The Huron Signal, 1883-07-13, Page 1.001
W_OLZ V U At/tltilt :sea
/w. •
THE 13IG, LIG WHEEL.' The following is a full list of the vial- Goderich may be, feel as much at home the friendly interchange of visits by the he hoped to see the American wheelmen wh(ehnen responded, — the remainder
tors : u I do now, although I have been a resi- numerous societies exiaturg here and in stake their tour anntully, and of one exprcssinsl a desire to take the noon
'.... THa AMERICAN BICYCLISTS. dent here but a few weeks. But the the L'uite:l States are tending toward thing he could affirm, and that was, that train rather than risk a drenching. The
Reception of American Bicyclists x. y. Brews ehlcago:Ill., Captain. hospjtality of Canadians is nota new the contenting of those friendly timeand un all occasions they would ever receive eighteen at oncestarted eff,hadsd by the
_ _ De C. Pryso•thing with me, for I have experienced it to -night we have amongst as ounny,who,I a ware, weleo:iu in Goderich. (tp- ceptsin and standard-bearer, but hardly
trera atstywe 'one eels sa tsrp«tag 14. H. Vownill •• in other parts of the Dominion for more am sure, will add another spoke in the [ilium ) hse theygone when the rain began to
Ippwaraae+-Tse Parade Seamed the E. Mellei than twelve years. It is not iteete.ary wheel of our friendship, and when they Song by Hi�batd, " The big, leg descenin torrents. Atter traveling
. galore _•• tst.maaat" - Tse atttetttaa J. V. Calkins. 7for UR , gentlemen, to sr»tis that i tun return tram+ will add t•,rgrt to say s ghrded Wheel,"-ehorow by the club, al out two miles and s half they were
-emits .■ tae wseel-iso CduaaeU T. M. Johnstonnot a bicyclist, (wuui)1 I were ') but 1 stn word in fever of ons pretty town wnd its Mr. Mitchell reiterated the senti- forced to return to Guderich and join
IlleT. W. Fullert
-e m►er a tee as eelaeries rmasM H. F. Fuller....... . not insensible to the ease (lad grace with residents. Hoping we may hive many meat of wulcouio expressed by previous their comrades. Theent►re party then
ere ages
Ra roe war, add •d.s$A y- C. F. Smith.. which I have seen our friends from a more sech happy visite, I wish our speakers. Having sojourned for a time in took the 12.40 train for Stratford r,.
Tae Malay w»tarday sveweata load U. M. Iserdistance revolve this evening :wound the friends a happy and prospereue teurinst the United States he could testify to route for Brantford.
F. H. Irish en
rsetde,ts K a. tsa•aasrardBennett. A. . O. Bett. " hub of this beautiful town. I sea. in trip through the bassos province of our the hospitality of the people u that wch'IOENT.r ANDtldJlDiA2'a.
A. Hrown.. •• N'wthiD ton lately and the greets tLere, Dhnninian. country, and was pleased to be sole to A „umber of '` headers" were taken
For seine weeks bo it was known in L. J Hous
theme. Hlch. Washington y ysungvery J - by the tourists on the trip Prom London,
...tench that a s to roast of kn sun in L. J at". as I dare a u know, are admirably "Fair Canada' was in a sin with his fallow -townsmen of (ode
item)?C, D. AtandW adapted for the bicycle, and I was glade, tine mentees by ](r. John Robinson, and rich to night in doing tonus to the the most serious being site b7 C. H.
waeeut ii pis t.p .Aai a Western
ru -Ontario
eel!. +mah ;, notice how general the employment of on being encored, that s entleuun favor- Ants rican wheelmen, who appeared to Smith, ut Detroit, wise sustained a
dud sn\kioy a Geos of aYe+tern •Ontario G. J. Roots..
