HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-08-17, Page 31 1f THE HURON SIGNAL. Fh1.iV a1;G. I;, 1883 3 tlhe b tLornei'. (addles 1'm111s •t. How leer to w; h. • ire i!Ir ewe..; coon!ry. eon ,.111 R .uta the dog days of iv liner bo n todr.w a r, When bricks hare 6:own but and when .wt - strokes by doses. ria ' body with aneulah and bosom with fes jl The gree, wet mg field, a . 1 Lb.> sweet -snarl tag breeses. The 'soaping trout tu, .0 HI toquiet and calla, The rick creamy mi' whloh the ready hand seises, Aad e'en the brown a,n.ius ilei lire nn the farm The plain ouuntry wartime. t':- u veeIt uric'. wo- oing. The sweet country con In .t!io live on the faro,. The sweat cot IL•• coni.na! ah, aren't they a tresis; If t How handy to hate u; the t:wa.luit time! And oaying one's board is • too wetly plea - 111' 1V hen all can be had without spending e dime.' How plemanl to lite on rich cream and ripe be ice. Fresh gulden hued but or and cakes light and sea 1 e use of the bo es, the carts sad the wher- ries. Of sweet oou-tt • CJ'L1n. whe 11Va on the N. u ! ke plain count , cuu.ins, the unc• to •udcot.- sins, • The arrest count,/ cousins who live on the farm ! Hole dear are the sweet (fount,, co' .ins In Summer. 4 How r"agnant the meadows. romantic the dawn! But straightway yo' faces begin to i. ow glummer At thoughts of the' visit IW[t winter to town. The thrltre, the concert, the Iectu•e. the stoney Er.pended in ticketi! The thorght gives a guano The s'quel of summer • m t qu'te so finny - Why don't the sweet coo ins remain on the farm. The brow .-visaged mucins. the _ rat awk- ward co -ins, The bathe one roue?ns ehor'd s.ay on the farm. - Rural New•Yorker. • BOY BASEBALL As Great Trlaserbs tea were known to Aleaamder. There is probably no prouder period in the Life of • boy thau when he tint belongs to • baseball club, Mud puts on a red cap and goes with his club to an adjoining town to play a match against a rival club. To s boy of 12 years there is no position on earth that he would ex- change for that of pitcher of such a club. The other day the editor of the Sun was: going to the count[;, and a victorious boy baseball club, that had just defeated another club, got on the train at the station to go htiue, stud the pride that was visible on the faces of the victorious boyo was only equalled bytheluuk ofsad- nese un the faces of the boys belonging to the rival club which was at the depot to tee the visitors off. Residents of the defeated village, grown persons, were at the depot, smiling sickly smiles at the victorious buys, as tl.ey gut on the can for the return ! -.ne, and the same citi- zena looked cruse at their own boys who were defeated, and as tiie train moved off with the elated red caps, the local blue .caps slunk to their 'tomes down back streets, their heads down. anxious to get out of sight of the neighbors, who were ashamed of them because they got beat. The defeated town ectually had a gloomy, forsaken look, as though a great calamity had befallen the community. The /bald minister, who was on the de- pot platfoi in, and who had acted as um- pire of the game, seemed to feel the pre- vailing sadness, as though he feared his community wtuld lay the defeat to Wm and make remarks about les ruling at a critical moment of the game, but there was a look of c'nscious innocence op his face, as though he felt that he had done as he would be done by, and was willing to wittier ma" tyrdon, f need he at the hands oil his disappointed and kriev- od neighbors. The 'bus driver who had brought the visitors to the depot waists° grieved, and when a boy belonging to the defeated club trot' into the 'bus to ride down town, the dryer said, "lien you get out of that 'bus, you are no good," and the poor boy who hadran his legs off, felt the shame that comes to the unsuccessful laborer, in this world, and he claw:ed oat of the 'bus, the laughing stock of the crowd. The editor of the local paper was at the depot, and he poked as though the defeat was a fearful blow to him, and it seemed as though his next week's paper would oontain • sarcastic article on the throwing of the game by the umpire, whose w 'es sister lives at the anocessful titan, and who is tryin>, to get her neighbors to extend a call to the preacher to come there and take charge of a chu-ch. Tr the local paper doss not clam that the u:npire threw the game, to mike h• mvelt solid with the rival town, when he rooves there, then you in't tell say1hier by the face of the editor aster a beset*" pmts. But how different it was on the cars, with the suoeemful club Cit .era whe had anoompawied the toys to the camp of the enemy were all' nr''es, and made constant enquiries as to the brumes of the rho.. --atop, the opts' , of the B a hsssetsa, the black eye. of the r ocher, which he wore proudly, and all w: s hap. pinesti. The players, who it eel Ito tired they wanted to 'ay down. walked ep sod down the ears with ball beta, and can- vas hag twist. the pitelter held the hill is his hand, sad testi dn't help [,_slag it up to the toio of the c it to c to h it as it case down, while neighbors would look on from the other en 1 of the car and say, "Ills t. a .lacy." The dirty lou- pirit.g lel. were tarry happy happier than the president, or any milli. ire .,i. eel:h, It showed the dit(ereuoe it ween euo.:eea sod 1 blurs (otter tha'i ally small thiowe favor saw. The train appruh- ad • station where the toys lived, and all h hurry. Tuey hurried through the ear, and tried t . suppress the guile of catisf.etwn, and look dignified, as though defeating rival ball clubs was at every day .occurrence, with them, which did not elite them at all, but when the train stopped, and half the town was at the depot to meet L:u victors, ant they were welcomed with smiles and hand- thakea, and mother. would pick out their bey. .ho went away in the morn- ing s° clean, and aline .'.ick at evening so dirty, and kiss then[, the boys l...,king as though that a.ts a familiarity they could net encourage, and got into the crowd, where they could be cheered by stout lungs, instead of being kissed. The local minister of the victorious town was there with his umbrella,aud his face I WAS all miles and he shook hands with the boys as though they had brought the [Mlle in hack with them instead of lame backs. as the train ui ,vol off, and the victorious bseb.ill boys were formed ie line, to march down town, one carrying a broom as a token that they had "cleaned out" their rivals, and the old sten standing armed laughing, anti acting ea though the country was safe, and old read young women and girls, Joking on lovingly, and waving hand- kerchiefs at the victorious, happy -heart- ed kids, it reminded us of a regiment re- tutoing from the war. Few of those.. who welcome) the victors thought of the poor, defeated fellows of the other side, ritCh. . sem 1 et Bible t reverse A'stoft answer turneth away wrath. Better is a little with rithtuousuew and than great revenuers without right. Commit thy works unto tnu lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Even a child is. known by his doing, whether his work be pure or ',Medoff it be right. Fools [eke a mock of sin. Ge to the ant, thou sluggard ; consider her ways and be wise. Sias that is soon angry dealetb foolishly. If thine enemy be hung.- , give him bread. Judgments are prepared fur scorner& Keep thy heart with all diligeueu, fur out of it are the issues of life. Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord. My aou, if s`vners entice thee, consent thou nut. A naughty person, a wicked ntau,walk- eth with a lot ward mouth. ( tally by pride couteth contention. Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuse[' instruction. Remove far from me vanity and lies. Say nut, I will do so to him as he hath done to air. The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. Understanding is a well -spring of life unto, him that hath it. Evil pursueth sinners, but to the righ- teous good shall bo repaid. Whew mucked' the'poor reproacheth his Maker. 'Xalt her, and she shall promote thee. Yet a little slumber, a little sleep, so shall thy'pi,ve:.y came as one that trave- leth, and thy want as an armed glen. Simply miraculous is all I can say of the effect of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure in my case. An elderly lady writes this f. -um Antigonish, N. S., whe had suffered from pains in the back for twenty yeas Sold by J. Wilson Gode- 2nt Who were c twine heavy he iris about with them. It is so in everything, everywhere. Success is what takes the cake, while failure takes the crumbs. Boys, always succeed if you can, but re- member that next time the other crowd may wipe you out, and then you will know how it usyuurselvea.—[Peck'sSun. *bade . t iNtatt -ea. There may have been and may be still, a few cattle men who claim that shade in pastures is a positive diadvantage,in• clueing tlteeattle to stand or lie in the shade when they should be eating. We cannot agree with this view. There should be sufficient food so that the ani - orals need not spend all the time they can quare Froin sleep in eating. Certain - they may as well be comfo•,able as un- comfortable while they chew the cud, and they may as well do this during the hest of the day. A thicket of low -grow- ing underbrush in a slough or marsh glees s hale at such serious (Used vantage that it nrsy be worse than none. But a good shade on high ground, where the breeze has free access, is a some of great enjoyment to cattle during extreme heat, and making animals rrosi comfortable is one of the hest leasable means of making them do good work. The spring has been unusually enol over touch of the country. Should extreme hot weather follow, there will be a greater discom- fort. When there is no available shade from tree,. temporary sheds --even if only covered with straw, will often pay. Cattle have been seen in absolute suffer- ing when exploited to the full glare of an August sun, hour after hour and day after day. We *nuot understand how it is possible to believe that milch cows or fatting steers are thriving better when atandirg f actin in the hot sun than when comfortah y lying in the shade. and hope measures may be taken to pro- vide shade, especially four the cows. The practice, en so'me fartas, of keeping the cows in a d./ yard front early milk- ing time in the evening until late milk- ing time.in the morning is another bar- barism that ought to be abolished. The early moaning and the evening are the best /Mdil g tree in hot weather. Bet- ter hare the inconvenience of bringing up the cows in the morning than deprive them of the best time for eating. W. A. Edgers, of Frankville, was cur- ed of Liver and Kidney Complaint after life was despaired of. He had remained from ten to fifteen days without an action . l the bowels. —Burdock Blood Bitters cured him,and he writes that he is a bet- ter man than he hes heen for 20 years past. 2 Ties. are e.led trace. The best blood purifier and system re- gulator ever placed within the reach of suffering h"urnaniti, truly is Electric Bit- er. inactivity of the Liver, Biliousness Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinart organs, or whoever requires an appetiser, tonic or wild stimulant, will always find tleotrjs Witte' the best and only certain curs known. They act surely and gniekV, •veerryy bottle `narssteed to ye Suttee estisfect ton or many rehnded. Sold at fifty emits a toad* by J. Wilson. (4) Dr Canon's etoaoah Bitters remises (`•nnstipstIoay retire Dnsaiaess, dispel tri ik Htaa, abolish Bilioostsme, and rowelw the Wnlnmih, Liver and Bow- els. A Rswsie - Of one dosed "Tarter. - $t" to any one smelling the hest four line rhyme on "ruseimwv, ' the env rkahle little germ for the Teeth and Rath Ask your drnggest car •ddrwa A Malar Adveetleeaten' The following is an early specimen of that system of poetical advertising which in recent times has become so common. "Notice to the public, and especially to emigrants, who wish to settle on lands. The subscriber offers for sale several thousand acres of land situated in well-settled front townships, in lots to suit purchasers. Particulars about location May be known by application. Fur quality or soil and rioforth. Buyers to see on nag must go forth. This much I'll tell ye plainly, Of big trees yell see mainly. 'Bout butter -nut and beech ; A whole week I could preach ; But what the plague's the use oat that ; The lands are high, low, round and flat There's rocks and stumps, no doubt enough, And togs and swamps just quantum stir To breed the finest of mosquitoes ; As in the sea are bred Bonitos, No lack of fever or of ague ; And many other things to plague you. In short, they're just like other peo- ple's Sans houses, pig -sties, barns. or steeples. What most it imports you to know, 'S the terms on which I'll let'ein go. Se now I offer to the buyer, A credit to his own desire For butter, bacon, bread and cheese, Lean bullocks, calves, or ducks and geese, Corn T.tti, flour, barley, Lye, Or anything but Purtkie-pie. In three, four years, aye, five yr six, If that won't do, why let him fix. But when once fix'd, if payment's slack, Assure as fate, I'll rake 'em back. (Signed.) Taos. to DA,.TON. Kingston Brewery, Canada, Nov. 2, 1821 Eeetted Thsemawds All over the land are going into ecatacy over Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- sumption. Their unhooked for recovery by the timely use of this great life Sav- ing remedy, caution them to go nearly wild in its praise. It is guaranteed to positively cure severe coughs. colds, as- thma, hay fever, bronchitis, hoarseness,• lose of voice, or any affection of the throat and lungs. Trial bottles free at Jaynes Wilson's drug store. Large size 31.00. (2:) Salt !beam tared. Are you troubled with Salt Rheum, Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ; if so, go at once to Ge.,. Rhyne". Drug re and get a package of McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cents. Prioe 25 cent►. It was never known Pi fail. 2 A Star111.a;Mse Physician's ere often startled h' tr- sarkahle discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Digo/ivory for Consumption [lad all Throat and Lung diseases is daily Aring patients that they have given up to die, is startling them to realise their seise of duty, and examine into the series of this wonderful discov re- m/lbw in hundreds of oar best sills flaky it is their practise. Trial bottling free at J W door, s Drue Store. IMRt� des S1.01- (4) Saysryden "SU know" dri e es. her man, seri whew yew rant and swear. Oen draw yon to her with a anile hi.r." Rut it most he beautiful hair to have each power : and hesetiftrl hair sew ba enterrwd by the me of tflriraaaeaa HAM Rawewn Sold at 50 eta by J Wilms the Lis In the a,ry of tuetliciues nu pre ration Iia. rUcervud such uuivetsal u..•ndaltou for the allevuatiun it affords aid the permanent cure it effects in kid ley dive+sea, as Ur 1.'an Buren's Kiurey Cure hie act in thew distressing( complaints is simply wuudertul. Sold i by J. Willem. 2m �ICIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN A full lithe of all the It.adiltg i'att Medicines always kept on hand No household should be ouusitlereii complete without} a Matte of Dr. Vau Buren', Kidney ,Cure is in the closet It is the only remedy that will positively, permanently and Lrumptly cure all forum of kidney diseases. Sold by J. Wilson 2ut 1Vith cure blood, contagious fevers and other dummies harts no hold on the sys- tem. 1)r. Carson's 'Stomach Bitten ren- der the blood pure and cool. For sale by all Druggists. Large bottles fifty cents. A Item am • Drag esere Never was such a rush made for any Drug Store as is now at J. Wilson's fur a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discov- ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. All persons affected with Asthma, Bron - chits, Hoaaeneu, Severe Coughs or any affection of the Troat or Lungs, call get a Trial Bottle of this. great remedy free, by calling at above Drug Store. Regu- ar size 31. (5): Now that there is a reliable remedy for kidney troubles, half the terrors attached to these complaints have been removed For this let all be thankful, and to Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure •ward all praise for having thus removed • hitherto considered fatal disease from our path It was never known to fail. Sold by J Wilson. 2m .A £areas Nseeve That is daily bringing joy to the hoses of thousands by saving many of gait dear noes from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's new Discovery for Consump- tion, Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Tickling in the Throat, Pain in Side and Cheat, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs, a positire cure. Guaranteed. Trial Bot- tles free at J. Wilson's Drug Store. Large size 31.00. (ti) Seeing is believing. Read the testi mouials in the pamphlet on Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure, then buy a bottle and relieve yourself of all those distress- ing pains. Your Druggest can tell you all about it. Sold by,J Wilson Godenchl 2m The Quickest Titling .a Reseed Is ,Kram s Fluid Lightning for Neuralgia Headache, Toothache, etc. It dues not blister or discolor the skin ; require but one application to banish all pain magic- ally without using any greasy liaiment or carrying your head in a poultice for weeks. Try a 25 cent bottle from Geo. Rhynas, druggist. 2 A We Ratios "'reseal. Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan., saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle or Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con- sumption, which caused him to procure a largo bottle, thatcompletelycured him, when Doctors, cha:ige of climate and everything else had failed. Asthma, Bronchttis, Hoarseness, Severe Cousha. and all Throat and Lung diseases, it is guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles at J. Wils.n's drug store. Large size 31. (1)• THAI a.e.tleae 1 t Ask the most eminent physician Of any school, what is the best thing in the world for quieting and allaying all irritation of the nerves and curing all Corms of nervous complaints, giving natural, childlike refreshing sleep al- ways ? And tkey will tell you unhesitatingly "Some form of Hops. ' t'KAPTRR 1. Ask any or all of the most eminent physicians : 'What is the best and only remedy that can be relied on to cure all diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs ; such as Bright's disease, diabetes, retention or inability 1.1 retain urine, and all the diemies and ailments peculiar to Wo- men And they will tell you explicitly and emphatically "Iluchu." Ask the Name physicians "What is the most reliable and surest cure fur all liver diseases or dyspepsia ; constipation, indigestion, biliousness, malarial fever, ague, &c.," and they will tell you : "Mandrake : or Dandelion Hence, when these remed'ea are com- bined with others equally valuable And compounded into Hop Bitters, such a [Concluded next week.] lm Swiss No_ 1 Swiss No_ l - THE BEST IY TI11 Y' -Mt : al ASK YOUR GROCER to FOR IT- ig 0 t, TAKE NO OTHER. s S•w1Ss ZNTo_ �. Swiss 1N70_ 1 Oodertyk. Atm. 9, Ian SMOKE TWIN -NAVY THE BIG,1OCT PLUG (Physicians Prescriptions a lloeciallty.) GEORGE RHTITAS, I BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE BOOTS&S HOES =o CZ Weddup Beg t. announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above Store in the store lately occupied by Horace Newton. Having purchased a large and well assorted stock of Spring and Summer floods at close figures, we are determined to giro the Public the_benetit. QUICK SALES it SPILL PROFITS SILL BE OUR MOTTG. p*'Pleaae call and examine our goods before purchasing else%here. AS -Remember the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store an'{ ustom work will receive our special attention. tl-None but the best of material used and hrst-ciaae workmen employed. Iter -Repairing neatly done un the shortest notice. Goderich, March 9, 1882. DOWNING & W ED D U P NEW ARRIVALS SPRING 81Sifill1111 GOODS Sco1c Elllish isft & Cauathall Teeds HTTG-1=I DUNLOP_ TO THE FARMERS OF TIE COUNTY OF HURON GENTLEMEN,—By request of a large number of the yeomen of the enmity we have decided to manufacture REAPINC3 AND MOWING MACHINES, in connection with our Plow business for the year 1883, which for material and workmanship will be second to none. Do not give your orders fur reapers or mow- ers until you sen those manufactured by us. 1Ve will attend all the spring fairs in County, which will give the farmers a good opportunity to inspect our machines. %Ve will warrant oar machines to do as good work as any her made. We will al so have a number of good LAND rLOLLERS, for the Spring trade COOKING STOVES always on hand, and will be sold cheap for cash, or be exchanged fur wuo.l. Cash paid for old iron. SEEGMILLER & CO. fioderich Foundry 13�T' 7'12B011 T AGi .I ABRAHAM SMITH ' CALLS ATTENTION TO TRE FOLLOWING : CLOTHING; NIA LARGE ASSORTMENT AND 'FHK LATEST DESiONS.112 "A FINTi ASBo> ' Is DLKSS VARIEFY,FU RNISHING GOODS HATS' BALL THE LATEST STYLES, AND EVERY 817.K1k1 rarALL PATTERNS. MIND s If1T CU ItA ell OR NO SALF..4]CLOTH9 NTW GOODS, NEW PRICES_ CHEAP FOR.'CASH. TAM .= A=OVT FRUST CHAS. A. NAIRN HAS THE FINEST BRAND OF CANNED. PEACHES IN THE MARKET. AND HIS CANNED TOMATOES AND CORN Alt)' UKLiC'IUS. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE_ COURT HOUSE SQUARE. • GODEIIICII. ONTARIO Sarnia Agricultural Implement Manufacturing Company. 1.1M1TES 0 MANUFACTURERS OF Reapers, Mowers, Binders & Threshers. See the 1.).oninudt Separator bofure you purchase. The Easiest. Ilunn.in1, Suuphest and roost durable machine in the market. !4I1V ria A« i Nrt` Pai W .% N '1'3': 1)• Addles/ at Ase GFJUOR' B3 .A. RO$8, General Agent, Ooderlch Ari Des!&ns 1ii Wall Papers ! Now Is the rinse. it vee Iii Malde two filer oroneas at horns. to see Patter's ,bum pager Ile has 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs onsettla1elm mod atprtee.lses than rer) much Inferior 'muds. ('aa sad nus them they ere t Ee host . a 1 oe in tears. sad must besold- The Islas[ Spring Bazaar P1euos and F&shious, At BVTZFR's