The Huron Signal, 1883-07-13, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIAY. JULY 13. 1883. THE HURON SIGNAL is published every Frida?' Morning. by 11c tLLrcODHY Btuw.,,ai their Office. North 5t oa the Square/ OODERICH, ONTARH►. And to despatched to all part* of the surround country by the earliest walla and trains. By acral admission it hart It ureter circula lett luau any other newspaper in thi* part of the ooaatry, d is ate of the raciest, newsiest 414 uyoat reusable journals iu Ontts*1rrio ng. as It does, the tore-goingessentiW aadbei n u i addition Itloutoth A the abovesine t art -c ter cantly •and fireside paper - it is therefore a a Most desirable adrer(ietny medium. Tagus.41.50 in advance postage prepaid by pabllabers; $IsT5, it paid Isetore six months WOO if not so paid. This rule will be strictly eettxced. RATER OP Abvr.RTtarxo.--Fight cent* Ine for first insertion ; three cent* per line for pe • eubeequent insertion. Yearly. half -yearly and quarterly contracts at reduced mite. jos Pal\TINsi.•.• We have also• first-class jobbing department to connection. and poeeesie- ng the moat complete out -fit and best facilities t tr turning out work in Gaterleb. are prepared to do business in that lite at prkecsthat cannot be beaten. and of a quality that cannot be S urpassed.- Terwrs Cash FRIDAY, JULY 13ru, 1883. f'.4RRYTHE NEWS Tit 11(►1VIf'K. THE Howick Euterjo•is , a little poor up North, is evidently under charge of a "smart" young ratan, who•,wheu he sees a good thing in a newspaper, usually gives lit the •' reply " to THE Sioaat which is advanced in the last issue of the Row - ick sheet nu effort is made to prove that tkeextracts from the auditoai report have becn garbled in any way. The attempt is+m:sde to shirk the question by lauding David Weir and personally abusing the editor of THE SieleaL,-which is merely another way of abusing the plaintiffs counsel. But the "amateur editor" of Gorrie can't trail a herrtn across the •sent in this instance, or divert Tux Smoot from the task of closely follkw- ing up public wrongdoing throughout the county ; and sit lung as question- able items appear in township auditors' reports, eo lougpe the ratepayers' nese* is frittered away byo township J epre- aeutatire. in a serum/11u' tnnner„sud ao lona as injustice is done to the po. r by men who are sworn to net well and faith- fully in t!:e capacity t•f the pe'ople's stewards, just s, Lang will THE S1t.N.(L keep to its wink of esposing the w-rona- doers, it matters nut upon whom the lash descends. Personally we have no feeling against Dat id Weir, but as he has taken upon hi ••self the pcsitien of critic fur the county council of newspaper it a place in his columns. The E+tt.,p. is utterances -a position which his intel- copied our article on the Howick aud'• lett, education, personal standing and tors' report which we published two oratorical powers do not entitle hint to weeks ago, and the rustic thinker en- :_we are constrained to give hien the deavored to continent upon it. The l u- notoriety for which he pants. \\•e are willing tc admit' that it semis like load - 1,. prise is one of those little "seven -by. nines" that usually talk about the press being the palladium of the rights and liberties of the people, the pillar of the c institution, &c. The Enttvl,r;se•,fur the benefit of those of our readers who have never heard of the sheet, is located inthe hamlet of Gorrie. It in a double•demy "patent -outside," with an average of three columns and a half of hone -print- ed reading matter each week. Its influ- ence in Howick township is considered wonderful by the your,'_ roan who steers the barque -which his name it is(:r•,.., and suggestive is the name in this -in- Huron election case i It really looks as Mance. Well. the young man is pining if M. C. Cameron is acing to cit in tha fur notoriety, and as three columns a house another session, and probably for week won't put a hack -township youth three other sessions after that. on the pinnacle ..f fame, he has ender- \\•L leant that Sir John Macdonald vored to gain a reputation and a name purposes visiting Manitoba during the present season, and we are wondering if he is likely to redeem, the promise he made at Peterborough, concerning Reil, when he said, "Would to God I could wants to play Boswell to David Weirs's catch hint." Ings cannon to shoot an obnoxious fly, but as matters of moment are scarce, we have felt it incumbent upon us to let the people of Huron view a specimen brick from the Howick council. THE Marquis of Lansdowne, who suc- ceeds the Marquis of Lorne as Governor- General of Canada, has arranged to sail for Canada on the llth of October next. WE would mildly enquire if anybody has any idea about the trial of the ;Vest by becoming the apul ,gist of David Weir, who misrepresents Howiek in the county cnunci},.and who mumbled se terribly against the poorhouse project at the June meeting. .The young man who Johnson is apt to get "left" occasional - MR. THoa. Gta-oN, M.P.P. for East ly ; and so it is with the youngman Huron, and Mr. T. E. Hays, the defeat - Green -or the C,rr>+ young man, of ed .at.didate for the same constituency, Howick. David Weir is rated at his full were in close communion with their re- value as a public man in Goderich, and spective legal advisers this week. Veri- the test finds hien a long way jj below ly, the tribulations of the politician in a mediocrity in intelligence and al ility. contested election case are hard. Those of our readers who have heard the , Howick Demosthenes address the county! A NC\IEEI: of people in Canada have council will be reminded of s/ioat was j been in the habit of aendit:g money to said of Davis, the would-be actor : "He' New Orleans for the purchaae of tickets mouths a sentence, as a dog would a in the Louisiana state lottery. They bone." So much for the Howick town- will save themselves trouble and money ship Flasher," i,v making a note of the fact that the At the June tuecting of the comity United States postmaster general has for - council THE Stosaa took a decided stand i bidden the delivery of registered letters on the poor house question. We belies-- • and money (-niers to agents of the lot• ed, and cortinue to believe, that re large tery. county like Huron, with a population (of. over 80,000 suula, should have some in-' f1 i Tuesday last the most disastrous stitucion where the helpless poor and the flood that has ever been known in that infirm aged could be cared for at the. section oacurred at London, Out. The public expense. instead of heing slowly su?,orb of \Westutinister was alinost en - starved to death by the eysten't of muni- tirely submerged, bridges ama houses cipal relief which at present obtain* in were washed away, railway trattic was Huron. \\-e stated the .rounds for ourentirely suspended, and some twenty or -belief in an carnest,straialdforward ratan- ' hirty lives were lost. The .inundatio ner ; we pointed out that year by year was caused by the recent heavy- rains infirm paupers were slowly but surely swelling the little tributaries that entpti starved to death by the niggardly treat• ed into the Thames. The lose of proper- tnent of the municipalities : au.1 we show- ty is estimated at 8500,000. As we go to- ed that great good Would resait from the press n•oue of the Loudon daily papers establishment of a house of refuge for, have arrived,»rad railway:communication the helpless alio' iulirnt, without any per- with the Forest City appears to be in a ceptiblt• increase of taxation. Excel,- discos-uected condition. tion was taken to our rertiarks, and an -__ • attempt was Made by several of the op- THE Tory prutest•mongers are coming ponents of the scheme to combat our, td grief all along the line. The other contentions. Amongst others, who rose day the petition against Mr. Awrey, in his place to prove that the establish- M. PP. fo r South Wentworth, was with - On Saturday evening the principal trent of a poorhouse in Huron etas not drown. and new we learn that the South ; stores win dose early, to allow the clerks necets:u•y. tear. Dat td \Weir,deputy reeve Victoria trial has resttend in the die to attend the jubilee singer's concert, .,f Howick. lie was toot satisfied with missal of the petitign uartit.at Mr. Mc- a; 8. p. no therefore get your shopping m- combattill•__ the statetltetttsifTriESi,• as. Ii,tyre. Mr. Justice Patterson in c n done early. -ha mutt need abuse that journal, .- t• -•-td'„ . co_ the_ affidavit ,Wade by the Rev. R. Y, Thompson, the well-known defy it to prove that the municipalities petitioner could nut understand it H ' is that gttrratstChholare old friend, Rer. J. A. Turnbull. He did not well and faithfully support the, po ssible that any man could hang conducted Knox church prnyermeeting poor whose Jut *as cast in their midst. ' himself to swear to the contents (of NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A chief's aasang ye. taken' notes. • Au' faith he'll punt it." TOWN TOPIC . R,,.tt. UHY:Amy d• '1' t1.sow. (ligheet prices paid for all kinds at the factory, corner of 1C1ngatuu and t'antbria atrt•ets, Oo tui, b. Huron soap Comp.:uy. IFAH-Stn. You tan preserve till lbe. of fruit. tomatoes, &c. with ak of We age shed with or without pre- serving powder and 11QnJd, with .r wfthuut sugar. For sale at !carte'. Hook t1tere. There never was a bicycle rider that- could travel fast That bellows' could nut catch Dimwit his camera. In the photograph buss new ft, Sallow' knows no such worst a• 'r'a't " (;orner Montreal-st and !Square. G. H. Robson, in his quiet moments. pre(.'.. Meting to bicycling. but when it conies right down to business be prefer photographing to every other line of trate. What he dome', know about picture taking isn't worth know - Ing. The American wheelmen were mu. h pleased with, the Uodeetch streets, and the American touriata as well tart the residents ot Uoderlch Inc satisfied that W. 1.. Horton's is the best spot in (loeterlch fur wines and liquor* of all descriptions. The grass don't grow in front of Saunders' varioty store, the rush after bagaine prevents it, but the bgslnew grows steadily, the low prices does it. .A stock of pre.er% ing ketth•s and fruit. jars to hand, with other seasonable goods. "The Cheapest House Under the Sun." Miss Nellie Duuagh is in town. Capt. Mt Kay was in town this week. Airs. Savage has returned from De- troit. Miss Sophist Garton is at home for va- cation. Ain. Black left for Torunte Mouday morning. Mr. A. Cowherd, teacher, is .pending his vacation at horse. Mr. John Robinson sane at St. Peter's on Sunday evening last. Mrs. Robt. Baird of Kincardine,ia the guest of Mrs. W. Watson. Miss Lottie Vanderlip is home from Ingersoll, for her holidays. James-''. Wilkinson, of Chicago, gave his parents a pleasant surprise last week. Mrs. James Saunders and her daugh- ter, Mrs. Kuight,havu taken strip to De- troit. Mrs. Shields and Airs. ,lebbett of T.J. runt., are visiting ut 111rt. Blacks West street. Mrs. Graham i1, n rouse has returned to Detroit after a few weeks' quit to her parents. Those who sprinkled the piton bens- sotna with Paris green are quite sure of a geed crop. No Quota -v. -I. -There was no meeting of the school board on Monday evening --cause no quorum. „ C. Crabb, one of our oldest merchants, has taken his family to nis summer resi- dence, Hayfield Road. Quite a shower of had fell on Tuesday, accornpa:o... by the heaviest clap of thunder of the season. R. McDonald, of Elmira, Cot Water- loo, is in town visiting relatives and friends during vacation. ' Mr. Kilburn, of Stratford, . passed through Goderich, last week ou his way from Wiarton to Stratford. oa Airs. John Currie and family will leave on the United Empire for 1Vitnipe, on her return trip from Sandia ' Mr. Ifayhurst, of New Zealand, cousin of Mr. Hayhurst, of Palmerston, took Goderich in on hie Canadian tour. Mrs. George Old and Miss Josie Old have returned from a pleasant visit to friends in Parkhill and Ailsa Craig, , Mrs John Holmes and three children, of Strathroy, arc visiting at her sister's, Mrs. Geo. W. Thompson, Nelson St. Ars. Dr. Craig of Jersey City an.l daughter were the guests last week of Mr. Malcom Nicholson, brother of Mrs. Crie. A number of our townspeople availed themselves of a trip to Stratford on Mon- day "tit see the elephant." Jumbo was there. Sallee s, the photographer, has handed us an interesting picture of the departure of the American whoe:lmen. Ile has copies for sale. RUNAWAY -A mare belonging to Dr. Whitely ran away in the vicinity of Light- house st., on Wednesday evening. The buggy was partly dismantled. "THE TWELFTH" -A number' of the Orangemen of Goderich left for Wood- stock on Thursday morning to take part in the procession in that town. Wm. Robson, of Galt, brother of G. B. Robson, the photographer, has been spending his holidays in Gatdorich, and appears to be enjoying himself. Mr. Clayton Slater, of the Brantford cotton mills, was in town last week. He 'a quite delighted with Goderich as a ,rood point fur enterprise and pleasure So eager was David to trait his con; for some one to stand on the tail of it, that he spoke as bust he could on the suloject 00 two oeCtirious. and always defied any one to prove that the llwick p or were not well cared for. \\ a iniuoedistely sought data to pr wecourcontentiona.tand in a few weeks obtained a copy of the Howick auditors' report. Ilythatre;,o •t -which is an official document. so far us Hoowick is concerned -we disccvered that David Weir's talk of .upy.,dting the indigent and infirm as they s''touI l 1t supported in a cirilizeti land, was brag, bluster and frothy ,ttouthin.. From it we learned that "De unto other as to would that others should do unto , •.. was a dead letter at the Howick c•,uiteil beard : from it we /ante to the opisti•i61 that when I),evid \Weir of lion uktd - THg St..NAt t- leech tl,at Eat •eftitieut • WAP given to the fin or to keep irody and soul together, we could have pointed to Howick council's item. of "charity •' and to David '•f Howick as did Nathan to David of old.aying, "Thou art the man" as he.t,d *sed the Norman motors of tr• lief fn 11•^ rr/Rniof;.•tl;ties ouch a .lecuntet.t. The judge has let yet got at the true inwardness of Tory ipetttiunerr. In West Huron some forty bogus 1•alleta were polkd with the con - I niyance of the Tory deputy returning otticers, and the Tory petitioner against the return of AI. C. Cameron, M. i'.. sets forth in his petition that he believes "they all voted far the said M. 1'. Came - 1 11,1,. • --- The Looser anor.IIb. 1 The Toronto Tdegoo,o is an tails pen. dent political netrspaper. and its opinions are. as a rule, free from hiss. Tat paper any' in reference to the Domini. n lignir !art : The truth about the 'hiller Ic„ isle , tion is that it is a police matter. and therefore rightly belongs to the Nevin - trial authorities. It would have been far beton if Sir Jodie Macdonald had left . matters as they wet.. !ie has not bet- tered them, )No far as the lapttor dealer are concerned, nor has he taken a stride in the direction of temp/Sranee, It Is deer from *shat has been mild by mem. hen of the Mowat Administration that they intend to fight the mase ern in the coder, on \\'eineaday evening. John Craih. the enterprtsim; Clinton merchant, who has made his name known in Goderich by advertising in THIS Sto- NAL, has the contract for carpeting the new Grand Union Hotel in Clinton, anti is snaking n tip-top job of it. Front the Saginaw reeais,' we horn ' that at a recent drill for a prize by pick- , eel ntentbers of the Sa¢inaw !illicit, (leo. Pasuore, formerly of Goderich, captured the trophy -nit elegant gold emblematic helve. Goderich toys will come to the front ercrye-here. A..•►. Mnuger, book-keeper for the Ito/nor Al.ile, accoutp.aiiietl by Mrs. Mauer end little so n, returned nn Tues- day from n couple II weeks' visit to re- latives in New l ork and oilier American , •p'tinti. They appear to }tare enjured the trip across the lines. Mitt. FLET. HER': CtIN. CRT The atm- null concert of the pupils of Mrs. Fletch • er's echenf, which was held in Victoria hall i n Friday evening last, was well at!l tended and very successful. The bicycle h reception untlitated s rntewhat against the attentl:ito a 1' the concert but mit egainst 1 the carryine ut of the excellent pro- .t gramme, Hy special reegqeust a *stineeI Was 1•eld on Monday aftcrn.aort for the i t echoed ehildreu, at which we understand the pantomime of the " Sleeping (lean- ty " and the scenes from the ' Gaily of Lyons were euceessftiliy carrie,f tut. I Tuesday, July 24th, hu been,de6nitely decided upou as the day fur holding Knox church S.S. eie-uic The spot will tort Bingham'* grove, and an admission fee of 25c for adults and 15 :amts for children will be charged all persuus not in connection with the, Sunday Schuol. The Huron photographers have form- ed se sasoelatiou, with the following of- ficers : President, Bailey, of Clintuu ; lat Vice- Vres.. Calder, „f xa[u th;2 rad Tice -Pres , Hr,ckenshire, of \Vingham ; See. Treat., Sallow., et Goderich. Thu object of the association is the improve- ment of the art -and prices. The Explorurkft for Georgian bay yes- terday •Thursday) with a party of escer- mottists consisting of Airs. Lewis, Mr. ;and Mrs. Seager, Aliases Lewis, Mai- mie Alacdenuutt and Mr. El. Lewis .,t G.aiench, and Miss Arkell, of St *The - ma.. The party expects to be 81 80111 a couple of weeks. Fnotu the .%oto. ',Woolf ,J,..ru it WS clip the following obituary item: "At Victoria Place, Wick, "n the 14th of Jnne, Catheriut Swanson, beloved wife of Mr. James Noble, dyer, aged 57 years -umch and deservedly regretted by a wide circle of friends and seepuaintances. Deceased wt. a sister of our'old ;••wns- naan, Mr. Geo. Swanson. Iowa Social.. --The Ladies'Aidaocie- ty if the North street Methodist church purpose holding a lawn social in tete headsman and commodious .rounds of Wm. McLean, Esq., on Tuesday even- ing, July lath. Gates o Yuen at seven o'clock. Admire/ion elk. Strawberries and cream and other refreshtnents will be provided at moderate prices. The public aro invited. AcY•IDLN'T AT THE FALvi ltE.4ER%E.