HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-08-10, Page 8a
THE HURON SIGNAL, ;t DA Y 'A 7..(i ;t), �?
A Young Llan Shiet Throtegh The
Heart in ' c•ror. to
'floe Murdr er
Intuit \t re. !tour at the
Last Murllna.
teuncdlor Murray drew the attention
of the Connell to a complaint u►ade by
Geo. Graham that his cellar had been
doodad, ow it, to chat
Friday, Aug. 3rd. i„ eurpuratien drain
Thu reeulur meeting of the town come I Referred to pan.
.wrwW•. w ,.a...ol a route. oil was held the evening.
Nilo .ern' 's Present -tire mayur in the chair, anti
all the uttitibers except Messrs. Smith,
1)etltr and Seager.
The minutes et last uredo: were
read and appruted.
The treasurer's stateuleut for the
mouths ..f June and July wes read(
showed that there had 'men 13 inter-
ments since last report -8 adults and to
infants. The sexton also called atten-
tion to the fact that the toads in the
cemetery had been badly washed out by
the recent rains -Referred t., cemetery
The horticultural society, through the
secretary, made application to the town
council fur the annual grant of 5100 -
A cummunicatiun was read from the
county dt,rk, showing that
had been levied on the town of G•,ue-
rich fee county rate.
A communication from the secretary
of the high school board was read stat
in that $1,;00was re.tuired for expenses
I of hi;h school, and requesting that 5500
of that amount arc paced tu the of
the board, so that salaries of the teach-
ers up to Ucteher 1. lie 1•:ii i -Referred
to nuance ceunuittee.
A communication was read from the
the local agent "f the G. T. 11., calling
the attention t f the council t.. the hal
condition of De%iatien street, and asking
that needed improvements be ntade-
Referrcd„to public works committee.
The folll twine. communication was re -
leatt half -past cloven "a Tuesday
ui • a tragedy was cuactcl na York
st et, which resulted in the death of
Janata Maroncy, a .bus driver. 1'r.lice-
nun Cuddy bravely arrested the murder-
er at the extreme peril of his own life,
and succeeded in 1.Jgiug hint safely in
the cells of the Central Police Station.
resided with his widowed another, of
whom he vas the wile support, at u'J
Pearl street. Last night he stabled his
horses in Trimble% stables and started
for his home with another morn named
Jordan. The two %ulked along York
street until they reached the cernor of
Pearl, when they met a loan named
Charles Andrews, and all unknown com-
panion. From this out little is known,
but people w'ho were passing by say that
they sew Marney and Andrews sudden-
ly clench. Maroney being the heaver
man bare Andrews to the ground. At
this moment Maruuey exclaimed :
"•n t
♦B VOL"]"OC li.tl'e. .:nT AHL L 4�1',
A« explosion fllowed. :1laroney let go
his held of Andrews and started to stag-
ger across the street faintly calling out,
"I'm shut, he has done rue sure.'' An-
drews meanwhile sprang to his feet, and
tleurlshing the smoking weapon, dashed
along Pearl street, taking the west side.
Policeman Albert Cuddy heard the shot
while standing on York street between
Pearl and Adelaide, and turned his oyes
in the direction of the report in time to
see Mergoney fall and his murderer run
up Peal strc_t. Cuddy did lee hesi-
•'oi • !11 ours''(. Atl-
n Il alt in In
tate a ut t e 1, 1
drews dodged up an alley in rear of
illontgomery a tavern, but before doing
so he ca uo to it sudden belt; and taking' l;E?TLEa1L\,--\\ ou11 it not be ailcilx•
deliberate aim at the Meets: :trete -The i bac in su nntel a fruit greying district as : summer
bullet was %%eel' uua..:•: and sent with 1 this to offer some reasonable inducement -77
murder: us imeuti. ns. It whlrzed Ito: fur outside cupifllists to locate in thl3 +triol: \1 eetat.--Slice some well'day
tween Cuddy's left arm and side. By town afruit cauuingfactur' .' I oyouldaug ulrtl tipples in a large jus. [hey need
this time the policeman was almost on gest that the ceuncilexpend asum efmoney be neither peeled nor cered. Ade three
him, and before he had run manyyards in alceitisin. f..r such capitalists in some j er four cl•-yes and a strip of lemma peel,
helves in the grip cf the law. Cuddy I of the leading dais •• -, such advertise- and (,our boiling water over. Let it
seized hold of the h.utd which held the ',trent t.. state cl.. ..lady and appresimate I stem' 24 hours. It may be drinkable in
pistol, but Andrews quickly changed .quantity of fruits from along the lake 12h,: urs ..r less.;;= c
es recently model
n that %loiflity.1
s committee.
