The Huron Signal, 1883-07-13, Page 8-4 a THE HURON .SIGNAL, FRIDAY JULY 13, 1883. T • hirer Jubilee of Rev. pee ■urpb Y. 1 monotony of the day, and greatly added to the uuloyntent. About 1 o'clock ads• licious repast of the choicest delicacies was served up, and after the edibles were d halted the company repaired to the grounds whore prizes fur running, jump- ing and thrum lug the stone, &t .&c., tiers competed for by the children. The lit- tle folk* entered into all the games with a zest and skill that would have done credit to those of maturer years, particu- larly the tug of war, which .ami the most exciting feature of the games. Ten pupils under fifteen years were selected for S. S. No. 3, and an elu4ll number from No 9, and set in array for the tug by their respective teachers, Messrs. Lane and Yule. The former were very gritty little fellows, and were aimost a match for their op neat. who after three stiffly contested pulls were declar- ed the victors. Tho dock being fitted up for dancing the elite of Ashfield re- paired thither and engaged in the ''light fantIstic" to their hbart'. content. About 5 o'clock the company dispersed, more than satisfied with the day's enjoyment. We learn with great pleasure that the Veu. Dean the Very ltev. Jas Murph P.P., of Irishtown, w111 celebrate hia ei ver jubilee on the 2141) inst. On tha day he will have completed a quarter a century parsed in the vinyard of h Lord and Master. What trials and la on have been his during Oilstone peri is only truly known to himself and Hint whose eye penetrates the mousse* rf the al with ,.hattholy an el zeal ho has perfortnuw ud th many sacred duties incumbent upon hi u a priest of the Catholic church is pit out to the many people over wheal t has, like the good Shepherd, so paternal - !y watched during this length of time. This day then will be a red letter day for the rev. gentleman. His confreres trout the different parishes in the Diocese will assemble in Irishtown to congest late him on this his silver jubilee, an present hint with tokens of their dee reepect and esteem His good peopl whom he has so wisely counselled an served for the last eighteen years, wi no doubt also on this joyous oceanic manifest their love and esteem fur the revered pastor. The ren. gentleman so well known in the Huron district an through Ontario and Quebec that it i needless to say much. However, th following particulars concerning hist an his career may he of some interest to some of our readers. Father Murph was born in the vicinity of Montreal P Q. At an early ago he entered the Sul ptctian college in that city, finished hi classical course there in a short time,an chose the ecclesiastical ,tate for his voce tion. After four years spent in the Sul piotian Seminary in the study of theo logy, and having received minor orde therein,he was ordained priest on the 4t of July, 1838, in Sandwich, whic was then the Episcopal See of th Diocese, by the late lamented Bis hop Ptasoneault. He had not mud time to rent after his ordination Immediately he was appointed procure tor tip the college of Sandwich. A yea beielespent by him in this office, he w transferred to Stratford, where he be came assistant to the late reverend Bis hop Connote An idea Limy be form of the intense work. he had to perform assistant, when we consider that at the time the following missions had to be at tended from Stratford, viz : Mount Car mel, McGillivray,, Bothwell, St. Marys Mitchell and Kmkora. In September 1859, he was promoted by his Bishop 6the pastorate of Biddulph. Here he be gan to show his ability as an adminiatra tor. Here he built a handsome bric church. In 1861 he also erected a teamChurch and established a separate echos in Mount Carmel. In May, 1865, he tr transferred to the mission of Irishtown Here he hes been for the last eightee years., His labors and duties while he havo beer. manifold. In 1869 he erec the Seaforth church, a (ante, handsom brick building, which strongly bespeak hie talent as a builder of churches. I June, 1872, Zurich saw a handsome littl brick church spring up under his guiding hand. In the sante year the Frena settlement on the shores of Like Huro rejoiced in the same good fortune. 