The Huron Signal, 1883-07-27, Page 8•
Terrible Finale of' a Baltimore
Name reil. Hurled From' a 'tollcu IA hart
i, Into itr Haler altll•n.e Bodies re -o..
reed 1110.11y Ladle. and Children.
Baltimore, July 24. -At North Point,
the Tiieli excursion resort, ort the f o•
tepee•., ten utiles from this cit',, at ten
o'clock /eat eight, the giving way of the
outer portion of the pier, on which Bev'
real hundred persons were awaiting the
boat to this city, caused the loss of sixty
or set etas. lives.
lathe:tore, July 24. •-Yesterday an ea-
cursion w'as given to Tivoli by the Mount
Royal Beneficial Society of the Catholic
Church of Corpus Christi, of which
Father Starr is paster. Thu excursion•
ists went on the barge Cockade City.
Yesterday it made three trips, the last
from this city, between six and coven,
and last evening reached Tivoli before
ten. During the day it had taken down
about 500 persons and on the last trip
about 100. A large number of those
who went down during the day retrained
intending to return on the last trip.
W'heu the barge approached, all .11
shore rushed for the end of the wharf,
which was aevoral hundred feet long,and
were closely packed
together at a
about twenty-tivo feet from the end, im-
patiently awaiting admittance. As the
barge came alongindo and struck the
wharf it
t sudden! gave
pottion of the crowwere recipitateed
into the water, which was about len feet
On account of darkness little could be
done to rescue the drowning, most of
whom were women and children. It is
Laid sixty-one bodies were recovered,
The See'e account of the Tivoli disas-
ter says : The excursionists knowing
there was only one boat to take them
Lack to the city, dashed along the pier
until stopped by the ;ate. Noisy youths
tried to climb over, and boys seated on
the rail were thrown into the water.
A commotion followed, and before they
were rescued there was
Splinters flew in every direction, and
two hnitdred people were strusasling �
among broken timbers in eight feet of
orator. Their cries were heard two miles
away. The scene was sickening. The
moon had gone down and the only Light
was shod be• two feeble Ling's. Those
.( on the barge decks throw life preservers,
stools, benches, into the water ; these
atruck a great many on the head, and
Darkness impeded rescues. A huge
fire was built on shore for the saved, and
their clothes were soon drying. Drag-
ging for the bodies then commenced.
Ww- to Treat n 1'eltrul $ufferin; front'
In these dog days a good ntetl. ,d for
treating patients suffering from prostra-
tion by (teat is valuable. A•physician
waiting to the2\ew York. Herald saga :
Any cool headed man or woman can re-
lieve the sufferer at once and without
fear of any evil consequences. Tho
method is simple and easily carried out..
The following is all there is to do : Drag
the body into the nearest shade ; place
it in a sitting position against a wall, a
tree or anything that Will ben support
for a back ; loosen the roller of the shirt
our dress throw ice -colt/ water ot-er the
head copiously; g;ito a pretty stiff dose
of essence • of . Jamaica gt:n'ner -say an
ounce or more -to a half glass 121 water.
Keep up the ajtpli.:ation of water after
the ginger lute been _ivon,. Imt very
roes(•:•,ttely, and it•uectinut he ices rid.
Let the 1 ;.gent have plenty of air nt•uumd
him, t:ii l im au hours time .he w ill gel
up mei' walk Inane. This is :IA the treat-
ment necessary, and it is based tat
cense. The uppressiuu oil the bruin
caused 1.y the (teat is relieved by the
cold Water. • and the blood is sent from
the head t:. ,he .body. • The eiu.1cr (if
not 0'ut3in:thin'imtniediately brandy will
answer, though the eseeuce of ginger is
thei'trone-est Ftimnlant and quickest;
prevents ;uta-utie, or lack ..f blood, by
stimulating the tesels and Sending fresh
blood hack, t„ the brain.
wt, Ue1cn.^..'Pot•d, cf Milton, is toning at
Phomas Todd's.
Mies Story, of Paisley,was cisiring
• )ter it. cher last week.
There is .n sort of epidemic ar uud
here in the shape of Coro eyes.
Miss Maggie Murray, teacher, is laid
up with a rulepse.ef intlatitmation.
William Story removed front here to
Bruce .Alines, Algoma, tills week.
Miss flegan, i•f Carlo*, has been visit-
ing friends here the last week or se.
During the at,•rm last S.atuidey night
a fruit tree was struck close to the
targe, hurt nm further damage was didone.
There is a report going the round that
one of our citizens has lovnuted. Jdaving
some sorrowing friends minus the pay -
meet .•f a few acc•.unts.
The farriers are 1l , verynear wtar theo ugh
with their haying, the weather having
turned • i,ut quite fn rra1•10 far thaw
ehe'leid a little patience.
Tl:c• trttntsstcr 'here receit,.1 a con-
Illulesgetit'n float a Nailer near Owen
Soend, iuf. rryling him of the death of
a tnen by the name •fi John Smeltzer
who once lived near here, by falling
off their haat in a gale an.l getting
tiri,tentis,and sided his ftionds t know.
These wheat -stealers in West W:t•A•a-
'loth here Levu vein trying their han,i.
Mrs. Thomas White, flth Cron., g..t her
litre stripped last Friday night of a
week's washing. Tin. Get.. White god
her lits tartly stripped. , It is time Nome
ene was partly
after eneb petuoua.
Just I.e'ore a funeral, Thur;dsy, at
Qelebec, ta sheets and hangings ear-
growtt(liati the coTj'sa teals fire fru the
piths ed ter. The brigade kd
c11llin was r vera y ac•,r:lred,is and
he intieltsti(rr'(• 1,.Ns in ottomans* fe
i I I': t 1►v 1 sitt.N AL, FRIAY, JULY 27, 1883.
Goderich Towashiy.
PsaaaNTATION.--A few evenings sauce
a uutnber of the members of St. James
church, Rayfield concession, assembled
at the house of Mr. Geo. Mi dlutuu, fol•
the purp.,se of testifying thus apprecia-
tion of the services of Mies izzio Mid-
dleton, organist of the chyrch. On be-
half of the congregation, Rev. Mr. Mat-
thew presented her with a g d bracelet
and chain, accompanying thegift with
remarks expressing the big} apprecia-
tion in which her services are held by
thecongtegatiol. The evening was then
spent iu pleasant social interceurae, all
enjoying themselves heartily.
Port Albert.
Miss Mary Hawkins, of Blind Rite.,
Algoma, is enjoying the balmy breezes
of Lake Huron along with her relations
T, F. Young, teacher, is off on a trip
Mrs. Mountain, of Toronto, has re-
turned to her house tater a very pleaaut
stay with her cousins Mrs. G. F. Urah:uu
and Mrs. Jahn Bennett.
Ban, perch, and pickerel, especially
the Euler, are very plentiful in the
Tanbark c, uuuanda a good price here
this year. A. C Hawkins,of this village,
and Win. Lee, of Goderich, are the buy-
ers. Idunsiderablo dissatisfaction is ex-
pressed by those engaged in hauling,that
•the street leading to the harbor is not
in a better state of repairs. Our town-
ship council would confer a boon upon
the public by a grant of 1150 or *CO to
put it lin proper condition, as it is at
present almost impassable.
MOM'. -"1st-et this great, isn't it im-
mense 1 I say, isn't it t'' was the slight- -
ly excited, but much delighted manner
in which a friend of ours etested our ar-
rival at, and ushered our august person
into, the presence of some three hundred
people of all ages, sexes and sizes, who
on Thursday evening of last week occu-
pied the magnificent and commodious
barn of Mr. Thos. Garvey, a prosperous
young farmer residing some two miles
north of this village. In our own calm,
deliberative manner, we gazed upon the
scene before us, it •u the happy smiling
countenances of the young folks engaged
in dancing, and upon the as well pleased
faces of the elderly people, alio sat and
chatted in groups around the building,
recounting the remin.ceuces of their
-uwnyouthful days in that land beyond
tl:e sea, when many a-tinte ar,d oft they
tripped the light fantastic to the music
of the bagpipes, loud and shrill. We
noted tilee,, pleasing contrast which the
glare of t lamplight gave to the many
handsome and tasteful costumes of the
ladies, and then we informed our friend-
ly interrogator that we entirely coin-
cided with his opinion, that everything,
in, on or belonging to the Present gath-
ering w.ts great, immense, and just as
it should be. 'And it was. It was a
reminder of theold time wedding party.
when everybody, and their "sisters and
their ouustt:a and their aunts," turn-
ed out to do honor to the occasion.
A sumptuous repast having been served
about 12 O'clock, dancing was kept up
without lgtermissi,.n until old Sol was
rising in the heavens, when after thank-
ing Mr. Garvey for his kindness and
hospitality, and hoping that the matri-
monial speculation in which 'tis said he
is shortly about to engage -may not be
far distant, when one opportunityef lav•
ing ,t similar reanion weal.] then ee.
lowed them, the happy ,party dispersal;
to their heroes well pleesei at barite;
spent such a sociable evening together ,
The above mentioned building which
has just been completed by the c• iitrac-
tors Messrs Chas. and Win. Morrish. is
probably second to none in the town-
ehi,,, both as regards accommodeti +n and
c• tivenience,•being 36 x 80 • feet, wit'.
stone f.undatiuu, ample roout under -
...Round for stabling vett h.mse ivts:rt
and • ll the uu,tleru iulpravemente o a
Thr Ntaacr Ldarallua of lemma Rostra
The calendar .d the Alma Ladies' Col-
lege, St. Themes, Ont., is at band. This
institution erected and equipped for the
higher education ..f pains; wentiu, has
hail a very pr..sper.•us year, the attend-
ance reaching 183. The buildings and
furuiskings are, it is said, the finest for
the purpose in the Douti.aon, nearly
$60,000 having been spent in securing
the best design and lilt thehueetitnprot.-
ns t.ts in the way of lisle, heat, ventil; -
t en. • c. The Board Isis evidently spar-
ed neither pains nor money in the (nue-
dation of an institution that is certainly
a credit to our young Dominion. The
sante may be said of the Faculty, which
now ttuuibers.13 regular teachers, with
i, lecturers -all of them being tried ati l
successful teachers. We are pleased to
note that in additi.•it to the regular liter-
ary work in the Preparatory, Academic
and Collegiate Departments. a good deal
of attention is given to practical training,
as we observe un the Curriculum a com-
plete Commercial Course as well as
courses in Phe toggrapIy and Telegraphy-.
We are also pleased to note the intentieu
of the Board to arrange a Course in Do-
tnestic Economy, embracing the Tjtet ry
and practice of Cooking, and kindred
arts, upon %Iticlt se much of the com-
fort and happtneys of domestic life de-
pends. The Scheele in tnusicand paint-
ing are especially well equipped. An-
other gratifying og feature 1u connection
with the work is the comparative low
rate at which the heard and Tuition are
charged. the figures running frau 1?38.00,
to 845.00 per term of ten weeks for
Board. Furnished Room, Light, Laundry
and Tuition in all Literary subjects.
Theyearly rate is even more favorable,
embracing all of the above, with Music
and Drawing, for $190 paid in advance.
When one considers the cast . f educat-
ing young ladies at home and. the many
drawbacks thereto in the way of social
visits, &c., and the euperi,,:• advantage
of residence in such a builatn.; as Alma
College, under the constant supervision
of educated and Christian teachers, with
all the facilities and opportunities afford-
ed, we think he roust be c+.nvince,l that
the education of young ladies in a first
claws Ladies' School is better, and in the
end cheaper, than their education at
house. Any of our patrons who was in-
terested can secure circulars, &c;, by ad-
dressing the Rev. B. F. Austin, f1. D.,
Principal, St. Thomas, Ont.
radel !Int gas OP a !,arae.
Montreal, July _t. -Dr. C. O. Wood-
man, of the Knickerbocker Club, New '
York, arrived here to -day in a canoe •
from Care.- St. Vincent, • after 13 days'
voyage. He ran all the rapids:in the
St. Lawrence, except these between
Lachine and tlt{s City.
Falai Fun.
• Cleveland, July __.-Late Thursday
night a party of young leen were em1
ing,a tnupulight sail at Leraie. W 1:�::
three utiles from alt.,re one of them
seized Burr Homes, aged twenty-one,
and in sport held ,him over the rail, He
lust his (told and Humes ;vas dropped in
the water and drowne..
Dan 1) Cuuttor, the Detroit -livery ata -
hie keeper who cut sane - of !tis -thumbs
with a piece of rusty tin.'diett on Satur-
day frcini the efects.of blood poisoning.
t Harlan, the oarsman, while bathing,
stowed out in a boat on the Hatlem River
yesterday. and caved fret» .1....rea l;
Lour 11.11, 1r.•, .,. i, .0 1. a,l-1, , ..
Loans an insurance.
300.000 Ti 1. 1,t )-1 APPLY To.,
u.t.SIF.1:t•N, Itt,).t 1
11 „muni t,, o It. r,• sal. per
a I'tt' al t,ir ..\,,.,,,.a ilei tai.:
wen coustructeu
Royal Debtor.. .
It sc::mts that even dukes and duches-
ses uccesionaliy have trttible in raisin_
1sT�;u.0+Nit t 1\ t1 1+ \ LI':
en ger, 1 1-1, , r - I,. ti. P12221-12,
S per ut•i,:. .'ugh t,, ;:. I: 11,t 1.IFkk. 171
\IttS v I.1 Li N1• 1 I.A it„
,. .. , ,.,•.
the wind. he plate, linen, nen, china quit ..
furniture of the Duke and Duchess e,f r., iglu,' • .:
Teck are being solei by auction to r.tist -- _.
funds wherewith to pay the duke's debts. 1 t.1 - '• 1.
The announcement of a duke being Lard
b any cu-• .
up does not sound well, especially as in oi)iosit,•
this particular instance the duke is a c•.u- '""i''t„ " - .''•,•'
nection of the Queen. But we.ntust
bear in mind that even the Prince of
Wales is constantly in debt. althuucl flit
mother is the ISL-althiest eurnan in the
world, and does nothing with her money
but hoard it up. tthat makes the
Prince's caro worse is the fact that he
itaa rite up
and social duties that properly devolve
upon the sovereign, and forthedischer„e.
of which the sei.reign regularly draws
the allowance vat apart by Parliament.
The Duke of Tcck married the Princess
Mary Adelaide of Cambridge, and like a
gn,,,.1 many other German princes. hes
little -to boast of but his pedigree. - -
1 •l \Il'I:r;. -
ALI0,0l0I'1t1\ 1TEFUN:.1
see on Farm am' Ton n Prop, rly a: loco,
terest. Mort gown pwr. haeat. tai cumuli
charged. Con. eyaneing Fe. s r'
N. B. -Borrowers can obtain,taou, v it. on•
If title, is satisfactory.- It.tV1+u\ : Jai''.
same. Barristers. lite.. Goderich. 17-1
RADCLIFFE. }'11:E. ala BINE.
Itcpreanitnt{flrst•classt'outlan,i.•-. ht:mgrn+
(or the CANADA 1.1vi: 1'Tnett I).•o•RANett Co.
\coney to lend on Mortgage. sachet in To, n
Farm Property. in any way t.r.nit 11,.• ' row
er. ()Mee- fut.-stair.) Kat', block t• •Leh
Mr. Aluwat is, no doubt, greatly pleas-
ed at the upshot of the Mercer case, and
his f.dluwcre say that the remit is a geed
omen as regards •the other dispute.e itl
which tont metal rights are eencerntel.
It ;could have been an awkward thing if
the decision of the Privy Cotnci hail
leen the other way. The molter and
property left by the late Andrew :fereer
have all been dispersed ef, some of it lav•
ing! !.een spent on the Mercer Betimes'.
titre, some en the Mercer Eye and }lir
Infirmary. and the remainder handed
over to Mr. Mercer, Jr. The Ontario
Government would have lo.\ked a tr1Ae
foolish if it had been callers upon not
only to reimburse the Dominion Govern-
ment, but to pay for three thins, out of
its own packet. Rut ell is well that euds
well, and the Mrevat Administration has
111.1 its usual Luck.
11 is estimated that 1O.(MNI sea; le at-
tended Toni Thumbs funeral a; Biel ,O.`•
port. Conn., eon Thunwlay, font fifth* of
thein women end girls. The corpse
was dressed in a black hreadch.,th suit, s
whirl' lase veil being spread eter the
face, and Ow F night* Templar. chapeau,
silver 'steel itul other emblems lay on
the , ,' "1'h On widow fainted et
x('It(:F.I,N, lir.. (:rarhtat.-rat
ynio Univer.ity, !devil tnte of the (total 1
lege of pt0 slcians. London. I' nglarul. k•',.
M. C. 1'. `I.. Ontario. office and residenee
Uppoaite ltailey's lintel. Hamilton street, clod
r rich I7sd•Am
UJtON, Coroner !le•. um and residett.
Brttee Street, se••ond door west of Vittoria
%L G. AIACKID, !tf. P..
1l. cian. Surgeon ami Arial Ler, (;ra,l,
of Toronto Cnicersity. (rtltcr.p. itr (:.n
•von A Cameron's Hank. Luehuow. if no•
onlre, enquire at the (tank. 17K2. •
1'aysielan'. Surgeons. Anaorben., kt.
sake et lir. meantime' reersbes •e, sear the
Oodcrich. O. C. ((Itauo
. J. C. NAND
Tan 1.31.
a Ontario. lark PMeria, tar, are now
tend fdistrlbwtire at the (Are of tie
ofthe i'r'acr. (leinetel, toe/raid ties of
the 14vm and ethers emitted so saw*.
hut bowie.
Clerk of the react.
(i*1t•( of Clerk of the Pray*, •
(.odcmh Jen( :'7. l*t3.
"4)R.). I1RW'D IN
Ki LI.
r -X-ARP sit,- `1► ci III l
eclyMh A MaWok- r•y rat
.111111(4�•�, oil 1r.
tonne at A. . KI. 'Ph ('so-
(w+1ow Z, ( Tam: is M-
sarc, Or Ihrev 0.(M. frowns,
of fig taws )wf cattle vow wig �r
r wbe(hsr is Calf er nm.�Fe r p•sable
let armor. talk .,..• 4. #14444 b
4 ~ '
!1i'osoio 256 Ponds of Fruit, Ou1IO8S, &c.
OINTItel =OiarwiaswIi. esnn•
America!' 'lr it Pres? ving Powder & Liquid Will Do Its
! 1 11 • ,,.tri,tt•. 1 ..,, . n:vl In (tilted i Iat-•., August. Iv". .tL,u patented
• - n-•.4-' • ournries.l
The- Pa•s,•r.•iu ; l'„r.ler and Li aro 4.4ether in eack:tee : the l.ieeid its bottle
Lith the poe-.1..e I •r.,un.1 it. It.tth the 'Seeder mai blind are antiseptic.
!'sed teeother .s' I. ' r,• they cesaIline to form the l't.'.tp st, �iest and Most Re-
!i:.b!.• l'.ti.epte in tle...,,rh1, I,uiuy instanfaneuu, in its :teem: and permanent in
effect, Dud warranted to he as h, .lthfttl as common table silt'
It will effectually I1 allay y or r,,eor fertnentatien and preserve all kinds t
Fruit, Juices, Syrups, Sauces, Marmalades or Compotes of
Fruit, Spiced Fruits, Tomatoes, Vegetables, Cider, &c.
The Preserved Fruit, u'.. may be kept the year round, or for years, in Glass,
Earthen or Sitoieware lata of ilia, size, si•wnly corked with a c,•ccw a cork, or with
strong paper, or oiled cloth tie.! eVer the tap. or they may he le p• in Woollen Kegs
and Bs•rels. NO heed to kee;. t't • vessels airtight.
The Fruit, etc. may Le Lite t •.r removed from barge veasu!s us 1 trtte•1 from tittle
to time during weeks or months. •
The Fruit, etc. may be transported over land or water, invelcit:c weeus or months
w transit"
The Fruit may he kept without augur, or any quantity of sugar may be added as
One ($1) package will preserve twe Barrels'of Cider ; it will keep as still cider in
barrels • assi
de red itmr
n ata+ im .+ .
t a b made int. sparkling, iarkl� � cider.
to ed
Tho Prea.rvine Powder and Liquid is not a new an 1 untried experiment, but has
been cafe ..a..•1y used throughout the United States and Canada, and to consider-
able extent 1,1 f..rci.0 countries during several years peer, :salol as con be ahow'n by
to i .ia • •t ,
tl est u t 1,+„
) mala it ha ,r • b
s g .vers itself vela .r :ut4l aatisfacn,ry in ovary'
climate-- to • h 1. given such universal sattefactien, and grown into such de-
mand es t..:•. et the belief that it will supplant .all other methods of saving
Fruit, ere.
Acting upon .q •`i t •tur.tttce and belief, the package of Preserving Powder has
been enlarged t•. t6. extent of making one (one dollar) package, to preserve 2Si
p..unds of neat. two (2) barrels of Cider.
AIse in plac,: ••' .'.ing thn mtnttag or circular pamphlet :avin7 twenty-ei:le
pages of testers•. •' •r:nerdy published, a small package of the Powder and
Liquid is maple (+ • i • !, tekagel to sell at retail, fur 25 cents.
To. the Preeer.e._ .'.,.v,lur:ut.l Liquid -you will like it -you will find it less
than half the trouble and expense of any other method, mere reliable and accam
modatiug, and the Preserved Fruit, etc. oven Superior to the !lest "Canned ..r
Preserved" Fruit, etc. For Cider it is cheap and decidedly the best known ineth,•,l
of keeping it sweet.
Full directions in English, French. German ate, Spanish aceempany each pact,
age. -Agents wanted Sat .every Town, County and State.
Price, 25 Cents and $1.00 Per Package.
L. P. WORRALL, Proprietor, New York.
JAMES IMRIE, Goderich, Ont.,
Tnly 14th.
-A•_ 1=1COR�TE�,L,
.ncr 't)re. ilorton's Brick Block. Hamilton
A. H. C', has, at a large expense. pr.r• wised a
and i. prepared to attend and conduct funeral.
. o11 the shortest notice, in town or country.
.\ iarge stock of
1:02-..,,0itt,i 11ASooInn:lt:.,,k(10:1,.4:7rtri10aaor:altlelYifcr.
(loderiel . Ju1y,19t h, Int. 1900-31t. .
' 't 4 0
\CE. 141 \:, 1•• TOE 11 F:-!' 1`: 'Fill: �lal:lZl' I.
Jo%111 .'1. _' alk/ 1I(l.i Yiic, l - Ill Class
11„ Forkd,'., .ate., iens so... frenatib
:. aril np..ltri Harley awl `tram Forks
the. mew p::•,, ....:. ,d Snailh., r'radies and t'raullc Scythes, Narreet alitte, site. Misehit,:
t - U;I. from $Ser, up to $I ) a tial. it too wart -
Ji,HX A. N.t ITEL has tt, (rnaranteed so by the mak,r, under a forfeit of 8:.10 for each mune"•
of adult, -ration found in D. If ynit want a paint; mixed and tinted. ready for twin, •i;nt.• rase
J4111N A. NAFTE1. has it, the test in the market.
.. •e riThtttjrtl:Tt'tTTe tyht•c tend and titt rrtithfied w-trn t:nrrarrr. Lit uriT -
llxide of %inn. )GdA11 for site at
JOh N A. NAFTEL'S Cheap Hardware Emporium.
rk-h. Jill:. 19, 11:3
Auctioneertng, Legal.
•' T(MN I Fat far the County of Huron. hat--
ing entered the list. is now prepared to attend
to all orders for ouctioneering• Orders lett
at Itailey's Hotel. Chulerieh, or 'sent by nIsil,
prnm,nly attended to. 1`ts!t-
• TI(INRI It for the County of Huron.
•4alrs attended in all parts of the (*.nutty. 1Ir-
tlers left at alartiu'* Hotel or at this olden AI
ts• prwmp(Iy attended tn. P0/7-tr.
11 4t. HALL. AI (-IliINEEI: Ii1:
1 . the County n1 Harem Sales
any part of the Ionnt). .td dress r:r Le. . to
rude i, h 1'.1).
t �jI►I'i',
Warner's safe ('alt,
von ltorea'a Ktdnet 1' n••.
Catarrh tore•,
('I*gat1lese hair 14 ,• r
Crowfoot Intl in.) 1'
Warders e; •
Kheta fir•. i
r-oi ;rrN tourer* of Etr*t Ix•i .
N•MlTI UXK',, tie now rate 1.
ttlel7elrles. tee.
& c.,
o.n •' corner of tae square and West
, strt•t, fit etteich, over lhn wee bo .k.,torc.
I money to len•) at lowest rates of Int ere.,.
1 E\V1• 41.E14'I�, BARRIiTERS,
J t tun:ch ., :,olldters in ('haacery &t
tidies In the ( ours Iloa,e. (iedettteh.
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1.1 ..0...114. .\'lona* t. Mnik'iiors, etc
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s„ntEaGER ., :4(t111'1)Ni IgA itRini
• 1 Phil •+, kc.. Si-.• (:.•tench and W
1'. t••agrr Jr.. U,r1.r,. h. J. A. Ifortoa
to MEW (N , HOLT A (';t MERON,
`-s Ihiertstcrs, Sidieltors in Chance
t:tslrrkh sal Wkngkout• M. (•, (•a, C.
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1'. Hero M. U. t'awsrl,n_ WA( rich. W,
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(JO PASO. Selitag Articles.
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J _ 'n"n, and 'tor cagy .,f „ratya ye
.n. hnir,rahlt. ei, eq s
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