H. J. Lu a the vehicle has become theca, out merely ed the aareucylage with that irdopulsr, be thorough gentlemen, as well as good severe shoulder twist shortly after Nay -
ever the s(ravul ne•via for whieh this r;, Dante l 1
as a ,aatjmpatent)se but for uby professional devil -may -ease Irish ditty, " McSorley's bicyclists. Ile concluded by wishing ing Brueelield. He gamely bald to the
section of the D.eutiuion has Iwooute C. H. Jeanne. Louisville, Ky. procession, however, and came into
justly fan eua The .lw fur the 6S mile Tim. Ilanoway teen and others -aye, and in the form of Twins,"in his own inimitable style. them s pleasant tour through steno,
Y John F. Adams. the tricycle for women singe. And to he After repeated ails, hi r, Tullman, of and •safe return to their bonen Ckodnrieh with the remaittiar of the
etch by the icyclial+ Irrtwreu London iced I. F. Bryant. W Danville, Ill. accomplished a s bicycle rider seems to Worcester, Mass., addressed the meet- Mr. F. J. Richardson was next called WHY•
acrd teelerieh had been announced 11. K. Baleou.........K'iaona Minn. he as necataawry for w young mon now•° is¢. Ha, in muumuu with the other fur, add sb'ecl that he was pleased with John McCullough the (haler►sh sham-
Thur«►ay, July 5th, and on that day J. S. Wilson days as graceful horseback riding used wheelmen, was much impressed with the fire raneption. He was taking a series pion took a. "healer " into a fregpond
..r. ryeoe in town was heir the tiptoe of H. E. Melvin. beautiful appearance of Goderich, the of sketches in connected with the tour, by the wayside between Bayfield and
excitement, as view the large party who E. . Tallman. Woroesten'Msn�i. to'ba. Indeed bicyclinghas become w pp" n which would • ithe Anteru•on
much the rage at the present time, that magnificent roads of the town and easel- G•xlericL, but awtaiued no isjatry rave
had weaved to fiit through the country B. P. IiavenpurtSattne, Ili. it seems likelyto change the very form nit and the heartfriendliness of the iVhvdnudu during the coming• season. a heavy wetting.
n the "trig, big wheel." When a tale G. W. Lee Clarion. ch.N.Y. y' y y- UP
to thepresent Goderich was the pret-
;row envoi in ttolynch on Thursday,
A. P. Reid.. Clarion. Penn- of our language of compliment when people. He was one of the oldest bic While George Lilley, of Cordon, was
Ye W. c'. Marvin avid, Mich. speaking of another, ar that instead of chats, tad was one of that pa-ty of hest town and had the best street of rattling down West street to his billet at
.t •anti , ib owning to a heavy rain in F. J. Riesell sonMinneapolb, Man. "atourists which in 1879 made what was any place they had seen. (Hear, heat) the Park House, his wheel slipped into
Lendaot, the kruri•ts would not be able A.F. rl. Bissell Needham. Ili.. saying, ■ we shalol
is gentleman and sMr. Ili. G. Cameron proposed the
H. H. Chart, Lake l!oreer, Ili. scholar," we shall be heard saying "he is known in bicycle circles •e "The Wheel • rani -gutter and he was flung over the
w leave that city until the follow lite day t0.`Jamne■. PeorilaIll.1o• a gentleman and • bicyclist !'' In con- 'round the Hub" at Heston. Since volunteer toast of "Goderich Comore- beadle -bars, and fell senseless to the
for .1 damper wee thrown upon the cluau,u, gentlemen, let me express frac then he had been down in the She. teen, coupled with the names of never ground. On recovering wrnsciouanea
,i dor of our tuwanfOlk. THE CANADIAN BICYCLISTS. lis, a that 'ourne ms terminate y Horton and councillor Jordan.
T. H. RobinsooTaronte. Ont. P yourjourney y Dandoah vette un the wheal with he immediately 'notated his bicycle and
ratD\Y f1oRNl!tu Etobt. Anderson pleasantly, and that you may be greeted another party, and was pleased to know Mayor Horton said : Mr. President ccntiuued his trip to the hotel, upon
19t,ke clear and bright, and three of our - Walton - e.'er}•where with the arae cordiality that that the old animosities and bitterness and gentlemen -In response tothe toast reaching which he again went off into a
- PAnsunof the Mayor, and thanks for the use
meal bicyclists, Gae. B. Cox, HarryMc-
Geo. Lilley.. Out. SOD have met with here. (Cheers) engendered bythe war had entire dis- y faint. On recovering consciousness
R o. of hall, •I have simply to say that no
Loan and J. McCelleu•ele left ter Bruce- Geo, Cameron" The Visitors," brought to his feet to appeared. There was no Reb ' andhe had no knowledge of what had hap -
field to inset their American brethren Perry EoHDoolittleAylmer, Ont reap:,na, Dr. Pruyne, u4Chicagu, prose no " Yank ,• when the Is
met their thanks are eoasesry ; our townspeople peued from the time of "taking the
at that pohiut, and spin the intervening w. H. Itsnstord. Clinton. Ont. dent of the Chicago club. He thanked brethren nn the wheel To-uight inter- are always ready to exchangeintern•tion herder " to his awakening at the hotel.
miles in o,empsuy with them. Through -
THE RECEPTION AT THE TOWN HALL the mayor and people ��f Goderich not national barriers had been broken down al courtesies with our American friends, Fortunately no serious effects followed,
.out the afternoon the le mailerre sea dotted for the hearty rece tion, Mit for and the " Canuck " and the " Yank " and are culy too happy on all occasions and Lilley esu all right agwin shortly
down After supper had been partaken of the only to meet with a, many representative
with expectant
Kis ton street, inpehoipleof catching the wheelmen formed two by two and head- the kind wetnia which baht been s;i. tcea were hand -and -hand —brothers' all• gentlemen es we find at thiafostive board
afterward, with the exception of a cen-
g° de g ed by -the town band, proceeded to the to -night. - Since c•aniva to C usage they (Cheers.) He hoped the friendship ! It no fusion on the head.
first Kli,.ipss of the riders on the wheel council chamber where a strawberry and had experienced kind treatment on every would be never ending. like the ' big. tonight. I i have enjoyed she first Vice-president Glass of Goderich,
As the afternoon wore on the essterness hand, but it was left to Gylorich to give big wheel." (,Loud applause.) pleas -while dismounting in front of the Brit-
t., note the approach of the wheelmen ice-cream festival had been arranged for. ' ore. We have had them from Buffalo at iah Exchange about 8 o'clock, slipped
t,cwst+ intenseand $ides'■ mother In addition to the lemonade there eras the i ih �ihThe • escent ker then enttion ertained Mr. Doolittle, „f Aylmer, the guide the epenitig of our Railway, on two or and struck his log against the stop of the
never more anxiously watched for the ample pan salon made s„ that the loafs R P through Canada, also epuke,thanking the three occasions from Bay Cit and the machine which tore the flesh for several
coming of the "shoes '' orhrmoined the would be suitably drunk after the r u- tho company by narrating the oda en- C,odench peop'e for the kind recertwn' two Saginaw and on each occasion,
lar "old style" y all who saw fit to e tures which he encountered in mastering He had been written to by the American although we had cities,a number of celebrities
inches. Medical aid was called for end
tarrying thereof, than did:some of the Phu bicycle, and during hit reursrks wheelmen oi,ncernina lite trip when it the wound attended to, but unfnttunate-
('sodericb ladies on Friday last At a s stated if another machine could not bebywe always felt that our citizens in Code- 1 Mr. Glans was debarred from being
THE CHAIR was first proposed Mr. B.R. Ayers,rich ovule hold their owe in keep., merit at the council chamber reception
3.30 o c'o k a cawxgs came over the occupiedby presidentpurchased by' him, no money would be Chiasgn, the "father" of the team. In P
graph wires of t Goderich Dc. le club,hie able to purchase from him the " wheel' reply he had stated that the route should ins up the festivities. And -while we which ho had dune w much to promote.
