HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-08-17, Page 61
kn Aiuusing College Siory.
Nast as Freebie** Solberg.
Toutt's Companies.
Solberg was effeminate iu appearance
and not more than five feet four in
height, with slight form sud s pale face.
Notwithstanding this, he acquired sod
retained, all through his Freshman year,
the reputation of being the most expert
boner, and withal the "heaviest" man in
a melee that ever entered our college.
This disproportionate reputation was
gained by a single act, or adventure, but
the frets in the cases were not known
until Solberg was in his senior year. He
then gave the true version of the story
at one of our class dinners. At Conn-
mencemeut, the class historian ifteortnr-
ated a humorous account of it in the
class annals, which was read, to the great
stnuseinent of the audience.
i'p to that time there had been a guyed
deal of "hazing" at P--. The first
week after our claw entered, Solberg was
marked as a "victim" by the Sophom-
ores of the claw above us. For though
so small and slight of built, he had an
independent bearing, and had already
committed the indiscretion of appearing
on the campus with a cane in his hand.
It was whispered, too, that he had a
"tall hat" in his room, which he design-
ed to wear on Sundays.
Canes and "stove pipe hats" were the*
the undisputed prerogatives of the Soph-
omores. They allowed no Freshman to
sport these supposed emblems of manly
dignity, and varioaj were the penalties
wI `ch • hey inflicted on the "Freebies"
w:w venturel to make a display of
There ea% the "Thomp'e nien treat-
ment" which consisted in introducing
the nozzle of a hose, connected with the
pump, down the back ..f the Freshman's
neck, et up a leg of hie pantaloons, and
then v'sero.uIy:u.inq the p,•'.:p handie
for ten o: tbrre :uinutce.
Thera was the "plain duck," which
was the simple ,j'tversion of a water-
buckot—t•to or three per'raps - Lein the
me' .- in,' 'e .'' ,tic o,,•.n the
h 1 • ''y oteeo wee • - t
w " -;•..•,iw.
Tore e • r's•, t1.e "wideiglet t'e",'.
fur t,. kse,ii 'a o' sed 'e't %its . ewly-t e-
t u •de' c't :e' ..r. f to, 'eaed -in
We Ne!'; h'' ■hest de(I, aatl then' lett" by
des:ars w4 'd' roti ' h-.1tieh a to 'g'i'snring
ts'ovei t t itis sUIP.Oc 'nnt'y 1, ...td io a
tr Ian'•le't t•, confe with the owls
durrr4 t1, &'s►uaiode: of the ui ,lit.
$outeti tet fNala' t•• tLt* i..4 method
of "1- . nr ,: eti, the ' gailtes•ed-io-
hie-fnit'e.b" Ineaioa, which c,•sieied in
taki •e .out the he"ikie..0 •. ci• .. of So -
!theme 'c (' 'ple..0 e. r; dead o` nigl•t,
fighter was tending a "saloon," --a busi-
ness often entered upon by decayed gen-
try of hisstamp,—and by way of keeping
up his "manly practice," he would oc-
t''easily punish some bullying culttom-
--tis the great admiration of the crop
younger roughs who made his place
their ihtly resort.
But is was not often,f or the brawny
ponde us old bruiser was a r.tther good-
natured animal at heart, and if he some-
times struck hard, it was rather in the
cause of his "science" than out of mal-
To this unsavary personage young Sol-
berg applied, milling upon him not at
his saloon, but at his hotel, en private
business. He had, I think, good reasons
for patting the Sophomores and their
coarse tyranny on a level with roughs
and prize-fighters and their methods of
self -assert ion. Ono was well -matched
against the other.
Solberg stated his case to the ox prize
fighter and unfolded a plan of operations.
Aa he was a young gentleman of tneans,
he had no difficulty in securing the offices
of the good-natured bully, --all the more
readily, perhaps, because the old king if
the ring may have been sighing in spirit
over the too peaceful life into which
public sentiment had latterly forced
It was arranged that immediately af-
ter dark that evening, "Old Breeze"
should go quietly to Solberg's room at
the college, and place himself at this
young gentleman's disposal.
Meantime_ our threatened Freshman
went about the business of his studies
fur the rest of the day, but during the
afternoon he took occasion to indulge
in a walk about the allege campus, and
carried his cane as usual. The better tc
show his contempt of the insulting notice
placed on his door, he twirled it after
the most fobbish fashion of the day.
