The Huron Signal, 1883-07-27, Page 3• dionorolL t'l1E i! I RON a«:Ar AL, FRIDAY • JLTLY 27, 18r. Farm atO if arbsn. Eater rlewltsg tee fat. mints. The tint object gained by early plow • ung, U tour for the proper preparation of the seed bed. All p edible fertility should b1 grade middy avoidable. To to so, it &heuld ie wlublu, and division aids solution. The ground becomes haul in July and August, and if plowing is de- layed to. lung, the soil breaks up in herd lumps. If plowed early, it will town up m•,iet and fine. Run and it it ' .o..- ture's two great dieiuteerttine farces. Seeds germinate quickly elle Weide grow rapidly in a firms mewl -bed The increase of insect enemies of wheat makes late suwine. coupled with rapid, vigor"us growth, desir..t.le. Helve, tie importauc.• of a tine seed -lied, which also prevent.' much freezing ort of the planta. T.. make the seed bed fires, it must must tint b. tine. It is not a hard soil, but compact, tine soil that is desired. It may be compacted w ith the race and harrow ; but if the farmer, by ohne. plowing, can gtiu the aiduf .. heavy stele, it will save hint touch 1.b.or, and i:.x:11 1. the work of prepari t. the soil far tetter than he can alone. Another .ebjeet g..iued by r.te) ;dew- ing is the destructiun of weeds They are robbers of the wheat, and the s.o..ner • their growth is stepped by plowing, the less plant -food they will take fnon the sell. E.rly plowing will d.atroy then' before they mature their s •ede, and thus prevent perpatu:.tin; their kind. Late pluwing admits of a large growtk,and when this is tinned under by the plow, it is imp..edible tie cu.x;.act the seed bed, and the green manure affords a harbor for eneullea. Early plowing admits of a hotter ap- plication of manure Manure is most needed in autumn, and to beatei.ce avail- able to the recta of the young plant. it must be tine and near tite surface ; not on top of the ground, but thoroughly in- corporated with the upper layer of suit. If the ground is plowed early, the man ore can be applied to the surface, and the work of preparing the seed -bed will fine it and mix it with the sol. C•.m- taercial manures should be sown with the grain. Early plowing admits of atmospheric fertilization. Whether it directly adds the elements of fertility of the soil or only frees and unlocks that which it al- ready possesses, is immaterial. Plow- ing the land exposes a gaster surface and permits of the easy passage of the an into the interior of the soil.---[ entertain Agriculturist for August. New to lake • taws. In making a lawn now, r. at any other season, it is well t, recollect that the work is to liedene f .r n •toy years, and in no ap. of the grounds will thorough preparation, deep tilling of the soil, and abundant fertilizin„ pry b.lt:or than here. In a lawn considerable •zteht, it is a mietake to .appose that it is neees- sery to redoes the surface t , a dead level. Fur small gnus plots, on small places, this may be desirable, but a large law 1 appears to much better advantage if the surface is gently undulating. V.rious mixtures of seed are .f'ereI by •'ie seeds men. Some of these seen to be well coasidsred, but and .hl eg more unsuited 'to our clients than tho "F ench Lawn Grass," can nut be % nsgi•ted. Probably not a third of the kinds of gr -s it is said to contain, will survive in our cl i •rte. Tbj best lawns we ever had were sown with "Kentucky B.ue-gress' and "Rhode Island Bent" (a,vl'-iety of Red - top), in boil eases a SW 111 amount of "White Clover" was added. Fur strong sells, the termer, fur light aed sandy ones, the latter, w•'1 uo doubt give satis- faction. In buying grass seed for a lawn, look we:I to its qu tiny. Some seed of Kentucky lilue-grass 'the ..me ea June Orassl sells for twice the price of others, and is worth four times as much. Chaff dues not always cover seed. and the samples s)buld bo • -eful'y in - w etted.. The advice to use from three to sight bushels of teed to the acre, is f•thnded upon the uncet.a'm gaelity. of seed. Probably four bushles of fairly good scud would be ample. Tho seed should be divided • ito two or four equal portiena, and the sowing made, after thoroughly preparing the soil, in different directions. The seodway be brushed in, hut rat t'.: •••n. a goal rolling wttl gee a *efficient covering. tVltere the lawn bet -dela em roads or paths, or on shniolot•ty or ether plantations. It will to best tee hay n melon 11f tett, sot inches or mere in width. Ver small rs-2a, tl.e laying id sods is advisable, and this may be duras auwas well as in spring. In most lutelities, a common, or the read tides, will Wally *third a tine, cle ewe turf. The •til. in this • two rd.null 1,o Mtborwtihly 'eel :tied a. f seethee, and the tad well beaten d ,ecu, to bring its roots in d• se contract with the soil. 0 nee emty to cover ateep banks, suds mast be used. Thele may he held 'in place by the sae of pens ; ;titterers 25th split, me best. These will .1.•.•a) by the films tl:e sod hen, all well ,.tabhslted. — t n Aatirollaral far Algal. Tr,Masnatt stela II/wlease. l'he Pr.rutoid Beard el Health has i..,tud the fell ow ing rales for the treat- leeet of Browing persuas, with the hope lust wwyoue well rend them we u to know how to act in ..0 emrrgeloy :-- Rule 1 - Premed et u1(e to employ rule's* to restore breathing. Do nut de - ley teat 111 order to procure shelter, warmth, stimulants, etc. Rule 2. — Knn..ce elf obetrwetio.0 to h,Ir,,thirty. —Instantly hwsen or cut apart all neck and waist bends ; turn the pa- tiymt en his Lice, with the hued lower then the feet ; stand astride the hips,.' ill•. year face towards his he.td, and, hocking utin,urs te..,tiler under his belly, the body as high as you ate with- •-' lifting the feruliea.l off the ground awl give the lb.ly a setert jerk to re- mooye mucus and water from the mouth and windpipe. Hold the body suspend- ed tong enough to al .wly emelt ,one, two, three, four, live, repeating the jerk more gently two or three times. Rele 3. --Next place the patient ell his back un a Nat surface, inclined a little nom the feet upwards, raise and support ,he heal and shoulder on a firms cushion er folded article ..f dress, placed under the shoulder blades. Cleanse the mouth and nstrils, open the metal', draw for- ward the tongue, securing it there either by holding it with the fingers, er by a piece of string er an elastic bonne placed over it and under the chin. !tutu 4.—Grasp the patient's arms just abe•e the elbws, and draw them gently and steadily upwards until meet above the heed. This is fee the purpose of dr..wiug air into the ledge.) Keep the arms in this position for two seconds then turn them down and press them hnnly end go.tly for two seconds against the sides of the chest, pressing at the saute time on the breast and abdo- men. (This is with object of pressing al- out of the lungs.) Pressure on the oteest-bene and ab- iumen by an aasistant will aid this ac- tion. Repeat these measures alternately and deliberately until a spontaneous effort to breathe is perceived, immediately upon which seam to imitate the movements of breathing, proceed to induce circula- tion and warmth. Rule 5. —To e.tcitr Respiration.—Dur- ing the employment of the above meth- ods excite the nostrils with snuff er smelling -salts, or tickle the throat with a feather. Rub the chest and dash cold ani hot water alternately upon the pa- tient. D•, not be t,,. sen discouraged. Re- member that at any time within two hours your efforts may be successful. Rule 6.— To induce (irr,fet' and Wur,nth.--After breathing is commenc- ed wrap the patient in warm blankets, and apply bottles of hot water, hot bricks, of anything to restore hr tit. Warm the head nearly as fast as the body, lest oonvulsions should be induced: Rubbing the body with warm cloths, or with the hands, and slapping ,the fleshy parts may assist to restore warmth and breathing. If the patient can swallow with safety give hint hot coffee, tea, milk or spirits. Allow the p.tient to have abundance of fresh air. Caere!. social. The neadase of babes. So many people are under the bond- aee of souse petty habit that they cease to be peculiar, although more or leas ef- !ensire. There are pers,us who public- ly perform personal uttiiee• of the tuslea : who have a trick of bringiug out a ,,en - kudos to clean, scrape, pare and polish their nails ; who are always .o,0511g their hair, and stroking their whiskers ; who, if they are afflicted with tapes, can- not leave them alone; who pick their teeth et odd tithes, pluok out their neigh hair, seratch their heads, settle their dies, pull down their weistc,tts, tighten tlheir bands, arrange their cuffs, Nick off the dust from their knees—who, 51101..15, are forever end perpetually performing, with the happiest unconsciousntu of of- fence included, little personal offices ahicg a refined person could not dream of executing in public. Nearly allied to them :ore the Imelda who cannot stand e relight ; they el•e too the right, or they h Leg to the left ; they hoist nue kuer, yr they twist one le,; round another : and it seems to be num than they can possibly accomplish to sit with their feet on an plane without crossing or nursing .ane foot over the other leg. Another kind, bites its nails : and another jumps up and down , acether has a cough that it only a trick ; and another snuffles at every third word. This put offender is wholly offensive, by the way, and should be frowned down ; he is not fit for decent s wiety.- Mr. Thompson frowns con- stantly ; and Mr. Brown arches his eye- brows. One ran whistlea; another hums ; a third makes a noise which is between both, and yet is neither .one nor the other. Sono twitch their mouths, and some flutter their eyelids ; seine shut their eyes when they speak, others open theirs to their widest extent. Some toss the' • h ds ; others rub up their hair ; seine lite their lips, which is ugly, and some bite their cheeks, which ishideuus; and so .,n and on, in endless variety. If an7ene of ordinary poerceptions will take the trouble to observe, he will find an endless variety of thesetrices as transact- ed by his friends and acquaintances ; • •me har,nleee, deme even petty, but for the most part ungraceful and many da - trusting. The following calculation was made by a pastor whose church, some time ago, got up a festival, and handed hint e25 as the result to go to help the stipend. Many others might do the same and Como to very much the same result. Here is how the affair ate,ud at the finer reckoning :— .'AMH AMOUNT NOT REPORTED BY THE '• FINANCR COMMITTLE." 20 cakes (donated), at 75c. 30 gta.strawberries (done.) at 1:c. 4 t) e.Jgar (begged) 1.50 Labor of 15 women two days 22.50 ()the- labor (donated': 5.00 Via motif he to i ed Inch mere mai Iv if dipped fret sn ins *M in boiling wa• a ('ietOLaa♦ M.oeats Hum n • ' a , 1 peke, Total $48 50 MOk1AL A.•.UCNT. T. ladies' prayer-moetinvs lost. Two church prayer -meetings greatly dis- turbed. 1 erne teachers' meeting lust. One Sabbath servile injureit Every merchant in town bored by "church beggars Nearly- all the members erthe church end congrettatien nitre et. excited and angered by a useleea discuwon. Eight women so eecit'eed and angered as t•, melte then' unhappy fora len!', time. Two women "sisters' is the thsu b& se "pot out" with cab other that they were not on speaking terms for • several weeks i The pastor greatly tale -veil -veil and asuetitied' by variety ee: nrrenoes iso c eittec- ' ten with the festival. I[Y.tt alt 1.••-. or Twenty wul.l'n and wria mere wearied toy the feetivai work than hy• whole 1, week of .ordinary duty at home. Five women took severe colds Two children nestle very sig. by ore?. i • hewtiug reel I.•' h• i.e. t hle infantr. takes A SC' . ' -. .1 orae- ' iy dies with thecreeti•. retaking much trouble and expense to the parents. --[Cachange. Total A ore saving Present. Mr. M. E. Allison, Ht"tchinson, Kan., saved his life by a aiiuple Trial Bottle ofe, Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con- sumption, which caused him to prcure a largo bottle, thatcompletely cured him, when Doctors, change of climate and everything else had failed. .asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, and all Throat and Lung diseases, it is guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles at J. Wi4»n's drue store. Large sire 11. (1;: While a coroner was taking the body of a dead negro from Passaic to Paterson N. J., fur interment on Sunday the Moe: circulated that he intended to have the nogro's hide tanned in Paterson. A mob of negroes pursued the corner with wild cries, but he gut to the cemetery ahead. Monroe, Mich., Sept. 23, 1875. Stas—I have been taking Hop Bitters for inflammation of kidneys and bladder. It has done fur me whit four doctors failed to do. The effect of Hup Bitters rt seemed like magic to e. Rrsa W. L. Cams.. "1 had been for eight months unable to work, and felt as though I would as lief die as life, through Dyspepsia and ' -'dig- etiun. I weighed at the time of getting a hottle 05 McGregor's Sdeed Chute130 tbs.; used 3 bottles, and weigh 165 1t.•. and never was better in my life. It was McGregor's Speedy Cure that ImeImelda me around." So saym s Willia Fell, Hamilton. Go to G. Rhyinua drug store and get a free trial bottle or the regular size for fifty rents ant one dol- lar. Do not waste your money, and risk in- juring your hair by purchasing useless washes or oils, but buy something that has a record—a remedy that everybody knows is reliable. Hall's Bair Renewer will invigorate, strengthen, and beautify the hair, restore its color if faded or turned grey, and render it soft, silken and lustrous. see Dr Carson's Stomach putters renter• Coinnifpi',ion, relieve i►i: :nen. dispel Si.': Ilcr•Iaeke. ahnlish tali. %nerve and reeetinte the ! eesnach. Liter and f4tw- With pure blood, contagious fevers end other diseases have no hold on the syr - tent. Dr. Citietm s St ach Bitten reit- eke blood pure and cool. For sale by all Druegistt. Large bottles fifty cont. In the history of medicines no preps ration has received such universal coM- m•ndatiotl for the alleviation it aI rds, and the permanent cure it effects in kid- ney disuasee, as Dr Van Buren's Kianey Cure. its action in these distressing c tninlainte is simply wonderful. Sold by .5, Wilrtn. gni 3 ' U' AI -- - - - punitive cure ter this olangerons Curt. A Ctrs "us AND SHOES plruat and fur all acute . r chronic fors of Bowel Complaint incident to Summer and Fall, ie found in Dr. Fowlers Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry ; tube procure In Endless Variety to suit the most fastute us and th met econutuic buyer At the 1 ildwK Eataleaked Shoo Store in Toe to ed from any druggist. S the ell.wt of Dr. Van Iduruu's Kiduey ea Cure in my se. An elderly lady writes this from Antiguan/6h, N. S., who had suffered from pains in the back fur twenty yearn told by J. %%. aeon Gude- rich. 2m Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters free the system of the poisonous humours that devolve into Kidney and Urinary dis- eases, give tune and vigor to the Stomach and purify the Blood Thousands are being cur.1 c: Catarrh every year with Hall's Catarrh Cure, that he doctors had given up and said could not be cured. 75 cents a bottle. Sold by George Rhynas, sole agent for Gude rich. 3m An Oasis in the desert is no brighter Tight to the wandering Arab than a bottle of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure it to the unfortunate sufferer from Kidney Disease. It is a perfect, positive and permanent cure. Sold by J. Wilson Gederich. 2ne Luer Rnn a.t-itta. —Ladies, you can - net mike fair skin, nay cht•ks, and sparkhug eyes with all the "appoint of France, or beeutitiela .4 the wurid, while ui I•••• r h.•alth, awn nothing will give you such, t i h 1.i •ud.g -'1 h•ealth,strength and beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is certain pr. oof.. One of .••Ir best citreous Would say to dee vablie mat h' has tried Hall's ta- e tarrh ('or •. end it is all eis that ie isne4 f.•r it. P. ; . 73 mitts per beide. !woke 1 be lige, A1j foe, a fie alellt te��N1g• riots. !tie 1 Owe to boor bottles of • Tor tar ins M Hg.l.vnwan- tinted is warnted to core Rhetesss- • tism Gni rsl 1)uhiht}'. Dterisy. . . 11th' •^ret fk,l.l h- '1 dealt - "Why - tot 'tweeted Tbeesaads All over the land are going into ecatacy over Dr. King's New Discovery for Con= smuption. Their uuloeked fur recovery by the timely use ..f this great life Sav- ing remedy, came.*came.*them to go nearly wild in its praise. It is guaranteed to positively cure severe coughs. colds, en - gem*, hay fever„ bronchitis, hoarseness, luso of voice, or any affection "f the throat and lungs. Trial bottle. free at James Wilsuu's drug store. Large size $1.011. (2: Dr. Russell has performed a novel sur- gical operation upon a citizen of Sher- bruuke, extracting from the calf of his leg a collar button, which the latter had mimed for several months. Some men never know when they have a good thing. "Why should amen whose bloui is war wilh,u Sit i se his grandaire cut in alabaster? Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and thin. When "CINOALsasas-umes will make , it grew the faster. For sale by J. Wit ' ec s. 2m • l startling Dlavery. 1 hyaicun s are often startled b;es- markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and all Throat and Tung diseases is daily curing patients that they have gives up t, die, is startling them to realize their sense of duty, and examine into the merit.' of this wonderful discovery, re- sulting in hundreds of our best Phpsi- cians using it in their practice. Trial bottles free at J. Wilson s Drut Store. Regular size 11.0.). (4) steam stea -".111 your own faun if you remain sick when yea can net hop bitters that never—Fait. The, weakest woman, smallest child, te and sickest invalid can e hop hitters with safety and great good. Old men tottering around from Rheu- matism, kidney troebl• or any weakness will be male almost new by using hop bitters. My wife and daughter were niade healthy by the use of hop bitters and I recommend them to my people.—Methe- dist clergyman. Ask any good docter If hop Bitters are not the best family medicineOn earth. Malarial fever, Aeue and Biliousness will leave every noighherhuod as soon as hop bittersarrive. `My nether drove the paralysis and neuralgia all out of her systemwith hop bitters." -(EJ. Oswego Sun. Keep the kidneys healthy with hop hitters and you need not fear sickness. Ice water is rendered hare; les and more refreshing and reviving with hop bitters at each draught. The vigor of youth for the aged and infirm in hoop bitters. lm MY SPRING STOCK Is now complete, and I take pleasure is ufcrnotng any custu►r...' that at uo pre vious'tne have I had such a Large & Varied Stock As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Luwerei the Price unti it is a positive fact that no such value ill fu.ot wear can be got elsewhere. CUSTOM WORK of every grade still receives my prompt and careful att••atioa, and will be made op in the mast approved styles by first -clan workmen, and of the very beat material obtainable. DO w N I N G_ Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. CABINET - MAKER ANI) UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich. A (tied assortment of Kitchen. Bed -room, illn'ng Room andlparlor Furniture. such ea Ta Wee. ('Stairs their. cane and wood seated). Cupboards. Bedsteads, Mattresses. Rash -stands Lounges, Sofas. What -Note, Looking 0lasses. K. S.—A complete assortment of Cohens and Shrouds always on hand also Hearses for hire at reasonable rate . PRI NCIPAL+LIN " Tec aitOKTtse. SIUICIEIT ad REST 11N to at. Jass,4 cation. Topeka. Deal. ma Dellas.Oal- . este,. dM all pints to town, Nebroska,Llroarl, X.n W. Fere Mexico, A. trona, !Co lona and T..... C: HICAS. CA- O 1 has Itoste has sommelier for 11taq L•.. rtinneapott. sod Mt. Peg. Naticeslly reputed r he the • Aron, t LIN KANSAS CITY Cairene! 4 seaweed to Sethi flet tIuippod Railroad 1n t'. aa clan.... 5 • • • Th- )Tt.. Q•kt�rt 141 .5 1 •t tb}I C. s. No h•tteehehl •henbl he er.netdered ( Omen "'replete with•,ut a heftie of Dr. irm, Buren a Kidney 1 hre is in the ''19ee:_ it is the only remedy the, will positively. nsneutl surd promptly core' allforays t 7"4.11:14.' ors Ea balmy d b'y J. IMO =t 11:14' tot A RIwiRn -et elle Arco e'Temmee. ay.' to any note the hest fen? Haar rhyms on "YktritliEV. the reuse:stdw little gear fer the Teedi •-•' R••i.. A.'.. a lt. J,•n�. teed, yew draftiest OT start Ticket A 4ewt, Picture Framing a specialty.—A call solicited 1141 • M 404IN WNO IS UNAOQUAINTED WITH TNI GIOORAPNY O TMS COUNTRY, WIL' US ST il1ArNMNO TNI• MAP. THAT TNT r� nnsapohe . - nes '' iiia• /A• 1e7 "'•, -,,'�I ,11 ti i ;ill, e :ori l F. t•[�flt• .4t -\' .\ 1�,..t� �•iiM•"_-.sur~ �"_.'�'� �a�7te1!••�.fil♦ i � ..,.�—st-x•-- a,7 �tl— �;.� .•,..r-sasaw.,r1. ( I It hrtiViriagt.71,36&Vial OOP/ � i tlP ...,ase.:. •, • /111�xr�+ (a CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND &, PACIFIC R'Y, Rang the Omit Central L; -'s, .affords t0 travelers, by reason of its unrivaled Io0- graptiteal position. the shortest and best routs between the last. Northeast a'V. Southeast, and the Wast, Northwest and Southwest. It Is literally and strtotly true, that its oonn•ctions nre all of the principal Ilnw of road between th• Atiemtlo and this Pacific. Sy Its main line and branches It reaches Chicago, Joliet, Peoria, Ottawa. 5.a Salle. Csn•ee0, Meal;n• and Rock 'Nand, In Illinois; Davenport, Muscatine, Washington, Keokuk. Knosvllle, Oskaloosa, Fairfield, Des Moines, West Liberty, Iowa Olty, Attant:o, Av3oa, Audubon, Harlan, Outhrie Center and OOunott Blues, In Iowa t Cattattn, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, in Missouri. and Leaven- worth and Atohison in Kansas. and the hundreds of ecus, vnlag•c and town• Intermediate. The "GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, Pi he it it tamillary carped. otters to travelers all the advantages and comforts incident to a Smooth track, safe bridges. Union Depots at as connecting points. Fast Impress Trains, composed of COMMODIOUS. WILL VENTILATIO. WELL MATED, FINELY UPNOLSTERED and ELROANT DAY COACHES; a line of the MOST MACNIPWSMT NORTON RSOLIMINO CHAIR CARS ever built I PULLMAN'S latest designed and hand•ewte•t PALACE $LUPINO CARS, and DINING CANS Mat are acknowledged by preen and people to be the FINEST RUN UPON ANY ROAD IM TME COUNTRY. and In which superior meats are served to travelers at the low rate of SEVISTT-PIVE MINTS EACH. TNRM TRAINS masa way between 014100100 and the MISSOURI nista. TWO TRAINS amok way beew•n 0/410400 and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL, Ina the famous ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A New and Olreet Line. via Seneca and Kankakee, hag r•oently been opened, between Newport Neese. ilehmond, Cincinnati. Indianapolis and La Fayette, end Mwnoll Shales. St. Paul. Minneapolis and intermediate points. An Through Passengers carried on Fast [sprees Trains. For more detailed Information, see Maps and Polders, which may be obtained. as well se Tlokets. at all prinoipal Tioaet Official in -the United States and Canada, or ol R. R. CABLt, E. 8T. JOHN, VtwOen'M -P Ire••t a anager, Cen'I Viet• Paso'r Net CHICAGO. 1. {t7di :aM e ' tett tewtu, wt+. • Amr kiM2e. ell J. Sierseed, I.aparlianjl'aM. Ag t, t.n.i for sale by .TAH WI1,W,N 1 CASTES )r RD1QIIg>! 00., • ow Yowl{ CURE Birk noodaehn sad relieve ell She weals, sine., •ales, row bate of M• anew MM Sews, Sur.'Maas e M the Bld., Vila their nest sats able moused has b.am Area la caries SICK taledbie "lets P__lMpapjpt�s■ettss�,�, s■Iggetsam�aeeetii this anseying res wkae all dienrd.ee of the Neins•b, Mew • the and r• znht- the bowels. Sven If 'bey wily HEAD Afrr• they weld bealaswt peteelaee re owes sec r tune this d1s1se�� away theft g.,ed few Desi ■et t� t ' who twee try tees anal aed Mew Intel piss ate. la se tasayCape tett tkey .111 wet be le do .. 'boat Dot an•r all ataa RAO ACHE 1.9' bine of .,, many ; I..• slat Awe r Wile= sae leer gnat hmaat. Q■mum es soft et ethers do set. s�y�.. bliMilEIT meaty le� ��. Veer 0■10yf two pasti■le Sun TMy ase N►ledy TesoliAit, sal 41122!•• w F■l•hta. t ►1i t►w awtl•e1"77 fist ngg+Ms •v wFwr, gr Mad t by d 1