rf the asAmr Bicycle Consul Chilton, and his which he now had. The touring wheel- take in Goderich if the bicyclists wished cheered for the "Stars and Stripes," we
"nssweasemstt nevstef t aauesnstc." right was American and y never forgot our own dor old flag that Entrance tzamtalou.a Jane, l=ost
Tills was of itself s relief to the watch- on his left Mayor Horton, the captain of 'nen of 1883 were composed of represen- to see the beat mads in the Province. has braved the battle and the breeze far
en, and enabled them to take internis- the visitors, E. F. Brown, of Chicago, tatives of many States of the Union, and (Hear, hear.) They had taken Lis advice more than a thousand ears. (Cheers.)79
to -night there were Brest bicyclists and todaywere satisfied that he had not y candidates were ezmarks and the
Men fortr crowd
wasn By 6.30, how- beingon the leit of Mayor Horton, and g i Bat gentlemen,meeting with our Chicago following received the marks necessary
Y from as far east a Worcester, Diane., r:isld theta. (Applans.l
dyer, the crowd in iia place on the Dr. Pruyne, president of the Chicago to as far west as Minnesota and Wisam- Mr. B B. Ayers, of Chicago, the pro• friends, who come here on their bicycles, to pass, namely 280 :—
Square, only in larger force, and the Club being on the right of Mr. Clilton. sin and north, from Detroit and octet of they tour, was nezt called independent of the railwww, reminds me euarks
l cagentehad become sworn intense. After the strawberries theca and cream had Y' n t He had, tt was true originated of my first ride on the Michigan Central Frank Coats, No. 4 Usburne 334
Along the sidewalk from the BritishChicago to south from Louisville, KRiilwa ,when, instead of steel rail, a David Huxtable, 3116
been partaken of, visitors were made 3
Exchange to Kingston street the jam
"WELCOME" He was glad the party had taken m this summers tour, and when utak now. the rails were wooden stringers laid Wm. Lamprey, 2 Gode[jcb, 302
was exceedingly heavy. And when the Goderich nn their trip, and felt assured ing the preliminaries had decided that a longitudinally with common bar iron 011 Witt. Monteith, 2 Ushorne, 396
by the chairman, who expressed his sat- the American wheelmen would ever ere trip through Western Ontario would Is top spiked on to these stringers, which Geo. J. Munroe, 12 Ashfield, 395
ems' " irfaction at seeingthem. He bade member with the fine nods and
" rases, THEY COPE, pleasurethe must enjoyable. Although a reeidant sometimes would yield where spiked, the John McKay, Ctodorich, 287
arose from.the onlookers at that portion them welcome in a double capacity -as a hospitable people of Goderich. (Ap-of Chicago he was a Canadian by birth, suds of bars forcing themselves through John F. McKenzie, 7 Ashfield, 341
of the Square looking funned the Bay- resident of Goderich, and as a brother plause.) and it gave him pleasure to see the kind-tho bottom of cars with such f ice as to Geo W. Old, Goderich, 313
field road, a rush ear immediately made wheeltnan. The club in Guderich was "The League of American Wheel- ly L' feeling which prevailed amongst loco assengen in den er of ,�+�=m- Ed. H. Passmore, 37S
by Dearly every "ne to ullain a vino. one of the youngest in existence -was men," was next proposed, c"upled with the reDraaentahre$ of the two coui.tries p:tledp These things are now al 7si•w4'- Wm. C. Stewart, 6 Colborne, 310
And, sure encu •'o. there were the only an infant, as it were -having been the name of Mr. L. J. Bates, president tonight. The American wheelmen would ed,and I am afraid to say front mom- Joseph Stalker, 5 W. Colborne,
bicyclists, formiue at the foot of King- organized only about a mouth, but the of the Detroit club. In responding, ever have kindly memories of the hearty cry the number of railways Pkat yen Thos. ti. Sheppard, 1 296
atop street.prepwstory to ' «1i 1iu• g • to spirit of brotherly kindness animated it, Mr. Bates thanked the people of Godo- welcome which Guderic t )add extended have to -day inti f your beauti- hos Struthers, Goderich, 340
the Square. The formation on the ad- and hence the present attempt to give rich fur the hearty reception accorded In them, and would not fall to give a ful city—a city that seem' almost to have John H. Tewslev, 3 Colborne, 328
i::nce to the Square was as follows : the visitors a reception. Around Gode the teen:. This dna not his. first visit pod account of the beautiful roads been built by mastic—and the reflection Elizabeth Campbell, 11 _tabloid, 3
Members of GodericA Club. rick would be found as lino sonde for to Godertch, nor would it be the last, if which they had traversed to -day. (Hear, is not a pleasant one,that while there is Elizabeth
Harlow, ti " 346
Perry Doolittle, the Guide.