The Sophomore; stw him andboiled
with indignati-1i. The Freshman was
defying thew. Word was rapidly pass-
ed among the' faithful, and a class
eneetinr was called to take immediate
actit u.
The charge was, that Freedman &A-
lien/ had not only been out ,with a cane,
since be had been specially warned, but
ball flourished it defiantly.
Alt` the Sophs agree] that he must be
dea't with summarily ; and the unan,-
mqus vote was that he should suffer
"Tlrn;osun. .n treatment" that vete
night, . and then be- "gathered to his
lit' telt that the crisis was' ap-
proaching. At twilight he reit e 1 to his
room and lccied the .or. About half an
hour later his home was glsddeued to
hear three taps on the panel. The pugil-
ist had not failed him.
A whispered consultation was held,
all the preliminaries were arranged, and
the titan - of the ring wan hidden away
under the bed, upon a pillow and blau-
' • a etuo:e o'd grave -v, ,l bleu -
who a he
st eta he•l oa his 1, c4 o0.1 nue Solberg then trimmed his lamp, and
of ''.e • icO11Ia;u1-shaped tu.ube, and fell to work upon his next morning's
•'•en b ,trod tis: to the memo dal i/4)0dyesey lessen • Old Beeze snored.
Ten o'clock struck, and still no move-
ment on the part of the Sophomores;
but not very lung after, Solberg heard
muffie 1 footfalls outside his duor,and low
voices in the hall.
Ho blew out his lamp and hastened to
shake the -slumbering Ajax. under the
bed. "The Philistines are upon ns,
Fogerty !
"Ay, sor, and it's fust we'll have,
thin'" was the hoarse whisper from be-
A few minutes later they heard a loud
and peremi,to ; knock Sell r,{ threw
himself upou the bed, but lifter a d• cent
pause, called gut. —
"�1 no's there 1'
"The Vigilance committee," the
ate, n resp .rase. "Open !"
"I know no Vige :Ince comn- 'tee," re-
plied Solberg. "I decline to openethe
door at th4s utter workable hour.,.
"Opia you' goor ithin one r'' lute,
or we w"l bt•: st it !" w -s the next sum-
mons. •
"Brest my door at your pe gentle-
men !" c. led Solberg. "I wa.. you."
Tb• - de'•nce ser seem followed by a
h . brow • from a lop of wood—
then anothe, —and another.
With the th' 1 1'"w the bolt a
i.om its socket, et() do- r w opt •r, et 1
in rur'i 1 t' •0 Sop' - se' • the r.
hsllieus cane-flourisher.
But at thio juncture upree old ileeze,
and met them 1*fore they reached the
r die of the room in the cut •-lout gle
of ' t old tenet .1—w1 "• Solberg, rolling
on the' -k side of •'•w bed, took ' '
which ea •ed a l ld to • lie steno
en, 5t.
' -'Sere be wee ler. to • cur •t. 1' e stars'
aid r - : r •a w; ti n' ea. nr,u e foe the
r..t of :' e night, o: u 1 " 1•' • cries and
b •g,j • • oOL,',t •0'i•,: f •can home
e dee .* Cd.
- Theo, 'on, •u.e 0, t le .4 ''baba's
;i3" •i, .3 e',ieli -...e de n tel Econ•
✓ 9'. ' '•t1 er, e''' e. w'.0"e nr he•'f
t•• eve' T tette r e 1'u. a few of the
ws'a I f "le ' 1-_," 'Item in vo,ue, but
flay ••:11 ee re .••, convey 5o et) idea of
117e eetiee:s w'r Olt ;use. a 1.,we - CI• t-
in i w'. -b cell 4410 ili(av•• q: 'I the f t-
phomores, Of who r'iowe•l soy sy.npioir
• wia:eve,' o' " ?uLtluk (1 11 b.y le," or r •I!-
ee ' •g ' rte eon' indep) ,d•• 1^e,
By the .i one .vssk •,' ib•- le .n, So' -
berg had bee t tw 4e lee e.'-' al "e
go' t i•' •: ...St ! -.''i' ...Jai .teo•.Ei.'e.1s.
