The Huron Signal, 1883-07-27, Page 2THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY JULY 27, 1883. The Poet's (tomer. !t sea 10 be Mora. Born on a Monday. Fair of face ; Horn on a Tuesday, Full of Uod'a b. ace ; Born OU • Wednesda. Mut. y and glad ; Borq un a Thu -qday, Soar and sad Hot Loon a Friday. Godly given , Darn on a Saturday. Work tora living : lloru on a Sunday. Neter shall want So thire i the week, And the end on't. The Paster, They carried pie to the pater. house, And they scattered the floor with t. imps. And harked the leaves of his choicest books With the prints of their µ:•easy thumbs, They piled his dishes high and thick With a lot of unhealthy cake. Whiie they gobbled the buttered toast and rolls Which the pastor's wife did make. They hung round CIytto's classic neck Their apple -parings in sport, And even laughed when a clumsy lout Spilt his tea on the pianoforte. Next day the parson went down on his knees with his wile, but not to pray : 1 no ;'tw•ae to a.'rape the grease ant dirt From the carpet and stairs away. Our Teresa.. Report on the necesetty of preserving and re- planting forest. Corn tied at the instance of the government o. tin arlo, H H, W. lhnrrs Toron;a. it)tt•i by C. illa:kett Robinson, 1 .3 official reports are generally to be :clam- ed sarong what Charles Lamb calls Li1,fi,t t,1 Giblin—" books that are not books," books that have no interest for the gene- ral reader, but are merely used for a spe- cial purlose ; such as dictiunaries, guide books, traps. But this has no up Lica• tion to such a report as that which the Ontario C.ovontment have just issued on theirnpoaiant subject of forestry—fun purtaut because where Isomer of old wrote the line, "As i..fhc life of trees, vetch is Lite Lfv ..r >,.•o,," be expressed un- consciously u deep scientific truth which it is the interest of all classes in our pro wince to ponder—a troth which Mr. Mowat, who appears to have selected the right man for the work he wishes to be done, hu cuulmisaiuned Mr. Phipps to elucidate for the public benefit. Thia has been done,we may say exhaustively, in the admirable report nowsuppliedfree of expense to the province. Specialiat scientific works are not for the general reader, with the exception of those by a few brilliant writers, who know the secret of combining the charm of popular style with the pr.t.tr'=ty of defence, such an Tyndal, Huxley, and in the last century the pious and gifted Priestly, To this class of scientists the preaent report snakes it evident that R. %V. Phipps belongs. No farmer, no lady, no literary man who once begins it can fail to be charmed into reading to the end. As a confirmation of what has been said as to felicity of style, w -e ex- tract the following moat picturesque de- scription of •the original forests of this i part of Ontario—it forms the opening passage of the report :— " When tho paddles of the French- men first broke the clear waters of To- He is the bull in my china shop, the it. For the advance of the An tlo- :on &create the North American region has boa, at. far as the trees are concern- ed, like that et Attila, who beamed that no grass ever grew where his charger's feet had truddeu. No destruc- tion was ever more ruthless, wore in- jurious, more lasting in its effects, or more difficult ti repair, than that to which Canadians, kr the past hundred years, have cheered one another on. Among all the politicians who lure in turn saved our country, few of them have thought it worth while to attempt to wave the timber. And yet mu.h might very easy, very valuably, have been dune towards that end. But the genius of preservation was absent, while that of destruction tilled the land with his voice. Here might have been seen a rustic, placidly destroying a grove of white pine, worth a million of dollars, in order to uncover a barren waste of sandy land, which at first gave but little wheat, and has since pastured but a few cows; thele anuther,devcting totheflames a district of red oak, which would have kypt Malaga five years in wine punch- eons, that he may have a piece of hard red clay on a mountain slope. which he shall try to cultivate for a few years, and shall abandon when the winter torrents have washed the scanty' humus away front the hard pan which all impenetra- ble lies below. Here is yet aeother who, to advance himself a little by burning in June a fallow which should have lain til: fall, and thereby nave a matter of ton or twenty dollars, lets let tire run through five hundred acres of gaol hent - luck bush, killing the young treoa, girdling the old and, and half ruining the soil fur future agricultural purposes. Here you might, have seen one rolling together great logs of black vs" :at is wood invaluable for furniture, of which the Canadian supply is long since ex- hausted, and the United States supply almost su1, in order to snake • r :n, all 'the profit of which for forty years would not reach one-tenth of the sunt the wal- nut, if left standing till now, w tuld easily live d:aao. Nay, an item which will be more comprehensible by every one, I have myself seen, on the sandy lands near Toronto, great heaps of al- most clear pine, worth to -day forty dol- lar's a thousand, given user ti, the jTer,.nt., World. THE MAN- WHO INTERRUPTS The A•v.'i • t'nr,e or P' ' "ye Murrell at 1' 't. I du not, as a rule,saya Bill Nve,thi kr the,blood of my fellow than. I a willing that the law should in all or re: ,acs take its course, but when begin to discuss the man who breaks in a conversatiun, and runs it with his o irrelcvaet ideas,re> ardless of the teelin of humanity, I ani not a law and ord man. The spirit of the "Red Vigilante is rouses in my breast, and I hunger f the blood of that man. Interrupters are of two classes ; Firs the c+'^ -n• an plug, who thinks aloud,& whose conversation wanders with his a cal' .d mind. He breaks into the &add and aweetebt of sentiments, and th choicest and the most tearful o' patho with the remorseless ignorance that marks a stumptail cow in a dahlia bed. est in di - we to wn to govern conversation without its being 'leases r to hire an umpi-e, armed with a four foot club, to announce what 's at the bat and who is on deck. It is only onoe in a we rk or two that the angel troubles th waters and stirs up the depths of my oonversativaal pow- ers, and then the chances are that some old nasty toad, who has bean on the brink of decent society for two weeps, aides its with 4 low kerplunk, and my fair blow nt o thuught that lye been trying fur weeks to bloom, withers and goes to seed, while th man with the chilled steel and coppe iiveted brow and a wad .1 self-esteem on his intellectual balcony as big as an inkstand, walks slowly away to think of borne ether death ; gem, and thus be ready to bust my beautiful phahtoui and tear out my ;tie's priced bulbs of fancy the nest 1' ne I .,pen my in !uth. Re 174t0fadeat. There is nuthin;( ie the wide world that ensures success so euutpletely as dues perfect independence. People who are always waiting fur help may wait a long tune, as a general thing. A little assistance, a little influence is not to be had for asking ; but there is tutnething one can du for himself. Do it, whatever it is, with a will. One thing leads to another. If a young lady, don't sit still, and hope a rich man will in . ou, while your aged father toils fur your daily bread. Learn how to hold your- self, and take care of yourself as much u possible. Rather be one who does things for others than one who ,oust have things done for you. Two hands, two feet, sight, and strength—these ought to enable you to dispense with help while you are young and vigorous. !lien who can defy adverse circumstances. mei can earn a living in :try quarter of the world in which they are dropped damn : who can r• 41 up their sleeves, and set to work at ahnoat:anything that otters: and who can even sew on t',. ' • own buttues, and slake themseltee a cup of tea when deprived of the help of womankind, are the one who are really independent. The most helpful women aro kindest and truest : and as for a man, never trust hint in any capacity if he has not within him the true spirit of ''Idependeuee, without which neither strength nor sweetness tee), he hoped for. In the *merit, of lake Flak. Fish are deereasi*i , 1 he "•' es ind rivers have been over-f,hed. F.fteen years ago 1 could catch more Jolters weir of milt with four little nets, close on shore, with prides at two and a hall and three cants per pound for white and I rt' l'ah, then T care to day wi,h fifty neo, and make the price four ani a-1 flf to re cents per pound F'rteen years ago the tisteirn •n y auld ask the dealer, "How may fish can you use 1 ' To -day it is the reverse. It is: "Send me all the f'h ' J-1 c- t g; t," 1' 'he..• sit had in those days to keep :Le'- tial '•t their nets until a deodand came. Now, under a d • . supl ly, and wl •41.• '' cur - &tautly g'•oe' g !!.a', it': i t t. wt s aut;- tion as t.. where the future needs of the people are t" curse from. Tho only way now ti r :re tho sue• !y by rertric• tion by law and through the hatcheries, and u•.less »e' can pass lave and enforce thew to guard and pr.•tect tl:e apa%rnfne bed., f Lake Erie and the ricers enter- ing Itheruiu. It will be only a tiutatien of t''i ;..,.I a L•. or., at that u hen the supply of fish will be exhausted, and this excellent fora disappear front the tables of our people.-- (D. V. Rowe". ';t Tuleda Blade. Lord Wsheley • ea Irl+Yams. Speaking in Dublin a few days ago Lord Wolseley s 'd, , reply to the toast of hu "health," that Irishmen required greater scope fcr their talents than was afforded by their ow I small island. Ho would nut only see ••T-ela:dfur theft -it'll, but the whole empire fur the 1-fah."The man who restricted Ireland to this co•'nt.-' w. ,s not a friend of the cuurtti. He warmly repudiated the statement of enemies that he was in any way anti-lrish in tetliug. He declined tm,e1 emphatical- ly and positively to be disf.ciated from the land of hi, bi..h, or with the gallant Irish soldiers with whent he Led been for so many ytars of his 1''e. [ ae. The ineulbers of the Lucke,»• Cale donia Society are already tt•a's'ng prep arations for their games in September. The list of attractions this yea- will ean- biac, the best pipers and dancers, the beat runners and the 1 st 'ua ore, ht athletes of the world; prominent among wham will be Donald Dinnie• the great It is now in imam to mats our reed- rra against the sudden attacls of C o:114 Crani;+ Clic, and the vellum' ft. wet Coatple'nts iueideut t • the sea -un of ripe fruit, reletab'es, etc. Dr, Fowler's 16x- tr.tct of U';t,j i3t• ,vh t•, tit goad sproedc for those troubles 2 Two t Noss R: waved. At.•. Syrian. of Mal 13o:o, C • :.e, Q , is the author of • very int,sreeting beater i wilt. h she recounts the restora- tion if both he. a. .ns wheat, nyye she ',had lob, eon'etely. Her role re tedv Was Dr. Dow's $tur.lron (Y' LiuiJJ uei t In 'stat d'etrict the, 1 '''•cent is recognised as the moat wonderful remedy in exist - enc , which undoubtedly it le IV HEN D1t;BSTION OF AI,IiII- Olt -t or t!_.ue tool 4.detat•'Ivo 'It••11,, ,' , ' I',..1•roe row. ...eat for 1h,tn, t" •, a 1a;tt, tyisinipa'red o' ., t..i y or it sense of wee. ' ea. c,nsr,nt't' '1. •"1 is is boon apparent to the heart, the sur , • turkingmuscle in the bony. and we li..v,• :,t ..t .ta..,.;.tu ur aeeskL,- wt••h.1v. •nmlr,.'.enior d'•ceeiet.ou,or 4.• 0. „lacu..ww, T1..'e•,ter prase, teudeuey to t&1n..ug, lntpa'^ed bra'•, row. -. w • it •' r 31m on, anddespnnd- enc, , dile ,^• p cry• f' •t:otu i d r net . neva from f..se ..cicnt blood supplv.andrallcallycuiable by toe t -e of \\ ,,c lm ., Phoept `lee ei d l•ali- 8-1Ya. to :0,t •re ue..'e l ow or and nutiitIon. Summer Boarding. MAITLAND PLACE! MR. RICHARD lHAtt'LEY'S tae,;aut Itcs:- de•nce is now OPEN for the SUMMER For the reception of a few guests. The rooms are cry large and AmICEL ei' FURNISHED Bath Room with hot and cold water, bowling Alley'. t'roquet and Ordamrur4l Grounds. plenty of choice fruit. a good table. and every comfort will be found. Guests will be met am the ata ol,. ,TERMS :—Seven to Ten. Dollars per Week. \'1.' 1: MAITLAND PLACE, Dole. •t,, iy„ta. ,. Godrriclt. Jane 11. I9 3. jgx.,• .1-11v. Ear (7n(1' T%11'oaf • DR. RYERSON, alt, t''earth atreef. Toronto, eat„ J,. I:. c'. I'., L. i:. C. 8. E. Lecturer on the Eye, Far anti Throat, Trinity Jtedlenl lege. Toronto. and surgeon to the Mercer Eyr and Nur !nttrnnry” late (7inical Assistant Royal Onhthaltni,• /biota:al, 3Jnortirt•iv, and Central London Throat and Ear Hospital. may he co•.su:te' at THE WINDSOR HOTEL STF .1TFORD, 0D Last Saturday of Eery Mouth. June Mit, 1ti-3. I •E ga battle of life tkere is but one way to Scott'sh athelete, A. McLean the great- ,r succeed—fight it out yourself. Give the est piper and dancer ' t the world, and helping hand when you may. Take it Cummings the noted runner. Ztte;+rice or if, in sono sore -strait, it is offered free- ! list this year w''1 be i,;eatly increased, su iy ; but Eecer ask for it. Be iude ,en-ps & Cot' dent as far as man may be you would wtiful flagshavebeen procured ured Two at n- lieColl Bros, C,, TOPUDLOt rad honor youree , or he honored by others, ! siderahle expense, the one a Dominion or be happy. ..an and Wholesale Ucaien in est Ensign nearly 40 feet long, the other a 1 e 3, rnit, ba}• and th "'r. &eines grated t nwort..:', 1 .a tidy wine, and the kerosene the bright leach of rand that then sur- I in my maple syrup. I am ahv ' 1 conver- trd that harbor, Ontario, front the sati,;,; • t' et ' unfettered flightsof Detroit to the Ottawa, w -as tell t' • raund) g tsof poesy roof of the forest. It contained at that i arid ` .. t it are rare, but this man is time, ::s It : bee•, well remarked byone of always near to tear it all with a remark, the best ,jualitied judges nn the United ern merman! note. or :t story, a bit of States, perhaps the most valuable masses lilies, rawly to burst my beau.ifu] of timber which ever existed in a rciien of its size. 'There were hundreds of ']ream, said make t' :t hi, ' nue th.,usamds—nay, there were n:;11it•us of ! might be cart -wee a marble al: ', ' ' seine notes of ,naiuthcent maples, two feet— , tuiet cent, ., • -r away. • three—four feet through, r ft separate, distinct to ; 11.111 „r itis wife ? yon ever strike Di,i the lofty arches of the fot.at, 3 , their rugged Daar realer, did yo•1 ere: ut, .'t this trunks rising clear, pillars of some •ere;lt slow 1 shadowing aid crustumtg"tit their pen- it o.l to your friends only to ha shut oT a tdale of a sentence by •h` choice. teamthat below a carrlie a :Mak tare be That they . Intel a'oneth'e • re rt..substantial than cigars, light kids and a rulelte sset...e!Ulekettpill, with.. c.,thedral, over- s beautiful thou: it and be vin to reel . derous vitality alt inferior 6ette Jia, su inch middle Scotch Standard, bear'-tg thereon the roe Tor-- 'lea to Remember. 1' —:,,ant Lion of Scotland, to be bore at Led the girl who decks herself "1 the the hea(J of the procession. latest things out, and parades '•I the tpagh. nether. f•t■gk, street while her mother does the fantat was} -r • '%tt't e :. wast' -''r Much love ell, '1 .ata fellow who delihes.ttely prig:o- sea inatrimouy to agirt when hecan'tsup- I'' " elf is eitker n _' e'•q,- r or tool—unless he t for meaner, beet mea her "hired uiau.' That '° they wish -to (alt stark mad in 1've with a r'-1 because she is pretty, they ought to be. awe how much powder and pair,, there may b''n the tptestien, and tigure upon it acceri''inely. • That t , dell honorably with alt meta, they must lc„int with their w;,sher-t1'._ elriven for many miles ill any direction, attd banner ltil„t of C„Ilter'a It ion ? .It so, unimpeded throu.h the parklike w•"o,l• i c"1ue alfa sit by ala :old e land. There we'e' yea may purr e twat acctionaef beech your •t-.- -a 'ntont ear, and I timber, their clear bloc- ere • stews stand- ! Y ' t n, tri tool '• ) w til pour a few :rations into y,:ur in far g away in the tndehnrte perspective fee err. o1 the forest, ;eel here and there reflect - in_ frust their Aiiiuingr silrfaces the t,c- + 1 to n„t care to taltt more flout my casiunal rays by wjiielt the sun was able I share of the time, but I would be glad to to penetrate the io;ss of f.•ilage over- arrive at a c„nclusien just to see 11 ,a• it head—great heves-44„r over f•inr fourteen feet l,,,; to tt'„nl•l acorn. i would so; ica3r•l and 4 the trunk, a re.er- v :r of, pi110-wa,d which tv uiti have i s” jovuus t., follow• up an anecdete until salvo ;Li the cu';.enters of the world f,tr' I had reached the "nub," as it were,' to n ct eery. Thera was white -oak. vl•.nt(d I chase arnun:mt It;ee t, convi;ti•,n. end halt n:i. d t°:o u.tt:os „f Eur„pc, ander nth tt, i •i, a t . p!otik thein all to the t ' ssrrtion tvi!.t a•tta•,:;ty wau r Inn 'r' IV. .1'4., Y nu mere pct h, , t.+ud class .tf int' , ,differs fur the different - a The •: The growth ..f tii na''4 '; more talnd in children than ' 1 ;delta and slowest in the aged ; toes on f.tster-in the summer than in the winter, so that the sane ita';, wliith is renewel ' h one hundred and t:,: : •two (Jaye in » re n' -es only 1 elle hundred and e• 1.,;.1 ..a .,. nnier, The increas tf the hails „f the right ict-1,1' 31,.thers du riot laugh es,uugtt. Th ouse-l•'tep tg :.i so onereus, the children se! ole : t it.,, to nerves and temper,tb r ate, most exas'.erating,and even Joh kindegued'huabaud. that he is, canon uudetstaud all our vexatious and div cuuraeements,and so wearied de we ofte feel that it is toe much f,r thehonaehel l to ,depend on us, itt addition to • all Ott cares, for social sunshine as well. ie the Lousetel.' dees,and it niust. Fath- tray br bright and c:,ec: -, h.3 laugh rim: cut, but if the mother's laugh fails ever the father's cheerfulness seems to some of its '•.fectiolr. t t toe sad but forcible lines t•f Joan.:a teen', u..:u:u : Her ll:tie e!:ad had sere -at the (tie:: of grief And'n. :ed amebic as laity-. aim,. we may catch a ghee/age of the et ern re - trent, l h; zit Bothwell manse, where rite repressions of all emotions, eveti to .et, gt•.ule.t, aoen1 a, have been 1 re•ueu,i,-i- well heating a lady bay. .:t . hen u' I as a little child, 1 tuned to !viola /Kt often that tny'.m"tier wouId cheerful. " Then argil, mother, even if you d• feel rattiest t.s, weeery to exert the fa_, muscles. aid you have t.• slake it pie. effort witic t coshes nigh br •tgit:D to instead of n laugh. \-.at w '1 feel het.. • tt.r the effort and. *v w..1 t -.e chaltlreu. 'he little. mors, uucettsciuusly tu yott an.i 1en16elt es, are tool ' r, ,he ail itSai.:. cou. ;aa,t uwii:eit wail go far to et• er el.,,td swine future hunt'. Thea !au ;ll, mothe ----1 arler, r -- ud kitchen all feel the effect oft t.r ,tai e mr fr , tan. A •td when I • t .t us•othc. ; ARDINE, CYLINDER, BOLT GUTTING, WOOL OILS e - 1 ; 'L;:l.,'':T'Lrt, ' — 1 Joh' `L•A R I I N L'.J 77 - 1.--t, 4 is unett;e17ed hs art n'1 er oil t•, '1, • n '::::•, bit recugnitb it of its sulwrlor r, , c t we have receiver A••• the Hi -hest Prises ! h' rreter we cxhihited it sine, 1874. among. ,,;!:.•r fluorel.+a ;:ar;c number or less:' Cold. Silver F Brous? MP ' ,erre at ,t 1U•Ine perfect travel, there it nu i' is mauve: 1' ti.an .,f the left : feet than rho olu.e ask, 11; shaft,rowi•1 tt, ; cnupt rs is even morUO% ,r it u ff ; ;' and perpendicular, the' tt Idle, ask. Ila in ft, serrated it consists „f a meta—:led, I atm tinget•s and in orae: ••lauds tt ith wine. ltr,. bark uf: clear r'rt channels unique 1 st tte,hsa wife cls„ --w ace the , I n the l ftl t their.btsauty, f.t..,;s i ;licture the very axe might be 1“;h to destroy: There ' were hickory tree. !,y mi]li,na, th aha - t••,1^:u urttent. It is tory seldom that e,lual ut the two nn either side of t]:'s, i a a,ral.lrift-edpwr retnarke,—rta.}shrtittio so '•t;(er, consequently it "et y nor story, your gem of thou;ht lir fasts -t on the muddle 1' • t. r, ne:trl 3 t —".the ,tete nlwayslsrightand cheerfu:.•. gy eyes arc •loaetl, the lips and hands ft •r. _,ever 81' 1. •'.are noz ea•eeter a tai,it fc i c!:t'lrert end :Tien i eingtvieteei c lter C 1 Palpitation of the heart, nervou.nwe, trembling', nervous headache, to!d kande au. fust, pun to the back, and et. „1 woo: •teee are retie%ee l by Cat.er's ram 1',11,, made specially tar the Mood, horses and art plcxu a Thor.. is no excuse for at/doting fruu, Headache, Couatipation, and all the w „ train of symptoms of a disor- dered liver when Burdtrok Blood Detttrt is an utt(t"ins remedy, and or !y coats One D,•"•tr a 1 uttle. Why suffer „n without a trial i '15,000 bottler suld during the last three multi y, with al - moat universal satufaction. e ALLAN LINE Rhyl AL MAILuSTBAMSHIPS i.t v E.trui d. -Lt t\ lA iNDERRY-ra.,A8pow Every Saturday From Quebec, aNUKTL.YT 8Lt N.l$lr.1hCE. tl'EF:tt, coat FORT AND SAY/LTV. S11111111.1..irrall e,nent. SE&a C 1 :3_ all Slay t! 4'!) uraiau Peruvian Jnne t vtrmal tan s Parisian ,• 1d Sardinian. ,. 21 t'irca.aian. „ 30 i'utynesian July 7 Peruvian sanuutian.• Yl l'uriais ' . . sanitu.an,.•....,,,,.. s!I Cleca:u,an Aug. i lblyn: sign Peruvian Sarmatian Parisian Sardinian - t'ircaaafan Polynesian i'ernvtau Sarmatian. Parisian Sardinian tlrefuislad• 1'oly n,aan . 4'tru tiara ti.tnnattan .. •. ... " 'Li 10 Q,nrhurntlats tto connectewith steam rat out uebec. Prepaid certificate issued at greatly reduced rates to pt•rsona wishing to bring' heir friends out front the Old 1'unntry. 1 •,.k.•ts and all Information, al.l.lc t.. 11. ARaU3T1tONG, Ticket Agent Uodcrich. May 17th, 1883. C:odcrich. 13 Sent. 1 8 " 13 ” 22 Oetr. 6 • 13 87 27 Nov. a 10 ” 17 , 31 48 Mee 2o t3 Vtr1`9 *13 a2 'aa t6co ' ' 0 e cri 1a t C3424 m ti m ala c -: STIMONIALS_ l'oltingwuod, Ont,- The Crowfoot Bitters f took cured me of Sick ileadache, after t{;, n• ytnra of . fe, rg without being abie'to and Wirt flit.,., J. ItoLtdXcetttAo, C'l i rkshorg, Ont.-- The Crowfootilitter - fetrity cared ole of 1' '' • E n. '.ilht3nl r any whey -medicine. %Itte, Jos&IH LOL'ali, 0 'pec 111.:, to gel 14e worth ofyartalseaey a.k your dragsdot for It. THEY', -ILL KEEP 127 \Iay l;th, 1•- 1SI1Cm au. r EGYT"i"A¶' T sYd 'coin ':+ !+.• lint to Kunl or tittle w e ars e.i,lnl to last, at d being lesa than on' -;,..:f I;.,,,•rice ['brat'"+' oat ei4 the to r .'• ?1tv' IT. Fur Sale- by R. W- McKer_zie,,The Great Pain Conqueror • AYER' S CherryPectoral ctoral :o other complaints are so insidions in their at- jI tack as t Lose affecting the throat and lungs: none 1 w tritted with be the majority of sufferers, Tha ” • J • C. N aftel ('r i tar,• cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a • titin` or unconseious exposure, is often but the •' •\a;eni ., begiahiugof a fatal sickness. AVER•& Cit>:a*Y ''tcT,R.te, Las well proven its ofl7c cy in a forty ' years' right with throat mud lung diseases, and alwul•l Le tal-t n in all cases without deftly. A Terrible Cough Cured. ■ ACRES FREE!Irat 1 t ,k n seven cold, which nffI 1.4. my Juags_ 1 had a t.,rrtnia eouph, arta t•sese,t ntght after night withrnt sleep The d x•tr, gave me en. I tried Avde' Carnal' ronielh dierrria pnin. t tenepoonfnl in w wnl cera a distracting -head ache in fire rein- utre, if applied to any nrectr•d surface of the t'te•ly-, as Icoth robe, neuralgia, rheumatfarn er',•.. tt gives the bufrerer comfort and Malan relief.it isarha'•m:ng remedy. Only 25c,:an;1 money 'vendee if 100 as represented, s. TAPat•OTT •t t o„ sto• ic Proprietors. -ord. Ont ,, ulersn, cwt lItg in Imps front :1,,.•; de this as you tronld do it yooradf 1 world dtt i ie t, axerhau,llawn eststitllli'ilis Inst they aro kind and thou, htful and doomsday.• t _ .e., lyUulralulrC4 etYlt'tt n, •. 1. toil of chKf Clw., , . lathe sod hearty, atW am •atbaetlam now twar Crn old. 7 sere acre miles nJ,+,n chiles — than• ° ''r •ort cea Rro always at ]rand. No • ua.y atatutics. this • tt.e i Yt:fTaRtL y '' ERar •voro hundreda•:of n•flea sport Holes f nuttier i1„w boa •the ma sal than trona 1 f t' ; t awrtttrne. ltoRu•t:F.tnutuvr IN TILE reirered my lam,•, i r. l uR trrded mh DC vIl's Lake, T ado»'cr in the litho finger :std s2„west 'n indacrd.b•rp andatTo.• ul ms urtle Mountain Hou. J. fI. Pa o0 Stas r the h tneaessart Ler the sea, cry oftostrep h, I the thumb, l oa of all tit mils f 1 ; remote l \' . t e coauuned it.e of the PECTORAL a R1 Rn(1 MGuB© River Country, + . Lister to the ,nail' bent cors wu ettectah Parma_ cm the PJORTH ' /1 1t O T A, T .I,unuy to Il.a (-aitavl Stair s Led 0111ce Y Y they wilt lady w 1.•. h . L t •, n t Rockingham, \ at R taw. pi, ' - .. Croce . , p — A lllaUrer'a Trlhute, wade s .lbtt'lul_ tt..1.0 ilata l 1 1 I t tt t d u, July 1;, hwY ' i lease their own work and fly to your aid. u tedTttllrr,. While In the eninitry hest winter my litW GRAND F With the boa „2 sympathy' a t'teineyw, To the ric:iut „f pafus :, i „•!;e•: t•„ t .),three calors old, taken 111 with croup; it RKS, DAKOTA. the • rush into the ,t 'un tidin•r lh. not attempt t„ rem searnrd ra'( P , slicer the • traveller's foot shill+t all dx• long press the mt 'ay t•.+terfn:i of lhcir hens ,ling !! and gigantic enrols, stella mettle/ him ) c nersat+ let) .e can ne greater cele+•ere t1 } ate over r.t t t t t w "Id die terns P t+tu ai'ttont a ,.,ttiH tf Dr. F,itrler's Extract t'11e /4 the e L`roa4,1 tit' •leanfcuamei; xti11 arose ort ell sides the upri; lit sitsfts, ;,as .tk ► + of your own it tl, they take thestrew'. 1 ted the rise o{ Aa's the tiloane of relief. Folwu't \, r, ilinr t 11' ; sr r a to t vi deb curious leanin,; hranchtts ..f that meet wools fmtn our iter react tell* the bid n, ratt,,erry scar nt hand. Tii`s was. l8t In thehnu«•. Tkhw w c4 V— •, m al. Net ernes le ; , sc:Crn 1 atwlQ ruledf..man at, ptctureseeto .d trees (h,r•aeri• !,,,1: I t y nth atee} cheerfully rh<ninl,,,. Acrvhjnu cnn'& ,ame. ' f l' •.,. t 'lands Its,loa, teff en Mt erjetAudtnoarde tinlerssytS and apparently illuiuritalt;e forests t.f suck the juice nut of ye,ttr j•i•i:•, handtint; `e .tit. r,a h t ehe. ]].' ' Citt,trl.l ldorbu•, uc., end t!!e remeiy ur, lhedoetoraaldtlyiiLeCt[sasY eta rt iliac is i ab+rr nawnrtl isthi uufaflfng'piCtt c. hiid eat y1 try darntrs s rte. Cas henilock, „f which me and tiro have low; i bac.: the rind and hoping f r remand. tuts I . la; deice. Oen 'ire. the : I a! ourgr,ttttYtr Sue n1 7te weeder ait.ce found the limas, It* thctanncre art+ That h tl curs f r ; Ica; n to their 9' lions of silver -ski iron- , ru.lcness with raltlenesv,and r,dtl,T. -,st t• !and teat it w .'ds-iocoant.le.a I;Nu*1.et:: :kiulah:bte' 11 with such an acrid s trcas:u its ] j only °i .ti 1{ flf • huttica w 1 Ism air the et et.s't atlat.t co=t :,err• weer. toil- : arn.•ereed. i ant always ready to relay had at 1, nm d t 't'!i 1. nmol ' o ' pit/virility. stir nail . I I LL radicular moi:, .1 1 REA to any adduces bl H. F. 111uNALLY, Gent rel Travelling Agent, e 77orrrt S 1. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS A MANI FORA A. R. i:a • t e,.tertal Ls. The) ••n'iieu all 1 • ltYa, srwA li►.ntr .* a+tn,l awe 10 golds n• 1 Lt+' ,t ler retie fail for 1. A%•est tub at., New• York, Nay ti, Ire,. C. Frwat at. Toronto. h. y Bowel C tal,,lail,t. C ,lic. Crate ,a, Dysr:cten- ” 1 have rtaNAYsa'$Cag8ar ^rcl:1 11* n m \1'alh,e,fy'a •jrttg s•t••.c. fin .one frmil • t,.r real Yeats. aM eb y t. l,srct• b,tt3aa rat Merril+rN ,11 i td Sha"w,er1 1/r. Fla tic r t }toE etas ur, f 14 co l o »tet4 a rw!eit tad r+sar"°sdy tortra .rbc c1 T •••„h. N •t elders, tome .tildia a Marek A. .1.1'aaa4.- 11/r. . OtA 'i'tllue w'nita W. fl t'n;„krr drn'gSat 141sol:ry tat.3ltbn , tea2• all others ut lure---ah.,ve all othern in J et1 ga m: 10t va1Ye, reel AT } he e cure y . ro ;.,turMit!: t to + . , • We Me secure at the rtattan:mt i • hart-w,rxl foliagebt r , hs,ng be r1 re euhle "soon( will ever know how1 ea. its he}{kt slbove it :kelt ti detnte est+nhrc ; , t 1 D ` ` K!' r., i s .• two oho fol] cx Istito buttal t r • bairal •,t the iatet ruttier. At Ili ht .f`u_ y t* sadist imiso t.tbh•by, • t!?„ - !',.1, ..., t p o,•veto •r rtin t'•m- Ib., teal,•est, et., id in fit' -art" 'irlttl':• mar. r 1 e4Yrt1 „II his trail, and all the that 1 ;,,,<i ;l r'f the mm{f powerful twtn aY11dn- ' uhf ter teethe, latest it. . ervdisse ti ppggcreaaL + a Mat a X11► a' fa )bey b the hnmca 1b_ qt, j ' 1 10 t &as 1eR t1alrWg sitter 1 e1ie eta. Aprf1 , iM?. 44,11 r ` meg as aiect3. 8 of the throat or tune sus the ggRt tot t,te.(. r r (:,n alfaf►' th'rt for lull war•',] e'' ..:stat. • k i ea 4 ( ls tt f altesa_}avo erred rst Watetrl•iwh, and ;odds that "its Sales are after to i'aag""nairlyvia eiit r.// W lame and ItNaasirint.:." •j lural by tie use of ATtw's CR a '” 11' "n ar ' a lam- quantity nr tij,s-. At nil 7, ya+:•ees'Ia R!'&Wrltlt' t treat Ni....e sesnnot say to palls of A r,r ihn1•011- le by Pim%" 1 do not InterMl1t a m.tn lis cnn:•' it -x11 T1 c tntnat with t -•e ttais Yiviel picture or e " if the lord ..1 the t• e • n1.1 alany l'•'* r,turn frt•tn a ;,. , ,•; and rl.`ii,and t•• know the see the 1 •,,. 'ruts hid matte of its *41011 1 : ' we altontil As puttslod t t t{ ti fie napkin of tire ie which t tt ,.l n : , itaraUt. Ar'+•t Booth' et. 'w•,nhd toll bar he Iia l I stir.• l tl .`,litrete win apt/1'nrmt• et- (-gas .r etas (tti.tn the aht•dieues . ,:..r.lfn; to what • to hag to ay, asd aewsialiog to she ptee- t uti•Tity of his rtrt feast. it' i want is a ' t ;niter chance and r -,•'n eeeordine to e+ sty .trnt4th (`.du n 1 f'il t., ; ire I'r •••1 t =,'ief ir, 14,4 5taattete I tt'ltrat ft, clrt:,11 8, pain ial the beak use siae, atttd the heat .,i pai';fa' 71/r-tit.sis. r1{rtorM:ti ,t11 ...Kiri mg; 4r >i1Tl ti -is, iatletrr mitt tr\' a, -ti,: i, Tits colt aarnl'do amt. tie ,•1 N. ' i t1,:., will wife ...Orient lofts •f its supeti'•rlly over overt knee* re- atl). Try Nets -Pima 'Ares. h,.tties rants ; frit) Mottles *tray 11) cents. 41 W11M,n's. •..•+••e:+ er ee.•laa.hr. ,.end we.•w.,ae..a of ch;•:rtas,T for fin••'& new alter, lure t' 1 4 , tikte: 'etMt Proms au early irate t . tl,, lt1 (;lta>;hss,(:lele. At?itint, • of.1%ist•s nett*yFlo t uyroftdItw shrugs Canadian Coin. ll,y Fwver, L.Is•d 1diary, rtol,lut, errs 'rhea tt.+•diesate is Sot already INsrrtltie t ems• the Ths+gt, Pats in Side and Choat, , 040440144 a,'••Lrine. acts• tissue* of the 4'ntvtat and Lane•.., pee/tire cnn'. (lu•ulutoed Triol l: rarrvao. L pee tire aw. 111'ilatwr a !Iraq soil (ors: L-.; Or, J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mitts erica •l t10• (s) sow &y all Dr /mots • plumes,* WESTERN CORN 1orsowirg 1.Togoleset. shoo a l.,t of tioi • .4,....4*, ...e. ti1VE HIM A CALL limerick. '.ray Mb. IMO. v ,