HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-08-17, Page 22 CANADA'S AGENT. '1'!s Romant.o Career of Sir Charles Tupper Wen • reg g.•ei., mss: Sea ger M a ■ near ma 1 'i1. sad a emus 'as ■ s.1 l • loner A • a(erest:us THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY AUG. 11, 1881 111.•1:.. " The speeches of Messrs. Archibald l.M,iale by the Mail. Nat of the nick- W tughaut ; silver butter touter item and MoLelau, tykes m c.nuection with names and .t/suss, for the special comae- Luckuuw ; gold bracelets from Mu re the suspicious circumstances reepectin bleu were ',reliably usanufactured fur Jaw ; silver card reeeieer and tea let the I'wwu railway and the Spring Hill the ucxwsiun in the Mail other, as they • (rum Chicago ; one half due. silver (*a- mine jobs, could oily lead the public to an tar the meat part unknown and un- •,coos, one half dozen kut.ua aud furl s cue conclusion, and when the honorable reeugutzed here. Of sumo few et the and table linen from Philadelphia. A 1 gentleman (Tupper). outvoted from a spa• el constables 1 knew nothing, but the guests appeared to be pod epi its oh. sails state of pauperism into a full of those whom 1 ku..w there are seveial and enjuyed the conversation of the blow.' u iUiuualee, and wa3 subse.luestll thoroughly reepec:.1.:,1e, uprtg and in• evenwg, the spell being broken at iu- enabled to widow his fits' born with tet cut wen, w'. , are ndalottsl ter sale by suave sweet music from the houses and lands, there could be but one will ble ed by the Mus hes. 8o M.1sca _e'aher, such as they so ofte.t inference as to the .manues in which fug as the:prominent Outerto officials charm as with. this vast wealth was obtained." has. are oosossned they are too evil- On Wednesday the happy couple loft Still, though he has been accused tat known to require any dehisce, but the on the Ontartu fur M use Jaw, N. We're many corrupt transactions since his en- attack upon the constables .• for the where M, C ,.eland is euesged in the trance into the federal cabinet a 'minis- most pail its slanderc.ua as it is mean aeec•ntdu basin:: Our best wishes ter of . 'ways, Sir Charles has such a and cowardly. Had 1 the inclination to go with these, and we ttat th,t they happy faculty of covering his tracks that retaliate upon Dominion and Yvittot. who bid so fair now, may Iimg be spared hu opponents t>�ave never been able to officials that have been here mud are te bless thew with whom t ey kilivir. produce sufflcie t evidence to make los now here, I might hod some ve / choice friends believe that his professions of m'teriai out of which t,, ural, a an un - honesty and purity were insincere. He favorable record for thew, but I cannot was knighted iu 1879, after Blake, Mac- sue chat end could be seteee by such a kenzie and Brow a, the Liberal leaders, course, and indeed I do not think that had declined the honor. Sir Charles Tupper is by far the ablest member of the Canadian ininiatlJ. He is a veritable " Triton among nuunowe." He it was that by his energy and perse- verance brought his party through the confusion into which it had fallen after the corrupt disclosures of 1873. His versatility is wonderful. In 1875 it was stated that the Mackenzie refu..n minis - t had decided to adopt a policy of pro- tection t.. native industries, and Sir Charles, whose duty it was to criticise the finance minister's budget, prepared an elaborste free trade argument in anti- cipation of • change of government policy. T, his autprise the minister de- clared that the gove nment were going to adhere to their tar; for revenue oily, but, nothing daunted, Sir Charles &mum• FLAT PokTAus, Aug. !1. -lust evening ed the roll of • valid proleetiunistl and • meeting; was held, called at the court denounced the mulch • for refusing to house here her the pu:,e of organizing Krsoes VI( 'd Union* .g x>gorganizing protect "our struggling industries" • municipality under Ontario