Bit► ronra,N),. bMn Wen fo..tinly waieleI,
aad Co • -sty,- ••1 '.11 1e' rnuebly et '..-chs
i fo • Or sea , C1 stut•'e 1 .td, bow -
eve •,:.ake 1 ilia p At'" • t ••once ' the
1 tii'he .cry,nn:a • toel.
tae folio«:e, ane tido '.e found a
•1111$steriW1 no:;pi pt..'. 1 tr t 1 '• (, f
ki 4'n- d' I;i7 ;:le: ''s ;•e a4.1 b ea11-
tl•sn wr• ruin teen .open.. 'Tg Ws Let-
thertr i filet s bill a etre. ' (1a; -1" would
be tatNd t i 1•••• 1st' T" a` n e1to . nos 're.
glot w -..ti is seat•' ..;,", So:t'e g Lruo(l-
l' Idovt:'h OO(' " , r •' • ,rola lorged
jar en it' wa•, It of Ac" "le. • set h'•
80..1811114.,'s at .:e• sane-. He regard '• :t
as, bre:al :,jren i/, e.. ut^sit t iumph (1
Nie •i.•'ong o+er the beak ; end ont of
jyes pW :,1A: 1•'s a ' li oe'• *-sited t• , • eelerit.
( iiimwthtEi b: reMlaati'•' . t, ai nets The forera,at Soph, as he re-' ed for-
eb:itine au.' ergot' re received a blew which fs'•'y threw
1 atm +ser the • li 1 1L• oei•1i s hire out into the hall. A like infliction
of the :01. t A . - a w'tn 1 '4 r •' 5'14 s on the non of the a Ind men landed
wale„n;o• a,;y, ' t a ;••o'«5a w
:nhich.1 him '1 a br thins condition over the
hie 50 41 54.'55 '''the pot,., a :41 s 'ce table •to the Rh 1 door of the book-
s yet f.2 to teat► e: by au.r nl,e.lt 1aRa1 I rise ; tie third Soph e at .:k by the
p• •• :i'si open Mood of the pr. •e-Fthter on the
"Old B•na; F.. y,e .y, as be w, s •sr% follows.l by a .'edge blow in the
oVlore hag bw i a peeves neral poeit•st ribs. by which ho w. • h,•rled-•-in come
and p--ise 6oh,etr For some ye* 1 Fe ; pony soh a el and two hemlocks— •6I
hid he'd the h . '•a•••t int •hiphen th the s •ir -e where
wt • the hell,
in a cis:1 k eat city, wives* pee:1 41c ] he lay re qt M for st•me t e.
celebrities obtain far larger 511(1 mare A 'cut rase f.omthe intedetn. Withy
frequent mr'rt4on, in th‘ tnnttll0 pier,' in the room a' w r'-'nt. it was too
y time the no. t e+ n: their *rift, or the leo” (3, ,4 for them to see wl •.t the fo.: • s . t
rale at Istria. seem i „ rime e r • et .1' Pen, hat they lit t 7 hey
In h•e re'.rement, tba farmer p • were fon plvek, to give op. SOM '• a1 -• e
ut their men were dsabled. They had
not given Solberg credit for such pluck
and measle, but they would not hate
the mortificatu•u tf not taking hint from
his room.
Bight or ten out them now inside a
desperate rush together tato the roots,
to overpower him. Old Besse allowed
several of the n w come in, and then
went to work to earnest
He was just warmed up to it ; and his
big, hard fists toad* the round of their
heads with astonishing rapidity.
Solberg lay under the bed and shook
with laughter. being amply solaced for
the crashes among his furniture by the
resounding 'thumps on the craniums (4
his enemies.
Two of the Invaders were hurled out
through the mesquite nets and lauded
on the ground beneath the windows ;
the reat were knocked sprawling into
By way of finishing up the encounter.
the old brute pitched those last out into
the hall, as if they had been so mug
sacks of bran, and shut the door. He
then calmly sat down on the bed, while
Solberg came out from under it. They
remained silent,waiting further develol -
But no further developments carne
The wounded were too numerous to
make a rally acceptable on the part of
the Suphi. They had had enough.
Some of them, indeed, had quite too
much, and "required to be assisted to
their rooms. There were' no further
demonstrations at Solberg's door, and
after waiting sh hour or two,he dismiss -
el his rough assistant and sent Hint on
his way with it liberal fee.
Ten Sophomores were absent from
prayers and early recitation the next
morning. The excuses rendered by them
were various, It is said that their re-
citation room, for the ensuing week,pre
rented se diversified and obtrusive an
array of black eyes and bandaged heads,
that the matter became the subject of a
Faculty meeting.
Meantime, it was rumored through-
vut the college that the new Pereahmen,
Solberg, was a trained pugilist—a ter-
rible fellow '
Solberg himself ma le no com.nent nn
these stories. He flourished his cane,
and at proper internals sported his tall
hat during the entire year ; but for some
reason or ether not one of the Sophs
s •ve ed • t , see any presumpti min her
son luct.
Reader, if yet entree feint any diwrler
•,f the Liver, Stomach, Bowels. Kidneys,
Skit or Bled, try Burdock Blond Bit-
ten, Nature's specific medicine foractiug
on these organs for the outlet of disease.
25,000 bottles sold in the last three
moutlsr. 2
The Nerveri el 1L13.
Whether the events of this fatal year
of our Lord 1883 have any refereuce to
the realisation of prophecy or to the
construing of Scripture decla,.uions "r
not. no one will question that it his thus
far been a terrible year in its destructive
visitations upon epopie, their lives, and
their prope.ty. Whether it has culmi-
nated in the terrible disaster at Ischia,
which in the twinkling •ef an eye and
without wattling devastated that 'a nlna'-
int island," and swept thousands out t.f
existence, remains to be seen ; bat this
is coaly one of the many disasters which
marcheil their black preceesiu i acnes%
the globe. Last year was cousiderwd a
fatal year, hut the fatalities (11 seven
months of 1883 already exceed those '•1
the allele year of 188t. rn our et. a
land in January 18 persons were dros.,-
ed by the upsetting of a.tatboat : •'ITe:.h
Carolina, 10 were killed by a thine ex-
p'osiee in this State, and 83 lost thti
live% in the Newhall Ilou,e 1' •e. 't
Februa. ' tlo•els at rerioo.l pieces
dr.rn) led iiO people, and 77 lust live( et
Itraidtrool. yrs March 11 were bo..red
at Brownsville, Minn. '-t .April II were
killed by the fall of A hotel in Texas, and
2 ) lost their lives by to. melees. 1't
May 118 more were killed by tornadoes,
and 14 lives were sacr''iced in the lire.,k-
lyn bridge panic. 'n June floods and
tornadoes killed 58. 7 nig month the
moat fearful secidents have been that of
last Friday near Carly.,n, N. Y., by
which 17 were killed, and the pier dis-
aster near Bali --are, which killed 76.
The casualties in the Old World have
keen infinitely more terrible, as will be
seen by the following appalling list :—
Sinking of the Cimbria, 434 ; Amide in
Ge..nany and Hungary, 140 ; burning of
the circus in Poland, 368 ; powder ex-
nlosi•m iti Holland, 40 ; pirate in a wool
tactor y at Rembay, 23 ; avalanche at
Mount Ararat, 150 ; loss of a fishing -
fleet on the EngG1h coast, 373 ; boiler
explosion At Deter, France, 34 ; powder
explaii el at Paseo Corneae, Italy, 40 ;
mine expl• Bion at Bessieres, France,
127 ; powder explosion at Scutari, 150 ;
pante at Sunderland. England, 202 ; fin
a' Dervia, Italy. 47 ; the launch disease.
at Glaagnw, 180 ; fin ie Hnngsry, 20
Ida* esplesi•,t ria Sicily, Sv ; and the
Ischia mitthgoate, about 3,000.
The total of there and other disasters
not necessary to mention tells the story
Last year about 6,010 lives were lost as
reported by telegraph. In the Atst 7
months of this year 6,100 lire, hare
been reported as lust, and if to thea(, we
add the •etalitiea bbyy cholera in .Tone and
Jdy in India (1 Of ); and n Ko„ pt
(9,24T the sum teta1i of homer arnoant*
to 27,342 lives eaerieeed by'eseshy and
epidemic, and tfirre sr• yemRt-e months
e( terror, o
t tsf1•P a'
ins propsewtiva of t rbolis *cid r�er,line
e .l
and oe..iied Mteeiregtt' 4 Terke'a
Carbolic Oe ars II w''t titles any sore,
etre, be ser brude wl M al 9jher pre-
pa...tions (a ' COI et 0Rhyne.* drew
store, and get a pselrege 25 rents is r
it ones h
Another. Bed, Feead.
Up Sunday eveniug the body of a man
was found on the beach, opposite Colin
McKenzie's farm, about five miles south
of Ku.usrdiue. Ou Monday several from
town pruoesded to the spot for the pur-
e of viewing the remains as it had
been rumored that the body somewhat
resembled Robe Mclntcah, who was
drowned wine eighteen months ago when
Elliot Hunter's fish boat went down.
