The Huron Signal, 1883-07-13, Page 21-1
tio4triahn Township.
On Tuesday mooting (3rd nM.) as Mr.
George; Burnett, of the 7t► colt., was
milking s cow in his barn the betldieg
was struck by lightnit:g, tearing part of
the sheeting off sled makfast a hole in
the roof se .though an immense cation
ball had passed tbroegh it. The tin
which Mr. Burnett was using was Nat.
toned out by the aminal being thrown co
it. A valuable hers was killed oat-
righ., and a mare injured, possibly be-
yond recovery All the cattle received
a severe shock the hired man was in the
granary at the tome, but escaped injtsey.
111r. Burnett ttJnd wife had a narrow es-
cape, being sightly stunned by the
close prnximity of the subtle fluid.
Prof. Harry Morgan, the vocalist, was
the guest of Raby Williams: during the
W. H. Young, jr., was the guest of
Angus McPhail, of Hohnesvtlle, this
11. O'Meara, of Benmiller, paid a visit
tothis regionlaatweek,andlent a hand at
the seasonable task of sheep shearing.
It is said that next season a shearing
contest will take place between him: and
the Yorkshireman.
Tho funeral proceseionof the late A.
M.Campion, who died last week aearCar-
low, passed therough here on its way to
tbu cemetery. Among those fonuing
the large cortege were some of our resi-
dents, with whom the deceased had
established himself a favorite during his
May at this place.
11. Claes. —Reading -1 1'. Foley, 0 11.
Foley, 3 8. Hoggartb. Writing -1 M.
Foley, 2 C Bender«,., 3 t3 H
Dtelaie s-1 M. Foley, 9 D.
S Headsman. Spelling l
2 M. Foley. 3 W. (Omen. th�1 ohm!
t Hillary Horton. 2 M. IK 3 A.
kn ekle.—$. IS Bersure.
Mr. E. Rathwell has a hen which
brought out a chick with' two bodies,
four legs and one head. It lived for a
few days.
When Wnt. Hill, of Colborne, was
crossing the river at Turner's old mill,
in a top buggy, the bridge went dawn.
At this print the river is pretty deep,
the buggy got filled with water and roan,
horse, vehicle and bridge titnber got
mixed up kind of promiscuous like.
Arthur Cantelon, who was, working at
E. Rathwell's new'house, and one of Mr:
R's men went to the rescue. The man
and horse were aided to "terra firma,-'
and by ,Means of a long rope the buggy
was pulled ashore, but badly damaged.
Some of the harness went down stream.
Mr. Hill's rescue may in part be at-
tributed to the buoyancy of money,as he
had about 8300 on his person. Mr.
RathweIl took: the stranger in, supplied
him with (try clothing and a good square
meal, and sent hint out on his way re-
The council met at Finlay's achoul
house on Saturday, the 23rd of June.
All the inetnbers present except Mr.
Whitley. The minutes of last meeting
were read and confirmed. Petition of
D. D. Yule and other teachers, asking
for a small amount to assist in meet-
ing the expense of a school pic•nic to be
held at Kiutail un the 2d of July. Mov-
ed by Mr. 11cMurchy, seconded by Mr.
Grin, that the clerk be inttructed to
notify the following persona to built;
wire fences, namely :—D. Thorhurn, 8 l
lot 44, L. It.; Juhn F. Andrew, from the,
north of his orchard 40 rods north nn
the 12, eon. 12 E. D., and Geo. Bur-
rows, 50 rod, on lot 3 L. R., 3 and 4
E. D. Moved by Mr. Murchy, second-
ed by Mr. Clare, that J. Gitlin be in-
structed to employ a Provincial land sur-
vey'tr to find the bounds of road allow-
ance on S. L. 6 and 7, between con. 8
and 10 W. D. Moved by Mr. Griffin,
seconded by Mr. McMurchy, that John
Cooke be instructed to procure six copies
of the new Consolidated Municipal act.
Moved by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr.
Clare, that T. Cole be granted 815 as
charity in connection with the expenses
of burial of his wife. The following ac-
connts were ordered to be paid : D. Mur-
chison, culvert nn D. L, con 13, 84.75 ;
cutting hill, lot 2, con. 12 E. D., $6-50 :
R. Rowland., repairing culvert, S. R. 6
and 7, con. 11 E. D., 83 ; G. Armstrong,
gravel taken by D. Webster, pathmaster,
32. 40 ; M. McLeod, filling hog, con. 12,
f!3 ; John Shea, building culvert con. 10,
810. The council adjourned to meet
again at same place un Saturday, the
25th of Atieust.—JOHN Coolie, Clerk.
Tt:uret:.t.o E AnthtEats. — At the last
meeting of I. 0. G. T. No. 213, a pleas-
ing address was given by Bro. John
Linklater, on the recent session of the
Grand Lodge, held at Woodstock last
week. At the close, the lodge tendered
alien y t. 7e of thanks t.+ Bps. Linklat-
er for his able report.
EXAWtaenov.—The midsummer ex-
amination of 8. S. No. 5, was held on
Friday morning. The scht.lars were
examined by Mr. Alton, of the Nile
school, and their own teacher, R. E.
Brown. At the close, addresses were
delivered by the trustees, and Messrs.
Alton and Brown, and J. J. 1%'right, of
the Point Farm, wh., were all well pleas-
ed with the result of the examination.
On the 2nd inst., the pupils of Nn. 5
joined with the Nile and Shept.ardton,
and held a big union pie -mc at the Point
- SCHOOL Rerootr. - Th. following are
the names of the pupils of Leeburn
school who, obtained honors in the vari-
nus subjects at the midswnmer exami•
nation :—III Sen.--Reading-1 F. Mor-
ris, 2 A. Thurlow, 3 B. McWhiney.
Dictation --1 A. McWhiney, 2 F. Mor-
ris, 3 A. Thurlow. Spelling -1 R. Me-
. Whiney, 2 H. Horton, 3 F. Morris.
Grammar- -1 A. Thurlow, 2 F. Morris,
3 B. McWhiney. Arithmetic --1 B Mc- i
Whiney, 2 A. Thurlow, 3 F. Morris.
Geography -1 A. Thurlow, 2 F. Morris,
3 B. Me1Vhines. Composition —1 A.
Thurlow, 2 11. McWhiney, 3 F. Morris.
Men. Arith.-1 A. Thurlow, 2 B. Mc -
Whiney, 3 F. Morris. 11I Jun.—Bawl-
ing-1 S. Foley. 2 D. Hall, 3 A. Bogie.
Dictation --1 D Hall, 2 A. ?logit, 3 M.
Carney. Spelling 1 3. Hetherington,
2 8. Foley, 3 M. Green, Grammar -1
M. Green, 2 A. Green, 3 J. Hetherine
ton. Arithmetic — 1 S. Foley, 2 J.
detherin tton, 3 W. Folioed. Genera
srhy-1 M. (irean, 2 S. Foley, 3 J.
He'heringten. Composition-- 1 A. Ho-
ek, ! J. Hethennetnet. 3 M Orem.
t 1s5 mast► whet..
To(Le Munger TlslalesserAi.
1 AlwegM that there was no place
lila Qbd�sislt, bet new it seems to me
like an out elf the way country is Coln.
perisoa to this plans I have *uttered
more with cold there than I did here. I
base parted three winters hare, and
twenty there, sod I know something
aboutIoth placed. I came beer three
years ago, against my good will, and it
would be w now if I had to leave it. 1
am glad to sey that 1 have a mewl house
now, and six horses to work. I induced
my hrutber Malcolm to Dome, and he is
not sorry for coining. This county de-
serves more credit than it gets. I hasn't
heard of one man that was frozen to
death here yet. t would not exchange
my 100 acres of land to -day for 200 there,
nor for 800 of timber land. I wish you
all ,good health and prosperity there. hut
to better yourself, come 'reit. Yours
truly, &sot s Marnt,4o1A.
P. S. — I have worked hard there for
73 eta per day and here at $3 and 14
and board only 86 per week. Girls get
from f;4 to $8 per week. Laboring men
on farm from $23 to $40 per month all
summer. Your truly, A. M.
e:era.inuae la the Wanderer. •
It u very rare to alas a well -grows
psaninm in window culture. Even 1f
Mis idiots bluuui fairly, they are often
4 eryle tip, ueisshapen things, not pleasing
te!ook upon. In the majurity of cases,
that have beau set out in the gar-
desi for the summer are allowed to "go
as you please." The roots finding ahuu-
dance of rich soil, the tops grow at a fam-
ous sate. At the appr ooh of owl weath-
er the plants are taken uptheyttood ;
tf asy oetting is done, it �s at the nee,
to Wag them within limits of a pot, and
the plants are placed in the window. This
oondition of the planta is due either to
the lack of kijuwledge or to timidity.
Amateur cultivators, as a general thing,
seem to fear to use the knife ; could the
plant suffer pain they would not be more
reluctant to cut. The proper method is
to prepare the plant* fur taking in lung
before the time for lifting them ; but it
is too late to advise that, as it is to sug-
gest pruning then Even at this late day
it is best to cut back the geraniums to a
good shape than to let them remain as
they are. Of course, each plant will
have its own needs in this respect, and
only general advice Can be given. Cut
hack the long stents in such a manner
that the plant will form a low, rounded
head, and remove altogether such bran-
ches as will make the head too much
Terv-tbk- Simmer on the Clyde.
Gt.Ast:ow, July 3, 1883.—The &twiner
Daphne, launched to day, capsized in
the middle of the River Clyde. There
were two hundred workmoftn aboard, and
it iii believed one hundr•ec: were dr owned.
Latex —The Daphne capsized near
Renfrew. Traffic on the Clyde is sus-
pended owing to the interruption of
navigation 07 the capsized steamer.
Tags are raising the Daphne. The boat
-left the ways very fast, gaining the
water she rolled from side to side. Per-
sons aboard fearing she would capsize,
ran to and fro. The vessel reeled user
and nearly disappeared beneath the
water. Those on the portion of the
steamer not submerged, did their utmost
to save those cast overboard. Boats
hastily pulled to tae rescue., Fifty per-
sons were below when the vessel went
over, and must have been drowned.
Crowds of relatives of victims are flock-
ing to the scene. The cause of the cap-
sutng was that she had too much top
weight. Steamers are dragging the
water. Several persons taken frim the
water alive were removed to the Infirm-
ary exhausted. The steamer is -un-
der water with the fifty mentioned
on board. Many persons precipitated
into the water swarm ashore. The
Daphne turned upside down before she
sank. An eye witness saw a great num-
ber of mon struggling in the water and
shrieking for help. Many were bruised
and covered with blood, having been
struck by debris. Accounts of the num-
ber of persona on board and the number
lust vary widely. Several bodies have
been found at the f_etways. Divers are
searching for bodies.
extremes of Tea,
Is a never -failing cause of disease. At
this season of the year neuralgia, tooth-
ache, and a host of similar diseases are
rampant. The great question, then,is to
find the quickest, surest, andtmostleco-
nomical remedy. Poison's Neertuer.
exactly fills these requirements. It is
prompt, efficient, and most economical,
for it exceeda in power every known re-
medy, and is as cheap as inferior articles.
A 10 cent ample bottle will give every
nhance to
'y cents.Both J. t
" Wos1ER Books." — Not books of
magic, but solid, choice, classi;` litera-
ture, at pricea so low as to seem really
amazing to the old-time book -buyer.
And they ate printed, not in "diamond -
fine ' type, on "straw" paper, but the
type and paper are so govt that even the
fastidious bibliopole would never think
o.1 disdaining such a presentable prcodllc-
tiun. Among the recent issues of Tue
ELaevia LIBRARY, to which we refer and
which it well deserves. the strongest
commendations of the press and the peo-
ple, are "Sunshine and Other Stories"
for youn": folks, illustrated, by Mrs.
Alden, .rite 3,cents : "Tho Civilizations
of Asia, ' by the world-famous historian,
Rawlinson, ,rice, 2 cents ; a sketch of
"Buddhism. bo John Caird, the Orien-
tal scholar, price 2 cents ; "Demonstra-
tive Evidences of Evolution," by Hux•
ley, price 2 cents ; "Philosophy of
Style, by Herbert Spencur, price 4
cents : " The Great Bridge," containing
the ()rations of Hat. ie. --Hewitt .and
Rev. Dr. R. 8. Sown, on the recent oc-
casion of the opening of that greatest
engineering work of the world, price 4
cents. This remarkable series of books,
of which over 50 numbers or volumes
have been issued since the first of the
present year, at prices ranging generally
from 2 cents to 10 cents each, is not sold
by dealers, but only direct, by the pub-
lisher, ■ho wilt send a 68 -page illustrat-
ed catalogue free, upon request, and
and who also otters to send any of his
publications t" be paid for after they are
received and found satisfactory, to may
OHO giving nasnnable evidence of slued
faith. Address John B. Alden, Pub-
lisher, 13 Vetasy.St., New York.
- Joy t■ [very Drop.
This 'nay be truly said of Tolson'*
N*avti.res, the greatest pain remwly of
the age. it brings comfort to the weary
sufferer when failure has attended the
use 14 every known remedy. Nerviline
is an atmodute cure for all kinds of pain,
internal, external, or local. Purchase a
10 cent sample bottle and try this great
remedy. Nei -cilium nerve pain cure.
[Ain't forget the name at .f. Wilson's.
■.n an a Mg More
Never was such a rush made for any
Drug Store as is now at J. Wilson's for a
Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discov-
er- for Consumption, Coughs and Colds.
A(1 persons affected with Asthma, Bron-
chitis, Hosseness, Severe Coughs or any
affection of the Trost or Lungs, can get
a Trial Bottle of this great remedy free,
by calling se above Drug Store Rega-
in, size 111 {61
A yarn t.relodffikrsrsb tae Air by Tey
aalblsa Tae Moho Centre Poeta Alive.
Locomotion Restored.
Mr. E. P. Stone, Wellington, N. S.,
writes : "I had not been able to walk
for two months in consequence of a lame
back and constant pain in my side. One
bottle of Dr. Dow's Sturgeon Oil Lini-
ment made me entirely well ; its virtue
is in its great strength, it being too pow-
erful even to be used internally. Those
who have used it properly, almost as a
unit, speak in unmeasured terms of its
great value."
Dr Carson's Stomach Bitters remove
Constipation, relieve Dizziness, dispel
Sick Headache, abolish Biliousness, and
regulate the S:oivach, Liver and Bow-
Morehead City, N. C., July 3.—The
three-year-old daughter of Mt a Robert
Elliott was brought hate a month ago to
recover from an attack of fever. Yester-
day morning a strolling Italian made his
appearance with a large cluster of those
trod bladders like toy ballon. Major
Hawkins of Alabama, to amuse the child
Birdies tied the cord around her waist,
and then, as is often dons to amen abiklr
ren, gave her a toss of five or six feet in
the air, and Meld out his hands for her
return. "Great God ! site is gine."
cried the major, as he saw her rapidly
going up, up, up. until she had passed
the house tops. Floating in the clouds
with outstretched hated, the little angel
could be heard distinctly calling "Mam-
ma ' Mamma! Mamma!" until her voice
became drowned by the whistling of
"All to your boats'' shouted oldCapt.
Dixon,"and uever'a son of man turn
back until that child is brought to its
Minutes appeared as hours and the
babe was hying like a kite, and would
be out over the Atlantic in leas than no
time. Away went twenty or more well -
manned boats amid the shouts of men
and screams of women and children.
These boats were joined by a like num-
ber from Beaufort, all of which kept as
near under the little angel in the cloud
as possible. Mr. Charles J. Voorhees,
of the Southern express company. with a
party of gentlemen, were out taking a
sail. Mr. Voorhees is one of the most
expel; of riflemen in the country, and
had on board his Smith & Wesson rifle.
"Bang!" went the rifle—butnochange
in position. Again, again, and swain—
at the fifth shot ono ball0000n disappear-
ed amid the shots of the boatmen. At
the eighth shot it became evident that
the ballon* could no longer carry the
weight of the little floating angel, as she
wasgradually descending,not in a straight
line, but in a south east direztion, to-
wards Harker's island—but whether
dead or alive none could tell. Down,
down, down she comes, as gently as if
handled by human hands, and to fall in
a cradle of sand.
To land, to land, and all put to shore
as fast as the sails would propel the
boats. Then began the race for the
baby, ar.d she had come down on a sand
bank only a few hundred yards distant.
With fear and trembling all ran up, Ben
Piver in front. "Gentlemen," ear he
"she's alive and kicking." There eat
little Birdie, playing with a lot of shells,
and as she was picked up she clung to a
handful, saying, "Dose eel* for mem-
As the frosts of winter vanish under
the caloric influence of the sun's rays,
so does Bright's Disease, Dropsy, stone
in the Kidneys and Bladder, and Inflani
[nation of the Kidneys, leave the body
upon the administration of Dr, Van Bu
ren's Kidney Cure. Sold:by J. Wilson,
Golden a:ral.+.
Some rise by sin and some by virtue
fall —j Shakespeare.
In the ardor of pursuit, men soon forget
the gaol for which they start.—[Schiller.
The blaze of reputationcannot be blown
out, but it ofton dies in the socket.—
[Johnson. '
Difficulty is a severe instructor, set
over us by the supreme ordinance of a
parental Guardian and Legislator, who
knows us better than wetnow ourselves,
and loves us better too.
Kind words produce their own linage
in men's *Dula, and a beautiful image it
is. They soothe and comfort the hearer;
they shame him out of his unkind feel-
ings, We have not yet begun to use
them in such abundance as they ought to
be used.—[Pascal.
Do not make the Sabbath a day of ter-
ror to the children, by undue strictness
and long -faced observauces. The ser-
vice of the Lord is one of love, and it
should he always made bright and cheer-
ful for the little ones, that they may not
learn to regard it as a galling yoke.
When we begin to lire out of our-
selves to appreciate interests that we do
not share, and sympathize with joys and
sorrows not our own, to respect know-
ledge that we have not gained, and wis-
dom from whatever seuree it comes, then
shall we be released front the chains
which keep us back from seeing touch
that is true, and feeling much that is
good, and our lives will become full and
rich to ourselves and precious tu.olhers.
One Experience from Ma.y.
I had been sick and miserable so long
and had caused my husband so much
trouble and expense, no one seemed to
know what ailed me, that I was complete-
ly disheartened and discouraged. In
this frame of mind I got a bottle of Hop
Bitters and used them unknown to my
family. T soon Regan to improve and
gained so fast that my husband and fam-
ily thought it strange and unnatural, but
when I told them what had helped me,
hiiy aim; "Huish her Hop Bitters 1
long may they prosper, for they have
made mother well and us happy. "—The
LAM' BEAt TIFIERY. -- Ladies, you can-
nt make fair skin, nosy cheeks, and
sparkling eyes with all the cosmetics of
Franco, or beautifiers of the world. while
in poor health, and nothing will give
you such rich binod,good health,strength
and beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is
certain proof..
1Vith pure blond, contagious fevers and
other diseases have no hold on the NTa-
tem. Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters ren-
der the blood mire and cool, For sale
by all Druggist's. Large bottles fifty
brew.' Fluid Lightning
Needs no adrertisine when once intro-
due•+d. Every battle sold sells hundreis
of others by doing all and more than re•
presented for Nenralgia, Toothache,
Headache. etc. lit removes any pain in-
stantly, wick as flash. Try it and you
will say it is well named Fluid Lightning.
(let 25 cent Mottle at G. Rhynes' Drug
Stone. 2
Now that there is a reliable ren- rely for
kidney treelike', half the terrors attached f s t
to thew complaints have been remoced Marl
n on of
aim • tS I*t
"FoeliTAIN or. Hltuaa."—It ls took,
laxative, diuretic, nervine. It is perfect
pleasant, powerful, purifying, and profit-
able, because it insures good health.
Price, 21.00. Sold everywhere.
Ayer's Pills puce retbe positive virtues
of some of the hest known medicinal
plants, prepared a cotaiieed with mime
Ube skill— rejecli tb,reensismid draft's
portions, and kw only the active
principle—the part whish MUM and d' es
net hams. It you are sick try them.
Thousands ere bteng cured o: Catarrh
every year with Hall satttar'4Cur'e, that
be doctors Lad gives) up and cad could
not be cured. 75 coats a bottle. Sold
by George Rhynes, sole agent for Gode
rich. 3
Pet feet, Positive and Pleautatent are
the cures effected by Dr. Van Bute is
Kidney Cure. Relief in all cases of Kid-
ney Disease is obtained aftera few doses.
Set that your Lruggiat gives you Ur
Van Burette Kidney Cure. 54.11 by J.
Nilson Goderich. 2in
At the wharf, after everything seemed
safe; then little Birdie came the nearest
of losing her life. Col. Whitford, a :nan
of generous impulses, seized the little an-
gel in his arms, -and at a lightning speed
etarted for its /nether, who was then ly-
ing in an unconscious state, under the
skilful care of Drs. Haywood, Arendall
and Kelly of Louisiana. But before the
kind-hearted colonel had gond far, amid
the dense crowd and confusion, he ran
off the wharf into water eight feet deep.
Several jumped overboard and aided
hint in landing his prize. The child was
none the worse for the ducking.
Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitten free the .
system of the poisonous humours that
develops into Kidney and Urinary dis-
eases, give tune and vigor to the Stomach
and purify the Blend.
Every Saturday From Quebec.
M11URTEMT %Et r.iMM.te:E.
Summer .irra71gement.
BEA8O1•7- 1 3 -
Sarmatian " •
Parisian " Ili
Sardinian. " •'t
Circassian . " :s)
l'olynesfan July
Perutlen " It
Parisian. .. '•
Sardinian. %11g. •
1'olynt•sian 1
Peruvian . 21
Sarmatian ... • '-1.
Parisian " A
Sardinian " 15
l 'ircasaian - .... ... "
Polynesian ••
Peruvian Oetr. 6
Sarmatian.. . " 13
Sardinian r,
Circassian Nov. 3
Polynesian " 10
Peruvian " '17
Sarmatian ...... . .... •• %1
Passengers require to les V0 at noon
oh 'Thursdays, to connect with, shun er at
Prepaid certificate issued at greatty i d w -ed
rates to pe'rsone wishing to bring their fr.ends
out from ,e Old Cqquntry.
For 'to-...:' and sal informalii.n, apply to
Ticket Agent
Codon -".
Goderich, May 17th, Mel
Slay is
Cad S1c.
ic0oll Bros. & Coi, Toionto.
Manufact lar.,. and l%holese!c : •en'ef.
YO' O./\N Garr
19 lbs. t -.isins, for 11 00
Loudon Layer Raisins, per Ia.x... , 2 60
12 Ibis Currants, for 1 00
6%s. Rice, for 1 00
25 Its. Bailey, for 1 00
5 lbs. White Belgian Carrot Seed,. 1 00
3 lbs. Manrol.l Seed, all kinds1 00
6 lbs. Swede Turnip Seed, 1 00
Sugars Very Cheap
1 -TOCK OP'- --
Groceries is Fresh and Good!
brant in unewtll,0 h•..' . ;1 :he
market. lis recognition .• - n' a r.'.r u... 1,
we have r,. ,...t
All the Hio-.'?est !
wherever we exhibited 0 Binet 1i.7+. ant .-.g
awnrds n lar .e nnmb •r
besides to.n,.. 1.., 1, i ; •-
not togum ••r • ,o : x. -n•-- tr.
Dr. Russell has performed a novel aur- f inn info; -n• - , .
gical operation upon a citizen of Sher Fut Sul I!
bro oke, extracting from the calf of hie;
leg a collar button, which the latter hadI R.- \N7' - r iI �� e:.:
missed for several months. Some nee, iso;. • .
never know when they have a "food
t aired Free.
Any reader troubled with Dyspepsia,
Costiveness, Headache, Liver Complaint,
etc., should call at Geo. Rhynes' Drug
Store, and secure a free trial bottle of
McGregor'* Speet.y•Cure at once, which
will d,nvmce you of the merits of the
medicine. It cures permanently where
all other medicines have failed. As a
blood purifier it has no equal. Remem-
ber, it costa nothing to try it. Regular
size, fifty cents and one dollar.
Mall Rheum Cared.
Are you troubled with Salt Rheum,
Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ;
if so, go at once to Geo. Rhynes' Drug
Store and get a package -of McGregor &
Parke's Carbolic Cerate: Price 25 crit.
It was never known to fail. 2
In the history of medicines no prep*
ration has received such universal cone
mendktiou for the alleviation it affordr,
and the permanent cure it effects in kid-
ney diaeasos, as Dr. Van Buren's Kinney
Cure. Its action in these distressing
complaints is simply wonderful. Sold
by J. WiIs n. 2m
A IllemIaatto all Mankind.
1n these times when onr newspapers
are tlnoded with patent medicine adver-
tisements, it is gratifying to know what
to procure that will certainly cure you
if you are bilious', blood out of 'order,
liver inutile, er i enerel debilitated,
there is nothing in the world that will
cunt you au quickly as Electric Bitters.
They are a blessing to all mankind, and
can tie hal for only fifty cents a bottle
of James Wilson [2:1
OF' J. C Ayer Ni Co., Lowell, Masi. AND RHEUMATISM AItB
A large proportion of the diseases which cans
human suffering result from derangement of the
atomaeh, bowels, and liver. AYER'S CATHARTIC
PILLS set directly upon these organs And are
especially designed to care the diseases caused
by their derangement, Including Constipation,
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysen-
tery, and a host M other ailments, for all of
which they lire a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant
remedy. The extensive use of these PILLS by
eminent physicians In regular practice, shows
Unmistakably the estimation in which they ars
held by the medical profession.
These PILta are compounded of vegetable sub -
Stances only, and are absolutely free from ealomel
or any other injurious ingredient.
A tufhrer from Headache writes
"AYER'S PILL. are invaluable to nee, and are
myconstant compauion. I have been a severe
sufferer from lleaduhe, and your Mut are the
only thing I could look to for relied. One dose
will quickly more my bowels and free my bead
from pain. They are the molt effective and the
easiest pbyste I have ever found. It is a pleeaare
to me to speak in their praise, and i always do so
when occasion often.
-W. L. PAne of W. I.. Page* Bl -o.'!
Franklin St.. Richmond, Va., June i; 1982.
"1 hays na.d Avaa'a Pitts )n number/en fa-
stenees as recommended by you, and have never
known them to tail to secomplish the desired re-
sult. We constantly keep them nn hand et our
home, and prize them as • pleasant safe and
reliable family medicine. TUR GYSPRPSIA
toeey. auahlT. HATge."
Nexlare, TexInralu, ,tonee. 17, 1521. .1.
The Rev. FRArrla R. IHARU,we, writing from
Atlanta, ria., says: " For some years past 1 have
been subject to constipation, from which, 1■
spite of the nae of . of various kited',
1 suffered Inereaaing Ineonventenee, until some
months ago I began taking A1 -ti's PILLS. They
have entinl) eorrsetmd the costly. habit, and
have vastly Improved my general health."
Area's TIC Pod.. enrreet onutitari-
t es of bks bowels, stimulate the appetite sed
llasitlion, and by their prompt and thorough
action tiro tone and vigor to the whole physical
iniait.ations of the suints and muscle. I 50`14 by all Ttrr.ggt,t,.
For this let ell be thankful, and to Dr,
Van Buren's Kidney Cnre award all
praise far hating thus removed a hitherto
eonsidered fatal disease frim our path
it was never known to fail. Sold by J
Wilson 4m
Ing by ori.:ae t*e brick n�
in the trine & peptic.. TIMM
tt(�jjssTer. J
sad the
wikNow. eh.
heist nraedy we have es. it
I* lit ewes 'TAM why r en gnat
ealhe is these eases.
All ezpet-i,ne, the wnnd.rtut benefi-
cial effects of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla:
Children with Mux* Ryes. More ROMM as acrotnlews or syphiitle ttart,
May be al*4S alis lhy sad stress k.y he area
Sold ity all Digests t et.1Ni Dpitlo Mr fit
Of all kinds at.Ik,ttotn }'rices A very targe
stuck ut Glaesware and
h- w JUc. up
C c xZa sets !
from e5.00 up to $20.00.
All 1 ther of Crockery at proportionately
Low Prices.
;d Putter and Eggs taken in exchange for
";rotcries, &c.. or Cub paid if desired.
Teas a Specialty
G. H. OLD, the Grocer,
Market Sq.. Goder..
('oilingwood, Ont.— The Crowfoot Hitters I
„rook cured me of Sick Headache, after twenty
years of eutrertngg without being able t0 tlnd
relief. Mies. J. IIot.LtaasmrAD,
Clarksburg. Ont.—The CrowfootBittcis per-
feetly cured me of Saltrheum, without teeng
an other medicine, lifts, Joezrit Lotronrae.
If;.. ai. a to get the worth afye.rilae.e
s.h your druggist for It.
May rt h. ISA 1891-6m
Tie Tireat Pain Conquero
rapidly dispels pain. I teaspoonful in eat
will cure a distracting bead ache in fire mi
utas. If applied to any affected surface of t
likely. as tooth ache. neuralgia, rheumatic
it gives the Buffeter comfort and insta is • charming remedy. Only 25c.'an
money refunded if not as represented.
a. TArftt'OTT a Co.. Bale Proprietors.
Brantford tints
W. J. C. Nafte1,
1)ru41(ist, etc., Agent for (lodelic
It t
r, at
A e
(—TN THE— f
Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain
and Mouse River Conn
Tributary to the United States Land OOce
Mori nd resit
IIAr and F1lLL particnl
milled Faee to any address bl
General Travelling Agen
to e. Front at. Tamale.
S. sz.10.A.INT
Has on hand a large quantity of
For sowing brnadeast. also a lot of
Canadian Co
Ooderlah, May ITt!.. 1111134