HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-08-17, Page 5£Hh HURON SIGN AL, FRIUA 1, AUG. , t, iuts.' W1aghals ttl•k«Favi and the good de- „Will New York be the Final Wud d I film1Z01ldol'�aI. s pages. Wright, ksued- epe•-* .ir ed- MMtuiiohs'f' i• &quietism W. C. Conant alga si bat fur nearly half an hour. will ink in the September Century and 1131 s the slaying powers of t'tu Herons sneerer iu therylrmatire with a ouriuus I W KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR w saw the fermi • just L'ee The array .d facts and arguments. He pre.: illCR and Hair -dresser, begeto re= urogram defence was petting fagged dicta that before another oeetury paws) a lots $ oW ,,,ale, ne an f.'om inonsant work, but the Oudsricb New York s population "will surpass ways be toned Widths1'.rlor,atar twine had wind and energy left. At Iii se that ..f L.rn!ou,and that it will kis theun-u Otos God'rPb• ties •'i stock, pull- rivakd emigre of finance and co.uulerle, -- - n his Cetus. alt Limey aid fashion, id art and liter- TAMEt3 $" GILL, ARCHITECT, &c. g papa • .tnte.-ttiie beart and brain, in a word, of ' d Ots os. Block, Klatoe st., Orme the eivilixe3 world." OM. Plans ....i•pselAaetieesdrawn carves* ` • measuredp ed and valued. p r•s ad puma's work Tui Pew trmthe bull lin ed bis li til- t *t tkokt u inch set his eseI, *ad 4 Wtngham man who withst....d haul, dash- ed rt bt for the goal with stink and here was a dash just befuru the , era atattetupt to otos the rushing ; Put 0 e ppreise4 uynbrells of the umpire pruc ed the fad' that Pinny had dome the little butane .. and • that the Hurons had beaten thoir plucky tit • ponentsthree gips to one. . �fK. W. 1. FOOT, ORLIA2l,IsT AND T3i717 HV'RON rt uholwuaster tis. George '• curs* N. J•,, { pared to give netrnrlioninthe foWbltig ave Stock ,4ssociiI on • • clava of weave! study via :--Piano, 1 (church and cabinetl linglog at sight, \'u ce . - F of l.. tl►orongn ba4c sad harmony. As Mr. THE ANNUAL g A L E Foot 1:114 had ataa,•,aors experience both in Z'he wow O d, at 1 was e11y and cutin;. a •ho:oath lralnin. stay be ts� at► eapeeIrd by pup l,. \ •... i clave■ iibereUy under the auspices of the Huron Ave heist j�en.,t4t�gtt .ladis. tout tiefr dMlt w.tl,. t ,At . d,nrwt cows elm hate Association will be held on or about liandkerchlefs, a:11'in abet• a�EtM■taut r O1 of i:,xrstaw t, �:,rn,se,teta,e, lea ' The 24th of October,/ 883 tett of them cheered. Some of the fair occupants appeared to be thoroughly• Parties intendia to ealerStocl- fur the Selo: t.d on the points of play made ' will re iuitw to m.►is. their entries with the t e. ru the rem. A e number of Cu1's Great Fair erctary not later tbato wi .am pile wan the!'iflutch, i 'l a j, Sept. 21, 1883 Means Aeon were di'►en by the Sit al - - #' .. r clubs for Mob another, and the tau:d '1'1-1. _a: NATIONAL The rt,spevtI tor Ibe approaehlag sale are was soon deserted.. n sit ,;.loll,: more fav(halde thea for u sale ::.at has yet bele held under the auspice of There are two houses iu.Portland whit!i heSuutety. ENTRAXCF• FEE.-Foroachborbe or cat- tle animal. 51.30• foreah sheep or swine• $e. PYPflSTTIflN I A oma 1 ei 1 soldo pee cent. will be charlmd Funny Thlsas Abash Palaces■. on animals have not been entered by burglars this POSIT' - - - - i Entries to be made with the m.Iersigned, Of Live Stock. Agricultural and lndustr:al AL ll. Y. MEAN. season, Oue is empty and the other is t•rodao Is, Fine Arts and Ladies' IPori;, Z,•., A,.• I llecretaq, lieafortb, inhabited by asedit-/r. N. IJ. -Burg- T --- �R}•� , July 19th, 1883. 1sga9t Lars are afraid of said i ORON i O� "Oh ! Ys very b western editor, HERON COSI DEPOT " business is brisk out our way. SeNt.11 tlo to .32nd, 188J Have' to stork presses twenty-four hours ads to eke demand, and es for Special Features .ea y PPIJ The pr opt .SS 4 advertisers -well, I gave orders last Noveltletovill be the best yet presented by Fearsomereq ulriiIg Cowl for the comink sea - week to kick them out if they asked for this A • iativu. sou will get in at the over ten lines. By. the way, I just had t'rlae Lieu; and Ener,• Forms wt be obtan- eded ham the Sechanics' et alt tes. orltSo- Lowest Rates Going my pocket jock Lend mea dime, 'letiev and Mechanics' Institutes, they will will you l'' be rent anywhere on application by post card Ry sending in their orders now. and thus en- }, to the Secretary at Toronto. ablinar the dealer to secure it when the rate of en - When the editor ltro•p•rtKd and was Entries should be made at once. freight is low, and the price of coal is at the would behgl ddito his t you gave sweetheart a kiss :• I j Oheap Rates and Ezcureibns die �utest theiummer�h it always is In the mld- then, observingher blush, he added,011 all Railways. i y BL.9Ck't,1IITHS " not neoe wraps for publication,` but u I Tee veil Tame to ibtl the City of Toronto. --- w wanting a Isar for summer and fall use a guarantee of good faith." She could oer not resist that. 1 r Orders by mail tsrefully attended to, A berth Carolina editor, who has }flat i H. J. HILL, Write or apply to rctt•rned from his vacation, say : "Well, \isnalterand .rretary. JOHN At :;. rrEL. we 1..:'e txi Hock to the twist :,nd all J. J. WITHROW, Har;nah3ferchant,Ooderich. that, but out' rt -up i .• ,:I . Preshien:. 1.'"'"I I rune it. Mk tett: tains... it is a watt ease •* hall ` - - the girl o;, i e ,Ial�lut$SN• 11,.. 1• cipro.:ate : brit we don't suppose tis inz=TMC' ▪ N=IG=3CM readers are interested in his love affairs. A young lady at a Watering place para • - lyss a great editor when she staid to him C , where ors iron Temi'S iron with that arm full of roods 1 e ls , "Oh, 1 know what you are here . Why. I !nee just been to for. You've conte here to get itetns for 1 y One IR_ PR OTT .DF 00 T' S, One art the beauties sari crisps of am , editor's life is bis deadheading it 'ua all I . • oOMaiona, No one who has never tact- ' Tl.e Cheapest aid Meet Reliable Store in town. Why. you can get ed of the sesta of the bliss can begin to 1 , doestak it o and its b p p nete.adreg H GQO� TF,.� FRO.�l 10c. TO 80c. PER POUND. terayeas,rides1- rsiosd,gaSsa"psis ' RIS SUGARS AND FRUITS CANNOT BE BEAT. l)eh worth ; and then he is looked upon as a deadhead or a half-blowwl,deadbeet. 1 W A. I T FOR IT s Wed apply ore the middle ht July. If pos- 1902-3m And Oh. my ! It you only could see the >3e "mss" °°mesh el0 "rib' "'a Bargainsin Factories and Flannels.. gets el in pentanes, sad is thps passed free. e. 11 IIf the hallis crowded he In tact. everything one wants in pais line is cheaper and better than I can get anywhere else, as begrudged the room he 000npies, for if eomplimeataries were paying tickets the troupe would be so much in pocket., He blows and puffs a church festival to any desired extent, and does the poster! ?pitting at half rates, and rarely gets a ' tlhank you for it." He gees as part of his dishy as an editcr. He does more work gratnitody, fa tho town and nom• mtmity than all tke rest of the. papule - tion pet together, and 'gets cursed for it alt, while in many instances where a maw donates a few dollars for a Fourth of July, base -ball dub or church, is grate- fully remembered: Oh ! it is a sweet thing to bo an editor. He passes "free " you know.-Dletamora Bee, Minh, - = A Modena Iamp•ea. Prof. R. A. Procter has diseuverud, in Nevada, a being who claims to be the strongest mem in the wawid. His same is Asada Oardelia tie is as Italian, aged 38, and stands b feet 10 inches in height, weighing 138 aha His strength was born with bine, for he had no ath- letic training. He differs from other men chiefly in the osseous structure Al- though not of unusual size, his spinal col- umn is double the old eery width and his bones and joints are made on a simi- larly large and generous scale. He can lift a man of 20u iEa with the middle finger of his right hand: The man stood with one foot on the doer, hie arms out. stretched and his hands greened by two persons to balance his body. Cardelia then stooped down and placed the third finger of his right head under the man's foot, and with sit eetyany perceptible efo:t rained hie to the height of four feet and deposited him una table near at hand. Once two powerful man' way- laid Cardelia with intent to trash him, bat heseinedone in each hind ani hammered them togs het till the life was nearly knocked out of them. He is of a quiet and peaceab4po *ionand his strength re inhedOed, for . hirsteitu his father .was more powerful to himself. The lied. C.7 0 O S Maj. Haggerty is a grsu i' Wdtoilian. He ter fell} Wt. peau be aught a kyr. woe hest reale he sad it fish sl balM pounds by the =In the ante -room tie bass weigh- ed fur pounds. Meeting another group o iteleab ea the Nedreawy he told of his aaltutw. " he averred, 'I�tw�'td one-ial' es it pounder k see a .e Lit :ren ieet' ';why *' "O►, Weems rt ahead by the time ya"!�h ieb0 bass n1 New York iiaas� ill�po1 -:' 11'1 ,sift = = immommwa Tie Gamin Moamar W atald red wiai8 is eeeee aey ape tate mow hew IlblakiiiiMiending seek • ANIONS flees d tweeel •oath kee j i wzrt.4 treesOwiie mews of l ov. tomb/Se 44wIlli dthe Conn saS 11 s' re•stl AND MEI Tll(SSK 13= 0 3 a 0 0 0 .1 PIANO OR FIRST CLASS a m 8 Goderich Com Yard Thos. N. Daiioey, i dprietor, 'yid.- gmibar lolls :o inform the r+sidsata of tlodericl ansa - , .nt1y that to has opened a i.'•s i! 1 h i' at th4...,.... I:. muni w..1 be unused to. .M. or., le the, 11..- r: t.:e Living Rates. PI:.T1ae UK!IIRIN(I TO GET GOO Q COAL al reasonable rater, call a d rxatuiee 4uota- tioe. and quality of coal fore purchasing el,ew here. Gudetich. June Wulf 1801. 1x.17 BIN C HAM'S OVE is the t. -a; pia o in lioterkh 101,0ld a NIC BINGHAM'S NURSERY adjoining the grove. will eul'l.ly any quantity of choice flowers at reasonaLle rates. Bouquets, Crosses and other Floral Ornaments mu 1•• to order. .E. BING•HAM. Uvderieh. J :i. tS• Nal the t 11'Ullsilua : ilenCoIlipany The Cheapa tt, Most Comfortable and Pleasant Route r t.I:E'.17'-�'iil;7'/1 It - E.' is ria tips Steam-rl of the Xu- ' es•:,; i Tr:ms- portatiat, t'impanc' •.�' nr _tit which .� :::. .v ntittL- er pert,I,e • awe Raralw Eters Twr+d$ oa w -, alibi. on arrival of Grants frank rafn+. 1'1111-Lt\i. IT GODE:nl/ tl the Tot, l 5 5I it: 01T. i r Prince .Art hot'. 1.3:.r.1:14. Duluth. an.? a!: I, • :,:-'.n Si:r. •. 1.^. �I:::: • •':.. Dakota and the North IVe;t. BP2✓CIAL. The ct. al.: r rich. weather permYr Tucdapp an.l iii ai., al rust. trios. fur Kincardine. :n.ithampron, Sault:+tr•.:Marie. Michi ,ieotin, Pre Nii'.gen, Silver Islet and 'Thunder Itay. . For further information as to rates, apply to WM. LEE. Goderich, or to JAMES H. BEATTY, a Ger.cral Manager. Sarnia. June 7th, Mt. 1891.6m \N .s OH, SAY I NEIGHBOR tragic roe get thou A. L'wliliTING Imo HARVEST TOOLS i - Goods I Have teen. eedit As--•.- R.W.M'KENZIE'S CHEAP ' D W 4RE STORE. t **a , The Past As ;;- -: ZS F 1 •s t U LEON • . f ILINIMEN CELTR. 33 El PUMA TI SM• = ,•i»zt, Neuralgia, Li.. -no Bad, Lumbago, Ce, :trac:0d Joints, Cramp in Muscles, C •,rah t:e. LEST HORSE LINIMENT. ,, /.m0'('e fieut.rt 25f. /'7('l. J. N. BRAYLEY, MONTREAL, P.Q. 5 "The Cheapest House Under the Sun." Sir a.ra.d.errta' "V'serietisr Store PRESERVE KETTLES, FRUIT JARS, FLY TRAPS, BIRD GAGES, REFRIGERATORS. ANDO711Jiitt SKtsO\ARIX GOODS Stoves anti Tinware - 1.*r est stock Fn town, I Wsst street. next doer to the PAX July, Gbh. NM. THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Bargains in Prints! :4rr: THEM. - • FINE LINE. r ASHTON'S GEXI%1X11; F✓1ST COLORS .\T n %N: 10 t'1 N 1'1 ('Alt YARi). ��7CT_ H_ RISDLEY 'MIR PItOi'LE$ STORY. ('011. 1:1NGNTItN STIth:I:'P • ANL) SQUARE:. tiodrricb, July. UtI,, lsi;l. 7 BIG DRESS GOODS SALE THIS MONTH, AT J. C. DETLOR et CO'S MISS GRAHAM, Rev. Father Wilds' .c LLINER, T:uu:P+ the Lattice of Goderich and vicinity for the liberal Patronage bestowed upon her since opening out in town. an.t would Mill their attention to h. r CHOICE" STOCK OF MILLIIIEnT -F01: TllE---- 8TYMME1R. SEASON_ The Stock is carefully chosen. and Meade Up in , the Most Fashionable , Styles ! Miss Graham Cuts assured that her experience in Toronto. London and other cities will en- able her to give the tullesrsatistactIon. .,IIISS GR.,1H./1.71I, ..anis$. Stercart's Old Stand. The .Chicago House IS THE HEAD QUARTERS OF FASHION FOR f _NEW MIL1AINEItY OF - ALL KINDS. A cheap line in Trimmed Hats a Specialty. A first clava Dress Making Establishment 1 also carried on in connection with the Millinery Department, A call solicited. A. J. WILKINSON. 1-'I01./IF MANUFACTURE P E 1D0 J 0 3L EXPERIENCE. The teff. z. 1'. Wilds. well-haowe city mlesleeary in New York, and brother .8 the late cashier Jude Wilds, of the llmass ech.- setts Supremo Goart, writes as follow.: messes. 0.: ss ii Novo Oentlemmen 18.1889 Let wfntsr ruse troubled with a most imam. !enable ttehtft bumoc ateetlng more eepadally my 11mbe, whleeh imbed so Intolerably at night, sad burned so intensely, that I could seatoely bear any elothiwg over them. I was also a sufferer from s Revere eatarrh and catarrhalmesh ny appetite was poor, and my system a good l run down. Knowing the value of ATaa's SaeurA- tattt.A, by observation of many other cans and e trepersonal ase informer years, I bean taking Improved K for the above-named disorders. y apoeiRe anion from abs fret doe. Tett abort tis. the lever and iteking wan allayed, and . 11 ragas.8 irritation of the skin disappeared. My sitar., and mash erre rall health greatly improved. mired by the same a15 nomyw gess and' � 1 t b now euellent. 1 peel a ► nd per mat itemiser, and 1 attribute these results to the ere of the Saaaar♦.e1LL$, whleh I r esmesed milk all emildisnee se the beer blood medlehte over dswiped. 1 toot 11 la small dame three �p� .a day. mimed, In all, ism (baa two battle. 1 pYoe ay do good. liesythoem faces st year marries, loping Omar p1 r] oar, raseutrany, o. P. Wilms." The slaws butane* le bet one of the sway sow Ma•W.omlag 10 oar nodem, whish prom the pee• 1181 sdspls$nity at ArnIfe SAS AsAsot a M Meatus Mall dismw srisiag from tepenot Im• ponehhed blood, sad a weakened vitality. bosh{! dud Best Value strew. gra Mit CANT. Orr OABH81411614/118111*. Ayers Sarsaparilla eleeus.. eerlehes, and .treagth.us the blood. smmnletes the a.tios of the .temw.h sad bowels, a 4 thereby .sable the system to resist .ad east. mese the Meeks et all auoft•loas flume trap New a'/ the eau, Skrronsitssa, C1mew+, e.agai Dl8Nfp, s•d sO diserdere ,.malting hem pass et eerebd blood .ad a pew male .t the slaw rssr.saa RT Dr. J. C. Ayer Si Co., Lowell, M.... out" .n Dregdwsa pries $1, de betties ler ala Mf]RCHANT TAI=,OR, NORTH -STREET, NEAR THE SQUARE, GDERICH, FUI{Nlyli OR MAKE UPI - Gents' Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lowest Prices. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS - Nut Purgative MOeloM. - osewtMl w1 •• me•, use eve•reheie. ~Wetlt.f.ida Se YEAR% Fer l,. CS. 'CLTMYti A. srortmorT. rLIJFRT FIT GIAlANTriM. •Kana PROMPTLY ATTENOEY TO. NOTE TMi AD0410 n t PHILO NOBLE, NORTH.STREET, G•ODERIOH. EDS! SEEDS. A T T Zi 3n M3DDO -L 1 iALL_ JUST RECKIVZD A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK/OF FRESH GARDEN, FIELD, AND FLOWER SEEDS boos our of the most RAAMM° decd Warehouses in 15.' Doenl.l.n. FOR SALT BOTH 1 BULK dr IN PACKAGES F. JORDAN, Chemist an Druggist, 3irt3ldDZOAL SILL_ icKzDmaRZO31i_ ONT1910 STEEL B�9B FENCE CONPe11Y 1L1M1T3i1D_e roe 3341.elz 1771=e Vex:J=i=lg i!e Qat' AT'TORONTO EXHIBITION IBM