The Huron Signal, 1883-07-27, Page 1(
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EV oT Eo r rU Y tii'':NS
'I ;'l'1 L�k�(i 1'i
} t}r�14.zX
New Idvertlsewsewts Tble Week.! NEWS Arthur Ross, son of Cul. Ross, 11.I'I'., Gouaau•n Seer. -We have just beau (roto the Clinton Ste Eris:- -A report dna and Mill Macfarlane, Montreal ;
1 ABOUT HOME. has been appointed to a position in the handed a sample bar of the soap ;No. 1 reaches hero, from what n:ay be *maid- Mn. Mackay, Miss Eh. Mackay. Mus
Wanted -\al I- Jo' etnieration department, with his guar- Swiss made by the Huron Soap Co., of end authentic sources, that Mr. L. J. Erg. Mackay, Mr. I. Tuckett and family,
Term for sale -John - 0. 11.1 A nchild'sith hell pre taklJn•eeee., J
The Chem) Tea Store -0. OW. Au' reset: te't1 great it. len at L %try„s,l, Eng., and has !aft for this place. le •pp.ars to be of superior Brace, the wellrknown contractor, has, Hamiltua , bin. Capt. Caren, St. Ceti: -
Farm for Sale --Hector McGregor. his .rtirr. quality fou a ''washing" soap, and we with several others, been killed by In- erines; Mrs. Jaffrey and family,Cobour.;
Farm for Saloed-etr . a 1. McLean.
. TOWN TOPICS. would advise our readers to giCe the diens in Wasl.ingtun territory. which is Mrs. McCallum and daughters, pleases,
servant Wanted -Mrs T. F. MuLaaa. Mn. Relied Runciman, we regret to
Chatter for a Blw with -tt', T. Ruater, - learn, has a vary severe attack of bran- brand a trial. The c•,mpany have an about 200 miles north of San Francisco. West and Jordan, Mrs. Kirkman, Mr.
victory Over Diphtheria -Rev, H. merman- James tapbsren i Son want fs)111 quarts experienced Swiss foreman, and• will The report estates that he,his son and Steel and sister, Mr. Hitnswodh, apd
each of raapberrlea and cherries, for N -bleb rents, and is in town, for the benefit of fx'
they win pay the highest price In cash. her health, the finest of her ■inter, Mlra diortly go int., the manufacture • f fine the of were at work when the In- Mr. Jackson, Toronto ; Mr. Mc3adlc,
Dentistry. t+. T. R. l:eso-tc+to,r, - Anothercheap excur Frank Fergusut,. toilet soaps. dans, who wore kuown to bo hostile, Dundas ; Miss Wadsworth. Weston ;
ciao will be runt , Toronto. on Tuesday, Au- were suddenlyobserve:i approaching. Niemen 'Fettle and Saari, C reveland ;
N OHOL,4ON- .• SCBOEON DEN- gerl7tii. Tickets
ke•c bull• fur following day. The Toronto excursion yesterday was Lr at week Mrs. Ch;trlasw,rtil died 1 g• ''
�( well patronized. The drummers who rather suddenly et the residence of H. Mr. Brads son mounted a torso and Miss MdHard Wiuds.n : 31t. Temple-
TJL.TLSr.• o.noaendresideace,West Street You tam preserve Zti lea of fruit, tomatoes. t managed to make • his escape, but the tun and wife, Detroit • Mrs. R. Prior,
snare • do he'Jola•v Hsi': o: Montreal, 1ot8 - came t.. work up business in stores dor- MacDermott, Esq. The deceased lady, 1
wt�tjj.� powder of
liquid. American
aor fruit
opt ing the day,found most of the merchants
who was over eighty years of age, retired others were not au fortunate, for al- Owen Sound. At Goderich the party
_-_ •- sugar. For laic at Iterir'a Book Store. absent "in the city." to rest on Thursday evening seemingly though they rade a desperate resist- was further reinforced by Miiss Hutchi-
The faithful photographs of the priests at in her usual health, but not risingas ance, all were horribly butchered, their son, Miss Roes and Mr. Charles Ross.
She People's Column. the ptotic Nere taken by realises. The p.c- The Rev D. J. Macdonella B. D., of bodies beingsubsequently burned. The Celtic left Montreal on the 5th
throe siert all taken in that .tyle which has 5t. Aedrew's church, Toronto, will con -
the f II.;win; morning enquiries I Y
�>�T;tNTF.D-A Y(ReTH TO DRIVE made ialluws .., popular a, •photographer• I duct service in the Knox church here, in weer m ole which resulted in the disc.. • At the last regular meeting of Huron test, and it is calculated will completes
the Expreu Watrsa. Iw;. LAY. Althmlgh, this Is the season of all uthere for the morning, and in the L'uion church, cry that she lad died during the night. Encampment No. _8, LO O.F. D. D. G the round trip in about se e i weeks
' -
Mete div. iea to atehiai'llyoar rt store. The bestbrand Goderich Township in the afternoon. Mn• t_'harleaanrth was s sister of the P., C. W. Andrew,, ,misted by P. C. P„ from that date. She will t„uch at Goode -
I. Dr. Morgan Hamilton. I. F. Toms,W. B. Matthews C. A. rich again in about two week,.
NTED-A GOOD GENERALe of liquors can always be found at his store.
� V servant about the lick At�asc.No James Saunders k Son are malting low cute Twit FLAX -On Saturday last Henry During the present season ••tar towns- `sins and E. R.
Watson, installed tltq
washing. Ih•fen•ncrs required. MRS. T. F. for CASH ;n all linea. Preserving Kettles. L...ellner, of Sheppaedtun brought us in undernatned officers for the current term: WEDDING BELLS.
Iicl t: k 11014w.'c man Alex $l,Morton, the carriage builder,
Fruitier* seasonable
SP.,anK stoves, and someetslks of dux which measured aft. has solei over $1,200 worth of vehicles of -C. P., Patriarch Jas. Yates ; H. P.
onothe column of
Seeadrertewn,ent In llin. in length. Mr. Z.rellner a3ys hisThe �wptl:pi. of see. eh)nA. sad Slut*
TO THRESHERS -FOR SALE, A another column of this paper. "Theo'heapat his u.:uuifacture to John Gentles the P. C. P. Jas.Robttiann ; S. Pat- Ware.
arced steam treater. cheap Apple to Hoose Ceder the sun." fiu'd averages lust about that length. Nell hewn horsetpsn of Kincardine. r'arch W. B. Murn.y ; R. S„ P. C. P.
(Jie/aefaSJul�B19 M. t the foundry.1tl0atf. Gentlemen, old and yours. if you want a During the absence of Mot. Fletcher Every one who knows Mr. I:entie. will J. B. Moore : F. S., 1'. C. P. , •I;. W. O) Wednesday mornin4 at 10.30, St.
nobby suit of clothes, go to Gco a Acheson'•. at vacation, Mrs. W. R. S.iuier will uc• he :aware that he knots when he Ball ; Tree p George's
AGOOD FAMILY BOAT, BUILT BY Ids. oeVere•ta the poonlar cuter. gen up y gets a , P C. P., N. Campbell ; Geu church was crowded with a
clothe] in the htgliheat style rat art. It you
cupy the large house on West street, and a„1. article, and tho fact that he has J. W., Patriarch A. Kirkbride ; Septi• large gathering of ladies and a fair
WPersons. dor Bale yrk-e caps �Appl,e of olfur pasr-x want a suit emlx„1yin. erste, 11 and durabil- wit be pleased to give accommodation to 8 ttouized Mr. Murton s.. liberal!
y Icy, call on Sam, the tailor. cies Fo(`y Del Patriarch John Nairn :Guide, P. sprinkling of the strruer sex, eager
ttcwlaro at GEO. SHEPI'AltI) hook store. was at times vivid enough on a limited number of Bummer boarders.
The lightning speaks well for the %chicles manufactur• C. P., C..W. Andrews ; 1st Watch, Pat- to witness the marriage ceremony
Saturday night to permit of a photograph b.e- This is the wayold Midas of the \..' .•.l at the Duminiuu Cazrfa.e w ,rev riarch J. Roberta ; 2nd Watch, P. C. 1'. of our well-known townsman, Mr.
j,�STR �l STE:SL-C-tJli (►N THE l
1- J taken. e it was after regular lours, 0. Ero, rubs it into the Goderich press Goderich. George Stiven ; 3rd Watch, Patriarch Guerin Rhyne' and Lizzie, sixth dau2h-
A premises of the cubo riber, about the tint H. Robson. the well known photographer. did P y
of June. a red steer two years old. The own- not attemptthejob. Itobsoncould make even gang :- "In s place possessing such ad- Pall(i(tL AC1'IPF.NT.-A uumner ,,f Robt. Givens ; 4th Watch, Patriarch R. ter of Thomas ]hurl, Eat., • f this town.
eeesrr,,Iwne take the uprose rwayerty. eayl alt• maunder storm took is best to a cabinet pie- minute roads u the county town, there torpedoes were fired titles the train bear- Farquharson ; lat 0, of T., P. C. P., The young couple had a large circle c.f
i-�'IV, Lot t':, con.:, Ashfield, is only one excuse fur any one not being ing the Rhynas-Dark party left the sta- C. A. Nairn ; 2nd G. of. T., Y. C. P., E acquaintances and Encode. and hence
M[rt Neil Campbell is impr.icin; slow• a rider, and that is imuecunivaity.0 tion on %Wednesday. A lad named Ed. R. IVatson, The following Committees the deep interest manifested. The cere-
IA31TEDoulcTwa [cr tl N EXr PERtl: ly The Loudon Fr. /'..., has got up a die Brown, who was seated on Its tri- were appoiutod : Finance, P. C. P,'s mony was perforated by Veit. Archdua-
J. J. Wa»aiT. The Point Farm. 18.•8 Oswald Carey is home front New Yoork moat creditable fancy poster for the cycle on the station platform, was struck Matthews, Andrews and C. A. Nairn ; tura Elwood and Rev. .Tole Walters,
ANTED. --A GOOD SMART lV0- city. . Western Fair. The lithograph is int- by fragments of an exploded torpedo, Property, Patriarchs A. Kirkbride, J. and was gone through in the impressive
�T menet, and the whole work is 3 credit to and was painfully cut about the wrist Nairn and Y. G. P. Watson ; Visiting, manner characteristic of the Episcopalian
Me man to take charge of the Dining Room. Mn. E. Caterioa sed family are at i Patriarchs Yates. Campbell and A. Kirk- service. When thebridal party appeared,
(fust he experienced. 000d wages. J. J Brantford. • the job room. There ie life in L m- and thigh. The practice of using such bride. them npealed forth a spirited weddin; .
witIGHT The Point Farm. 1893-tf.. don. explwices•flu near the Platform is nota �(+ P
Mr. and Mrs James Reid areo%isiting THAT 13oaeowEo ATL,+ A few safe one, and it is fortunate that the lad KNOS CHURCH 8, S. it'IcNH•.-A rnoro march, and at the conclusion of the cere-
NOTICE Ti ► DEBTORS --NOTICE IS at Cleveland. months ago some person borrowed our was not struck on the he d .r face. successful mir_annemer gathering of child-• mony, and after the signing of the reels-
.1,..1 hereby
undersigned rn bytnot elo b ok indebted
ore h• eel iFo »mak $eolith, has returned from i copy of the Huron County Atlas, but The Tavistock cnrrewlx•nrleaf .l( the the Sunday school lace -
church, than ass he e wedding
iedwlyywtxided pair wmarch was as ked forthain .
requested to stile the sante at once and there tr . . forgot to return it. He will much oblige The
4atisarl Reno or colla his littleoaup
mbese. save an
ABRAHAM collection.MITH. n. 1 meal bust-
eer Mrs. James Mackay: is spending the us by returning the atlas at his earliest slug as follows: "The Active Lurusae that
1 that could be desired tthe !tones- The of ttte bride, andere Mies Sarah Dark,
summer at Wiarton. •• convenience. Club went to Goderich on Monda • and ` ' (tames sister of the bdMises Nellie Den. PLENDID CHANCE FOR • Ay were want', and some of the"'prigs vale- r. Wad the ren,o ofHat oto ,and by
SMliu -Aggie Dicksgp, ,of Exeter is Mrs. Thos. Andrews returned fr•mSt played a match with the Hurons of that � able, and although the" crowd that Mr. W. McLaren, Haunilcon, and Mr.
lilacksmith.--Owing to Ill -health 1 desire h.,me fur the holidays Thomas on Saturday evening, where she town. The Goderich b.ys won by three thronged Binghamgrove was a veryC
to rent mr blacksmith shop opposite the Te- g $ has. A. Nairn, of Goderich. Tho bride,
eumxh tion+e. Brussels, fora seem of years, Mei. Capt. McIntosh Dade her Goode- had _been visiting, her daughter Mrs,. games to one, taking the first in _ 3O large one, every effort was madeto satisfy was arrayed in a handsome travelling
Threes,- of tools can be bad if desired. 'rhero rich friends' adieu this wee!-. Perry. Mrs, Perry, who Etas been suffer- minutes, the second in 55 minutes ane ! the reasonable wants of all. The lacrune dress of olive surah satin,with hat. to
an. three forges, and all the necessaries to
carry on a general Jobbing trade, A good boa- 1 1 ing from A severe attack of typhoid the fourth i) 13 minutes, Our bees took rue played bythe boys was well con- match, and the bridesmaids were in
Mrs. Doty and Jin. Leech were ca 11 1{a P Y Y
iness is thing dune. 1 would also lease the ing on Clinton friends duringthe week. fever, is somewhat .better and rapids. the third gime in 8 minutes.' The play tested, and some of the contestants give cream -dotted mull, with cream hats to
wood and paint shops in connection If wanted. recovering. - throughout watelo.e but lack of practice
The above is a splendid chance for a man Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller, of Dian- ., promise of successun the Heid. large match, On leaving the church .the bri-
with posit- For funpart particulars enquire of w. The Oddfellowa of Petroles are con• was apparent in the Tavistock els ,
T. Hl'NTF:R. lirusrels tial lr cheater, are aptndin; Torun- , number of parents and friends of the dal party was driven to the residence
eidering the practicability of ' running A• Ravioli Itoltuesr tn.-The extra num 'schoolan attended, .and all. appeared to of the bride's• .father, East•st.s where a
TW(► THOROUGHBRED DURHAM I t 1t H. Kirkpatrick, was in .town their annual excursion to Goderich this berg of Tris Sumer. printed on July 13th enjoy the sights: The swings were in sumptuous wedding breakfast was spread.
beenittun ,-sl FOR
of West, aViinimate
noa ns. week on business connecter wit'h as last ,year, Mr. Fred . Corey was up spying. giving an acowwt of the visit of the continual demand all afternoon. The The wedding cake, a handsome one f vo
beim bean id ua to For further par- tate. out the land during the week, anal„Fred American bicyclists, were quickly chimes- receipts at the gate just cleareil the ex- storeys in hight, surmounted by it beau
ticularo apply to J sPASIIIIKOTON. Au- i. pide good on the spy, too, and don't ed , and two Iarple orders fur copies of penses of the day.. The ladies of the tiful design of a horseshoe with the word -
1 nen P. O. 190141, . A white sparrow on the square attract- you forget it. - . Hist date from Chicago and, Milwaukee school deserve the thanks of the church "Luck" inscribed upon it, was made for
- ed considerable attention one day last Cornell, the furniture man,' has added wheelmen hare recently been received. fur their urweltish • labours. • The the occasion by Mr. J. A. Mclndoe, ex-
weck. a hearseto his stock, and is now prepare Our friends who have copies of that names of those who offeredprizes furpress agent at Dunnville, and was
For Saie or to Let. P R
Fred Crofts, titer of London, is on a eci to centl3ct fuuersls in the most satin- issue .July 13th] will ntuch.oblige us by competition are : G. `li. Robson, .1. novelty in the line of confections. After
iitm.FOR $ALE -WEST. PART visit to his rdd home.- ' He likes the For- factory style. His new attire on the sending the papers to us as soon as p.o.e. Wilson, C. Nairn, D. C. Strachan, Geo. the 'repast Mr. F. F. Lawrence, brother -
F Lot 19. Lake Shore itanacx Toweabip of est City. • ,-
corner of Hamilton street, opposite the eiible. We cau dispose of as utany extra Rhvnas, W. Mitchell, Saunders' it Son, in-law- of the bride, (upon whom had fall-
\shtlold. containing IPI acres,8., acres,deared
and under cultivati•• . Tho remainder good About fifteen members of• London Colborne House, is p• showy stand, and copies of that date as will, be handed J., Lmrie;, riots Stewart, the Supt. and en the honor of giving away the fair one
standing bush. Two good trarne•barns. frame bicycle club areexpecred here on tiro Luh his stuck of furniture mritea iwpection. in. • Assistant Supt. at the church) arose and proposed the
stables, sheds. �cc:, eouimodimta franca house. bicycle
August.Mitchell,• MONHAY'.n L-crBud+E MATori,-A close health and happiness of the newlyFiret class orchard. The soil is c►aJ loam. g The residence of John tailor, Leucite-ie. ---The Wi ham advance P
wed -
Apply on the premises. to HKCTOR Mc A mammoth etc -nit is expected' at was destroyed hp fire on Fridayp mora• game of -lacrosse is expected on Monday int cans tie that arrangements are being ded pair, which was heartily responded
oRF :Oft, 6iatail P. O. it:Cl 3t Bin ham's ;merefromIVim•hain un the ing. Cause unknown.• Mr. Mitchell, between the• meteor .clubs .of Goderich made by the ll aubunaubkae Lacrosse h' by all present.' Felicitous speeches
FARM FOR -SALE IN..IIULLETT- g aided byfriends, mored thegreater part and Seaf•rth. .The Last named club'has Club. of �Vingham, to holy an soonest were then made b Ven. Archdeacon
Lot it in the nth ('an.. containing 100 15th•Auguan. 1
some '.creek players, bat thev will ,have E
.0 -re.. This lot h situated l a roue cut of the A strawberry and of cream social was of his furniture. Tho engine proved 1 y thatch between the enmities of Huron
Elwood, Rev. Jf Walters, and Mleaan.
village of Blyth. as acres are cleared and •i■ held in the Si.E. church on Tursday useless, owing to tie lack of water -or must put
goals- atheir sst *outlay afternoonfoot forward to . the and Bruce, to tae pias in when
CillF. icudlawand eJames Mitchell, after
attera good state of cultivation. the balance b well hose -the house being a long distance y . about the 1st of September, when teams y
wooded with hardwood. there', erected there- evening of last week.begs have puna to conaderablo expense are su Ixpied to be in their strongest
which the happy couple were driven to
on a frame house Inset frame barn tex!31),frame from s, tank. p
attic stable !:x K, and there are stent good S. H. Bastedo, of Turopto, private The porter .,f the steamer Ontario, latclq in bringing Outside dubs to town, form. Both counties have ample clubs to the atntfnn, were they tpok the noon
wells on the premises. For particulars apply secretary to the Atty-General, is spend -and we hope Mir citizens, o[ all ages and pick from and a•.o1 blayers. Ilurun train for Toronto, Buffalo, Detroit and
to the and ; ROW & PROI'D1rOOT ing his vacation in town• samuch time s the iconvenat twK with ., young girl sexes,will turn nutcressey at the match- being able to pick from Mullein, sea. (other points on their wedding tour.
g"'• yPio p who t<o much reputation, on the es. Tho game of lacrosse is eaaih Under- There was a largo gatheringat the sta-
Solicitor, Goderich. A x11 number of.uld pert g yforth, Exeter, Gorderice a iutuf►, Brus- g
July M. leRn 2901.134 were in town lestweek, to receive Kincardine pier, Capt. D1c- stood, and as p velli by the (. ,rerich •elm, six in all : Bruce having re pick tion to see them off and wish them }tun-
e 1 MajorM1au h summarily. dismissen the ours club this year is well worth witnessing. from Walkerton, Paisley, Lueknow, speed, as the train moved from station
their pa from Cooke.1>
VALUABLE FARM Fld RcO SALE- a. R. Y. Thompson. will occupythe span from the employ of the Beatty pine The entrance fee to the zntunda is o tip Kincardine, rated possibly vile or two amidst a shower of rice and the (tenon -
Lot No. s, in the Hayfield con. townshlp 1 P P Y Y lei centra other clubs in the countywhich we know ation of torpedoes.
of Goderich. Macre.. le to30acres cleared and pulpit of Willis church, Clintcn, during Served him right. 'The resents to the briuo were numer-
frTeeee froe stnm-pn ot- belanee well
d river and oni ibe ldo as ]Lev Mr. Stewart's vacation. Arrf sr. C%ae-Then peal of G, A, Tee "SwesTIt8.anr."-A party of four not of. If the match is arranged to come
reed. and adjoins the incorporated village of Sumo scoundrels made an unsuccessful Deantitan frmn the courppof revision of young men front Bay City, who have nif here a 'tine gauze -flay be expected. ons and costly, and comprised :
Hayfield. For terms -further particulars and been cruise),, along Lake Huron for the The•Winzhatn,b..ys pay expenees of the
$et of jewelry, the groom ; silver tea
condition" of sale apply to hors.LEITH. KING, attempt to tire iday ttido's blacksmith village of Brussels in the matter of over ( t week in the 'Sweetheart," a large rieitun•while here, thus it will not cost
service, Dir. and Mts. Slack, Chicago ;
STONF:�c AltxoL t Solicitors 19 taste shop early on Friday meriting. asseptment, came up for hearing before
Jung- sail boat completely fitted' u after the the latter nttioh, and be even more in -
lamp, Mr. F. F. Lawrence ; china
street West Toronto. Or to John Morgan Judge Toms on Wednesday last. Jud P y
Hotel keeper: Hayfield, tlslt�lt Mrs.S. R.•gers, wife of councillor Rog -y g manner of a yacht, arrived here on teresting than a match between two tea set, Mr. Wm. M�Laren, Hamilton
Yen -
era of Pn,tnu, is visiting her parents, hire inent was given in favor of appellant, Tuesday warning, }laving run over from. towns. • The Secretary ..f the \Vauban• fruit dossertsett, C. A. Nairn andE. Yen-
FAItM FOR SALE -BEING THE and Mn. Adam Cook, Goderich. with costs of appeal to be paid by tor• : Sand Beach, Mich., direct. Their name's auhtkee's will write to Secretaries .�f all Every; silver butter cdx,ler,Mr. and MIrs.
easterly 130 scree of block lett red "►','• inpotation of the pillage of Bruauls. I lVm. Rh Das ; ban n
the 7th Concession of the Towi -.hip set Col- bliss Annie Smith, of Exeter, has been are G. B. Jennison, Capt., D. 31. Jen- other clubs in the tun, counties, when y ging lamp Wm. Davis ;
horny, About S3,or 90 acres are .eara1. The spending a portion of her vacation in Theme Laoaosse Ceen.-At a , nieet• 1 nisen, C. E. Aldrich and 31. R. Tousey. we hope they wiil see ht t•1 parry out this air vases set in silver, Mr. and Mrs.
arseels . t1 frame house, of arge frame barn town, the guest of Mrs. S. P. Halls. ing of the Huron Lacrosse club of this The boys were taken in hand by some if »Hatch and have it annually held here, T. N. Savage. Buffalo ; ' silver pickle
Mc -
sine stable are on the premises. Fences goo.t George Campbell, wo understand, has town on Friday +avenin, late, the were our town bloods, and had an exceedingly this being the most central town as well stand, Mr. and Mn J. itattenburri'yy,
only four miles from Goderich h a good gra- ta. was instructed to write to the Sea- pleasant stay in port'. Theytook, a God*• as the inset convenient for all," Clinton ; rattan chair, Dr. and Mrs. M -
vet•road. For particular, apply to JOHN purchased a farm a few miles from the y 1' y I
BRECKEN IRIDOE, (wder•lch, nr to sEAGE11 cityof London and will leave town in forth club with the object of getting on rich petty of nine on board on 1Vednes- • Lean : individual cruet, Mr. and Mire
a: MORTON, t)oucitors, (Joderich. latae thfall. t a match in Goderich at an early date. day, and treated them in meet style. The •.apply' .at **Collie." Sault* ; table linen, Mrs. F. F. L aw-
�j OR SALE. -THAT DESIRABLE itecd. Fathers \Valuers Mud- McRae, A committee was also struck to select a Our boys were well pleased with the rend); cake basket, Mr. Dark ; glass
-1 residence, corner Itr•ittanta mad andMe-+attended thaailxer jubilee held at Dot- new uniform for the titst twelve of the rieit of their American cousins. • , Thu •propellor Celtic, of the Merchants cheese dish. Miss M. Ball ; silver card
Donald street, opposite the High school, with lin cn IVednesda in honor of Rev. Dean club,' Bressler ldxitlrt.' finale ,- Thyn 1 line, which was chartetud by the t.ovent- receiver, Mr. and Mrs. R . T. Welsh ;
pro Inc. The house le in good repair withyThe Kincardine Reporter thus alludes Pmoot by act av atrppllrbr+e6 (.+r ttw limit- haul painted flour panel, 3tiss Coleman,
carriage hone and stable and, other out Murphy.P Harris, of Michigan, preached an e+r-1 house service this year, arrives in Gude• St. Marys ; pair of bronze statnettea. H.
rinitdtrcm•, grape tnc�, is
u rstocked with Mr. aikenhead, of Brucetield, father t" " Goderich pleasure party :-- "The I oust and eloquent. discourse ..n 5undny rich harbor on Friday night last at 11 O. McLean nd W. E. Cattle ; silver
R. H. troz7.lsNg. of Mr. Alkenhead, Y. L„ has purchased schooner Explorer, from ,udecfch arciv- morning last, in St. (ienrl o a church, ,•click. Owingto the delay..f the rail- and crystal berrydish,
For terms apply to Davison tr• Johnston, the residence of Mr. S. .. has
Bay- ed !taro last week, with a party of excur• taking for his text the 2nd of Cor. iv. I YCapt. nn l Min.
tlarrisrerri, 11110•tr' field road. sienists. The holies were all dressed in 10 :-"Always bearing about in the fKay authorities in forwarding a couple Rhynws,Detroit ; pair nfpicturem,lllr. and
charming nautical style, and wore hat b,„1 the dying of the Lord Jesus, that I rews ; silk
of carloads of coal oil t,i tloderich, the Mrs. A. Saunders ; lace bed spread and
L`Olt SALE nit TO RENT. -THAT Percy a cone M esurieun nt iHamtletering upon bands on which the word Explorer was thelife also of Jesus might be made : i'taturdar Sunday amlwas forced oJIcnIJa over
it ctraswcushi,,n, sties Morris ;nlace hand-
beautiful brick residence occupied hq prepsra- worked in gold. Theysailed for Midland " Y• 3 Y
NIr.l:iso, and formerly .w -tipiei b}' :1[r. P. emanated in our body,' The discourse ' 1londa evcuin a frei its. train, how- kerc ief ane! bracket, Q.
aialeomson. at the head of Newgate etrret. tory to taking a p sition on the Canada int Saturday." was replete with - sound ressonin,z y •K g a {)ark ; crumb
Poasesaiosgiven in Vctnber. For partientars Pacific Railway' \\-alter N. Ilo,nie,'formerly of the throughout, and Although n•• e,tfurt was cert•, one carload of the missing " ile" brush and tray (Japanese) -Miss Sw•a>i-
apply to the owner, J. IiI:F.t'Ia:X1t11K;K. jr.,J'•. i i attivn.l, ami rat nine o'clock steam was son : hve o'clock tet set, Mies M. Mitch-
'tesrg+resrreet. Goderich.
190CI Miss Nellie J. Webster, ••f Galt, and town agency of the Bank of Commerce, made towanl oratory, yet at times there l
11[iss Kato McGregor. .d Ingersoll, aro now of Walkerton, dropped in on us were bright, keen and el.•.inont sen- I raised and the Celtic passed out from ell ; sine glasses, tumblers and matt
SALFi'rntxRrry known TO es the the first amt 1 S, Webster,
1►r;tcr, brother of
during the week. His genial smile was i sono e,which seemeeltnppxeprmeate thelarge' Capttinour rCacera,S fe$t l`atis commanded
herittts, 1.%bn steno',
:Diad pin Strachan tn,l,Iuossati tenet,
pardton R,ure mei Pont omen-. with grarter of young 3 as bright as of yore, and a host of hes i audience which had others,' u, listen to _
as arm of land. 1. offered for sale or to rent. Airs. Jennings, of Paris, ansa two friends around town were l -lighted to the sermon of t!t) American 'hiahop. !'atticulAr, and is ens t., knee of nlpl1roiittpt rand esteess in r C'.int eicn�lhnadia plate, Mrs. lT. K lean
+lack in .torr all new and fresh thin year. The .. pp its :
rroprietor nes+ other tontine.. which will re- children, are
spending a few weeks in see him. He left for Sarnia on Sunday The keynote •�1 hi. srrnu••n wee Sell- •
et -tic diap•!is In addition to the ti ly, Nis, .l. nate. g
quire by Role Aticnrion. Also the west half of town. They are the guest of Mrs. A. evening by boat. He wAs the guest of aacriti,-e. •cares "f lighthouse surplice the (•.•1 y : sitter napkin
rat 3, co . �,F:.U..\ahfirld : all new land ;two l PI -tic eines and, •.lies. %V. Lee ; bracket,
.nod erettards, two wenn, and comfort- MCD. Allan, Mrs, Jennings' sister. Alex Hutchw' Walter N. II'.'sie, Itutesar of the i ape. rejoices in w foal ;sue -mgrs t ••;p c - Hies Ai. Rend, Clinton ;splint bottle set
nMe frame swore. he Int rnntains 101) acres, 11 We understand that a )tstch has beets Brantford Asylum for the Blind, anti at
of win. i. :d err , :: ai..1 and all well fenced. •►The f t owing is a summary of the 3 r twit m, m.fatfng of a nuu.l„ , of in silver, 31r..Jas Robinson : pair nap
Remaining 30 acre., hewvily timbered with financial statement of the Catholic pie- ,manger between the l% ngham sad coastline a resident ..f (i.,.lerica, was in ladies and ',tent:.:torn fr i.n as far ii I.! as kin eines, Jas. Wile.n ; blue alk and
1'er•bwno.i. 'For particular• address: R. T. nic :--Total rtceipta, $04.•88. Expen- Goderich lacrosse clubs for Wednesday, town during the week, accompanied by 31o)trcal and as far west an l'leeeland, "'Hit lane t,ilet art, Muss :l. Hollis, �(t.'•:h:+ 4brnpar•lrrn P.(t t� ;sem. $104 23. Tlabane • on band !10(►.t i:. Aug. ibth, the •lap of the hit excursion his youngest dauzhter. D[r. Memo. is Ilib!.•. lags reporter was sheovit through `iarys : plush hand mirror. Mia N.
• 1t► RENT. •LpE Eaa .►.n Tttttn%r.-Dr. G. S. front \1'iti4hatn t.i 1:o•lertc!i. The N3 me- en enthusing/toe Sond,ay toeless' worgeq the Ixat on Motnlay to,,irtlim. last, and i) magh :work het•, Mises .1. 1fenrn, ('lin-
_ hue clnh has n •a„1 ree,.rl. crit they atxf pwf.l a visit t . Knox chrirch S. S. en haul an oppx.rtnuity of nmtl n:, ac. uan11- ton :bracket ami towel., U. Dark :hand
Tha ;arq a lori.-k house on the coram of F Igin Ilyers..n will be at the Windsor hotel. will have their hands full - %en• full if , Sunday atterneen, where he coi►trasted ;voce with a number of the 1•asseugers satchel, Fannie and Fr. lk tawrence ;
an.t'oant stleeta. it coetwinsrkventenwu Stratford, on Sat•treey, 2Mth July, for they get away with our lacrosse 1e.ys. the attendance at the school on that oe• til a opetrei to haveenjoyed themselves handkerchief, Mn. n 1Vilae.n, D.•!rnft ;
pantry and'eellar. hard and soft water. consultation in eye, car. an.l throat Ws 1,apk for a rattling game. , mind 315 with the eighteen or tweet thus far, but were l nttd in cs.ndemnat picture, Mir. G. B. Robson,
rot parHcntan apply to Th folh.wm� scholars who Wet in the aid church of the dilatney schen of the G. T. 1i
I.s?tf SiR.a. 0KORRB CATTLE , case'+• TRa. nava Pswao. e -
llra Fletcher left for Termite Teeter- Hun,n names ars t" he fo i among f"rtY yea" w[••. Mr. H . •a:o has Pre' in n..' f•�rwanlutg th.' c.,H ..i 1, and thus Mr., •peaking the other l
I itIi,'IIF.tTn) on., RENT.
n .aHE:m,EReari •lac. Wo are pl•rtse.l barn that al. th•ted wh•• pr►saeI au.v•safa.11y rise lane larudl a Sabbath sell -4 scheme under ce,urp•'llin:•t'iem t• gray . n • in at the Tabernacle, said he bossed of
••a,�nn. nest to the rr.idrn•r .a I Mpg. ha. decided to re -open her private sdi'.oI examinahun f••r pr.(.-e.n nal ,.con te!aaa the direct:,,, ••t the Genernl .1•s.• nb)r. ,,a•• •p•.il a nu••nnuprnt in fn•nt ..f :hoe
.Dbert ehepearel la to rent. It contains eight for young ladies after the midsummer certificates at the Tomnto\onnal seho•.1: which if teloete.l, w• ttel Aleve a midlity Titrottpui t th.• i.nxinrs. ,i lir. I: r a tnl which 1:,. r•• a as ioacrihr.p fho Warne of a
comm.. with pantries. , Inert. and Other roe h,.li.l+ s J. C. Linklater, e . T. Mui and to the reab tern» church. The K
vewien.w. Terms rewa.wpahlr. Apply roc *TI. ricl>ti.ntial lett tut week for Twn,n- Newton, Fred Pesten, tlrrpda It. it, e.
anccawthtl church of the future gill I„, Pri•.r, the olpligut, anrloourtRpw .unser, lrrewcr, thus . Fl.p
and Sn Kw , httilt
%t natr.r S %t rcnta Fawt stare'. tr. t that which hunch r. the moat caro f..r we are in a Ips ettion to give t M.
tbia church at his sole expense. ' The
FARM T(1 RENT. to, having beset called thither by the sera, Hannah M. Kingman,
t. •se L. loxia:: mplete lint of paasettgers :- followed a quotation (nom Hebre -
L, _ I death of his brother-in-law. Redinond J. I Kind. alaggte Leslie. isabella 10 -roe, its young.Mr. P. Harty tight inspector) and wife ; florae wag, however ha.l scratched
- .^. •. nearly fm of .rum.. ft. -est t.,rn Itr.•uah, c;t r cr. ; neer. �lr. Dicik+napd !
( ran' [e gi••, A:mra Steuart. Lia 1s a%, hit i . i r.% i. ort.. the••s in.; Y4 .sr-. (t••b„,a•• ti and Owen, seat. in-
WO o't•.-r h.,ihtingqe. Itri.l ...tI*1K even re!- eras.i e. mpai on his mil journey by Mary H. 1Va1", ,1uli En -"i.•. El .i 1' s, naati.•nal renter Ah ons the death •t ••n.' %pees: Mr..%n I, re•• heart of the inscription and made
lea Good orehard and all well lensed. Fn- ; I i n.c.•neral su1.t•rinten.d• S,. and fro. Ea,' . hnilt t his
twire'of R. T. 1[Ai'NBq }g,appwr,il n 1W , -It his wife and her mother
who env horn owl re.tre•1 in I l„ lorich, is nut ..f li:hth use., atife snot ten chit• ]tis s•,nl a rxp.ens. Hehrrxa ,