Those who saw the body were satisfied
that it was not that of the par fellow re-
ferred to. The features were unreco,;-
nissble, and the scalp was gone. The
body was encased iu a blue flannel shirt
and red guernsey undershirt ; the pants
were of a brownish color with a staall
white stripe ; the vest eat a corded
tweed; and a pair of fine American tongu-
ed boots, about number seven, were • 0
his feet. The deceased was about five
feet eight inches in heighth and appear-
ed to be about forty or forty -live years
of age. The body was buried wt order
of Reeve Henderson in the Kincardine
cemetery. --(Kincardine Reporter.
"Leaves have their time to fall," says
the poet, but Wild Strawberry leaves are
en ibo rise just now, being utilized in
such enormous quantities in making Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberr}
the infallible remedy for Cholera Mor-
bus, Diarrhoea and other Summer Cow -
plaints. 2
It is said that Miss Maggie Mitchell
refreshes herself between the acts, when
playing, by a sponge bath with rum. A
great tnany young men in the audience
refresh themselves bet•veen the acts in
pretty much the same manner- with the
difference that the bath is applied inter-
Joha R. Vert, Hamilton, says : "Mc-
Gregor'• Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and
Indigestion is cheap at fifty times the
price asked for it. I am a commercial
man, and travel continually, and would
no more think of leaving home withouta
bottle of McGregor's Speedy Cure in my
valise than I would of leaving my team
at home and going on foot." Fres trial
bottles at G. Mynas drug store. Regu-
lar size 50 cta,-and $1. a
LADY Bzarrtrraae —Ladies, you can-
not make fair skin, rosy chteks, and
aparkting eyes with all the cosmetics of
France, or beautifiers of the world, while
in poor health, and nothing will give
you such rich blood,good health,atrength
and beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is
eertsin proof..
Perfect, Positive and Pleatnanent are
the cures effected by Dr. Van Buren'.
Kidney Cure. Raker in all cases of Kid-
ney Disease is obtained af:era few d.ses.
See that your Druggist goes yea Dr
Van Buren's Kidney Cure. 'Sold hp J.
«ilsnn Goderich 2m
It is not often in Ontario that we hear
Of a .railway train being brought to a
standstill ny the combined forces of w=ed
and rain, but passengers by the evening
Credit Valley train from Toronto Friday
last assured the Galt Reporter man that
when the Sto. m of that evening struck
the train it brou{1S it to a complete scot ,
and no progress could be made fur snow
t' ne.
Fnasrata 0r HaALTH.—It renovates
the seeretinns,, seethes the mucous sur-
fsceti ••f the head, thruat,stoinach,bowele
and bladder, expelling .Catarrh in all its
felons. Price $1. -
The Regret or Norms
Eve . reedy remembers the infamous
slave owner Legree, in "Uncle Tom'.
Cabin." who beat his -slave to death.
Cmfertunately the same stamp of man is
found eve.ywhere on this continent, al•
though in the place of !legroom they have
the in'.re hotplate horse. When the floor
ani•nat i1 doing his unrest hut is pre -
rented fnum exe..inn by llsineness, sore
shoulders or other causes, the lash is re
so..ed to. If a different plan was adopt-
ed and Dr. Dow's Sturgeon Oil Liniment
applied to the unsound part, the same
horse would be able to an twice the
2, •,:.tet , q
v-. Tat 1aloatx,tfi, QUICKEST sag
(r i al — ' /MST Ilse to at. Joseph.
polnu In Iowa, �'>> tentless. Topeka. peal-
]februk.. sll..o.rt,[a.- Ino, u.u.a GM.
ass, New Meilen, Arlgoaa. Nu - ♦ .mea
tans and Trims.
y rone.1ed In
Io leo best ireri
RSHTOad In the 1lt orld r”•
an Har. . ,...r�
1 ht. Monte hu 11136,11Les,nn Superior for 11tes, Nw
leiapnllr sod at. rani.
