The Huron Signal, 1883-07-27, Page 7!'RI HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JULY :7, 188J
Fun ane, Fancy.
A welding wife is not "a Joy fir ever
ashe's only a tuutpor-ary affair.
The best lire escape is when i it wifu
gets up in the no irnt ig and maks • !t.
Dues a bout eine because it i• cover-
ed with birds f N" ; but the chap that
pays for it whistles.
A Syracuse ghost had it all hie own
was until ho stole a haat and a bucksaw.
Taro ho was waylaid with a ctuh and
sent up for sixty days. No ghost has
any business with a buck-. iso appetite. --1.
Detroit Ftee Press.
It sound* a little paraluxical to soy
that the elan ghost life is inan••u,l roust
die to roc..%wit I/It it is n alteless
"When I n'W it boy" said Titckeray,
'I wanted some taffy. It was a shil-
ling ; I hadn't tale. Vher. I was a man
I had a shilling ; but I didn't waist any
Scene : Bridal r•,ccptl•,1i. Several of
the guests, after shaking hands with the
bride, snd all speaking at the same time:
"Where is the brideeruo•n f" Bride,
naively -"Oh, he's upst lira watching the
wedding presents."
"Investigator" waats to know what is
good for cabbage w,.rens. Bless your
heart, min, cabbage, of course. A good
plump ciibbaze wilt last several wet .10 a
"Remember who you are talking; t •,
sir," said a father to his fractious l oy.
"I am your father." "Well. who's to
blame for that 1" asked young impetiin-
ence "It ain't ole."
"I have often noticed that gallant
,ung men watktug with their sweet -
heat:. offer the left arm, while devoted
married men with their wives offer the
right arta. Why is this f" Edith : "The
left arm is nearest the heart ; the right
w is nearest the pocket -book."
A negro baby was born in Georgia re
cently which weighed only a pound and
,quarter, and a "literary feller," hearing
of the circumstance, remarked that it
was funny how anything so dark could
be so light.
He had turned and twisted in his seat
for needy an hour,v,tinly trying to stake
an iul,.ression on the young hely *Ito
sat bell. el hint. At 1 tit heaske•l: -Dies
this tr iiu stop at Clears 1" "I distil
know, sir, ' die .1 sickly replied, ad,lit• . •
"I hope w, if you think t.f stetting off
A grocer gr aaly insulted Mts. Mc -
Coffin the other day without intendinw
it. She was an immensely stout woman
and, stepping upon the scales, playfully
requested the grocer to weigh her. As
he adjusted the weights he remarked
that she we ed 190 pounds,
proved to be hlsr exact weight. "Haw
(lid youconte to guess it?" she asked. • "I
am used to guessing at weights. I neigh•
ed hogs for five years in Cincinnati." •
13ioras of Wisdom.
Fashion's Fancies. TIM Nlse Newspaper Mar 1ratels W1llseat
Has Wife.
Curwins aro now hung in one pi, :C, Lute! clerk -There is a newspaper utau
thus doing away with the parting u' the who hal been sto;.piig with w during
the week, and he has just called for his
bill. If ws aro 'Omni with hint perhaps
he will give us a good notice.
Landlod-A cannel ids.... Tull hila
there wit be uo charge.
Cleri`-Yo., t:r
Landlord eelioie clerk bt k)-tny-
body with hilt:
Clerk -Yes, sir; his wife.
Landlord - All right ; charge her
unable rates. --[Boston Transcript.
The pedigree and genealogy crate Is
being tarried b, ludicrous extremes in se-
lect circles.
Children's white paps have tiering ruf-
des of em',r .,1•_.y ah„• a Mother Hubbard
The new drink, called a "dude eock-
tail," is made of tuush. v-uel chopped
ice and fresh milk.
Broad sash ribbons in Roman 'tripe,
or with largo fruit designs, are tsetse ex-
tensively woi.1.
Matting is used fer screen panels.
It takes oil readily, and le an effective
backgiomit for - i' - t Hewers le • ,rat-
L,ry white ottoman ribbon or pale
blue, rse, or lemon co:uur'ed velvet
ribb, 111 are used for these long looped
The checked or irregularly barred
Louaiue silks of soft quality and evenly
twilled are also liked for summer travel-
ling dresses and may be had in all the
dark stylish criers
Ecru i1 very inuoh in fashion ; there
aro very pretty :v . rn. est o. eft.. linen
with the skirt trimmed all the way up
with t1 .once* .f linen riuhly embroid-
ered in ..pen work ; the ions. -•,e is
some ci -1st ihchea wide, from which
they gradually diminish in width to the
The newest linen euilars are merely a
straight baud of doubled tine linen with
11 (' . scallops and etude c:e. cisme,
the upper edge. These are a ire o,ttaide
the dress collar, and there arc two
length'iise Lutt,ntholes in front through
which a [.arrow ribbon is pawed and
tied in a bow,and below this may he add-
ed two fan plaited ends of mu.. ane wine
Figured laces are plaited or gathered
and fluted for a -:u_ the neck and
sleeves of di-c-,ses. The laces chosen fol'
this purhos° are valenciennes in the
newest designs. ,.rieatal,mareeque,Mech-
lin, and the open paite;oiof Bruges lace.
One or two rows are used, and they are
less full and fluffy than t're ::sae idait-
Neter Glee Sp.
3-:,u et ".,;. ' .r r• ' d
re i. 1 teirits, !use t : a;-i,t,ite, tsenerai
debility, diso.dereu btu,xt, weak consti-
tution, headache, or soy .t'..:-. •.f a o l -
iota nature, by all meets procure ' bot -
tie, of Elec •ic 1' -.ten. You rill bt .ur•
prised to sue t:.e rapid improvement that
will follow: you "ell he niseiref n,th new
life; streneeh en.. activity will return ;
pain and tnisiey w..l cease, see hence-
forth you will rejoice in the praise of
Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a
bottle by J. Wilson. [8 j
A VALUABLE DnlcOvsaY,-One of the
moat valuable discoveries in medical
se`s• o f ' ht benefit of maukiud, was
make whet( Burdock Wis.: Bitters sere
invented. This medicine pesitiv-ely cares
all diseases .'f the Liver, Kidn s,ldtnni-
eels. Skin' and Blood. 25,S 3 bottles
hare been sold during the last three
mouths. 2
lireck'tt is a I1ost'tuian whit sprinkled
his carpets liberally with naphtha to rid
theta of moths. Thee he ligated the gas
and had an explosion enough to burn off
his hair and beard,,. agriah tl e furniture,
and tire the house.
Well Uewarded.
A liberal reward will be paid to any
psrty who will produce n ease of Liver.,
Kidney or S' "meet, complaint that Elec-
tric Itittere will not speedily cure. -Brim
tlieni :dime., it will coil. yon n •think fie
tlse inedicn t if it fees to cava, and you
vi.'1 1•e well r e'ttd:, f i: your tr. ublo
The farcy for the present :vane weath la . -ides. A I Minot diseases, Bilious-.
er is for very alight and simple dressing nets Jaundice. Conti;ratio:i, r.11,1 .;enc
for the neck or street' •c' ::s a ral debility este quick'y cured. ratiefac-
frill showing is renarrow row above the tion .guaranteed or tummy retuutied
dress. ' r else it severe linen collar with Price only fifty ,cents per bottle. 'Fir
merely` a button or a narrow ribbon low sale by J. Wile's*. -
tied in the buttonholes. Below 'this. a "
long slender pin is thrust through the Silver Creek, N. Y., Eels. 6, 1880.
dress collar. (OEN.a.-I have, bei vet f low, and
White 'Mk grenadines for afternotn have tried '•ce.ythin` , t" no advantage.
toilets Late stripes of black v_:vet, are
trimmed unit black French lace in many
frills, and are made up over white silk.
Those with velvet striper half the width
of the grenadine stripes mak,, very effec-
tive plaited ti,.unces who.•1 so
that the velvet stripe is o., the onteide of
each plait. Pe
Ditticulty enlists the strong, but then Colored gists "'eters largely into house
it is that the weak desert. - decoration this season, and among the
Beware, ash beware of the m.thttr of a different ..olass it mistimes are oblongs,
man that devises women. which are suspended in the windows.
\\ needs of the heart aro the only ones 'Th� bearing flights of birds are select-
s ed for oonservsturies. and flower 'leaf -ns
that are heale'l by °penin••. for aviaries. T 'r-2 shades are also made
Jealousy is the sentiment of property, of it, in yollew, pink or bine tints on
but envy is the Instinct of theft. wh'•h is painted the bright colored rose
In Live, women go the length• of or deep hued violet.
folly and men to the eetreeaeof silliness' A novelty for white cannel's -hair dress. -
Kinser' by peno1-) who no' -r love es for Newport and Mount Desert is
each other are merely enlisted yawns trimming of straw bt..i•i .a nsany parallel
Experience a trophy composed of rows. This braid i..niru of an inch
all the weapons die have been wounded
with. .
Weakness is the egotism of good..-:-..
\C nen one hope departs the othci a!
gather more •.ely together to'hide lite
cd P1 i 4 L i n t not„0 e,
JUKPLU4, . 7i,uw•Wn.
Goderich Branch.
D. /AM • - - Mt meas. inter at on deposits. Drafts, tette,
of ore it .n,1 circular notes issued, pa}'ab
n ail pa of 1 ne world, 175i.
Vaal up Copilot, • 16,000,000.
Rex., - - 11,400,000.
President • Hu:'. TV,W AIcM1ASTRR
Ornr :l Ma `ager, W. A.
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROSS, - - - - MANAGER.
interest allowed on deposits Drafts un a
the principal Towns and Cities in Canada
Great Britain and the United States, bough
and sold.
AdTaneesto Farmers on Notes, with onto
more endorsers. without raw tetge. 1751
--IAT THF:( --
Oldest Established House
saes. sa' is:r., ribbons, t:1
cashmeres, factor`' and Mee •11.-d , u.
prints, te.. a' le., haa whole -en • pr
Scotch an•.t •.:wise inn 1sv -e.1, .' •
prices. Duels, cot tonades Sze.. t• .. ve- lvn.
Before ion boy of peal in, ., - :vita : •11 try
my teas, Young Hyson t:a 'iraa..:.d pure
from roots. per pound up. III.. k tri. .: • Sots,
equal to most 500. tea sold. M> 1't '..1 lurk
tea. worth011,ts., finest Imuo-ted a: ::., •-• to r
pound. All melees sold by me warrautevl i•ur••.
I . ]DWd.RR1 S-202:11 _
I hold In stook a large assor'tot:-n• tt
iron. atoel. nails. paints. oil., g1 i, • , .
with a general ', a Iran eat of shelf .,.; ••!. .
and the best -
COR;-, SH F'._i,. [
l.1 and :our Ho Bit tc •s rat ommended
Hop , on the continent rat .1ia•rica. frit•e md> :i, •
•by so many'. I ouncluded to gibe them a dollars. 14,,irt it( s.n.i rs of eorn and tr,
trial. I did, and am around and
constantly improving, and am nearly as C
strong as ever. W. H. \YELLEE.. • C = r "
8QCAlt'r.. . OO '1•". , •.
.1 (TUE i1:'AR111TEE1
$4411ETIC 114 i I 1 i`i E.
• r~
ttlonsl BRAIN &NEMVE FOOD,'s.
ger Nd mad s+erg. 'Isle a sd /canal.
Posilivoh terra Nervous:eta in all its stages
Weak At aloey, lou Poorer. BrainPoorer. A.iuu/
Pr oatrraf iwt, Make Sweats.
Geneorrh e . Barrenness tina+rea1 H'eahwtas
and (Jean'rul Loss of Poser. It repaint
Nervous Weak. liejurraatra the Jade-( Inlet -
keg, strengthens the Enfeebled kr u f s, and Be-
storesSurprising Toot read rigor to the Kr -
hesitated Generalise Orleans. With each or.
der forte•sLvt; packages ar,.,wpe.ned aith
five dollars. we will seal our V. ricers Guar-
uarautee to refund the u,occ,, if the trestnteet
does not egret a cure. It is the t'arape.sabd
St".$ ,le!ic nr it( the market.
&Trull wrttenlara in oar pamphlet, which
we desire to matt free 10 any address.
lark's Magnetic Medtelae is sold by Drug-
gists a' w et.. per box. or I1 boars for µ or
will b, fin , e l free ,d pounder, an receipt of the
tswsev. by •iddrsrin
N fi'd'e, 11.16\ ' 111t>•N'1♦I' Co..
W lrtdaw, +tot t . nada
8 t'd in (;o.erieb. ±. JAMLs 15114414a%. uta
alt 1). u,-gtt•s rcrywlerc Iti32-1T
A Rless$ag w all laaklafd.
In these times when our newspapers
are tb,oded with patent medicine adver,
tisements, it is gratifying to know what
to procure that will certainly cure you
If you are bilious, blood out of order,
liver inactive,- or teneral debilitated,
there is nothing in the world that will
cure you an quickly ns• Electric Bitters.
They, aro a blessing t, all mankind, and
can be had for only fifty cents a bottle
,if James Wilson. [2:1
Ohrstal & Black.
New It:t(b.::'t. ..,J '.\7.! CANS nylon r:r•
Te lbe wedienl Preiea"ton. and till When ` .; lir of e., -a... [,t ui. t,ec-
if may ,u.:c:u, .
. Phosphatine, or Nerve loses, a Phos: A
wide, and there are eight rows of It , phate Element based upon Scientihe pf,
around the kilt skirt above the hemi, Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin;
dew " • ticks of the Norfolk jacket,on M. D. of Bolton, ictus., cures •Pulmon-
the cellar, belt find cuffs, and the wash- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
erwontan's ovet..kit. has the reversefrunt vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
completely covered with it. and all wading diseases of the human
,ap it has left.
11-1 ,-id•, or rat aec,i rd lad. r (0.t
rsorml-1n ,i sirs', t•e 1?,°•r.et0re tubo
rAtood A
• f
. 6 i
W21.L:; RC
, t
r..-4; rd ;0:1 -t'.•
arc: 01i : A
Tit7R -Ask fee "Di. Cetae .
•'•; Eareapanria," take •-,a.
is. in Its place. If ye -LC:.
•ye-LC:.:R:. :'as none in etoCA, eau
t'. send for it.,
sat. De.
t`e r'r• iMTh A ret * Iroot. SIC.
s3 phIMe.
:t ettns.
! Carey and
rr.e. eve
19( ohc It.tT an A.D. 1671.
Li DAN SOCK.:'' Y.
CAPITAL 81,000.000 00.
Intruding borrowers willeosieult their test In•
trpfuw+.te by examining the advantageous terms
tdrered by this Society. before lemur else-
Fur rates es iuteroet, loan t(.blee and turther
particulars, apply to
tioderich. Hay lits. 1883. 18111 -tit.
BRITIell ASS. CO''1, TORONTO-Yswblithe
PHCBNIX INS. ":O'Y, of LONDON Xnglund) -
Ifatabllsh 1789.
HARTFORi) INS. CO'Y, of HA$Trotin, Conn
-Established 1810.
Risks taken in the above first-class Ofnt.`s st
the lowest rates by HORACE 1tUitTOT.
The undersigned 1s also Appraiser for the
• Tottoaio.
Money to Loan on erste:Iles twcurity, oat
17 to 8 per Cent. -Charges sORACE iiORTON.
Ooder^h Sept. to.
life Is sweeping
.•id dare before you die.
•tethitg 'eighty and sub-
tinte leave behnd to conquer
..":j JA time. y80aweek Innyour own
•owl. 85 (molt free. No risk. Everythin.
new. Capital not required. \Ve will furnisl
u everythln,t. Many are makingfortune
Latta- make as much its men. and boy* an t
g11irh make creat p ty. header. if you wan
to n re -se est which you can make great pay all
fire time. write for pnrlieulars to 11. II.u,t *TT
Portland M il�c_
G ai1y±s 1S.'peoi1ie ii�8''!ls;illdl
.,iinq euro
i',a aKX 5081,
r leu, 'caput•
cies. ad- all
disc::. • flat
tith,w' a=aye-,
u. Lina of :Demory, 1'ti, sa
`rat Las -
to n :n the, at I:. Donn.. ,1 \inion,
ur, 01,1 ag• , mot nieny ,.: rc dlueaaes
to in,taniti , t r. :r 1 tion and a
'ab t;tei•. [' Pili t'- • alta, les Our
-1 't !•-'r ti. denim t ori free by .
! yrs. f. ti ti ,!iclne is
•l per 1 t ;. , tr site -
it ! recce
d u t. tae be
: • opportitn
11 a •, i •:. rhea
r .r.t i.+r t s t. 1 91 :u
t t.
'tl t,hnn 1 , L1. it:•. Y-
�± t,.'tailstotlik• u, n rill=id1 •, as
' vote your whole ion- to t1 t0 a •.•- • .•17
your spare uronx, ( ;en In i t 1 end
Anther 1a necessary rent free .t . :: : , :x
44.11 &C . Aoriland.Miair.e - .
Yresthe not it sentimru•: Ray nota Att Answer Warted. system. Phosphatine id not a Medecino, i* 0. p", Ilii'
give not an ez ression est the come Can any nue brine us a case of Kit:.rey ba'' n Nutriment, because it contains no
word -
gi P vegetable er Mineral Poisons, Opiates,
teuance that will offend another, or send or Livor Complaint that Electric Bitters
a thrill of pain through his bosom. '.'t e wjll not speedily cure 1 We say they
are surrounded by sensitive hearts, canhrt, an thousands of eases etre-v
which a word, or look even might till to perutaueutly cured and who are daily re
the brim with sorrow. If you are care- commending Electric Bitters, will prove
less of the opinions and expressions of Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak fleck,
,i:sera, remember that they are differ- or any urinary complaint quickly cured..
ently constituted from ,, iursclf, and T',ey purify tho'b'.,od, rt•:;u:ate the bow -
never, by word or sign, cast a shadow on els, and acts directly on the diseased
a happy heart, or three r ride the smiles parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For
of joy that love to 'Meer on a pleasant I sale at 50e. u bottle by J. Wilson. [1.1:
.4 Ems ea • Dena Mere
Never was such is rush made fie' r ty
Thug Store as is now at J. Wilson's for a
Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New DisceT-
ery for C(insumption, Coughs and C olds praise for Navin 'thus removed a hitherto y
All persona affected with Asthma, ilren• 'considered fatalg disease from oar path r to r y
chitin, Hoaseness, Severe C, 'ta or any It wasltever known to fail. Soid by J
affection of the Tutt or Lune : - t get `: ikon. 1 2(11 New life per FasetlNa Weakened to DI .
a Trial Bottle of this great remedy free,
by calling at above Drug Store. Reg*
mine. Debility sad Dh.spnuou.
ar size $1, (.f►): I Modern Newspaper English : "The The Great German Invigorator is the
tramp Roderick who b.trglr'd the two on:' s.:1SL roe impotency, nervous de-
-•-�-- borate on West Hill last week and was hility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
'ailed Sunday night broke out last even- . - in in the back or sides no matter how
now a woman N MFd• w Flans..- ng, a feed elate to the t , shattere. • e system may , , rom 11 -
She wants to hang a p.uure on the whore, finding escape inttxisaibie, he I ceases of any kind, the Greet German
wharfed himself, and suicitled. The Remedy will restore the lest functions
wall. Site gets a nail, hammer aim n body piled itself at the brid;;e and will and severe health end happtress. 21.00
tall chair to stand up.,n, and calmly sur- he oeronerc,l in the utornine. Truly. in per box, six loxes for $6.00. Sold by
the midst of life, we arc derailed.' ale ,lru; ists. Sent on'rece t of nee,
vet's the situation,
Then she meanness the distance and I • one swerfew from
wan). reinter paid, by F... Cheney, Toledo,
Cir -
scratches a spot, always an inch by, high' Ohio, sole Tient for 'United States Cir -
1 I hail been sick and miserable so long rulers and testinogfale sent free. Sold
or too low, and prepares for action. a,td had ,effused my husband so touch by Gen. Rnynas, sole anent for Code -
She takes a nail in the left hand, and 1 trouble and expense, no one 'seemed to rich. 31n :
the hammer in the right, and gently tape know what Riled me, that I was completer
ly disheartened • and discouraged. In
like the dram accompaniment "f a multi- , this frame' f mind I grit a bottle of Hop
cal box. Bitters and used them unknown to my
Then she lays herself out for a big fancily. I soon began to improve and
blow, rajas% her ii.,a and ''erre*, and (reined se fast that inv husband end fem-
yells like n captured Comanche w-ti,len my thouzht it atnnze and unnatural, but
1 i when i tell thein whet had helped me,
on the boundless trait ie. they raid. "Hurrah f�a• Hop Bitters !
She gena about the rest of the morning loner meat they prosper. for they have
with her thumb done up in a bread pouf
made nr.ther well end us happy. ---The
tice, Vet the never learns from exper- I e
fence \a the (rest♦ ot winter venial' minor
T1ee next Inti • she wants to drive a the caloric iuffnencc of the sun's rays,
nail in anything she will hit it exatey' in ; e(' d"es B ight'a Disease, I►iopsv, atone
i 1n t� he Kidneys and Bladder', and inflam
fitRfnn of the Kiane •s, leave the Seely
Now that there is a reliable ren edy for
Narcotica, and no Stimulants, but limp: rt.�
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
fonn'I in our daily fund. A single batt e
is sufficient to convince. All Druggists
eeltlt Z11 00 pet No-No).awing
Co , sole agents for the Dominion,
55 Front Street East Totvinto
. ttoekien's linden ttialve. '
The entest Medical wonder of the
world. \\'arraitted to speedily cure
Burne, Bruises,.Cuts,1.'1cers, Salt Rheum,
kidney troubles, half -the terrorsattached Fever. Sores, Cancers, biles, Chilblains,
to these complaints have been "moved I Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all
For this let all be thankful, and to Dr. kin Eruptions, guaranteed to cure in
Van Iluren's Kidney Cure award all ever instance or mono refunded. 25c.
box. Fo sale b Nikon. Iva
?�►'�1Sj l c
f -u11Jm•` 01dV Ylf 42&
We will /est, the . ar.t ,.
er Cote; .,tee. a.
Indigestiob t I
comae* caro it i •
whettt.ed. t i' with. -
They are p:1 . o t,.nl . snd Let iter DB t
girt R.•ttfila , 1•. - :ter wafter'. 121:0C Bove*.
venial:, t. : , i'.:h. ; sea:-: For rale by a
i rugg t.. it •A.: c ,!u:.tfe.'r r.d ;An::
tions, i h' r;, ,. • manumit r+ :'d only t
JOHN U. \: e t i.,."2be 1'111 Makers.''.
81 and 8; K r '. F est. T,rn ato..bat; Fn.
trial package beth is i' utas prepaid ea -receipt
of a -o tent stamp.,
Per *ate al t`• .:•.:40 •,'t. pati: etli�6
Eealth it, ealth
Tratelltun knlde.
1'n•.. ,•rep's. \Ttx'd...Mix'd
Gnderi -ti 1 v.5.1J.un . 12.40 pm . 3.0pm 7.10 am
Soaforth. Ar.8.32 1.31 4.i) A 30
rat for.l.Ar.7.Mt1 2.10 6. 0 11.40 -
, a. r:'is. 5 ix',I. 1
1 Aa 1 1 fix'rl.
i(tratl td.T,t 12.01pni 7.:'Opzn.. 5.f.tar,t..3.41pm
eafer,h.Ar.12.5M 8.12 e.(8) 5.40
Goderich 3r. 1.5 n.31 9.1.5 7.1..
t'1'.1i;1: LINEri.
i,uol;nm•..�:age ♦•:nil; I arr. 10.1Sam3pm .. deft
Kincardine 1 tthamtam ..
Itenotiller " (Wednesday
and Saturdat I A r. A.lAun.. De. m.
TR r
vee H. C. R'raers Nintvr. sir Been TazAt '
Hr.ET, a tuar,tateel smpl+eet fit. for.ltysteria, lure
zluey,.. Conyulslon.t. Fits. Nervt,ns Ne•tralwiA.
I(eaelache, .Cerro:..- Preserve ton tattled bT t L,
WO of akuhol Cr tuba+. no. \\'akefulneas, sI
tat Depression. ?oftesi of the Brain• remit
ing it( Insanity and leading to mfr ry. doet•e�y
and ti :Atli, Premature Old Age,Rarrr'�neia.
1'.•sertoeither sre,
and Spennatorrltten. caused be oter-r xertlm
of the brain, self-abuse ur over-ladulttratr.
One faux Will cure rel.en.t r arca. !'tach box rote
tains one mord h's t roatwtent. One dollar a hex.
, 1 •acne
h mail
boxesfor fire dollars orelxy 1
paid en reeeip of robs.. \Ve ifwnntec ..x
boxes to time any cane. \t'i:h each order re-
ceived by us for sit hoses seenper.ied situ
Ave dollars, we will semi the pun•haser cur
written rnarnntee to refund the money if th• ,
treatwle It does notefllr'-t n rare. Gt.areate,
issued only ). JI 0 W1Wt mode amher-
ised agent f°r Ouderieb, Ont. JOHN 4 N E$T
& CO., sole proprietors. Toronto Ont.
the name place. }
ui_ _-_ . __ I lapin the administration et Dr. \"an Bu
nsw`s Fluid Ltrhlntwa reu.s Kidney Cure. Ek,ld 1, .1. Wilson, � A week .•rade st home by the !n'
Needs ne silt, . .isina when "nee intros rat e•trtan.• Bret hnslncs• now he-
duenvi. F.cery berths sold acus hundrels fore the public. r'apttal not need-
ed. We will alert you. Men. wo-
of others by loin. ell and mote than ten l'erfect. 1''sitive and l'leamaue"t are
eresental fir Neuralgia, Toothache, the cures effected by Dr. 'Son Burin's 1►6ere rn work for us. Now Is the time. 'V _II
( Kid_ can workk is . re time. °r rive ,nr wh01e
Need/who. err. It rein reh any pain in- (Kidney Cure. Relief in all owes o mm� {o the boRlin.ter Nn other business will
at finis-, quick as flash. Try it and you nes Disease ie obtained af:era few doses. pa' yon rty ,,,, well. tin one ears tail to
will vas it is well named nand Lightning. I See that y. it Druggist gives you Dr make ennrnt"al pay. ht enregInq at once.
ibe a ^_, eon: ht„tie .1 (l Dhows' Drug I Van ITuren's Kidney('fere. tela 1. Costly nutfr and term. In•r Moor} merle
? , Willl.n f .(Alarieh ire, fast, aaasit•, and hr.nrnMT a AAreas Rl'R
en. tan Sand girls wantedTrery
D/ARRH (E/7,
IA :
WO la
Are pl, a,. n'- •. a.:. ;I.,,ir ellen
reinsure. I • • •4' i' . t .4 tMee•faal
dr.etwrsr rat ..-rota •, a Ci G.lrpa st adelea
reuwsesNy t.ohbed I
of their rkAime.liaew
wblrh,t res' and F. rntati.•nr y cure.. lea•
petetrey asae.erl 1.y es...mers of say kted •'
,Mwlaal Weakwese, mot ail diasaaee that fel-
low a. n PNi nave .t Self -.t hnte. Y Inrn elf rye•
orgy• 1•.•. of memory. oaf vfeel b►'IA.'.
pain in the back. dimness of realm,, peril/0-
turn old age. and many Miter dioramas that
teat! to or roreomption and a pure..,
tare grave.
Mend for clreeisrs with testlmetiosl, free h.
mail. Mt IsnCwllATOR 14 mod at 71 p, r
Mx. or six• for 95. 1'•. All drnp.•i.Ae. ..r
will he int (r'•, • it n.vil. =r, lire!) sealed. ea AGE!,
receipt of prier. by aM,rr.sing. lilt �y f e
r..l. ('(tir.Nvy ter•Ktgiet.
i* flam,n31 $t , Tt#rdes ObIr er e'ap.fat
(iso. Rnvwan. twin. ses,
Sole Stem tee Qederteli
r:::. -Attie fair L-l:gi. i_JLf no
relief or teen c ►ort• 1, yrnr Inenr, will
be rerun., . . filet, ,
--_ Coil. Irl
i.ecouuuendod be Pnesielugpe.
C TJRj t(:3
Catarrh of the Natal Cavity-Cnronlc sad Weenie/4j
Catarrh of tai E _r Eye nr l bond. I Is take.
INTERNetla'. and- s.+.- tttCT1y noon
the BI000 arhl Mucous terraces of the
Sys e ced Pair .r
In tho�WO��, ahmft il�
t!•at is eharged tor it, tor
Tt>8T stone.
IN THE: MAOlken' .s -t
00 Wo lilt 3100 tat .r7 cul J:
C.ank a will tot Ccs 00
ti's:LLANO, V111 otter. OK
icy 15111. ua':R'.,t.,r was tronllo 5 eats h
for tae roars, 5111 wive very movie 1•.e0111tled by
obsess of•'Hill's Catarrii (lure" bite le now
'bone Cured. iv.
T. IIh
y: E..f.AVn On,, 141nrolt 2-1, 1811 ,
i have need " flail's Catarrh Car., • nod j.00,
• ing from the t, oil muftis I derlerl from one
Little, believe it will ears the mart stubborn
csse of the rt:, if ±t• no, be 'nnttuned for
...smoothie length of time.
W. II. H1•:1.I,EY&
Wr.r.T,Atrn u, Y ntArch 20. 189'1.
T io
Ser fa. -Hare sit Rall'. Catarrh (Inn, tot the
rt year, ai.,( tttlivW entire satisftwtlt'n
Yonas trnly,
IT. W. flit !t.413N, Itruggl
Hall's Catarrh Cure
•nld by all Wimle <tle an,l ketell Drumlin
and Dealers in Patent ilr•dsnfeso ale
lbs United 3taXes snd (Jana.!`
Cents a Bottle. $8.00 a Dcz.
• The only tennino TOOTS catarrh Curs is Itoae-
. et.gtured by N. J. CB Irk KY R Co.. Toledo, O.
I*B.ware of imitatitnts.
• hectic=11 -s the n,;..n,r trs,1. by
+ght , H W. HOBSON, Weiland. Ont.
FS•de An*.
rHry p`en
I . ,tof