1 1876 the village of Blyth had its beaus enhanced by a lovely frame church buil by him. The sante year the ha.:dsome town of Mitchell saw looking down on it from the neighboring hills a beautiful church, also the work of the reverend Dean, In the years 1876-7 he greatly enlarged the Irishtown church and in- creased its beauty both externally and internally. In 1878 the town of Wing ham also saw rise in its midst a brick church, the work of the reverend Fath- er. But a few years ago he erected a handsome brick presbytery at Irishtown, froth whose lofty tower one can enjoy the bte.uteous scenery of the surrounding country. Truly the reverend Dean has been a worker in the true sense, and his twenty-five years have not been spent in vain. However, besides those material temples which he has erected over the Diocese for the glory of God and for the good of religion, who can tell and enum- erate the number of these spiritual temples he has built up—a„els eared by his teachings, his examples and the ad- ministration of the Holy Sacraments. These are some of the works performed by the reverend Dean, and when he is called t,, his reward, they will still stand as 11) a uients of his energy and zeal for the hire of Goal, telling, to future genera- tions hi 'w much in a short time a priest of God, inflamed with ardent'charity and zeal, cul accomplish. --[Coe. y, 1- et is b• od to td e to t- ie dd p 11 n it is d 3 e d y Miss Kate MacdDonlald• is away visiting friends at Kincardine. VIKIToRa. —Miss Martha Young and sister, Mrs. Lewis of Pontiac, Mich, with her four children, are guests of their parents, Mr. ana Mn. Young. Oen FACE. —A few days ago Sam Ap- •t pleby received a warm welcome from his Jj old comrades, the Black Sheep. Sam is dnow a resident of Clinton. He looks well and hearty, and is still a strong sup- porter of the single side. OPERN SOAL—Our townsman, D. Cum- ming nearly gut the first prize at quoits at Goderich again this year. He was oy only behind the man from the Sspvil- lage by one point. On the "fourth” he went to Buffalo. but we do not know whether he had a tussle with any of Uncle Same resident► at quoits. Our Irishman recently gave a lady a drive from town. On unhitching his buggy he found that she had dropped her purse in his rig, and he was at once going to send a messenger with it to her residence live miles further, but she had discovered her Toss, and returned to make enquiries about it. Like a true son of the Emerald Isle,he returned it aftera little badinage, receiving many thanks from the fair owner. • re h h • r as ed as t k e u n• re ted e s h n h y t Colborne. Pateeue:tie—John Clark, of Bull's Run :,venue, and It. D. Morris, of Garbraid, visited L'utfilo to see the, sights and joys of the 4th of July. A tine. lento ;stable, 36x25, was raised on the farm tf harry Green, Butternut row, last Saturday afternoon. The sides were marshalled hy William McCann, of Parade -et., and Benjamin 11''ggerth, of Bull's Run neenuo Again the muscle, led by en eastern man, wort the lay -- Mac. beat. During the raising, James Stirlin,( get hit on the head with a cone tr.ander, but is able to be ab„nt again. The builders were tho Larks, fern the Nile, nailer command of H. MacWhin- ney. rattan. This place is beceating notal as a Ulises of resort to n11 votaries of pleasure. The exhilirnting breezes of Like Huron, the beautif,il natural anrroundine, and the kind and courteous disposition .)f the in- habitants are no douht among the multi- farious attractions. A ,'rand pie nic was held h• -re on Dominion D.ty hy the v,iri- nus ac!tordsof Ashfield, thirteen schools being 'rpreeented. About 10 o'clock notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather. rigs carne pouring in from north south end east, bearing living burdens compri-irre a inonetrnuemedley ofallcon• ditiou (rear the need man with hoary hair t the infant in its mother's After the elements hail somewhatsuhsi - i ed en immense ct.ncoureecf people wend- ed thee. v ay to the d.,ek,where the beau- j tifnl pt n•. was fitted up with swings and the grovn.is otherwise rendered attitehle tot the -ocelot's. The Itenmiller ]press I hand was in attendance, and at inreerrals' dime-aroe,d abun1Mei et excellent mu - •is whish In addition fe the enchanting! stesaws d th., "pibroch," its' charmingly i permit ti,t. •,'ger Melees.. relieved the I St. Selsne. Andrew (llasgow,nf Algoma, is visitin friends here. Edward Glasgow, of Kansas, left f. home this week,being here attending hi father's funeral. . Peter McDonald, who was prosttatt with inflammation and pleurisy is teco ering. John McCrostie, John Joynt and Pa rick Devereu, who were down with it l8ammation, are recovering. .. Quite a number hare started hayin but find there is not much profit in turn ing their hay every day up to the sun t dry. Wait a little longer; dry weathe may come. Our shoemaker, Wm. Story, who r turned from Algoma last week, has r solved to pull up stakes and leave the village. This will be • good opening fo $ good tradesman. Charles Durenin, deputy reeve of W Wawanosh, while going to Goderich lis Saturday with a fractious horse whit attempted to run away, got thrown ou of his buggy between the front whee and the spring, injuring one of his 1 severely.. He succeeded in stopping hi horse before going far, or matters Hugh hate been worse. William Wellwood, who landed fron Scotland two weeks ago with four year ling stallions and s brood mare, has beer making some good sales, selling to Lock ert and Saylor "Huron Chief" for $850, to John and David Farrier '`Lord Bisby' for $850, and to Thomas Bell,of Levies bore, "Robbie Burns" for $1000. The letter offered him $1.500 for his tw, year old, "The Lion," but was refus- ed. Marine Notes. ARRIVED, Saturday— prop. Quebec, Sarnia, pea - senors and freight. Schr. Ontario, Blind river, lumber. Schr. H. N. Tod - man. Victoria harbor, lumber for Ho. channel) & Lawson. Monday—Scar. Etnntue, Sandusky, coal for Big Mill. Wednesday— Prop. Ontario, Senile, [passengers and freight. Prop. United Empire, Duluth, passengers and freight. ARPARrUAE+, Saturday—prop. Quebec, Duluth: eas- sengers and freight. Monday—schr. Ontario, Blind river, light. Wednesday—prop. Ontario, Duluth, Epesengers and freight. Prop. United mpire, Sarnia. passengers and freight. Sahr. H. N. Todman, Meaford, salt. Schr. Explorer, yatching excursion,Gor- gian bay. "When I see so many children leaving school, year after year, duly certified as fully equipped for the battle of life, and find .o many of them in after life unable to construct a proper sentence in Eng- lish, or to present off hand, a connected story of any important event, I am forc- ed to acknowledge the weakness of a sys- tem of so much unproductive `en -mi ruing" so much stealing om encyclopedias and ready reference beeke, in enter that pup pile may keep their places in their respoc- tire grades, or attain a high per cent. tut paper at examinations. "—[tiupt.l'ruok, r, Buffet.). Liget') Geist.—A glue ready fie use is 'made by adding to any quantity "f glue common whiskey, instead of water. Put both together in s bottle, cork it tight, and net it for three or four days, when it will be tit for use without the application of heat. Glue thus prepared will keep for years, and is at ail times fit for use except in very call woo/Imes/bee ` it "hould ret in warm water before us- ing. To obviate the difficuity of the stopper getting tight by the glue dying in the mouth of the vessel, ore a tin ves- sel with the cover fitting tight on the outside to prevent the escape ni the spirit by evaporization. A strong solution of isinglar•, made in tho same manor is an exeellera cement fee leather Nish orbee/ Trustless. .4 met -tin; ,tithe High School Trustees was held last Monday, pursuant to ue- ttce. Present : the chainuan, Iter. Dr. Cie, Dr. McLean, Dr. Taylor, and Messrs. Williams and Jordan. Minutes of last meeting were read and contiruted. An application trout Mr. A..1. Moore, for increase of salary, wee read. Moved by Dr, McLean, etoixmlel by Mr. Wil- liams, :that Mr. Moores salary be in- creased $50, to take effect front the first of Jaeuary Int.—Carried An application from Mr. Heade, fur an increase of salary, wee read. Moved by Dr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Williams, that if the work is properly performed for the next six months. to the satisfac- tion of Mr. Strang lies in the meantime we consider that the school has not been kept as clean as it should be) that Mr. Henle receive a bonus .,f $10.—Car- ried. A petition from Mn. Doty and s number of ladies of the Chri.ttan Tem- perance 1 nion of this town, praying for the introduction of scientific temperance instruction in the High Schou), was road. Moved by Dr. Taylor, seconded by Dr. McLean, that the prayer of the petition be ; he�Msubject of tEducatiou.--Carto the t ried. The report of Inspector McLellan, on the High School, was read and filled. Moved by Dr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Socetary be in- structed to ascertain from the Depart - men. of Education if the Legialative grant to the High School is to be given for the last half year in accord and with the amended regulations passed on the 31st July last, and that the chairman and secretary be instructed to request the Town Council to raise any addititorul sunt that may be required over and above the Legislative and County grants, to meet the expenses of the High School fur the current year. —Carried,' The Board then adjourned. Garbrea. A number of valuable sheep belonging to Mr. Jus. Morris, Garbraid were wor- ried by doge one night last week Five sheep were killed outright. Deamu1er. June Review Examination S. S. No. 2 Senior Division —V class, possible marks g 720. 1st Mary Morrish, 537 ; 2nd Her bert Robertson, 519. IV Class, possible t 570. 1 Albert Robinson 340; 2 Henrj s Morrish 328 ; 3 Annie LeTouzel 270 II1 Class Senr. possible, 520. 1 Alber d Gledhill 385 Harry LeTouzel 385 ; .- Robt. LeTouzel 361 ; 3 Bella Clarksor 348, Ida Ashton 348 ; 4 aunt Vansto► 344 ; 5 Albert Maedel 338. III Clam - junr. possible, 500. 1 Eddy Fisher 397 2 Clarence Waters 387; 3 Gottfriei Msedel 376 ; 4 Charlotte Walters 368 g '5 Jamas M. Trish 362. Junior Divisiot °—II Class Senr. possible, `211. 1 Lottit r Good 191 ; 2 Eliza Long 179 ; 3 Henn Snyder 175 ; 4 Florence Gledhill 174 ; 1 Lizze nr e- possible rt1 Chas. Madel on 173. II C11ss n pppEl 9 ; 2 e- Watters 100 ; 3 Jno. Ashton 9L Pa Par ' 11 Sen. possible 180. 1 Carrie Morris Morris} r 157 ; 2 Mary Rodgers 153 ; 3 Jonatha Long 152: 4 Ambrose Vanston 147 ; • John Viper 97. Part II—Junior—pproee t gilds 1130--1 Fanny Fisher 101 ; 2Wm, 1 Clarkson 90 ; 3 Maude Handy 84 ; 4 t Dan Pennabaker 81 ; 5 Win. Fisher 80, e, Loans ana insurance. t 500,000 '`TO LOAN. APPLY t CAMERON, HOLT & CAMICRON. Code {ch. . 1759. t ' O\EY TO LEND IN ANY . e amount to suit borrowers at 6 to at pal cent, Private funds. .11/ply to rI AugR enc )louroN. Caterich. MONEY TO LEND. — PRIVATE 1 (ople--on freehold securay. Apply tc Geo. Swan„on, l;o.h r., L. Iwa:6m, QjtQ50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS Tl► LEND W on good Farm or drat -class Town Property •t 8 percent. Auviv to R. R4IWLIFF'F.. 1731 \IONEV TO LEND. --A LAP.(;E 1 amount of Private Funds for invesisaent It lowest rite. on first-class Mortgages. Apply to (JARROW b( Pi(OC' U,POO'F. e. 1U %NS ,'REE til.' •CHAl1GII_- .4 Money to lend a' lowest rates, free of any costs ur ciwrtc.. SEA( 1En & MORTON, opposite Colborne llotelr Ooderieh, ^_'Ani Ma'eb 15;I. 17:1, QQ�-20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To LEWD VI, on Fane and Town Property at lowest in- terest. Mortgoges purchasers, no Commission charged. Conveyancing Fees r.•awnalle. N. B.—!Borrowers ran obtain money in one day if title Is satisfactory.—UAVRSON & JOHN wee/N. Barristers. ke,. (;oderich. 1761 I L). ItADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, iI%1 Life and Accident Inanranee Agent. R^presenting drst.dassCompanies. Alsoasent for the ('s, .tn.e LIVE STOCK Ivel'rtA'ett Co. Money to lend on Mortgagee, either in Tows of Farre Property, in any way to suit the borrow er. Office—Inp•etairst Kate block Iiodtttich 3llebical, `I It. MCDONAGH M.D., PHYSIC- . IAN. MURG :ON c. 1' tit , Graduate e/ Tor- onto University, Licertiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians, London. England, &c., &e., M. C. 1'...• Ontario. Office and residence Opposite Bailey's Hotel. Hamilton street,Ood- erich t7/6JIm DR. Mt -LEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- OOON. Coroner &,-. Office and residence Brnoe street. second door went a victoria street. 1781. Li G. MACKID, N. D.. PHYSii- • cian, Sturgeon and .tccourh.r. Graduate of Toronto University. ()Meen,p,vue teener ' on & Cameron's. !tank. Lnt'knc,r. 1( not In otnee. enentre at the Hent. I711l-t. 1 )R$. SHANNON & HAMILTON, t'nyakelana, 9nrireonc. Aernectlera, kc. ethers at i r. &hannnn. menden. e, near the Keel (ar.lertch. G. C. RHA! Vol, J. C. Hawn, Ton 1711 T., 1 Tr F_ar lI i► troat. DR. RYERSON, All, s'b.r,b nareet. Tersere. Mt., 4. it. l'. P.. 5... R. C. e. R.. IA' tIrer on the F.7 n. Ear and Throat. Trinity Medical ('nl lege. Toronto, 5104 Mui -sew in the Menet Eye and FAr inllrmarv, tit• l'linl.-al Assistant floral Ophthalmh• IGwpr,d �fuorftck5., and Central 1,nden Tt roar and t.,r lt.ensesl, aisy be eon.nite,i ,' THE WINDSOR HOTEL BTRA'rP'ORD, Oa Last Sataraay of Beery loath. 1nnr '•', 154i ibis n b TO O O 1.4 O al PrflsorYe 256 Pouiis of Fant, Tofflatoos, &c Is= MOW 7,0 FOR O T HOZ - ONE ($1) PACKAGE OF THE American Fruit Preserving Powder & Liquid Will Do It, 1 fitly copyrighted. and I'reeertatt, ea patented in 5 nited flutes, August. 1867. Alae patented in various foreign countries.) Tho Preserving Powder and Liquid age together in package ; the Liquid in bottle with the powder packed artgund it. Binh the Powder and Liquid are antiseptic. Used together as directed, they comhiue t•, form the Cheapest, hest and Moet Re- liable Antiseptic in the world, being instantaneous in its action and permanent in effect, and warranted to be as healthful as common table salt. It will effectually allay or prevent tertuentstien and preserve all kinds of Fruit, Juices, Syrups, Sauces, Marmalades or Compotes of Fruit, Spiced Fruits, Tomatoes, Vegetables, Cider, &c. The Preserved F►uit, etc. tuay tie kept the year round, or for years, in Glass, Earthen or Stoneware Jan of any size, simply corked with a ,wmmon oork, or with strong paper, or oiled cloth tied over the top, or they may be kept in Wooden Kegs and Barrels. No need to keep the ve.•tsels air -tight. The Fruit, eic. may be used or removed from large vessels as wanted from time to tints during weeks or months, The Fruit, etc. may be transported over land or water, involving weeks or menthe in transit. The Fruit any be kept without sugar, or any quantity of sugar may be added as desired. One ,;$1) package will preserve two Barrels of Cider ; it will keep as still cider in barrels ; as desired it may at any time be !trade int„ sparkling eider. The Preserving Powder and Liquid is not a new and untried experiment, but has 'been extensively used throughout the United States and Canada, and to consider- able extent in foreign countries during several years pant, and as can be shown by thousands of testimonials, a has proven itself reliable and satisfactory in every climate—in fact it has given such universal satisfaction, and grown into such de- mand as to warrant the belief that it will supplant all other methods of saving Fruit, etc. Acting upon such assurance and belief, the pecksge of Preserving Powder has been enlarged to the extent of nuking one (one dollar) package, to preserve 256 pounds of Fruit, etc., or two (2) barrels of Cider. Also in place of publishing the emus! or cinutar pamphlet giving twenty-eight pages of testimonials is fortnerly published, a small pee age of the Powder and Liquid ia mads (es is trial package) to sell at retail, for 25 cents. Try the Preserving Powder and Liquid—you will like it—you will find it lees than half the trenble alit expense of any other method, more reliable and aco m- ntodating, and the Preserved Fruit, etc. es -en -Superior to the Best "Canned or Preserved" Fruit, etc. For Cider it ia cheap and decidedly the best known method of keeping it sweet. Full directions in English, French, German and Spanish accompany each pit h age. Jr -Agents wanted in every Town, County and State. Price, 25 Cents and 1$1.00 Per Package. L P. WORRALL, Proprietor, New York. JAMES IMRIE, Goderich, Ont., July 12th. 1881. SOLE AGENT FOR CANADA. tBIG DRES&GOODS SALE THIS MONTH, AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S,' _Le) t–� C . uctioneering. -FAMES BAILEY, LICENSED AUC- • T10XAER for the County of Huron. hay- ing entered the Ilst. is now prepared to attend to all orders for Auctioneer(tg. Orden left .it Hailer's Hotel, Ooderich, or sent by mail, promptly attended to. 1811- I5►HN KNOX, LICENSED AUC- •enteoett for the County of Buren. Aisles attended In all pares of the County. Or - tiers left at Martin's Hotel or at Gila ofilce will be promptly attended to. 16874f. W. HALL, AUCTIONIZER FOR . the County n( Baron. gabs ettenee4 in any part of the Count). .Address orders to (ioderich 1'. 0. 1880. WILSO N's Warner a nate ( lure, VAN Bwrea'sKdneyCu re mars (AW,* (re, "Ilgairoest rattan e Hie .IliRenewer. Wsre.rs Verriwe. King's New GIs, et cry Fowler's Kerest .f lets5wberr). Try `r1RR(I'ii. )( , the Mw fele l;:, teethes. ler. 1) IAMOND DYES, —THIC— I BEST IN THE W©RLI). 1O0_ P1131:2. PACtKAt IC. V w u a Machine Oils, Needles Legal. T C. HAY ES, B3, 60Lh.ITOk � c., OH ni corner of the square And West steer, O , t'ri eh, over Butler's bookstore. money to lend at lowest rates of interest. EWIS a LEWIS, BARRISTERS, J Attorneys, dollcltoes in Chancery ate CMtce in the C our, House. poderieh. las Law's. M.A. lie. L. O. N. Lawn.. 11111. 0ARRA /IV & PROD-DFIH)T, BAR i RiSTKRr . Attorneys. Solicitors etc Oaler{eh. J. T. Darrow. W. Prou4foot. /73 /QEAGElt .1 MORTI 1N, B.% R R I to TER-tih,•.. k,• . o;,,,., .,.t. and W;nrham Creaser Jr.. diva,.r„ h. .7 .t. liorton.lt ing 17.1._ CAII4EIi1ON, HOLT R CAMERON, 755e4cb and t Itt¢Mn, M. le. (. me is Chamery'you CQ SolicitC.: P. Holt. M. G. (an eros. 0oderl.•h. W. i Macara. Wlatgsism. 1711. YOUR FORTUNE! 1170. will rctnrn this Si,p. with 11 newts. or • three -cent stamp., t, a wi'1 arn.1 youy] m b'latt. poet -petit. ass heath,ning a ',•snared (trpwte casket eontainine 100 Fest Selling Articles. r .. M nr , -', I n every house in the Cwnntry. and the .etc of wb$eh will bras" you In, heerestev, neer FIVE 1ta6a1• per day sed net or -copy more than half yam ante. as tot - .lie ter both sexes. it yon 40 net .win ore Mfg goer Trietnne,' kindly show this stip to • end. male or temate. that need,' a help `ag Mixt. Thi. may he yrmrlad.chane• lnv't 'War A I% KIN :a'V Varmnoth eget It f i' r 4 T tb tt tl b t( ri