HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-08-03, Page 8h FIRE AND SWORD: ♦ STORY OF THE MASSACRE OF GLENC(►E. CHAPTER XXVIII. (.LLAM or HOPI-. a BOW IS t'Lov a hill path cotivelg botg on the "Ferry" punt at Knuth Ballaehulish. Reaching thieT'lwo tt he was furtuoste in finding old aohu the ferryman, just Reachinglanding, hu had tan to straight over from he uurth side of the Lush with r pair bo` t beautiful antlered stags in his boat, the property of a neighboring laird, who had that doy shot them north of the Loch in the wildsd of0s!aasnahr, r, John, the hon- est THL dolescaped the general ntiassacredof his kinsmen, presuulab1y on the grounds that he had been resident fur years at At last after five days of patient and North Ballachulish, and was not, there- !- unwearied watching and weitutg, Mal- colm had avengt.d the murder of lin be- trothed, and his slaughtered kinsmen - the men of the Glen. The deed was nut justifiable, judged by the preannt day morality, however much the braggart and guilty Sergeant merited his death ; but in view of the extraordinary and revolting circum• stances which occasioned it, the deed receives a palliation which half condones its crime. Viewed, however, in the times in which it occsrred, the avenging act of Malcolm Macdonald against Ser- geant Barber was in the highest degree magnanimous and heroic. Rightly or wrongly, however, the per- jured Sergeant had now gone to his last account, and the avenger was once more a fugitive with blood on 'his hands and pursuit in his rear. He was, however, less even than merely anxious as to the possible results. In the death of Helen Cameron he had received what to him had proved the unkindest cut of all. And his kinsmen, the clansmen, too, were all dead or scattered with land or property wasted, purloined or utterly de- stroyed. What mattered it, therefore, whether he lived or died ? He was ready to die, if need ; but he preferred yielding etre ' o up his life to the destroyer nf lou kins- men as dearly as possible. He would die sword in hand, and, like a true Glen- coe the evidences of his vapor fore, properly accounted a tens Glen. A cold day, John," said Malcolm coming up to the old ferryman. 1 will cross the Loch with you. I mean to reach and settle in the Lochiel district among the Casuerous." "God bless us, Malcolm 1" exclaimed the old ferryman, "is this yourself I see or is it the wraith of Malcolm Macdonald --so wan and sad ye look V' `'It'e just me, John, and not an ounce of wraith -shadow about me.' "Ind, godsake, 11La1colul-since it's yourself -how in heaven's name did you escape Glenlyou s murdering redcoats who played such wild work in the Glen ?„ cha nce- ovenu s a "If the dogs hadR „too fairplay only, ' answered Malcuitn, should have sold our lives and heritage to much better advantage. I fought sty way through the redcoats to the cotter of the hills, reserving any life for the accom- plishment of a merited revenge, and look ye John, 1 have had it !" and drawinghis sword from the scabbard he showed the tough old boatman the blade still stained with the unwipetl blood of Sergeant Bar- ber. "Brave lad !" said the old Macdonald, his feelings of clsnship rising involuntar- ily to his lips: "God ! when I heard and saw what lead taken place 1 cursed the Whigs in the righteous anger of my eoe man, with THE lit 1u\ .,tar a\ .�1/, MAI. AUG. 3, 1883. the secret ,s Malc,hti s excitement boyar tate diseuvary at a glatwe, "for which comforting thouitht you'll Ise right glad, Malcolm, now th it I n member rawer had your Ionics o.. h, 1 tongue shortly syue. Malcolm loot .