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The Huron Signal, 1883-07-27, Page 5
IN THE WHIRLPOOL. rhe Foolhardy Attempt of Cap t. Webb. „ H.• tl*raapes lu •011114Tbrouakt 1 • SI'hill. pool wild FallsNo1rser of .;IC 110111 Ica. )e1 Mesa llsesstest d_ Sleu.tEA FALLS, Ont., July 24. --\ 4:06 p.m. Captain Webb conusenced t.. ?Winn the whirlpool rapids. He had passed the bend helve the railway bridge when last seen, all riirht. A large crowd of citizens witnessed the flaring feat tram both sides of the river, and all :ave made a rush to the whirlpool. Capt. Webb atteutl':ea the ;•,:hardy (feat of swiutl..i,g the whirl, 1 rapids this atternoon. Ho arrived L a ttutftt- •"o by the Eriu railway, and put up the Clifton. Ho was aveyinpanied Irii his manager, Mr. Kyle. IEveu then _treat many did not think he would at- tempt it. HC Was very reticent, tory little, but uptlp being asked it he would ge dough it, 110 Raid : - At 4 „'cluck I ill make the attempt. 3ie6 :eft the hotel about,1;5'}.m,, and wont, I went drawn the ferry hill andgait into a oat with the ferryman, Johu 3l0Cloy, Aid was rowed out int., the ritor. 'there I.t corauteuced to undress. Hu had thing but a pair of flesh colored draw- l as and shirt aud a trunk of the smallest 1 possible kin.] on, and when t!10 Maid of !:e !list landed about :SIN) yard • S i ho old suspension bridge at 4:03 P w. 1 Cilli: ]HURON SIGN .11., FRII►A\ , .i i L ORY OVER .8INC DAM'S G R OV ' ` ■ . u„• c in Dederick to hoi•t :, IT IS NO HUMBUG, BUT REALITY. That1)iphtheria is role of Ito nest danger- ous Mimeses and annually awee;,saway thous- ands of child] en. is u fact which no one can deny, and that do•tot's In many caws are piaeetlw agafnet it is a c curtail. awl tee l ti oro curA e for ii this daolI,imus and eentagit us dtseaec should be talMtl ttit1 jo) and warmly o. !conned by ••'e y lankly. for per In hits of need. A eo- itagration is touch ntore easily' checked at the 1a• tnvitut tt:auafter It has laid headway, �u it 1a with t l .a dlst•a=e. K.-ep medicine nn handlaod do w.: wait lid it is too late. sup.h a medicine is olt, rod the public in IDLER. LA\IJi:• I,tl'II'ritEitl.\ and CItOCI' REM - We are thorougld)• convinced that It will answer its purpose. l,etMn patent have bo&n token nut for the Dominion of Canada. pad precautions aro t:_ken that no one will imi- tate it: q'e kindly ask medical men to Drive this' reined). a trial. Testimonials. circulars and trial Iwiika scut on applying for. Address Let . 11. IHFItLAMS1, Zuric h P.U. Ontario. For sale al GEO. it■Tiaa' Drug .lore. t.aderlrb. Oat. July al. t :, ,,, N. El :1 1,.r.• Hamilton time, he trade a tits iu ..the water, and on tieing to the surf:t,•,. com- menced to 'mini towards the rapids. .lust as he entered the rapids:, almost ' immediately under the bridge. he was very nearly being turned liver, so strong was the force of the water at the point. From this point until he was into the toidst of the great rapids, which rise.; to the height of 30 or 10 isle: uppllaita•Lhe incline railway of the Whirlpool Rapids Park company, he was plallitorie. by e„ple standing on the bridgeii-It was a I •_rand sight to seeswuttnini so de - t erbeinedly. At tittles he would be plunged out of sight, and then again lie would be seen riding en the top f a 'iege wave, causing one's breatth to be held for a short time, fear that the ble estimated would not again rise ki :he a rtace. Bot he •�taden!h posited •hrou_11 '.hese t,-rt•ible rapids and con- tinued his way towards the xLi:'. ! He was followed by as mono os . t. _et hitt) carriages, and ersn•thes .L t cold 1.-t get ahead of hint. T:10 i 'that was seen of him lslia tial as .. entering the whirlpool. lie tris wing along, apparentty ,:Cain; nicer, but immediately sank out slf sight, awl awt4- u; has.been heard from him since, up to 10 p.m. Lt conversation with hits this fternoon, Capt. Webb seemed to think he greatest point of dancer was at the ntering of the', whirlpool, awl that • his ',Ant is where he was last seen -diems how clearly he knew where the al e' time of danger. Icy. \ICCIoy, the "•'atrr an, asked Lim how much he made !,y swimming the English channel. He said abut 86,000, and on being asked how tnucli ho Lad left of that, he said in a j'lctaar manlier about 813,000. 1L - t'lay then said, " I guess you had better let ire -r"' yciu ashore and spend that befit e yrto try this," the only answer be- ing it entire from the Captain. Ile was to get nothing for doing the tian,eroue feat. res the negotiations with the New York Central railroad were Lr,ken 1,11. Hie whole object in undertaking the performance. he said, was a matter of l•ers•inal pride. Hitting pithlic)- an- nnmtt:rd Itis iuteutl.nt. sari the event ' hating !been heralded through the coun- try; 1'u felt in duty bound to keep his word. and that in failing ti, do so, it ; would be to invite unjust imputati„l:51 1110111 !.i: character and courage. There . were 1 '. t ninny people who witnessed the ,•vent, probably not more than :"441i1 or ti00, as very few could• be found whir be • - liert.•d for a moment that he would un- dertake the performance of tacit a hof O �' ar:iouN feat. It is the wlu :e topic o conversation on the streets to -night, and c TAMES SNIAILL. ARCHITECT, &e. s office. l'rabVs Block, Kington at., Gale rich Plans and specifications drawn correct ly carpenter's' plasterer's and mason's work n/e1Wtrd cull Value* cis • • V. tr P10 - N1 C I3INGHAM'S NURSERY adjoining the grove. will supply 4uy gtwutity of choice :low • at reasonable rates. 1) ,t lusts, l're•see .I. .d other Floral Ornaments to order. E. BINGHAM. t:,Nh'r]ch, Jut) 3. I":1. ISfirstf �'od1erich CoalYard Thos] N. Ducey, Proprietor, The .suln.criber�,e�gs to inform the residents of (Jodi rich and 11iolaity that he has opened a Coal Depot at the ,block. and will be pleased to fill all orders in that line at the Lowest Liz'ing f► fztes. 1..t1tT15s 1•1.:-111r'u TuvKNIGHT, PRACTICAL I1.Ut. � • BMR and Ilair-dresser. begsto return G ET GOOD COAL ,l rata to `1'° public fur out tom. ileeum, um, s,licits a rnntlnuauoc of custom. llecat' always lie found hisShavingPa•tor,nct- at reasonable rates, call and examine quota- l'o - lit Ice Guderi.1. 1133 Dun- and quality of coal before. purchasing _ else w here. Golericl THT . _ �JRON I Live Stock . .►s�x�iftliwt THE ANNUAL SALE undo Ibe auepioee of 1 h • it uron Lice Stock .r►ea.cutliuu w ill be :,... or about The 241k of October, 1883 Parties intending :o enter Stock for the Salo I will require to oracle (Lrir cal rich s: t t h the Se- ! cretin.. !.. 1•'hum Fri, Li, .Sept. 21, 1SSe3 The prospes is for the tippets el heir Kato are decidedly more favorable than or an?' sale t h t has yet leen held ander the sus 1011 of th rSoiety. N'1'IIANI'i•: i'':•.E. For each hors.• si- tic animal. $1.30: furmch sheep or lit i 23C. eoalm1sstun of 1 per cent. will 1 • charged on all animals sold. Entries t., be in tie with 11w teraigne 1. -,eretary, Seia'orth. In'c path, 1--.;. �•,-. 1Lonsortal. IIIIRON COAL DEPOT Persons regniring Coal for the coming sea- son. win get It at the Lowest Rates Goin 11)• sending in their orders now. and thus en- al,tin:r the dealer to secure it when the rate of freight is low, and the price of coal is at the cheapest point, which it atwu)315 In the mid- dle, of the summer. BL. 4CA'S. tIITHS ling a asppply for snnttner and fall use iskl11 uppty before the middle of Jul-, if pos- sII M ters by snail carefully attended to. Write or apply to JOHN A. NAFTEL, ltatdware Merchant,liuderikh, June A. ISS3. 1EL91r 1 F Machine Oils, Needles, Belts, Oil Cans, &c. = r_. 4e 14' E Noi'tihWest Traesportatioo Compuy !. I ,1 The Cheapest, Most Comfortable and, Pleasant Route TO .LL1. POINTS IN T11E4:1:t'.17' \-UR7'11 if`ES7' is ria the steamers of the North N r t rtns- purtatiutt (0n1 11'I: , Pfl1 of w•!:i„I e l .0l• cr ,ermitt brae. ! hal'e rearms %:rev Ttte••tn. a Friday %lab*, on r rrivnl of (;r-! r.. 'Trains, 4'.tILING t'f commit at 1•r • LOWING DIV. for Prince Art ho '- I ' Dwlnt)t, and alt po.toe in M:initut. Dakota ami th•• \Orth \,rat. The Steamer "M.1NiTOBA- will leave 1;o.lc- rich. weather parva;'. set. eter•1' 1''n ' Tile -davit and 1••'• earn al'. re • 1 Kincardine, S.uithaulp:en. 4licldplcetin. P., Nilx• ^.n . Thunder flay. For further il:forer.t! W31. LEC;, G. 'sic:. •:' 1 , ii. i.:: t•t 1--• • Gri•Ct:11 Nisbet -r.!" .. ' ' S June ith, lei:', 1811 Cts 1 "The Cheapest house Utnd.er the Su.." Variety Store PRESERVE KETTLES, FRUIT JARS, FLY TRAPS, GES, BIRD CAREFRIGERATORS. .\ N I) OTIIFat .}:AsON.4 DIA: (.1101)S Stoves and Tinware 1,11rgeel stock iu tints. \\-est street, next door to the P.O. July. 1fah. I 71.4IIE PEOPLE'S ZTORF. Bargains •� n Pints ! 7F: , iii::;. .\ FINI•. LIMY: Yrl:,\'1-l.\ I,'• /1/s 7' ('(1/.OI?S \ I , . �• 10 1":N r.> PEP \'-\1;1'. SAT _ 1I DT. E • .lite ,:i :''I':t`:..t!'1!.I . r121 alt E, UG DRESS GOODE SALE. PHIS IViO�'i AT J. C. DETLOR & C0'S. S GR41HAN, Npectilati:w is rife tits , whether he will: over be seen alive again„or net. All sorts of rumors are curent as to his safety, but none can he traced to a re- liable source. That the hero of so many aquatic contests has paid the forfeit with his life seems only too true. and Niag- ara, with its wonderful rapids will hare bolded one more to its slready well -tilled list of unfortunates u -ho hare found n leath in its treacherous watet3. CANADA IN ENGLAND. tppearanee of the tll..rs Macpherson. DauRhlcrs of the speaker of the *enalr. In tendon. SAY! NEIGHBOR \% here 11..1 ):o0 get 1)1030 .4. S. WHITING JI'F.G ('O. HARVEST TOOLS F, . l : RHEUMATISM, SI•. . -.tet, Neurtli ia, ro io Back, Lumbago, Contracted Joints, ,, Crarnp in •hi_ucles, Sp-^_in3. BEST HORSE LINIMENT. u I.arl'r ' err;. J. W. BRAYLEY, MONTREAL, P.Q. They are the Bost Goods I Have Seen. Rev. Father wilds' EXPERIENCE. 1111- .' 1 I heard tablet some of the drosses at M'KENZI E' s the State ball from Jessie. who is lucky enough to have had an invitation. The I'rincess looked .suite adoraole in herR.W. blue and silver. A lady in a peculiarly iuc shade tyellow satin Stansted CHE1I P H.4RD W 1t1 RE STORE. much admiration. Waterfall Lacks to the frock► are as popular as ever. The majority were worn to this style Miss Jessie Macpherson, daughter •'f the speaker of the Senate of Canada. wore a peculiarly becoming . dress. The skirt was made of ivory satin,artistically drap- ed with the sane material, and trimmed with cream -colored Lace. The lxalice IN THE COUNTY. and train were of cream -colored and gold-i.r.icaded satin, very rich in effect, as well Ra becoming. Soule acres of "baby ribbon' appeared to come into the scheme of the tnmming. Her sister alio Goder b;.. July Mb. IND. looked charming in pale blue fnlle with a flounce of lovely point, the bodice and waterfall back consisting of P•ed blue and cream -colored atin Scene virgins - TA== A$C.Z7I' F',ZT ite 1,1111 11 roses neotled among the folds of the tulle skirt. White dresses pre- vailed, most of them being trimmed with y NAIIIi flower and some with fruit. -{"Giro' 1 Gossip" in Troth. • • -IIE HAS-,--- Tlu' Finest Assortment and Rest Value /35'5 PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. Gedlerleb Markets. GonaRlt I' July 0, Ink - HAS THE FINEST RRAND OF Wheat. (Fall, o bush. N • s 0 Wheat, ►*tre.t.. ., .;;tC•ANNED PEACHES 7.1100 hha ................ 0 • • ae iN TTAY WARIER -T. AND HiS • .dna ..... 7 M • t0 •k... ........ •1• • •• to des. Ieepwka4)..... .. 0 It • • 11 011 0«11 s,,• cwt .... .........:...... ; 0 1! 1 M =ra: itag ., t y3 CANNED' TOMATOES AND CORN ARE DYLi• 1OCd. .A. CON• TINC33_ • 1 5.1 ! OQCRT R0I Sri *QUARK um. t)ODYRICH ONT A RIO The Rev. Z. I'. Wilds. well-known city missionary In New York, and brother of the late eminent Judge W blebs, of the Maasacbu- setts Supreme Court, write' as follows : "78 E.134414 .S1. New fork May 16, 1832. MrsSRS. J. C. jvIR & Co., Gentlemen : Dist winter I was troubled with a most nnosm- fortahle itching humor affecting more e.peefttlly my Ilmhs, which itched so intolerably at night, and burned so Intensely, that I could satnely hear any clothing over them. I was also a sufferer from a severe catarrh and catarrhal Bough' my appetite was prior, and 1a) systema good deal run down. Knowing the valve of Av RR•s 3855 (1 A- R11.I.A, by observation of many other Mabee, and frau personal use in former vicar., 1 began taking It for the a1lovanamad dtsrntern. My appetite Improved almost from the first dose. After • short time the fever and )truing aero allayed, and all signs of irritation of the skin disappeared. My catarrh and cough were also cured by the same meansmeans and my general health greatly improved, until , 1s nnw exeellent. 1 feel a hundred per cent stronger. and I attribute these results to the use M the SAR.APASII.LA, which i recommend with all confidence es the ret hlorsl medicine ever devised. 1 took 1t In small rinses three Rotes a day, and use.l,ln all. lea than two bottles. 1 =these facts at your service, hoping their pat tion may do gust. Yours respectfully, Z. 1'. WI Loa.•• The above Instance Is hat •'ne .d the many Moo- 'tautly eomiag u. our notice, which prove the per. last adaptability of AttWs SARIIAPARILLA to Ike eure of all diseases Miming from Impure or tat- 1 pevsrMhed block aad a weakened alta►Ity. FIRST PRIZE 3=3 MID 'I'1-110 Ayer's Sarsaparilla aad :by .,sat ONTARIO STEEL BARB FENCE COIPANY Baas. W attache of all Ser g/Vwr Mouses, Bede Mom el tM Baia, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Oeawel L. I M 1 'r' F. r es - i DosOlp, and all dbrxd.n rwelttsg from poor or •ssrspsd Mood awl a low state of the moon. R&D DT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mau. gold by an itrttdglsts: pry St, sit bottles for Ila. MIL1 ,• �� Ladies of Golcrich and ticinity for 1 h liberal Patron+lgc. bestowed n;ion ter Niece opening out in town, a 1.11 ,could call their :t'.r•:I ion to Ler CROICE STOCK OF AlariALIZTERY TilE -- SUMMEP. SEASON_ The Stock is carefully chosen. and illade Up in the Jfost Fashionable Styles ! Mitis Graham (eelsass fired that her experience in Toronto. London and other cities will en- able her to give the fullest satisfaction. .1IISS GIS: 7Llell, ,,11iss Stewart's Old Stand. The Chicago House Is 1i.ii. 1.• rEl;- OF FASIIION FOR 9 NEW M111aLN i:flh OF ALL KI _DS. • \ •, I, • t • C. n.,tod It,l: ` a specialty. ..1 first class Dress " Making Establishment ! t' .o .• (erica +tn in couueeti7in with t:te 31:sin.- lIparIn c: •. .4 -nil notleRe d. A. J. WTLKINSON.. F30ME' 1\..tANU 'A0rr13IR, E TL�I1,0 1\T0 ZM MERCHANT TAILO: t,, NORTH -STREET, NEAR THE SQUARE, GDERICH, - \pair, }'l'1:Nt ll uI; \I .t l: I- 11•,- 7 t' ; Cents' Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lowest Prloes, /n YIaR% 1'5PERIE\l'1:. t'lTT1is: A nruCIAI.T1'. 1'I:RFht'T IIT GI AM.% T/'ED. ownsw3 ageowrTLi' A7TI1%DFD TO. NOTE TOL .IDDREWM PHILO NOBLE, NORTH -STREET, GODERICH. EDS! SEEDS AT TIDE M8111DIOA1- T-7-1 1... ■ JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND VARIED STUCKIDF F lZ ESH GARDEN, FIELD, AND FLOWER SEEDS, frotn one of the most Reliable Seed Warehouses in the Dominion. FOR SALEBO TH IN IWLK & IN PACKAGES. P. JORDAN', Chemist au& Dragrist, MEDIOAL HALL_ IG -c DERIOB. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS -Seat Purgative aHq�r+nnMetdicins - ow* Co•atl arlapilssds ie tlnn.�•.d*e~'stld eeld .veryTrlwsw• Always nUakise r'or 3:3axl© Wire r'Qn.cis�e5. AT TORONTO EXHIBITION 1882. The ONLY FiRST PRiZF awarded for Rsrb VVI jin w bah there was to� FOR BALE RY R_ W. 2dl'ZEiNZIit, t10i11■tt