The Huron Signal, 1883-07-13, Page 7fun and Bines.
"Oh, dear "' melted DL - P.. with
♦ tooth -ache. "Why can't • „1l s s bort
without tooth 1' "If ywt Bill reflect a
rreuesnI, way dear," redo: s 1 Mr. P.,
"you will bo c )nviuue 1 1.n1 sac't is the
Aa has Wore beets stated, Mr. L• sti•
eskowatechivera is a Mtnnaa.da wan,
and the hotel clerk who tried the name
by following it upside down as Mr Z..
wrote it on the register and thea called
him bis jwandhoafa since beehree teeth n raving
Nu, young man, it d •'t hurt yuu a
particle to sow yuur wild oats. Ou ahead
and sow u you wish. But it's the gath-
ering in of the crop that will tuake yuu
howl. And you will have to gather it M.
If you don't it gathers you in, and nue is
a Brest deal worse than the other,
"Then, if I understand you!" sud a
merchant to a customer, "you do not in-
tend to pay fie the amount yuu owe f':
"Your understanding is correct, Csp'i•.
"And you call yourself an honest ntan,do
you ?" "Yes, sir. If I were not honest
I would tglhoest, 1 do►uttllw wided sh tu,ade-
but, being
wive you."
five lawyers in Greenvil`e taslarge said
an old soldier ; "why,
Gen. Wheeler's critter companies dur-
iue the last days of the r" case,
said a mwho had just
lat h
and they are doing more hada than all
the cavalry on bothsides during the lana
}touseholO }tints.
.. i. LW BERRY CREAK. -Cap one quart
ripe ell a wherries end spriukle theta with
h.) t a i,ound of pulverised sugar, end set
thrid aside fur an hour ur two ; thou stir
them into two quarts of sweetened orient;
beat all well together, put into a freeser
and freez •,
of sour cream, full half teaspoone f
deur to make a soft dough ; roll it about
an inch thick ; buka on Pio pans in a
quick uv,nt ; when done split theta upetl;
bettor each piece Red cover with ber-
ries and sugar. Serve with cream.
latge.t Mil finest berries, cap thew, and
to uaeh p•.und of 'lorries take a quarter
of u Louie' of elate sugar. Strew the
sugar uvie the berr'es end let thein stand
for three urfour hot sr,then put them in a
preserving kettle, and just as soon as
they oolue to boil and are heated thor-
oughly, put them in the caw, having
first heated the cans in boding- water ;
seal itnntediately. It tekes two boxes of
berries to outs call.
STRAWBERRY JELLY. -Mash the ber-
ries and extract the juice ; strain through
a flannel jelly bag ; to each pint of juice
take one pound of crushed sugar; put all
in the kettle together, wud boil for fif-
teen ur twenty minutes ; put it in the
glasses before it is cold and let it set un-
til the next day ; then cover with brsn-
died !,aper and tie closely.
STRAWBERRY Peeseav1t. - Take the
tineat berries, cap and weigh then, al-
lowing one pound of white sugar to every
Ib. of berries. Take the inferior berries,
crush and squeeze then, and strain
through a jelly bag ; to each pint of
Juice allow a pound of whitesugar; put all
the sugar to a preserving kettle and pour
the juice over 11 ; boil and skim ; then
drop the berries in and boil until soft ;
lift them carefully' out ono dish and let
then) cowl ; continue to boil the syrup for
tea minutes ; put the berries in again
and boil until clear ; take them out and
boil the syrup five or ten minutes longer;
then put the fruit in jars and pour the
syrup over them.
C. vattiNII JELLY UMBLatts.-A sure
and simple way of covering jelly tumbl-
ers is to lay a lutnp of paraffine on the
hot jelly, letting it melt and spead
over the top. If any doubt exists as to
the jelly being hard enough for such
treatment, the paraffin can be melted
and poured over at any time. It is more
successful as an air -tight covering thaw
the white of an egg and similar applies,
ees. and is easily removed by slipping a
knife around the edges. The whole ea,
be need another year.
fashion's fancies.
Leather belts are worn with jerseys.
The most stylish costumes match the
Ribbons are 'wed to excess ou white
filk. HUI ON SitiN Al., FRIDAY, JULY ,13, vow)
natural aptitudes.
Th: slit,veer, et utters%artituies 1e e
hap,/ phrase. N•,budy can calculate
the jtemtemof iuveutiou and imine ttdudewlfur-
ccs that e to the sural l
"square pegs in 'round holes,
coln taprooms.' it. Buys w,ldutf► cheese
their pante Mons -they drift ur are push-
ed iut.l t'i;m , and consequently the
world i.:uil of utu-adjustmeuts. Mee
ars bungling away at carpentering who
never loam to make a joint ; machinists
ars spuilieg good raw matartal, Well 1111111
sten are wasting paper, who might have
conserved their forces had theirp(aitiens
been changed : farmers fail and states-
men boggle because they are W each
other's places. A practical (Itraining
school, like that suggested, woeld sub-
stitute choice fur chance in the allot-
ment of life, and enable young men, Its
Carlyle says, to find out what their com-
bined inward and outward capacities
really are, The apprenticeship system,
at its best, involved a great loss of time ;
but now the apprenticeship is practically
abolished, and we are in danger of hav-
ing no master work men -uuly 'specialists
-then is the greater Heed of setaeteeth-
od o1 ascertaining the natural
t of
each child who must word for • living,
and giving him a chance to make the
moat of husself by rudimentary training
and the boon of a right start in life. It
cannot justly be said that the state may
discover to one boy his natural aptitude
for a profession, ur some intellectual
psrsutt, and give him all the rudiments
of an art or a trade. The training ('f
the hand to use a pencil or a tool -the
training of the eye to knew colours, lines
and fdktus-the training of the mind to
conceive and produce perfect results in
practical directions -this is also legiti-
miste,public instruction. The end of
education is not to teach pupils to know
and to use books, but to know and -.take 1
right use of themselves.
never sieve Dip.
French boots and shoes show a marked
tendency to pointed toes.
The Japanese parasol continues the re-
fuge of tite women with a moderate in-
The loveliest shade•' of salmon, •rose,
corn, blue, and water green are seen in
the neW'China crapes.
Cockades of ribbon in two contrasting
culore, the ends of the lops cut into cox-
combs, trim tnanY
People violets and barbs of Valen-
lee-meta dedgnedtfur elderlythe fine !ladies.straw
Pretty capotes with straw croons and
brims composed of plaitings of lace will
be much worn as the season advances.
New flannel suits for children are made
of cheviot flannels, garnet, blue, dark
green, and gray being the favorite colors.
Narrow ribbons of two colors aro much
'used for tramming straw hats, ribbon
loops, and ends furmine large rosettes,
having suec(ded pompons.
Cif PI1 AL, 011,000,e00.
SURPLUS, -• •'"*' I
Goderich Branch.
.Ht(rtatjf r.
D. OL.OS - -
• !tows lutenist_ eef�t1 d,nutr. r.ssDienpaJ� tette.
. cry tit sad elr'otrtar 17St.
o all purls et the world.
Pusd (Its (7srt'fal. 96,000,000 -
Heat, - - $1,400,00t).
PI-tett/est - NOS'• Wit Vcy-ISTEA
Dears! Mu wafer, - 11'. A. '•""`Ates
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROSS, - - )IANAt.►a
Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on a
the principal Towns and Citiesdi Canada
Great Britain and the l'nited
and sold. w It h om•o
Adraneesto Farmers' on Note.,1-St
more endorsers. without mortgage. '
—)AT TIIE1 -
Oldest Established House
IN T73F3 CI01t7NTY-
Silas. satins, ribbons, ail wool French
cashuleres, factory sud bleachc'1 cotton.
prints, etc., at lrsa than wholeaalg prices.
Scotch and ('anadien tweeds at win...eagle
prices. l)lteks.cutt-unades Sze.. kc.. very low.
'Before you buy of pedlars or grangers try
toy teas, bung Dyson
fiom 'm. per podn •Nlaekteas at"pie.
most Sect. tea mold. My ilk:. black
pound. llsiyofur
Alpce.. sold bimported
warunttd p
1 hold in stock a large asaortmeut of bar
iron, steel, nails. paints, oils. t(:ass together
with • general •tasnrtn.ent of shelf hardware,
and the best
E E It
The smunler silks which have come in
large plaids of brilliant hues and reds
aro said to sell more readil ,than any I culties (and every thing worth knowing
other in New York for dress skirts. or having is attended with some), stops
The greatest Parisian novelty in mil- .hurt, contents itself with easy, and con-
linery is the use of gold ad colored sequently superficial knowledge, and
Parisian braids and laces, together with prefers a great degree of ienunoce to a
to d
1 instead of (tri . either thinkP
light silks. and trimmed with lace shewee t excuse for their laziness.
nine balls, and gi t and jet ornaments. h' ut
Tinted nun's reilins;s in shades of
, tta.. erne tet
raspberry, cunt blue, and ashes u
will rake the place, in a 'measure, of the
cram and white wools so popular for
evening dresses last summer.
A novelty ill lace is the Pompadour
pattern --a darned net, with a tine pearl
silk mus
al Ila 11l flowers, f the11
t ,'.• ,
t�y?�\_ a --I
TM1atT l�►! \J 14
Car •i.1 Dud ! tang, Ha le sad Uremia.
Positively cures Nervousness in ell its stages
Werk Metestoss of Bruin J'owtr, Srleal
Prostration fight Sweats, Skrretatorrk<ra,
Leucorrhea, liurr•eaaes , SretII<ti 11 rukneas
and Genera! Loa a/ Poster. It repairs
,Vcrruas Meer, Ikjcrceatca the Jutted 1ntel-
lert,stresyrtAear the IC,Vccbled Brain, and Re-
stores Surprising Tone and Vigor to the Er -
ha J_d (Jcn� re Organ- NVith each or-
der fortwaLva packages accompanied with
iv dollars, we will send our Written Ouar-
antee to refund the tummy. if the treatment
does test effect s cure. It la the (bravest aid
Heat Italicise is the market.
WP uU particulars in our pamphlet. which
we desire to mall frees to any address.
ray's M.gnrlk Med►ettae is sold by Drug•
glom at tie eta. per box. ur 11 boxes for •.1. or
will he mailed tree ofpostage. receipt of the
Meatal Iadeleuee.
There are two sorts of mnderstandinge,
one o1 which, hinders a man from ever
beinAtonsidet'able, and the other co.o-
ma,nely makes him ridieulons-I mean
the hazy mond, and the trifling, frivolous
mind The lazy mind will not take the
titwble of goring to the bottom of any-
thing ; but disc'•uraged by the tint ditb-
If you are suffering with low and de-
spirits, ion's of appetite,. general
ability, disordered bloel, weak consti-
tution, headache, or any disease of a bil-
ious nature, by all means procure a oot-
tle of Electric Bitters. Yon will be sur-
prised to tee the rapid improvement that
will follow ;yes soil be•isapilred
with new I en see continent of America.
life; strength and activity will return ; Bring in some ears of
�pain and misery will cease, and hence-
you will rejoice in the praise of
Sold tiff cents s
tortoise -shell pins of all tmenalona.
Brocades with very large figures are small degree of trouble. These people
used for elegant mantles it or represent must things as
ental cashmeres. They are lined with its,, , '+si1tic, whereas few things are so by
, 'e n!tentton tt the sauce object is tow
} 1 ntraw ,un} laborious for then ; they take every -
ale terra cu ars
stets itself, never consider it 10 all its
darn irwa, and in short, never
think it through. The conaiquences is
that when theycome t,. speak upon these
d raised figure in s1
subjects before props who have conaid-
d ed fl re sec li as erect them with attention, they only dis-
g de
lin Thu g
fuchsias, lilies u valley, '
flowers, are very effective. and lay themselves open to answers that
Crady'n apeaic�dioine.
TRAOC MARK iiia (is(a-tr- TRADE dial!"
r;vul.lsu It E- un-
failing dotcure
br geminal
WEAttn Esr.
rhen, iu,1'ut•
toner und all
dies,:ee It at
tones. aseem nos + u w
sauce ••• et self TU T
.v s ,or i4 Memory. L'unei•arl LAtat-
tu9r, Pain in Bark, Dimness of Vision,
Premature old and many other diseases
that lead to lura lty ur couawnption and •
premature gram e. <SiFull pa.tioulars In our
pamphlet, which we desire to Dead free by
mall to everyone, The Specific Medicine 1s
sold by alt druggists at$t per pwk•Sr. er six
packagta for !3, or will be sent free by mail
onrecel t of the mono b7 &dile wring
THE GRAY Mb:DI('INk, CO.,'Tinto ,Oat.
% duld la Ooderlch t,v Jas. "
people arealweeeOn the look
outy. for chances to increase
their earnings.and in time be
ooriiiite wealthy : thos• who do
sow no improve their oppucten
!ties remain in poverty. We off:: a gree
chance to make money. We for iit m.,n. V/0-
t . on men. boys and g„ •.• •-.
money, by mailed own localities. Anyone tan ao tire w ,:: pro-
MAI'K'a MAG5ETN' IEDICIVE Ca.. pain from
ten thtartmes ord he Sill
Windsor, Ont., ('quads
Bold In Ooderfch, by JAM& It MOON, and rages outfit furnished tree. No w. ' 'ono co-
al! Druggists very where 1863-1) dagesfailsto make money rapidly. You ton
gevote your whole time to the woe!:. or only
ill thatspare, necessary sent Full
tree.ntoAdtt lon is 23Tl A
SON ! Co. Portland. Maine
Price only five
torn and try it
a Nor was Woe.. aiw 7
Electric Bd,tera• Sul at �G, a tQL'Att4,
tattle by J. Wilson. -- —
To oke Medical 'rottenest'. and all whom
11 Easy routes.
thele its the light its v-hich it firat pre -
Phosphatine, een, or Nerve pooa, a Phoe- 1r Chrystal
84 131a
get,• Element based upon Bciantifie 1 1 Wv
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin,
M. D. of Boston, Mass., cures Pulmon- -
ary ConstunpttUll, Sick Headache, Ner-
Voue Attacks, V ertige asd Neuralgia TOHILL 71ES Mitt -..,il T WELL MEN
and all wasting diseases of the human j
system. Phosphatine is nota Medecine, , l -.\i
NK(17 E) .T ietNe i
but a Nutriment, because it contains no New i
vl literal Puisemut, opiates, .teed en unit -tort rt 11,1,1(.
Vegetab1A or _---
Ntrcotics, and no Sti•nolatits, but situp,
GsRris Elements Inds e! ftepiir:ag Leech:ed un' -(r .. o
ly the Phosphatic sold Ai. .
found in our duly f,,...1. A settle bottle
is sufficient to convince.' All Druggists pe1Ioa•1aet.arc_s,,, t 1 ,...e I':aprlrc re .• . o
sell it. $1 00 per bottle. Tenenee &
Co: , sole silents for the Des ine•0, f
55 Front Street East Toronto
and other cover their own ignorance land laziness
Sumner fans are enormous and more
than ever. aide.
tite odor for both sum. -shades and fans, ‘or Headache.
especially for the country and seaside. I Krtnr•U
Bright scarlet, however, is leas in favor
thanh shades as Gro, copper, mists -
Dr. Day tiara its a late lecture :
Red ►s still the f put theta in confusion. --Farm and Fire -
ruri tier
1Ait.1, t URIC
It lieu thorn,
S3 pllttlw,
Pistil !thrum,
%(•urt y and
1 1 88:N DISEASES.
It will remove
and heal Ulcers
and (ild Sores.
Lj4 s ;_
Farmers Please Consider This.' THE NI KILLnevER sets
1 with wonderful rapidity
when' taken at the oolnmenoement of an
attack, to esu» .,• -.+w.,�•'
Choltra, Cholera 1llorbus. ,
as well as all sntammet complaints of a simi-
lar estate.
For Toothache, Burns.
Scalds, Cubs, Bruises, die.
the PAIN KILLER will be found a willing
rh2ionag ,wrtehady adndaa, bala
d10 o rhe r insmC
:Bast Bost. Yor
Colic, Cramps,
ban- -ASD—
Dysentery In lliorl►es,
the PAIN KILLER has no equal, and it has
sever been known to fail to aeons euro In a
ishale nmost liven stables is
and ho ed ninnrnnaries in
• the world. To resuscitate young Iambs or other
eieek chilled and dying from cold. s little
Ams KiLLx■ mixed with milk will restore
them to health yeti Quickly
The PAIN FULLER is for este by•tt• Apotheearies,(Iron +nand \led!eiUS
I,s.lera throughout the world.
CA1)TION.-Ask for " Dr. C
nInS's Sarsaparilla," take no
other In its place. If your Dru<t-.
31st has 'none In stock, requei.t:
him to send for It.
Perry Davis & Son & Lawrie, •
S, le Agents, MONTREAL.
are annually robbed
of their e . ,oris ivcs
prolonged. !:appieesa
and houlth restored
. by the use oft he great
which positively and pormaneut y conn Im•
peteuey 'caused by exeeenls of any kit>�l.l
sentinel weakness. snit all di,eaees tot -
low as a sequence of self -Abu e. es loss of cu-
ergy. fuss of memory. lmiver,al leeeitudo.
tturnoohlin ttage. akdlas'O oiler diseases' that
lead to insanity or corselet -Non and a prema-
ture grave.
Send for circulars W:t;, t..t'uonials free by
mail. The INTIG(/K :`ion i•sokt � draggles. ut11er
box. ur nix boxes for
will be sent free my 11,111. securely sr tied, en
receipt of F. J..CIIby E%HYD. i evotee.
157 Summit Bt.. Toted' Ohio
Sole Agent for Goderich
rium, terracotta, and crush arrawlaer- \\"hatcver be the plan of treatmeut de-
ry e)'led upon, rest in the first principel to
Cockade bows aro all the fashion.
They are made up of a number of hops inculate in very severe headache. Rest,
and tapered ends of narrow velvet, satin which the busy man 1)11°1 anxious mother
or faille ribbon, either monochrome or cannot obtain est long as they cant manage
ming dresees, mantles, and bonnets,' of several color)♦, aid are used for trim to keep about, is one of the lint remedies
flowers are also arranged into cockade- Irn•
for ceheadache, and we should never
like clusters for the bodice, coiffure,
bonnet trimming.
Colors are combined quite as much
as materials. The following are some
of the most harmonious combinations
mbin add nand
Moas green and red gold, y g,
oraugo, garnet and aurora -borealis red,
dregs -of -wine red and old blue, msroon
and old pink, prune and pale mauve,
and with all these all shades of gray,
which are once mote in great favor.
Partonls of brocaded velvet, in black
mdark , and of satin edge arabout fringe, are among the newest;
but Ottoman silk, trimmed with lace and
jet balls at distances, and lace ones, are
very much used. In the morning the
plaiu silk ret tout rot, like small umbrel-
las, in dark shades, with rough, unpol-
ished handles, are popular. For full
dress, satin parasols worked in gold
twist. and silks in .Tapaneae style, are
novel. Many have ten ribs instead of
the usual eight, but are not larger than
they were last summer.
•,,'. :i rkm..
Sack!e.a• 'entre nave. , l', I1, HH. -\ 1 -t 1787
The gt•eate.t mtcdical wonder 4.1 isle
d t speedily curet ---
world. \\ arrante o l i s.
Burns, Br es, CCieets, Pile Salt ilblai n, w •1�%�, rr'.:r..a
Fever Sures, C.i.ieera, Piles, Chilblaiva. �„ • ! :or •:.: ,
Corns, Tetter, Chapped Ham s, ane
Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to cute in
every instance, or money refunded 25c.
per box. For sale by T. Wilson. ly.
-New Life for Functions Weakened by YIs
ease. Debility and Disstratten.
The Great German Invigorator is the
only specific for impotency, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude,t'forgetfnine•.•.
pain in the back or sides, no matter haw
shattered the system may be from ex-
cesses of any kind, the Great German
Remedy will restore the 1 ,st functions
and secure health and happiness. $1.00
per h,sx, siz loxes for $5.00. Sold by
all druggists. Sent on receipt of price,
postage paid, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo,
Ohio, sole rgsnt tor United States. Cir-
culars and testimonials sent free. Sold
by Geo. Rnynas, sole agent for Gode-
rich. 3m :
cease to enforce it. The brain, when
excited, as much needs quiet and repose
as a fractured limb or an inflamed eve ;
it is obivious that the chances of shorten-
ing the seizure and arresting the pain
will depend on our power to have this
carried out actually. It
is av view, that
lessen to keep steadily in
there may lurk behind a simple headache
seine lessen o1 unknown magnitude
which may remain stationery if quietude
can be maintained. There is a point
worth attending to in the treatment of
all headaches. See that the head is
vated at
itilat night, hard, ,
if it be soft, the head sinks into it and
becomes !hot, which with some people is
enough to provoke an attack in the
morning if sleep has been long and
I know Hop t Mich., recom-
and give them credit for making cures -
all the proprietors claim for them. i
have kept them BIROS they were first
offered to the public. They took high
rank from the first, and maintained it,
and are more called for than alt o on
combined. fan lour as y
eep np
their high reputation for purity an
oeefnlasOs, I afroII continue to recom-
mend thea[ -something I lases ever
before done with an other patent
cine. 2 J. J. BAsoorc, 1d D.-
Well Rewarded.
A liberal reward will he paid to any
party who will produce a ase of Liver,
Kidney er Stomach complaint that Elec-
tric Bitters will nor speedily cure. Bring
them along, it will oast yon nothing for
the medicine if it fails to care, and you
will be well rewarded for your tr'uhle
besides. All Blood disease's, Bilious-
ness. Jaundice, Constipation, and gene-
ral debility are quickly T�e�. rSatisfac-
tion guaranteed battle For
Price only fifty cents per[51'sale by J. W ilrnn.
hes recent! reeTheme"
turned from Scotland,
bringing with him a stallion, two t one
ishred short horn hulls,
r - • a,•., . ar,. t I-.. • Dict Ht•a:dac het
Lire(IAA a t ,. 8511' 1.. c
carte.. a:. with West's WOW tn: 1. , •' 1 a,,
when :, irrttiossa,'e+'r)s::. uwpliu cr11...
fa''s- ' 3f'Jy' \': ` -• and never 1 1 to
ata nIG., 14 1 -.II _ rm. Mite hr nil
itell•r,(e s. t• 'Cl'•1,; •:•a nr•i a• '.l-
jinn.. rhe.,'.,., us• .,1 re ' b•
JOHN 1'. W>s: