The Huron Signal, 1883-08-17, Page 711HL HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, AUG. E, 1883
Tun anti T3ncg.
The widest road is sometimes the hard•
eat to travel.
A wise man will never mot.: his moth
or -in-law more than uuoe.
Brave men are generally modest, but
modest men are nut always brave.
It is a wise horse that nt,ses its own
A long trate, : The one who statidssix
feet in hts stockings.
The umbrella is the check -rain of the
human animal.
Wee Fannie bit her tongue one day
and came in crying bitter i'. ''Oh main,
ma'" she sobbed, "tray toiolt stepped on
my tongue !"
" It is an ill wind that blows nobody
any good," is what a Missouri man said
as • cyclone carried his mother-in-law
into an adjoining county.
A fashion paper says : "Nothing but
coral necklaces can be seen upon society
belles this season." We had no idea
that the weather had been so warm at
the summer resorts.
A little boy who sat beside a man who
had been eating Limburger cheese, tura-
ed to his mother and exclaimed ; ••Mam-
ma, how I wish 1 was deaf and dumb in
soy nose
'Dead broke, eh r queried a Baton
ratan of a seedy looking individual, a hoe
he say passing into a shop adortie.l with
three golden balls "let,' w... the cut.
reply, "paa.ibroks.
"Nu, your honor,.' said au old (dewi-
er at the bar of justice, "don't sen,i we
back to Concord again. With the i:uur-
anoe presidents, town and mill tremor -
en, and defaulting bank cashiers and
such, its society is getting tow exclusive
for me ; in fact, 1 can't f, id iio,'K.dy in
my own set to associate with but the
"A'11 a saddest when 1 si
She sing in nlalntive key.
And et tLe n.-c'hbu yelled -
'15o are we! so are we!
An amateur poetess anxiously wails :
"0 where can I find rest 1" (jet a posi-
tion as s:.:eswomen . a store thlk don't
advertise, darl rg.
raelit,H resa S. t :ears.
Of course, uys the writer of a le. ter
to the London Duily News, I went to sett
the stuck yards of Chicago. A lively
piebalI porker was one of a numbs..
grunting and quarreling in • pen, and I
was asked to keep my eye on him. And
what happened to that porker was ibis:
jfie was suddenly seized by a hold leg
and jerked up on a spall crane This
swung hint swiftly to the fatal door
through which nu pig ever returns. a In
the other.side stood a ratan --
That two-handed engine et the dour
Stauds ready to smite ouce. and ,unite uo
And the dead pig shut across a trough
and through another doorway, and then
there was a splash. He had fallen head
first into a fiat of boiling water. Sown
uuseeu machinery passed blot along
swiftly to the other end of the terrible
bath, and there a water -wheel picked
him up pod flung him on to a sloping
counter. Here another machine seized
biro, and with one revolution scraped
him as bald ma nut. And down the
r muter he went, losing his head as he
slit pmt a titan with a hatchet, and then,
presto ! he wss up again by the heels.
In one dreadful handful a man emptied
'Moo ■ ,.t while smother squirted him
edit fresh water, the pig -registering
his own weight as he passed the teller's
box -shot down the steel bar from which
he hung and whisked around into the
icehouse. One long cut of a knife made
two "sides of pork" out of the piebald
pig. Two hacks of a hatchet brought
away his backbone. And there, in 35
seconds (nom the last grunt, dirty, hot-
headed, noisy -the pig was hanging up
'Osseo'', clean, tranquil, ioed.
Tae es •alsea laude.
I have thus far seen but three dude►
Iia \owl .rt !seta., tai. ir+ is I at Saratoga, writes a co..espowdent, and
such a c. a .g gentleman. .1u 1 h« did the greatest of these was a ue,ru. He
not make his money i" vulgate trete eith-,'• soil here He j. as gaudy as a circus
er. No tdeed ! He ow.ia a bu.w ' for
I have .herald people people who knew
him speak of it. It is i l a w ,t,•rn city
called Faro."
a now the M. c y
Intent ons .mer jo•-•....Au, and whale his fellows are playioo
too bathia-ine. 7.: /Armes ey _ id,f
al - some they r • bareL+ll OD South Broadway, or pitchit g
' t flag tike an I.
sL .e age 'rad. .'• Diad. quoita on hack streets, he clothes hin -
self in all his wardrobe's glot J and
promenades Broadway. No pains and
but little expense are spared in his gel -
up. His r•.tsral Dolor u r, bt:" nt r
hat of a new rubber shoe. His mouth
i • as 'Iagdsome as a gash in an over-ri e
watennelou. His necktie is the reddest
of the red, his ;loves are white kid, and
the to; s of hi gaitors are dove -colored.
During his triumphal march the 1•sek•
men cease from troubling and the 'bus-
men r e at rest ; the little Clogs lough to
see such si , , and the tally -ho cues
guard l"tth not where to blow 1''s horn.
wiggon, and twice as handsome. He
c ',)descends to act as wai' : at one of
the large hotels for a few hours each
day, but during the large leisure of that
A C 'sago n .n ? tipped d" •td uta sa-
loon aster drink' ig a g1Eva i•1 soda water.
'lois shows that the fumes of Chir .go
w1 sky w k ' a man, even :t he doesn't
i' tk it.
io , td you esy you are r iii cent of the
✓ rge of stealing a rooster from tie".
Jones r" asked an Arkan" s judge of a
m 'k prisoner. "Yes, s• I am loma-
t-mt.-ea innocent as a child." "Yoe
• e „ 'ident that youdid not steal the
rooster from M . Jones 1" "Yes, sir,
✓ id I can prove it. 1 run pro.e that I
di.' i't steal Mr. Jones' rooster. judge,
• luso I stole two oars from Mr. Gars-
ton the sane night, and Jones linea five
ar''es from Gersten's.' "The proof '5
conclusive," said the judge, "disc: -rite
the pr• over.''
4• trunk is forty-five mobesiucircuutfer-
owce. It bort Mat year 2,075 urauget.
The largest apple ever grown iu
America came from Nebraska, and
weiohed 29i ouuues. The Smithsonian
iustitutiun has a model of this apple
In a garden at Bowling '.reen, Ky.,
is • bush thst.bears • large, deep red
rase, with t' perfect small roses in the
centre whi•'. _re mtttisture copies of the
big our.
On the table lands un south-western
krisona, at an altitude of 8,000 to 12,-
000 feet, a species of wild potato grows
which is said to be superior in taste and
flavour t•, be the beet rultit•ated pota-
Jona H. Farnell's peach orchard at
West Point, Oh., is the largest in the
world. The trees aro planted open dif-
ferent slopes, so that when all are bear-
ing it crop is certain in one place or an-
other every year. There are 125,000.
One lxper Baer from Maas.
I had been sick and miserable so long
add had caused my husband so much
trouble and expense, no one seemed to
know what ailed me, that I was complete-
ly disheartened and discouraged. In
this frame of mind I got a bottle of Hon
Bitten and used them un!- town to my
family. I soon began to improve and
gained so fast that my husband and fam-
ily thought it strange and unnatural, but
when I told them what had helped we,
they said, "Hurrah for ilup Bitters !
long may they prosper, for they have
made mother well and us happy. they
As the trosta of winter vanish under
the caloric influence of the sun's rays,
so does Bright's Disease, Dropsy, stone
in the Kidneys and Bladder, and Inflam;
nation of the Kidneys, leave the body
upon the administration of Dr. Van Bu
roc's Kidney Cure. Sold by J. Wilson.
5a..s• ni a (Iver ILegerdema- ..
- - P. T. Bei_ has tecent''y been a
1 1 or ter euK.t guest at the Crawford House, in the
..e 'He. tit" ten in the Troy R rite Mounta" is. One evening Mr.
Tim • •: tae odal r •c' 'witness wish Ba .um announced that the "great'mi
which Cap' . Webb threw oozy hie "'es sh won ea_ .h'" would take place there in
s the wo.ds of Shakosp re a kw momenta
'•-he died He procured three hats, and after
e t t d been str died
Tot ow et 1.y he t os. this; be owned -hetet on the floor produced three
4, 't were a ea-elev tnAe. oyster crackers, which he passed arouti
Thee sliest r x,atds contain illustration among the company, requesting each
"Why should annul whose blood is warm
Mit ke his gtandsire cut in alabaster'?
e, '. itis !lair grow rusty, scant and thin.
Wh •n "CiwoALaseallnrlrwsa willmak•
.t Crow the faster. For sale I,y J. 1Vi1-
le in. 3m
WeU Rewarded.
A liborttl reward will he pejo to any
party who will produce a caw of Liver,
Kidualy ur Stomach complaint that Elec-
tric Bitten will not speedily cure. Iiriitg
them along, it will tout yon nothing for
the modicum if it hula to cure, and you
will be well r,wartled for your trouble
besides. All Blood dimmers, Bilious-
nrss. Jaundice, Coustipation, ani gene-
ral •'o•uility ate quickly cured. ::at.isfac-
ti.t, guaranteed or wuuey reluut'ed
Pt.ce only fifty cents ler bottle. For
sale by J. Wilson.
a Uiessaaa to all Maaalad.
la these times when our newspapers
are t'.00ded with patent medicine adver-
tis !nems, it is gratifying to know what
to procure that will oertainly cute you
It you are bilious, blood out of order,
liver inactive, nr _eueral atebil}tated,
there is nothing in the world theft will
cure you s.. quickly as Electric Bitters.
They are • blessing o. all mankind, and
can be had for only fifty Dents a bottle
Of James Wtlsuo. [2:1
Thousands tear witness to the pus: -
tire curative powers of the Gaut Oea-
llan INvtuourot, the only remedy that
has proved itself a specific for ,;en
debility, dentinal weakness, impotency,
etc., and all diseases that arise from sill
abuse or overtaxed brain, finally
in consumption, insanity and a pntua-
ture grave. Sold by all drug is•s, ur
will be sent free on reoeipt of $1.00 per
box, or six Moses for $5. Address F. 'J.
CHENEY, Toledo, Ohio, sole aunt ft r
the United States. Send for cire.%:.i
and testimonials of genuine cures fie• .
Rhynas, Ooderich. 3m
CAPITAL. - - - S1r,00J.epn.
SURPLUS, - - - • .5,000.0uu.
• Goderich Branch.
D. CIL ASY - - - M.t tap, r.
Allows Interest en deposits. 1,raft:•.: '.'c.
of er,dit and circular notes issued. 'w1..I.
IA all parts of the world. - • Thi •
An Oasis in the desert is :to brighter
li!ht to the wandering Arab than a bot.Ie
of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Care i, to
the unfortunate sufferer from Kidney
Disease. It is a perfect, positive and
ppeennauent cure. Sold by J. Wilson
Gderich. 2m
Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters flee the
system of the poisonous humours t1 t
decelope into Kidney and Urinal j dit-
eases, give tone and vigor to the Stomach
and purify the Blood.
Hayeaville, Ohio, Feb. 11, 1880.
I am very glad to say I have tried Hop
Bitters, and never took anything that
did tae so much good. I onl•" took two
bottles and I would not take ty100 for the
ce,od they did rate. I recommend them
to my patients, and get the best results
loom their use.
C. B. MEW ER, M.D..
Tnouaands are be' ng cured of Ca.arrh
J,,,rt yw.r with Hall's Catarrh Cure, the -
';lot doctors had given up and said c odd
nos he cured. 75 cen;a a ho.ele. S.. d
by George Rhyme, sole agent for
rash. 3m
of the s me loin rtity. There is !,loco One to put some private mark oa them,
who, to show his strength, attempts to
so that it *cold be impossible to substi-
drive an oak by sheer tuuscle, but is
tute others for them. !'ter the h: 1
caught i•1 the teen and as devoured ly been done with great e Mr. Ba..tum
wolves 1 i 'tier days there ••Oren, ate the crackers one by one. taking a
the teror auto who attempts a descent swallow of water after each, at the sarr :
om a L !Inca by the use of a pas huts time making many mystic movements
and is picked tip a oo ,,se. There is Sem
and repeating weird incantations. He
Patch of Genesee Falls notoriety, who then asked the company to choose any
was puastwcd with a irsn 1 for danger- one of the hats they n 'ght w 'h, and the
ous le :ps, h., rnupen tion be'-ig fame crackers would be under it.
and s collection taken up in the crowd. 'But, he's eaten them up," excla" red
Like Webb, he bee me the viety of his several.
own folly, rid in his instance the body "No, he has not," said the knowing
was never r over 1. Dur" 1g my boy- "he's he's got them up his sleeve ; 1 row
hood Sam Patch was rather • distinguish-
ed chuacter. I was then living at Sand-
' ke, and we"1 remember that Ise lc B.
Fox (who was then a lead' ig business
man) ret. .ed from a Western tour and
mentiened that he row Sam Patch take
his last leap. He stood on a plait pro•
jected over the fa"s, and IS breathless
mnititu'le saw him take his farewell to
1' 'e, d 7 as a fool dieth. No one has
s' ice then ears; ed the Genesee Falls,and
no one will ever toot 1 attempt the Niag-
ara whirlpool. No one has uode. al.en
the ascent of the 101atterho..t since Lord
I al: s and his companions Huuson and
Hadow together with their guide perish -
t 1 ' . the attempt
a New meteor Test.
h" a put the mthere."
After a great atnmount of discussion
one of the hats was selected, and Mr.
Bat.tum calmly put it on his head, re-
marking :
"Now, ladies Halo- gentlemen, the
crackers are under the hat ; you see there
's to dw•eption."-(Boston Globe.
"Say," exclaimed an hotel guest, call-
" the attention of en urbane waiter,
"this a to ible deal you are giv: ag me
• the way of hotter."
"It's slightly off Dolor, ;aril it Y• in•
qtl"-d the waiter.
"i should r ay it we
"P.ncid r'
"You bet."
' • Strong i
"Strong as a mote."
"Ani fearfully frowsy i'
"Worst I ever ase i•1 my We. -
de. -"Yea that peeved it's genuine hatter,
cicare'tt f' 1f it was oleomargarine there
wosld't its nothing the matter with it.
There is considerable difference now&
does between ohurd butter and painted
i aAD(
o/wl BRAIN &NERVE FOOD.. Arya.•
Se: Old and sewag. Male *sad Female
Positively cures Nervousness in all its stages
Weak Mentors,loss q' Broils Power, Servat
Profanation. MGM Sweats, SpiresatorThoa,
Lester. tan, Harrenaraa Sew.iat.l Weakness
andad e ural Lou of Power. 1t repairs
Nervosa Waste, Rejuvenates the Jaded NM -
fog, strengthens the RWe bled Brain, and Re-
etor•eab wprtsing Tone and Vigor to the Ex -
/saluted Generative Organs. With each or-
der forrwrtvs packages aeoompaaled with
Ave dollars, we will mutt our written Guar-
natee to refund the money, if the treatment
does sot emect a cure. 1t is the Cheapest aid
Best Mediicairne In the market.
wedesire to email treein to any aouradddress. which
Meet's Maaaesle leedlelae is sold by Drug-
gists at Sects. per box, or 11 boxes for $3. or
will be mailed five of postage. on recc;pt of the
money, byaddresstn``
mAtH's MAsiylETll' MLDI(I\E Co..
Windsor, 0o1., ($nada
Sold In Goderich. by JAMES WIL,ttN. and
all Dry twists very where 1852 -Iv
V 1
Paid up Capital, - 16,000,000.
Rest, - - 11,300,000.
President - du Y. WM Me MA ciTR1!
General Manager, - W. A. .s...,_,.....
Goderich Branch`
A. M. R038, - - - - itta v : sr
Interest al'olved on dens .s. D it: rola
flex ni.nciyr+ Tuwo, and C'.ie'. .1 C3a44."
°-ert Britten aid the United S.a.esbo.dgl
Adra.e,es;.o Ferme•woi Notes. Ai.h t. r
a•o-e ^ 'oraera. wt,hou. mo twice.
To s1 e Medical r e'e••.ea. wad all whom.
1. me• •e1 v.
1 hi. .h,.tioe, • • Nerve 1'oo., a phos-
Omite Eieasels. r- rano '••tifie
Fac:+, Foe.aut• • ' P,'o ea.o: Austin,
M. D. o' Buds ; , e: 'e I. •I•ton-
ary Co.'snmp u • ` ^ . 1 - • e Ner-
vous AOacke, Yee -Lilo end Nev: t A
and r 11 wa+tin t'' - • . o' :' e 't eman
sys e n. Phos' • •o '3 rot a Metlec. _e
bu a Ncirl'ei' . b•• 'i .n •..m'Air+ o
VeeA.le n: If' -,Pot+a•• r'
N • - a en 'o'.. r. 1.t . o S. •.nnhnts, : i .. elan'
1►+ the ".•u .. 'n .•'u OE..,tric Elemen s
fon . ' t n1 r .'al.y foot]. A airs' le Zan., e
is so convince. Al Dela;, ;i'o'n
se'! i *5.00 per ho .t!e. Iaowniw &
Co., so'e sent, for the Donsitoon,
65 Front Street East Toronto
re east of »steer.
In Bedford county, Va., there stands a
chestnut treat that '• twenty -.even feet
aro' .d.
' A Chincse yam in an Ithaca tri. Y.'
garden is growing at the rate of five
inches a day.
In Jefferson county, Mo., a pane 1
f 'ty inches long and fifteen aches in cir-
cumference was a vent
At the Tokay vineyard, near Fayette-
ville, N. C., is a vine twenty-five year
old, which bon over 100 bushels of
A large fa .t neer BtoekMon, Cr'. ,leas
been cow rletoly cleaned of its crape by
minions n( lit I. b ds so larger than
• man's thumb.
The A -clic numbs. y is one of the small-
est plants kwon n. A s'000por vial will
bold the whoie gust, hushes, leaves
sod el.
A caste kgs Hl ' arose by the
Rams brothers, et 13a. is crassly , (la ,
i, 1,4( i feet leeg, wind it hes prod sec 1
400 pose& of seeker.
The boos Burwell Est orange tree in
California is twenty -rave feel fall. and
Chrystal & Blacks
TO 611L1. MEN and SALT W ELL MI :
Beeklet '. t ra1,ui 5$lve.
The greatest medical wonder of ,he
world. Warranted to blip -(L'v cure
Burn., Bruises Cuts,Uloer'•, 5 '! a'eun•,
Fever Sores, Cancers, Files, 4'ltil',lr.ins,
Corns, Totter, Clapped H •.os' r: tit a'1
Skin Krupao. . a.nnteed .0 cu.e in
every instance, oMooney re' 1. 2r :.
per box. Fur sa'e by J. Wilson. ly.
R l;roou
0 ruriFier
WILL ('Ute.
•I•e following diseases:
INCORYon.l L.. .. left.
CAPITAL 81,000.000.00.
Intending borrowers will consult their beet in
tenets by examining the advantageous terms
oltbted by this Soden). before guin; else
For rates of interest, Mono tables wad further
particulars, apply to
�3A NI I.' EL POLLOCK, Agent,
faederich, May 17th. 1883. 1916-i
BRITISH AS$. CO' Y, TonoNTo--Eslabllahe
EstabWhed 1789.
HARTFORD INS. CO'Y. of Haar•OrtD, Conn
-Established 1810.
Risks taken in the above ant -elate OAees et
the lowest rates by HORACE ..ORLON.
The undersigned is also Appraiser for the
Money to Loan on nest -clam security. on%
7 to 8 per Cent.-Charges
°oder' .h sew. 10. 1880.
S not lite i• aweaslaR fey
anti dere Led(oo a you dire
something m';hty raj sal
ARElithe leave behind conquer
One. tle8 a week O. your ow n
1 itre. 35 un. 't . \o rink. $ve--thin
new. capitol "o' . Neal -ed. ^ We wi" tra'
you eve-yibir . Mr ty art•'uakin'7 f -tact
lidica mete r s much as men, sod boys end
gilts make cost T =. • Reader, it you West
e'. which you can mroc great pay eft
Cute write f i- t'biers to H. HaLLITe
1t h r'n: natters,
t'iy ph Ms,
Salt Rhesus,
hen rwy and
Gra y's SpecideIedicter
t t N i! t t: _ Timone/um eA
II1DT..1n en-
fatfiag faire
' 1 .1C. yes,
:p* r.nalOr-
rL. r. imp,t
..nee. Slid et 1
I.esa.ea 11 Lt
follow 41.1 a e. •
OVMFTArYIg. gnrnce of .t l • AFTER TAImIS.
Aimee- as ..ova ut'Memo. 1 n teras' Lassi-
e •.de. Pain .n the tiara. i1 mesas of Vision.
I're,atu a old age. anti niter diseases
that lend to Insanity nr eat • rmption and it
'wows'''trrave. VS Full I.aatituteri in ou^
p:mn.pi.ivi. wok.. ' e e're to brad free by
it. i1 10 everyone. The . Inc Er medicine ie
w'.1 by ell dm -gin 1st 81 per package. •r six
o0ckatte- t.,r c or w Il be t.'••t het' b' malt
e•.• oft .e inner' ',•. tide' def h'w
o YEE OR \"' r' n -.rant
el bold . a m•.c m fi, 1.,...."'6.,...,!
•Ip•op,7 ••: r!."'''I n thelook
Te nut for cl.a v e to time e
.!heir carnia.;r.snd 1, time be
rota . r.itl; thaw, who do
1 .& In•, improve titetr oppurlun
Iii.,. . e..ali r i _ : erty. We offer a urea
estrum .0 t.ta. e uloaet•. Ire want men wo-
roc , to . nn' girl• to work tur u• in two's
own 'n.•-Iitier. Anyone sen du 11.. w. rk pro-
perty .:ural the first start. The buante+ will
pay more then at. times ordinary wa•-e..- Ex-
p-nsive.nutflt tarnished tree. Noone who ea -
dance f: he t 3 make money rapidly. You can
gerote your whole time to the work. or only
your spare moments. Full information and
all that is necessary sent free. Address STD*
sox & Co. Portland. Maine
l t n i!1 remove
PWPL,:s, Ut.o.'CHFS
,,nd 1:eal L':cors
and Old Sores.'
CAUTION.-Askof r " Dr. Chan-
ning's Sarsaparilla," take nC
other In Its place. If your Drug -
:1st has none In stock, requc'•
to send for It.
Perry Mavis & Ston & Late
Sole Agan., MIONTi(EA:..
Nes 11Ot1.KRS and :;ALT 'PANS, menu •'
107,91 on shortest non. -e.•
All kiuda of itep.t:r:a4 o osed ander 'Ls
perry. 11 .•r, ervlaiun of the hroptieti I. v - o
hew Life lbw 1rw•rsless Weak• -a. 1 by Dts
rase, Debility Rad mt.aIPat/ow.
The Great German Invigorator is the
only stet • , ttnpo.e ac', nervous de-
bility, raive.sot k .+i..ui a 0.1 et .. )es.,
pain in ie f,,to': n • i'4w. 4 o matter Imo
shatie.ed t ao Nl5 5O lo"y ie from ex -
mown or anyk,1
'.., the Great German
Remedy wil restore ''•e Inst function •
a -ad secure health r sed lwipptuess. $ .00
per box a' r !axes for $5.00. Solis by
all druSois.a. Se 't n•1 receipt f.1 price,
postivoi ro'd, by F. 3, O'se.tey, To'edo,
Ohio, sole men: fur rolled States. Cir-
culars enol tes.irronia:s sent free. Sold
by (leo. Rnynas. so'e egoist for Gode-
rich. 3m :
Practrcai Workmen.
P -r O. Box 10't --- --.
$600.00 Reward.
t: a wi'1 pe," :be rbove reward ! •r any (lurid
Con'titDysne•wlr, Sick 'Iacbe.
..d'1,e,• rat• Coa!u.'.•''te;ks•' or, ('oslhiilcaitem we
^. a cr e r • .. es... Yegt•' able five: Pill...
, • •,e • ' , • 0 so...sol((to mpllea Watt
+'►" •. • "'. Yt,,s5 e1e- •1'd never a.I •.e
t.. 4. it.$e.1'n.. •i' - TCua:ed 1...r . .or M.
cow. •111) •'1 -► '• .4t ie'.s. 1-.• c • ••1
D•rggtets. Pe r o ems a.c'le'
t'M•.- Tia tt,A-;. a .•e glfetaured u, " 4y
J011' C Woes CO . ""/• at • -
.., •.•. r.: ,C -p,.1. 0 ... 1 rer
t. c' '3. a.. ' 'l•d un rcceipi
o's 9 ueo...amp.
ruesiteeswltae9l's *RIG aT'e11E•
gravelling natio..
Pus. rip's. Mild. wed
Ooderleh.Lv.6./6aai 1140 pie tripe 740 was
Seeforth Ar.6.11 1.7h 4.32 s>•
Stretteri. A r.7.10 1. w e. a1 11.10
w env
Pao. i p's Milid. Mied.
Stratford .l.vlte'pm 8 iJ0 m ttS.t6ee 6.Maa1. i(apm
Eealth is Wealth
BR 'girth.
0 43 Tali
h:AG r it4R'A
Vetrow Siege (dal . .l11 ta0wmm'SaIp.. deg
e.tardiee m7sm ..
R1Use (Wednesday
and ante rdavl £r. B.tilam.. D..L M.
r' A work .nen- it atom. by the Is
11 tarhMmw ranee. :Cre
fore flu It I of
C U 1' E S (iii
4LI .1'tIliurl t llt�l. ;INTI
"DLC f?Y41.1.Pr'7I£.45.
D. S. C. ,: ",r.. aro BRAIN •, RE.r
Kr ' d. •" ''•1 .or Hysteria. I):s
a m „'•nl•000ne, )aa., .ervons Neural;'a.
• .e,.u.•• ON ,on causedibytl:e
.' t u .eco. t -'1'.0 ',,Ines•- Nieto
:n • titch • o et►Ir , o''; a !train, result
rat^Rlt� red ie• • . 1 m'•rr) dccii)
M). -'1' 1' u•'.n ^ t,l a Rar'r mew&
Lo' .0 • •sweet e:. be ..8. .. ; & e l :a ry 1.0•wet
V .. •rrd'•4er 't\ r- ',' • ua over -e tcrtiell
r • Mir bM' nee a a t .t Ind..'•,^•rce.
t\' .n he. . clee•Ri t.••' ^nt.'sbox.
e • . c •1 .4 (et f ...pike/Me . • rna pee
pati e. v. ,, ., e'' 'sv •
bra r . • . Moa WI ' each order re
(ewer' •-a' t4ve• • •'n... ^ -.1 w..b
n a '° f•t 'e n 'I arae. P
WI' .rr=M*r:M 70' • .nosey if ,he
%melte. ! r'•W ri . r.' e. Guarantee*
Wee. .o '' •• tee A tY2.t III v i• Mee anther -
had atswr*,-.10 •.jft lltt Psy1T
t C").- as }roM'MAn.'s+aremas
a wee -
e.l. W• t suet en. 11sa. wn-
mem hove and girls wanted every
et to work for os. Now Is the. tlmw Yee
ewe wow* is spare time. or ere year Merl.
t' sea to the bn.leee. Nn ceder bvtawua will
pay yen nearly se o one wan fell t.
woke •n.wwte.t. yaw M tra/ngtng .t wee,.
owls uetdt sad t.ptn. heti Mea. mad♦
Mt, metro'.Rd bosw b�lr. AdAnam
Cis.. Amuses. Melee.
Thon.andsof graves
are annnel`• robbed
of their 1 Ic.'ms, lives
prolonged, happiness
and halt!. restored
by Ole rase of thegttwaa
which pests.wee7 enol permanent 7 cures Imo
g.s.tu7 I.Ras'4 M eroemes of any kimU
ar.,,..I Weak. -ea and rel AIe.rr that n
low s, a.sge'e tawel sePelf a, foes of en-
ergy ken of 'roomer. • ,. real Iansttni.
DiIn le the bac►. u vtak . presses
re en sage, and tnsny other Monne• 04.1
lard to humanity Of eor..amptten sad a prime
tete' grave
wend for etreutsea sea'', . v.Imaalala free by
las& The 1IT14Oa m to M at 81 per
bey ar sin bozos fee ay W drag/ben, or
well* sumfleesay uta 1..wrately .eslei,
revert of M ta
. .idtwcin�gg.�
J ('1IIVRT. Mtn iota
1R, Rnmslt int.. Toledo. Oble
Oso. was.
ter Veloric►
Ase 1,l.' t., 1ke. r•.utrin their own
Pursetiv. Is r. safe, .:T-, a•.1 effeet el
bwrrwyrr sr wwrm, in Children or Adana.
A•. '.. t..' t 1 .%th ate
re::.r or e'en, 2',e•^ I, or refer, wilt
I' h+ re• mPeb, r Trm; ► 1,.so.
Ret'eahmended by P'T`~Iriamt.
C liTTLTa.9
Wants sf the or e ,Ry-Cnroetc ted UkwatbH
Cana pf Ove • or least, It b takes
INTERNALLion actsRECTL0 upof
tk• Blood •d outrfac• 03(5i•
Syten. t h tie beat.ed P' 45.,
$1s the WORLD, and Is worth ALL
that IT thjrged HAT for It, for
tt ae•ea Hig I't' L'fht
AGENT Werk i.,n.rant era .l..y..'•.
ar Capital metered J suite I..s at 1'e Men
treat (Net..., 1 nit
t e 1N TRK MA HEIST .set
wt01A1 8100 ter way et»d
00 fursneUlwetau 00
WeLL..o, .'nt. M..reh �1, lata
Sly15511 daughter was trou:le 1 with batarrta
for two Tears, and was very in !eh ben.atted 1•)/
the use of " Hall's Catarrh Cure" She is noir
about eared. W . T. I10U5..
WRLtrWR Ont., March le, Tait
/bare aced " Hall's Catarrh Curs," nod lade.
tam Use good reedits I derived from ,tie
bott:llt, bellys it will ears the most st�b�1
sem of Catarrh
of 50ms.ra
he eealo.d t� e
Wst.L.Nf Ont.. Marsh 14 MIL
' e'
f. J. CtrawT R Co.. Tollo, n.
panne.. -nava sold Hell's CsMrrh Cure fat IND
yet year. sad It gives satire satisfaction.
Tours W HOltSON. Drnns.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
• .old by all Wholesale and Moes/! Pregiallif
and Dealers Its Patrol Medidass b
Its United /hates and Canada.
Cents a Bottle. 18.00 a Deft
sss g'• ottani owe le nes;
. Mostar �llby r. J r.f1Ri(HT & Ork. Toledo. q
etsaware d 1misaHena
ilienten for abs moral., w,a't. tar
K.MI. HOBSON, Wellsad. Oat
•1110R01i RHY14AS,
Sole Agent