The Huron Signal, 1883-08-17, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEA It. t WHOLE NL MIlt1i :yet GO1)ERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1883. t MCOLLLICUDI)Y Bites.PURLJ$I(its $1.5 AlE-tlt1NAJJYANCIE Hew Adver/lseaeals rr&l,Week. Notice -Hewer; Y. Astra'. turd of Thanks -t1, Lawson. 11 Will Pay- W. J. C. Naft.•l. Voters' Log. 1E83- \Vito t'atopbetl. Content Meeting -Township of Culhon,e. Information Waadxt -Mr,. Sarah Ittuup. Dentistry. .NICHOL•SUN, LD S, SGROEON Deitl}}t, O:tice and residence. West -'reel threw doses b •:.w Mani of Montreal, tloderieh 1:.52 The People's ttolumn. 1 NFOttMAT1ON WANTED -')Fl JA - 1 COB JOHN RCMP, who left Gu .rich about two Year* a;o fur the Ndrtu-West. When last ho, rd of tin O. , 19411 bo was In Broadview, working; age .the ralltray. Any information coucerntn1i hint will be gratefully rooms tad by his wH.farr. Add rear. MRS. SAit.t.H nu MP, Goderich, Ont. 1904-3t. 1- 01'ICE -- THIS IS TO NOTIFY .11 the Public tha"sMlt. ALEX'It MANN is the only parson a.itho,iz.td Ly me to snake purchases or contract debts in my name. His written enter only for goods and materials will be aeu,owledttedand paid. All commun- ications meat he addresser( to hits only as my agent and general manager. HENRY Y. ATTIIILL. No aceoentn will be acknowledged by ono except on 1114 order. ALEX. MANN.' Ueneral Manager. Goderich Auq. 13. 13'13. 1301-3t CARD OF THANKS. 1 take this opportunity of returning my thanks to those persons who worked so well in putting out the are on \Vedneeday. August NEWS W4'S ABOUT HOME. ( H. I. Strang, principal of Goderich I John 31ePherson, the Kintail athlete, high sch,ol, presided at the convention was in t"wu (luring the week. He chal- 'A chiel's anaag.ye. (akin notes. of high sclluc 1 teachers at Toronto ort lenges any amateur in the counties of Au' faith he'll great It." Wednesday. Benin or Bruce under 160 lbs weight, John Robertson, deputy sheriff of to put the heavy shoulder stone with TOWN Torun. John returned to that city on him. Communications addressed to d r • Tuesday last, after a pleas,•tut t :sit 'John Y1cPherson, care of Alex Young, aid , corner of Huron Soap Company. ' tiv2-3n>. Dr. Ryersom, the well-known oculist, I THE Toronto -troth/informs us that &James SaundersSon wane 500 bushels of etc., will he et the Windsor Hotel, Strat- •' Torunto isgettingto be a dear city to windtuli and cull apples, sour and juicy, at ford, on Saturday, Anq. 25th, to treat live in." he oronto newspalyers, however, aro cheap enough. Tho I stild is not a large daily -a little one for a cent --but it gives an excellent quality of news and editorial matter. In fart, we consider the Turuut° Woe/ a modeldaily. •1 L. . BRA/T. -We have been request- ed to contradict the report, lately circu- lated in this neighborhood, that Mr. L. J. Brace had been killed by Indians. Mrs. Brace, who is still residing at Blyth, received a letter froth him last week, stating that he was still in the Rev. J. Wakefield, of Paris, has been land of the living and enjoying the beat taking advantage of our fine roads dur- of health.-{Wtnghani Advance. ing the past week with his handsome team of ponies. We are glad to see that \ hen belonging to John Bain laid an he is rapidly regaining health. Teseenres.-Mr. Connolly,of the Clin- ont Model S£hoxol, succeeded in obtain- ing a first class "C" certificate, G. Baird, sr., it Seat "C" professional, and John Smith a first "C' nonprofessio.tal. G. A. Smith, B, A., Gold Medalist of Toronto University, at one time a teach- er in the Clinton High `School, has been for all kinds at the factory, Moat. Guess": Highest prices ppamongst Outaeo friends. 