HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-08-03, Page 21 eei 44, r P 2 RE HURON .SIGNAL. 111113DAY AUG. 3, 1883. AIastlfeamrsmMs. A Travelila* "/es's Matt sap. We quote some sensible paragraph& from a well-wntten article on the alx.ve topic in a resent somber of Our Coate ihsestt, in white the suttee argues that in the best teethe in Anaeries, there is found to -day as much true politeness as in those by-guoe days when the poets sang et the fine old English gentlemen .4 their stately dunes, and continues : Evidently, to consider the subject at all, we roust first ooiuo to some sort of definition. We must know we mean by manners before weasel classify them u good or bad. In the fin( place, I think we must discard the Sunday school theo- ry that good manners are synonymous with certain virtues, as unselfihness, amiability, and consideration for others and the like. Had I not Song seen its fallacy, T could have had no more con- vincing proof of it than has come to the during the prosiest writing. A gentk- man called an ae,.' bo o,ntmauds my entire respect, both by reason of his able mind and generous hes... Nay, more than this. %Jen I think of the perse- verance by which he gained an educa- tion, despite of povet .y, discourage- ment and difficulties of various kinds ; of the indust.1 by which, though still young he haiaade for hiraself a place in his profession ; cf his goodness to- ward the unfo untie and sorrowful, my rocked gtlic'tiens into admiration. Yet t 's man of true anitbender coup, calling aspen an errand which did credit to both hes i and heart, so KI before me with his hat on h'• head and hands in his poc'teta ; and a shetnLhadaar'anged to go with him at an appor t ed hour to co- operate in his benevolent- mission, aaked me " if it would he too couch tout of ole way for ire tucall at his o)tice." ( n the other hand, a gentlemen (so- called), wh.::n Lhaveevery reason to be- lieve is a veritable'teouedral, places a their for awe with a _race I never saw mfuallad, and says, "god raornine. madam," with. such eloprew'm.ent that 1 Teel like a praeeas fur ear.ny hours there- after. And this man of gracious mien but wicked heart finds a welcome in so - society, aad retiiy geed suciety too, where my nettle friend,e•if invited et all, would be laughed at, except by the few who know I'r well enough to forgive Neither are the tine manners Synony- mous with talent or' edt:cation. You shall see the scholar cif wide sad accurate knowledge stashed and i'.' at ease tie moment he leaves his study, wh''.e a mere s' npleton will have the , air of swti'ore faire in eve situation. Plainly, this thing, which is neither ci ue or wisdom, but which, more than either, is the pampa_ . to the " beet " society, is not of trifling impo.. ; but while always i-utantly recokniuble, it is neve heless w impalpable aa to elude definition. Perhaps we can pet no near- er to a definition than by say .eg that ir•tnner being the depoutnweut of one person toward ether' persons, tiue man- ners consist in .. o aatle .. ,. s really ffne manner is susceptible of infinite shades and _graduations, but end: euita- ble to the time, place and perseu. A manner which is suitabie 1n addressing a parson of twenty years of age is not suit- able toward one seventy years old. A gentleman does nut address a lady with the rime familiarity that he uses toward one of his own sex ; a tune which is prop- er from a chili- to a parent. An obtuse- ness as to the relation of thi•,gs is the mainspring of b,ui manners, and stakes life for aurae people, one long, unconacie :us impropriety. One day last week au ir airing we- cutred on the Eastern fathom &, betweea Boston and Lyno,which dose tsss reeor'd. A weir well -beim citizen , if this wity returning from Boston, fut ad the ere yery attach crowded, and in 1 net enib•ore seat out occupied by a pi eeemges, bat utilized by one tri bold a Tahoe. (Jur fellow • citizen, whom we will: call Mr. B. quietly lifted the baggage fr was the yule - ion with a view to setting it i is the flees and filling the seat himself. ' eaters you doing there I" sha.,dy • et 'tin occupant of the inner a at ; ''lthatobe• longs to a friend titf mi ne.'e "'Meter mind•yoar friend," maim]:f rwl.lied Mr. B., "1 will take care of is;• ahem k. comes." Both parties "ceased, frilly' at this .point, and the train iu.+ed on to Somerville, but no "friend" dtsiasett-the valise and seat, and Mr. B remint ed his fellow traveller of the fact. -s ho said, "Wetl,that gentleman will be hereeeon" Bat as Everett and Chelsea were pasted, aril there was uo change in the situation Mr. 11. oencluded to snake a reoreruent. He acasedingly left his seat, arid, walk- ing to 'else rear of the car, mid to the condwebor, "there's a suspicioes character is skis oar. A gentleman has left a valor in that seat, and I believe that atrart meats tia steal it, and I want pea to stop hist." !Ilia conductor replied, "Yea, I've seen that class of gentry before, and 111 atttend'tc his case ;" whereupon Mr. 8. returnee' to his seat. As the tiara slowed 'up at Oak gland the traveller gave signs of prepaautg to leave the car. that. !jug which, the conductor approached. As was expected, the traveler greeted the valise ; but the conductor inteap,osed, ordering hint to drop it. He indiprtautly refused, saying, "It is mime ' Ent Mr. R. hereauid, "You're a liar, sir ! yes told me that it belonged t.. a 'Irentlemate who was to ierupv a seat." Ti'e traveller seta -sed the valise 'and attempted to go but the «.educt. r sternly Said, "if you d•.at leave that I'll arrest you ! hwill take it to headquarters in Reston, where you . can have it by proving property." The (mak Islander, beaten at all puints was. obliged to rut:ender on the terms offered, and left the:train—a specimen of a basted and disgusted hog (that's the word). It is perhaps, needless to thank our friend. Mr. B. in behalf of decent travellers everywhere, for his skillful and ccurageoua disposal of a typical rail- road nuisance. 'superior t'arr-nuer Pickle*. 'lo every five gallons of strong v• aegar attic a pint of pure alcohol, a 1 •tp of alum the size of a small walnut, and a hatilc f 11 each, of ground or pounded pep- per, doves, cinnamon and allspice. Peppsea :clone may be used if preferred, or thea .ices can he omitted ahogether, Wit nod Vert Whet: the traveller now encounters one beggar in Ireland, fifty years ago he would have met with fifty. The towns and villages awa_ .ted with them. A tourist in those days was alternately moved to tears by sights of mise.;, and to laughter by bursts of genuine wit. The wit was mixed with blarney, which so delicately flattered, that offence w: s opt of the question. Y-. S. C. .Hall illustrates the perfection with which an Irish beggar used what we ,s 'peri- .ns call softsauder by an incident that hap- pened while h was visiting Maria Edge- wo..h, the -popular Irish writer. He was driving with her one day, and the car- riage as noun grit stopued,was surround- ed by beggars. ' 'You know'I never giveyouan) .hie: she sail •tu one, who, was pleading for a - quick az a flash come the an- swer : "0, the Lord forgive ye, Miss Edger- woi.h ! that's the fico: lie ye iver tould." "Gond luck to your ladyship's happy ft ae this moi sing !" Laid another of the gi ,up, "Sure you'l lave the P,;ht Ilea in any bosom before ye go ?" 1 "O, then look at the poor who can't I look at you, my lady,' pleaded a blind eau ; "the dark n -•a that can't see if your beauty is like your sweet twice.' "0, the bless'ia of the widely and tics marl( children, that's waiting for your honors .ounty, be w id you' on the react' called out a mother oto Mr. Hall, as she but dist add greatly to the flavor of theled forth the fatherless clublreu. pickles. A few pieces of horseradish are I "0, help the poor crayther that's got 8150 an iq:proveument. The alum must not be omitted as it hardens the pickles. Put the cucumbers right in the barrel, keg ••r crock, e1mteinlnv the prepared vinegar each play, as they r e gathered. If necessary to welt them do not rub them. Lay a board on them with suffi- cient weight to keep the pickles under 41.. the vinegar, and allow no scum to foitn. Cucumbers should be cut late in the eve- n;ng, or early ' t the morning, and hat - died carefully. Tender string beans and radish pods, ;,leen tomaato , and plums that are almost ripe but not soft, may also be put in the Lame •iaegar with the! Can the reader parallel the elosluence cucumbers, and they w '1 make excellent i of these touching appeals outside of pickles. 'Peaches,peara, chetri.s, onions, (''eland 7 etc., ruight be prepare 1 in tlse sane way; but I hare never tmiel them. 1: geed Dundee Banner ; The ''member for rider vimtgar is not to be had, 'wake' I Jam Stephens is evidently at home in a Malaria from the undrained Pontine liar r'uun, for the :i.•pttsifor tells us that vinegar of syrup, allowing one gallon too' the other' day, in the Kirby House liar, marshes, near Rama, is a terror to tra- three or four:of water. The piCkh•s are he tot into a dispute with a commercial1 vellera Ayer's Ague Con, is an effect- soon ready for use. We always follow traveller and brought his umbrella into eel protection from the disease, and • d h declared b aS whets the stir pickles the tweet they eve- tasted.— b malarial districts . n this side oat the N• no children to show, yer honour, ' ahe.ut- ed another women ; "they're down in the eicknesa and the wan that owns them at sea." "Won't your ladyship buy a dying woman's prayers—shape 7' moaned a sick fe.nele. • "They're keeping me back from the penny you're going to give me, lady, dear,- wailed another, on the outskirts of the crowd ; "because I'in wake in my- self,and my heart's broke with the hung- er." ewe tItaSMr The London Lastest gives some t' reeky hints about lee" g out-of-dtw•bathiag If the weather be chilly, it say*, tit these be a cold isi•id so that the bosky wry" 1* rapidly cooled at the sui.see Miele un- tireesiuy, it is net t'tfe to bathe. Uader sucheditions the fur:here3Ul tat im- niersiu in ould water will tabs place at the mo eut when the resetiea eseseyu- ent upon the skill of exp uses by un- dressing ought to occur. and this emend, chill will net only delay ss akseetbee prevent the martian, but teepee( die bath trout a mere stimulant Its.adetsres- sant, ending is the abstraetiuu•ef a large amount of animal heat and eimemeswn uf. the internal meatus an/ skeptic •resmbres. The actual temperature (4th a w.nalr dog not :street the question et elect .s its re- lative temperature as ossapabeeestethat. of the surrounding air. The stun must be t,• avoid two chills; first, front the air, and reeond, from the water, asEto sake sure that the body is r swab a eswbition as to secure a quack reaction un emerg-t ing from the water without relying too much on the possible effect of faien.ui by rubbing. It will be ubwitter, therefore, that both weather and wind mast be carefully considered before bathing is be- gun, and that the state of the organism as regards fatigue and the force of the circulation should also be eonsidered,not merely as regards the general hetet, but the special condition wheal a bath is to be taken. These precautions are enii- aently needful in the use ..f the young or weakly. wtsaelda's times* ■lt. .atoman of not ve. • good credit renter .:lath and the way he was jumped un by everybody had a tendency to make spir- als ref his ba'-. 'tit ell, Johnston," said an ac.luaia• Wee who kept a grocery store, "1 no- tice you are,1receiving as many runtish - meets es tat average candidates." •'Oh, yell they are charging ore with eve hing. •MYou are charted with a auod many thinks." • "'Yea, with ever. huig," he replied, bitterly. '1o, not that much quite." "I'd like to know wt •t l'ut nut charg- ed with?" "Well, Johnstuii, I don't care what others may du, but there's one thing I've never charged you with, and I give you my word I never will. 'No, sir; never." "Thanks for your kiudneea ; but what is it f" "Groceries, Juhua.nm, I'll never charge yea; with there. It's cash, or 00 gtecer- ies, old man, and don't let it escape your nieur,ry. ,, \A11 cases of weak or lame back, baek- eche, rheunutistn, dc., will find relief in wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and tiellad. na Backache Plasters. Price 25 n •rata. .t Peculiarity of Nem Jersey_ "It is only in New Jersey," ewe the witty Detroit Free Preis, "that the papers speak .1 a widow women. All other states grant the sex without dispute." Yet New Jersey hes g,..rd preoedeats f.x }that fo. a of speech. It follows the old .Eastern fashion. Ir wax about three thousand years ago that a woman of Te- koab came to King David, saying to her- self. ••1 am, indeed, a widow woman, and mine husband is dead." Possibly in Detroit, all widows are women whose husbands are dead but dow.t East there are g; 1 widows, whose husbands are not dead. The Bible tells us, also, of the "-widow woman" in Zarepath who fed Eliiah in the (1:17-e of famine. Bible lan- guege seems more familiar to dwellers in New Jersey than those in Detroit. But when Mr. George Washington Moon has his new Bible completed, that women of Tekoah's statement will be cut down to "I ate a widow. ' The tug Who turned airs Father's yard• The boy stood on the back yard fence whence all but him had fled. The flames that It his father's barn shone just above the shed. One bunch of crackers in his hand, two others in his hat ; with pit- eous recent loud he cried, "I never though of that." A bunch of crackers to the tail of one small dog he tied ; the s Arks flew• wide, and red, and hot ; they lit upon that brat ; they tired the c...cketa iu his hand and lit those in his hat. Then came a Lunt ..f rattling sound—the boy, where was the gone 7 Ask the rinds that far around strewed bits of meat and bone, and scraps of 2lothes, and balls and tops, and nails, and books, and yarmi, the relics of that breadful bo who burned Apia father's barn. The Press as duraliea. Philip Gilbert Hamilton, in his admi- rable papers 00 4' Intellectual Life," thus talks of the man Who " stopped his pa- per." "Newspapers are to the civilized world what the daily housetalk is to the members of the household ; they keep our daily interest in each other, they save us from the evils of isolation. To live as a member of the great white race of men. the race that has filled Europe and America, and colonized or conquer- ed whatever other territory it has been pleased to occupy, to share from day to dqy its cares its thoughts and aspira- tions, it is necessary tat every man should read his paper. Why are the French peasants so bewildered at sea It is because they never read a newspa- per. And why are the inhabitants of the United States though scattered over a territory fourteen tunes the area of Prance, eo much more capable ..f con. ezrted action ; so much more alive and modern ; s• much more interested in new discoveries of all kinds, and capable of selecting and utalizing the best of them? It is because thenewspaper tune- trates everywhere ; and even the lonely dweller on the prairie or in the forest is no not intellectually iaolated fmtn the great currents of public life, which flow 1 through the telegraph and'press." 1 h drummer took him in cure for those who have become its vie- the shrive mode es many its and and mobbed the floor with the die - (dural New -Yorker. tintu4hed coomorer. T.� it. 1. 1.. Creek N Y Feb f IMO There is no excuse for suffering been raw. - •- ear ■ Nelly. Irat:resee's t peed) fere. Frew the many remarkable cares wrought by uaure McGregor's li Cure fit: Dyspepsia. ludielstion, C pit6,u an Affection of the Liver, and mom the antu.euw sale of it without any a lverti L;, we hate ouneluded to dace it tat«uatvely on the market, se that those who suffer may haveaperfect se e• G� to Geo. Rhyne. drug scope -sad got a trot txsttle freeee, . r the regular size at 60 cta and �}. 7 Tke Tinos believes that the . :tion of •Eir John Macdonald and Archbishop Tache i -a inducing Riel to leave the coun- t..' by bribing him to do so "was the act cf wise men, rad one worthy r'ike of prolate and statesman." Our oontem►Eo- rary knight have gone fu_ .her, and given its opinion of the wisdom and morality cf the Premier, when, at the ve time he'waa negotiating with the rebel leader the publically said he "wished to God be. e.ould catch Riel.' - [ tv• 'pee Free Paees. A Herat Morose ¶'hat is daily bringing joy to the homes of thousands by saving many of their dear ones from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's new Discovery for Consump- tion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Tickling the Throat, Pain in Side and Chest, of any disease of the Throat and Lungs, a positive cure. Guaranteed. Trial Bot- tle. free at J. �i ilson'a Drug Store. Large size 11.00. (ti) Says Dryden "She knows her man, and when you rant and swear. Can draw you to her with a sinele hair.' But it must be beautiful hair to have such power ; and beautiful hair 'can be ensured by the use of .INGAL&8a HAIR RBNLWER. Sold at 50 cts. by J. Wilson 2m. It is now in season to warn our reac.- ers against the sudden attacks of Cholera Cramp Colic, and the various Bowel Complaints incident to the season of ripe fruit, vegetables, etc. Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry is the grand specific for those troubles. 2 Seeing is believing. Read the testi moniala m the pamphlet un Dr. Vru Buren's'Kitiney Cure, then buy a botae and relieve yourself of all those distress- ing pains. 'Your Druggest can tell you all about it. Sold by J Wilson Goderich 2m THE LOWS OF POWER TO DIGEST and assimilate food in anyone who has a weak spot. whose weakness renders perfect nutrition a neoessity, requires immediate at- tention ; the lungs inrnaired by inflammation the heart by rhentuat,sm, and the liver or kid- ney by over-stiwulation, w•t soon cry out from starvation when the blood 18 bier Ilciently fed and . he tissues ell -not -fished. Failure of nerve power and a weak stomach are the chief fact- ors in these troubles, aad the elements of nerve nutrition and essential agents of the gastric juice in Wheelers Phosphates and Ca': - says the beet remedy. "Wheu all other remedies fail fur Bowel Complaint, Color, Cramps, ay1Nn- tery, etc., then Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strew terry omits t.• the rescue Thus writes V. H. Crocker, druggta' , Weterd wu, and adds that "its sales .., e bar ::rad uhcreaantg. Tose smare►e.t Thies ea Ner.r.l Is Eros's Fluid Lightning for Neuralgia Headache, Toothache, eta It dots not bloater .n discolor the akin ; require hut un.- al.pbgtiuu to tuanuh all (shin uugic- ally a irhout using any greasy linitnent or carrying year head in a poultice for week. Trym % cent bottle from Cleo. Rhynas, druggist. 2 Summer Boarding, HITL4NB PLACE! • Thousands bear witness to the poo . tive iterative powers of the GalAT Ou- r A ts 1lt VUYUYATua, the rely remedy that has 'rived Meet( a at Mad fltf pfeeegml deb.ltty, ,e.unu.l weakness, iruillteafy, eta, and all obsuases that arise frogs feltabuse or ovuttrtaed bride, tiu.►Uy coding In ounsaiwptent, u'wtite and • prema- ture grave. (bald by all d dra, or will be out flee uu te.lettl. o 1L00 per Iwo, .,r air Loses :or ik. Address ` J. CHSHw, Toledo/, Ohio, sole also fur the Untied Steles. Send for e're'alar and testimonials of genuine cares. (leo. Rhyuas, Guderich. Liu MR. RICH AU11 I•!AW LKl"b Kiegaut 'Cosi- doom is now OPEN for the SUMMER Fur the reception of a few guest. The rooms are herr large and NICELY FURNISHED Bath Itoom with hot and cold water. Bowling Alley. Croquet and Ornamental Grounds, plenty of choice fruit. a guod table. and eery comfort will be found. Geese will be met at the rtg'lon. TERMS :—Seven t D Ten Dollars per Week. MAITLAND PLACE, Uuderi 'h. Onto, o. Goiter's h_ J ane U. k :t H+tLi- Address f: yt', Ear ami(/ Throat. DR. RYERSON, :117, Church *Creel, Tamale. Gal.. L. IL ('. P.. L. H. C. S. E. Lectures un the Eye, Ear and Throat. Triaity Medical col- lege. Toronto. and Sarge.os tu'the Mercer Eye and Ear Infirmary. late ot:inloal Assistant Royal Ophthalmic Hospital. Mourdelds, and Central London Throat and Ear Hospital. may De consulted at THE WINDSOR HOTEL, BTRATFORp, On Last Saturday of Every Mouth. June 5th. 1 a't3. t •Cs: &cColl Bros. & Co„ Toronto, Manufactures and Wholesale healers In LARDINE, CYLINDER, BOLT CUTTING, ALLAN LINE ur ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS 1,1 V EIt Ptol.-LONDONDERRY-OLAMGOW Every Saturday From Quebec. SNO1rTK$T $&A reYAet. FtPEED, ('UMF'OItT AND SAFETY. Slimmer .lrrangement. 88I.A.8O ' 1. 3_ naseiaw May If Poly netian 95 Peruvian June 2 Sarmatian 11 Parisian " 19 Sardlalas.. •• TS t eesesias. " 30 Poiynesian July 7 Peruvian " 11 Sanuatian. " 21 l'arirtan. " 28 Sardinian Aug. 4 t'ircasslan 11 I'ulynealao " 18 Peruvian " 25 1 1 rnia l .......Sent 1 Sardinian. 15 Cireaaeian " t2 Polyntuisn " it Peruvian Oetr. Sarmatian... .... .... " 13 i arisian card I titan Circassian Polynesian. I'it rut. Ian .arms( nut Nov. 3 10 ti 1'asat•ryter„ req nireto leave ooderlch at noon on fintrados e. to connect with steamer ar tpiebec. Prepaid ct rtifcate lamed at greatly reduced rater to parsons wishing W bring their friends out from tlw Oki ('ountr)'. For 1,c hers and all Inforasatton, apply to I1. A ItM1t3TItONCI, Ticket Agent Uoderlch. G,sterikh. May 1718, 1883. TESTINTONIALS_ i l'ollingw-ood, Lint. - The Crowfoot Bitters I W O 0 LOILS. "'k cured me of Sick Headache, atter twenty cars of suffering without being able to find relief. Mita. J. HoLLINeeHWAD.g 1'larksburg. Ont. -The CrowfootBltters per fectly cured enc of Saltrheum. without•,.using "LAR D L N E . " any other medicine. Mns. Joasa'H LutOHtin. brand is unexcelled b) xn other oil on the If you wlsbtoget the worth of your limey market. In recognitionash) aur drstaglst r.r 11. elled of to her oil merit, we have received .i.1 11 El.Etl`:'Ti.1� All the Highest Prizes !. THEY..RLL KEEP ITT May 17th. 188 18i1am wherever we exhibited it since 15 i...mong -- other awards a large uamber of Gold, Silver & Bronze Medals, besides numerous Diplomas. It ix.earrnnted nut to gum or clog : wears equal t.. Castor Oil and being leas than one-half 11, nriee in the cheapest oil on the market. ,t<r T1:1' IT. For Sale by R. W. McKer_zie, 18.;. 1..s1erich. Tfte Cheap Tea Store. AYER'S JUST RECEIVED Hair Vigor restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, • y I or deep black, ae may be desired. By its use light �, A LARGE lil'1'YL] OP or real hair may be darkened, thin hair thickened, and baldness often, though not always, cured. CANNED FRUITS It cheeks falling of the hair, and sr-...uhat.. a weak and sickly growth to vigor. It prevents and cures scurf and dandruff, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to the scalp. As a Ladles' flair Dressim g, the \l.;ni Is unequalled ; it enntalna CANNED MEATS �u.er nil nor dye, renders the hair soft, glossy, rind silken in appearaaee, and imparts a delicate, agreeable, and lasting perfume. OF F' A1,1, KINDS. DS. : Ma. C. r. oat. !tea writes from Kirby, 0. July i3, 1582: " last fall my hair commenced fallttg A CHUICE >3F,hF:(TiON OF out, and in a short Urge 1 became nearly bald. I tried part of a bnttlii of As cm's Hata Vroolt,, which stopped the falling of the hair, and started a new growth. 