,.rl.•' "t• • ., n.tii J„' . LicLuney, Bill A'1( ., Me'' • .:c.., and others I might mention I Has not th'- a...01 n Leve helped to keep running, been the means of depreciating -the real estate of this town l Look at the fent--es au. ,1.a;wed te. cense the oe lets spent the .e ..nd money at th'• bar." ' r Queer you r -e ..ght. I had never !Joked at it in this 1' •ht before " We then, commenced to figure, at the figures this man set himself, we found on set•enteer fa.. i a loss nf $27,000 com- ing direct from the hotel he had desired to keep open. He came to the conclusion it was better for the hotel to lose in value $2,000, than taxable property to the aeiount of $27,O:1.1. How touch longer will it be before the [people will see the wholesale ruin com- r,,g from the bat roo:us?-'Rechabite. If you are broken down inconstitutiott and wasting away by sick: ss, diraipation too vast nervous taxation, '• sutler from any el ronie dismal, do not abandon Mope until you have tried itnrdooc Blood Bitters 11 tat it is dein* dui y towaltde rtmtorine ethers, it might do for you. 2 teased /see. Any reader troubled with Dyapepeis, Costiveness, Headache, Liver Comp +Ont etc. should cell at Oen. Rhyme drug "tore and secure a free trial bottle o Ifr(Jr•ejan s Speedy Curs at once which *10 estivate' you of the merits of the ttedicism. It ewes permaxently where all ether medwites have failed. As a bktod peribee it hes an equal. Remota her. it eoata aot►is, to ter it Regular *ire. Afty Beats and mese d(rliar. c The political contest being over, tie popular vote of the people is now cant in favor of Dr. Fowler's Ectraot of Wild St who. -1 •1 n :whims raped for Ohtdet _ 1ilorbus • td all Sun der m- 1 i•ds. 2 Fuego..A•omit .. U3Fielay•tm- ing lest, Joha ll' um, reeve of Hut t, drove iota one oust el the t .a-svwtu.0 or the cosier - senses the r ad in trim, ,•1 Fair's mill, sad sstiueHy hat L• -melt, fraistarkte a rib or two and otherwise bruising Iles, and break' .a tate sb.afts and one wheal of t"e bel . It appears he was not aware that they bad covered up ur.e. end and °pelted the other. thus changing the tit veway since. -a - °ng, when he drove i• to wo I!.- 1e ars seal to learn that be • t .pidly .ecover- fig. Feed Father*. A Fond du I c fat' ,r alw-ye lain his boy o'.' a b. .! tt...o lou t ;os L;••t on a e: ;;tc. A IIacl:ensae'.. N. J., f't'1•erra ' er his 1' een .icar-uld son pocket money with the understa t1' tg that he must not buy cigarettes or toy -pistols. A Hamilton father gives his boys dui - lar eve , time the youth tura -les a ' •y la -ver titan himself. A Wash' • "'n. C fa-:: r punishes his son by compcPing h' n t. cat a whole watermelon at one 1' no. . „ A Muskel-1 r,tth• r p'-. n' s 1 • :un t i •••:, I;7 ,rr4 2.nd mules as pool. Many bodily • Is result from habitual •natiyation, and a :ne a. titution may be broken and ruined by .:J1ple 1. stl.'ot, 'Imre is no me • qui to Ayer's P ' ' , - e a Ye evil, ad rests -re I'M •rwaas to , ,; 1, he: ty and regular tint.. W. J. guppy, druggist. of Newts ry writes :-"Dr. Fowler a Will St whet is just the thing ter bersoner Sickness. I sold out my clue' r1.,, • ' s 1. -t sum- mer. There was a good demand fur iL Dr. Fuwlcr s E_trcct of Wild Strswbet.y is ' .fallibi, for Dysentery, Celle, t i s Stun -ch and Bowel Complaint. 2 ewo It seems impossible that a remedy i le of such oma•,non, simple plants as Hops, Bucku,-P 'ndraLc,Daadeliva, tc.,shuuld make so many and such great cures u Hop Bitters do; bei. when old and young rich and poor,pastor and doctor, buyer 1 editor, 'all testify to havi.ig cured by them, you •must believe and • them yourself, r.•.d dot Ott nu long - et.. rr. A b' arae uaeets t el.er 1 •a n !toile that won't kick. .4 Ma' "e n -1 o,...s a foe which cin playa jewel' n. A Bugletown bachelor uses a pet kan- garoo as a paper weight. A Vc lent lady pt tate,ltt a rooster to sing "Yankee Doodle." A Fi h avonne young lady hot e t oe.- dude. She feeds i n on _a. ,' and glu- cose. A n i•lnn ;17 lis' ; in '".'w OrL:aoe has a tame '-r.. t••' ''i : , her •, .r' ; .t companion. A Wisconsin war -n 1-;.'r : a t--ne white bear in a re:.igeratorinthosur mer t• In to t' ' •. ,1 be - fere a r. F:t-c.z .,, L1' '•. . A v..ei wnm-n of t",,, Pa., e'op- el the utter day with her f. A t• •:.r • a A. Cirrw1•e, 1-na, t•-„•carem :i'•) a•y no ,. J ' o:n•L t ped. ..ere''. •'. ' . T • ^ - -,'!'exits, with two Heads, w;, - ,t it in tr^n'ir•'i'' one r'nttth i' v i1.1 he 1'•? '• it 'f •' .l.e other. One voice is hollow, sepul- chral bass and the other a piercing tenor. On Saturday n'•, , • knives was foughteat the ' unt: 1•• u church, in Doty county, Ga., between Eamon Carpal reel Senn. 1 C1'•: on. Clif- ton was hacked in pieces. The latest plan for shuffieg off the m, al„coil is that adopto.' by ^ N-' •. Carol' 'a woman, who l.nocked the old Iran's brains -et' Bali a shovel. Madame He elle, a lady of position n Paris, hu been arrested for d- unl.en- nese. Tet defence she said that she had read that the serest way of preeerving furs from the ravages of moths was tr stow them away in an empty ear' it ( •sk. She acoordiegly purchased one and con- fided to it her cloak. 'The weather being ,hilly she required the gaa.aent, and the alcoholic fumes produced intoxi( -ion. She was acquitted. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry w" 1 never fail you when t tker. to cure Dysente ••, Colic, Sick stomach, or any form of Summer Complaint. Relief it almottt instantaneous; a few doses cure when other remedies fail. 2 A wotnee whir is weak, nervous and sleepless, and whu has cold lands and feet, cannot feel and act like a web per- son. Ca.. er's Iron Pill* equalize the circulati,tr., remove net :ousneu and give strength, and rtst.. For :tit 1 Or HR. •.TP. -It regulates the bowels, and invigorates the liver,cur- ing Heada..he, Costiveness, Piles, Jana - dice, and all diseases ,.f a bilis , charac- ter. i'r e, et. Sever Site CF If you are suffering with low and de- pressed spirits, loss cf appetite, genera) debility, disordered blood weak ooneti- tution, headache, or any &geese of a bil- ious nature, by ell means procure a bot- tle of Slostrie Bluets. You sill be sur- prised to sue the rapid improvement that will follow ; you sill 1.s inspired with new life; strength and activity will return ; pain and misery will ocaes, and hence. forth you will reknit" in the praise el Electric Biters. Sold at fifty mita a bottle by J. Wilson. [6J The moat miserable mortal is marten. e is pros ably the nonfio in, ,1 dyspepe;e, Hardee: Blood Bitters carr l sjspslo and all diseases ..t the then, oh, 1 0, T '► c and K d.,ays. Ito not trust our word s' nply but adds ' the proprie!ots tor pruot. l t ip`t• lend Cured A household remedy that will cure Rheumatism and like ailments, such as Scia.ioa, Sprs'•u, L •e Back, &c., has lung been needed, and an nil has been found in Dr. Dow's Sturgeon P.' Lini- ment. W. A. Freeoun,Greenwood,Oat. a ilea of it as follows : "1 have been a great sufertr from rheumatism, and the pain being so severe that I could not rest at r.ilht. c .•.11y I became crippled in both knees, when I t. j4 Dr. Dow's Stumm • •t t' T ' e. and was cured by it. "Why should amen whose blood is warm within Sit ke his grendsire rut in alabaster 1, Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and thin. When "Crim. Lass assess will ,Hake it grow the faster. Fur sale by J. 11'iI• son. but G8i t ev •x -Your Hop Bitters have been of great slue to me.. I was I+itl up with typhoid fever (or over two months and could get tan relief until I tried yo • Hor Bitters. To these auf- fer•ne witI. detility or any .•n•, in ho''le her:.L, I .:..rdi.aily 1'e,'•: ',end .'tem. J. C. Smrrze.., G133 Ft .. a• , C y ., I.. Summer Boarding. HE UPIYERBAL RV'►AB) r. try of Wssei., • Pbo- .Yates sae oat. ye ee , ...sr. t4 sU t 1 many i somites • or•e th se wuyho de sot gagdsr it a vim altos of ettwa • ands, Physt ala patient, t9 au; lere.et,: u, orates*" wbe ■ +lar :of. A re. m astatletm s he . w 1. Ottawa where'i was sea p , phyalclaa of * utresl. whim "'• as Inset (., wee Ir p mod on Is.a slasher n. •sort and another who perecrilsed 11 Mrrtpateot, found in i. • `Lee an Fl u1 0, uu 1U:t: Lachesis. a retro •d'ef d0 aps- olil III e. tl e . oro ,. ' „re mods b. other ►a:.sot Cat:a•' , .. tLehttttea r'dyn supiret i IAITUJB NJACE! L I. RICHARD HAWLEi 9 Elegant Resi- dence is now OPEN for the SUMMER .For the trot! ptlon of a few *nests. The rooms aro very large and NICELY FURNISHED Hath Room with hot and oold wate:, Bowling Alley. C-oquet and O.namental (grounds, plenty c cho:ae fruit. a good table. and every comfort will be found. Questa will be net at 11.^ station. TERMS :-Seven to Ten Dollars per Week. MAITLAND J'LACE, Oulert_h, Oatar:o. Ooderlcr June 11, 1R Ibm- Dr. Cr •eon's Stomach Bitters free the system of the poisonous humours that develope into kidney and Urinary dis- eases, give tone and vigor to the atumach and purify the Blood. ,. Hayeaville, OL:u, Feb. 11, 18&d. I am very glad to say I Imre tried Hop Bitters, and never took ac•'t!- ng t''•tt did me so much good. I only took two batt les and I would ret take $100 for the good they did me. I recommend them to my patient., and rut t:.e best results_ from their me, . C. B. Matczs, M.D.. , Thousands are being cured of Catat:h every year with Ball's Catarrh Cure, that re doctors had vireo up and said could not be cured. 78.oents a bottle. Sold by George Rb -TIM, sole agent for Gude r►ah. 3m Ironer" -w or Iia' -.i s.- ;t renova'•y the secretions, :'.e mucous stir- tacw of the "wad, thrust. a' 'mach,boweb mad bladder, expelling Cat:t,. t in all Ls 1•,- .'s. Price $1. IT WILL PAY \ UU kis N Ot;L is FROM YOU ;:. bn'tie ot'FAi JT . 3 201,1" HAIR RESTORER I 1' kyle. (h^ 1.- . h and e' r• -t1 : '• ' . r :sure, unto .e.'iu tea etre. it • 111 s 1 r• ,. -• .t ,1•arm tit • :'.' n. , c 8m...n4 natnateeea o arc „•,. and p:ae.r1s premature decay. PR;CE, 50 CENTS. W. J. d. Naftel, Druggist. eta, Agent tor Oodet tch. ' Au,;. 11t1,, li : Het itch The Chap Tea Store. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE ICP1'L1 OF CANNED FRUITS AND CANNED MEATS OF ALL RINDS. Ad' - Eye, Ear and Throat. DR. RYERSON QOD H RIOR 1'l . r _VI1VG MILL ESTABLISHED 1866. By okanant Lawson i Robinson ma xi:rm.-mashes or •S'fesh, Den: » s & Blinds DEALER/ 1.'1 ALL KINDS 010' Lrcinbel', Loh., Shifgles and builder's mutcrlal of every desortptloa• ..7, lsurek Street. Terente, Oat., L R. C. P., L. R. C. 8. E, Lecture- the Eye, Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical (:o' lege, Toronto, and Se'geon to the Mercer Eye and Ear Inil' nary, lata Clinical Au!..tant Royal Ophtheimic tlospltnl Moorflcl.ls, and Central London Throat and timpani, Hospital. may be consulted at 5,11301. FURIIITURE A SPECIALTY. eirAn Or !ere pronl,d'y Ito :tided to. Ooderi:h. Aug. L 1813. ly0l.ly THE WINDSOR HOTEL, STR AT12,'ORD, On Last S'itiirday of Beery jonith. Jane bib, 1883. 1S42, Holl Bros, & OILI Toronto. Manufactures and Wholesale Dealers in LARDINE, CYLINDER, BOLT CUTTING, WOOL OILS. ccI nR.arso(- ' " L .A y -t. 3D C T :EL " 0-tni .a onoxcc11 s.1 l,y a•„• , Ober oil on t'tc to ....et. In rcroCn :s.1 1. .: we L s ::: All the Hi;hest Pr;';es 7 w_ crever w • rel " ., 1 '• sin: -.0 13, ,. r ail::1 a Ws. .:.r nom boy 11 l 1 a 7.'^1iJn h',! 1'.: 0'17,.7. 1) lomat. It is tclrr•,tttr.l tog--n,r. -• • . :':nI :.t'. s..;,1 7.. . n.' -.r oar , .. .hc r•:,• o.r t:. • A'''t a 1 1'I'. For firths oy R. W. McKenzie, 183•'. ( : AYER'S Cherry. Pectoral. No other complaints are so Insidious in their at- tack satiates affecting the throat and lump : none so trifled with by the majority of sufferers. 11e ordinary eough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trifling er unconscious exposure, Is often bat the beginning of a fatal sickness. Area's Caxa&Y Pacroawr, hes wen proven Its efficacy in a forty yeah' fight with throat and lung diseaer, and alneaM be taken In all cases without delay. A Terrible Coagh Cured. " in is 7 I took a severe cold, A•hlch affected my longs I hada terrible cough, and passed n1g $ after night without sleep. The doctors gave evil up. 1 tried Area's Cnzsan PSel otAL., wheat raneved my loop, induced sleep, and afforded me the rest eeoassary for the recovery of my strength. By the condo oed nee of the Pt(To1A 1. a perms - A CHOICE SELECTiOX OF nest con was effected. I aas now ss years old, hale sad bsarty, and em astiabed your roma', PTc-roRALamid ate• HORACE TAlasaorasa," ltockloghotn, Vt., July ts, no. Croup. - A Mother's Tribute. " While la tine country last winter try little bey. three years .ld, was taker nl with e n seemed a e.e if he wl.1 die from reransi3 1Ws. Owe of the family wspree ted thew AYgae Caesar Famous., • bottle of whleh was al. ways kept is the hour. This was tried In moil W trequest torte, and to ewet It lthemess t half u the little patient was ing eas- ily. The doctor said that the ('water Pnc•ro&A*. Teas a Specialty had savedt es Sine r life. ," wander " esrgraWods! Sincerely mars, 130 West =Rh lot-, New York, RS.(Ray le, Isar,'•, " i have aced ATta-s Carate Pec-rotal. to ay Atasily for sseeral years, and do sot besttsse to � THE DARLING ilfy'Rel/Al. I •ewe'eItthe steffeelaalremedy foe aoo$Ys uwd raids we have ever tried. A. J. C&Airs. lake Crystal, hien., Marsh 13, 1112. " I salered for eight years from Bronchitis, sod after Orgies assay remedies with an eoeeess,1 was owed by the sue of ATsa•s C rtrrot*2. Jo•tra WAmma w." nyballa, Mia, Apr1I s Iles, • IN ALL TILL LULL I "1 soasot say memo is praise of Ayers Lars Imo lose shieslave tram •Yucroas, be1evIng as I do hat ba t li�tra sswss. 3aaosoa " , Tema, April td, us.. No ease of as stemma a the throat er tease Acte s splendid arriet neve of stile aids], cannot be greatly relieved by the use 0000 HARVEST MITTS a,Armee,Connote ratm.A It .n 0111011.11 asses eters rte *ma" M we Fresh Groceries Also • line aeswtmeat a Crockery & Glassware • lie Till LAT/J1'r sitatogia. SEALERS Tula a qty• Q. H. OLD, TIE GROOM o0Diaicv. Jey!. Yr, rnaraasa ST Dr. J. 0. Arg l 0e., Lowell, Mew ed. y ail Deoggisto • ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAIMSHIPS LIVERP, 011• LONDONDERRY-OLASGOW Ever: Satui day From Quebec. mmr•RTC:T :TA PASSAGE. S PE:. Ii. 1.1.).',"•'(' TIT AND SA! .:TY. Su;niii ei' .1,7.aitserrteitt. i3.4 L' -3 OW 13_ ('ire '__.,u, Stay 19 Po.ync,' .n i Pc -r- .• .t ' J to 2 Ss, mat iso y Parisian " 13 1 ( reasa' •t. " Po,yntsl', July 7 Piruv an It Sasln...an • " Parisian •• 23 S wal l:ail. Avg. it (' ..•cesarian Peru an - Ferlttatt 8. ••t. 1 Par ,.iso ' 8 `ta:d.n:nes ,. 1S C:rcasslan _ •' Polyn'•,ian •• . • 1 Peruvian (rear. s Stnnaticn... fa., " lx P,- .•.n ,. ., -.Ora pian. " • , Nov. 3 10 t'ci nn "r' .:... . .. `• ,7 Se. nes.:1,. •• ;t i'a .senave require to lea re Onderl&Y at noon or. Thr"sdn, . , to connect w... eteatner. as Qn&r t're,ai:1 car: , deaf c ironed at preativ r.. •, .o peranr,- nh.•gi 70 bring their • unt from the VW Cunntryy. For'1_eketn and all in(u.•tnation, apply le H. ARMSTRONG, - Ticket Agent Obder,ch, May 17th.18$1. Cttderlch. TES T':Ll�/i ON:i.AS4B- Collingwoo.t. Oat.--', he (5•owfoct Bette -s 1 cook conal nee of S'ck lieadsc're, after t erst year's of ersrerfee eyebolt being able td Ana t ••Itef. MRs. J. I.GL' IP'arngan. (Markel btent.-The Crow: )n.Eittery teeny •u:come of Saltr.teum, wi ':eta 1 any other mele:inc. Mate.JOsttPHLocey.rs•. If yea warm 1e get the worth sof ycr•-t..saer r„ h , owe druggist rcr if. THEY aLL KEEP IT i May 17th PA •'Ji !m 320 ACRE3 FFFE Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain and Meuse River Country, NORTH DAKOTA Tributary to the United Slates Land Mc* • GRAND FORK:, DAKOTA. $Wfl $AL MAP and /1 LL particular maned /alt/, to any a..dress b1 P. F. MCNALLY, General Travediag Agent. 17 'AL's, IIIAEf IONS 1 MANITOBA R. R. • trent St. Tevent*,disk S. SLOANE, Hu on and a twee quantity of WESTFRN CORN For sow',•, 'lrradeast..Oto a lot of Canadian Corn. arra Alit A CALL (mierleh, May inti tr