The Huron Signal, 1883-07-13, Page 3ty nl D. ey at ni i, re. to 1 Ic n lar !ice X. irnl g en IA II. t•. 0 Ilhe Poet's Corner. The CYewn's Nab,. It Win• Out uu 8 western frontlet The miners, rajgwd and brow Were gathered aroagd the r. The ulruus bad :mem to town The great tent shone In the darkness Like • wonderful palace of light. And rough mea crowded the entrance --- elbows didn't oome es'er7 night. uta wursan's face sarong thein ! Many a (sue that was bad. And some that were only vacant. And some !bat were very sa.I . ♦ad behind the canvas cur &n, 1. a corner of the pts ,e, The clown, with eight and se -mullion. teas "Mklna up" his feee. A weary-iouking woman. With s senile that still was ewcet. Sewed on • little garment. With a noodle st her feet. Pastaltnis stood ready and wahine. 1t wee time ler the going on ; But the clown In vain searched wildly, The "property Irby,. war. guise' Ile murmured, impatiently Lusting. "It's strange that 1 .annot-11nd- There! I've looked la every comer; It Winn have been left behold :" The miners were Mestping and shouting. They were out patient sten ; Thr :down bent over the cradle : 'l must take you, little Deur THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY: J is LY l,18$'. Old Edltleasef lar SIM,. Qutwr titles have been given to wine oil edit' of the Bible. The " Bug " Bible was prin.e 1 in London, in 1651 ; mu'1 received its nickname from the fact that Psalm xei. 5, was immolated, "Thou shalt not need to be afraid Ger may Thoppa by night," instead of, m in our version, "Afraid for the terrur by night." The " Breeches " Bible was printed in Geneva, in 15110 ; and is so called from Gen. iii. 7, being translated, "they sewed fig !wives together, and wade themselves brraAea,•' iustee.d of ditruou, as Ini our version. The "Treacle " Bible was printed in 1568 ; and in it Jeremiah viii. 22 rends, •' la there no treacle in Gilead," etc., in- stead of beim. In 1609, this world was changed to " Rosin," and w came the na ue of the " Rosin " Bible ; and in 1 ill, this last word was changed for " halal," as now. The '` He" Bible, printed in 1811, takesita mane from an error in Ruth iii. 15, " he measured six measure. of bar- ley and laid it on her, and he went into the city." when the word should have baa, " alis went into the city," etc Ime " Wicked " Bible was prized iu 1631..1 d was err named front its omit - tat..; the wont "not., frra the seventh comoisnduient, nuking it read " Thou shalt commit adultery ;" and .this c xtn- onliu,r y omission occurred again in a Germain ejitiun of 1732 ; so that there was a wicked Bible in each language. The " Vinegar " Bible was printed in 1707, and is so called from the headline of Luke at., which, in it, is made to read, " The parable of the vinegar," in - mead of " The parable of the vineyard." The printer of this edition was one John B ,ket, of Oxford, and from its many errors in spelling and punctuation, it was sometimes called, " A basket full of errors. " The " Eal-pot " Bible was the edition translated by Eliot for the Indians. De- scribing, by the sign of crossing his fing- ers, what he thought would represent the " lattice work " through which the m •they of Sisera cried (Judges v. 28), he asked the Indians for the proper word for it, and they.gave one, which he inserted in his translation, supposing, of course, it was right. But when be be- come more fully acquainted with their language, he found he had made the passage read, " The mother of Sisera Joked out at a window, cried through the eel pots," instead of " lattice." • arrtwea egialloses llarrim eo. I behave that the scriptures leech that early marriage u deairable. Salomon says: "Rejoice with a wife in thy youth." We find the aan.e implication in Isaiah, where the fact is used m an illustration : "For as a youngimsn marrieth a virXia, so shall thy souk marry thee." again Mal ,chi : "Therefore take hued to 'our spirit, and let none deal treachetotsly against the wife of his youth." The saute iutpltoatioo occurs again and again in the teaching of the boot[. Not that it ie any wise authorizes a man to rush into niar- ria;;e before he is qualified to support a wife, or before due uunaidetation is giv- en to than matter, but if he have a good trade ear profession; or lawful business ; which has the reasonable promise of support in it, and has correct mond., is unt that capital 1 I verily believe that the land would be vastly better if all young people would be coutent to begin life humbly, if aced be, and build up their fortunes and their homes together as the birds do their nests. Then, again, an early marriage secures a more ready assimilation of character and taates. It furnishes a worthy object which stimu- lates to industry. It saves many of those temptations against which the charms of a christen home in wedlock is the surest protection. The mot stated andehlvered. Bat tremble mad 'mat were near : She lined her baby gently : "You'll bs very careful dear!" "Careful ! You foolish darling -- thew tenderly It was said -- What • smile shone through the chalk sad paint, i love each hair of his heat !- The noise rose into an unro•r. Misrule ter the time was king The clown, with • foolish chuckle. Bolted Into the ring. Bat as, with • squeal- and a flourish. The fiddles closed their tune. -'You'll hold him se if he was made of gleam r Said the down to the pantaloon. The jovial fellow nodded : "I've • couple re/set:: he said ; "1 know how to handle'rm. bless Toa! Old fellow, go ahead !" The fun grew tut and furious. And not sae of all the crowd Had guessed that the baby wan alive, When be suddenly laughed alond. Oh, that Wady laugh ! It was echoed From the benches with a ring, •.Aad the roughest customer there sprang up With -Boys, it's • real thing!" The ring was jammed in a minute, Sot a man that did not strive For "A shot at holding the baby -" The baby that was "alive'" He was thronged by kneeling suitors In the midst of the dusty ring. And be held his court tight royalty - The fair little Irby-klug- Till one of the shouting courtier. A ratan with • bold. herd lace. The talk of miles of the country. And the terror of the piece. 3 A RIw•Ri- Of use dawn "Tia. x- I13O bee) OTS AND H O E s B Yr • rhyme cm "Tease/lei, ' the remarkable little dem for the Teeth and Bath k your druggest or address W an one sendin the best four line At the 4/ldhnt Estaldiahed Shoe More in Town, • Wfr Savl.rTeeeat. Mr. M. K. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan. , saved his life 6y a simple Trial Bottle .it Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con- sumption, which caused him to procure • largo bottle, thetoonlpletely cured bin, when Doctors, chaege of climate and everything else had failed. Asthma, Bronchttia, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs. mud all Throat and Lung diseases, it is euaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles at J. Wilr•u's drug store. Urge size $1. (1)' No household should bs considered complete without a bottle of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney lure is in the closet. 'It is the only remedy that will positively, permanently and promptly cure all forms of kidney diseases. Sold by J. Wilson 2m CINoALLM . - A name well known w connection with the Hair Renewer,which restores grey hair to its natural color by a few weeks use. Bold at 50 cents per bottle by James Wilson. 2m Thousands bear wunrtiss to the posi- tive curative powers of the GREAT Gds - IC IxnooLTO*, the only remedy that has proved itself a specific for general In Endless Variety. to suit the most fastidious au,l t b most economic buyer MY SPRING STOCK le.e I take pleasure in iutcrnwlg m customers that at no pre' Is now o.uuipi and 'nous time have I had such a Meme Items. --"All your owe fault 1f you remain sick when you cyan Ilea hop bitten that never -boil. The weakest woman[, smallest child, and sickest invalid an nue hop hitters with safety and great good. (Md men tottering around from Rheu- matism. kidney trouble or any weakness will be male almost new by using bop bitters. My wife and daughter were made healthy by the use of hop bitters and I recomuieud them to nay people.-Metho- e & Varied Stock Lang As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the he unci it is a positive fact that no such value in foot wear can be g ot CUSTOM W ORS of every -grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be ma a up. in the most approved styles by first-class workmen, sod of the very best material obtainable. E_D0W-N-1NG- debility, seminal weaknees, impotency,) dist clergytnan. eta , and all diseases that arise from self- i Ask any good dealer if hop abuse or overtaxed brain, finally ending Blah not the best fancily medicine in consumption, insanity and a prams- Malarial fiver, Ague and Biliousness pro grave Soldaldruggists,r will leave every neighborhood as s..,,n as will be sent freee on reoetpt ooff $1.00 pear ho bitters arrive. box, or six boxes for $5. Address F. J. pM motherodrive the paralysis and Cenral., Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for 7 the United States. Send for circular neuralgia all out of her system with bop ten." -(Ed. Oswego Sun. Rbiynas, Guderieh and testimonials h. ant genuine cures (leo. bitKeep the kidneys healthy with hop � , bitters and you need not fear sickness. Ice water is rendered haemins and more .Raised the little king on his shoulder. And chuckled. "Look at tha:'" .As the chubby Angers clutched his lair Then. "Boys, hand round that hat There never was such a hatful Of silver and gold and notes . People are not always penniless Because they don't wear coal a. And then. "Three cheers for the baby !" I tell you those cheers were meant And the way In which they were given Was enough to raise the tent. And there was a sn Iden silence. And a;run'old • .,ersaid : "Come boys, enough of this rumpus! It's time it was put to bel So. looking a little sheepish. But with faces strangely bright. The audience. somewhat lingcriiig!. Flocked out into the night. And the bold-faced leader chuckled "He wasn't • bit afraid ! He's as game ns he is good -kookiest -- Boys. that was a show that paid !" (Terre Haute Saturday Mail. 1 _ - A Web lag Dies of etarvatlea. "So Jones ix dead," said one Sonter- •Tiile ratan to another, the other day. "Yes, pear fellow," wag the reply ; "He's gone." "What did he die of ?" inguired the firitspeaker. "Starvation," was the answer. "Starvation ' Good gracious, the mall was worth $50,000." "I know that ; nverthelesa, lie died of starvation. I'1l tell you how itlwm : Jones was always fancying that there was something the matter with hint ; so he went to a doctor one day and had himself examined, and the doctor inform- dhim that he had kidney disease, and besides ta$ing medicine, must diet him- self. Said the doctor : "You must avoid all kinds of salt meats, salt fish, potatoes, cabbage and vegetables of every kind.' Jones followed the advice, but found himself no better. He went to another doctor, and after being examined was in- formed that he must avoid all kinds of fresh meats. This did not do him any good, as he thought, and lie went to another doctor, who highly approved of tl.eadvice which had previously been given, and further warned hint against all kinds of pastry, likewise shellfish, in- cluding oysters and clams. "The heat thing f.ir you is a milk diet." said this doctor ; so .hones lived wholly upon milk. Not feeling himself any better, he went to another doctor, who cautioned him to avoid milk, above all things, if he wanted to get well. This reduced Jones to a diet of cold water and fresh air, and hnding himself no better t:pcn this re- gimen, he went to another doctor, who urged him to beware of drinking too much water and being too much in the air. This last advice ent off the last of Jones' articles of diet, and he oiied of starvation, se 1 have told yon." \erhal Criers to be Caarded Agafast. Accord f.,r give ; as "the information was accorded him." Aggravate fur irritate ; aggravate is to make worse. Allude to for refer to or mention. As for that; "not as I know" for "not that I know." Avocation for vocation ; a man's voca- tion is his business; avo:ations are things that occupy him incidentally. Balance, fur rest or remainder. Character for reputation ; one may have a good reputation, but a bad char- acter, and the two words should never be confounded. Dangerous, for in danger ; a ►ick man is sometimes most absurdly acid to be dangerous, when it is only meant that the poor fellow is himself in danger -a very different thing. Demean, fur debase, disgrace or hum - Cental uvea. Those rho hare hut little to do or to care about, who have no great ends to accomplish nor hopes to fulfill beyond the search of pleasure for its own sake, find that, while present time seems to more slowly and the future looks dreer, time which is past seems, on the other hand, short at'd unsatisfactory. Look- ing forward they aro appalled by the length of time they know not how to use ; looking backward, they can call up but few vivid memories of grand work accomplished or strong purposes fulfilled, and but little therefore to mark the years that are gone. On the contrary, these whose life is a worthy and useful one, who labor energetically and heartily, with good success, look back upon a well defined pest, while their future seems all f theaims they have in view ble. To demean one's self is merely to refreshing and reviving with hop bitten at each draught. The vigor of youth for the age.! and infirm in hop bitters. lm Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich. A good assortment of Birchen. Bed -ream, Din!ng Itoom andfParlor Furniture, such as Ta blew. Chairs their, cane and wood seated), Cupboards, Bedsteads, Mattt-esser. Wash -stands Lounges. galas, What -Nuts. Looking tllaseee. N. B. -A complete wesortaient of Coffins and Shrouds always on hand also Hearses for hire at reasonable rate . Picture Framtaa • specialty.—A call solicited. 1;51 'ear —w WOO K UgiaOQUA1NTIO WITH Tial OBOORAPMt OV THIS OOYMTltfs t /ti SEE SY ghtAMININQ THIS MAP. THAT THI . re I �. -Nvte_-_E-S '. . aa. int L e ienp0• it too short or A year full of activity, resolution, •n` 1 PRINCIPAL+ L -INE enterprise will offer a long and please page for thememory to dwell upon, while a year of bodily inaction, mental its Ma/s tows, .1 vacuity, and general supineness will 1,s brssks,soart,Kas. melt from the remembrance like a tale loolbNew Meitce, -truant. Mo.. tans and Teras. that ie told. behave one's self, whether well or ill. Dirt, fur earth or loam. Donate, for give. Execute, for nang, as applied to the criminal. 4 It is the sentence, not the man, that is executed. Healthy, for wholesome; an onion plant mays be healthy ; but when you pick an onion there is no more healthi- ness or unhealthiness to that although it may or may not be wholesome as ant}trti- ole for food. Illy, for ill. Inaugurate, fur begin. Kids, for kid gloves. Learn, for teach. Liable, for likely or alit. Loan, for lend. Pants, for pantaloons, or trousers. Partake, for eat,. Real, for very ; as "real nice," "real pretty." Reside, for live ; residence for house. Retire, for go to bed. Seldom, or ever, for seldom, if ever, or seldom or never. Some, for somewhat ; "she is some adtMtTEST. 12uICKCST sad REST line to let Joseph, Atchison. Topeka, Dent. see, tines. Gal- restela A atarlllag bt cever7. Physician's are often startled b; 'e- j universal - 14 tonto markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. u (oe assteeded equipped Kings New Disoovery for Consumption I Railroad to the World Tor and all Throat and Lung diseases is dailyII s.'1 otares of trsvei curing patients that they have given up I KANSAS �T Cs A S CIT Y to die, is startling them to realize their 111 IJ �1 sense of duty, and examine -into the merits of this wonderful discoveryy, re- sulting in hundreds of our best Phpsi- cians using it in their practiee. Trial bottles free at .J. Wilsons Drue Store. Regular size $1.00. (4) CI II CA. CI Intl Route has no ssperlor for Albert Les, Mlnne$polls sad SL laid. Satknaiiy rebated ea being the reat gau.. (better still) An Oasis in the desert is no brighter light to the wandering Arab than a bottle of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure ii to the unfortunate sufferer from Kidney Disease. It is a perfect, positive and permanent cure. Sold by J. Wilson Uederich. 2m Simply miraculous is all I cors say of the effect, of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure in my case. An elderly lady writes this from Antigonish, N. S., who had suffered from pains in the back for twenty years. Sold by J. Wilson Gods - rich. 2m O MI connections made in n' n* Through 7 -46d v, Tickets t Is this eelebrsted Line to s►lc at all oMcrs in she C. S. sad Canada. V C� Informatlen about hues of Fere. Steeple& sr*. nee . cloven IV Cla'''n I. Try lt. and you will end travelled • luxury, Instead of a die corneae[, 7 T. 1 POTTER. PLRCEVAL LOWELL. M Hee /tees et .en'! .V,u.,•!Jer. lien. Pass. /er.. Cbleacu 1,1. t'blcaso.111. J. Si,FsoN, CanadianPass. Apt t, Torono, (t ' Gao. B. JoHNSTON, Ticket Agent, Goderch CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT TN TOWN Stop for stay ; "where are you stopp- ing ?" This is one of the vilest of witti- cisms. Summons (the noun),for summons(the verb). Those kind of apples, for that kind. Transpire, for occur. Vulgar, for immodest or indecent. Without, fur unisex. better to -day." Backache is almost iramedietely rellev• rd by wearing one of Carter's Rmart Weed end Belladona Backache Plasters. Try one end be free front pain Price 25 rents A full line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on hand (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) Say. Dryden "She knows her man, and when you rent and swear. Can draw you to her with a.inele hair." But it meet he beautiful hair to have such power ; and beautiful hair :con be ensttm of aLlielt nared by the RallgwER. Sold at 50 eta. by J. Wilson. 2m Never put pickles in a jar that hashed lard in it GEORGE RIITNt85; BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE 1�' / i „111 - nil �' ,.... . 1:4720,',. 11111:- /(- 1 "'L , 3•y � . -mss s — _ i 1 '.4 J, . -' - .,4c.Cs�7 ' : 1"• of y : l.! TY �r�� .l 1 -�. •mss :.F "" w-rfL:- ..'1i"..i y1* iol sr< A, %.,-4_ i^ • .41% ' . •Lis .�� }/ f l� 11 s.' Dirt �`Y ' ' •� .. 11 rtr:l�t ifi l� !3LAND & PACIFIC R'Y, .1t "en`" -s''',,- -.,•.t, gr- . t': to travelers, by reason of its unrivaled geo- elf • gr ..- .. D));..1.1, . - '—:tic T, 1 best routs between the gest. Northeast a Soct'1,alt, O'1 .. >,;artresift and Southwest. titv•-".., a:-' -''y fru •, tti tt its conneotiOns are all of the prinolPal tines of •- :1st v'" ••••••1 ;1e-in-...cry 11" :c,c n v f t. -,e Pa• flo. Joliet. Peoria. Ottawa, t1 't• .-r -... ..1+ o-" _ r�nc:l,a it reaches Chioag'a. a, Ottawa, W, �.,. i, ,011.11;, , - ., • •] Rank island, In Illinois Davenport. Wafer -,t .7 s, Kee'- -. tax,: 't, p,k;doosa, Palrfleld, Des Moines, West Liberty, !own ate. '0' ., a -v - `,.., A':1'1.`.11• Harlan, Cuthrle Center rlss and Council Leaven, In 11 t C'"'-'' - - • t, J .11 titan ems Karina, City. vinegars and Shifts, owns a1- ..._',a.. . ...vas, and the hundreds of cities. S late- - ' - Tl s 66 Cf1F.A a IlOCK ISLAND ROUTE," As It la tae... -i"! esuad. offers t, travelers all the advantages and eemfOrts lrcif:-+l to a e,l,3t?tra't':, safe bridge,. Union Depots at all oonnedtlils points. 7.1't I' ;press Train it e'er, tos•d of commooIoUa, WELL VENTILATED, WILL Matte-" " -•-y 3TyttD and ELEGANT DAY COAOMKS 1 a Haw of the !.r-."7 .-'-. •. •7,,E T • jTTO1I RCOLININO CHAIR CARS ever built t PULLMAN'S Iat2et deal- -.•••-' 'moi na:•.i.ensat PALACE *LISPING CARS, and CIMINO OARS that cue s. a ri.`' y .fi ti i." rt ant people to be the PINIST RUN UPON ANY RCAD in T:id COUNTRY, arta .'. which superior meals are served to travelers at the Icer rate al nZ'i :4'SY-I,IYi C+NTS IAOM. THR:- r"1-13 .,--, vr:.y between CHICAGO and the MISSOURI RIVER. T.VU TZttad _ren :'ay between CHIOAOO and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. Nb 'ne famous Al..aERT LEA ROUTE. A Me -r -• ane, via Seneca and Kankakee. has recently been opened, ttetwern Me•.o0( : +as, CIchmond, Clnolnnatl, Indlanapoll• points. La Payette, rand C,a,cR A 1 .au i 1!1 Mengere oarrl d on FastExpr•inneaolis and intermediate ssTraina. For r»r 7, :lntni. , : I-,11-roatidn, see Maps and Folders, which maybe obtained, as wen as Tiahate, at :111 prinei nal Tiutet ()Sloes in the United States and Canada. or of R. R. CA'd:-kr E. 8T. JOHN, Sloe -Pres'(• a rt'I mart.,..,„ CHICAGO. Cowl T'k't L 7ase'r rA$'t & HOES 00 TS S B Ido 3Z Weddup Beg t. announce to the Pebble daft they have opened business in the above `t..l in the store le•ely ed b Horace Newton. Having purchaaeel a large well assorted stock of SR and Summer Goods at clone figures, we' are deter,nuli..1 to give the Pnhlic the benefit. QUICK BILES & EHLL PROFITS WILL BE OUR MO mmn AO -Please all and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. JNPRernemher the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store ,g11 "Costom work will restive our special attention. ,M'Nnne hut the heat of material need and fIrst-clmsa workmen employed. per Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice. (lederioh. March 9. l DOWNING & W E D D U P r • CURE Riek ITiad.rh, and relieve all the trouble, mel- d -rat to a bit state of the eyeteta, mach se Dls- 1 enean. Nance, Drowile"e. Distress after eatiae, rain In the Side. dc. While their most rcnut able seeress hoe bent shown In caving SICK 11,-ndarlse,yet Coter'et.Rlle 1.1rre rm.Orr equally c'inside M Coast! tjeo, eerie/ Md pn'ventlag this annoying oonpWnt, while ihry also correct all dt.nrdere of the eloateett, .5llla,lste the liver and r-caleta the bowels. X%% a ft do y only cured HEAD Artie t!, y wogM beehiseetpriceless to those who wW,r from tads dltsPMNas tpalf*Minn ; Mut tort' vat el y t heir goodness Nee es' •yd here, end those who cavae try them will (lad tbeee ,title Pills valu- .10. l a b missy w eye that they will not he Wino' to do withnet thea. Rat after all s'tk herd ACHE bi the bine et rn mown liar thNheve is w►rrw we with. oar great boeet. Our piths ears It whlla others do not. • Carter's Little Liver r111. art very eman mei very say to take. One or two pill. makes ems They are etrtelly vegettablo .ai do gist Wye as , peeve, but by their Renal settee pleseeif nee them. 11n r,el. at 1.1 rents: Ave felt tfiali ly :Institute everywhere, ee seat by tasIl. CARTER MEDICINE 00., Nsw York Pew