> oe'i „lung the hen - edit old ferryuteu's rough haul. "This indeed is cul}furtiuyt and merciful new John ; the very letup of Gilead to w wretched and hitherto despairing bow . Thank God for the blessed favour accord- ed me. I must -ec her-- inns[ awry. Good -by meantime, and ilea% en bleu you," and with a rapid step the impe- tuous young High:au.ler waved the old boatwan a brief adieu, and was axon last to sight round the head of the toed con- verging on the main pass "f theGlen. (CONCLt'PF.P METT OLEIC) Where 111r Jaya Cat Left. Hon. Oliver Mowat hu crossed swords with Sir John in the Mercer case and de- feated hint handsomely. The !fail has been wont to bras( that Sir John never was utist,okeu as . c•nistitutioual lawyer. That Sir 'p admits, but ohn is shrewd, that and he clever, ranks everybody higher as a sound interpreter of constitu- tional law than either Messrs. Mowat or Blake has only been maintained by those sycophants whose flattery is always ful some in prup,rtlu1t to their expectation of reward. In the Mercer case the opinions of Mowat and Blake were in direct opposition to those of Sir John. The Privy Council have decided that they were right and he was wrong. There remain two ether seriouequestions --those rogardutg license and the aound- a ay matter. \\ a confidently expect the issue to be the saute in both. --(Waterloo Chronicle. heart. Alas! ales'. for the brew, brave, stretched lifeless around htut. But be- and bonnie teen of the Glen !" and, fore the end came ho was resolved on overcome with emotion, the honest old secretly returning to the ravaged Glen I boatman drew his sleeve hurriedly ac - to assist in the interment of Helen Cam- cross his weather -stained face, and cast eren and Uncle Sandy, and his aged , a hong, rueful hook in the direction of father, should perchance the soldiery , the wasted and empty Glen. have chosen to leave their remains ex- 1 "And your father, poor man, was one posed on the withdrawal from the dis- of the victims 1" ad en the ferryman, trict.fretting the remark ie. 'lie form of aques- Sweeping down the open hill -path con• 1 tion. verging on Glen Nevis, on the !night off Alai ! yes," replied Malcolm ; "shot the fatal affray with Sergeant Barber in down like a dog, and his own rooftree the of I roadside inn, Malcolm Macdonald I burners over his prostrate body. But if did not fly far from the locality of the there is justice in heaven- as I am sur. Fort William garrison, but contented ( there is -the murderers will not ao+ una- himself with seeking a few hours rest in I verged. a " lown " apart of the Glen named till I "God send theui a reckoning soon !" the early dawn had stood discovered on acceeded the ferryman, preparing his the hill tops and thrust its gleaming boat for the return journey. ' shafts of light into the deep recesses of "Atuen to that, John," anawer_d Mal - the gloom -invested Glens. col At the foot of the deepest part of the' om.And it is wall that the work of death ravine, in a recess of the rock amply was not so complete as Breadalbane, shaded by a profuse growth of ash and Glenlyon and the devil could have wish - alders. the fugitive found a spot wherein ed it to be, Malcolm." to rest himself till dawn, safely screened "True, John ; but how few, alas, have from sight and from the piercing keen- escaped ; whom the soldiers' bullets nese and fury of the,wintry blast. clans the sA+,ws d the hills have da- d lace of ed ora Patch's Fate. The untimely fate of Matthew Webb, the English awiuuuer, at once recalls, in the nitrate of all the olderclasa of citizens, the name and the fate t f Sant Patch, whose foolhardiness ptcnta the only full paraIlel to \Webb's. Patch's feat was to jump from the bank at the top ef cata- racts Into the v.ater bele a. He did this succes'fully and without harm at Niagara and the Passaic Falls in New y, and on ce, if we mistake not, at the Genesee Falls at Rochester. On a second attempt at the fitter place, he lost his life. This was "a -many years ago," and we know not where to look for a record of the tr agedy. It was one of the most farted events in the 'early history of Western New York. From he; snug, thong h rude p shelter he could distinctly hsar the wind 1' with the beech and alder trees stroyed.' Ay, ay, Malcolm, brave men - and brave were the men of the Glen," answer - whichwt which shaded the lower slopes .of the ed the old ferryman, and many oft em giant glen wherein he sought to rt it him- are this day lying cold and stiff among 1: But above all the war of winds the hill snows. But the lads were true to each other to the last. When a cripple or an invalid could no further be carried, the brute lads stood by them, and met their deaths together at the hands of the cruel soldiery, and they sold their lit es dearly, too, as the gashed bodies of many a dead redcoat can this day testify.' "Had we hut fair play and no treach- ery," rejoined Malcolm, "Breadalbane'a minions would have fared worse. But with nothing at hand but our dirks and a few odd claymores,. the fight was un- equal, and cowardly on their side. On all hands we wore smitten and ravaged - fire and death in the valleys behind us ; snow and death on the mountain bef.,re and around us." "That is true, Malcolm, too true,- an- swored the other. "You would hear of poor young Ronald's fate -Ronald Mac- donald, the tackaman's brother, I mean ?" No, what of him?" inquired Malcolm, catching eagerly at the name. "He es- caped from the tecksman's house along with me, but we took different routes in cutting our way clear of Sergeant Barb- er's party. I have not heard of nor seen him since. 1 had all along concluded him as dead. "And dead he is, poor fellow," replied the old ferryman, "and a:finer young man never wore the Macdonald tar- tans." "The circumstances of his death, John ? Did he fail early, or was he spar- ed to perish in the snows?" "Alas, yes, Malcolm ; he died through exposure and fatigue. He was shot in the right arm, but escaped the redcoats' bayonets, and, returning near to the spot half an hour later, discovered at the ad- jacent form of the Crags the deed body of honest old Sandy, the crofter ihsre- whom ye well know -with the bleeding and dying but still conscious form of his bonnie niece, Helen Camer"n, woeplrg over him, and-- - 'What ! what ejaculated the speak- er, stopping abruptly in his narrative, ss the young Highlander clutched him ex- citedly by the arm, his eyes glowing with a strange wild light. "What would you Malcolm? Are the redcoats about t" "Nay, nay, John,.' quickly replied the other, who saw in the ferryman's disclose; ure a bow in the dark cloud of his heart - sorrow irradiated by a gleam of hope ; "not that ; Pat /what of Ronald and Bolen Cameron 1 Dad he see her perish then 1" "Na, nes, lad ; the brave youth, ex- hausted, wounded, and bleeding as be ens eseght her up in his arras, and tailed, half dead with t�posers and toes d blood, throught snow -heaps, Boding at last a load shelter is the lowly heel of old Dougeld, the shepherd of the OI.. -bend. But, poor few, mourn- 1siy added the speaker, "be dropped, exhsatssted with his ooeomssiOw burden, at the shepherd's very door, and died and trees arose the increasing voice of the mountain cataracts as they rushed precipitately down the rugged sides of tnirhty Ben to throw themselves in • tke rapid and narrow channel of the Nevis. Otherwise, the deep solitude of the spot was undisturned. Not a fox ,howled the lonely hill ; neither was heard the sweep of a solitary hawk -eagle's wings overhead. The grey mist of snow which tilled the skies had blotted out moon and stars, and darkness and silencehcld twin - reign while Macdonald slept. The light of morning broke at length on the lofty hill -tops, and with it the fugitive awoke from a deep sleep, and, brushing the frost -rime from the expos- ed parts of his limbs,, he arose to his feet .ini proceeded at mice to descend the long, deep Glen. Thu snowfall had been a comparative- ly light one, lasting only a couple of hours during the fire part of the uivht, and his progress consequently was not much impeded thereby. A nide or two of the Glen path, and he re-cunerged on the open road, along which ile sped with a strong, first stride, his splendid physique remaining unim- paired notwithstanding the excitement and exposure to' which the extraordinary incidents and adventures of the past week had subjected hila. Thence he swept round the head of Loch Liven, past Kinlochmore district, 'and was presently once morn within the hill -shadowed Pass of his ravaged, but still loved native Glencoe. Descending towards the north-western opening of