1 Kintail, will receive prompt attention. ICI ,ton and Cambria streets Ouderiuh. Osie, for whlcb [tiny will Pal the alae peace eases of trouble with the eye, ear or as they paid last serines. the eat. y Ttet oontroversy as t0 whether the Goderich aureate club is the best ie Hews still rages. Rev. J. A. Turnbull, Mrs. Turnbull but nobody denies that W. L. Horton has the test liquor state, and keeps the purest brands in Goderich. G. B. Robson has just returned from the cities x041 stater towns, and during the trip kept his eye open for the newest &ad best styles in phot•,iraphy. Hell give you the benefit of his experience if you give hint a call. No worn out eto,:k put up at auctions at Sounder's variety Store, but new and fresh goods at leas than auction prices. New Hem of fancy goods and plated ware mei%cd oa Walncadsy. "The Cheapest House tinder the amt." Among the sights of Goderich admired by visitor+ from the north un Wednesday. were the handsome photographs exhibited by Sal - lows. at bin gallery near the market. &snows, the pto raphe. her, ls ttng a wide reputation for A daughter of Mr. Bines is ill at Oshawa. It. Lan,;, of Stratford, spent Sunday in town. Mr. and Mrs. R. Miller left.>titr Man- chester this week. The high school opens in Goderich on Monday, Sept. 3rd. ern, in the sable, and inns nas ing the nomas We are sorryto learn that Will Yates owned by me sad oocapicd by J. C'raw'ord. Had It act been for their kind assistance the of Olds' grocery,is ill. residence world have been destroyed. Mw Caldwell, of London, is the guest D. LA\Vt30N, Goderich. Aug. 10, 1419. 1504 -It of Miss Sarah Sharman. THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF Colborne will meet in the To4rnsbip Hall. on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22nd. lin, at the hour of 1 o'clock p.m. Tire Trusteed of the different School Sections will Meese notify the Clerk on or before tb.$lm lesKof the amount they require for soheelearoomst r t• 1. A. MoDONAGH. Clerk. Atte. lith. 1981 1901-1t TOTHRESHERS-FOR SALE, A good steam thresher. cheap. Apply to JOHN McCALLCM, at the foundry. Uoderich. July 19. 11181 1900-tf. ESTRAY STEER -CAME ON THE premises of the subscriber. about the first of June, a red steer two years old. The own- er is requested to prove property pay- chart ea, and take the animal away. HIGH ("IR - VIN. Ilt- ViN. Lot 12.. on. tL Ashfield. 1k'OTICE TO DEBTORS --NOTICE IS 11 hereby given that *1l gartiesindebted to the undersigned by note or book account are re - by save h e a enforced collectionI meted to settle the same at onoe nd tan1 usi- ness. ABRAHAM SXITII. 1962- QPLENDID CHANCE Fult A J Blacksmith. -Owing to ill -health 1 desire to rent my blseksmlth shop opposite the Te- euhlseh house, Brussel., ter a term of years. Three sets of tools can he had if desired. There are throe forges. and all tow necesaarier to .-arty on a general jn'tbing trade, A good bus- iness is being door. would also lease the wood and paint shops in connection if wanted. The above is a splendid ch -,n• e fur a man w ith push. For full particular"' enquire of W. T. HUNTER. Brussels. 1901-4t For Sale or to Let. CTALtABLE FARM FOR SALE- ` Lot No. S, in the Bayfield con. township of Goderich, MS acres. 10 to 50 acres cleared and Iran tenni stumpy balance well timbered. has frontage on Baylleid river and on the (Tinton road, sad adjoins the ineorpoeated tillage of Hayfield. For t.•r,n, -further particulars and ronditlons of sale apply to LEITH. KING - STONE at AHMO1, R Solicitors. 14 King street (Vest Toronto. Or to John Morgan Hotel keeper. Rayfield, 1t199-tf and )Ills Steep are rusticating at Farqu- har, the guests of lir. Turnbull's father. They will be absent. from Goderich for about a month. Archie McKay has teen apluinted city solicitor of Emerson, 3lauituba. The Intrrnntionnt says : "We feel cer- tain that the comfit will not regret their choice of a legal adviser." egg in the barn the other day, and, not content with that ordinary act, straight- way laid another, and a strange looking one, just before the door pf his dwelling. The second egg was an odd, crooked af- fair. coining from a point to a large thick end, and gas a decided curiosity.,The shell was very thin, but the yolwas fully formed. appointed Science and Commercial alas- BICYCLING. --Two bicy.tists froth To- ter in the Galt Collegiate Institute. mote, Ewing Buchanan ti and J. Boyd,regiatered at the -British Exchange H. M. Cowan has sold the Exeter Re- on Tuesday. They had come from Strat- Rlector to Garner & Hepburn. „ The Re- ford since morning,and said that we had Rector was much improved under Mr. splendid roads for bicycling in this sec - Mrs. Rose, u4Seaforth, is the guest of Cowan's u>Ipagelnent, and we hole to do:1 Gen. B Cox, captain of the G,tdte- Mias Minnie Robertson. see his seccesaurs go ou and prosper. rich bicycle club, took a spin around J. llibbens and ann. of London, are Those who attended the Ncrth street town with the boys, who think Goderich the guests of R. Hominy. Methodist Sunday School picnic at the is an ineneusc.apot for cavorting on the Mrs. Mcbride is visiting her laugh The trips on the sail boat Inint Fent vote t a echarge te success. a wheel.Tite lawn social held at William Ache - ter, Mn, W. Logan, at Saginaw. competent man was a ulxr feature. I pop son's on Tuesday, was very well attend - Kay's block presents quite an unprov- ed appearauce with the new roof. Mrs. Hyslop has a little daughter very ill, from an affection of the lungs. Miss Robertson, daughter of W. R. Robertson, is spending her holidays at home. Geo. Cathcart, of London, an old Goderich typo, is again under the paren- tal roof. . Miss Lizzie Hamilton 'of Brussel:,, is spending a week ur two at her home on West street. Mrs. Isaac Cassady has returned from a visit to St. Mary's, very much improv- ed in health. S. Melconis,n and party, who ware camping out at the "Reserve, ' have re- The tillage of St. George will hold its Wo congratulate the young doctor upon turned to town. civic holiday on Friday, 24th inat, and the obtaiumg of,his well earned honors. Charles. B. Somerville, of London, was an excursion will be had to Goderich on Dr. Ross is son of Col. A. M. Ross, in town last week. Goderich has a pe- that day by the inhabitants of that place 3I.PP. for West Huron. culiar charm fur Charlie. and neighborhood. It will be a treat for DEATH OF S. J. Cox. -Samuel J. Cox, George A. Watson has removed frum I them to see Lake Huron. - who was fatally injured in jumping off a Prince Aliesrt, N. W. T., to Edmonton, where iso will practices law. The Thedfurd eurreapondent hof the l ed, considering the coolness of the even - Forest Free Pr'ss says : Mrs. H. S. ing. The band was in attendance and Holmes, wife of our station agent, and played at intervals. An ample supply her sister, Mrs. W. F. Mcliregor, of of good things was dispensed by fair Milwaukee, are visiting friends in Glide- hands. Miss Preston, who is at present rich. visiting here, sang a number of pieces The prize list for the West Riding of very acceptally, and we should like to Huron fall s iia* has been published,aad hear this young lady again ; her voice has is being put into the hands of intending improved very much siuco we last heard exhibitors. The show will be held on her. , Tuesday and Wednesday, «)et. 9th and Our young townsman, Dr. W. ' K. 10th. Rosa, leo succeeded in pasaing his ez- Itari°, the stationery and fancy goods amination before the board of Royal. Bcecreft, Prank Bolton, Wm. Durnion, man, with commendable enterprise, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Joseph Farrow; Harry Horton, Thomas opened out a branch store in the old St. :Edinburgh, and will now have the Hawkins. Arthur Irwin, Gordon Young, Elmo un Wednesday, rush off s privilege, should he seek to avail himself B1enj.- Bean, -Annie Currie, Mary J. lot of nick-nacks to the visitors front the of it, of signing_ himself, W. K. Ross, north and last Monday of each mouth, and visiting brethren are always ivelcu0ne. After the close of the meeting the visit- ing brethern were entertained at lunch- eon by the members of Ilenutiller Court. MIDSUMMER MEETING. str.all ,.f the T. Day; Treating ea t.ederlsh. b1AN AND WIFE. —Wbat might be FIRST DAY. termed a quiet marriage occurred on The first day's races of the summer July 12th at Pilot Mound, the bride be- meeting under the nuaplcea of the Godly- ing ode-inn Miss Maria Cooper, a young lady who is well known and esteemed here, and the groom J. E. Jehnstun,the popu- lar proprieter of the Brunswick. Me. Johnston is one of our wealthiest citizens -the leading member of our bank, be- sides having large business interests in Winnipeg and many other places. -Mr. and Mrs. Johnston hare the hest wishes of the Herold for their happiness and prosperity is life.- [Crystal City Herald. The bride is a sister to W. H. Cooper,jr. of Clinton. The groom formerly kept rich turf club association was hold on Melton park on Wednesday afternoon. The chief attraction of the day appeared to centre in the ntatc:ied stallion race between Joe. Firher'a " Archie Bour- bun" and Johnny Beacona's "Tontine" and a large number of prominent agricul- turists were present to view the result. The general atteudance was large, but the "Eakin," of whom there was quite a number, did not do particularly thriv- ing trade, as met of the spectators had "cut their eye teeth," and could see an hotel in Wingham, and afterward through the gouge games. A party of owned the Western hotel, Godetich, , itinerant pawl -sellers utao failed too reap which he sold to the present proprie- heavy percentages, owing to the fact t•tr. that the relative merits of "Bourbon" and "'Tontine" , were.tut known to the ucresee lichees" "sports,- and the knowing ones were The first game was a surprise party- afraid of getting "at- on their choice. Ti- Howuver.some pooling was done, bat in l0 urnn9' Inapt Itlstalt:ea IC was all Cve l go, tlr We were a little surprised ourselves nearly so. The sporting glen front ant- - The \Vaubupyouknow whatuisyour- side points dipped itttu Speculation more selves. heavily than our local turfnren, - and had They missed my tuneful voice -Field the large share of uj s and downs inci- Capt. Shaw. dent to racing bets. But not your manly ferut-The Spec- tators. Thu track was in good condition, but none of the horses appeared to show fast Didn't we do the business up slick in work. Iu the county trot, the beat time the morning i -The Huron Juniors. showed only at 2.52, with notninat 2.40 A chi off the Md block -The Settlor steppers un the track. Tho recent erec- P, (tun of a grand stand by A. M. Pulley Club - proved to be a boon to spectators, and We are in peer Luok-now-Thr Jit- many availed themselves of it. nior Sepoys. Shortly after 2 p.u1. the judges, W. We'll fold np the Hurons on Tlluradaey L. Odell, of Lundun, and W. A. Col- next-Seaforth Beavers. borne and John Currie of Goderich, took Wrap' that silver cup carefully op for the stand, and called on the first race: us -The Hurons. This proved to lye TAE STALLION TROT THE MIDSUMMER EXAM bet --"en " Bourbon," driven by Knox, . • and " Trnttine," with Doddrldge fur Slat of ttneressyltl Casdldntes ter o'er- grit er. In the first heat a good start filtrates.' was effected, "lit utbott" taking the. pole, and soon leading. He continued The following is the list of the sec- to lead for the first half mite, but ahort2 cessful candidates at the recent examine- ly after that broke badly, and was " col - tions for teachers held in Goderich : lared " and passed by "Tontine, ' which Su ovn CLAOi-GRAtte A. -,.Jas Wil- by this time was giving evidence that son. there was good power in its long gait. Secrete CLAYS - Ge t ne B. --- Alex' " Bourbon " at intervals continued to Watson, Fred. Blair, Ninian Harrison. break, and the remainder of the heat THIanCi.Axi.-David Andorwm,Thos. was a procession with "Tontine" lead- ing. In the remaining heats Knox managed to get " Bourbon " down to solid work, and led from start to tinish each time, owing to bad breaking. on .Halsef Nellie Tighe, Jane Struthers, the part of "Tontine.". The following Phoebe Smith, Wm. Hackett. Richard is the result : Seaborn. Archie Bourbon 2 1 1 1 INTERMEDIATE. — Murton Robertson, Tontine .1 2 2 2 Quentin Williams, Maggie Robertson, THE l OCNTI TROT. John Keys, Robt. Seaborn, Thos. Allan, For this race there were four entries Emma Acheson, Row Currie, Edith Knox's "Goderich Chief," Swifts "Gey,. Wiggins, Agnes O'Ridlly, Dust( Cald• Briggs," Sharps "Brown Dan.- and Busmen berry's "Poison." Ed. lbtaaon- bury, who drove "Poison," owing to ill- ness, was not able to keep the horse to work, and it was withdrawn after the third heat. The most noticeable feature iu the entire race was the neck and neck mull down the Itouto stretch between "Oen. Briggs" and "Goderich Chief," ending with "Briggs" leading by a head on the first heat. The result of the race was as follows : Goderich CWef.. .... .. 2 2 1 1 1 Ilcorgo Itrlggs.... _ 1 3 3 2 2 Brown 1)an................ _ s3 1 2 3 3 Poison 1 t 1 drawn SECOND DAY. M.,D., C. 31.. 3L C.P.S., LH. C. P. E. ARM FOR SALE -BEING THE 1 easterly 130 acres of block lettered "F'." in the 7th Concession of the Township of Col- borne. About 45 or 90 scree are cleared. The growing timber consists of maple. h and elm. A frame house, a large trailed Darn and stable are on the premises. Fences Only four miles front Goderich by • le* vet road. leor psrticalars apply to JOHN BRECKEN RIDGE, Goderich, or to IAi;',tt A MORTON. Solicitors. tlaierich. 1t s1 141OR SALE. -THAT DESIRABLE 1 residence, corner Brittania road and Me - i tonald street, opposite the High School, with two tote. The horse is to goo t repair with carriage heese and stable and other out ouildings. The garden is well stocked with reit trees. grape cines. aIt. I.rryy,('OAte., t3, For terms apply to Davison et Johnston, tlplarA ION-tfL )Oft SW1 011 TO RENT. -THAT tion. ►eastit I brick residence occupied by Mr. sand Mrs. Donald Fraser, Gibbon r. Rice, 5110 formerly occ ied by :fir. S. Malcomson, at the heed of Newgate street. Possession given in Oche_ t particulars particus apply to the owner, J itW/. KbaNRUDOK. Newgate street. Uoderioh. 12 . John Galt, of Moncton, N. B., a fur - mer resident of the circular town, is re- newing told time friendships. Donald Manson and wife of New York, were the guest of Peter Adamson, county clerk, during the week. Mrs. Harvey Howell and dauehter, Mn. Tyler, from Buffalo, are up for a call on their tnany friends here. Mrs. T. Sneyd and daughter are on a visit in the country, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hinny Dodd. The Misses Beenleigh, of Brantford, and Arise Mbar+, of ratford, are the guests of Mrs. Looney, South street. Miss J. Stotts; of Detroit, left for home on Wedeesdsy, bentg culled there- to by the serious illness of her mother. for misbehaviour at the band picnic last If they are lost to you for ever, its worth Judge Tons and Geo. Stivon, repre- week. Mr. Bingham lodged the cum- ° (bullar to know it. A dollar's worth of sentatives to the Grand Lodge LO.u.F. plaint. It is possible that Atkins may advertising with acctt,,lish what may not at Ottawa, rutin -fled to town on Sat- be prosecuted by the Crown Attorney for be done in twentydollars worth of tmttttslles looking and en {uiriug for the ani - day. I a graver charge. Dr. McLean, of this town,has been ap- D. McGillivray, M.-1., returned last week front a visit to Galt and Brantford. He derived great benefit from the miner- al springs at the Tatter place.' -Re left on Monday rut Toronto for Byng Inlet. Parry Sound, to spend a week with his COAL -The Schooner Dr. Hungerford moving train at Toronto on \\ ednesasy well• arrived on Sunday last with 400 tons of night of last week,died un Friday morn- The following, although not ptpils of hard coal front Buffalo for Wm. Lee. ing. Hie remains were at once forward- the High School, wrote et tioderic i : Also the Sehr, Bessie Berwick with 300 ed to Goderich, add his funeral on Sun - tons of soft coal from Sandusky for tj(e day was very largely attended. The North American Chemical Co. deceased was 27 years of are, and bore The fullewing from the Vot' Et•tt is an excellent character. He was a mem- true, so far as it goes : "The people of ber of the North Street Methodist Wingham "excurted` to Goderich on the church, and a Sunday school teacher. 15th ; there was a big crowd, and they His funeral sermon will le preached on had a good day kr their holiday. Gode- rich makes a capital holiday resort." PEa.+oNAI„-The Rev. Mr. Marling of New York, brother of A. Marling, Deputy Minister oI Education..is the guest of Dr. tire. Mr. 'Marling was Dr. Wild's predecessor as .pastor of Bond street Congregational church, Toronto. A young fellow named James Atkins, respectably connected, was fined it6.50 Sunday evening by Rev. Mr. Cambpell. STRAY ANIMALS. -Advert tae your stray I Grace MCGre>tor- animals in THE SIGNAL Those who har- C11NTos. bor stray animals without making it The following is the list of the known cannot collect anything from the I names of the successful candidates from owners if they aro called fur. Advertise the Clinton High School. Ont of them and you can collect expenles for the 41 who wrote 35 succeeded, cer- keeping as well as for the advertising. If tainly a very good exhibit of the then you have lost any animals the surest way °ugliness of training at this rchool. to -get them is to make your loss known. INTERIM-HATA ---Minnie Lavin, Eliza Waldron, F. Holmes, Geo. Hart, Sam. Taylor, John Crells, Bertie Fisher, Wm.McTaggart, Win. Milne, Jas.McDo'nald, Ellen Maxwell, Mary Straith, Bertio Snell, Alice Holmes, Agnes Loutit, Geo. Anderson, John Churchill, Donald Rose. Titian C,t.'ot. -- Lilye,lley, Minnie Crowley, Agnes Feyrul, Emma Boyd, (leo. Musgrove, Samuel Lutta, Henry Clark, Stephen Taylor, Chas. Hollatd, Junes Wanless, Rnbt. Swan, Jas. Mc- Gowan, John Shaw, Ben. Stanbury, Sarah Dunbar. Ss, -one CI.Ass. --Wm. McKay, John Cornyn. Sgcosn Class-GRAItg A. -- Arthur Cressweller. SEros( CLASS — GRADE B. - Frank Crassweller. THIRD CLASS. -- Christina Cameron, Wilhelmina Gordon, Sophia J. Walker. INTERMEDLATE.-Etta Potter, Martha Wynn, Joseph Perkins, D. M. Gordon, pointed a member of the Surgery Com- mittee of the Ontario Medical Associa- 1 1'OR SALE OR TO RENT -THAT 'Valuable Property- known as the Shels pat'ton Store and Post Ofge., with quarter of an acre of land, is od red for sale or to rent. Ptoek in store all new and fresh this year. Tis proprietor has other buslmo, whleh calif re- gtitre Ms sole attention. Alen the wet half of of eon. 3, K.D. washed. all new land ; two good ernhatds. t wo good wells. and comfort- able frame houses. The Int enntaine lee teres. of which '0 ore cleared and all well fenced. street, lost the eldest of their faintly of 6 children front inflammation of the brother John, the missionary there. eter at the reduced rate. The fare for lungs. Ar Tee ALntoN.-The following sum- the round trip has been fixed at the low H. M. Cowan, editor of the Exeter mer visitors are registered at the Albion rate of $1, which tkus places an enjoy- RrA+r4or, son-in-law of Gavin Struthers, Hotel : --A. Guthrie and wife ; Thomas *lee trip, and an opportunity of seeing of Goderich, has passed asuoeessful med- Evens and wife : C. A. Stanton,wife and the aight4of Londnn,within the reach of kat examination in Toronto. son ; Miss Jessie Palmer, Madison, Ind. all. The train will leave Goderich at 1X. A. McGillivray, principal of Cooks- Mrs. HolIbird, Cinecntatf. Geo. Ship- 7.40 a.m. and arrive at London at 10 villa school, spent his vacation in town, ley, wife, baby and nurse, Toronto. o'clock, thus giving the excursionists the Tha temperance bodies of Goderich and vicinity have arranged with the G. T. U. to run an excursion train to Lon- don and return on Thursday next, the civic holiday. Excursionists will *leo bI acoommodated from Clinton and Ex - and vicinity. He left to resume him pro- Taal COAT. -The coat found on a greater 'art of the day in the city. Passional duties last Saturday. hitching pest on North -at. by Dan Carty HoLMrulvtLLE Benxia.-County letad Remdning 50 acne bosomy timbered cairn Dr. J. F. Ihekenn, of St. Louis, and asd advertised in THE finieaL, was im- commissioners Hardy and Mason assisted hardwood. For particular, ad,treee 11. T. hie brother William, whn were present at mediately claimed by A. P. McLean, by Reeves Gabriel Elliot, E. Corbett,W, HAYtft9. Shepeardton 1'.t> 11'12- the nuptials of their sister last week, left merchant tailor, who had host it from his l oung and T. Cooper. with ooanty clerk -`-- hew low their home ou tiattrday. waggon the day before it was found. It Adamson, (net on Friday last, at the Commercial hotel, Clinton, and opened the tenders put in for the nnnstruction of the Holmesville bridge. There were five tenders. The highest tender was for $4,500 ; the lowest tender was $2,190, and w'as made by Mr. Harbottle, of Crentwoelt, township of (hay. The ern - tract was awarded to Mr. Harlaott's on condition that he sires security for the satisfactory performenoe of the work. RENT. late hetet hens' on the corner of Elgin and Stanley streets. 1t contains eleven rooms. f pan pant (tenor. ardi d tssi soft water. its-tf MRS. GEORGE CATTLE& FARM TO SUINT. W. neva peau ties ¢ _Mss .& t ors MF. MOoede wpsndt east all . ilt Mie.. eTe o Harr itik tt T JAMB 8 BAILEY, LICINB AUe-' ironPests et IItMM. _ sew 'a1MNR i W .Psee. B * in IOHN KNOX, LICINflal AQC- tr TIONRtR titer the comity Palm Parapp fn ski off the dere left artLaetii s t0 or at W, RA Attcnctilier PI tWes ETTtIOW ot P. 1 JUL the qtr. AMOIL l Go mo ietrt M MM Preston, oaf Thorold, is rcvieitisg (.dente*, and ss stopping under the rooftree of Mrs. Wm. Mclean. Miss Pivotal► le a very pleasing vocalist. Mt. Omrre's church S. S. picnic was held- in Bingham's t'r'ove on Tuesday. Tl}s weedier was 000l, and the power barb had a good timee(f '- We leave Feeeived the Mishima Mini ear old Mend Wm. McCaig, oaf i amontt 1 W6`trlt:fv rising the etty olray MAT essistas M that g Seism tows pays to advertise, and Trig SIGNAL is the Wet read -paper in tote smitten. A monster hawk descended upon a Bock of hens belonging to Mrs. Mitchell, Lighthouse street, tin `Vednesda morn- , and went of with one of the fowls potl►ertH ugh Bain has t'1 'next visit of lien disturbing - Few days. : Abossitor is correct in 1M eni$1111M t''tdtt•try OCotssanw, the - inssis," the Campbell at Brae - years, has apm returned emit has charpp of the Miketa Jimmie is F &Monti•* and Mil, patties patting op a1 raj* OnistiNtlial 1111 he ,spite safe is leav- ing their horses. in his charge, sad can rest assured that they will be as well aired for, and probably better than if they had the doing of it themselves Vivian tickled psi* cars • sample lot hook Wherries Milli tantay n& ht.'s e" is bound to heap abreast d t is the fruit The Eitptec r,' ith its excursionu shrtintrent&daChrt lmetirs ween wrq plsssai with the trip, and Commodore Lewis feels wind of his seboweer-yacht axis for tt olM 1M jw Formers.-- On Monday evening,Amg. fkh, a number of brethren from Goderich and Londeebornagh anarts, at- tended a meeting of Court Benmiller, No. 86, and assisted in the initiation of four candidates who then presented themselves for admission. This order is growing rapidly, having now 9A sutra in Ontario, 3 courts in Quebec. end 2 in Manitoba. 1lndowssest claim.' have been pawl promptly. and at the next stinting of High Oeart the endowment .ettsnse will be furthet improved. Court Renmiller, meet• on the swrv,nd A barter's suicide. Kincardine, Aug 13. Dr. McGregor, who practised at Ripley, (int., and lived here. was found this evening in roar of the Elgin hotel with his throat cut. He was Tying in a pool of blood quite dead. A small knife was open at his side and a new revolver was in his pocket at full Dock. No cause is known for the rash act except that he has been drinking heavily for some time. *erases Ace/des'. The second day a races were not s largely attended as those on Wednesday. The first was THE NAMED RACE, between Nicholson's "Bonner," Swift's "Clariel," and Polley's "Captain Gibbs," and was won by " Bonner," with "Cap- tain Gibbs" second. Result by heats : Bonner 1 2 1 1 C'aptainUlbb 3 1 2 2 Markel t 2 3 Dist. THE FREE FOR ALL was between " Goderich Chief,' "Geo Brigio," and "Bonner." Th&latter was withdrawn'on the second heat, Ieaii the result between the other horses as follows Goderich Chief 1 1 1 George Briggs 2 2 2 The Kincardine Reporter says : set in finnday, 19th July, Rev. and Mrs. An• drew, were ready to proceed to church at Milllord. Manitoba, when it was lis• coveted that a holt of thehuggy to which a team of young heroes were hitched, re- gsirel tightening. J. Gee. Sturgeon proceeded to do the necessary repairs, while Mr. Andrew* left for the barn, leaving his wife in the buggy. The rais- ins of a parasol frightened the horses and they ran away, throwing Mr. Aa- drews nut upon Mr. Ntergeoti, wMo was between the box and the wheel, injuring him severely, and breakieg her tight ares shove the elbow, ane giving her a terrible jarring, Mr. Sturgeon had au Uwe* broken, Mit his head, neck sod whale bol were badly bruised. At last amounts the injured ones are(lointr well le Isere le spend the amasser. When Mr. Topuoody had settled down after supper Thursday evening, his wife, after a few preliminary coughs remark- ed: "Mr. Topmaady,have you thought atty- thipg about where we would spent the Summer r' 'Yes, uty dear, 1 hare given the sub- ject some deliberation." "AM1 have you decided on a plana dear r 'Yes, lure, hae." "Oh, you sweet rthing ! Where is it to be T' "At home love, ; the dearest place on earth, the conservatory of our affection' in which bloom the freshest, fairest (lowers of ho )e and happiness, content stent and satisfied serenity." The English hoar grain crop will this year, it is animated, be two million quarters lees than last year. A few days ago a pike was caught at Plum Creek which, on being openel,wsa found to contain two English enterergsrs. How they got into it is • mystery. It as suppteeil they dropped from some one. pocket into the river ; the bed being lit vivid they would not sink, and as • lave a weakness ter anything bright se shiny, the sovereigns were speedily ap- prepnated. At any rate it was a good catch