HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-08-03, Page 4l•
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THE i.tURON .SIGNAL, FlilUAI Alibi. 3, Tri .
Ina Ieatling Winuipev de..
paper rteigil Tui Kincardine Maiden/ throws a' LACROSSE M .‘(1'CH. SWAM M
Y r Farat. Aa aD!<ItT. A
s published ever 1•'rida Morning.by Mc
1LLIt'CDoe BRAS. at their l)ttice, North Sl i
of the Square'
And is tesOa eta to a1 Parts et the supround
alt coastal bathe evilest malls and Arsine.
By jenl .1 admission 1t has a larger carcina
Ion than any other newspaper in this part of
the country, d is tae f the raciest. newsiest
and most reliable ournals in Ontario
tag, sail d e jplot rescutirlr
stud in adliyon tothe Wee, first -clue.
family snd tirestea pp�ec�eper♦ it it eaereturc a
most desirableadisrlien( *elf hon.
TERMS. $1.50 in advance post ge pre -paid
b7 publipherr;11.75, if paid advance,
six month*
17.00 if trot so paid. Thtr rule wl 1 be strictly
It ATE or ADvrart.aap. Eight cents pe
Ine for Arat iansar lea : three cents ppeer line fur
each subsequentlnaertiOn. Yeasty,ha11-7cart7
and quarter') ceatracts at r•eduoed rater,
JON PpNT1\ti.---R'e have also* first-class
and possess-
ing the gest*
tmcnt inW
ing the most complete out-flt and lest facilities
1 ir turning out work in liotterlch,areprepared
to do business in that line at prices that cannot
be bcatem and ot 4 quailty that caawot b(
urpasse,.. - - TermeOasis
that Manitula has uu riga to interfere flood of light upon the " reader" yuer-
in the matter ut the cecup.ation of the
disputed territory. This, of itself, is
enough to slow that N.+rguay's raid
upon Rat Porter/ gets little 'support
even it* the prairie province.
Toe Tories of the next generation will
wonder why ire the mune "of cvzuntW
sense tho ultra Tories of today were nut
only disloyal to Ontario, but hadn't
gumption to stick to the popular cause.
\Wheu the p"puler cause is the right one,
it is political death to oppose it.
FRIDAY, AUG. 3ttu, 1883.
TNI' 1:IV('*ELS BEAN C.-1RDE1t'.
During the winter season the resi-
dents of Brussels village •` run " a the-
atrical company, whizti weekly rolls off
farces and low comedies during the tine
of Ione -evenings. Like most other
dramatic institutions, the company does
not perform itt summer time, and by the
suspensibp of the perfertuaucee an ach-
ing void was create,' to the breast of
every laughter -loving, facetiuus, drania-
trically-inclined Bruisolite, and many
there were who tighed for the excite-
ment on the boards to commence once
more. 1•nder these conditions it was
not to 1* wondered at that the village
council—which is always supposed to
have the interest of the residents at
heart—should seek ways and means to
lift the heavy weight from the spirits of 'eOCa territory and our rights," is* who Carey was previous to their arrival
the people, and therebymake sad heartsat Cape Towu.
P P demand which Ontario makes, and which A correspondent at Cape Town says
glad. And they sought and found a re- frust be respected. The Tory copper- O'Donnell only took passage for Cape
d and this is how 'twas done :—The
tion, by eying that the conduct Of the i
Education Department in authorising
Campbell i\t Son's reader* and Gage 11
Co.'s series slices that " the Mowat
Government prefers jt.ferior fore%y.t y.ele
fiattitn.t to superior Canadian l,ublica-
lions." It is plain that the Kincardine
Tory editor is eager to shown his parti-
zanship at the expense of a display of
the matter under discus-
ignorance t
_ , _. — eery strange so -
Hurons of Goderioh v. Beavers of ! ei et ccTlt resulting
esu ting) my fatally, stcc Four hey
Seaforth. I ever lathing off' t':e eud of the pier,
aut:�:It them. :t lad 1.4111011 Frank Elliott,
1.:te•r While
Ther 4°Jrrlch IIIantletrrlru. 5 i . n , , E. ,EI11 tt, hutrlLeapeC.