authority. Thenceforward protection became the Frank Apjohn occupied the chair. Mr. pe•li.y of the Canadian Tories, and by Luis, sltpendia•, , read the requisition, pio natng relief from the deprwion that prevailed in 1878 they were able to se- w had been ougne.f by some hun- dred cure • parliamenta-. majority. He has and fifty residents During the two sons, one of whom was recentlyreadingis of the requisition a Tory band turned to parlament, and the otheeruffians,a is of thirty-four runs, brought in from solicitor to the Canadian Parific railway different pointe gong the line for the sompany, in which cenporation Sir purpose, raised some disturbance. One Charles is 1'r t ly, though indirectly, '- of the nosiest of these amperes -1i was a teresttvf Frenchmen name.] Michaud, an mu - Such is the gentleman who comes to pyee of the " S ction B " cuntracwra. L eidon as the official representative of here were five speak eta on the Conaer- the Canadian dominion. Thu last tom- vativd side, but only of these, Mr. E. miaioner, Sir A. T. Galt, did act sec- M. Ridout, conducted himself with de• ceed yeti well. With over half a dozen tasty. McKenzie, an er-whiskey pedlar marriageable daughters on hand, he was from �thitwmouth, not only indulged in constantly complaining that his gala of thea grossest personal clonic of the chair - :10,1 ) a year and expenses was inauffi- men, br disgusted even some of his cient for his maintenance, while the fact own followers with his shocking profani- of hu having married a sister of his de- but Fitzgerald and McCallum spoke, ceased wife kept his family, to some ex- but both were ve drunk. N'eidnas, Va- tent, out of society. His speech favor - rennet, of tl• mythical county of ing imperial federation and his ra"way °nee, tLa.,e a hee.- would give, the ylist of intrigues got him into trouble with the w.,tch was that his per- intrigues party in Canada, and hence venal guarantee that the Manitoba �ov- his recall. Sir Charles will continue to ernment .. , here. The herea purelyer maintain iia hold, nominally,the tion el trinister authority The faciiour ob- oe railways, s he will thereby, it is 1 of the disturbers was made trans - hoped, be able to promote the interests parent when they at leei�hth cited of the Canadian Pacific railway ••ompany against s mutton made fur adjeu...ment in opposition to those of the Gland until Monday night. This motion was Trunk and other rival lines. He also brought forward by two highly respect - hopes to extend the commercial rela• ed citizens, Moors. Rankin and meet - tions of Canada with other countries. er, who had at the opo ting of the.-meet ''this respect his predecessor aocoin ing complained that the notice of same pushed nothing. Sir Charles' allowance had been too shoo., and accordingly they proposee from the Canadian government is 810,- duringhe prosto e dings bytheir druurn. Te noise nken 000 s year, besides which the expenses followers led the To. • leaders to believe of his official establishment will be de- that the meeting was with with them, i•ryed. He will draw probably an and hence their voting against the mo - equal amount from his railway company tion, but they were defeated, and the meet', sic accordingly adjourned Mon•'ey night. Respectable citizens of all classes are much annoyed that they should not be permitted to meet and di: cuss an im- po ant question in a peaceful and or- derly way. W. H. W. Leaden Co •poadenes New 'uric Times. the new Caradian high commissioner ie being dialwa,ed et the clubs jest now. The gentleman is qucstios, Sir Charles Tupper, sr; i red some ti: ys ago, having succeeted blir Alexander Galt, who rt- e - -es. The new ambassador is regarded as a ipenurte product of British colonial polities, and is refer rod to as possessing many excellent qualities. appear- ance he is mediums s' -ed, with a large, round head and ve- • dark hal-, which grows low down on his forehead. His face is large, broad, and indicates a mao of not very delicate instincts. 