The Huron Signal, 1883-07-27, Page 66 FIRE AND SWORD: • STORY OF THE MASSACRE OF GLENCuE. CHAPTER XXVII. URGILANT BARBER t'ALLIID TO ACCOUNT. "And now old mau," began the tier:I geant, when the mendicant had partaken of the proffered liquor, and seated hits a y to nearer the fireplace, "I want to question yuu a bit regarding some ul those escaped thieves of the Glen. And mark you," he added, "I'll have noheai tating equivocation. It must be nut with it at once, or t y— "O:i, the good gentlemen 'ill no swear, sorely 7" pleaded the mendicant. ''She 11 tell ht r s she knows, whatetf, r." "That's good, old oockaloruut ; and, damn me, there's a shilling to encourage your tongue and hdp you aloe; the way." The mendicant smiled bitterly at the coin, and picked it up with apparent re- luctance. "What !are you in no ne3d of money?.' asked the Seargeant, observing with some surprise his hesitation to pocket the coin. "Yee, yes, my good man, I wags in great need of the money, but I wase just thinkit;e it wags no like a true Mardon• aid to take alms from. their enemy, a King's ratan," and the mendicant lingered the coin with a dubious and irresclutc manner. "Stuff and nonsense, man !" exclaimed the Sergeant ; "put it away, and tell ate what yuu know of the escaped Macdon- ald*. "What were you when in the Glen 's" "A poor man, alas, dependent on . M'Ian'a charity," replied the mendicant. "I went round. the villages in the fine, warm weather, with my wallet—which wase aye full—and when the winter came ierund the balms brocht the str•i,'.i.•; t., gas _the door. Oh, yes, they were kind, kind folks the poor men of the Glen,'' and the trembling old mendicant shook his hoary head and sigh 3d aloud. "Did yon know the Chief's sous !" asked the Sergeant, who thought he saw in the suppliant before him the ineals of securing such information as might serve both himself and his superior officer (.lenlyon. "Real well ; tine lad, they were," an- swered the mendicant. "Where are they now' hidd. , know you ).. "Ah, could I say a word sgt.•nst the t• .t young lads 7" Niglio(' the mendicant drawing a step nearer the Sergeant. "Now, then, old cask, if that's the color of your feathers I mus: take niea- eares to fol. 3 you," and. rising fnon • his seat, he shut down the bar of the in- ner door arid returned to his seat hesiele the!•ttaru. The action, simple as is was, was watched very narrowly by the men- dicant, who professed alarm et the oc- curtence. "Now then, what de ,,iu ktiow of M'lan's two sons ?" • ' "Nothing." '.You swear it said the Cat •::r t. •'I swear it,'.' answered the m,-t,d - csut- "Did you kilo% the Chief's foster sot,, Malcolm 1lfaciunald ?" ta..l.. r o tteation- ed the Seiteaut. "Very, very''lvell ; a go"y, 1:1 ive lad," answered the mendicant. "Balt," growled the Sergeant, .. cur —1 cowardly cur." "A hove lad, I'll wa..,..t,' insisted the mendicant. "Where, Hien, bas the cur g' is ?" (t•..1 the Sergeant ; "let nuc know, that I may Pearch hint out a11.1 teat Itis euur• "1) -h, Pir.uld I tell I' sighed t be men t Leant. "Out with it, old mgn,•aetacd the rx- rite :Sergeant. "or, daut'me, '(yen your be menacingly handled, the hilt on 7I1 grd as he spoke. "Punch the old dogs Lea ; " put in one of the Sergeant's o••uu:uita in ;,tins ant4 s cialit�. "Yes that's the short : 'ul .nick way of t•ggerig the ruck, so H at the stream uaeV. "addc1tt•^ • ' •f the "tut w-it't it," .,,_•..ut. ' • where is 111r' •t ' n\I:. : m ;,i moos hid Set here the tvlbt It leen Leant ete.pl'ee 1 *h..- o k1 if tr. v • ,t; the int matiutt demau,e,!. "In where.' ~;oral, ••r t,.• 11 run s''u va over to tht kiastio 1, :.u. .'e t yt,nt Iii i. (1. si He is where "In L•whaber,"nn=;rcit• 1 t11- ii Lodi- I u,4 prowess on two separate occasions, and feared a sudden meeting with the fugitive on the road. Quickly recovering himself, however, he assumed a braggart air, and proceeded to ret himself up as a self -con- stituted board of inquiry over the beg- ging stranger. "Aud when saw yuu the fellow last 1" eagerly questioned the Sergeant, "for I must melt and tight the rascal, with Heaven's,, help, batons many days are over. Where saw you him last 1" 'He crossed the Curran 'Ferry' with me this morning. and wase coming north this way." "What said he of his perpose ? and hue tea. Ire attired 7" "He was in a sorry plight, poor lad, and bet kept his counsel to himself." "Sail he not a word to you, on the matter of his journ'y north 7" insisted the [Sergeant. • ye see, sir—" "Come, out with it, old fellow ; and there take that. It will help you along the way," and the Sergeant contemptu- ous'y t. seed a half crown towards the niendtcaut as an additional bribe to fur- ther speech. "Na, na ; Malc.lm's a good lad, an' Tll no just care to say what I know of his mind and purpose ;" and the inendi- eant pushed the coin back towards the donor. "What '. would you dare to refuse fur- ther speech ?" exclaimed the angry Ser- geant. "The begging old wallet -tit pger'" said one of the Sergeants two associ- ates. "A confounded old knave !" echoed the other, "want'sa drubbing badly." "•You won't speak what you know, then ?" fiercely- demanded the irate Ser• geant. "Yeas, yeas." added the mendicant, "you'll know by-and-hye, and very soon tun, and before T _ , ; but it wadna be richt to force use agaiustt my conscience a' at wince. Is there tiaething mair in her. lads ?" and the.mendicant, thirsty to a fault, like the majority of his class, signalled that he was ready for a freak draught of ale. "Oho, old bird ! that's your colour it ?" exclaimed the Sergeant. "Dri before meat or menet' when the throe dry, eh ? There, take a pull at that lot and filling up a fresh jug of ale be pass it over to the droughty mendicant, w held it for a time to his lips, and du drained off a portion of the liquor. `•Drinks like a pot -house slave," marked the Sergeant, sotto r, e, to t associate Bitting next hire. "I don't half like the rascal's look all," replied the other in a low oai 1 "He cast me a el:utce with the ta#1 . f 11 eye a moment ago which male tar fe uncoutf.trtat•le.': "Run tl.e told tapecall:on sttai_l.t . into confinement in the garrison." s.ai the third lusty ; he'll blink rend Pi -L RE e�1Cil..:c 0+` lugs there, I 11 teat,(:-. T::.', true," admitted the se:_e:u in an utpder •voice. "But tarry a !Dace we may wile the truth but o'f the old f• is l nk t'e edsurprise. The hent and feeble old men - 11°I dicast had vanished as if by the touch ly of a magician's wand, and lo, in his stead stood a stalwart young Highlander—a re- fugitive Macdonald—breathing venge- he ance on the heads of these, the red-hand- ed murderers of his relatives and friends at It was a startling transformation, and c. the three hinst'a men had hardly time to ig recover their breath when the uplifted el sword of the young Highlander threaten- ed them. t;t "You Malcolm 11lacdonald '" gasped d the terror-stricken Sergeant, cowering d into the remotest corner of the room. THE HURON SIGNAL, FR,IAY, JULY 27, 1883. "Hs has registered an t at► i• the hearing uf the holy heatrus," addedtb• mendicant, "that be shall 'wirer reit an- ti! his dirk has pierced the dastard heart of a wretch called Sergeant Barber." ' Senteant Barber '' The meatiun of the name brought the three musketeers to their feet, as if by mutual consent. " s% here is this fellow I" demanded the braggart bergeant, affecting high courage but trembling in his craven shoos white he spoke. "Where is this fellow that 1 may chlstiae him 7 "He is in Lechaber, as I have already said," answered the mendicant, who was now speaking in a tone of voice which bore no comparison with the piping, feeble accents in which he had previously expressed himself. '•He-ta here in Luch aber, and within a mile of us." "And what wants he here F' reiterated the excited and confused Sergeant losing his senses along with his tempwrusither of which was good at the best. "Why; then," replied the mendicant, throwing aside all reserve "he wants a meeting with the caatard Sergeant Barb- er, the murderer of his beloved Helen Cameron !" "Then he is here," replied the Ser- geant, "behold in me the wished for Ser- geant Barber ' tVhere can this fellow be met "Here exclaimed the mendicant, suddenly straightening himself up to his full stature. "Behold in me the outraged Malcolm Macdonald, foster -son to M'Ian of Glencoe ?" and tearing the false wig and whiskers from off his head and face, the mendicant stood undisguised before them, with vengeance flashing in light- nings from his eyes, and with a bared sword -blade in his hand. which he had whipped out from the cover cf his dress on the verbal confession of his unsuspected identiy. • If a thunderbolt heel fallen into the midst of these three King's musketeers they could nut have shown more facial alarm than the discovery of the mendi- cant's true identity occasioned them. The alarmed Sergeant grasped at the hilt of the sword, and his two associates, who were respectively corporal and pri- vate, clutched at the bayonets which were suspended from their sidebelte and stood each on their own defence. It was, indeed, a thrilling moment of yen. i 'guest lie w;u•ts a Li;;,er emote bribe, that's what o'clock it is with hie These Glencoe sten are the devil and a t, tiler and h..tid ui, money. .II?/ oho He listens t., Catch our words l.,t,k}'.•u here. old Bit:_tthi. C 1.•,'•10-,i 'the battled Sergeant, '•unless' a y•u have a word iu seawu•n for ns roe i "v "Yes, I am lfale,'tm Macdonald, Ser- geant Barber ! ' promptly responded Mal- colm, "and if there is justice in heaven you shall not this time escape my steel. Draw and defend yourself ! Quick ! "r will descend on you, unarmed as ye may choses. to stand.'" Ter.;' to Lia trearher,.ns ' ,-tit •'a the Sergeant . place•1 his pane en a 1.:,to1 wlotto 1••,.1 i•oe.0 hitbito,liiadeti away in A; le-I,cl' uu1l his •its. and L•rt•Iliu' t at the face e f the Highlander. nonld in a moment her•• short Lion throuh• the head ; List quick as 1i f Lein••. the blade of this Il.►cd»►tatd deeeelud(d, and sta•ueR oho 1•i.•o' 'r •nt':is �tr'1' "Dastard star i !" exclaimed Malcolm, "you :rtald play w'e false• to the last ! I can uu longer nitre; you. 1) 4enoi yourself, •'r die'" and Pa�•' (!� elf the intpehn,us 1 yout:g Highlander hlander .1rr'iea aside the steels "f the tw.• ut.isl:eteiors i dee,' tit i letter their comrade•, and dri. in•, his! sword straight a•_a net ' ' t., pi, reed t{ the ruffian Sergeant to the beat t, who I fell fore;ird acr••ss the table with a Loud Thos is the uinrdcr of Helm 1'auu.l rut avenge,( !" etclaimed the fugitive! t.. 1 to arms, whuu they carried without loss of time to the adjacent Cantle -garrison of Ins rlochy, extolaiuiu6 as best they could to the °deer iu command the cir- cumstances incumstances of the fray and its unfortu- nate and, as it was fated soon to prove, i to fatal ending. That seats night all that was mortal of Sergeant Barber lay atretoted 'delete on a rude pallet of straw within the gart*son walls uf the old Uastle at Inverloehy, acrd the angel who carried his perjured soul up to the judg,nent seat of God hoped for remissio u for it, black as it waa, through the unfailing merits of the blessed Christ—the Divine almoner of the uaaaifold sins of men. Meantime the daring fugitive was tracking, unpersued, his lonely way through the snow-covered depths of Glen -Nevis. (go ss nWXTIJUAL.) Aerst.wn tat tae Gerry !Nutria. Have you ever watched an amateur berry party start out early in the morn- ing with high hopes, eight -quart paile, and sundry other •uperluoua utensils, and noticed how abittish uta members felt and how sure they were that they would all conte back with pails overflow• ing 1 If you have, and have not watch- ed for the home Doming, you have seen only half the fun and have imbibed er- roneous ideas about amateur berry pick- ing You have, in fact, taken too much for granted. Look at that line of strag- glers, stumbling wearily along the high- way, Iuoking frowsy, blown and cross ! That is your patty of merry berry pickers returning home with a quart and pint of barriea, all put into ono pail to make the quantity look big, and a couple of bush- els of mosquito bites, bramble scratches, bruises and back aches, to ay nothing of suaburnings, torn clothes, achit.g feet and sundry other things, which they are carrying home on their persons. Of course if the members of the party could have shifted these little burden. off their shoulders and bullied the weakest one in the crowd into carrying then[ home the same as they have bullied him into carry- ing in the other traps they would he much more blithe and gay on their re- turn trip, but they could not do it and they are so cross in consequence that it will' not be safe to say berries to them for a week. Oh ! yes, berry picking is great fun fun for amateurs when the berry patch is about five miles out of town and the sun is good and hot. Thousands bear witness to the posi- tive curative powers •f the GREAT GER- MAN INVIQORATOR, the only remedy thlt has proved itself a specific for general debiliay, seminal weakness, impotency, e•c., ar..l all diseases that arise Enna self- abuse or overtaxed brain, finally ending in eat innptiett. insanity and a teems - tine entre `old by all druirealts, or will be sent free on receipt of $1.110 per box, or six boxes for 8;,. -A.hlress F. J. CHENEY, Toledo, I )hio, wtlo agent for tho United States. Send for circ -lar and testimwifals of genuine cures, Get,, Rhymes, Go derich. 3m `sol Rheum Cared. Y .are you ttnuhleol with Salt Rheum, • WA I'It. AisORTaIE\7 FURNI� MING GOODS i.I Rough Skin, Phutnlra or Canker Sores ; WIN lI L [TEs �'ARITTY, 1 ` au, ghat once 10 Go., Rhymes' Drug HATS, tarALL THF. LATEST STYLES. 1 torr ar.•1 cat :t l,icka_.• •f McCrecor & a ANI, EVERY t3l7.ltn Parke., Cail..,'ir(v rah• Price 2;, e- it trAi:L PATTERN.. MAN1 A IN GOOD 8T1•LF. ,T I: r .a neer: I. wn to f til. o AND A FIT GUAHANThED UR ND �,1.}:.-:C LOTH S I NEW GOODS NEW Ti sir Tu or .1..e, not :raw hies,dary , v PR10ES- CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT 1N TOWN A full line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on hand (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) GEORGE RE71 S , BLARES BLOCit, THE SQUARE BOOTS&SHOES [leg t. announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above Store iu the store lately occupied by Horace Newton. Having purchtuied a large and well assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods at close figures, we are determined to give the Public the benefit. QUICK 8ALE8 t SMALL PROFITS VIII BE OUR NOTTnt orar•Please call and examine our gooels before purchasing elsewhere. , - Remember this place, neat door to J. Wilson's Drug Store Air -Custom work will receive our special attention. �`Nune but the best of material used and tint -chute workmen employed _ r -Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice. Goderich. March 9, 1882. DOWNING & W E D D U P NEW ARRIVALS SPflING SI SUMMER GOODS Sco1cEllgUsli, Irish &_Callathall 7wa2ds HUGH DNLOP. TO THE FARMERS OF THEC011.N.TYPFIIIIRON GENTLEMEN,—By request of a large number of the yeomen of the C. unty we have decided to manufacture R�.`PZNC+ 1iND MOWYIsTO. Zd� CF3ZN>Z13, in connection with our Plow business for the year 18.83, which fur material and workmanship will be second to none. Do not give your orders icr reapers t r mow- ers until you see' those manufactured by ua. We will attend all the spring fairs in County, which will give the farmers a good opportunity to inipect opr machines. We will warrant our machines to do as good work as any other made. tt"e will slo so have *number of good LAND i .OLLERS, for the Spring trade COOgIN . STOVES alwac, on hand• and will be soh' cheap for cash, or be exchanged for wood. Cash paid for old iron. SEEGMILLER d CO. G'derich Foundry =N F'RCZ�i T AG..2 - ABRAHAM SMITI� CALLS ATTENTION TO TIIE FOLLOWING : . £A LARGE ARAORTIIENT, AND THE LATEtit DEst(}N8.7a CLOTHING must stamp to the garrison straight oft'. We have iso mere money bribes In offer loon. a•, r•attse and consider herb how- yea' a t. 'It's speak out and save youiself, 'or go up 1"r examinaticn and confinement JR Le Int'erluchy garrison —utelet i "Yes+, yess, lads," acceded the o!d mendicant. "I'll know very well : !out uch, ocll, I think I'll be ganging a;,'.v.'' "Perdition seise me if you cin '"'re- otied the Sergeant, rising abruptly to is feet. "We have accounts to settle bt•tween hamda Lefere you go." "That we have, $ergeatot," replied the ail, with- et hollow heeds, w -l. h- i;htly stai.lel the Sergeant. Si roe nt ! T!te mendicant .had ad - (hi se 1 lot n } y I'tt proper utilitaty How diol he come to use tht,t fnmili:rityt And the ntock''g laugh, what did it moan, Was he, Sergeant Bader, to be lightly addressed and mocked by a cerin der'-[ ' mi edit .nt !--a 11f ,cdonalel, w /loin tiro c:a.:rney of the king's Government had e(n(rously. par. 41 from a mt.iittot death : - was he to be li;phtlit•d by such ! Heaven foiled ! I1 wenlol stand ••n his mfiita:y dignity, auil t 'ach the begeiug a.et•lrl•t •;Nt'tenners• nett. herr, •'!.t Joh s shat. ' Le tw- it, ..f wort t ,. ..i \till sou mak oat •,r not "What you'd ye, thee ;..eleasital the f..thomal,le mendicant. "Say what fon know ••f Malu,din beat. 1naId,f ster .wen .•f tri•• Die t1 ('i is t " r, - ed the !tetgeant. 'Heys in Lealeti,e•r,' said the nireidi• rat. "le is sad at heart over thedestrwc m of 1 i• kinsmen ar;tl tlw death o f `et.f .• •r r: tyah.lrn1'td Ted of his.", e., tf pair, s' It i, •Jtahet '" 1,1 e` the t tett d tile, s nap in a',re ! ',butorts;sr our- yt:es, my i tu,II 511P. :It tt •a 1 e eel ca Ire than int L,cfialer." • Ire 'The urrii (xelafoo. 1 oho i,,tt. 11• ea. inI, pan in;tr•1•tslight l�as11•w;,',r. !, •'What dots ti ' woad. rte what can he I posetltly want herr ;•1 L mItsher r' '171. heses,at.''eigsa.tl scem.al c,natty fr^Lhr-, erterl and astonished, altl nuglt he etre to co/Kt..: lilt Exciter • • t 111.1•,• tai 'hit ' ern'., ,.,,, f Mal.,'• 11 cdorald, withdrawing hi* blade from the tndyof the fallen Sergeant. 'if vim would n•,t have me shed m;•re 1)l41oN1, olt- puse n t my exit from t thole ;,lace," he added. addressing his words to the Ser- geant'e ten companions in arms. •'140.1 follow esu it siugla Loot at your per ` and swur,l in hand, dr• le.tlm ,lraealonald, arri4red . f the death .•f Ids true loveetnf the unholy murder of his aged father and Clair kinsmen, hot..icwi lion' the fatal spot, and passel front the viow of the esti-mita ed and terror-stricken re l -c, with the csl.•nty of a hill -stag,. Iminedlately 1'e had rime the two toss• 1 pr..uit•u. iu a. •.'t of ;he mortally wound-, ed $erttesnt hurried out to take note of the fugitive's line of tight. but the nird•' boat already hits len him, and the • laden bli-t which struck again,' Caeca •ni a; .,•aring outside •.f the ho• ryissesglit with k no eonad tit the ftagu tire's dying steps. He !tats ped lib j ori avenging twilit into the cover of the deep and r,.lenses ni:ht, and when tt a '- lawn broke overtire brow td lee •ta H._h Ci,,,•.ti•.•tt•t,er., he draws F; 000 CHE.P FR CA;.I3. a, 5linister , f Railways without doing i.th : work of site hitter -office The device I in rt— tr-1 to t!.e '• daty is tery thin. CIts..tLE.-e. -.1, :,:true well known 1n onnection with the Hair Renower,which t•etores grey hair its natural color by a few ,weeks nee. 501,1 at 5t) cents pet twtr!r 1,t• .1ru:ici Wil , o. gni Says Dryden a'lher tna:1 and when you rant and swear. Can olritw you to her with a ,invle hair'' But it mod 1,0 laetutifal hair. to have Pugh ',ower : and beautiful hair can be entered hot- tht. •:se • t ('tet;.rosea 111,1R 11'':.• t i • R :1 . t :.0 ct± uy .1. Wilson. .t Seeds, Seeds, Seeds. JAMES MINA=R_ T I3 F El F F 2J n ha to thank tbepubtictor part " N patronage are t "nn14 inform tl•.. m that he Gad row on LA RG EST AND BEST STOCK FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS I the meet reliable firms in ark), who I. ht is prepense to Pell nl :. prier am in)) as as corer reliable hoc, c \n•onget the spectaltu, in potato/ a ere the -N( rose""lieaot of Hebron "orad :Lex Rfuah." }arty ' M s- c1'v .ti' _ -140e4; liar tocol Tits earn aurr.ys3o luriair,� Good goad ewtttt-ttw and ed hep ee AS for the . vartrt J.t inape(rinn ter eedsm rap 'menet.; to thio }•antphlet on Ur. Van +obi^.[tett• Flour enol Fced kept coastantl}- on sale. Bureii'a Kidney (,'tote, then heli ice t.1o• J,IS. 2teNAik the eeedsmaa. and relieve yo e self of ell those distress- '_ boltt�u Y.'rr I}rns relit can ten �t,t i Sarnia, Al'1Cilltllrf�l Implement Manufacturing CompaIly, abvnt i:. :•••01,iI y.T real nu(forlertCli ' -- r �LI2\•II'hED t'ar.r :ore Cn1111 Feel.. , The teat 1.1 sal purifier awl syst.•mi re- tlitorveer place•) within the reach opt coffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit - el,. Inactivity of tits Liver, Biliousness 34•italice. Censtiptatitin, Weak Kidneys, I ur any disease of the urinary organs, or i whoever hitnrt au appetizer, tonic or ; wild strnnlsnt, sill always find )IRlectrie Sitarsrix• he ;t;,l only certain Pone ktt .:tr:. They t" ture;y Rita igiict.1•. every Lo the gu:traiitved to -give un' r;r:.f:chert •,r up eiey r•fnudct,. 3ntltl tlf•y rens s battle by J. Wilson, (J1 u\et.• Il:e ntunr•tsit:s oI Apyoittor the traci.J.. it, ' jilt • :,.t.. :. ,) , NC '244141L-4.4 the w.t'tas "f Lu_laber would stretch t• t nr:•rsnt, "and what thew /" miles and miles between him and hie '1t-• r• v, n2•%l,ceon het Hounder -i pursuers. if Pursuit was judgt'tl wot't1� r•t,t. the la%.1r. t.•,t t 1:1 k t the two tausketecrs returned to rhe etsistime,' ,f their dying •omtrni•t' A\TUFACTVREIZZZ� S OP Reapers, Mpwers, Binders & Threshers sex the 1)..t.i:i., •, �, :-aat'.,t• h,•i•.•r- y'..,t p':i:'chabr. The Easiest Ru a and most durable machine in the mark, t. nrinrj f3implest ILIA' C4. Ir. \ e1`TSo•iW A 'i 'i• 1E7. i)a ci- 7- Boas, .Ari Nflgn 1il P1J1G11 • , ) ,•e rooms e:. honk, in ace 20,000 He G� over /'uilrr.a renew paper Raiz cf the Latest Designs them �.'. then Tlie t;1i 1ii;ii, llllft� tIli �