1 have ma,w a fell head of hale Fresh em e5 i� r� n n r . ' n growing -• ously, and am convineed that but for the use of your preparation I should have leen AND entirely bald. Also a ffne assortment of .t.W.Bower, proprietor of the MeArtkve(O$ ) £nomim, says : Atan's HA1n Vlooa Is a most excellent preparation for the hair. !speak e Crockery & Glassware from o, own erperlenee. Iia tine prem,., the growth of new hair, and (nates It gggt, The V.n 1s atsn a sore cure for 11.1 IN THE I•ATEAT 1)E810NS. within my knowledge has the ptwpgall a ewe failed M give entire satlsfaettoa." Teas a Specialty M. Asses F. tent, MN leader a sate - of fleaMlah ♦e THE DA IILINO iMPERIA I. ALERS fie. it works just as effectual] in sill • IN ALL THk SIZES er • GIMP'---Ihave bees re bow, and Headache Constipation, and all the have tried eve., Wei, to n., adrantta� e+ 1 heard t• or Hop (litters recommended ilib. !lir many. 1 conolsl,ded to give th"'ands m a' trial i d..s aad tow oto sn.und, and 'Clei gRr. as •. e► gon•t..ntly mph's inti, alibi am 'early Ila 1 W. e. wu.Ltr weaning train of symptoms o1 a disor- dered leer when Burdock Blood Bitten is an unfailing remedy, and only exams Oise Dollar a bottle. Why suffer on without a trialf 2ft•000 bottles wad dnrine the last three months, with al- no.st universal satisfaction. 2 Pimple. esul R1.1 else.. ('all at Geo. R11) tots' dreg ah•re and is package of Niel:meow .( l'arko'a C erb..lic N. 1t u composed of Vaaelure,Car- boiie Acid and has never failed to remote I'imples, Blotches, UIoerated Sores, and Rough Skin. it cures when *11 others tail Try it. 2 ITHIt GROCER. I+ODSRiCH. Jnlr 1s. lee Teas a Specialty. .Niro a spirrdid ass. -rt merit of G000 HARVEST MITTS C '. Fi. OLD, hrsted" Fniriwu n Family'i writes front Boerne, Mass., P,6. s, lam: rime sty hair hegtz Nto sIre silvery AvrR's HAIR yl(.a, aad .viwdIsea� 1 us ebange wawa sertng time penewreth 'maintain an appfpMee of 1�a tcv rat eonatlt.ahk/:Raee m'trims, etwt, sad to « eSergarledie orators, tars every one the eyes of the public-" Mas. (1. A. Pas:., ,PTT. writing from 13 ahs a., r'a,wlah,w•s M•us., 4..4, 14 Amar earl • ' veers ago *feet me•wlyds of way leaeem•e It thinned ver, and I ragtag. bald. On using Afla'h'Nang Vises stopped and a sew oboe( a month q with short hair. It tnp rew now to good on eine tar rsperatesis( "ne bnttIs a the 'roux tut sow suss It oe•smtloa• stir as a deemtag." We have luswlretls of stminet testlmonlais to the .Jacaey of Avt*'s RAI. Yuan. It needs but a trial Is oonvtaee the stent akopneal of Its rale*. PasraazD ar Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maw. eetd by all Drfgga.. w EGYPTIAN OIL. The Great Pain Oonqueror rapidly dispels pain. I teaspoonful ,n Ovate- will core a distracting head ache in five ntln- uvs. If applied to any erected surface of Os body, as tooth ache, neuralgia rheumatism etc.. it gives the sufferer comfort and Instan relief.it is a charming remedy. Only 23c, and money refunded If not as represented. M. T trwf0TT d 1'e., stele reserlelers, 1 anttor', Onts W. J. C. Nafitel, ltn,guist. etc Agent forOodelicl Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain and Mouse River Country, NORTH DAKOTA, Tributary to the United States Land Office GRAND FRKS, DAKOTA. an T/OaAL N1P and f'siti particular mailed FR= to any address in 11. 1•. M('NALLY, General TravemasAgent. ST PAUL. 111111111111111.3 1 MAIiiTOS/ N. R. fa .. Frost a. Toe'eme, Ow. S2.10.es.T"M Has on hand • lama Aleutlty of WESTERN CORN Fsr.ewtwg brooklet. also a lot of Canadian Corn. GIVE HIM A CALL OcdeNcb. Mar 171b. lima. s From tlir An 1•, of feedua flow ..t is the butts when the There the brew a bent - study an of au ani sty blood By he and the t ter, we g drougkt. land veil when cr., tiliaed v growth. Black aphis the of the shrubs a would ship of people d oil or be The I Ontario been er there is past nes their it realms u weather The 'tone tl park, tl the idea dispositi the plat our tad necessiti short, t years ; atm at any ape. The t ed for flowerin go to dt stalk ar this steal palatabl depend, rule, iii than th likely t stroytd In th Green for the needs are no shower thea. pi water the toe is the fertilia gives a than ft the ori ing nn 0-. of ecce prepay crop. labor heavy ju►y,I will h who 1 seed, by the A C t ion • est of f erme colat i upon the ea of its ed of the cl to pi only it is proul A gan at tl nine. resul peac price tul l to tl ter the by t and t.w self will gree Cart Thi hitt 'roe crit tin fete and six hn at got of tc .l� 1,! rr ut al n C 0