HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-08-10, Page 2h. ti 2 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY AUG. 10, 1883. The Poet's corner. 1 stealth a INatses. The Ladies' Sanitaii Association, of London, gives the following simple rules for keeping health, which we find copied in the Raruturiaa away the 1 redispusitiou thereto. with which M-. H - was affected in &high da - gree. ne head of Mr. H-- was shaved and Dr. S - applied the blister with his own hands, which completely covered the scalp from forehead to occiput. "Iwlt it remain on for two hours, and Ahm sake use of the ordinary dressing, said Dr. S—. "1f he should not recover during the action of the blister, don't feel uneasy. Sensibility will be restored soon after. 1 did not call again, but heard from Dr. S—the result. For full two hours the burning pleattr parched the tender skin of Mr. H --'s shorn head, and was then removed. It had done good service. Dressings were then applied, but still'the sick man lay in a deep stupor. "It has done no good. Hadn't we better send ET the doctor ?" suggested his wife. Just then the eyes of H—epuued, and he looked with half stupid surprise from face to face of the anxious group that sur- rounded the bed. "What in the miichief's the matter 1' he at length said. It the same time feel- ing a strange sensation about his head, he placed his hand ve.; heavily there- on. "Heavens and earth ! what ails my head?' "For mercy's sake, keep quiet," er'd the wife. `'You've been very ill. There there, now! Don't say a word, but be very still." "But my head ! What'll the matter with my head? It feels as if it's scalded. Where's my hair ? Heavens and earth, Sarah, I don't understand this ! What's my arm tied in this way for ?" "Be quiet, my dear husband, and I'll explain all. Oh, be re quiet. Your • life depends upon it." As soon as you are up shake blanket and sheet; Better be without shoest than sit with wet feet; t'htldrea, if healthy, &reactive, not still Damp beds and damp clothes wi'l both make you ill; !at slowly and always chew your food well; Werther the air in the house where you dwell; Germans must never be made too tight ; Homesshou'd be healthy,aity, and light; If you t 'sh to be wall, as you do I've no doubt` Just open the windows before you go out ; Keep tl•e rooms always tidy and clean ; Let daft on the tv-nitu'e never be seen : Much i near is parsed by the want of p• e air. Now, to open the windows be ever you- care; 01d rags and old rubbish shou'd never be kept; People rho• d see that the'' flours are well swept; *ilt.ok movements in children are h.altby and ght; Remember the young cannot tl •ive without light ; Bee that the caste . is clean to the b. m; Take care that your dress 1s all tidy and trim Use your nose to 8nd it there be a bad drain Very sad are the fevers that come in Its train: %Valk as much as you can without feeling f•.tiguc ; Xet zea could walk full many a league. Tour health is your wealth, which yoo' wis- dom must keep; 'Leal will help a good cause, and the good you a will reap: TREATING A CASK Oottarlah Township. ]Bator DonsoyIL. — Wu" Mason's barn, 7th two. Goderich township, was struck by lightning, on Thursday night I rel vegetable dealer on Youge st , Torun - July 28th and totally tress sd asrawMnY K Teti Rreastatt• Mrs. Andrews is a dealer in fruit, and Chapulau Symons is a butcher and gene - de tr.' ed with us I to. About two weeks ago Mrs. Andrews ouuteuts Besides o her thiugs there was about 1500 lbs. el pork in the buil d- ing. Lona about $'_' t0'), Insurance $1, 000. A family by the name of Motives*, on the 4th Dun., has suffered severely from diphtheria, asthres of their children died lately, one after another. and the rest of the family are in dangsr I was once seat for in great haste to attend a man of respectability, whose wife, a lady of intelligence and refine- ment, had discovered hito lying senseless upon the floor. "What is the matter with Mr. 11. —?" 1 asked on meeting the lady. "I'm afraid it is a,loplexy."she replied, "I found him lying on the floor where he had to all appearances fallen suddenly from his chair. His face is purple, and though he breathes it is with great diffi- culty." I went to see my patient. Sure enough his face was purple, but somehow the symptoms did not indicate apoplexy. "Hed'nt he better be bled, doctor 1" asked the anxious wife. "I don't know that it is necessary," I replied. "I think if we let him alone it will pass off in the course of a few hours." "A few hours ! He may die in half an hour." "I don't think the case is so dangerous, madam." "Apoplexy nut dangerous . "I hardly think itis apoplexy," I repli- ed. "Pray, what do you think it is doc- tor." Mrs. H. --looked anxiously into my face. I deliberately hinted that it might pos- sibly have been drinking too much bran- dy,'but this she indignantly objected to. "No doctor, I ought to know atom that," she said. "Depend upon it, the disease is more deeply seated. I ant sure he had better be bled. Won't you bleed him doctor ? A few ounces of blood taken from his aria may give life to the circulation of the blood in his veins ?" Thus urged, I relieved him of about eight ounces of his circulating medium. But he lay insensible as before. "Something must be crone, doctor, she urged. "If my husband is not quick- ly relieved he must die ' By this time several friends and rela- tives, who had leen sent for, arrived. One proposed blisters all over the body ; and another a blister on tte head ; another immersion in hot water. I eug- gerted that it might be well to use a stomach pump. "Why doctor l friends. "Perhaps be ham taken replied. '•Iinposeible, doctor," replied his wife. "He has not been from home to -day and chore is 00 drug of any kind in the house." "Nu brandy 1' I ventured the asser- tion again. "No, doctor, no spirits of any kind, not even wine i:1 the house," retu..ted Mrs. 11—• I was not the regular family physician. Feeling my position to be a difficult one. I suggested that the family physician had better Le called. "But the (lelay, doctor," urge! the purchased boxes of strawberriee from Symons to the amount of $i on the un• derstanding that they were all as they looked. When she brought theat down to the at. Lawrence Market she found that the cute dealer in garden truck had played a little trick on her. .The fuel layer el strawberries in the bine' was wholesome and gtdd, but below there was nothing but rottenness. In fact Mr. Symons had been top dressing the fru t. Mrs. Andrews went to hitt and demanded back her three dollars, but was refused. She thereupon put the case into the hands of a lawyer, and sued for the amount. . ter hearing the evi- dence his Honor gave judgment for plaintiff for $2.50, just 50c. less than the amount sued fur. He remarked that he himself hall often been the victim of top -dressing Vol W&v&iah. It is our painful duty to record the death of Miss Ellen Campbell, who had been engaged as assistant teacher at No. 3, Colborne, this year, but was obliged to desist teaching and procure a substi- tute, hoping ran to resume her duties. Three hopes were blighted by lier sudden death last week. John Craig had a house burned last week. It is supposed to have been set on tire, as it was unoccupied. It you would escape the ravages of that othcie ca surpass! the t healing own to t properties edical toff Drl Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry el Cholera Morbus, Dyseutery,Culie and all Bowel Complaints. 2 scourge of the Summer season, t e t Morbus, keep Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry at hand for use. In that and all other forum of Bowel Con - During the thunder sterna on last Thursday night, July 28th, Mr. Alton, near Belfast, had a stack of hay burned. It is supposed to have been struck by lightning. On the saute evening Mr. Fowler, of the 7th con., lost a valuable horse from the same cause. Theso farm of the late R. Wilson was recently sold by public auction, John McLean being the purchaser, for thesum of Ml,3>0. Mr. H --sank back upon the pillow. He put his hand to his head and felt it tenderly from temple to temple and from nape to forehead "Is it a blister 1" he at lentoh asked. "Yes, dear. You have been very ill We feared for your life." said Mrs. H—. "There have been two physicians in at- i tendance. 13—closed his eyes again. His lips moved. Those whispered words would have sounded very strangely in a church. "Threatened with apoplexy, I sup- pose 1" he said interrogatively. "Yea, dear," replied his wife. "I found you lying insensible on the floor on happening to come into your room. It was most providential that 1 discover- ed you as I did, or you would cer.atnly have died." H—shut his eyes and muttered. "Sarah !" he said, "why in heaven's name did you permit the doctors to but- cher me in this way ? I am laid up for a week or two, and all for nothing," "It was to save your life, dear." "Sat e— "Hu-u-sh ! There, do for heaven's sake be quiet ; everything depends upon it.'. With a gesture Of impatience, Mr. 11 —turned his face to the wall, muttering id a low petulant voice : • "Too bad ! too bad ! too bad." I had not e.:ed in my first and last im- asked one of his some drug," I plaint, it is infallible. H.ye.t ice, Ohio, Feb. 11, 1880. 1 an' very glad to say 1 hare tried Hop Bitter*, and never took anything that did toe so much good. 1 only took two r the good they did m dold tI reke mmen fothem to my patients, and vet the beat rtsul's from their use. i C. B. MaRoss, M. D . 5t4311iy. HORSES. )n Saturday the ,hones be- longing to Mew's. A. Thompson, J. Mc- Gregor aGregor and Hugh Ross arrived at Kip - pen. The animals were in good condition and stood the journey well. There were two year-old colts belonging to k. Thompson and Hugh Rosa ; one year-old filly for R Ross, Stanley ; one year-old colt and one year old tilly for John Mc- Gregor, Tuckersmith. OBITUARY --We have this week to re- cord the death of Hugh McGregor, One of the old settlers of Stanley, at the ripe age of 71 years. He was a native of Ayrr's Hair Vig•tr is safe, agreeable and beneficial. It is the 'stoat elegant, and its effects are ver leatiug, tusking it the moat ecunumiial of toilet prepara- tions. By its use ladies can keep their hair abundant and natural in Dolor, lustre end texture. Thouanu.l. are beteg cured c: Catarrh ever y year w ►th Hall's Catarrh Cure, that he doctors had given up and said could n d be cured. 75 Cents a bottle. Sold by George Rhymes, sole agent fur (lode rah. Stu Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters free the system of the poisonous humours that develope into Kidney and t' teary dis- e:ues, give tone and vigor to th� S'um,;' h and purify the 13!ood. As the tests of winter vanish under the caloric influence of the sun's rays, so does Bright's Disease, Drolwy, atone in the Kidneys and Black's •, and Inflate: mation of the Kidneys, leave the body open the adutinistratiou'of Dr. Van Bu run's Kidney Cure. Solt by J. Willem. 2nt Reader, if you rover from any disorder Summer Boat-bill. Skin or Blood, t. Burdock Blood Bit- I �VE ten , Nature's specific medicine foracting HIThAB un those organs fur the outlet of disease. 25,000 bottles sold in the last three ! months. ]tit. RICHARD HAWt VS Elegant lies denoe s of the Laver, Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, 1 $3ee•ee Reward. For any Testimonials recommending McGregor'■ Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Costiveness, Headache,etc., that,are not genuine ; none of which are from persons in the States or thousands of miles away, but from persona in and around Hamilton, Ont. We give trial bottles free of oust, so that you cannot be deceived by purchasing a worthless at:icle, but know its value before buy- ing. Trial bottles and testiinontals giv- en free at Geo. Rhynas' drug store. One Experience Mn limey. I had been sick and miserable su long Sad had caused my husband so much Glenguaich, Perthshire, Scotland, and I trouble and expense, no one seemed to emigrated to Canada about the year know what ailed me, that I wap complete - 1843. He settled first in the township of Northeasthope, and remained for a few yeans,when he moved into the town- ship of Stanley, then a wilderueas, and settled on the second concession, one and a quarter miles from Brucefield. By diligence and care he managed to make himself a goo.1 comfortable home, in which he lived till his death. His genial disposition, good nature, and pleasant story had secured for him a large circle of ac :': a .otance, and a large num- ber followed his remains to interment. He leaves a widow, two married daugh- ters, and two sons and two daughters unmarried.__ ly disheartened and discouraged. In this frame of mind I got a bottle of Hop Bitters and used thein unknown to my family. I soon began to improve and gained so fast that my husband and fam- ily thought it strange and unnatural, but when I told them what had helped me, they said, "Hurrah for Hop Bitters ! long may they prosper, for they have made mother well and us happy. —The Mother., OPEN for the SUMMER For the reception of a few guests. The rooms are very large and ,• NICEL 1' FURNISHED A Persistent Friend's tlaeeesa. The following incident will explain the above: "I have suffered from rheumatism during the last winter more than I now can write ; it makes me shudder now to Anbzrn. think of my pains with every change of the weather. A friend brought me a I'EasoNALs. — Miss E. Stewart, of bottle of Dr. Dow's Sturgeon Oil Lini- Blyth, is at the Auburn House. Muss I ment and insisted on my using it ; I did ALLAN LINE or ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS -- LIVERPOOL-LONDONDERRY-GLASGOW Every Saturday From Qugbec. slIeRTVitT SRI PASSAGE. SPEED, ('O\1FORT AND BAYKTY. Bath Room with hot and cold water. Bowling Alley, Croquet and Ornamental Grounds. plenty of choice bruit, a good table. and every comfort will be found. Guests will be met at the station. TERMS :—Seven to 'Ten Dollars per Week. Address : MAITLANI) PLAGE, Godert h. Ontar;,'. Goderich, June 11, IS 3. 1865- Alice Beamish, of Morris, is visiting the family of Thomas Nicholson. ACCIDENT$. —Abraham Knight got his leg badly cut with an adze last Friday everting, while working on the bridge near the Base Line, Colborne. Wm Ellis, of E. \Vawanosh, while working on a farm on the Pith con., had the misfor- tune to fall a distance of 25 feet, break- ing his backbone, and injuring him about the head and shoulders. The following "Ricers have been elect- ed.by Maitland Temple, for the ensuing quarter :—John \\ ilson, W.' C. T.; John Steller, W.M. ; Elizabeth Stalker, W. V.T. ; Isabella Habkirk, W. I. G. ; John Clark, \\'.S.; Wm. Sturdy-, \\.O.G.; Mary Sturdy, W.F.S.: I). Wilson, Treasurer. James Young, of thisvillige, met with Pression of H—'s disease, neither had 1 a painful accident last week, while work - Dr. S.— I ing at Mr. Marshal's house. We hope H --had a weakness. Hu couldn't I to see him around in a few days. taste wine or rtrone drink without being THE STOR3t. -- The severe lightning dorm Thursday sod Friday thmi e temted into e:.ceas. Bot i upas a Istorm resulted in the death of a cow be- .riends were mottified at this. But toj honking to John Million, Colborne, and t...'.., t,.,l„nJ;o,. r.. James Deacon, of } 1 if rad g d r - b see was to taste ; to taste was to fall. At last his friends urged hits to shut himself up at home for a certain time. He gut on pretty well fur a few days, particularly so as his coachman kept a well tilled bottle in the carriage house ; but the too ardent devr,tiotl to this bot- tle brought on the supposed apoplexy. Dr. S—was right in his mode of treat- ing the disunite after -all, and did not err in supposing that it would reach the pre- disposittit . The cure was 'effectual. H —kept quiet on the subject, and bore his shaved head on his shoulders with as much philosophy as he could muster. A wig after the sores made by the blister had disappeared concealed the barber's work until his own hair grew again: He never ventured n wine or brandy twain far fear of apoplexy, W. A. Edgers, of Frankville, WAS cur- ed ef Liver and Kidney Complaint after life was despaired of. He had remained from ten to fifteen days without an action cured hinn,and he writes that he is a het - friends. ter Mall than he has been fer 20 years 'lured,” I replied. Whoa Dr. S .--centt, we convertelaais' el . I that malarial fevers, constipation, torpid - a E. Wewanosh ; 'ale, tore down the ch. nney and broke the steve and stere pipes on the house in this village oc- cupied by John Edmonson. Mr. E. and wife ware slightly stunned by the shock. Beek Notices. so and arn now as well as ever. hlarchville, Ont. With pure blood, contagious fevers' and other diseases have no hold on the sys- tem. Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters ren- der the blood pure and cool. For sale by all Druggists. Large bottles fifty cents. CANADIAN MNIlite•ttsT AC 1ZINR.—Price 62 her. For tale at ull bookstores. There are three relmintbly illustrated ar.icles in this number :—Dent's Last FUrty Years in Canada ; Stanley's Dark Continent ; At Home in Fiji, by the;Tlev. S. P. Rose—with twenty-one engravings Day in the Trosacha ;" the Rev. Henry Lewis contributes an interesting paper on Mission Work:on the French Shore of Newfoundland ; and the Rev. W. S. Blackstock digcnsses with much vigor the Sabbath Question. The lighter articles are a Dickens -like Sketch of Jerry Mc- Auley's Water Street Mission in New York ; end Ruth Elliotfe touching story, "At Last," which ill now reaching coin - plot' . strikinig feature of the num- ber it Revell pages ef iliscriminative Al Hitt rs -- "Leaves have their time to fell," says the poet, but Wild Strewlicrry leaves:ire tat tho rise juvt new, lenrie utilized in Fowle• r's Extrac. of W 'Id Strawberry— the infallible remedy for Cholera Mor• • ! Many hundred recoinmendations simi- lar in charades, to the one given below have !wen ireeived. and girt' proof a the greet %alter. Ndatittsw. as a pain remedy. T.7 it. James Wil • Athol, Fels. 20.—We hereby certify that we hare used Nerriline in our fami• for few moment'', end I kave tim ity 'if the liver am. neys, views of the case. Inlity, nervousness and neuralgic ailments ..Don't you think bighead iste.ht to be I, yield rearlily to this great disease con - shaved and blistered r asked the wife Itiucrer, flop Bitters. It repairs the rev- s o's of diseese by converting the fetid ansiously. iuto rich Mood. awl it ei Yell 110 IT life and wad : seen welt. "Yea, by all meant.. t enI for a I ar- hy seficr a simile moment, when- you external pain by the use of Pelson a Ner• lb* : sod also, a frevia fly bl ster. fonr , Can get immediate relief from internal or pia. by zoo. %aline. the great pain eure looked into 11 e fitee "1 Irir• ' hag reoer known to fail. Try a 10 • .• ise. It wits perfs.tly grate and , cent sainele bottle. Yon will find it just as recommemied. Neuralgia Toothache, 111. /to xi that mode of treatment would critiairnI., Red.. sundsr cent - malt. bat sad tl et he would net - .114 cents. Test teeiles 10 cente. at J. Oire tbe diser .e. hut. he believed. tete raves Fluid elenesink Needs no adve..ising when once intro- duced. Every bottle sold sells hundreds of others by doing all and more than re- presented for Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, etc. It removes any pain in- stantly, prick as tiash. Try it and you will say it is *ell named Fluid Lightning. Get a 25 cent bottle at G. Rhynas' Drug Eye. Ear and Throat. No household should be considered complete without a bottle of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure is in the closet. It is the only remedy that will positively, permanently and promptly cure all forms of kidney diseases. S.,14 by J. Wilson 2m remedy for frame. in the stensek. also j for headache, awl solo .0.1e foe efee...e Buy 10 rent simple leette kt James The Chou Tea Store. DR. RYERSON Summer drraitgement. May 19 ;112,, Chorea Street. Tomato. Owl.. Eye. Ear and Throat. Trtnity Medical Col- lege, Toronto, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear Infirmary, late Clinical Assistant Royal Ophthalmic Hospital. Moorfields, and Central London Throat and Ear Hospital. may be consulted at JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE SU' 1,PLA OF CANNED FRUITS CANNED MEATS OF ALI, KINDS. A CHOICE riKLECTION OF THE ttyrly.,(2,q12,RDAOTEL, On Last Salardoy of Dori/Anti rune 5th. IS83. 14914 - Moll Bros. it Co., Toronto. Crockery & Glassware IN Till.: I rEqr Teas a Specialty !BE DARLING IMPERIAL SEALERS IN ALL THE !HEMS. Teas a Specialty. Manufactures and Wholesale I teulers in LARDINE, CYLINDER, BOLT CUTTING, WOOL OILS Polynesian Peruvian Sarmatian Varisian Circassian Polynesian Sarmatian Serdinian Cireasaiun Polynesian Peruvian Sarmatian Parisian Sardinian , Circassian 1'01% nesian Peruvian gartnatian Cireatelan Col, nesian Sale 7 95 Nov. 3 require to lea% e Goderich at noon statnuelf.th(u.rtclase. to connect with steatuer •t Prepaid certificate isaned at greatly reduced rates to persons wishing to bHng their Mends out from the Old Country. Fur 'tickets and all information, apply to Ticket Agent brand is unexcelled by any other oil on the market. In recognition of its superior merit, oe have received All the Highest Prizes I svherever we exhibited :t t:nee 1878. among other awards tat 4e number of Gold, Silver & Bronze besides numerous Diplovias It is warrsni..1 not to gum or .10g ; •41.11r111.11Illii 10 1'111,11,1. and being less than -half the pr e .34 cheapest oil on the marl.ct. e•STI7 IT For gale by 1886. AYER'S PILLS. NI -,c39! i° ilfg Z{411tAP4 Collingwood, Ont.—The Crowfoot Bitters I took cured nie of Sick Headache, after twents years of sufferin_g without being able to find relief. Meth J. HOLLINOSIIICADA CI crkshurg, Ont.—The CrowfootBitters per feetly cured me of Saltrheum. without neing apy other medicine. ttlIts.Joeureti Lot (mum. se stink t• get Ike worth et' yam; meat) a•li year druggist fern. THEY .4LL KEEP IT ! May 17th, 188 1891-6m EGYPTIAN OIL. A large proportion of the diseases which cause human suffering result from derangement of the stomach, bowels, and lirer. ArgIt's IC PILLs act directly upon theee organs, and are especially designed to cure the diseases caused by their derangement, Including Constipettion. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysen- tery, and a host of other ailments, for all of which they are a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of thew Po.ta by eminent physicians in regular practice, shows unmistakably the estimation in which they are held by the medical profesa1011. These TILL,' are compounded of vegetable sob- st nee,. only, and are absolutely free from calomel or any other injurious ingredient. A Sufferer from Headache writes " ATER'n P11,111 are Invaluable to me, and are my constant companion. I have been a severe sufferer from Headache, and your PILL11 are the only thing 1 could look to for relief. One hose will quickly move my bowels and free my head from pain. They are the most effective and the easieet physic I have ever found. Ills a pleesure to me to speak in their praise, and I always do so when occasion offere. W. L. Pane, ,tit W. L. Page k Bro." Franklin St., Richmond, Mine X, tan. "I have used At F.R'S P11.141 in 110Mhte,1211.11•moiefil- siannm as reeommentted by von al idiehi'L desired known them to fall to swoon' salt We eenstently keep them oa band at oar home, and miss thorn as a piemant, sato, sad reliable family medicine. FOR DYSPZPSLS the are inveleable. J. T. Hares." exia, Temss, Jame 17, 1862. The RSV. Fa•NrIll R. HARtoWit, whi trout Atlases Oa. says " For lees per. past beve saes rablest to cometipattoa, hem 1st spite at tie ass si ssabasse vseisas Magda AAV• aaneasea arum baba hare vastly nay smend bialsa." diessaos, sad by Omar poops sad thareest scales glee tone and vigor Ile the whole parish' C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. PIIIITAIDID sir laid by all Dregglate Imo a spleen:114 ase. r meat of yowls. All experiesect the woritterf al boas& Mal effects of The. Great Pain Conqueror a cure a distracting head ache in five min- utes. If applied to any affected surface of th body. us tooth ache, neuralgia, rheumatism ter.. it irises the sufferer comfort and Instan relietit in a charming remedy. only 950am! money refunded if not as repress:tiled. A. TarliCOTT Co.. Sete Preprilelem Brantford, Onta ACRES FR loos or 170111111111 teiat. NEL wain. .1 th Sere Meek OM Else. (40DISRICH. MT: ablinallriZt evade by he me. July Z. HO Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain and Mouse River Countri. NORTH DAKOTA, Trilailary to the !tiled St•tc• Lend °Ince GRAND FRKS, DAKOTA. sWATISs%Al. sl 88 end 1.1.11. particular maned rlital: to any address t.) II McNALLY, ST Mt, MINNEAPOLIS MANITOBA R. L WESTERN CORN rot merles broadcast. also a let of FI 7.1 Ttat I easter the tel spread verion escape hmiuds sant diode al enude what and daistli: "nallreeldt,1! moot crisis atihnntadd whet "haityhinihel: It eho dea tha had frie tit:e1; tr le kt Canadian Corn. GIVE HIM A CALL Gederieb. May 1711%.