Nrrih 551u,r..1" ar"r wuwr. °t srrt , , .,' Elliott was floating upa;u hie beck,
Ward at in 1.. t hod u:twed Jetibya beak a teat) oft the
I Piet, and, with••nt intending. it lighted
'1't) t t wlw paid u see the up„n the stuwach of the boy in the
worth of them money. uu
a chew one, the play was vi.;on,us and
well•sustt wed, and the gait es bruu,lit
oft the f ori 'sewers of the two wawa.
The lirnret� of Srafeith loave a good
The spec .o ors
game of lacrvwse 1111 ton got tjte water. Elliott was immediately helped
Tho contest
esus ' t and medical twistauce brought.
I'S D��Oi i. name as adieu mea on a !act, see held,
and their' !lay 'lidout belie them. "They
'lite swift and condign ,tuntshmeet ,�f The •Notorious Informer Cehot late two othree really strong met,
and Killed on Shipboard Deidrice and Macdonald coututg well up
James Carer, the notorious informer, P
to tirst-class tome. They worked hard,
carries a lesson to every would-be parti-'I R°n the Nurder era. laid ilfed Itejtie but the (tome team lad some geed uteri,
too, and the throning et halms, the
heavy utak of Perry 'although not in tip•
top hint op Monday', the dashing play
of Tum Graham, and the clever dodeine
and passim( of Ellen", ably ,-upp,rted b�
cipator in deed. of violence and vi tine, au to Irelaa.t °scribe Inform. t . u. air
and bean out the truth uf the diva rite isemier :t t ntlfornlnu ':uta -elf..
warning "Be sure your sin will tint yet: j err.
out.'' It else illustrates in a striking i Intellige::.:- has been receive(' that
manner the scriptural urtxint : "The James Carey, the iuforuter, arr to
i Ih'ntlerfioll mid the re5t,`tas too mufh for
waves of stn 1s death Verily, ilj Ta )p the Seasoi m ea t he 1 J
:, , .• , „ yesterda • on the steamship Melrose,
oe• 'the der-• t'S I•'as,
'ween Captuw-u and Port Elizabeth, ,)'
way of tho transgressor is hurl." a fellow passenger named O'Donnell. It feast established lti;.: cit :,: a fat rah
O'Donnell is n rotative of with G�o•lerich p0opit• cu:net be p eased
feel'. Hv
THE Montreal reporters who have been
writing up the bugusJameaCaroy,—who,
by the way, appears to be the only 111411
in that city who attends to his own lousi-
ness,—must feel a little cheap new that
the real Carey has been killed near the
coaat of South Africa. Leone liotheaded
sympathiser had putadose of lead intathe
suspected men, what a mess there vault
have been made of it. The amateur de- fora Mr. Power and seven children,
which it is' well known was the exact
tectives of Montreal ought to carry we ftU'Itber of James Carey's family. On
in their hats during the midsummer July 2, O'Donnell secured a passage fur
months, and give quiet ocean passengers himself and wife on the steamer. Carey
a reit.
is fly, the en p mei. 51 lthuut fat arable ointment. Brady, the I h,rnts ,ark murderer, and put iu some brilliant work, fund Imre friday last, the storm orertuuL thea
that the Peter
ate cognizant of the I .nit hark knocks with the good lturnor building when still on the rollers, and it
ode of Carey' of a Mark Ta 1 •y. The Goderich teen was blown over anti greatly dantapt.
Laudon, Cay July 31.-0' as accll, who ! Mane old settlers will remember the
shut Carey, the infurmer,was necumpa,zi- did not run a field captain, but the
ed from England by his wife, whom, Beavers were taken in hand by one, raia.ng of the leg house on the Campbell
peered on intimate terms with the Carey whose efforts during the tirat gauge to get farm, near ("ether, and the exciting time
family during the voyage. ; his men in tht, rieltt spot ruined his
Third-class bertha un the steamer Kin- sweet twice for the remainder of the
faints Castle were secured on June 30, afternoon. Before the end of the match
at the Dublin office for Port Elizabeth, he was as silent as a `•'tax figgcr. The
avera,•e field captain is a nuisance un the
field. Ha' is often in the way of the
players, and if too enthusiastic gen''kid-
ded” by the spectators, The Goderich
club has wan all its thatches this year
without one.
The teants wero composed of the fol..is P.eletn,g, our his hteacher
d lays lin this
section lowing mets
Huitoss—T Perry, R. Lagan A. west.
McPhillips, W. Ellen', T. Graham, J. Messrs J. Stirlingand I. Phillips arriv-
Henderson, J. Perrin, J, Fax, S. Hays, etc inane freer Manitoba ton Tuesday.
W. Watson, W. J. Barton, E. Dteyle• They report times Ih the prairie province
hit wheel at a favorable p -•int. He took
a Walter tutu a puddle uta Commercial -at
however. t ltd trttsidents say they do not
reuteutleir s .14g a dotal susee 1851, whim
on ,�x es ate across the leg atrt:.•us cause t
by i.e fresher iu intisauuu. r et that
The d.,etor at tint thought the case not
a srsious one, but the ley grew worse,
and died on Salida%. He was buried
asa•u after death, as the injury 1•reseuttwl
the belt- (rola keeping luring the ware
weather. Deceasfd was 1(: years...41.
Capt. J.wtw 1t igio, of Eagletield, was
I,resanted by his `brattier A. Bloc with
a tiuu tit,�reughbrtd Calf. The cttptaul
is taking every care of it, feel dec'aret
Port ♦iber:-
Ji ei Miry H.,wkius hes returned to
her bourn at Bhud ar, �lp;owa.
Allis tlCuLt►or, ..f Dublin, Out„ is
visiting (*awns in this iteialsiellaw1.,
Tao fruit crap, wit 1 Ilia exeeptieu u'
cherries, has suffered severely by th o
curculio, tr. at and "black treat," and
will, be; the suwlltia y iel•1 known fur
Mist >�:rah Dow..' t las ret,troed from
a „110 tea siejotrrll to Neltunvilie, Alan.
th•� uotori..u, 'r.•;}irtrt" hal nut ya'
hal the plesaeru ,d ae "inter iew�" nor
u ,.
is he
likely Y
Fanners are abe.ut the ugh haying -
Thu cog' w far has'.eon taken oft' in tol-
erably good c •..data...., bet will lea helnty
Hatt LC is guingto carry off the prize In
ye et ;ss at flay wttrieiiltnrttl ah ow n• s the a+Ai mee. F.O1 wheat,est•eeinhy caw-
s et and ttta t•i ell, is _aid to be badly
year. dattt,t.csl by 'rust. Spri,ttf ii heat his a
\\hde a caro {wlun•,jffg to Duncan very fair appeara..ee, mid is tnu.th b •-'er
slclmrrn was bears uu,c,d fr„tit the ad than either oat* •••r l.arlev, n•::ich is :y
- t • farm tf hi* brother Daniel .111 lla•rt au'1 iu• Iu4n • ifetibc4r--t'. pre+ •it
tt.1t s, ?
died without speaking. O'Donnell is an
Irish -American. He denies t to ie ne
meetings of the council were made in-
teresting by spicy repartee. strong per -
:0e eonality, dark innuendo, and billingsgate
eater', which were indulged in by the' the disputed territory for this province.
members (.f the council toward one When Hon. Mr. Mowat returns from
another in a most indiscriminate man- England, where he now is fighting (Itt-
nee. From a perusal of the last copyof tario's battles, he will doubtless bring
the local newspaper we would never have with him some information which will
supposed that the members who compose send consternation into the ranks of the
the council had been elected on the copperheads.
" straight " ticket last New Years. Yet
such was t1 -.e ease. At the last munici- THE body of Capt. Webb was found
pal election the cry was raised in Brus- nest Lewiston on Saturday last by a man
seL-by the leading Tory wire -pullers that Named Turner. The farce uf a coroner's
a " straight ticket " would be the valva- inquest was gone through with, and a
tion of the town. So strongly was the verdict of "found drowned" returned.
matter talked up that a "straight tick- No bones were broken, but a severe
et" was elected, and since that time the scalp wound about four inches long, and
shadow of Gritism has not appeared at scars on the thighs and amts were'ob-
the council board. But Burns wrote : nerved, none of which, however, would
The best laid schemes of mice and men have caused death. The doctors who
Gang aft sate
And leave us na t but grief and pain made the peat mortem examination were
For proms joy, of the opinion that death was caused by
and the members of the Brussels the heavy pressure on the nerves and
council have discovered that Burns muscles, by the waters of the whirlpool,
was correct in the premises. At to which the misguided man had been
the beginning of the year all appear- subjected.
ed to be joyful at the board—for a
T reeve had been "counted in,"
heads would betray the Province if they Town, but learning that ,Carey was a Br feel x.—Selo. Diedrick, C. line- terrtt,ly dutL
could get power thereby. The t hitario !fellow passenger he eontieued his jour I boat \\- i.• SMacKay, .1. Smith,—\\ nods, WHEaT CCT.— D Monis started to cut
premier acted on the best advice when nee and shot haw when the steamer was I W. R furter, 12. McDonald, C. W. bfu- , his wheat on Tuesday.last. The yield is
ciuse to Algoa i,ay in the presence of the I ," Dtwliu„
he formally ttsok pnssea?ian and claimed informer's of:unily, to D&emelt is calm •1)"Ilell, •T• C(•lema'\V • hue-, I•'it•l.l Very li ht and there is a lot ..f it lusted
aiui is strough guarded, as it is rumuretl It Dtcp— \\. ,- 1., l;ct,A%.iy,—line day last week while
an attempt will be Inatle to rescue him.
Icaptain--W• Sha•*: Thomas .forriah teas (ticinu tltruugh
L xrllte--For SeaG.rth —\\•. rit. hC-J \\'awanesh, the horse ran awa sustain•
A fund to defend him is being collected,
Dublin, July 31 —A mob entered ter cud (iso. Yeulee Fur Goderich—J ,ing severe injur:ei and breaking the
Y hugity. •
• Kl:rexeE—R. S. Willisnia.
It was fully half past three before the SAD At ellIENT. — On, Tuesday, July
hall was faced, and it was four hours 24th, a little chili. about a year and a
before the last gaol was secured. The half old, belun_ing to James McBride
towns. game was witnessed by a fair number of while playing, fell into a barrel of water
spectators, among whom were many which hail been sunk into the ground
Eight enormous bonfires were built
around Carey's residence. There were ladies. The ball was stilton among the and when discovered life was extinct,
numerous t:: throughout the city, crowd several times, sed souse of the fair Much sympathy is expressed for the be-
Bauda'tarcletl thriu.h the streets play-
outcofttlie shwe the their
ru berthunters. in getting
reofs heir ved parents in the leas by drowning
ing national sirs, followed by crowdsway
cheering. A alight collision occurred he- The first game was stubbornly cuf:test
tween the crow3 and the police. The ed, the visitors forcing the play at the
officials fear the Fenians will be much outset. The ,,oderich boys soon get
emboldened by these demonstrations. down to their work, however, and amid a
Cape Town, July 31.—O'Donnell was rousing cheer Ellard, w•he hid received
examined tefore the Port Elizabeth timbal! from Fax, put it through the
magistrate today, charged with murder- Seaforth flags in 25 minutes.
ing Carey. According to the evidence, The second game ,was entered upon
Carey and O'Donnell were drinking just with vigor by both teams. Some hot
before the murder. When the steamer work took place about mid -field, where
was half way between Table bay and the men were thick, and at times the
Algoa bay O'Donnell suddenly shot Carey lacrosse. were flying about like the pad -
in the neck. Carey staegered away. dies of a fanumg mill. After 12 minutes
O'Donnell billowed and shot him twice play. Perrin as hit in the face by an
in the back. Carey died in 20 minutes_ up ttroke from a Seaforth stick, and
O'Donnell says he was a Californian ditto hied profusely. Time was called by the
ger and lost largely in a silver mine. lie referee, but a short time sufficed the
was unaware ot Cares s identity until he plucky little 'un to get into shape, and
saw it stated in a Cape Town paper w -ho ho soon pranced on the field again amid
Pulver was. He then determined to kill the'agplause of the spectators. When
him. O'Donnell was accompanied by a the ball was faced again, the Beaters.
yuan, woman, he called his niece. He kept it pretty well .going, and at the
end of 8 nunutea they flung their
sticks in the air with a "hurrah" aa Mac-
donald sent it through the Huron's flags.
The excitement now increesed among
the spectators, and at a quarter to- five
the ball was faced for the third game.
In about 15 minutes the rubber got
down to the Seaforth flags, and a big
sen to u t . Carey's t e was ensued. In the scuffle a Sea-
peeted by the stewsrt and another of the, forth player in endeavoring to catch the
crew. His demeanor on the steamer was 1 ball on his stick sent the sphere through
imtirudeut. Herne -eked a row at Cape- hisuwn flags, and a shout went up from
town by abusing the English.
I the throats of those who witnessed the
Before quitting England Carey bought
a revolver, which he persisted in display -
&Kt: �I:Z. A bolus er teeion- veill scarce-
ly repay cutting. Putat,.es, alth "t h
very backward during the first put of
the ,.'iw,u ,at accyuut of the i(tCdexaut
wet watcher, wmt to have .ivseeuuta all
tease/ -les an 1 are now in a thriving cam -
over it. A few weeks ago the old house o dation. ♦..1
was moved b, the McLaren brothers a Nore. _ \fe are please*. to note th, tier
distance of over li0 yards. The builtline cidtd iw14' 4eutent in both the mintier
is ;k) x 18, very solid and eveigbty, and anti the matter of our friend Mayw ed s
was one of the hardest e.t.a' the Means. eorrespo-tdeuce last *talc, the article in
:ticLaren have yet dune in the may •of reference to oursetces being pnarticelale
house movant . But they got het' there. gu,.,.l Tito tact that the subject wa.,anJ
is, a •e'. f o.u• takes• away considerable of
the credit die to the scribe. Still we
huuestly think, J,oe, that if you would
drop that miserable sick cammittre.
which you keep raving about every week,
and als., the highfalutin titles you have
elven to every 200 yard towpath and 3
acre sand heti in your district, you might
ptasibly Tose the reputation of being a
"crank," which for anntetime pant you
have teem making for yourself, mu t„n,dh-
„I. JO.•iHC.a JUOGI.E.s.
and a Tory council had been elected. to
the entire exclusion of all who had dared
raise the Grit shibboleth—and peace and
harmony reigned supreme. But a cloud
not bigger than a titan's hand—and that
o hand of one of the councillors named
rewo—gradually loomed up, until after
a while the reeve imagined he could see
it everywhere. Drewe was ambitious
to be the next reeve of Brussels ani was
already laying plans. Reeve Rogers saw
the game, and his mind was at once
made up to checkmate the aspirant.
And so the leaven of discontent was in-
troduced, and in due course the entire
council was direly inoculated. Meeting
after meeting has been turned into a
hear-garden,hartl wordshave been spoken,
nasty reflections have been made, and
the belligerent members of"the council
have only been restrained from breaking
each other's head because, as the boys
say, "one's atraid,aud the other daaan't"
In the meantime the village is being
plunged head and ears in debt ; heavy
law expenses have been incurred by the
municipality ; and imprudences of all titioner was "knocked out" in one round,
kinds appear to be the order of the day. ant the sitting Ifteniber was confirmed in
to ratepayers of the village attend the his seat by the court. The Tories of
unci' meetings and enjoy the exhihi- Huron, who a few short weeks ago
n with as much zest as they would whistled so rigorously to keep up, their
e they seeing Jumbo, and the mem- courage, have had the pucker taken out
of the board have always some new
ea" and catch sayings to hurl at one
er at every meeting. The dis-
til procedure will likely continue
f1 the next municipal election when.
to be hoped, there will be a pretty
ral cleaning out of the Augean stable
the electoral Hercule'.
THE maxim "No case—abuse plaintiff's
attorney," was never more fully exempli-
tied than by theconduct of the Mail in
the Rat Portage matter. Having turned
traitor to the interests of Ontario, it now
not only champions the Manitoba pre-
mier for intruding upon our territory and
attempting to usurp power there, but it
coarsely abuses the Ontario officials who
are up there looking aftercthe interests
of the people of this Province. "Mowat's
Lambs," "Mowat's Ruffians," "Mowat's
Hirelings," is the way the organ shrieks
at the Ontario peace officers. The fact
that the people in the disputed territory
are almost a unit for Ontario rule, shows
how foully the Tory organ villitics the
provincial agents.
houses on Abbey street to -night and
seized bedding, furniture, and other
articles to make bonfires to celebrate the
death of Carey. Effigies ,d Carey were
nurned and mock funerals held in various
THE grist of Tory petitioners bruug ht
to the election court mill has not shown
a satifactory return tip to date. Thus
far, not a single case has been decided in
favor of the appellants. in the latest
trial, that of the petition against the re-
turn of Mr. Hager, for Prescott, the pe -
of their lips by the recent trials, and now
no sound on the question of the petitions
against Mr. Gibson or Mr. Cameron is
vouchsafed. The petitioners and
the.r solicitors are doing their level best
to "smile and look pleasant," hut the
c emtrast is s heavy one under existing
1 circumstances
THE London Tin's deplores the shoot -
int.! of informer Carey, and thinks that
his murder is calculated to enceurege
daring and lawless spirits to acts of
vi,de-ice. The Titre„ is not sltoeether
correct in its . iew of the matter. We
think that the hanging of the murderers
of Cavendish and Burke, and the'hote-
l% (4 tb informer, willjact te.gether as a
jPlarerat to these who would c.uspire to
kill frame men. Had the informer got
oRentieely free with his pocket full o.
s wt tilt t.oa
n induce-
seat!, there Stl gt
cent to others to tun the tisk of a par-
ticipation in a murderous conaliiracy in
the hope that if discovered they too.
might be able to turn Queen's evidence,
and s.• Rave their t.ecks. As the case
now stands then is little encouragement
to c.n.piro to kill. and less still to turn
CoNSIDLRAaLa diaaatisfaCtinn is ex -
by the residents of Auburn and
canny at the change in the delivery of
it matter at that office recently nude
by the Postmaster -General, at the in-
stance of Mr. P. Kelly aide.' and at•ett-
el by Thede. Farrow, M.P. Before the
change the tails bit Uoderieh at 3
o'clock anal reached Auburn ri,. Carlow
at 5 in the afternoon. Now matter w1ai1-
ed from the county town by the n'.on
train ..n Friday rarely reaches Auburn,—
c miles distant, ' -- before Meon-
o twelve 1
d ayafterno.n or Tuesday of the following
week. The change in the route of the
Mail was brought about. it was contend
ed, to facilitate tho delivery of letters
and lowspapers, but Mr. Kelly's naive
to improve the mail conditions has cer-
ainly not been it step in the right
is six feet high, has grey eyes, nark hair,
!se.. years of age, and paralyzed in one
hand. It is supposed the Infernal ma-
chine he brought with hint is an ordinary
galvanic bat tery.+"1e:��llearl
Mrs. Carey deposedtthat after the
murder she a,ked 4 ) D•onnril, "Did you
shout any husband He replied, "I was
t d it '• C 's i 1 »tits w s sus
Maaltosas taterfrrenre.
It is evident that a crisis has been
reached in the boundary dispute. It is
devoutly to be hoped that for the credit
of Canada, the lives of none of her peo-
ple willfnot be sacrificed in an internecine
struggle of so paltry a kind. If there is
bloodshed, the onus of it will restupon
Manitoba alone. That province owes
more to Ontario than to any other sec-
tion of the dominion. Its population is
chiefly from Ontario, its laws and what•
ever institutions it possesses are modelled
on those of Ontario,,it has been built up lard's crease, and a sharp dodge n
largely on Ontario capital, and its people I fling, ani there it was between the flags,
hope much from ita friendship with On-
tario. Manitoba will do well not to
abuse that friendship at the !,resent
critical juncture in its own afil:ers. It
may light a tire that may not he easily
extinguished. The boundary dispute is
one between the Dominion and Ontario
solely. It does not concern Manitoba,
except remotely ; and we are convinced
that the people of Manitoba de u"t sym3
pathize with Mr. Narquay in his present
indiscreet and fussy interfencc. If .he
gave them a chance, they would tell him
plainly that they don't want to puttee)
with Ontare oomit that lie hail letter mind
his own business.
The question (if hNtseessiot is another
matter. On any view, Manitoba has en
right there at present. if the aweri is
hot valid, the territory is still in dis-
pute, and can only be regarded aa nu -
nun's land. But the unaniuteus sward
of the arbitrators has assigned it to On-
tario, and the Untitrio (losernment it
only tieing a duty it should hate done
long ago in acting open that award by
taking possession, leaving its validity in
o oho e
byt h tit it.
e•,1these M c�•ntest
in this the tineernmen. will aoata'ned
tl he
by the people. 1f the Dominion Gov- is a civic holiday. w e exped a big crowd
eminent ratites nn iMte, as of coarse it from µ'ingham t.. witness the match.
will, there is n.. reason why it shoui,i rhe club ought to get more seats for
not be settled peaceably, . by 1, :aonable ladies on that day.
[process of law. flat nt the meentnne
%init.).a in a tressp aster, wh,'in both j Penile should look well to the state of
tho Dominion and the Outarie t;,.vern- their cellar and yards, since diphtheria
meat should unite to eject. - Taronitt l and other dimities are attributed to no-
N'orld. electing the aforesaid.
atfair. The Beavers could not believe it,
and an appeal to the umpire was made
He did not see the ball go through, and
decided " 1\ o gauze." A number of our
moat reliable citizens saw the rubber go
directly between the flags. The deci-
sion of the umpire, however, was accept-
ed, and in ale.ut ten minutes from the
stoppage of the 'tame play was renewed.
For the next 43 minutes the ball was
unceasingly kept, going, and McPhil-
lips for the Hurons and Bos Diedrick fer
the Beavers made a uumher of throws
front end to end. The ball at last was
thrown beautifully by Mac. from behind
the Goderich flags. It alighted just in
front of the Beaver's goal, and is
was made. for it. It was see
Ea e.
Master Bernard Johnston, .•f Detroit,
is the guest of Ben Allen.
Miss Runcitnan and George Hazle-
wood, of Hultett, are the guests of R.
Miss Annie Defe, ot Alpena, Mich ,
is the guests of her cousin,. Miss Mac-
AN ITF.M *tit: Jut,HCA JC,:,:LE.S. — A
picking and e_•,iting bee was held at Mrs.
R. Quaid'e last week. Ten of our own
ladies put in an appearance, and several
came from Port Albert. Of course they
ail had a good Lilco`, and a wish was ex-
pressed that the reporters of THE Sin-
NAL wero present so that their weights
might be tested in the new quilt?.
THE FLOOD. —The mill creek here was
nine feet above the ordinary level on
Friday. and about 100 teet wide. A
large numberold saw legs• were swept
down the stream during the night end
' in the morning traffic en the highway
was stopped for two hours. The mail
stage was delayed for abut an hour.
The residents turned out, and under the
direction of J. H. Barker a temporary
bridge was laid Scents the waters.
Pathmaster clean had a lob repairing
culverts " all along the line,"
A Cour:s Es. Araoe.--While the bar-
tender of the Exchange was puttine as
edge e n his razor in the blacksmith's
shop one day last week, an inquisitive
colt strayed into the bar -ronin, end made
for the place just vacated by Will. Be-
fore it had time to even take a swig of
Crank's leer, the bar -tender was given
the alanu an.i appeared on the scene
The yeung equine was unceremoniously
hustled out, and the bar -tender vows
that if that colt ever gets the start of
him again, it want find him putting an
edge on the gleaming steel by daylight.
and game.
It was now five minutes to six unlock,
but each aide was c.ufident of success,
and play was resumed. Sam. Reid take
ing the plane ed R. 5, Williams as
referee. He filled the bill nicely. Ti,
game was a very long one. At the end
of 50 minutes Seaford' claimed the
game, but the umpire decided against
them 15 minutes more, and "Cap"
bawling got the rubber through. giving
the Beavers their second (coal.
The deciding game found the specta-
tors et fever heat. Perry hail gone
down t'. the Seat.rt)t flags to check
DeidriaIc, and nude it hot for the curly
haired blacksmith. The ball catne
bounding tot the trent of the tro•al, and
there was a rush for it. Perry 'slippied
sad fell &Wiest over the tubber, anti�,o
fore he got off the earth reached out his
@Risk and sent the tall through the flier'.
TWO 7 minutes. The cheer that went
ep proclaimed the victor for the Gode-
rich team. three out of fire games. after
four hours' beryl play. We congratulate
our h. ys en their well-earned victory.
They play the W anhunauhkees of
n'inR ham on the 15th inst. As the day
At Turtle Mountain, Manitoba, on July filth
the wife of Mr. Jati,e,e Jewell, formerly
Colborne, of a daughter.
in Lucknnw, on Friday. the 904h July, 188",
.5 note McPherson. beloved wife of \tr. John
Wallace. jeweller, aged 26 years, 11 mmths.
At the residence of lir. Jaa. Stewart. brother
of the bride. yeitterd, on the 30th ult., by
Ree-. 11r. C• re, Mr. £ harlea 0lrvIs. of -Alpena.
to Miss Jane Stewart. of Goderich.
Ten telegraph pules were struck by
lightning near T. Kelly's last week.
Comte( mistake of the print-
er last issue it was made to appear that
the Dunlop scribe was beaten at croquet
last week, and that he took his defeat
well. It was .cue end his fair partner
who were victurieus, and the good -hum•
oriel defeat was shared by the other
TEMPE.<At•e Sauxot.—The special
sermon to the members of I. O. G. T.
No. 213, preached by Rev. J. A. Turn-
bull on Sunday, July 22nd, attracted a
lar•are congregation- The preacher tisk
for hie text (;alatious 6, verse 2, and
showed the necessity of a life of temper-
ance and sobriety. He had bright holies
for the temperance cause, and paid a tri-
bute to the work done by the temper-
ance societies. Tne temperance cause
was a grosi one. He expressed a hope
during the sermon that prehibitiin
would yet be ehtained in Canada He
was listened to with touch attention dur-
ing his discourse.
Fax..116r.—On Fridey sftern"e.n a
heavy downpour of rain occurred, and
the little burn was rapidly swollen until
it rose abut eight feet above the usual
level.The temperance nee hall was flooded
and fur a while looked like the ark of
olden time. A squad of willing workers
under command of Harry Horton clear-
ed away driftwood and other obstruction
in front of the culvert, mullet the water
off. A quantity of hay wax swept down
from Messrs Strxchan's and Hayden's
farms. A bicyclist clime down from
Dungannun on his "circular loots," aid
gallantly forded the foaming ',Grain nn
Buchanan,Lawson a Robinson
Sash, Doors & Bli#ds
LIG»tber, Lath, Shingles
and builder's material of every deecrtptfon.
6.0.511 Orders promptly attended to.
Uoderich. Aug. 2. 1881 1903-1 y
Live Stock Association
under the auspices of the Huron Live Stock
Association still be held on or about
The 24th of October, 1883
Parties intending to enter Stock for the `;ale
will require to make their entries with the se-
cretary not later than .
Friday, Sept. 21, 1884
The prospects for the approacht4 tale are
deekledly more favorable than for any sale
that has yet been held under the auspices of
Me Society.
ENTHANCi•: FF:F.—For each horse er cat-
tle animal. $1.50: for each sheep or swine. Zie•.
A commission of 1 per cent. will be charged
cm all animals sold.
Entries tobemade with the nndersifrned.
111. E. IleLEA\.
Secretory. Sea forth.
J alp 18th, 1f,83. 1100-21
Goderich CoalYard
Thos. N. Danny, Proprietor.
•fhe subscriber begs to inform the reeidentt
of (loterichand vicinity that he has opens,'
a ('oal Depot at the dock, and will be pleased
to fill all orders in that line at the
Lowest _Limiting Rates.
entero nLaiRINO TO
at reasonable rates, (all and examine quota
tions and quality of coal before purchasing
Goderich. June 24th 1881 1897
Not 'est Transportation Company
1 1 i M I T E t 1
The Cheops. Most Comfortable
ana1t1esnt Route
TO ALL rwir elf rtt
is tin the i team.es of the West Trans
par, s r ion I'nm lean r. Ne er wM� wt� wet:h-
rr `.ermnt.nK Lens? '*Rt�tlyt
A `•'•/day taut. { nn etTt
Trains, C &LUSO AT es N4
LOttrlas: 051. for l'rinee Arth Lemmas.
to h. and s11 points Is Masise a.MtarrsssIL
t at,ota and the North Nest.
The Steamer "MANiTORA" *1111eave (7ode-
rieh, weather permitting, every ten days -on
Tneselats and Fridays, alternate trips. for
Kincardine, Snnlhamptnn. Montt Ste. 1Aart e.
Mlehlptoolin, Pro Ntpowon, shiver i.Iet and
?ander iMy.
For further Information as to rates, apply to
WM. i.F.F., Goderleh, or to
General Manager. Sarnia
June 7t15. 1t1l11 1821 ess
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