-A number of boys were camped out at the Reserve this week, and one of them. Fred Martin, about 12 years ut azo, stn of Mr. Henry -Martin of Saltford, shot himself accidentally through the thigh, in trying rigorously to fire his revolver. This should be a warning to parents al- lowing their boys to carry such danger• ous weapons, Mr. Platt kindly brought the bey to his home at Saltford, Samcel E. Hick, returned to Goderich, last week, accompanied by his bride. His sojourn in the north west tanned some of the peach-hle•em out of his cheek, but he. 'enjoyed his rambles over the prairies. Ho reports business as rather quiet in Winnipeg just now. Alr. !lie, ]raving reversed the order of things by going to Manitoba for his wife, deserves the fullest share of happiness. Jordan's hardly seemed Jordan's without Mr. Hick's familiar face. E. C. Poste. -The picnic under the auspices of St. Peter's church )t Bingham's grove on Wednesday next, the 18th ilea., promises to be the event .tf the season. Every inducements will be offered to pleasure seekers to enjoy themselves, and all can look forward td a stood day's sport. The voting on the gold watch will be a feature. anti the dancing pavilion will also pr,t•e a great attraction ti the young people. Ni tea will be served after 7 p.m. Don't fail to attend. STRAw•BERIIF.S AND L.E CREAM NEXT MONDAY. -H. Y. Attrill has generousely 'made a donation of strawberries to Knox church Sunday school, and the teachers will hold a strawberry and ice-cream social is the basement un Monday even- ing next. An ittereating programme of readings, music, etc., is tieing prepart•d, and the coot of the entire evening's en- tertainment and refreshments it only 20e. There ought to be a big turn -out - on - Monday. Proceeds in aid of the library fund. , Benj. :Men, one of Chicago's mer- chant princes, brother of Reeve A. Allen, :f Colborne, and of Mrs. Smith, wife of Abm. Smith one of our town Reeves, and of Mrs. Cox, sailed for Europe on June 30th, by the "Germania, of the White Star Line, to remain abroad until Sept. l.t. He was accompanied toy an enunent physician of Chicago and sou.e ft:ends froom St. Louis. He will ta:ce iu Paris and reside for a time at the beauti- ful Swiss lakes. It is hoped -that the tt:p will build up his constitution which is somewhat impaired by close appli- cation to biotite/as. His many friends here wish 11i:u a pleasant voyage and safe return. Ex.•r-u,toN The Methodist church of Clinton had an excursion to Goderich oa Tuesdayiast. The excursionistsnumberer. 600, ani were in charge of Ret-. Mr. Gray, the miaow, and S. S. superinten- dent Thompson. At the station the party was stet by the Goderich brass hand, which headed the procession pity. ins; spirited air on the march to the town park. A very nice time was spent, and during the afternts,n the visitors had an opportunity afford:a theta of seeini the magnificent Beatty line steamer, the United Empire, which called into the barber ou hertlown trip, to Sarnia. '1'ire ex- euesionists ret -earned to Clinker by special train at 5 p.ut. after having vent a most en j oy'able time at the lal • ei le tcwn. VIEWS uF Gi tot:tuctt.-\We have to thank --R: t4a}lows for x large etwarber---of really pretty stereescopie views of Gode- rich, taken by himself at odd hours dur- ing the peat year. The crews are taried, and give a good idea of the romantic situation, beautiful streets, and general attractit•enese of .he town. Salhowe payht to dispose "f a large ituniher of these really excellent. phot.,graIilia. The natural scenery •Mout (ioderich is ut - snrpaasseel by that of any other Cana- dian town, and the well shaded avenues here and there make an attractive picture. • We wotild adv iso onr reader to examine the stock of G,ieletich t iews at 'allows'. It will be *my to stake a collection that would be a credit to any drawing room. We lin%. not to g.• from home 10 Ad Choice ttere.,scopic views. Hnaf S. nont..--Recently, for the tint tiwte, mere held exautinatioue in the terntediateand Toronto University Mat rfcofation Classic., for the McGillivray Classical Prize. Tlsej donor who examin- ed the paper's. repwr.s that two eandi- datea have displayed such espial excel boort, each nbtatininqq over ►i0 in his re- spective work, that tltq will divide the mors. The primmen are Master John Swanson in the metric work, and Master fort rt Rohertsees brother of the• last old medalist, in the int. mediate work. f tem: c,iitinae 1•. work as faithfully as his tesuit +haws, we predict for them a place in the galaxy of Goderich High School stars. Our school and ittesteem- ell head master here again been hmmored n the electten of J. C. Robertson, B. A. Gold Medalist in C asides, to a Cltwical F.'losship in t'niv. Cull., Toronto, and a joint Tutorship in Wycliffe College. Succuss to him in his l,rof essioual duties. Saud. Sloane, grain buyer was hoist- ing peas in hie warehouse on TuttsJay Ise. when the assistant up aloft sang out "let Qo, Mr. Slone accordingly *class( d hte hohl on the rope. An immediate or7 t'q from e assisttutt of "Cstch it, quick caused/ Mr. Sloane to rush forward a d grate. the rope.which was rapidly tuna' ua the windlass. The speed with whi t the tope pissed through Air. Sloane's hind* forced the akin to peel off the p dor, causing pain1 wounds. Had net ,Air. Sioane Omagh ger from the gall would serer have tis awistaut in don - of the wiudteis he •atpted to sane the nope. fat present ire wadi.s around with bottl h rods heavily bandageol, and looks like a pugili t in triimiug for a "oar g . re lith(, At the last regular meeting of Herat Lo.'.gu No. 62, 1.(1.0 F., the D. D.G. M., Bo. 1'. 0. George Stiv'eua, assist •d 1.4 Past Grande tiros. I. F. Toots, F. AV. Johnston and Chita. A. Nairn, installed the otticers for the current tarot as fol- lows :-Bre. 11. W Pall, N. G. ; Bro. John Smith, V. 0. ; Bro. E. Elates, R. 8. ; Pro: (leo. Stiveus, P. 8, J,ts. striv- eas, Warden : Bro. H. Stowne, Conduc- tor ; Bro. J. Nairn, 0. (3, ; Bro. Itobt, NGivGe.nBrRo..8 VN,TelfeBrr, o.R BS. . SaV. lGts., ; 11.1... R. Pell, L.S.V.G. ; Bro. T. McKenzie. L 8.8. The following committees were appi,inte.l for the term: Finance, Bros. Jas. Yates, Jas. Robinson and W. Mft c' 11 { Visiting, Bros. Ball, Smith. Iii es, 0. Stiveus, Campbell, Givens and 3lurney : Property, Bros. J. Stivens, if. Nairn and A, Johnston. GARDEN PARTY. -The garden arty under the auspices of tete ladies' M. so- ciety of St. George's chard], held on the grounds of Sir. Geo. Perseus, Essex-st. on Tuesday evening last, was a complete success. Notwithstandiug the heavy thunder atodtu about 4 put, alart:auuhu• ber of visitors turned out Burin, the afternoon and ee-ettin_•. A capital tea was furnished to all who (avowed the tables with their presence, mid a by sly trade in strawberries stud ice-cream was dune by the ladies in charge of the fruit stads. After dusk the garden and taw's wete iiluutinated • uy handsome Clti;tese lanterns which threw a brilliant glow ever the assemblage. Atl itltprultlp to concert was a feature of the enter taiuntent, and was taken part in by Mrs. Totes, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs, Woodcock and daughter, and Ven. Arghdeacon El- wood and Messrs. John Robinson, Harry Rothwell,little Harry Johnston, and Alf. Williams, -the latter gentleman, Shu hails from Leeburu,supplying no leas than fire pieces to the programme. At the close the surplus edibles were auctioned off, which coated some merriment itt the crowd. We are pleased to leant that over *38 were netted by the lady managers on the occasion. ' Tttr NA+Ht-1I.1C S.Tt-DE\T-011 Sat- urday evening next the 14th inst., the Nashville students, the celebrated jubi- lee singers will gt(-e an entertainment in the North-st. Methodist church. A plan of the seats can be seen at Sheppard's (b•ickat ore, where tickets can also be utt- tallied. Doers o iron at 7: to continence I at 8 o'clock. The singers are highly spoken off by the press of all the cities and towns which they }tate ilsitett. The folio vine notice front a contemporary which is not addicted to over -praising in- ferior performances. we publish on this occasieu, so that our readers will have an idea of the musical abilities .1 the jubilee stinger ,who will be at North street church on Saturday ' evening. On 1Vednesday evenin,( the Nashville • Students gave a tirst-class euterttittutent Consisting of Aanou's . neem melodies and a repetition of the music of the col- ored people of the South. 'fhe pro- gratnute was lengthy and new. The ren- dering of songs creditable and showed that the actors were perfect in the rolls they assumed Th4irvoicesarerich, musi- ctl,and e,f rare t- titpass,and the souks by turns full of pathos or humor. The lip- pearance of the singers in plantation cos- tume with the old somas and gestures brings to the memory scenes sal the old „ n plantatr day., campmeetines and cot- :: ••.d singers, the contralto, Slits Frank- liva the alto of Miss Scott, the basso .4 Mr. Tipton, and the tenor Mr. Edwards, wet -o specially admired. The Nashville quartetteandTenneessee trio were remark- able, for the beautiful blending of their voices. Cousctentiously speaking, their music is far ahead of that of the Fisk Jubilee Singers, and if they eij-er visit this city astain they will he tweeted with another full home." -[Guelph 1leraid, 'May 2t;th. 1883. of the morning meeting ware read and approved, Rev. G. A. Francis was formally re- ceived with the ,lreshytery in compli- ance with the assembly's tern. The hayfield ens. was referred to a committee consisting, of l)r. the, c1.0 vapor, and Rev. Messrs. Turnbull, Pritchard and C,uuerett,r rid Elders J. R. Miller, Clark, Scott and McCullough. The report apo. t o f the auditing wowNtittar wen ad.,pted, The Ptvsthytert . iju,ut ed to sleet at B1)tIt ou saws.. Cue.1 n' in Eleptemher. threw Prt.b;lery, July 10th, lrts3, The Presbytery of Huron met in Knox church at Ii a.m. Rev. .l. A. Turnbull in the chair. The roll for 1883 was made up. Rev. Air. Fletcher, of Tltentes road, was appi,incrl moderator fiir-tho efltttng b months. On behalf of the home mis- sion Rev. J. A. Turnbull reported anent mission station and cone/via/Oboes, setting forth that no change had taken place since last report, and that there WAR one vacancy and one mission station within the presbytery. Report receiv- ed. Rev, Mr. McCoy, ou Wed( .of the financial committee, stated that the cont- mittee was not prepared at this meeting. Report received. Messrs. Musgrave and Anderson were appointed to audit the finance hook and the hooks of the convener of the home mission committee. A entnmittee, consisting of Memo. Stewart, Thomson, Wilkins, and Elliott, was appointed to nominate the standing committee, and report. Messrs. McLaren and Reith, of Rud- verville, applied, asking that one he ape pointed to rm.derate in a call to a ea:at- ter, Mr. Danby was al.anted to attend to this scatter et an early day. Consideration ••f the repent . f defray- ing expenses of commissioners to general easemhly, es deferred from last meeting. t was taken rap. The 2nd eau.' was read when it was moved by Mr. McCoy, and t duly seconded, that said clause Foe ap- proved of. It was then *greed to send report as amended to kirk sessions for their considert.,ef to report at tt • Jar - nary meeting. At the afternoon sederunt the minutes q New .tltetrsbrweals, vtres soar -if. Oirvla. t'arstwl Leat TM. Office. Farts fur aalt? J. Morgan. Dry Uueits !•a -W. 11 1thlky. Heat for Sale -Stneppard's (look Store, American Preserving Powder Jae. Iatric. Prerrrt In i Kettles is J. Saunders b Sun. Dentistry. `q NICHOLSON, tit':; IRON DEN - 1L ttic.on,,t.t;e.il•I • • %Vestittreet Hire •,1),•a'til ,,r (I. t•: o• ..1,Prnal, Gode- rich 1758 She People's tGoiumr,, PARASOL LOST -Ox FhtDAY Evate- ▪ INa. a. Lady's Parasol. The finder will oleos', leave it at this office. 1808-tt GOODFAAIILI- BOAT, BUILT BY ri Warren. Toronto, capable of holding six persons. for sale, ppriers M Apply tor par- ticulars at GEO. stIEf'1'ARL't4 bookstore. L'STRAY STEER -CAME ON THE premises of the subscriber. about the first of June• a red steer (soy ears uld. The own er is requested to prove propertyp pat c s+ •tia take the amnia! away. lit till GI - VIN.T.et 12con. 2. ArhIced, 11TANTED AT ONCE AN EXI'ERI- etteed en)k. wages 1121,000 per month. f .1. J. lt'IttcKT. The Point Farm. 1858 WANTED. --A GOOD SMART WO- tnan to take charge of the Dining Room. Meat 1,. ex riene..t. Good wages. J. J. WRIGHT The Point Earns. idea -u. CJEIIVANT (;iltL WANTED - For for general house work -must be good washer and ironer. Apply to THA tient St O 1m' (:.„ler', t.. 1884-tf. i ILK MILK:• Thee y.clrrai;need int.:ins( taken no the milk tnn,ines-, formerly carrie.l on bi- N'II}iarn Mc- Caig. 1. prepared t., deliver milk to nil parts of the note. satisfaction guaranteed. .SAME. M c(' A I G 1884-4t. !NOTICE TO DEBTORS --NOTICE IS 1 hereby given that all parties, indebted to the undersigned by note or book account are requested to settle the tame at once and there- by sate an enforced collection. I mean busi- ness.. ABRAHAM SMITH. 18E2- • HORO' BRED DURHAM BULL "F:Y)WARJi BL.1KP.," root SERViC'F:. Highly Pedigreed. k stored In the new Brit- ish .' merit -an Herd Rook. The property of James Jenkin and Isaac Fisher. 'Will be found at JA\fFS JENKIN'S, Lot 5, Con - (version' 2.Colborne. Timms :-$2.00 to in- sure, or three for 11.4.00. Petsons disposing of their cows before calving time will be charged whether in cart or not. tree payable 1st January. 1884. 18Att-4t ►L\\'(, THOROUGHBREDDURHAM R('LLS F'Oft SALE -The animals can be seen on lot 3rd con. of West Wawaaosh. Will be sold at a l.argaln. For further par- ticulars apply to JOHN WASHINGTON, An- t urn 1'. 0, 1804-h OTICE. - THE STATUTES ()F lintarin, teal, Victoria, Rote, are nos reach for distribution at the oMee of the Clerk of the Peace. GoderIch, tt4Justtces of the Pewee and others entitled to eanle. IitA Lgw•ts. l'lerh of the Peace. OW' a of ('leek of the Peace, , Goderich June •l, rasa ▪ It -2t' NIR. \W, F. Fil(►T, ORGANIST AND c hotrmaster e f Pt. Ocorge'. Church, 1. prepared to give instruction in the following branches of noisiest study vis :--Plano, Organ Iehnrch and cabinets Singing at sight, Voice culture. l hoeough base and harmony.. Aa Mr. toot has hail many sears experience both in city and country. a thorough training may be expected by vomits. Vocal classes liberally dealt with. Pupils on church organ can hair use of instrument. Terns tnotterate. 1881-3m. For Sale or to Let. ALI ABLE FARM FOR iSALE- Lot No. 5, in the Rayfield con. township 01 Goderich, 85 aen•s. 40 to 50 acres cleared and for from stomps- balance well timbered. has frontage on clay field river and on the Clinton road, and adjoins the incorporated tillage of Hayfield. For terns- -further particulars and conditions of sale apply to LEITH. KING- STON v.•fi AItMOI.ftSolicitors. 1S King stmt west 'i'orentn. 'Or to John Morgan Hotel keeper. Hayfield. tt61 -tf L Althf FOlt SALE -BEING THF easterly 13D acres of block lettered "t•'," in the 7th ('oneeasion of the TownsMp, of Col- borne. About 85 or 90 acres are cleared. Tho growing timber consists of maple- beech and elm. A frame house, a large frame barn arid krable an. on the premise... Fences good Only four miles from Ooderirh bin a good ggrmx. 1 road. For rwrtieulars apply to JOII.0 It1: F:('K F:N►t11,O F:, O..lerieh. or to S,EAGEft MQRTON, Solicitors. Goderich. IAS FOR SALE. w A the -h a house. and 14 acres 1 nllfit class briek oose.ar on1inder the Hai • field road. Gexlerich.the.- Is a '.MMI stable and driving shed.lu.rd and .oh water on the prem- ises, grounds well laid out. For particulars apply on the premises or to H. Scegmiller. Ooderreh Fonndr!•. IIT3.tf. L'OR SALE. -THAT DESIRABLE residence, corner Witt/into road and Mc- Donald!trert. opposite the High School, with two Inge. The house is In good repair with eerriae, hews* and stable and other out nntldings. The garden 15 well stocked with reit trees, grape vines, ehruhen- ie., . H. l.'dZZRNs, For terms apply to liJ1avlson et- Johnston. Barristers. lite. tf. L1OR SALE OR TO RENT. -THAT beautiful brick residence occupied b Mm. nn at hehead or formerlyd ttpied Newgate Mr.R. alco i'ossession given in October. F'or particnlars apply to tete owner, J. i1HE('KENR[DGE, Newgate street. Gndericb. rel, FOR SALE OR TO RENT -THAT Valuable Property known as the Shep- parilton Store and Post Office. with quarter of an acre of land. Is offered for sale or to rent. Sta•k in store all new and fresh this year. The proprietor nos other business which will re- quire Minnie attention. Also the west half of ot J, con. a, F.U. Ashflctd ; all new land ; two good orchards. two good wells, and comfort- able frame houses. The lot contains 100 at•i-ss. of which 50 are cleared and all well fencer!. Rrmaintng 5D acres heavily- timbered with hardwood. For particulars address: It, T. IfA VNErt, iheppardton P.O. is: - fro RaNT. Th„, large brick house on the earner of Falgin and Stanley -streets. 1* contains eleven roots. pantry and eettar, hard and soh water. For particulars apply to 1m rtf Mltq. GEORGE. CATTLIC H(►l sE TO RENT. --THE 1WtLL. limit stone honer on East street. am he station. next to the resideace er .tlts•rt Shc ,parer is to rent. tt eontalta• rooms, with pantries, eh»Ms and tuber sew -ententes. Terms reasonable. Apply to solace( PALRtL0, hast Street t FARM TO RENT. ma-res,near iI berfvngfraeeof "stumps. Good barn osi- er. (Medharelhasd and ail weft reseed. Es with a ■ reef R T, H A C N ILP, eheppardten. moat: