The Huron Signal, 1883-08-24, Page 1P. if
TilakTlf•PirTH Y
wistoLlf loo
I 31 t -O LLICI7DBY RHO& Prat.MIga
•va. • needle. Oleo 1st residence. Were
"TTOOt throe .IATri ,::rX &WIZ Of IIOntreA:.
The People's 'Column.
11 1°AnisOCIATtee.
GENTLY.AAM.-Inelibe accept my sineere
*husks foe the prompt meaner in whit 1, you
have settled the claim against your company.
which I had by reason of the death U1
&sot Your Company is to le• emigre, Mated
on having so efficient an agent as 3,1r. Mann-
ing. His tienely advice and kindness was also
much appreciated. Respectfully your.,
EN,nr.% Alt D.
Ooderich. Aug. 17, MG.
COB JOHV RCMP, who left
ut two years airy for the North-West.
I1 h wa to
=view, working on ihe railway. .'Py
Dillon concerning him will be gra•efully
received by his mother. Attire 41. MRS.
SARAH RUMP. Goderich. Ont. 1901-3t.
the Public that MR.. ALErlt MANN
la the only pereosi authorized by the to make
purchases or oontract debts in any nanie. Ills
mitten order only for goodi and materials
will be l.ckliowled*rNIand paid. All commun-
ications roust be addressed to him only as my
agent and general mien r.
I(ENUY. Y. ATTI.11.1..
No accounts will be ecknowledged by me
except on my order. ALEX. MANN.
General Manager.
Ooderleh, Aug. 13.1883. 1901-31
-a- gooi steam thresher, chean. Apply to
JOHN McCALIX M. at the foundry.
Goderich. July 19, 1883. 19004 1.
NEWS AB° HOME.' The funeral sermon of the late S. (1. to see how closely the old cronies stuck
Cox was preached in North -it. Methodist together. To each other, nutwithstand-
A chiel'r among ye toque Was I clause& the evening of Sunday last. , in the streaks of grey. they were still
iin An' fait h he'll mem it. ITherso was a large congrt-gation. 1 "tick'"and "Abe.Mr. Butler, in ad-
TOWN TOMOS. 1 8. W. Oalbraith,funnerly ef the Wing.idition to being editor and proprietor of
' ham . Ti. has accepted the nutnage.1 a red -hut republican newspaper, is also
Remember the auction sale of lm
iey goods
and vases on aaturday at St. Elmo old stand.
The largest stock of quadrwee plated rtil•
Terser,. in the coLn'y at Imrie s Book Store.
prices lowest IL town.
tier the big lot of new school book* Just re-
teived at Imries, prioes los. est In ti e county
and satisfaction geacented.
BOAI. If TALLOW. Ifighea prices !
poll for all kinds at the factory, corner of '
Kingston emit Cambria streets. Goderich.
Hurun tioep Comma/. 1162-3m.
merit itf the literary and advertising 3LI• the post %meter el the town in which ho
reau ef Dr& K. dk K., of Detroit. resides.
R. Manning, Exeter. general'aeent
fur the Confederation Life AM:
was in town last week settling a claim
with Mrs. Emma Ward, caused by the
death rff her husband., Mrs. Ward, in
another column. returns thanks to the
insurance company and the efficient
agent fur the prompt manner in which
the claim was settled. We have known
Mr. Manning for a number ttf years,and
have no hesitation in commending him
Rifle Association in the rule regulating to the public as a thorough, reliable and
the size of the targets to be used. painstaking agent -ever willing to take
Geo. B. Cox is the happy pessesser of a geed risk for his cenipany, and always
a handsome view of the American bicy- careful that losses shall be prompiy at-
cle tourists. which was sent him by the tended to
secretary of the team, D. D. Ayers, of The editor of the Blyth Reeiett. writes:
Chicago. "We are certain that the citizens of
Geo, Acheson and D. C. Strachan left Blyth who celebrated our civic holiday
ey the Quebec on her up trip on Sunday, by taking advantage of the cheap excur-
the former fur Dakota where he will re- cion to the county town, are well pleased
main about six weeks, and the latter for with the result.. Goderich is rapidly
Port Arthur. growing in popularity as a beautiful town
T. 11. VanErery and D. Duty returned
on Monday last frets a six weeks trip to
the foot of the Recker& They both look
I the better t.f their holiday excursion.
Jame* Maunder* k ikon In ants 500 bushels of
windfall end cull apples, sour mad yin -y. at
once, for which they will pay the same price
SR they p.kI last season.
t ou can preserve 6 ib.. of fruit, tomatoea.
kr% with a package of the American fruit pre-
serving powder and liquid, with or without
tom . For sale at Inirle's Book Stored 111111g
teur ng the entire Reason fiatlows the photo-
gtapher has • standing invitation to all ex-
cursionists who love togase upon art to drop
in to his studio. Admiosion freereasonable
rates for photos.
Ithodeo sends his dog
through Niagara whirlpool or not. 517 . L.
Horton has made up his mind that he will scll
the hest brands of liquors In Goderich at the
most reasonable rates.
Henry VIII once said he could make nine
lords out of nine plowmen. but he could net
make one good artist out of nine lords. G. IS
Robeon presents no claims to being a lord.
but he rills the bill as a first-class photograph-
Jas. Saunders & Son. have sold more gran-
ite iron preserving kettles this season than
any previous one. and they have a fresh stock
to arrive this week. Their fruit jars are ae-
knowledged by all to be the cheapest in
town. "The l'heapest House t'ndcr *10
IA eremtme of the subscriber. about the first fel
tf June. a red steer two years old. The own- an
.r is requested to prove property, pay eharg- pot
et aryl take the animal away. Kt GU GIR- ant
i N. Lot 12. con. 2. Ashtleid. ' ly
L hereby given that all parties indebted to sot
he undereigriod by note or bock account are me
•egriested te settle the same at once and there-
iy save en enforced collection. I mean bust -
0 Istscksmith. -Owing to ill -health 1 desire in
o rent my blacksmith shop opposite the Te-
mtneeh Howse, Brussels, for a term of .vears.
sets of tools can be had if desirecL. 'There Hi
ire three forges. and all the necessaries to
*cry on a general jobbing trade. • good Mis-
name is being done. I would also lease the he
wood and paint shops in connection if wanted.
Pe above is a splendid chance for a man
th Rash. For full particulars enquire of
. HL NTER. Brussels. 1011-11
For Sale or to Let. of
T Lot No. 5. in t he Hayfield con. township
of Ooderich. 85 acres, 40 to 50 acrea cleared and ;„
'ree from stumps -balanoe well timbered. has '''
on Bay -field river and on the Clinton
•oad, and adjoins the Incorporated village of
Hayfield. For terms -further partieulars and
-onditlons of sale anply to LEITH. KING -
STONE & ARMOr It, Solicitors. 18 King
street West Toron• • Or to John Morgan Vi
Hotel keeper, Bayneld, 188e-tf vet
il: easterly fee acre* of block lettered "I'," in pa
the 7th Concession of the Township of Col- m
borne. About 8.5 or 94 acres are cleared. The
"'Tarring timber consists of maple. beech
and elm. A frame home. a large frame barn
and stable are on the premises. Fences good.
Only four four miles from Ooderlch by a good gra- III
Vel road. For particulars apply to JOHN
BRECKENRIDGE. Cioderich. ter to SXAGER
k MORTON. !Solicitors. Gaderich. 1890 ti
.1: residence. corner Brittania road and Mc-
Donald street. opposite the High School, with r,
two lote. The house is In good repair with
carriage bonne and stable and other out "
ouildings. Th. garden Is well stocked with
relit trees. grape vines. MireberY ke.
ft. H. COZZliNS. h
For term* apply to Davison & Johnston, o
Barristers. 1811194f.
.1: beautiful brick residence occupied by
Mr. Rice, and fornterly occupied by Mr. S. n
Maloomson. at the head of Newgate street.
Possession In October. For particulars
given _
apply to the owner, J. 13RECKENRIDOE, "
Newgate street. Hoderich. 18E3. t
1:' Valuable Property known as the Sher,- t
pardton Store and VOit OtRce, quarter of .
an acre of land, is offered for sale or to rent.
Stock In store all new and fresh this year. The
proprietor has other businese which will re- .
quire his sole attention. Also the west half of
40t 5, con. 3. E.D. Ashfield : all new land ; two 1
good orchards, two 11.00•A wells, and comfort-
able frame houses. The lot contains 100 acres,
of which 50 are cleared and all well fenced. 1
Itienesining 50 acres heavily timbered with i
hardwood. For particulars address : R. T.
HAYNES. Sheppardton P.O. 1862-
That large brick house on the corner of Elgin I
and startle, streets. It contains eleven rooms. :
pantry and cellar. hard and soft water.
For particulars apply to
50 acres, nearly free of et amps. Hood barn.,
and other buildings. Brick cottage with cel.
tar. Good orchard and an well fenced. En-
quire of R. T. HAVN ES. Sheppardton. 18964*.
/le TIONEER for the County of Huron. hav-
ing entered the Het. is now prepared to attend
to ell orders for AuctioneerIng. Orders left
at Bailey's Hotel, Ooderich. or sent by mail,
promptly attended to. IOW
.1 TIONP:RR for the County of Hull.
&have attended In alt parts of the county.
dem left at Martins Rotel se at 1116011ms
be promptly attended to. 1987-0.
1.1. the County of Rum. Attlee attended
In say part of the Comity. Address steers to
ooderieli P. 0. MIIII.
The commander of the United States
-................ • ie..... wanufts•lma IsMest Chneln1t.-
teem that Diners July 30 the vessel ham
visited Ariehat, Port Hawkesbury, Port
Hood. Pima and Cape t'enso, He says
Pinter, with other planer around the
Provinces, has suffered moich4in amount
of the doing away 01 reciprocity with the
t Tni tad States. There are no American
vessels in Pieten and eels: en. go Char-
t etteetee
Vhat gentleman, no matter how high or
bis station may be, has not at some time
himself inferior in appearance. to another.
for the moment at least, realized the im-
tanee of dress as far a4 outward appear.
es are contreen, d : He may be clad in cost -
apparel, and lack the handsome appear-
,: of his fellow. Thistronble may be avoid -
by having your clothing made by S. Grier-
, the cutter, and don't you forfet it. Ito-
mber the place. Geo. Acheson s.
Mies Mary Mutant is ill from • severe
Mrs. C. blountsey is visiting friends
Mrs. C. F. Straubel is visiting at
Mrs. Aleck Saunders returned Ifrom
r trip East.
90 Goderieh excursipnists went to
dale last Friday.
Mrs. Alf Belfry, ef Myth, is the emit
Mrs. W. T. Hays.
The price of THE Sweet. fur the re-
inder of 1883 is only 50c.
Miss Aggie Nairn, of Detroit, spenc-
g in town visiting relatives.
Regular meeting of the public school
rd will be held on Monday eveuine.
J. Russell Stewart, of Brampton, was
ding friends in town during the
The Mimes Mary and Emma Dutton
id a dying visit to tioderich on %M-
Mn. E. L Johnston, of Lucknow, has
en spending a few weeks with friends
The bliues Catnpbell, deur/titers of
e town clerk, are spending the weelein
C. Seeger, barrieter, and Mrs. Seager
turned home last week from a holiday
ip uptthe lakes.
Last week Mrs. Jas. W. Condon and
its Burns, of Fludalo, were the guests
1 W. L Horton.
AT THE PARR HOPag. T. H. Carling
and wife, Lindon, Rev. Mr. Kerr and
family, of London, sad Mr. natter, of
Detroit, are staying at Ole Park House.
Fon Melte-tem-An alteration has
recently been made by the 4 litterite
W. L Newton and wife, of Clinton,
spent A few days at the Point Farm hist
week, and were in town on Friday visit -
for excursionists and pleasure -seekers,
and the citizens thereof aro endetivoring
to,receive the straneer with every pored-
ing relatives. Mr. Newton is delighted ble courtesy. For ourselves we return
with the Point as a summer resort. tkanks to ;he senior editor of THE
fer courtesies, ete. We learn that
The board of county examiners will
117 tickets were purchased at Blyth sta.
meet on Saturday, 25th inst., to deter -
tion, and a large number ef our tewns-
mine which of the model schools the
peeple drove to Goderieh, the distance
hon.professional candidates, who wr cc
from Blyth beiug only 18 miles."
at the recent exammationa, shall at-
tend T.O.O.F ExocemoN,-On Wednes lay
last an excursion nuniberine about 500
arrived in Goderich from Point Edward
under the auspices of Acorn lodge. No.
236, Cantlachie. The train did not ar-
rive until about 11.'30 a. in. The excur-
sionists were met at the station by Gude-
rich encampment No. 28 in uniform, and
Huron holge No. 32, and escorted to the
lodge roent, where an address of welcome
was made by Bro. W W. Ball,which was
responded to by Dn. Gibson of Avon
Iodize. Short addresses were also de-
livered by Bra. F. W. Johnston, of
Goderich and Bro. Fred Corey of Petro -
les, after which the meeting, adjourned
so that the visiting might be se:sided
an opportunity of forth* r enjoyment.
A. 4.). U. W. E.:0'111.4,N. -All A. 4),
U. W. excursion to Cayuga will be held
on Thursday Aug. 30th. Tickets issued
at single fares front all points. Amongst
the speakers at the picnic will be Gr. M.
W. Miller, of Goderich.
A hailstorm set in suddenly on Satur-
day evening shortly after six o'ciock.
Hailstones as bre as pigeon's eggs rattled
upon the roofs and bupon the
lawns, t the lelight of the younesters
and the dismay of gardeners. Not much
damage was done, however.
C. E. McNaughton, Govineegenent en-
gineer, was in town on TuesTay,etiga ed
and the land of the Govern-
surveys of the property of Hon
A. Haw
Mrs. Hibbard and Mrr. Haslitt, of
hicsgo, are in town, and purpose re-
aining a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Munroe and Geo. Kerns
f London, were the guests of Geo. Old,
he grocer, last week.
bliss Magiie 'Paisley, of Clinton, and
ie Misses Philter, of,Aineardine aro the
uests of the ;Misses Wilkinson.
Miss Martha Eagle, who has been
pending her midsummer holidays at
ome, left for Toronto on Friday last.
James Ralph of London, and Mr.
bss, of Detroit, are the guests of Mrs.
laiph, Newgate street, Mr. Ross's
-n r
merit conterminous, in connection with OBITUARY. id with deepest egret
the claim against the Dominion Govern. that we chronicle the death on Sabbath,
went preferred by Mr. Hawley. August 5, of Rev. H. J. Nett, editor of •
the Howinanville Observer, organ of the
Wm. Watson, of Detroit, brother of
Bible Christian Church, and at one tine
E. R. Watson, painter, ancl a former
resident of Goderich, was in town last
week, visiting relatives. He thinks the
city of the straits a beautiful place, and
says that there are a large number of old
time:Goderichites residing there.
Mr. and Mn,. H. D. Craig, of Ails*
Craig, are in town this week. Having
heard of our beautiful drives, they came
to teat them. Mr. Craig drove a spank-
ing team of bay horses, and also brought
him beautiful grey mare for .single driv-
ing. The latter animal is as pretty u a
picture, and was photried by Sallow".
Comm -nee.- In the report of the
second day's races which was hurriedly
put in type last Thursday evening, it
was stated that Mal. Nicholson's "Bon-
ner" was withdrawn from the free for
all, after the second heat, thus lea ring
the race between "Goderich Chief" and
"Geo. Briggs.' As a matter of fact
"Bonner" did nut start in the ,freeforall,
owing to a nosun.lerstanding between
his owner and the judges.
4uring that year's matches.. The
sizes of thethird class target divisions
hitherto have been :-Bull's eye, eight
inches ; inner, sixteen inches ; magpie,
two feet ; outer, remainder of target,
which is four' feet by four feet. To make
the target conform to that in use in
Wimblenon, and also in the Dominion
matches, the inner circle has been in-
creased to twenty-four inches, and the
magpie to thirty-six inches.
The tint load of lumber for R. P.
earman, the successor to Secord &
omens, arrived by the Itathburn
The person who last hormwed THA
IGNAL'a copy of the Huron Atlas will
tech oblige us by returning it motion as
Mime; Nellie and Minnie Hamilton
et for St. Paul,Minn.,on Monday, &Ism.
pending vacation with thoir parents in
Hies Smith. 44 Strithroy, is the guest
of her friend, Mims Liu Trainer, who is
spending her vacation in her old Lake
Huron home.
Master Virile-) Downing has some
white Leghorn pullets which were hatch-
ed on the 17th of March, and laid on the
17th of August.
The genial countenanee of Henry
Martin, Of Exeter, illumined our mac -
!um on Saturday last. He still keeps ep
his avoirdupois.
'I do love to read your pereenals;
said a young lady as she eagerly scanned
our local columns on Thursday night.
So say they all of thorn.
E. N. Lewis, 11.4 T. McGillicuddy of
fiederieli and Charlie Dutton, of Stmt.
onieeleft on a trip to the Fishing Islands
In Toesdity evening lut.
The Foreseen of Kincardine and towns
aloe/ the line of root., intend running a
big excursion to London on Tuesday,
Aug. 2815, to annuli the tireman's eele
bestion, and other sighta The fare
Inen Clinton will he 75 tents
a resident of the township of Colberne.
where he cultivated a Winder:hie a rr-
sptte front ministerial work. He was
well-known in and about Goderich. Mr.
Nett was born in Cornwall, Eneland, (if
peer and honest Methodist parents. He
came to Canada in the autumn 4.f 1858,
and commenced to preach as a local
preacher. The following summer he was
received int.. the regular ministry of ' the
Bible Christian Church, and was station-
ed at Mitchell, with Bro. Paul Robbins
as his celleague. In 1863 he married
Miss Barbara Harper, of Columbus, who
has been to him all these yeara a tender
and helpful wife. He always turned to
his home as theenest beautiful spot ripen
earth, because of all the beneficent influ-
ences that clustered there. In 1880 Bru
Non was removed front a useful work in
Cleveland, Ohio, and elected to the
honorable and responsible position of
editor of the denominational organ, in,
succession to the great and good Cephaa
Barker. It was in this work, and while
in the 44th year of his age, that Death
came to him. He wrote his last artielh
on Monday July 30. His unexpected
and sudden death is a heavy blow to his
devoted wife and loving fatnily, and also
to the denomination which he represent -
*viand to which he was a warm friend.
He had a, broad catholic spirit, and took
an fictive interest in the negotiations for
the unification of Methodiam in Caned&
His brother, N. W. Nutt, is a local
preacher on the Colborne circuit ef the
R. C. Church, and a number of relatives
a/ the deceased reside in the
' The tenders for the building of Turn-
er's bridge on the Hayfield river,betwee
Goderich township and Stanley, were
opened at Clinton on Monday last by
warden Hardy,road commissioner Mason
and county clerk Adamson, and were
found to be as follows: John McLellan
8838 ; Jacob Sheppard, 8877 ; 0004 Ora'
ham, 8820; Wm. lAmont, $815 Riohd.
Bei, 8870 ; John Harbottle, $845. The
contract was awarded to Wm. Lemont.
By a copy of the Regina Lender we
notice that James H. Benson, formerly
of Seaforth, is a member of the Civic
Committee and Returning Officer for the
electorial district of Regina, also hes
been appointed trustee) for the estate of
Messrs. Runcirnan d Kennelly, hotel-
keepera Mr. Benson seems te lei taking
a leading part in everything tending to
build up the city of Regina, and his
many friebds hero will be pleased to note
his succeed, in the west.
We return our Thanka to James [nine
for a espy id a Christina. annual 1/4eociling
in midsummer and a beautiful colored
pasture, 241 x its, entitled "A Christmas
Errand," repro a brieht-faced lit-
tle girl, with ter muff and comfortable
clothing, nn a Christmas visit. We un-
derstand that Mr. Imrie hal,* number of
copies elf this pretty picture, which he is
offering cheap. It in one of the prettiest
of its clams that we have seen Ask !m-
eio to show you "A Christmas Errand...
Sweepa Over Huron, Pertb, Wa-
terloo find Brant.
Ur* Ibe 113111ind And Ir %H\ on nerds,
Night Yinddrnly Iltreamar Sw•lir• Rivers
Linitininsi and Thunder tres,lag Ilse
Inliabliant. Oar Urn Yorennen Crena
Damage 1.0 111011,e.., Hawn., Eariorki.
rain. !Realize.. Nail wrs••.. Itends. mad
A terrible deluge of rain, mounipaniml
by thunder and lightning., desoended on
Saturday night upon a strip of country
from fifteen to twenty miles in width and
extending in a northwesterly and south-
westerly direction front Listowel in the
north to Paris in the south and *Jeering
part of the counties of Huron and North
Perth, most of the county of Waterloo,
the eastern townships of Oxford and
some of those of Brest This section of
country is drained in two ways, the
height of land being about Listowel from
which the river Maitland flows westerly
into Lake Huron at Gedwrich, and the
river Nith southerly to its junction with
the rand river some 23 mile. south of
Peri,. The water set out in these two
directions and did immense &image.
Along the Maitland the dispatches show
great losses at Listowel, Winghaiu, Blue -
vale, Ethel, Henfryn, Brusaels.
• Listowell, August 19.-Ishout 14)
o'clock last night a fearful rain storm ac-
companied with terrible thunder and
ilghtning broke over this place. About
6 this wonting the citizens were alarmed
by the ringing of the fire bell. and amid
peals 61 thunder and territie lightning
hastened to the business part of the town
to saye all that was passible. In a short
time the Water flooded Main and %Val -
lace streets, filling all the cellars, and in
many of the business .places the water
was front a feet, to twenty inches deep on
the floors, doing au immense amount of
damage to goods of all description.
Several buildings were carried away and
smashed to atoms. Bridges and side-
walks were also greatly chunaged,
rat narrow esespes of drowning occurred,
among which was Mr. J. M. W. SootiA
banker, and lawyer Maybe., who w
enteming Wallace street in a boat, who's it
upset, they being nearly powerlessin the
swift current. but fortunately they
caught en a piece of floating sidewalk just
as they were being carried under a large
bridee and were rescued. It is imposei-
ble at present to estimate the lues. Re-
ports from the surrounding country say
whole fields of grain in shocks have been
swept away. and many unout are totally
ruined. The water is now
rove Berneits GONE IN
Richard Butler. id the Clinton, Ohio,
rohlie, was the wield of Abraham Smith
last week Mr. Butler is an idd (lane-
disin, and in the sweet long e.g., played
marbles and ''hookey' and other child-
like games with Mr Smith They have
both teeklerl heavier tasks in the years
ohat have intervened ens it WAS 11/111111111g
In the township of Grey four bridges
have gone, and fears are entertained for
several more. In Morris several have
also ;folic. The railroad has no trains
running to -day. There have been seve-
ral washouts, but men are busyrepairing
and will sell have all in running order,
unless the bridges succumb to the angry
torrent. The railroad bridge at Ethel is
expected to go unless the water subsides,
as there is a very heavy jam of thfuel-
wood Against it. Tho Henfryn bridge) is
reported gone, McAllister's milldam in
Grey and Leech's dam in Bluevale have
been swept away, Mn. Leech losing alx.ut
$4.000 worth of logs.
could net go any farther. The Iiiihway
between here and Helvese is covered
with wateron 0,111eplaces four feet deep,
and two or three litidgeta arc carried
away. Johnston a Hamilton's
was ala washed out. The Maitland
River has risen twelve feet since Satur-
day mortdot, and if it continues riser.;
to-tizty the main Ret will he flooded
The Maitland River is still rising at
the rate of six inches an hone. The
streets and collate of Lower Wingitatu
are flooded- Fisher klutton's mulldrnn
has boon envied awes. Farms along
the ricer bank are covered with water,
sed thimaands i.t doner• worth .1 grain
ruined. Mr. Smith's heeseern this town,
was struck with liclitimie yesterday
morning mid the house badly damaged,
but no one injoreci. The water is slowly
advancing up the mem street, and a few
feet mere will flood the business part of
the town. The railway Irrelge on tho
London, Baton Bruce division is 11
danger. 'Ile water is 11071 within twee•y
inches of the rails.
57 oonzanot
the river wasgreatly swollen, but fortun-
ately not ITIAnh danuries was d•nw.
Attrill's data were almost entirely sub
inerred, lend the river rose Heber than
during the spring freshets The foot
bridge across to Mr. Atrial!'s residence
wee carried away, and a couple of hay
stacks on the flats were sisnilerly deal:
with by the flood. A levee .luantity of
debris from up stream is constantly ryrr:
ed down the Maitland to the lake.
Wm. Milne's boom broke early on
Sunday, loosing about a quarter of a
million feet of lumber. A young man
was drowned at Ethel by the name of
Henry Ferguson. who was assisting to
save maw logs for his employer. His
body has not bean found. The follow -
ng are tho losses :-Nanatone Brothers,
$500 ; W. Milne, Ethel, 81,600; R. Mc-
Allister, $1,000 ; township Grey, 82,500;
ceunty of Huron here, 82,000; township
Morris, 82,000; Joseph Leech. 'fluoride.
$3,000; Jas Bajirli, 81,00; Thos. Wat-
son, $000; W. IL Wilson, $500 ; Living-
ston Bros.. $500; Jas. Kelly, 8100; and
any amount of smaller loosen. Srar, IA McGillicuddy of Tax i*L,
OAttAOr AT BRUSSELA and a number of ..her representative
seisms of lleardesest ontles
(limitable Ana. 22d, 1.4143'
The warden's cc intentee met
pursuant to notice, to coesider the re-
building of the Brussels and Winjuin
bridges,earried away by the t?nvd ea the
morning of the 20th lust
. Present the warden, atieL Messrs. Weir
Johnston, Corbett, and HATInAll.
Mr. Gibson reported to the wairdien'e
committee the denture enstailleil by the
Brusests bridge other bridges and
eppromilies at NVingharn well/dues:ale
Mioted. by Mr. Weir, seconded by Mr
Corbett, that the ounmensioners in tiseir
respective divisions repot dee derorate
the bridge& and approashee, sod that.
Mr. Gibson be requested to meow: the
Brussels bridge as soon se possible. and
that in the nientitime the clerk te se-
structed to telegraph Mr. Roams, the
reeve of Brussels. to prevent any one,
from crossing the bilihes until it is re-
paired. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Weir, seconded by Mr.
Johnston,that the clerk be instructed le
notify road commissioners Girvisa anff
Mason to examine tho culvert at Dunlop
and ascertain if a larger culvert is reauir-
ed, and if a culvert til 20. feet or veer ie
required, they are authorized r proceed
with the e:mstructing of it. Carried.'
The meeting then adjourned.
air Newry Tyler. Mr. sab-
er U. T. IL Oilh sais 111.11 Goderialn.
/41 Tuesday last at 14d.30 p.m. there
arrived by a spaced train : Sir Henry
Tyler, President f the G. T. H.: Jos.
Hickson, general manager ; W. J.
Spicer, superintendent western division ;
R. Larmour, assist. supt. western, divi-
sion ; E. P. Hannaforcechief engineer,
J. Brotherhood., assist. chief engineer;
T. Tandy,i general freight agent western
division ; 11. Wallace, mechanical super-
intendent ; A.. K. Lund:silk chief engi-
neer western division; T. Burton. sec-
retary of trunk -line.; C. Stiff, passenger
supt. western division, and a numbereif
other G. T. R. official& .%. thorough
inspection 414 the station_ imieht sheds
and &mks. of the G. T. 8., was made by
the party, after which they depart:a on
3.15 train.
Before their departure mayor florton,
runs Johnston, councillors thalborna
and Jorden. Col. lives. M. PP., town
clerk Campbell, Jia. Mitchell of the
CLIPPERS VS. MAPLE LEAF. Brussels, _A ug. 20. -On Saturday night men i.1 the teen, wetted epon the visit-
- the rain fell in torrents all night, swrn
o- "I' The" was, 114'4"ver' 11" ti"") al
forded the ilelegatien to pressen the re-
use Re•••eig haat 0401 nal, Deresl' *10 panied by thunder and lightning, rain
quireinents tif tho town to the officials,
• Wastes% Guelph Nine. falling six inches on the level. On Sun- and they wisely abstained t heref nem,
day niornine the river had risen te the
The followine is from the Guelph save tied in repiy te Sir Henry Tyler'.
highest water mark ever known, and
lierahl :--fors, tion :
kept rising until Monday noon, when it Gentlemen, is there anything we
had risen three feet higher than ever
known. It has destroyed all the crops
growing .ot any tints, also bridges on the
river. and all culverts, making the roads
The Maple Leafs proceeded to Brussels
on Friday to show the Clippers of that
town how to play ball, but eefore the
game was over they found out that they
couldn't -give them any points. The
Leafs played with only tive errors while
Brussels made ten. Dyson pitched a
splendid game, striking out seventeen
behind the bat. The scere ..f the 6th
; he was well supported by Maddock WM , one on their new Ilaiii.
W004 carricul away the ones if ,
Li i t ' fl ill n Smiley night- I
v nits one . ax m 0 ' i way line.
e ,' ; run to and from i toderich more in the
'Muted ..4 both the town and the rail -
innings was 2 to 1 in favor of the Leafs, .
i The large skatinrink
on the 7th and 8th innings the Leafs e ef W. R. Willem •
ma la
went to piece.% and floated Away. takitig Tb• Amalie,
made all their .errors, and the Clippers
th • • 'with it James Buyer's lumber sheds and
run. i the1 t hall f theles. Smith. ef Victor,* Berme was
6th inning., the Leafr had men on all csohnopteanntad, c(!lists,wmatgonwo.sst.h:reeirabnuilimpaininstt;
; by inspector Yates, charged with *onion
, cited before the mayor on Monday last,
the bases three different times, but were
prevented from scoring by the ap ere i
i 1.d also T. Watson &implement ehels. When I intex met ing hired. wit host Beene. De -
can do for your town r'
Mayor Horton briefly replied . " Give
us fair play that's all we want "
Had a hotter opportunity beau afforded
entirely iniptiesehlehin
. The rst datg/1i
done here was the taking away of Van- the delegationif presenting the Manus of
the town, it would have heel I vim! pos
stone's temporary dem, end what work 1,,,eie melee that the G. T. R. could be
the foregoing went away they crane fenlait k eleeleu.
pers. Too much cannot be said of the that
against the mein bridge with ti ensile jws. the "11.11C^. "d
thmwing of the outfielders ‘,f the Clip -
treatment received at the hands of both
tahni4eigwhre:tkiril hit go sint I .4" onliMetaisiVre;"elit>twiltunnyr 117' awaked. Ppilesse1/4
pl gem and citizens by our boys. The
following is the It also carried away Livingstone. flax , mt„iseatim worship ',vied
/WORE BY INNINei4. sterehritise and tow, the greater part "1 1111 and eines mem hoe Teseclat
which was rescued.
1 2 2 4 S 8 7 8 14
tilagple:esheafs ? 1 0 0 0 0 24
Winitham, .tug. 20. - The wildest
The Brusaels club 15 a good (MO, al- ,
tounoerstonn of the ome) set in here
though theyare °ailed fanoeso,not by the early on eaturday morning. and great , moming Fant and ascend eleas mese
players, hut lythe dissatisfied admirers
of the Leafs quantities id ram have faller The red- • from Buffalo to Chicago, ye limited ink
road truth between here and Palmerston eta, are now $1 higher Thi. mom ihe
per -Leaf game was vert The Brussel* and severs) of *10 bridges hare Mien l The Grand Trunk, Washaak, awl
The bethink et Brussels the Clip is washed "A in more than *down) places first-class rate 1113 and onoemnd-nimeau
people are confident of their club beatine washel *sae The tenni from K 'near more & 'Ohio route is encored a
anything from ohmage doer. dine re 4ehorl hare this morning Nut tial rate 4 IMbps*.
The passenger agreement 011401'041 into
last week by the earls towline went
from Ituffelii, wont me whet Monday