The Huron Signal, 1883-07-27, Page 4/
�s pubittdled seer/ Friday Morning. by eft
ILUtXIur Haws.. at their t)Otce, North tit
of the *twee)
And tede.paiellied In alt parts df the surround
Loa t a a it has a larger circuit'
the seam 1 Swspaper In this part of
sae ofWe rawest, newsiest
and mos table uuriala 1u Ontario
possessing, s�j
end betas does, the a above,
a drat-elm..
family abd_ ¢saddition tater abuse, h refore is
most des paper -t ii therefore r
tubers slime tndiawt,
Teaxs s0 In advance postage pre -paid
n�Tpare bltaliers: leis. if paid befobox months
12.00 If net so paid. 'chis rule will be strictly
RATES OP AnvEITIrISp•- }sight cents pe
tor first Insertion; threc,c, pts ger line or
eschsubseetr}ieutinserttun. I esrly.half-yearly
and quarterly cotoracts at reduced rates.
JOS tittTl\11:•..We hat ealso afirst -class
1 ebbing department In eonnection. and possut's-
ing the most complete out•tit and best laeilities
f lr turning Out work in Otxtorich,are prepared
to do business In that line at priceathat cannot
he beaten. and of a quality that cannot Le•
:,ryas. ed. Terms Cask
FfIDA , JU'LY YTTn, 1H$3.
1 TR -i 1 \'1-\-t': iS NEI.E.:S.i 1:y,
There is iso business „r calliug in the
vurld IIhero se man) outsiders feel like
rushine ilk and, without having had any
previous experience, undertaking to
"run things" as the newspaper trade.
The 'idea that it requires a thorough
Training to successfully publish a mews -
paper never aeesus to enter the molds of
many of those who look upon the jour-
nalistic profession as u highway to riches
and stepping shine to prefertnent. Many
u man who made a stood lawyer, sector.
school -inspector, or toucher has taleu the
idea int,. leis heel that he was possessed
of the necessary parts to make a success-
ful editor, and embarked his all en the
stormy set of journalism. Inside of
twelve short mouths that same mat :
wished he had never held such high ct
ceit in his own powers as to enter
business f it which he hal net leen 1,
piously carefully trained. Ir dies n.
follow that because 'saws has an ile►Y
writing, and has preyed ,s skilful .tssesiil-
+ ant ill a controversy w lei, under tht
shelter of an assumed name: that he a
he e,1ually successful when using t
editorial "Se,- and when the respires
bility attaching to an utterance fetes('
fire cclunlns which he controls will 1
saddled upon the editor, rightly
wrongly, as the case may be. Neith
does it follow that a roan whiter Comm
'ideation is made presentable by tl
editors'■ revision is possessed of tl
judgment to carefully revive the writin
of others. And aiaiu, simply because
man's overweening conceit inakor+ hi
believe that,he can write in an inte
raining and instructive style, is, afte
ail, nu reason why the reading publ
should not turn from the drivel which h
would foist owes thorn. That so man
forsake other callings and rash into th
newspaper business is perhaps attribute
ble to the fact that the trained newapa
per ratan usually seems to have an eas
time of it. He is check-qty-jewl 'pit
the most prominent politicians ; Id
opinion is usually sought upon all publi
•luestiens in the town in which he lives
his leaning towards any particular objlee
is eagerly looked for by interested par
ties ; the charitable institutions are iso
averse to praise from hint ; the sucietic
areanxioua tohavc publicity gi
� ti
doings ; thud even the churchcsdo not dis
dain his aid throudht the medium of th
journal which he controls. Under these
circumstances, it is not to be wondered
at that then in other vocations yearn for
a chance to occupy the editorial chair,
and yearning, snake personal sacrifices
to sit therein. Of our Own l:mr.wledee
we know many Men who were successful
in other pursuits from which they deriv-
ed good livings who, caughtt with the
craze of wishing to control a journal and
be in a position to make public their
"burning" ideas, have relinquished their
substance and grasped at what proved
to be a shadow. And this thing Sill
continue to be until the erroneous opin-
ions which are held concerning the pre!
fits of the newspajter business, from a
pecuniary% statldpuint,are dissipated, anti
until the equally erroneous view that no
training is ueeessary to made any edu-
cated man a newspaper editor is dispell-
ed: Training is necessary to enable even
intelligent men to cut axe -helves,, to
make horseshoes. ei mend boots W
carry on the Mercantile. trade, to
"teach the young idea how to shoot,'
to give legal opiuiens at so much a sen
tence, and to legench,in the pulpit ; and
why shielbl it * * nsidered unnecessary
in editing a newspaper ? Seulela,dy has
said ",lournelists are ll•,rn not made, -
but no man ever became a successful
newspaper morn without first receiving a
thorough teniningl and the names of
Greeley, Bennett. Raymond, .Iirown,
Thurlow Weed, Prentice, Dana, and
others are the hest witnesses t e that
.4.1%. OUTSPOKEN ttl:_i.\'t:PU.f.\'. 1' `t • houses in general were loris to, pieces.
Terrifle Thunder Btnrtn in West -
ore Ontario.
The duplicity of Sir John ► Ma:-
uonald and his obsequious heuehwau,
Mackenzie Ilowell, has stirred bp the
more sincere wing of the (imago broth-
erhood in Ontario, and a rebellion
against .the e tis,"
13 ►ts
gal runt • ,
to r
1 es of the
u der is now in progtus". The p rostitu-
tin of this nominally ruli,fous society
selfish lh n purposes by ambitious and
designing turn has long been apparent,
and the wonder is t t the eat ucst men
who loved Orani;uisiii or the Lake of the
usque and not for the piulitiuhtl ;a u uletu-
bership would bring theist, hive i, loth
remained pesaive under the abuse of
trust by their le.tders. It is known to
all that during the past few peers marry
of the mere sincere and decent in.,tuhers
Of this order have withdrawn in dir�ust cerued, than tt predecessor. Tire li,tltt-
niu, was the most cuntinu,.us :old Livid
leen it, because they six- is was Ladle seer witnessed in this section, and the
prostituted for Carty purposes Ly bla'a►.t thunder peals were 14 u 1 and ut1.•sert•us.
deniae••:ues who het hpruu: int , ptaot• 1 The "pinion is uihaatinous by elf who
and putter in the society. The teeeut w.uieyst'1 the reissues sloe:" that it was
trick- played upon the (trauza er ler by 1 :r many a year..
Sir Jelin A. Mfae tonal t !:as ettlaed the . :: ,Lr. -TnIKE tit/WU:It II.
&celeste fall froei the eyes of tna:uy 1•f 1 1 my R'•thwell's house and St. Pat-
tie: better men who yet rowatae ] is the i rick s ward was struck, but with the
Iodizes, and hitherto had tout' talu:xaut , esce;eti•en of a little damage about the
to douLt the sincerer o•` t'i•• p<catier cilium. y 11 urine worth nettnq occurred.
meso he Mrs ''... a • ..• --,1's boatdin_ house en
a,treei w pats the Ucau;t� Kali West street' ;;••t. hit, std rho crockery
in the H•'use of They new 1 w,h, t-ttt!ed aro•end in a lively manner.
see hew basely they hart' less . d IssivwL Tile • . upants escaped uuinjuretl, and
They knew new hove dotes ire J,eha a., i•s►.ta was stared.
cared foe the order akar re 4 ale' I l'►u Seuday moraine at about 3.30
its, po:,tical purputes.aa•ithey kn�.w.t.,,, '•, Mil. &et:3T a. Kirkbride, whose bedroom
hew the sea orae kart ',N -elk tnllitax tilt : a op the 1..wer 2:kw of .their house on
Stanley amoral, were awakened by a very
wttciety s wires, have hal y .leiea!! tweeh - 'sewer. evade, thunder, and immediately
went in view. aaai, wet s:eeirl u:. due, hard their sun Alae, calliu., as
t sr,iggsis,w „sly •, far ere ,,,....4.„ tad, d souse street alwi+►er was impending.
ranee T Ih. GirkterMe hurried rip stairs, and
etyma anti tbawset:/tr. R'isb I gk,e1id to bugs b•'tror that his observation
6"r' r• ' r.•,ti the!" so•w sir.• t :c 4."47P- tow caseose. tsat "the 1i'•htniiu had
t:odertrh. t'trler rad searrrlb I:speelally
l lsllyd \• I i'.r. Lo•1.
Saturtlay i•venine lest :Oxen 8,30
o' t a heavy' thuth,irrstaavu burst over
this ectiou, and for a ceuplo of hours
a ill•. - • r:einf lI
a set ie. this !i erns
)lI K
was very vivid, and the detouattuns if
thunder were frelueut and heavy. 4.round
this immediate vicinity comparatively
little damage was done, although our
advices frons ..tside points indicate
heavy disasters in other lecalitios About
2 o'olock on Sunday morning
ANOTHER THI'?'PE}: -talon which was far more violent and
destructive, so far as Uoderich a is con -
the -heaviest that lad sleeted this sectieu
ey et'' t'gesc wt.• hare been • engem* " testis i►' swwwhete near them. The
the •tend •. anti • s u4'.e 'res ere l.e t o yowls was tilled to snfocation with
the stints, ft' as the burning feathers ,.f
in_ a griMt the poem'
chg. 604.. which ha•1 been struck, and WAS
rt' s•Ktiety l,: eo et' t• satiate t`.r ..`:•t 1 hsiris.J * t along; thte`sil . The window
t agar .. "ten T:• was ..••rn 111 tit* worth trot . f the house,
seta tie bas e,,,gese. .tee etel the,e:tctsi, il.i,t hait,t hate run
sea; t::•r
sed, bmrnib • et ery tllia4 115 It
Jou* zeab.w• •tLsteo for -ha i«St' , worst. The plead sof the pea was ipuite
Calle' e L ,.: nr•;,-rr,�:.:"
lllan>,rs . di woes: Tile Ltt.r ie:l w ha.i a nar-
ans m' t„nsidersib:e wlrs .. ” 1+ a e- aa.o from. Melt. bcr:ed to death.
emir L. eythe.• ha T°:r tenses were extiueLished by pour -
At it r*o1an: circ; ria t f `.t)iiis e.eltet the "i=•ea, t"te e•,atents if a jai. • ,f water over
r -
TIM telm operators strike is still
unsettled. The hien are acting in a re-
spectable way, and hate much sympathy
with then), esprecislly the 1"sited States
As Vtime�itt�balon the lgtl of July
at Blyth fired of a heeled rep'Ieer t,. get
attention from the proceseieouists. The
ball entered it house, and struck a Mitten
on • wornan's dress. The gallant marshal
wee fined a:, and Coate seal day for set-
tints off flrearns within the rlorporati.xi
cetrtwn 4 4ranRetnsrt JIM'S $. arty uj ,•
t Ian'.114 tc :tf•}14 \:
the ..ld Loo•f<r, wa, made an hoa^.raty J '.ui 1 u e, the night watchmen, in
Member, and gate a stirring ad -treys s
The fullowing is a synopsis ; —
" In relation to the' Orange systt w, 11
has been rrostituted iar politica! per-
p,oses. He was delighted to meet with
them again and take the noble stand
they had taken. He regretted to see
Grand Master, Major Bennett, a mere
dummy. He did not object to him be-
ing n civil servant, hut he objected to
having a dummy for a (:rand Master.
He saw Sir John Macdonald taking a
Fenian into the Senate, and when he
remembered how they had t e send
Orangemen to the front to keep the
Fenians back, it was a poor compliment
m to deny evenhanded justice to them.
When the Orange Bill was up in the
'House Hon. Mackenzie Bowen sat
sileut. The night Sir John„ was made
an Orangeman he (Mr. Beaty) told hint
he (Sir John) had only joined for politi•_
cal puriioses. He was glad to sleet
again with his brethren, and gire his
assistance 'to the object of the Brother-
hood in endeavoring to rescue the Orange
Association from the grasp of the politi-
cal wire -pullers, and regretted that Sir
John with the Quebec Blues was now
rubies Ontario with an iron hand. He
Mr. Beaty; carried the first Uranee Hag
inTuo 'reroute,
t and he hoped h would'c
e live
to catty the first Orange flag of this L.
O. I:. in Toronto also."
( N another page will be found hints
on the treatments of persons rescued
from drowuin_. A ',usual of the very
simple rules given will give A very clear
idea of the proper mode of dealing with
those snatched from a watery grave in
an unconscious condition. It is a good
thing to,know just what to do in case of
a drew -nine acci•leut, in order to call
back 1 lire and activity the seeming
death .
I THE fate of peer. Webb is a sad one.
He appears t•., have been a loan ,.f geed
habits. but he over -rated hit ability to
cope with the rain, waters .1 Niagara
sit the \\'hirleoel, and lost his life in the
' attcnii�t to master the terril,le torrent.
HE wwit111 the Enelish channel a number
of year+ a:;o,the tide nlakiu, the instance
eettivalent to :SO miles, in a't hours. He
task rufrtshlneftte on that occasion while
treading water. Ilia 'swim down the
rapids on Tuesday is said to have been
admirably item).
kin •f the storm to a reporter of
lett eet.s.'id : "W U, yes, you'd bet-
ter `shote is was a t-ild st, •rru—it was a
ale ;e ] icn:c ar-d en electric display and
p i - :own in gratis_ I don't
I..e.,: :.t tune uclock: *term, which was
a .i lithe oil of the kind : I am now
the one that set in after two
• t ..: it Su netay , lw ming. - It was h
st r n. I v:1 y u—ut was the biggest
dross in the shape of thunder and light-
nin; and a downpour that I ever saw
this aide .:f the Atlantic. l'ou see, a
little heft re two o clock. in making my
roubd. 1 discovered ,that the front .dour
of Naftel s hardware store had been left
unlocked. and I at once stated down -to
Jack Payne' house, he- being the head -
clerk. to have him lock it. He accuwl-
panted lee tt, the tequare, and on the
way in-.) the storm broke uut furiously
and gave us a benefit, and don't you for-
get it. After locking the ,door of the
hardware snore, 'Payne , thought it wt';
more comfortable resting under the shel-
ter ••f the verandah than •padJline down
home a_ain in the d•,tvng)out•. for by this
time the streets were fleeciest, and the
S(p)are peeked like a lake. In many-
places the water had risen level with the
sidew•nik. and I bean to think that
•� t
forty t c,a • s and nights of such lou
d damp-
would demonstrate to the most un-
erthetlnx that such a thing asa Hood was
amengs'tthe i,robabilitie9. Several times
1 threw a stick across the rtreet, and my
dee "Tip.-' althou_h a gond-sized fellow
had t•• swim di order to bring it back
to ole By this time the • Hat roofs
of the dwellings around the Square an
beinin t•, leak. and the inmates,' male p
and female. had a big time endeavoring st
to divert the streams ••f water that a
poured in upon thea i The majority i til
of them weren't dressed for cempauv,-1 M
in faust
tumereial hotel, uwnud by John
Hawkshaw, was unroofed, the roof Leine
carried a distance of .73 feet, smashing
the telegraph poles in its career. Mr.
ttawkshaw•s lies, ie is feared, will be
quite heavy. The Central hotel was also
shaken up, and a needier of the wiudow
completely smashed The 'fettered store
of Mr. Irate Ceiling received wouderfel-
lj bad tr artu*ut. The etsatetat front
on the top of the building was blown if,
and came dor, 15 upon the sidewalk, seve-
ral persons narrowly escaping with their
lives, aiming wheel war Regivald Elliott,
who had a very narrow escape, he just
gettiu:e ••u the step when the load fell.
The Jlcthodist church. on Maio -at. ha
a ps r,ieu of the reef blown utf, whit:
was carried a great elegance and smash
inns Jr:imolai. The interior of the
church was somewhat, dimsyted by the
ceiling falling in. The comgregatiuu was
eostp elle d to hold ser: ice to_dnyy in the
basement in consequence. The Goss will
be heavy. The residence of S. W. Hall
was ahatteitei in a meet terribly utauuer.
The south and west stilus of the building
were blown int tlu•ottgh the thews. Ten
young tidies wile were tithing Mr. Hall
had very harrow escapes. It appears
the parties were in the been preemies;
for their slumber, whim one of thews
har:ng • cession to testa the rt•uo • the
other tel:owed, and es they were closing
the door behind theca 'the crash was
heard, and the bricleecame tuuubiuu in-
to the room. The baby alto had a nar-
row eecat•e. It was lying,; in the cradle
Whelk' the bricks from the. ether side
collapsed, falliitb• in areuud the baby,
but fortunately out injuring it. The
hotel at the station was uurufcd, the
roof being carried about 200 yards. Imus
very heavy. About :'00 trees were up -
routed. MIestere Fred nod Frank
Knight were carried a distance of •.i feet
by the wind while returning hone. They
were not seriously injured. Exetdr4te•
day presents a most dilapidated appth-
ance. The road is covered with trees and
pieces of houses. Trattic last night was
impossible. The total loss will be at
least $5,000.
Crtewsyo is derJ.
Carey is said to be in some of the Brit•
ire eelnuelra
Portage la Prairie, with a population
of seam 11,000 souls. lois a debt of n77.
A oro n
tear snot ha at b boon issued t t �
tawa quarantining vessels fret) Mlediter-
r.uteau ports.
Niuett'uu British heed Cly}dadalu
horses, were jtrnded ui D'luntreal Satin:day, feu t1p"kest.
Thu French have taken it luilrtwil idea
from A►ueiica. One company has a sys-
tem e1 clinger cat's en its line.
Wilcox, in jail at Dee Moines, ,.n a
efmr4u of murder, had s Clay tot insanity
from joy on learning that the real slur•
Jeret Mid been caught.
Three hundred British immigrates ar-
rlvtd ut Mentrcal 11Iondey night en neat
to the Nerth•sest, and 36e morethe tol-
li.wiug 1114111 for the same destivatieu.
• Sir John's knowletletkof constitutional
law dill ort serve hitt 1 in Loud stead ilk
the Musser escheat t,ase. Does lie know
any more elk the beunlary •question !—
Ad vertiser.
This Hee. \fait, Eller. 1'r •viueitl Sto-
retery of New Brunswick, died sudden-
ly out Tutsday. He was pr.oI rieter au t
editor of the St. Juba i'ed!, T.'•••n,g,:..
He was aged G.' years.
Sulu* ann./kelt 1o1,14hs ilk Montreal at-
tacked a ceuntrytuau oaten Riby on.
Monthly Light, and beat lilts severely,
under the imtwvesion that Ile was the
Irish informer, Carey.
Ch dere has *,read t e Ittuasa, where a
few cases are sepni'ta'd • The eshmenee
of fist dread dieter* at Lorelei, ta.t
dasutni. The French G,.terneeeat intend
eructing s se -Mange c•wails* ,a t.. Fory}•t
to investieste the ctae4ea.
A l••. named T•leeaasi, near Milwau-
kee, kid in the sews to ssrprsse has tat
er wise nail dtlefsq 4 aa.'wte ' The fat
et did ago nee the hiss , sig• • w eery h
and s..»k .1 hie ke.
Isteht 11.
J. Strachrul has returned home fret)
Sault Stu I►lariu touch twpreve•l in
health, anti rill likely 'seen bis in II oh/ -
rich with wuuu of his lltullop ehuurl to
give the quoiters of your towu a b: use
with the u is Hs reports thecre e in
1 lx' p
region nal
that rt t u err looking well. He
lila g was a<
t, byi u t
n antedhis son Archie n►
cu p A his rte.
turn. Archin is going to, Toronto
medical treatment, h tine injure 1
eye ill this copper null ,
,,, 1' •s
D _ 1 I. TI►it lone s ,�t
. t put 1
game of croquet het Steel gnu o1 our I,ael-
ung let-belt/re and the Dunlop journalist
came Alen on Monday tart. Beth wur •
ly supported by a fair paltrier, All
'yeti with great sp:rit, and a !tattling'
e f spet't•itors eagerly' watched the result.
After a atruzgle of half an hour the Dun-
lop colors went to the fere and soured
the game. A bachelor friend frueu til••
w.uth end scrod as umpire t„ the g►tis-
fttct wen of all. ",lou" too. Isis deka; ill
ge'4• nature.
One leaf,. nllrereure.
The knot is tied.
'Tee er,a,m and bride.
Without an early earn,
Sail up the take,
t% here they cwt lake
t (hole sun and air. gees by,
rI In July
comes a ah i•s ll. -a( std glare ;
They seek the lake.
Hat *ow they take
.l little sou an,1 bear.
Tse Mer tel Ne a. stlsai.
New fork, July 21.---Ju.lement was
rendered yesterday in fat'nr of Edward
Backs, the tsars., t:he well C. Y. J.
1 ►keul.srg f,.r ttt9150 for !loud takes fruits
Ranks fur traoafurton into Okenberg's
tents, white the latter was partially
ass,+:yiirtlsti. This us ten cents a drop.
�" the bersetd I1r W. •H. Baer 1. agent
a l.nrti..o stem stens, feun,lation and
La enneriese ss aa *t-er.
err The *este meets! torn of Mr. T. like
y.1te sere or' that censor of the Maitland
IT .T1IIKE, t41 LtiCE• . Farther t clads •4 the cyclones' lII'albi
A fearful sterol of thunder ;mol light- Itaiwla. Mich., ea )r•.adsr,, atasw than
11iug and rain and Lail paaaed over flue- entire desk of ,hsps wee W,.iw -sae.
and Muss* u.,t Macy teem f. mad Barns
and Dadaism) were ales, • ;vereartsred.
be: and neighborhood Sunday. A house
was struck by the electric deed a'ud com-
pletely destroyed on one bide of the St- Anee a earache. •.' Neireads,a sato
Law 'e 15,5(1 a '•,nut's and .a horse Italy and :Is ewers Maj, ebili ss to he r
killed by another Hash on the other. etaoagpeeet mesa as sic `oirld. He Omer
Considerable damage was also lone to ! the rt:441lw unser .,f ilii right head to
growing crops in some pleeer by the hail- j doe the ftt . a Iwo,* wevietr s; le
stones, which measured 05 t•1• an inch in headeed • ••stsade aittf
d` e hies t„ a nal
diameter. foot •
• It is a peculiar feet that tot of all t
Deane of Mr. de*age. - .'Eery petitioners in eleeteese areae M., lar
exeinlned net one et:them [new or aood
From De Toronto Glob. tell where the treaty came from tk
It is with regret that we announce the they bad t•, put up with the 'petitions
death of Mr. Redmond John t)ruuzh, • st ursty f, r coati.. The "thin bey
City' Engineer, which occurred 'at ' hos' the tree" mint hate took ut clown f
residence on $loon -street Wein on them. Eli, lair John.
Saturday afternoon. On the 12th inst. The tug Frank Moffat collided wu
Mr. Brough, while out driving in Lour
pally with Mr, Emerson Coatsworth, the ferry steareer lithe tr .rtes
City Commissioner, was thrown from a St. Clete River, at the mouth of Bla
buggy to the street in front of the CityRiver, opposite t't sidon near the
in_ her en the pert side the
Hall, breaking his thigh. He was im- and sinking her. There were a numbs
mediately taken home, and. uptoa day or of passengers en the Dormer at the tit
two ago his medical attendants thought but all were rescued, and ne ,gives we
he was in a fair way for recovery, st'hen host. The Deemer mat Werth $4,(#I5)
the • discovered y sc resod that he had been injured pg OtgO, hr,pyably, and was net insured.
internally and inflammation had set In.
This led to conplications,andonSaturday se he
i Il a telt the tads sibilitcaused
of stile
tnoruing the doctors gave up all hopes ofy
hisr.tcorerl'. Mr. BrDu: h, the eldest sen
! Government assuming control of the
of the late Sticker Bnugh, Judge of the ( telegraph service. The telegraph is sine-
Coutt of Probate fitr Upper Canada, was ply another and snifter wayof carrying
burn in,Toronto gilt August 10th, 1816, elle mail, and it is said that it should be
and educated at the Model Grammar owned and controlled by the country and
School and Upper Canada College. He illC rper,ted with the postal pystem.
matriculated at the University of Tutus-
The difficulties in the way of the Guy -
to in 181'9, and in the year 1e70-eIitag- eranlent in assunline control of the tele;
ed in Government drainage surveys. grana service would he many, but it is
The sante year he was etnpli•yed on the 1'3 no means an impossibility:
construction of the Air Line Division of Mary Havens Brenham Fox writes
the GreatWestern
Railway,...this ,
s a ire '
and- su t clativ . • , \
bse i el ,f
Liu g
3 tr
utl • o
t n�
the Ilialduring I .II
n line s. Lurgt .
Ithe r n , o
lay- ,
rcm:u•kahlo we-
iug of the double track between when 1 man, On a tine ceuui iexion, a good
ser and Glencoe. During the time- of
his engazement with the Great Western
Railway he was employed. to examine
and report on the ?fooretown Branch of
the Canada Southern Railway, and also
upon pertiuns of the \V'ellingtcn, Grey
d Bruce Railway. In 1874 he wasap-
tented Assistant Engineer in the con-
ructien of the Toronto Water ‘forks,
nd subsequently Chief Engineer. On that thele is a limit beyond which office -
retirement of Mr. Shanty in 1880, seekers ahould not go. One of the
r. Brough was appointed City En i- tripe, Logan McKee, of Kentucky, was
eer and Manager of the Toronto Water recently introduced to hint as a Republi-
Works, which office he herd at the time can constituent. Instead of the mite -
his death. In addition to the above, wary handshake, the President placed
r. Brough was engaged ,.11 several his right hand behind his back and said :
,gated works, and was consulted by "I have been made acquainted with Mr.
many municipal cerp••matiuns as to many Logan McKee !Mine sixty times. His
engineering works undertaken by them. face is as familiar as,the White House or
He was an associate of the Institute of the cai,itel. I have no desire to see hien
Civil Engineers of England. a member again. At last advices McKee had w.t
of the Society of Civil Engineers, and got the office 110 t(ught.
also of the American Sotciyty of D1e hani- The 1 ,acheler. are about to have a
cal EnruIueers. He was a man Much re- hard tinie of it. In Manitoba it is pre-
spected by the c•erhnretien employees posed to tax these fifty dollars a year.
and the general public. In France, one of the amendments to
From the Toronto Evening T'elegtram• the militarylaw proposes
all the
His untimely and melancholy death bachelors into the first class of treserr s,
cut short a career that appeared to bedeoeto be called out first in time ,.f war, and
stined to be one of great usefulness both compelled 111 time of peace to extra drills
ha himself and the citizens of Toronto. and manonvres• It alae retains them
• on the list of rrserses for twelve years of
A remarkable exhibition ..f dicing was
'six years, the term for married men
en in the Schuylkill River at Reading,
, on the 14th inst., by John Fry, a
ver 25 years of age. A cerresp nud-
writes : —After doing a ;rood day's
rk on Saturday he appeared at the
er bank dowsed in liathin,p tights at
tri. , acorn filmed by his trainer.
iron weights, weighing twenty-one
nada, were tied to hes beep.. He went
• the water until thirty feet from
re, waist deep, and then wit down on.
bottom of the river. Atu attendant
d near hint and commenced handing
rd boiled eggs down to the man. Fry
• ar(trri.
t tlw /he !soh asst.. at the bride's n.Wsac.•, by
hr '4e kn. Ire. 1'rr. Thomas Hood to Jane.
• hasd iaaptee of trawls Laird, hep., of
• *wares, t'etsa•y 1 t an it.
{E W. F. F(M►T, t►Ntl.t,NI,TAND
de ctaisataster of St. George's Church. is
Se rive !hairnet ton in the following
of `wniese seedy viz : -name Organ
Ise (teiiselsh and canteen 1 spacing at sight,
eakratore. tbesewrh ease end harmony. At M r.
• Rost has had 'natty years a tperienee both ere•
d city bad country, a thorough. traintnR%�w7�• be
at e. spelled by pupi6. vocal ulassee It rant•.
I dealt with. Pupils on rhu:rh organ can date
as ; use of Instrument. Terms moderate.
uF Prot -Jose '
ee Township of .lshfield,
1' Till:
• The 'tow iher baa reerived Instructions.
r (turn Mir. Samuel Johnston. executor, to sell by
Public Auction,
Wednesday, Aug.8 1883
At the Western Hotel. 1Whitely'st Goderieti.
at 1 o'et•s k p.m. that farm known as North.
half of West half of Lot No. 7. in the and Con.
F:. P. of the Township of Ashrtt•td. containing
so aerie, more or Tess. The lot is timbered
with hardwood and cedar.
TERMS.—$100 to be paid on day of sale ; t0
percent of purchase money- within one month
from date of tale; and the balance
ments to,puit purchaser.
Per further !!,»rtieulam apply to `SAMUEL
JOHNSTON, Lot _1. ('un, J. Goderich Town-
or to
JOHN KNt►1, Auctioneer.
July 2e0, I•i.St. 1901-21
head of hair, a grasp .,f a mouth, large
wholesenle teeth, n bust as flit as a Bus
ton cracker, very ugly arms, abnormal]
big hands and fret, wickedly slender an
soils) -kneed legs, a very shamble of
walk, a violently corseted waist, she ha
eatablished a reputation for beauty el
most divine." ".,I .
TheCheap Tea Store.
s A LARGE SC'f1'1:1 OF'
President Arthlfr evidently believes
, their drapery was about as scant n
metines see .•n the statues uf' 1
rat Greek ;eels and goddesses in of
e�x7thibitions 1 guess Payne and M
Ire only mortals in modern walk- !s•
it (*tunic around the Square that
nljorning, and as the electric light loads
etaerything more plainly visible than
ht, the sights at times were real,
IN another cawwnin alltsstvn is made at
greater length to an inteAgting report
issued by the authoetty of the Ontario
Government e,i the subject of tho "Ne-
cessity tt.f Preserving and Replanting
Forests." The author is the well-known
writer R. W. Phipps, and the book is
far more readable than the ordinary
Government report. Mr. Phipps' pips
for the prntectien of oar forests is a good
erre, and it is a phase oI "pretecti,.n" in
which we are in hearty acaerd with tie
talented pamphleteer. W o have on hiv
a number of copies of this report, ahe
graphically written pages of which hettre
Mid u, for an hour or two during a very
busy afternoon.
Two farriers in Leioester knee hien
tined a shilling each with epee for dock- i
wag a horse's tail. was proved that f
the operation was il.ful and u'snoops-
tare, And perforated only in conformity
with fashion. Another inhuman pred to
is the cutting of does' ears, a celsiums
which will undoubtedly fall into dieter c
ander the fear o1 the law,once it becomes
kr.nwe seek praetiees are timinaiul. t
a Cunpeugn n house on R-
e wits the }fret place struck, and
tlyl neat was Rothwell', ; then there wee
ileo racket, and I thought the
'back had tumbled out of Crabb'*
This must have been when ti
g(Itj`3j( Alick Kirk bride's. The lightning
very vivid, and at the time thtllti
to be something in the stood.
that every once in a while, when
a teH, emitted the hair to raise a
lied' an one s head. I Am not a parti-
ct,larly nervi 'us man. and neither us .lack
Payne, but we both felt considerably re-
lieved when the heavy display was
over. •
skarOATJH st'FFEns.
The large freight eked of the G. T. R. w"
utas struck by lightning during the storm nv
on Saturday evening. G. A J. Jscksou r I
lose fro), $10,000 to $12,000 on livers. N.
Rev. Dir. Hill will lose en household
furniture, Ant] several o1 our merchants
on gods. The t nal 1• -ss wilt be ery
pttIA61: AT KIN, - MOINE.
During a heavy rain and thunderstorm
.m Saturday night. about 9 o'clock, light -
nine struck the two frame warehouses e f
the N. W. Transp station Company,
owned by II. T. Ilurden ; aIse a frame
building adjoining, owned by R. Baird.
The contents of b••tlt places were con-
sumed. In the warehouse was stored a
cotnst,leral•lo quantity .,f freight, a large
number of trunks belonging to paaaeng-
n, end a year's supply t f prruvisons
or the light heti* keeper et Duck
exit -reit erprart.v 't.trre.
t 1n Sstur.lsy erenin,, shut 9..20 „'- ,
leek, a terrible st,•rin of nun and wind
pawed over thee place. creating most in -
awe excitement Hotels. churches and
The amendment is conceived in the hope
of f,rcine the smart young bachelors of
Franco into Matrimony.
A load of hay 22 feet in length, 14
feet wide and 10 feet high was recently
drawn into the baton rip the bridge by
WA:. Bettie's bay team. Aleck Mc-
Le'.d built the big load, and W. G. Bogie
did the pitching.'
Lek them one by one and devoured
there while under water. Several hret•
zels were also eaten in the same way.
Ile was exactly two minutes At this meal.
He next sat down, and takings bottle :Joshua of Port
of pear eider he drink every drip ,.f expense of
whets under water, in forty seconds
The next exhibition was remaining under g y shout the numberppaaof
water two minutes with his month open. hens lie do not wonder that lushes
About 1,000 persona witnessed the feats. is interested bo t
He remained under water at one time in for rine to feel solicitude for their kind.
a recumbent t:wusition three anti rine- If w prize was
ere} offered for A stuffed
f-tirth minutes He says he is sib t,i
eat four boiled eggs and two pretzels i carse,d by Joshua Juggles majority. win the red
under water e1 one sitting and time. card a large We may ro-
to our anserine friend of Port Al.
\'enner predicts a very dry August, bort again. The weather is t,n wenn for
with intense hoot and short spells o1 I plucking such fowl just slew Jo, M tr-
ot eeld, with frost at nigh w top,
( )ne of our farmers seldra horse to a
"to.derich township farmer for 11175 one
day last week.
The facetious ,los ,
Albert, !Hakes merry at the
yours truly, and dubs us "Pref." He
seems ver anxious
)slings hatched out here by Spanish
a u geese, aa it is sat
OF _vitt. KININS.
Fresh Groceries
Also a fine assortment of
Crockery Ghzssware
Teas a Specialty
THE Ir.1tt1.IX(: Irl i'l I;t tl.
I\" 11. I I It -I/1.<
Teas a Specialty.
Alto* splend.d a..oren,ni of
Tilt Gmelet:. (01.1hRICB.
July 2t'. Wt.
will be sent 14, any tuldre•es for the
IJ.1L✓.NrF, OF 1883
60 Cents.