the Glen, he there noticed several human figures -the residue of the murdered clansmen -flitting about the Atli etiiniiTdoring twins of the burnt clachans, who tied towards the cover of the hills on his approach; judging him a military officer, elected by the tools lof re- port sanguinary Government, to spy port their movements. Bereaved of their kinsmen, and robbed of their propertyby an alien power, they were searching the ruined hamlets, for tho remains of either 'd these outraged possessions. Auchenaion, his native village, lay be- fore hint, but he turned aside from it for a brief apace that he [night lo - k en the house at the Crags. Alae! that, too, was destroyed. The burning torch had finished the work of •loath and destruction begun by the k.tt ol bullet. To say that Malcolm indulged in be weak luxury of burning tear weuld lt'side the truth. But if he shed no weak tears his eyes were somewhat moistened with a filmy shade while he ed stems pal by, in the midst d A eesxalble Maultobas. cd filICM HOW TO e Fniit, Tomatoes, &c. Preserve 256 Pounds of T'iR ON's =CZ2.f..A..m?- ONE (0'1) PACKAGE OF THE American Fruit Pre8o viug Powder & Liquid Will Do It. I hate cupyrl„i. 1. awl (•reservati,es patented in l'nittd States, August. 1867. Also patented in various foreign countries -1 ThetPreaerving Powder and Liq,ti.l are together in package ; the Liquid in bottle with the powder packed around A. loth the Powder and Liquid are autiseptic. Coed together as directed, they combine to furor the Cheapest, Beat and Most Re- liable Antiseptic in the world, being instantaneous in its action and permanent in effect, and warranted to be as healthful as common table salt. It will effectually allay or prevent fermentation and preserve all kinds of - J .. Fruit, Juices, Syrups, Sauces, Marmalades or Compotes of . Fruit, Spiced Fruits, Tomatoes, Vegetables, eider, &c. The Preserved Fruit, etc. may he kept the year round, or for years, in Glom, Earthen or Stoneware Jan of any size, simply corked with a come cork, or with strong paper, or oiled cloth tied over the top, or they may be kept it Wooden Kegs and Barrels. No need to ke••p the vessels air -tight. The Fruit, eco. may be used or roaoved from large vessels +1. wanted from time to time during weeks ur months. Tho Fruit, etc. may be transported over land or water, involving weeks or months in transit. The Fruit may be kept without sugar, or any quantity of sugar may be adds as desired. true '$1) package will preserve two Barrels of Cider ; it will keep as etilt ciao:. in barrels ;..as desiredu may at any time t bemadetinto sparklingar klin $ cider. The Preserving Powder sed Liquid is not •now and untried experiment, but h u been extensively used throughout the United States and Canada, and to consoler - able extent in foreign countries during several years past, and as can be shown by thousands of tert►monials, it has pr.ven itself reliable and satisfactory in every clinate--in f tot it has given such universal satisfaction, and grown into such de- mand es to w.trr.iut the belief that it will supplant all other methods of saving .\ Fruit, etc. Acting upon such assurance and belief, the package "f Preserving Powder has been enlarged t , the extent of making one (one dollar) package, to preserve 2150 pounds of Fruit, e-' , or two (2) barrels of Cider. Also in place of 1, ,'slithing the m♦uual or circular pamphlet giving twenty-eight pages of testtm.,•ot t'. Ii formerly published, a small package of the Powder and Liquid is reale (,s it package) to sell at retail, for 23 cents. Try the Preserving t'owder and Liquid -you will like it -you will find it less than half the trouble and expense of any other method, more reliable le a nd acxoil- modating, and the Preserved Fruit, etc. even Superior to the Best "Canued or Preserved" Fruit, etc. For Cider it is cheap and decidedly the belt knowu meth ad of keeping it sweet. Full directions in English, French, German and Spanish accompany each pack- age. _Ittrokgents wanted in every Town, County and State. Price, 25 Cents and $1.00 Per Package. JAMES IMRIE, Goderich, Ont., SOLE AGENT FOR CANADA. CABINE •11-1 ;Est ( Winnipeg Free Press.' The best thing the Manitoba Govern- iueut can do is to withdraw their officials and cease their farcical attempts to gov- ern the territory. Whatever rights and privileges Ontario can claim, Manitoba certainly has moue until the territory is legally handed over to her, nor will this pitiful attempt t., aryeert her sovereignty ghts, Let the Do- minive her Governtttentlfight Ontario if they want to ; it is none of our fnneral. Washington, July 30. -The Govern- ment has been advised that a disease called cholera liar appeared in the state of Oaxaca, Mexic ): Cholera often exists in that region, which is not Asiatic. Secretary Folger yesterday authorized the coilectur at the port of Boston to burn a cargo o1 Egyptian r.a_s on the steamer Bavaria•` - - "Loans ane insurance. $500,000 TO LOAN: APPLY TO CAMERON, lima tl U,iAlr.ltON. dude ich. 1,39. �T{ONEY TO LEND IN ANY l amour' to suit borrowers1e t 6 tj6 t f perd cent. Private funds. Apply Mohacs. tloderieh. MONEY TO LEND. -PRIVATE .17 funds -on freehold security. Apply to Oco. Swanson. Uoderit•h. liCti-6m. 4;t50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND a.] on good Farm or drat -clams Town Property • t 8 per cent. Aunty to It. 1t.Wt'LIE'E'E. 1731 'ONEY TO LEND. --A L A It G E L amount of Private Funds for investment At lowest rate. on first-class Niorh;ages. Apply to U.t It RU U' & l'ItOC !WOO O.►NS FREE OF CHARGE. - 1 I money to lend at lowest rates, free of any costs or charges. SE..Ac : M:It .( MOI:Tf1N• opposite Colborne hotel. Goderich. 'Lard March lath. 4 0�- 20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on Farm and Town praperty at lowest in- terest. Mortgages purebaeed - 14 Coalmtseion charged. Conyeyancing Fees yreasonablle.. N. B. -Borrowers can obtain money ne & one eda y if title 1s satfaLactory- 9TON. Barrlsten. dca. Goderieh. 1751 R. RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, Life and Accident Insurance Agent. R^presenting fret-claa�t'ompanies. Aleoagent for the CsisanA 1.11.11 SToc INSIt kANCICer in o. Money to lend on Mortgage. Farm Property, in any way to suit the borrow er. [Moe-(up-atatrin Ear's k Oodsriela remainbar resent wu'routd- �, all cisltHl � )' sw►mming and con- inga died away in ► fused maze. If the fatal fend with the guilty Sor- ted justification in his geent dart wall mind he had that jostifieatwn now ; the, rare word mere so that a few minutes afterwards withoutspeaking nee he stogy sl by the *she; of his issown that i the '' eked the girl r' excitedly q Maladm paternal home, a.•.- ---- body of hie aged and inoffensive father My ,order the fallen -in rcoftros. With a muttered isuprecation directed 'it the hetols of the titled Court favor - seekers responsible for the great crime whose Commission and pathetic effects he hail thus 10.,0,1 witness to, the solitary fugitive turned slowly away. and sought Tftebical. R. McDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC - G. IAN. Mt'ROF0N, &c.. Graduate of Tor- onto otonto University. L{oertiate of the Royal Col- 1etge of Physic yrs London. England. kr., kc., M. C. P. FL. Ontario. 0mce and residence Opposite Bailey's Hotel. Hamilton street - � 'rich „Thank God, the brave conduct of Ronald was not done in vain -the lassie still lives." with a "Lives," ejaculated Malcolm, cry of frenzy in his voice. answered "Anil is doing well, i hear, the honest old ferryman, who penetrated DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- OiOON, Coroner kr. Octet and residence Prime Street, second door west of Victoria Street. G. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI- 1 a . elan. Surgeon ands teeotl, her, Graduate of Toronto Cniventity, ppos ite r -on dt Cameron's Bank. Larknow. if sotin (Mice. etseuire at the hank. 1704. DRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, Paysie{ans. Sitrgeoea. Aorewahers, &e. older at De. SAsviaon's rosldesee, soar the grei Dederick'. O. C. Sea mutat. J. C. H TSI U Tow °Tics. - THE STATUTES Ole 11 coterie, *h Victory. IST. are sow (r soy for distribution st the elver of the the P or : d othersram �shed tit s.aw N IRA Lawn ('lark of the Peace- Office of Clerk ofthe Peace, t Goderich Jun TT. ism tar -a. THORO' BRED DURHAM BULL "EDWARD MARK FORrtat.ttMM foot » Highly Pedigreed. Ish Amalfi:9 a if James Jestkla found at JAM cession 2 Col' sure, or three cfe�os�M charged 1st January. Ik►1. au 0 0 +101440 July 12th. 181);'. . .-A_ _ COI LL, T MAKER & UNDERTAKER Corner Store. ilorton's Brira pluck. Hamilton Street, c�ODERICH, ON'r- A. B. C. has, at a large expense purchased a FIRST CL.ISS HE.iIRSE and is prepared to attend and conduct funerals on the ehortesa notice. in •own or country. A large stock of COFFINS 1ND CASIETS *PT CONSTANTLY ON HAND - Both in Ikcorattd Wood and Black Cloth. at very Reasonable Prices. t�A CA LL BOLZCZ'TED_ A. B CORNELL_ 1900.101' Ooderich, July 19th, 186.-'[. MISS STEWART GREAT ,,BARGAINS! C4- OFF AT COST & UNBER COST ''1'.-- T FF RTY SAYS_ Uoderich, July 12th. 1883. THE WELLAND VALE: MANUFACTURING CO.'S HARVEST TOOLS ARE EQUAL TO THE BEST IN THE 'MARKET. 7oltn A. Naftel Has Them in Every Class }lay Forks (boy's slut. 20c.. men's size, from 30c. and upward. Barley and straw Forks S,•ythes new pattern,. and Snalths. Cradles and Cradle Scythes. Harvest Mitts, etc. Machine Oil, from 25c. up to $1.00 a gal. if you avant PERFECTLY PURE WHITE LEAD ! JOHN A. NAFTEL has 1t, guaranteed so by the makers ander a forfeit of $250 for each ounce of adulteration towed In it. If you want a paint, nixed and tinted, read) for immediate ase JOHN A. NASTSL has 1t the best in the market. ta•'UTfiA�ERCHA PAINT, warranted to contain nothing but Pure White Lead and Oil combined with (:utapert ha and Oxide of 'Linc. or All for sale at JOhN A. NAFTEL'S Cheap Hardware Emporium. U.MSIsh. July M, 18&7. ltuctioneering. JAMES BAILEY, LICENSED AUC. TIO N1LltA /gr bs County of Huron, Nav- ies eataied tis MI. Y snw prepared to attend he all ordestt t t A ring. Orders left at Bailey's Q afbh, or sent by mall, promptly attat>rw 20. i88F JOHN KNOX, LICENSED AUC- TiONR}CR for the county of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. Or- den left at Martin's Hotel or at this once will be promptly attended to. 1887-tf. HW. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR . the County of Huron. Rales attended In say part of the County. Address orders to dA Oeek P. 0. 'WILSON'S Dgrs Psep1ionSto. Warner's Rare Cur. V►n Berens Kidney ('are. Hall's Catarrh Com (legalese Hair Reviewer. Crowfoot Iudiaa Bitten. Warmer's Nervine, Rlmo New IMsoovery, Fowler's livtrest of Strawberry. treTrye Nttotslea L Not, the sow Pals 1ew'dy- Legal. _ - RC. H YE4, KOLIUITOR .tt c., Ufa is corahr of tae square and Kest stret, 0itirich, over Butler's bookstore. money to lend at lowest rates of interest. DIAMOND DYES, BEST IN THE WORLD. 100.. PIOit. 10.11.031G41.01.81. LEWIS LEWIS, BARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery ke OM%ee in the (curt Honer. (odertoh. iia LRwis. M.A. B.C.L. E. N. ste 1210. '.1 ARROW ti,; PRUUDF(►(►T, BAR T RISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, ata' Ooderlch. J. T. Darrow. W. Proudfoot. 175 SEAGER & MORTON, BARRIS- TI1W. He.. Ra. 0oderfeh and W C. Seager Jr., Oederlcb. J. A. Morten lag ham. 1721. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors In Chesney, ke. lederlch and W infttam. M. C. (7saseron. C.; P. Holt. M. 0. Cameron. Goderieb. W. Macara, Whaleboat. 1721. YOUR FORTUNE! 1f yon *111 retnrn this Shp. with Yt rents. or IP three -emit stamps, we will wed yen by matt. cosi paid. as a beginning. a beW[ni t'Oremo Casket containing 100 Feet Belling Articles These goods are need in every hoose in the enatryand the sale of which wil bring you Is, honorably. neer RIVE Delius per day. and not occupy more thee ball naso. Snit sada both hexes. W yob het clip beeps 1 om�slarlwo ease et SLS tdgtiyM t�s1s tee bead. TAM say le yyse�rr 1St chast• e. Don't delay. A. W. KiR1REY. Y smooth. '1'1) M1' Sha Can Met Pelt dao Car Ito N -:tr iyt 1)11 tar rev e`co `1 w -a ?C. JO ti o W'. of er ea n re b, 114 11 ft a tl 11 •