HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-08-17, Page 8l 883.
" Some interesting notes, hav•
crowded out this week, hut will a
in our next issue
The Moises &unit and Laza
among friends here.
I:dias Jeffrey, of Guelph, is the guest of
het sister, Mrs. John Clutton.
31his Ellie Clarke, id Chaumont, is the
guest of her aunt, Mrs. Young of Au•
James Lechart has returned from
Sault Ste. Marie, where he took up land.
Mr. Strati of Saginaw, Mich., a visiting
"Cabin Farm"
One ef our neighborhood has it report-
ed that he cradled live acres ef wheat in
half a day, and we were just going to
challenge the world for his equal, but on
close inquiry we find that he and another
as good us himself cradled needy four
acres in the time stated. Under the cir-
cumstance.' it would not bo well to give
the cradler's name.
Quarterly meeting services were held
at Zion church on Sunday last.
Henry Reed, of Lanes, has purchased
a new selftending reaper. They will
soon be common in this locality.
Andrew Mullen's new barn is finialied.
It is quite a new style, being octagonal
in shape with a self supporting roof. It
was built by Jetties Henderson, of Ash.
Mr. and Mrs. Stothers, of Holyroad,
are spending their holidays at Mr. Camp-
bell's, near Belfast.
Joseph Anderson and his sister Mr.
Gillespie, of Latebton, are visiting form-
er oompanions and friends.
Mrs. Robert Mulleu, of Belfast, has
returned home after spendinv some tiine
visiting friends in Algomia.
Hi* last words were. " I am goillif home
to Jesus. ' The little fellow died happy
in the Saviour's lose. His turmoil wok
*ea 00 Sunday morning last, and was
very largely &needed. His remains
were iuterred in the Irunitannou ceme-
tery. Willie was great favorite anions
ha schooliumea, and they will greatly'
miss him when the school opens again.
He was very tntelligent for his age, and
he had takeu his music lesson that morn-
ing and done 11011ke other work about the
house when he Fade his mother good-
bye. The parents are nearly frantic
over this bereavement. They have the
sympathy of the entire neighborbood.
"Notes en Ingersoll."
BY itsv. LOUIS A. LameattT.
The latest and moat crushing answer
to Ingersoll's infidel arguments. It
pleases all ; Catholic and Protestant,Jew
and Gentile are equally delighted with
Father Lambert's terrible extiraguishinent
of the "Modern Voltaire.'' Three edi-
tions in three months ; the fourth now in
presa Clergymen of all denonniattons
are ordering large numbers for distribu-
tion amongst their Hocks. Price, ele-
gantly bound in cloth, 50 cent: ; paper,
30 cents. Address, Janie* Gode-
Rev. R. Y. Thompson has receiveti
can from Rodgerville Presbyterian
church, at an offered (Salary of $800. He
has not yet decided.
*tarty lamed.
There is certain amount et aptness
iu thr epithet adopted by imitators of the
Tory lied IA' ieferring to the Ontario
• officials at Rat Portage as "Mowat'a
lainlis '' while the attitude of the usurp -
11 era. whose side is espoused by the On-
! tail° coppohmuls, is Strikingly like that
9f the wolfart the fnble. The " lambs"
are falsely accused be thd wolf of mud-
! dying the stream and being the &tures-
; 110re In the queried while a is patent to
everybudy, al, takes note of the posi-
I lien deb' contestants, that the treuble
I is of the wolf !1i tusliing, and has
been raised with the avueed purpese et
giving him an excuse for powaitieg upon
his unuffending neighbor. As Uncle
Remus would say : lire'r ‘Vt,14 will find
that Bre'r Lamb has a heap a powerful
friends shandy by who vial make him
wish he never lewed his muuf wear
for a taste of his neighbor's young tuut-
Manitoba Maintains Mowat.
Premier Mowat, in behalf uf the Pre.
wince of Ontario, has taken possession
a the disputed territory on our eastern
boundary, aud lively times are now in
progress at Rat Portage, owing to the
coetlict of Manitoba and Ontario autkor-
ity. Public opinion, it is safe to say,
fully endorses Mr. lilowal's action. -
['Manitoba Mountaineer.
Preserve 256 Pouds of Frail, Tomatoos, &C.
imerican Frait Preserving Powder & Liquid Will Do IL
I rate copyrt,iiifr.i. and Prover% c . La pititeuted in United suites. A iig .ist, 1.5ii7. Also patente I
In viseious foreign countries.'
l'iietl toeether al dirreted, they c,iiiiiiiii to Lona the Cheapest, Best mai Most R t-
wder mid Liquid are antiseptte.
liabh..: Antiseptic in the world, living iu UtatiliOUS ill it* action and permanent it,
effect, and warriuited tv be as healthful as °opinion table salt.
It will effectually allay or prevent fermentation unit presereo all kiwis of ;
Fruit, Juices, Syrups, Sauces, Marmalades or Compotes of
Fruit, Spiced Fruits, Tomatoes, Vegetables, Cider, &c.
At Detroit. ou Suudal morning, Aug.
12th. the wife ot Capt. It. Ithynas. of a sou.
Sarah. beloved wile of Joreph Bell. and
daughter of C. °Irvin. Fteeve of Wavranosh,
aged 40 years.
in Detroit. Mich.. on senility Aug. lab.
Mina Itobertsou. daughter of George and
Mary Keough. aged 33 years.
Ooderich Townshi on Wednesday. Au-
gust 11th. Mrs. Mary ogees, in her elst year.
At the Nile. on Thursday.8th inat., Willie Mc-
Vittie. aged years and 7 months,
AE Ofilce corner of tne square and West
suet, tioderich. over Butler's bookstore.
money to lend at lowest rates of interest.
Oolario Is se tanner.
Ontario has exercised jurisdiction in T EWIS & LEWIS, BARRISTERS,
the disputed territory since 1878, as the I,/ Attorneys. Solicitors in Ch ancery &c
grants fot education to schools at Rat ottice in the Court Hou,se.Ooderich.
Portage and elsewhere testify. It is ab- lea Lewis, M.A. B.( .L. E. rt. Lewis.
surd to contend that, because the accom-
paniments of civilized life are not so
plentiful iu the territory as in fully -
settled districts, the Ontario Goyern-
nient is not alive to its responsibilities,
and deterinined to exercise the powers - Harriaterk__Sollc1tors in Cbancery. &c.
conferred mem it by the abrbitratora- 3odetth and Wheham. M. C. camt-ron. 2
The Chief of Police has had quite a l
number of boys up aud tined thie week !
for loitering on the streets on Sunday. I
His action Is ootilmendabl?, for thia loaf-
ing on street corners and passing remarks
whilst people are going to and from
„church is an intolerable nuisairc.e.
IN ERROL-On Tuesday two or Hires
gentlemen went to Goderich at the same
time as the St. Paul's picnic party, and
at the same fare, but returned by the
next train. The conductor, while col-
lecting the tickets, said they should have
waited. till the train they came by return-
ed, and if he was so disposed he could
atop the train and put them off. It was
fortunate for him that he was not ao dis-
posed and did not do so. In the first
place they did not go by an excursion
train, but by the regular one, end the
tickets were good for the dey, without
apecifying any train, but the principal
quention, which has been legally settled,
is that a conductor has no right to put a
patsenger off the train at any other place
but the station, except for disorderly
conduct. At the first station come to, a
Snon-paying passenger can be put off and
given into the hands of a constable, and
then summarily dealt with by a magis-
trate. The Lake Shore R. !R. Co. has
given its conductors special instructions
in:t4is matter, and ono of the points is
never put a passenger off the train except
at stations, only in extreme cases. -
[New Er&
RISTEItS, Attorneys. Solicitors, etc
°alerted. J. T. Garrow. %Y. Proudroot. 175
Mr. Charles Durnin, Deputy Reevt of
West Wawanosh, had another runaway
Orl Thursday of last week. He was
pitched out of the buggy, but received
no injuries except a few scratches.
Wiert Bearer... -.Jimmy Adley, a me
torious drunken character, that has past-
ed this village for the past two or idiree
years, was arrested on Tuesday last fee
binding his wife. Ile was placed in the
lock-up for the night, and next morning
was brought befere magistrate R. !Gra-
. lune but while the constable went to
notify Mrs, Adley of the trial, Jimmy
slipped away and has not since turned
A tramp who said his name, was Pat-
rick Mahoney, was brought to the village
en Tuesday fast and placed in the lock-
up as a vagrant. Mr. Thos. Rowe saw
the man sitting at the side of the mad
beyond the cedar swamp, and thinking
that Le was the individual that had ter-
rorized the people in that vicinity by his
unseemly behavior, had him placed on a
wagon and brought to the village for safe
kesping. lie presented a deplorable
looking appearance, being literally mver
ed with vermin, while the few remnants
of clothing he wore were insufficient to
cover his nakednees. He was brought
before Magistrates R. Graham and M.
Campbell, who committed him to Walk-
erton gaol as a vagrant. -[Sentinel.
is our paieful dut, is,
record a sad and fatal accident to V% illie
Nile. The little fellow was told to
bring the team of horeea to the field on
brouzla them sooner than the fatlier ex-
pected, and was hitching them on to the
reaper. when the nigh horse gave the
!little fellow a kelt in the abd es. Th.
father was binding wheat at the time at
the other end of the field, and bePPWIleda
to loot up and saw thr hoRiors moulting
and no perom near thorn, felt rather
anxious, and ran tn where the horses
were. As he drew near the place he
heard moans proceeding from the little
fellow who hAd crawled around to the off
tide 6f the horses in (rout el the knife.
Wlien the father soloed him what was the
niltiee Se was scarcely able t,, ell him
the horse lad kick ni. Th they
• a took hiss home with therviiiteat carcoind
Ora Hutchison end Tayler wens sent for
(-fluid clo nothing for the boy. fle re -
Maned boillrettleS t.111 Fri ay
• Divided Family.
Hamilton Time,: What can be said
those who are Dow shentinetreason a
rebellion, and " periah the Queen's e
mice.: when Mr. Meredith and Mr.
der, and every member of the Oppo
which these ergans support, sole
serted " that it was the duty of t
ernment of Ontario to assert en
teen the just claims and righ of the
Province el Ontario, as dete ined by
the award of the arbitrators , nd this
House hereby re -affirms its termina-
tion to give its cordial sup rt to the
Government of Ontario iu a v steps it
may be necessary to take te s stain the
award, and to . assert and m ntain the.
just Claims and rights of the v ince, as
thereby declared and determin
y at-
Guy -
70TERS' LIST -I883.
Notice iv hereby given that I hal e trans-
mitted or delivered to the persons mentioned
in tee third and fourth sections ot the "Voters'
Lists Act: the copies required by Paid sections
to be so trantemitted or delivered of the List
made pursuant to said Act. of all persons ap-
pearing by the last revised astessment roll of
the said municipsdity to be entitled to vote in
the said municipality at elections for Members
rof the Legislative Assembly, and at Municipal
Elections. and that the said List waa ftrst post-
ed up in my office on the Sixth day of August,
.1983 aud remains there for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine the said
List, and if any omissions or tiny other errors
are found therein to take immediate proceed-
ings to have said errors corrected according te
Cierk of *aid Municipality.
• .U▪ tsted this rth day of August 1883. 1904,
Stone menthe must rasa before the
Ontario Legislature meets, but the chief
Tory organ has already begun te read,
for Mr. Mowat's information, the hand-
writing which it professes to see on the
wall. Handwriting on the wall is r.ct
always to be relied upon, especially when
the reader is also the writer, and this
happens tu be the case in the present
instance. The information conveyed to
Mr. Mowat is that he is to be ejected
from office, becauee of the position he
has taken in the boundary dispute. It
is at least doubtful, however, that the
representatives of Ontario, in her own
legislature, will turn out the only men
who are making vigorous efforts to' look
after her interests. Whether Mr.
Mowat's plan be the proper one or not,
whether his proceedings be legal or not,
whether his course be dictated‘by wis-
dom or not, it can at least be said for
him that he is fighting Onia7io's battle,
and that Ontario has a better claim to
the territory in dispute than has any
other province. It would certainly be a
The Preserved Flute etc. may be istia the )uatt rownl, ..r for yew's, in Glaris.
&ration or Stemware Jars of :my size, senely corked a cork, 44. with
strong leaver, or ,,iled cloth tied elver the Lep. or they to.ay ha. 41/t ill WIF44,14.11) Kegs
The Fruit, uce. may ite Used er removal teen targe veiteeli es e oited front tinie
The Fruit, ete. neiv be transported ever land ur water, iiivolviug weeks or ',tenths
et transit.
The Fruit may be kept wit'omt sugar. er any ittialatity of auger may be added as
One II) package will preserve two Birrels ,sf Chloe : it will keep as still cider in
bermes ; as desired it may at any time be luado into sparkling cider.
The Preserving Powder and Liquid is not • new and utitried experiment, but has
been extensively until throughout the rnited States and Cilifiadit, ami bi bewilder -
able extent in foreign cuuntries during several years past, and as can be shown hy
thousends of testimonials, it has proven itself reliable and satisfactory in every
climate -in fact it has given such universal satisfaction, and grown into such de-
mand all t,, warrane the belief that it will supplant all other methods ef saying
Actin.,•, 'et ei 'etch assurance and. belief, the package Id Preserving Powder Ilia
been enlarge.? to the extent of making one (one dollar) package, to preserve 258
pounds of Frilit. eta., or tiro '2) barrels of Cider.
Also in leiblishing the manual ur circular pamphlet givinst tpw.ewnatey-reiagnhdt
Iiiquid is mole t 1 .1141 package:. to sell at retail, for 25 cents.
Try the Preserve, Pewder and Liquid -you will like it -you will tind it lesa
than half the Dow.; el expunge of any other method, inure reliable awl s,,corn-
naodatiug. and served Fruit. etc. even Superior to the Beat "Canned or
Preserved" Fruit, et.. For Cider it is cheap and decidedly the best known method
of keeping it sweet.
Full directions in English, French, German and Spanish Accompany each p ick -
age. _re -Agents wanted in every Town, e'ounty and State.
Price, 25 Cents and $1.00 Per Package.
L. P. WORRALL, Proprietor, New Yore.
JAMES IMRIE, Goderich, Ont.,
+2 0
Ea- st Of Wilson:a Drug Store. up stain! 190M
• IAN. SURGEON, Stc.. Graginate of Tor-
onto University. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians, London. England, Ike.. Ste...
M. C. P. 8.. Ontario. Ofttee and residence
opposite Bailey's Hotel, Hamilton street. God -
GEON. Coroner &c. °Mee and residence
Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria
Ii. can. Surgeon and Aceoucher. Graduate
ot Toronto University. Office opposite Camer
-on & Cameron's Bank. Lucknow. If not in
office. enquire at the Bank. 17621.
°Moe at Dr. Shannon's readenee. near the
grolOoderich. G. C. Su txxov. J. C. Ifsett.-
TOY 1751.
surprise if the repreteatatives of Ont tr ol
in her own legislature, should meekly Private h'eliool,
cement to play the game ef Maniteba
Ou Saturday last the iron moulders
from Toronto had an excursion to Oak-
ville. A good ttme was resolved on by
them ; to this end thirty kegs of lager
were brought with them, and they
thought to play a sharp trick upon the
Scott act oounty. Tickets were sold on
the wear np to all persons who inieht de-
' aire to indulge at 5 cents apiece. Each
'ticket would entitle the pawn present-
ing ft to a glees of lager. Ofi the arri-
val of the steamer Rupert at Oakville
the lager was at once sent to the public
park, and everything got in readinese
for the good time. But, an Shakespeare
says, "There's many a slip Iswixt cup rind
hp." So it proved on this occasion, for
Inspector Frazer at once walked up to
take charge of the contraband lager, un•
der a search -warrant. At this juncture
the barkeeper offered to surrender on
condition that the lager should be allow-
ed to he at once shipped back to Teton -
to, and, as none hAd been disposed ef,
the inspector scoompanied it to the
boat. In the meantime, constable Dent
arrested a man upon the grounds for
having, on • previous occ.asion (hut a few
days ago), carried on the sante game
here ; but when he appeared before the
PoliceMagistrateat was founi helves not
the was wasted, and was set at liberty.
Some of the " baiter sort " indulged in
some tall sweeten/ at the lose t,f the
liquor ; but it or thon.tht thie will he the
last attempt of the kind that will be tried
tu defeat t Ile w,•rkirri of the Scott act in
CIASSEt4 WILL B.% It1:41.-MEI)
J ectnes(Za.y, :Cent. •-jtic.
All Branela,a weIl provided for. Svcial at.
Terms Very Moderate
Atest !Sever.
Ooderloh..Aug. 9th. IFtir. 100164
scrii) .1) store.
Warner's Safe Cure.
Van Buren's Kidney Cure,
Hall's Catarrh Cum
Crowfoot Indian Iiitt;rs.
Warner's Nem inc.
Kings New Ditcoverjr„
Fowler's Extract of Strawberry.
Try M.:11VMM E. the new Pain Remedy --
ate bottles. 10c.
Druggist s home TaPillOWITS
It keeps the halr fresh and nal nral . It is not
ofrensii. nor taJarionit Rs efeltrta. hot Pleas-
ant and retreads.: _It cleans the soalp,kod
Mr,. tone. deatay awl riliturralnose to Ilse hafr.
Ft prIlmoIre losorious growth and pres efts
premature tirroy.
to 1 IF
Druggist etr. Arrest for Godes kb.
Aar Mkt, initt Ian* ate.
Corner Store, Horton's Brick Block Hamilton
A. 11. C. has, at a large expeuse. purchased a
and is prepared to attend and conduct (uremia
on the shortest notice, in town or country
s A large stock of
Both in IncoratA Wool and Mack Cioth, at very Reasouabie Prices.
33- COTUNTM1414..
Goderich, July 19th, IWO.
mecIss szi-vvvr-_AaR,FT
'111-1IP,TY DAYS_
Godcrich. July 10th. 1883.
John A. Naftel Has Thenz in Every Class
Hay Fork; Ihoy's size), 20c.. metes size, from 30c. and better& Barley and Straw Forke
Scythes tnew pattern). and Snaiths. Cradles and Cavite Scythes, Harvest Mitts. etc. Machine
Oil. from 25o. up to IMO a gal. If you want
JOHN A. NAFTEL has it. guaranteed so by the makers under a forfeit of 112.30 for each ounce
of adulteration found In it. If you want a paint, mixed and tinted. ready for immediate use
JOHN A. NArFEL has it the best in the market.
warranted to contain nothing but Pure White Lead and 011 eqpitilned with nuttapercha and
Oxide of Zinc. ifir All ter sate lit
J0101-4. NAFTEL'S Cheap Hardware-Em&ritim.
Gorlerieb. July It. 18P3.
Loans anb 3nsurance. .38th
',47 CAMERON. HOLT /CAMERON. God. p ovriciai Exhibition
eb00,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO r
omonnt to suit borrowers at 6 to 114 per
cent. Private food& Apply to Soso= arid
swessos."iloderiek. 1•74.•
no oft goal Fano or aresalata Town
ttspar cent. 4malv se R. It ADCLIPTPErial
korese rates on laret-elaas a. Apply
.11-1. amount of Private ZS krti;Igrotowitl
u..ralleney to lewd at lowest rates, 'tree qg
stay orato or charges. Seia0P:IR & MORTON.
. Med March 10111. 1771.
out Tarn and Tatra Provost, at losrom In.
rhargrd. Conveyancing rime resannahle.
N R. Rorroworl out obtain money In °Tiede,
If Mao lo Mithetne$017.-trA VIP)014 It JOHN
Rvpreeettleitst ItesteimsCe.npititten. also sweat
rains , say way to nut the harrow 4• aaairer Jr tioderich J A, porton. Whet
wr op -stairs) Kar • block tiodorich ham,.
Aolcultural and Arts Association
To be Held at Guelph
05 TIM
24th to 29th Sept'r, 1883
Entries must be made with the Secretary al
Toronto, on or before the nndermentioned
dates. viz :
Horses, cattle. tsheen. Swiss. Pool t ry. A aril.,
emeriti impiesuenta or or before Set tots>.
Onsin. Field Routs and other Farm Pro-
ducts. Machinery •nd Manufacture* general-
ly, on or begirt. Motu:toy. Remember lot.
Hortienitural Prodnets, !Arlie.' Work Fine
Arta. etc.. on or hatore Maturday. Meptesahor
Prise Lies end Mani Farms for making the
entries noon ton he obtained of the Astorussir
ie. of all A enlistral and Horticultural No -
Aug 10th. 1442. 11103-10