1 rte chief interest centres in hit wondersully suc- cessful. center. He is the son of a poo: baptist dere, man, and is 63 years old. His profeasiun is that of a physician and surgeon, he being a graduate of Edin- burgh college. 1Isere is is curious romance connected with his early educa- tion. His father's memo would not ad- mit of his sending young Charles across the Atlantic to pursue his studies, but the latter had won the love of a wealthy lady, some years his senior, who resided in the neighborhood of E • 'te: it, his home, 'and this lady generously offered to defray the whole out of her lover'• studies at the Royal college of surgeons, in Edinburgh, the understanding being, of course, that as soon as he obtained his diploma and rete .ed to Nova Sco- t^, their marriage should 'eke place. The young n en passed through college and obtained his degree, but on retut.t- • ig to his native land his love for his benefactress had van'shed, and ho soon after wedded another lady possesel of what appeared to h• a greater atti..etions. No cha a could soothe the melancholy of the deceived one,and eh I • spinster. 8 • Charles' friends y, however, that he repaid the money spent upon his edu- e,tion by 1 's fest tt-e. ' , politics Charles is a Teo', but patty expediency and a kindly re;arl for " number one " are his principal guiding stars. He entered public life as is mem- ber of the Nova Scotia legislature when a little over '10 years of age, and has been engaged t politica ever since. During the greater pa , of this time he has been in power, and has become com- paratively wealthy, his worldly posses- sions being estimated at from $500,0')0 to $1,01 ),000. His friends asses. that he bas come, by his wealth honestly, but others express a quite contra opinion. kt all events, he has made the most of his opportunities, and his success is an indication of what a colonial politician can sometime• accomplish. Sir Charles le regarded as an able man. Those who tow him intimately asset. that, being possessed of extrsordina. • power, he is often able to intimidate- weaker men, who possibly may have the better of an argument, and as long u he wins the ap- plause of his friends for a moment he se.res not what the consequences may be. In debate he is said to be most audacious. Hew:11 make any statement or invoke any argument that wall tend to disat.a h•s adversary even temporarily, and any subsequent exposure of the falsity of his statements or arguments w"1 cause him very little trouble. Sir Charles political career has not been altogether free from the suspicion of his having used h'e position for the urpose of making money for himself. a fact, the charge has been repeatedly made, sometimes by men who were formerly his friends but are his oppo- nenta, end -again by men who were once his opponents but are now his friends and oollsslgues. He is charged with hay- ig sold his province to the None American confederation by buying up the legislature with promises of senator- rhips and other positions under the new order of thine's, and at the fret election atter confederation Sir Ch --les (then M-.) Tupper, alone ..f the whole con- federate party, managed to here -elected. fb'e Charl• - seems tout upon the maxim that es -e - roan has his pnee, and in this way he l'-•> managed to wi, over niftily of his old po! tial opponents. Ile seduc- ed Joseph Howe by appoi,ting hint to a cabinet position and afterwards to a lieutenant fusee..oi.hip, and b' . Mc- Lelan he secured be a railway cnmmi•- sionership. Now it •A h', proud boast that all hie fo•.ner opponents have "come over" to his political views, though not one of them I •••r ventured to retract the nay th'igs said against the re' wry promoter i, fon ner times. While lei ler of the Nova Scotia government Sir Charles is said to have made enoi.nous sunns ,.f money by grantine a coal mine pct a ea see, and by !us.