W.tk Batty repaidas
Iwl 'as trial
, Tickets Its th
Celebrated Ifs r..
i •Wotlin semi
tote it sad
see re ler
sed asters a
1e1.17, WWI
An �/ •
Ief.444 1,
statL Rai,. or
►.•-. adenine •..
r • rer..fn 1, £''-. �.-
arie:•.i►v.'e4 n• a Pee"car. .e rt... A
t b l '. .. 311. gigSofter.. VaP
J. 8tIgMnw,
Canadian Pass Ag t,
Toronn. Oat
Oritt. B. Jnniaroe,
Ticket Agent, (Iodete�
At the Oldest Established Shoe Ston in Town,
In Endless Variety0
tt• suit the most fastidious and th moat economic buyer
L now ()template and I take pleasure in infcrnoiug my customers that at no pre•
vious time have I had such a
Large & Varied Stock
As at present. I have raised the Standerd of Quality and Lowered the Price pati
it is a positive fact that no such value in foot sear can be gut elsewhere.
of every grade still receives toy prompt and careful attention, and will be made nn,
in the most approved styles by first-class workmen, and
of the very Meat material ebtainahle.
D0- VT. NIN0-_
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
MCI. . �j, r►'y
Hamilton Street, Gcderich.
A good assortment of Kitchen, Bed -room, Inning Room aadI arb/furniture.r urniture. such as T*
bleu, ('hairs (hair, ta...' aad wood seatedl, Cupboards. Bed -steads, Mattresses, Washytaeds
Lounges, oras. W -Nuts, Looking Glasses.ai
N. B.—A complete wortment of Cotans and Shrouds always on hand also Hearses for biro
at reasonable rate .
Picture Framing a specialty.—A call solicited 1151
a ,
' irrsr- - - -...4 - . - . - - 4. - - - ‘4''1.'-''--7--a----.4t.-----:11 : '*1'''' -- 7 7 1 14:: .---: i'l: . ' '
7 lr ye�o`� tit f \ F/r'i,", 1i 1 ° 4 ; �4�`f� art• �'
.11.:NZ411k.1414.,'; 1-44(71-A•w.A.:111."- 4
1r ` rte ir4 rf.lei ~••~tree sl
!l �_" moi.: ►T� C1 �. �����1. �'�•
Rina the Croat Central Line, affords to wwvelera, by reamer of ire unrivaled gse
Mete position, the shortest and belt ete between rePer. Northeast said
Southeast, and the Went, Northwest anal *Otthw.st.
It Is literally and atrsatly true, thwt
at Its O ections an. as or eve principal line
e* road between the Atlantic and the Psalm K
Sy Its main line anal branches .canes Chicago. Jdr 1, Pea/la, Ot•awe.
l•a Salt., Cenesso, Morass and Rook Itltllatd, ; Davenport, Muscatine.
Washington, Keokuk, Kavtlle, Oskalossa, Pairfe:], Des Idol nee, West Liberty.
Iowa City, Atlantic, AmoyAudubon, Harm. Outhri. Crestar and 4inc,l Slung,
In town; Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron arts Kansas City, Ise INIssourf.end Leaeer-
worth and Atchison In Kansas, and use Mead•sde of sides. Mims. and town
Intermediate. Twe
As it Is familiarly called. offers t3 trawlers all the am
the enantages d coforts
btOldent to a smooth track. safe bridges. union Depots es all oonnesa as manta.
Faso Express Trains, ooaewod of C0MM VENTS -STIED. WN ELL VENTS-STIED.D. WELL
latest dl fined and handste
RIPONMasons acknowledged bopese arid peso/e ae be the FINEST RUN RIPON ASOROAD 1M THE COUNTRY. and In WINO, emirei
see emir Iweaai are served is ttaers at
the row rate of SEVENTY -ME OPTS PON.
THREE TRAINS malt way between 0IIl0A00 and the MISSOUM Rrrtn.
INmath h woe between CNiCA00 and MINNEAPOLIS sed S.T. PAUL.
s been New and Direct Linevia Seneca and Kankakee, has recently n opened,
eleetwe.n Newport New*. ahmond, Cincinnati. b.dlanapolle arra La rayeate.
olid Council Sluff*. St. Pato, MInn*aplls and intermediate points.
All Through Paeng..s carried on Past Express Trollies.Information,Tor more detailed Information, see Maps and Fides, whites mar be alma Ined, as
res la
as Tickets, et ■II prs sbTmkee Oftlose an the Ignited States and Canada. *ref
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For sale by JAIL Wu/joy,
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Paln 1a the S~IM,, te.11171N.Mar meet refitt
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Wiry ware wet te.7 von nM wining
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