wheeling purposes as could be found any- the hospitality of the people car the ex- hear.) uuly ab rat a year difference in the age of Hwrriet V. Harlow, ti 361
Capt. Brown. of American Team. where, and he fall on this occasion like cellent. btcyclin¢ sonde wen, of any avail• h h The Good (ilii. Friends," eras well your cityand our town, there is a torsi- Ann Haines, 7 W Wawanosh,303
The standard-bearer "Chicago. -expressing his thanks on behalf of the (Hear hear:) Bicycle riding, was aeon- sung b} Harry Rothwell, and in re- ie disparity between our n ulatiun
Forty Amerman Bicyclists—I deet• p gg, (sponse to an Pu ore, the duet "Larboard y population
Eliz. J. Huston, Bayfield, 398
Canadian Bicyclists • club to the corporation of Goderich, paratively new feature in traarllin but and our owe. However, gentlemen we Emma J. Hamilton, 3Colborne, 341
As the procession out wheels entered which not only kept the roads in tint- was getting more popular every day, Watch,' was sungby leothwell and Rob- northern people, are very vigorous, and Martha E. Hoover, 6 W.Wawanosh,322
the roadway around the Court House else condition, but thus far had allowed and as the benefits derived from it be- iux,n wo are living with both the hope and in- l Jenkins, Goderich, 338
Square, cheer upon cheer rose on the air the bicyclist to use the sidewalks on* the aauie more known, the number of wheel- "The Fice o'clock 'Bus," suoq by 1: 'endo t of annexing your northern Lizzie A. Johnston, 3943
from the assembled multitude, and this Square without let or hindrance. He men would increase. The exercise of S \Villianta, was keenly relished by all• SG►toa to our more northern country, an Georgie Jessup, Sep sch Goderich 370
was continued durine the parade around hoped the visitors would enjoy their wheeling improved men physically and Dir. D. McGillicuddy suss then ask- aa,u as we row hungry for niers torsi- Adeline Lougheed, 13 Ashfield, 346
the Square. The sight was the most stay in Goderich, and carry away with mentally, it developed the head as well ed to speak, and, in reepdmse to the tory. Wo have contributed the your city Georgina 1 Martin, Goderich, 354
novel over seen in Goderich. Over fifty them pleasant recollections of the town, at the legs -and was even instrumental call, stated that it was cnstoinary fora of Chicago quite s number of successful Jennie Redcliffe, 5 W. Wawanosh,392
wheelmen, with military precision and and would chose his remarks with the in giving good looks to otherwise home- preacher to have a tett to preach fmn'' business siren who have attained honor -
T. Vanstone, 3 Colborne, 33(i
perfect order, spinning swiftly and noise- single word "welcome," ter which he ly-looking men, in illustration of which and for a speaker to hive a subject to able positions ; and we have only to ru- Edith M. Weatherald, Goderich, 344
Iresdy along the street, was a spectacle would call upon the Mayor of Goderich he would call upon the gentleman from talk about. But to -night there ap]oear- gtut that wo could not have the advwn The examiners are of opinion that
never before seen in the fossil, and was to spoak:on behalf of the town (Ap• Ovid, Mich., to stand up. (The gentle- ed to be a sort of happy go -lucky infer- rage of their business h{utilities hero ;but arithmetic was too difficult for the time
duly appreciated by all who saw it. plause.) man from Ovid stood. up amid loud orality about the gathering, and all that our loss has been your rain. I again re