Councillor lilliott directed the atten-
tien of evened to the quentity of water
which lay on west side of Cameron street
atter raiu falls. Referred to public
works ceutwttteu. - ,
Councillor Jordan pee neeice that at
next meeting he would iutrtkluee a by-
law regulating the storage of guot.owder
anti other explosives.
Council then adjourned.
Harrison a Temperance
.1 Pennsylvania lady tells that when
General Harrison wes running for presi-
dent he stopped .it the old 1\'auhiugton I
House 1n Chester for dinner. After din-
ner was served it was noticed that the I
General pled•,ed his toast in water and one I
of the gentlemen froinNew York,in offer-
ing,said, "(lettere!, will you nut favor me
by drinking a glass of wine ?" The Gen -
coal refused in at very gentlemanly man-
Agouti he was ur.ted to lens !ti a gees '
of wine. This was too much. He lose
front the table, his tall form erect, and in
the neat dignified manner replied :-
twice lhayerefused t a 1.. c
partake of the wine cup. That should
hat -e Seen sufficient. Though you press
the cups to nay lips. not a drop shall pans
the portals. 1 made a result when• I
started in life that 1 would avoid strong
dril:k, and I have Bever broken it. eI ant
one of a class of seventeen yuuug men
who graduated, and the other sixteen
tilled drunkards' grtvea-all thrcugh the
perinea ns habit ..f wine -drinking. I owe
all my health, happiness and prosperity
to that reseleti!rt. Will you ur.e me
ceivcd freta :1. JIcD, Allan. and ex- new
plains it -elf :- Probably few enew what a teull-eranct
4'. u ill•• thefew days u,
88.. website
Goderick, July 30, 1 president�)
T..11,• -11. ,for, 1: • 1 ('.. ,,.r;'',.,s which General Harrison tilled the chair
„f 1,0.1, ,;, /,. • , of State. -.,American Exchange
the weapon lute the lett hand and tired shore. If a cerrespentlence follows,
again. This shot passed between the I indualucuts 10 tae way of remission of
eiflcer's lees and pierced Ilia tunic. This I taxes for a term of years, or a lend grant
was the last effort to use his weapon l,uight roes..needy he etlered upon proper
glade by Andrews. A well -directed blow t conditions. Other district$ less favora-
ble for fruit growing have these factories
dein.; a thriving trade, and it seems to
and the strong arms of:Pulieentan Cuddy me that .acro should he an opening here
held stint like a vice. Policeman Bell by for one. I believe the ratepayers would
this time arrived upon the scene and heartily sup port the council if they
Andrews was Marched between theta to wmtld continue to 'expend occasional
the Central station and securely fastened soma of money in advertising for "preen-
up in n .troth', cell. While this almost cal sten \t'itlt proper financial standing
of the- club sent it whizzing out of
• THE atrItnER.En'a HADD,
L't to:.tt.T \\ .teeit.-gut lilt. a 1,11
tasin tw'e .tuarts of black currants, well
4o uisee, and one pint of the best vinegar.
Let it stand three or fuur days, and glen
strain it int.. an earthcrn jar,addi,a pound
and a hall of lump sugar ; set the jar in
a saucepan of colts water, :uta buil for an
hour. When cold, bottle. It is better
if kept , fon• a year. Rasp(• •rry vinegar
may be made in the same ea}•,but double
the quantity of fruit is added, the second
two .warts at the end of tee -first threeday's. ' •
second tragedy wits being enaceel en to establish manufacturing or other in- Carnot Water. --Put 4.110 .luart .'1 Tel
Pearl-st, a curious crowd of street leu 1 I 8300 8500 t
n�:. tereste lure. f.. or .•_ were
e. currants awl lutlf a pint .-f raspberries.
err and pedestrians gathered .around the fended tit a year in this way at naght asitia two .luaus of water, over a ver}
still breathing nody of James Maroney. result «l Ltipging among us new mate- slow' tire, to draw the juice for half an
After a white a doctor was sent fl.r. and ' rial and new industries such as we need. hour. They must not boil. ``tram
friends recognizing. Maroney, . rried Bellevingl the matter to be worthy of
through a hair agave, and add another
him into his mother's house, only , few' consideration.
• quart of water, in -which about three -
doors down. Dr. Thorburn cent lined I nut, respectfully,
lean : ::d pronounced life extinct. la fact ALEX. M. U. ALLY.. lunrttrs of e pound of auear Las Lcenboiled to a syrup. teller fruit may be
Maroncy had died before he crossed the : Jehn McTeer, of Goderich township, used in tate s:u«o way. 1
thcshold of his home. made. a Written offer to the council for
WHO THE MrazEt:ER I3. the shanty in the cemetery and stove in It is said that Miss Ma„ie Mitchell '
TeenTo, Aug. et. -The murderer, shanty fur SS -Referred to cemetery refreshen herself between the acts, whet:
Chas. Andrews,alias Morgan,was brought • committee. s playing, by a s{runge .bath with cum .1
up in the Police court this utornint . He TItE If.tiiit l - toialN. ere -at man_ Voting teen in the audience
pleaded not guilty, and was remand A co:nmunicati' n was read from G. refresh themselves het•t•eten the teas ill
till the 15th. Ile was One of a gang alto H. Parsons, complaining ..f injury done pretty much the saincernannere with the
fired on the police at Sandwich, and is a to the Ocean House owing to defects of difference that tate bath is applied inter -
tough of the first water. He has been harbor drain, and asking that the same nelly.
en a spree for a long tiine, and ended by ' be remedied at once. It is 11;•,... ofteli in ( h.tat i•) that vie
the murder. THE WTQGHAM CSIt'R$Ioj., , f a.eitilway" trail login_ lot -,trait'
NARROW EY•APE FROM 1.\N(•Ifpa:,sLttt lstill by tyre c.:. '''ill:; lc"
A coma nunicetien was read from I:.
The inquest on the unordered man 1:t -
Clifford on behalf of the excursionists of °11' l ""e• "I,t !
ropey its et
Hotel,ouear} where +tile Iluurderlwas -lsnt, - ttlir.glutm who propose visiting Gederieli 1at,c :t.nurre the GelleY ilt •
heti t tatut•'tt enure 1 00(1
:nitted. Tho prisoner was escorted to 'n .' ' t ins .,s
the hotel ..a•a street; force r.f petite...bet er 1,e00 people from tont section atld
narrowly escaped 1yncline... .1 nee: , f visit 'the county town on that day,anti
sakinz that tee
five theusutd' attacked the tack c••1:v.y'- e council Would mutt anon,
,ofticiaiiy. The matter was left in the
tog the prisoner, literally toariie• there °lands of the Mayor.
W111.41 tint .,.tnt . f ti t t
the tree. be •o_ t it t .
sc,,t!l t
111111 1411:It
.r, lel, •
to pee -es. One ••• allele- loads -
long 1':itet rope, made reale.. turns.; a attc„il.ts THE NoRTIIERS t.AMt:-. Loans an insurance.
'o encircle tie neck of the trembling pie 1 circular was read from the Lucknee - -
seiner. wh(nse { it ti'uA :•ppeaie for mercy Caledonian society, satin:; that (;.idecici, '000,000 TO �,u-1\. .%1 T
were (1,013:,,,h ti i .yo ahu stoutest. The set apart the 12th e1 Sept. as a eivi: t•.Dies:• 1':. 11"1;1 � i'.l`•l i.::. •':. (:.ale 1
pulicn were rapidly reinforced, and after holiday, so that the residents of the town •"'•''
a doterini'".ed end held -fought : oto ,le have an opportunity offered them of ' `i t 1 \ 1; e- 1 1 • !
suceet',cd in (setting their man into the witnessing the northern .games at Luce- 1 . „ .1•,•
naw ea that day. Filed. tee,. ere... • t,
hotel, there the proceedings were held.
Th t: 1 N Q f'E'.it.
The evidence • - :he c Nnla►nions of do-
, cast e and his murderer hhowc,l tion' the
ABOUT OA`s. •-- --- -
A circular was read from the Listowel
Gas Co., Tasking information as to the
quarrel armlet fr.ent the refusal of the feasibility of establishing a gas cempaoy
rnurlt led comm and 1115 two friends to in Goderich. Referred to special t ••un•
take a ,'.rink with Andrews. The latter, „Brice.
upon 'wine refused. beta o tory angry,
an -1-111 t+a a few wa+tds_dra:w a-n:smear
and s tuck 'Maroney in the face with
the hart ; 31n:•nnre seiz, d hien, threw
him down and. hold him, at the Lime
t' 'lint the bee*aindert "This
. A Mtn -Weer of aces nts *ere read and
referred to finance committee ; also an
eccount was receiyedf rout Win. Babb,
time calling
e • claiming damages for injury done by the
f •ll w• lies a r •'oleo. • fetch a police- defective harbor drain, p•hich was re -
u' ferred to Public Narks committee.
" Upon t! �� ..1a.lrew•s hired, at,d Public
Maria -WV ewe from his steopintr posture ily-law Ni t,, 1 •r extension of time
and staggered to the other side of ti
read, where he fall dead. The murder-
er arose and wa:eed ral.iilly away, in-
•-reasinz his pace to a rima when Con-
stable Cuddy at,te 1 in p'trsuit. Upon
;kadiue himself eerrcred, he tired twice
at the efficer. both shots ha, penin; to
mins 1,y a hiirbleath.
-- "�--
\'i omen are gradually comity: to know
their : ights and maintain them. The
latest and most si milk. •.t tilt :ration of
this was f•tund in Pennsylvania a day ( r
two are, :There a price fsl{ht was 'topped
and the tp.ctat•rs dispersed by a tinily
of wee:c n, wh P, armed with knives and
piMe ls. made w rinse. at the ring;. Festi•
Ions demos amt d.tmaela may shudder
at the thorned of the weapons of ruffian-
ism toeing hsndhd by women, but the
raider* probably knew. as do meat p.eu-
ple who know the rias, whic't attends
mise h a, thate
t Ttlt ttL1gT I iWMITTtr.•s REPORr
ti hua-
for enforcing payment of taxes was iced
first and second time. and -on suspen-
sion of rule 34-a third time, and pars-
EIK►: 4 .,NNITrtE + KEP"I:T.
The tire cenenittee hog leave to revert
as fellows
\'ie have considered the c.minunica-
tion of the secretary .•f the late fire c tot-
pany'. and recommend
That the late company receive six
months' share .1 the appropriation from
the council, payable at the end o1 the
year in the usual mans. r.
That the etteetion of pnrchasiug Clan -
defier, carpets. etc., lay over 1..r future
That there he purchased fir the com-
pany 10 dark nil -skin Beate. 10 pair
hip rubber lei es, 2 pair knee rubber
bootee .
All of which is respectfully anhutit-
p ,tilt nothing less persuasive ,1uti Limps, chairman.
than serail and leas would have effect
Besides, t le p
and less tl r ughle cowed int as
the women wh-, attempted to (Beaus h
thews from s:ten
oriro deliflehtion�trntal men Hi(n oils$», it•'teat .,i; Henry
i As.'e0,
diversion mat as a I women, sn, h as some• $12 • Wm, Bibb, e,a
need thin taming
times operate successfully in the higher 1 verbal statement walks of life, and if the women sweep sweep
'he pn''he will forgive than for As nee
f 'tt tins white, like kedea and pistols.
e (icor r>aadlly *t,:,.i,s tltkt t+• lade should
r si/ittRlh.
Ai i ( t:, l•.1 'It) LEN1). - - h'1t1V.t:11':
(tout,- ma fr;•t..hold security. Apply to
lieo. Swtut.wn. God crick. intoe i r
:50,000I'R1V kTE Ft'N1►, To LEN I) I
ea, on - i 5 per Kcent. a uplr d Farm or to IL I l K'LIF F'Esn Town .I7' 1
e, 11 amount of Private Funds for ince-:mint i
tt lows tt ratet on float-cIa , \lortaag(•s. Apply 1
toO.11tIP11A & PItUCDkoo1.
i tt\N; FREE OF Cki.�tlt.r:.-
1 ' I•,n,'y lend a' L.we,n rat. s.
any crit roe ,.Earl(• v, Sk.YI1 It tC•.14511111`.
oWpoa,c Colborne. Ilotel.
Oalerich. _r.:rd March 1501. 1'7^•
ft20,0D0 l'RIVATE FUNDS Tt ► LEN()
to on Farrrt and Town Property at Ina. ,,t in. i
tornet. Atuttgnt(cs purchased. 110 l'amm...:.,•,
charged, ('•onveyancing Feta rue
N. 11. -ii rrowers can obtain mot .•1 In
ff title in feTO\ Barrietcn,,Rc . (c.- od Hch. DAVISON J
Lite and A,ridcnt insurance Agent.
Iteprssenthut drat .•la•lsl•owttanies. Al. agt•tit
'kw 11';1:,:e7,;(7". Live Sro• 1: lia•n.tx, 1: ('o.
Money to hrnd oa Hor.Itt t -. 1f i",4`",;'.' In'Ge.riru
rarer 1•roperty. in any tt a•. 10 milt 11.e 1,'rrow
er. (rtltee--ern-atairo) 1.11-'s block u,,:;rich
Jtie neat.
1 B. WHITELY, M.D., C. M., I'M" -
•r . sI4'IAN-. iSergti.n. .\crus, hear, etc., \1.
('.1'. i.. Ontario. 11tfec - The "gltar••. 4 doers
East of Wilson's Inas Store. tip stairs. Ian
1.X.1 B. M4t11tt.keit. fke..�M
pistol' el ty,Lleentateof1
Mar of Ph;t'sletss+i. Leedom
Ilwtarlo. OAre and
Opposite Bailey's Hotel. Hatnlltos
1 a ectatere were of the f••llew• -
Linde, sons, bothers, ••r swe"thr'ir•ta of recomnt nded e pay -melt of t eel : din
they wou d un if ., .
they mould have made life n4 . .li ,le for
Jas %'~Isoit, #2 1i.0 John Italie?, � 18:
1 t nteitt was made 1)y the
chairman 1.1 public w. rks committee that
an error had been made in the estimate
for Ilennett-at drain.
Mored by Gineh'tm sercended by Mur-
at" that an additi•inal Pile be granted.
OlttEv. Coroner tire. Oface and
Bruce Lttrset. second deer west *1 IOCStreet.
G. MACKil). M. D.. PHYRi-
1 I (:. elan. Surgeon ext Aceoncher. (ira4astc
of Toronto university. IKnee opposite ('eater
-on & Cameron'a Flank. Lncknow. If nos Is
other. enquire at the flank. 13114.
Psyatetans, nnrscens. Aeeonobers, ka
nt3lce et Ise. nhanninee residence. refit tYe
grol(7Acrich. 0 t' interni, J C 111A2M-
PrOSerYO 256 Pounds of Fruit, Tomatoes, &C.
American Fruit PPeeerviia Powder & Ligaid Will Do It.
11'ittc col» righted. and Prescrativer patented in Erika brutes, August, 1ST Also pat, [nod
. in , nein at fon•tgn cuuntrlrs.l
The Pt•-tvt•vine Powder and Liquid.. are together in package ; the Lieuid to bottle
with the powder packed around it. Beth the Powder and Liquid are antiseptic.
Used together as directed, they nettling to form the Cheapest, Bleat and Most Re-
liable Antiseptic in the world, being iustantsueotes in its action and permanent ill
effect, and warganted to be as healthful as cuunueu rade salt.
I It will effectually allay .•r 1r.•irut ftrmtntation and preserve til! kinds of
Fruit, Juices, Syrups, Sauces, Marmalades or Compotes of
Fruit, Spiced Fruits, Tomatoes, Vegetables, Cider, &c.
Thio Preserved Fiuit, tec. nine be kept the year round, or for years, tit Glass,
Earthen or • toneware ears of any size, simply corked with a ceinmen cork, or with
,tr t; taper, or oiled Moth tied over the top, or they may be kept ill Woudun kelp
ae41 111' rete. N.. need to keep the veetele air -tight:
The Fruit, etc. may he used or sea:aced iron large vessels ns wanted from rami
to time during weeks or menthe.
Thu Fruit, etc. ul ty be trotutp• i;e:l over land or water, invoh'inx weeks or ntenths
to treneit,
The Fruit allay i,t• keel without su!tr, or any tlntntity of sugar city be added as
de.: re '.
I m, e ••? 1,)acw:cl
awill preserve twe larrulr uf r.t
it will keep
as still
iter to
l.:irees : es eesire,l it an ay at any tittle be nettle lute sparkling cider.
T1, :',..• t, in:: Powder mud Li.elil is not a new and untried experiment, but has
!been . otrti:.t:1y Hie 1 titre:i heat tilt) t'niteIl St.itos anal Canada, and to c esstder-
, able este•it ie f .reitfal countries during several years past, and &spat be *hewn by
I demean tis •.f '• •tun •«ials, tt has pr. ven it.ti•lf rcli•►ble and satisfact..ty in every
climate ---ill t..:' it hes given &nee universal satisfaction, and grown into such de -
mend as to wa,.::.t the belief that it will supplant nil other methods of saving
Fruit, etc. .
Acting tape.. 11- ,.,Urence mad belief, the peckaee of Preserving Powder has
been enlarged te tee stent of orating one (one dollar) package, to preaetvu .Si.
pounds of Fruit; r'c . .r two. (2) barrels of Cider. '
Also in place of e 1 eete the manual er circular pamphlet eivine twenty-eight
paIeaof I0,t1111• •••1 1101ly published, a small. pickaec of th•. P,•w.ier sod
Liquid is nta•le (.... : - pecknee) to sell at retail, fur 23 cents.
. lees
h it la
• wt. .til
't -you wil! like 1 I
cl: • i' •w rand Liquid --you
•the Yrese
r t de
than half the trouble and expanse of any other method, more reliable and aoJem-
uedatiutr, and the Preserved Fruit. etc. evert Superior to the Best "Canned or
Preserved" Fruit, etc. For Cider it is cheep anti decidedly the best snew'n method
of keeping iesweet.
Full directions in English, Freugh, German and Spanish accompany each pack -
see. '•et -Agents wanted in every Town. County and State. .
Price, .5 Cents and $1.00 Per Pacha. e.
L. P. \CORItALL, Proprietor, New York.
JAMES IMRIE, Goderich, Ont.,
Ju'y 12111. 13x1".
Corner Stare, Burton's Brick Block, Iiamiltot.
A. 11. C. ha:, at a large expense. purcha+c i u
and is prepared to attend and conduct funerals
on the shortest notice, in town or country.
.1 :Argo s:n••!c o
BTot:) in 10 corat d Wool and Black (:Both, at very Reasonable Prices.
oma.. .1., July 1716. 1M,. 1500.3tn
-3M 1..41...,I TC* "OFF
A ii n 0 Tri 0 - T I
t! in I (-N-i -
;!:: 1CF:LI..t l) \".1LI M-1\i"F'.V. i1 RING t'c•.'r
ARE EQUAL '1'O Tilt lib:ri 1N THE MARKET.
vlaii A. Naftel Has Them in Every Class
Hay Fgrks !boy's size), 20c.. men's size, from 30c. and upward. itarley and Straw Forks
seethes anew patternt, and Snaiths, ('rndtes and Cradle Scythes, Ilarv[at Mitt:,, c:e. Machin,-
Oil. from 25e. up to ll.W a sial. 1 f y uu want •
JOHN A. N AFTEi. has It. guaranteed so by the Crake: 5 un•ler R forfeit of t1250 for each ounce
rt' adult ma= found in it. if you want a l'einL lulz.xl sue tinte,L ready tut _tee.
JOIN A. NAFTE1, has 11.10c boss in t marks'. -
r h, Pure White . a
� not tit 1 ,r h1 t l m and u,
Warr .�� eon) � bend .1 .mbin•t wt CI; n X e l t il a�inpercha tint
(aside of Zoo:. 13.11P for .etc at
d Ola N A. NAFTEL'S Cheat' Hardware Emborium.
(iodcrich. July 111, 18$L
111 T1o\EFit for the County of Buren. flar-
ing entered the list. Is now pn pared to attend
to all ma
cro for-tectIoneering. Orders tett
n1 Halley's Hotel, Oodrrieh. or tent by mall,
promptly attended to. tttlp'•
14HN KN(►\, 1.1(•ENSED At'C-
• TI']F:F:it for the 4 ounty of Halve. v(!kA1.►tvta t1. 5. H.('.1.. F. N. 1 *w't.+.
^ahu• attended In all part. of the (',unto. Or-
der. Luft at Mrrtin't 1101eI or at Dile ()Mee t will l+33•
he promptly attended to. Iss;-tf. 1 .( 1i1PItO1'DF(►(5T, 13AR
W. BALL, .11•C1'ItlNEER FOR V7 Rt►\\• ItItTK1ti. Attorneys, mom -iron). etc
. iL,• Count) of Boron. t)la1e, attended fleecriott. J. T. lkartuw• t%. Prosdfoot, 175
• • •art of the County. Address onlere to
aii.AG F.R & MORTON, BA R R I 8-
11a�77 TW $. Ike.. &e.. (foderice and Wipg�,
er Jr.. oderlch. J. A. Ltorton.lT sig
_ - - 1751.
-.' Barristers, Solicitors In Chancery. to
tticrlrh andi'l'Ingham. If. Cameron...: P. Hon. M. G. 1 amernn. (todertek. \t-, g
ea. WInghaat. 1751.
IC. 111YE3, SQLICITttIl fie.•
1) O n • t corner of Dm 5• nnrc ntnl 'Vest
steer, .1 • i ch• over Butter's bookstore.
money to Iia I at towoat rates of Interest.
J Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery &c
in the Court House, Goderich.
1'. D. 1 Y'ei.
1,htscriiilititi Stoi.
]yarncr'. marc Cure.
Yan noun'. Kidney 1 ore.
Plains Catarrh Cure-
'ursCiapwaalm. Halr Reviewer,
l'rowfont Indian Hitt:rs.
Warner's Merrint%
Elate* New IHwrorcry.I
Footer's Fstract of strawberry.
I Try NERrtl,t%'E, the new Pain ttemnedy-
trial bellies. Ina.
loco P]mB. P.A.011ICA.GlaC.
Ii Lan will rr t o^n • I. i. shp. w it h LS rents. or
••enr.rnm.l,•w. will WWII TOO1,L.mali,
//seaatt (tai.t, a. n 1. trina,.ng. a brautifll cn1Oe0
'Asko? emits,umit
100 Fast Selling Articles.
pear Bulls are meati In every how* in the
country, and the sale of which will bring yon
in. Inti. -atly, eter FIVE Donn, a per day, and
not c , op) more that half t our time. Snit
able for both It Ton do not winh In
retitlekindly .how this $lip
t>r ale. that nrlrtt a help
Iryt MMI. fLr he your last rhan r
Deal dela?. Ti t:IN'sE\'. Yarmouth
If 1510-11