+ltp a two m'l- lion duller rit"-wrt cont,.:t fo i favorite engineer. ?.T A. W. McLelan, new Canadian mir'•ter of nu'ae and fisheries (reproeent'eg Car 'da at the ',te..a- tio• here), w.uthen 'opposition in the provinc:el • •etnbly, and deseribee his tattoo '"eague's conduct in the follnw- • terms :- " We have heard of men riding in public oonveysncel with lora.'e mantles about them and fettle he ids folded in front to is ' snepidon, wi L the ran►' ',olds were f riling their eta- into the'r fellow -tram , "er's pocketss on now when the honorable gentlems t (Termer) lea put on the D title of Motive.. tee it •'- ton and the old ' ^fq, .0 ., the people are int-' 1.3 to believe that the hands he put to the plow are not reel 0 at the real hands are hidder s. that they n •y the better get deep to the armpit. es the public cheat. The man w.,onn they ones believed to be the apostle of retrench- ment ham become the g,wt hush print of jobb* • and corruption. t'...••, then, aha'l rostra; t the nits of the.- od'Tne Alexi :.t they is " t .ke him, leaded down though he may be with the offerings ti •t fall to the pt'e1.., •Rd ' nl.r le h en upon the altar at which he mir eters." 'Inc fact that the r -,. who. uttered 'hose wools hers me s r- 11, tow of the man he donor is • 1 ':ing moninen- Mupon the n•teettaint• of enlon'•1 ics. Zq• s"y strong lonelier* was sed by the present ' 'eat. flow. Atchi- Isald, and ' ► 's Hon. A G. Joss*, a former anvil ", , er of Tupper. after re view the gentle•tree's career, in the reals of s e,•ee•ch in rte Canadian hoses of enwamone. , 1R7R. said : I)., sot delay, if suffering any furor of Bowel Complaint, however mild appar- ent' ma; be the attach, but we Dr. VowIer's Extract of Wild Strawberry. It any good cause was ever efi .eptly wt.- u the • Id reliable cure for all forms of ed by raking up real or Una _.na., scan- dals 10 regard to tho private diameter . f its enemies. Three special sittings of the Outer o Claims Commission (bleears. Patullu and Burden will be held on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week, and from present appearances they are likely hate plenty to du, u a large number of squatter% and others have already made requests for a hear'eg. Indeed just new everything points to an early c>llapse of the now feeble ei posi- tion that is beins presented agsiuit 01. tario supremacy here. Sheriff Clarke, of Port ' thur, will attend the sittings of the Comm •siun in his cftioial capaci- ty. Summer Complaints that require promi t reatwent. Ask your druggist and all dealers 111 latent medicines. 2 Nethirig ku..wu t•. 111"d1Gal betenoe Cao SUI tall. the healing ``reperues let Dr. Fowlers Extract •.f'2.11(1 Strawber.e in Cholera Morbus, Dysente - ,Colic and all 13 ,w,1 Complaints. 2 Ayer's Ague Cure is intended to Lelia an antidote to malarial fevers, and all diseases generated by marsh, swamp or slough. Ocience has brought this remedy nigh to perfection. No quinine nu ar- senic, nor injurious drug enters into its composition. Chemistry and the healing a.. have combined to make it the curs. tine triumph of the age we lite in. My friend, look here ! you know how weak and nerroueyour wife is, and you knew that Carter's Iron Pills will relieve her, cow why not be fair about it an? buy her a boll RAT PORTAGE. flute .ae ova t — FavereMe Feel' vg Toward O■ -, Rr tans apover. hes the R Ir.et, (.15,1. Oevele•.a 11 °Rew•Ive Personalities el Tery r YM— ( Miser • : ey+d by •' %eetle■ e ^ lar. ac ., Ray PORTAGE, Ont., Adg. 5 -3 it tors here remain in much th, me state as they were at the date of my 1 t de- spatch. Arrests are occ• ional'y n de I„: Manitoba or Ontario cousta'•les, but as the offe ,dere are usually d sturbere of the peace, no notice is taken a : Le effa'r by the constables of the opposing torte. Inde 1, there is nothing lite that bitterness between the opposite factions that the sensatio► tl ..eapatches of the Mail and the W -tnipeg evening papers would 1 d one to suppose existed here. If the people here were let alone and not inflamed 1 , these sensation -mongers there would be far lea danger of trouble than there is now. AR long ns Premier Norquay wee here there there was a dis- position on the pa.. of the Mu itoba petty to be somewhat agg.•essive in their attitude, but now that they are left with- out a leader they appear quite content to let matters net as they are. The ELAtt(:PRATED ..TORIER . 'OCT THE 121M- 7 ..t a ;. E herntehave done ha i to Dueness 'eter- ests, and not 0 t Ontario hes shoe., th :t she •• w"lidg to and able to sustain '•tw and order here and pronsote the best interests of the city in a substantial man- ner '-'i.' is ora' ng friends eve. day. A move n de by the Manitoba (lovet.i- ment not long ago las opened •'1e ey of the people here to wt et they may ex - pe •t o1 her. Subsequent to the i tcorpo- tion of the ex'•ting (or tether semi - exist• ig) mut -ci'ul organization under W .r•toba •umbo. ty the Provirus' 1 Gov- ernment , nted abatch of 'hoer " mat s • -1d r'sad therefor some TERRI NC NDRID DOLLARS iv f 1 • i ..ion without any notice be • t taken of the municipality, and wl at w: s, - worse, the L., ' Geer* o- ment of is -' - walked off with the mousy, who) i 1 "y needed for 1pe .vieg e ata •• all othe se pro. (-'tg ter the lie wants .1 the p'' Ome t ti meant•me 1 bits n 1 .,os i •' tit .ie i• able and w 'Ong not only to preset re the p , but r• ';o some ve , muse•'., seed- ed improvements :1 the streets sago ani IDP tart MI a e•fOLC DO, 155 f -m the preps y owners. Nearly evoke voter ,'heel • ioaa signed a scents tion to Stipeo,ia - 14'z•sti.te Lyth, ' .g I m to mi" • m, •ting f••r the pa -- I se of sMtts t.•ws is s -., ng mor cipal O at ati.M under 'Ontario •nthority, d , a et .., hone the pl •e s ' be under the cuter rity ..f a municipal gore anoint that w '1 be .ne'►te a•td 'Akio' Conesrvat i ve and Helot .ae Ia' -e r•apret the root.' vs mor ala/ass -a rn5OitIL Idtrg7:'. that have b1 •n made upon 'hg ) Aslrlme . \V a e'ip the fallowing intones•' tg item from the Kincardine Repot-Or:- The. epori:- The marriage of Miss Ma. Ann Fish- er, second daughter of E. Fisher, K;e- c•trdine, and .has. A. Copeland, mer- chant, of Moose Jaw, took place at the residenee of the bride's father, Brad - way, on Tueiday evening, 31st July. As we entered the house we were greeted with a kindly welcome by M. Fisher, and were introduced to many friends who were gather- ing, expectant of a pleasant evening, which all enjoyed, as no labor or mean. were spared ta make all happy and corn - fie. able. A few minutes peat nine we repaired to the dining room (it being larger than the parlor) where the many happy guests were gathered. Soon the, bride in beauty appeared, conducted by her father, to a convenient pat. of the room, where the groom and grcomsman were sitting, apparently cool and uucdn- cerned. The bride was dressed in cream • -..Amore, brocade satin, tr' nmed hand- somely with elegant Spanish lace. She wore natural flowers, and bore a little basket of lovely flowers in her hand. The attendants of the bride were her two sisters, Misses Annie and Sophy, and Miss W''kinson, of Goderich. The costumes of the bridesmaids were of cream cashmere, trimmed with Sp.nish lace. Natural flowers were also worn. After the ceremony was performed we were conducted to the adjoining room and sat down to a delicious tee The table was well filled with good things, choice and new, and though we were not suffering Inc any wan' of food, yet this, a were so enticing that we eoakl ;tot refrain from eating. In the centre of the table stood a beautiful five -story bride's r.ke,which was ceremoniously cut and passed ; nut and raisins were also pastiest After we had enjoyed ourselves ep gra-wily in this capacity, we returned to view the presents, of which the bride was the recipient, and found a large table 1 of most elegant gifts from her many fr:ends lied well wisher,. They came tenni various porta of the count. which the folluw',g list will show : --A silver cake and fruit heoket, from (l.,dench, rt.setee are elNebee. Call at Geo. Itliyuaa' drug ►tore old a package of McGregor A Parks • Carb..lic Cerate. It is composed of Y'whne,Car- bolie Acid and has never failed to retuove Pimples, Blotches, Ulcerated Sores, and Rough Skin. It cures when all others fail '"ry it. 8 %ever Live fp. 11 you are suffering with l••w and de- pressed o-pressed spirits, lam . f appetite, general debility, disordered blou4, weak . ,rsti- tutien, hesdephe, or any disease of • b.I- iuus nature, by all in a lis procure a Mot- tle of Electric Bitters. You will be sur- p'iced to see the rapid improvement that will follow ; you will be inspired with new life; strength and activity will return ; pain and miser, will cease, and hence- forth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bi..ters. S..ld at fifty cents a Mottle by J, \Pilsen. [t4J Needs no advertising when onoe intro- duced. Every bottle sold sells hundreds of others by doing all and more than re- presented for Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, etc. It removes any pain instantly quick as flash. T. • it and you will say it is well named Fluid Lightning. Get a 25 cent bottle at G. Rhynas' drug store. b One of our beat citizens would say to tho public that he has tried Halle Cie torch Cure, and it is all that is clai •eel Inc it. Price 75 cents per bottle. S.. d by Geo. Rhynas, s .le a•tee for (coot - rich. 3m : Circuit/as. -A name well known in o snt,ction with the Hair Renewer, which sstor.s grey hair to its na ural Dolor by a few weeks use. Sold at 50 cents per bottle by James Wilson. 2m An Answer Wasted. Can any one bring as a ease of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure 1 We ay they cannot, as thousands of oases already permanently cured and who are daily re• commending Electric Bitters, will prove. Brach..'s Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, or any nnaary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the bow- els, and acts directly on the diseased eta. Every bottle guaranteed. For tale at 50c, a bottle by J. Wilson. • [1j: THE POTENTIAL ENERGY OF the nervous system a stn In the brain and other ne e gantel.% in ' e a of • corn- ier body known -as lees -kiss, derived om the a t - matter nitrogen and phos este- :, ort 0o . In al. forms of nervous . ebOity ••res- tration of the nal tomes ren to •a • fa.l e of supply of this rosei ve tone of the ae. ,e centres. owing to iodi^eetion . id mat-srdmt- latlon. Wheele s P sphates and Ca&Wya w I make app the de. 'chancy, and ne I•nitat to nor substitute oho• d be wood In its place. (3.07DIZRICIM !PLANING MILL ESTABLISHED 1 1. Buchanan,LaWson a Robinson NANUYAC L'ML*a OF Sash, Doors & Blinds MALI= IN ALL KINDS OF Lumber, Lath, Shinstes and ►•under'• material of every description. SCHOOL FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. tarn II Orders promptly attended t'. Goderich, Aug. 2. 1883. Iftely The Cheap Tea Store. JUST RECEIVED, A LAROE SUPPLY OF CANNED FRUITS AND CANNED MEATS OF ALL KINDS. A CHOICE SELECTION OF Fresh Groceries A'so a Ane assortment of Crockery & Glassware iN THE LATIorr DESiGNS. Teas a Specialty Summer Boaroi.tg. IAITLANB PLACE! If you would escape the ramps of teat souurgr of the Sun nor am sen, Choler . Morbus, keep Dr. Feeler's Kitt/Let of Wild birawbe. y at haud fur use. 1 I O. • t at d a" "'her tot i • of Bowel Cow p'•tiut, it is i 'fa tile. 2 MI:. RICHARD HAWLEY - Eleiant Itee:- denee 1. sow OPEN for the SUMMER A Loud Ogee The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R inroad Company has Just issued au illustrated treatise, The Heart of the C0.1.inen t," deselabine the wonderful •;rowth of the six Cheat States. The book is beautifully printed, and numerous en vjs s.•f iti;h moot adorn i.s pales ase eandiug their same sed add. em wi. two thru.-Sant pus:age s.am Wall receive a coPe by re.o-1 u 1.'1, Ly iwplyiee to removal Lowell, ,Geste:_l Peaseti;rr a rut, CI! cage Illisu'a. tit For the reception of • few guests. The reams are very lances** NIl'EL Y• FURNISHED Bath Room with hot and cold water. nownee Alley, Croquet and Ornamental °rounds plenty of choice fruit, • good table, and every comfort will be found. Guests will be met at the station. TERMS :—Seven to Ten Dollars per Week. 11MAITL'ND PLACE, tiodeti:•h. ''ntario. Codertvh. Jane ll. 18 3. 1,'B Address : Eye, Ear and Throat. DR. RYERSON, 317, ('hare* Mreet. Tomas. eat.. L. R. C. P.. L. R. C. S. K.. Lecturer on the Bye. Ear and Throat. Trinity Medical Col- lege. Toronto, and Se -peon to the Mercer Eye and Ear Infirmary, late Clinical Assistant Royal Ophthalmic Hospital. lloordelde, end Central London Throat and Ear Hospital. may be consulted at THE WINDSOR HOTEL, STRAY ORD, On Last Saturday of D017 1°04. June Mb. 1883. McColl Bros. & Co., Toronto. klanufact tires and Whole.alc healers in LARDINE, CYLINDER, BOLT CUTTING, WOOL OILS. - "CK I KLEln(ATPU,— "LARD1 brand is unexcelled by any other nil nn the market. In recogntion ,.f its mai erior 11. it, we have received All the Highest Prizes ! whererei we exnibl.• ' 0 since Isla. amo, o.her awards •, IL • at nberot ALJI, AN LINE or 'tt►1'AL MAIL STEAMSHIPS 1.1 \' EHI'uo1.-LONDONDERRY -(ILAMjt W Every Saturday From Quebec. N.ITEAT 511 P*asACL • ((14FORT AND SAFETY. Summer .irrungeneent. erASON 13_ t'inaeslaa - May 11 Polynesian Peruvian Jr.. N Sennett Ian is 1 Parisian ... r Saardiatas. w.... " i e circar•aa Per u viatan seem/elms..... 1111 Hrurlseem/elms.- • n Parisian Sardinians' clrcaea.a• Polynesian Peru' tan tSarnsatiaa. Parisian Sardinian (*tremolos Poly iwst•s................ " es -reviser Os .. Sarmatian... l'arisian rd' ninn " IT Cuirass/vs Mb:. •e 1'01) •.-sus >b Peruvian " 17 Sarmatian' - •' Passengers squire to leave Goderich at no., n on Thursdays. to common with steamer .t Quebec. Prepaid certillcate teased at greatly reduc,rf rates to psoona wtabing to bring their ' -ten.!. out from the Old Conntry. For 'l Ickets and all Info•mation, apply to Ii. ARMSTRONG. Ticket Agent Godericb. Goderich, May 17th, 1883. gAi iasO 1111 m mr-. y O4010.0 TESTIMONIA.I.S- Collirgwoud. Ont.- The Crowfoot Ritte,. I t ,ok cured me of Sick Headache, aftertwenty yeas of sutferit.s without being able to f 5n .elicf. MICR. J. l.oLrlllusasaD. CIarksbe • Ont -The Csewtoo ',Utters n firstly cured cured me of Menthe • s, without any other medicine. Mss. Joeru LOUGH Dr you in lab to get the worth ofear mosey • Si year enols •t resit. Gold, Silver & Bronze Medals, THEY ./1 LL KEEP IT ! '-defies ■• itetirt Diplomas. It Is weenie not toLion SP t log ; e, ' . at meanie' t 1 and berg lees than one-half the o re Is • Le Ai i rivet o'' the market. t4 1 ICV IT. 7 R. W..MoKenzie.. 1813. 15 1-1 .A. Le el Vegetable �Sicilian HAIR RENEWER was the first preparation perfsetly adapted to cure diseases of the scalp, and the ant successful re- storer of faded or gray hair to its natural color, growth, and youthful beauty. 1t has had may imitators, but none have so fully met all the re- gwirements needful for the proper treatment or the hitt aad scalp. HALL's jlaia Rtxtwss hss steadily grown in favor, and spread Its fame and usefulness to every quarter of the globe. Its us - paralleled paralleled aueeme can es attributed to let *as encs.: the .mire Jr1J1/esest of depravities. T'be proprietors have often been surprised at the receipt of orders from remote eowntrlw, where they had never made so effort for its Introduction. The ase for a short time of Hall's rims firmness wonderfully Improves the permsal appearance. It eleaasee the scalp from all Is• - purities, ewes all humors, fever, and drycsfl and thus prevents baldness. it stimulates tke weakened glands, and enables them to posh for. ward a sew and vigorous growth. The effect. or this arttels are set transient, 1155 those of Mew !wile preparation, int remain a long time, Medi sakes Its use a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DY11 FON TAN WHISKERS Will change Ube heard to • amoral brown, of Meet, as dashed. it protases • ps.•wuaent «4c1 THF DARLING iMPk' t1AI that w111Roe wish sway. Cosseunget a single preventing', n Y sppOsd wears' tmnble. A L S F{tQ1{1N two silver (sake bt omitaske, a Biller cup, R. )F', BALL 00.,2(Alrph>s, N.H.N.H..•nice, it stand, malenessfruit stand, malas jag, one 'int. teaspoons, can) receiver,IN ALL ?MX etzsPt. bid h all Deakin Is MedistawL atter spoon and hotter cooler, all of silver, also tiros plpitchers, pair cf eau b-inlifall plash sfa pillow, Teas a Special.tpe plush tidy, stilinal Baton enwhrnidere.l twine set, two able amp( t and tidy. Ates a sptend.J assort went of hrusss•l mat, r.mh and hrwsh, two lnws, nt.e hands.,me album, chin.. ..4 of GOOD /jARVEST MITTS deems, mat and h..ugout holder, and a pietwmi framed, all from Kincardine ; half dozen fork• ein,l a.,..ns in w,.ot w° torr, from iwowdon ; s- ver tee set fr..m L%etowel : silver awnless -1 pitcher from G. H. OLD e THE GR. 'LR. nonentrf Jett f. ire1 TOR ALL TEP PORN' or es stl*Mutl, mercurial. W 181oed Dlswesre. May 17th. IPS 18e1dm EGYPTIAN OIL The Great Pain Conquer( ranldly dispels ram. i;teaspoonfni in so - cure • distracting head ache In five m n Me.. - u, idled to any •^ectad so'face of th body. as tooth ache, net -spa, rher'nat" .h.. it g1'. es the sufferer conduct and lista reIIetIt Is a • ' ar 5ing remedy. Only WC; an mor.ey refunded it not as represented. R. Throw -err • t•.. rote ereprlelerv. aatford. Ont' W . J. C. Naaltel Dug. -. etc.. Asset lase Sedate -IN THE - Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain and Mouse River C. untr) NORTH DAKOTA, T,.Lotary 10 the i; n...d States Land 'NR GP'ND FflKS, DAKOTA. etira i IS A L M% d Irma panic i Ia view slime t•• any &ddr .aa 1' F. ifeNALLY, Oil. a1 i re' ng Agri ST. AUL. NIIiIIA►$LI$ A ■j8„O811 P ■.: • it M. Temple. • S. SLOANE, i:as o•,hese • large quantity of ES RN 'CO 1 r sewb browbeat. dies let et �. Canadian Corn; Ayres Sarsaparilla. MAW r Ilse /rr s Sole baN1sa Oa G vgP11EACALI1 Oelsheh. Iter I7•' 1 'tt it he P.. lar. Hew tear 10 mJ h. genitals Si .,es the dog da • r, When bricks hay. strokes by do Fi body with an The green wav;nj Mg brasses. The 'scaping true The rick creamy m seises. A rad e'er' the tiro tarot The plain uountry• ales. The sweet conn farm. The sweet co, imam •e I How heady Wh And oaytag ono. Su !, IV ben all can t dime: How woman' to I be ire. Frosh gulden h aid wa 1 o use of the hu ries. Of sweet count f•. d! ke plain count , sins. The street count farm! Ho'tr dear are th. Summer, How e-agnant ,lawn ! But straightway glummer At thoughts o town. The theatre, th. money Etpended in ti qu•Im. The v quel of su Why don't the farm. The blow .-rtaal ward co ^l1 The bathe on. farm. BOY As Urea( Trt■ There is pr in the life of 1 belongs to a b a red cap and adjoining tow a rival club. is no position change for th The other da: going to the boy baseball another club station to go was visible m boys was onl nets on the f to the rival c to tee the vi- defeated will the depot, n victorious 1> for the retui zona looked were defeat, off with the blue .dips I back streets to getout' were ashan beat. The gloomy, fo calamity- 1 The ibcal t pot platfot pire of the veiling ad communit, and nuke critical me was • lo his face, a done as h willing to the hand, ed neigh' brought t grieved,' the defer' ride dow you get god,” ai legs off, unsucces he claw: stock of hood Psi looked a blow to his next U$ZCastit game by lives at trying t call to 1 take oh paper d threw t with tl there, 1 the fac Risme. can, who hr campo made of the hewn which pines, they down vas Iv ��.�.�.�_..'•-•+n,.•.....-.�:�:-.�_'�' ....r---�....,:-11,•11