unless Horton, in rising to welcome cheers from the audience.) He (Mr. was wanted was tsar the speaker should y b g
allowed. They sista give notice that
Bathing the British Exchange hotel,Y .0 our guests that every man, woman unless candidatesgive the necessary
the road captain ordered the the wheehnen said :—On behalf of the B.) was delighted with the sonde in ,. glee a word to the boys," as it were. peat child in our town gree you with a notice hereafter to he head master rc
"DlaHolJaT." people of Goderich I desire to extend to Canada, which were superior to those on In common with rho epeakan who heel I hearty welcome. (`blood and prolonged inspector they need not be diaap ointpir
you, gentlemen bicyclists, a moat hearty the other side dd the lice, and his great- preceded him, he welculmed the . noel- cheers. j if not permitted to write at examination.
end instantly the whoslmen,were standing welcome. I am exceedingly Rrstified in est fear was that some of the wheelmen can wheelmen to Gc,derich, whore they Councillor Jordan, in replying to the _,__�__-
erocton the ground with their bicycles learning that so many different State of would },e tempted to roll up •few miles
beside them. the Union have representatives here to- of the Goderich road and take it over to would have in opportunity of whenlnnt toast, said it was true Goderich was athe hest roads on the•continent.
1115 l pretty town, and had good stens streets.
+ a2Ah t su vet as ' night, as I have just leatnxl from the Michigan with them for a pattern. He was pleased to observe that the
esu the next order, and the wheels were captain of the Chicago club, and would ((Loud laughter.) He thanked the
character of rho yiajting bicyclists was sf The council with the aid of the pocbets Tuesday, July 10.
of the ratepayers kept the roads nn geed The directors of Guderich horticultu-
soos linked together twu by -two present- express the hope that you will find ref- I mayor and people of Goderich for the a high etaudard. They had with them shape. The town hall was used for the sal society met this evening,the vice -
mg a very preify appearance. At ''e ficient of interest in our town and its hospitable reception given the American solid men from the respective States
purpose of honoring the American vial- y
British Ezal,ange, G. B. Cox, us 6E surroundings to induce you to remain bicyclists, and resumed his seat amid represented, olio would uubtl.ur take tors to -night, end complimentary semi- President, 7. H. Williams in the chair.
car keel bicyclists, had made arras fie- with es x few days to recruit and rest. loud appleauee. home with them a good report hof Credo -
moan had been expressed by some pro -
following •Iteration were retom-
meota for
We can promise you that whether you A bicycle ednsl by Mr. Hibbard, of rich as a parading horwhnolmen. He cab- sent to the town council for giving the muudedf, to he singe in the prize lint for
THE BII•LETTI?(., face north, east or south you will find a Milwaukee with churue by the team, reeved amongst the visitors a prominent ,Pse of the hall. Well, if the council had
the fell show :--A collection of dianthus,
t he men being divided up between the
pleasant country and beautiful Wads for entitled "The L A. W. (League (•E Chicago doctor, a State engineer, a De -
refused to accord the use of the hall on both double and single ; 4 coxcombs in
bicycling purposes. in reference to the )trait editor, a special artist for the pie -
this ihceasion, he was satisfied the people place of ti ; 2 baskets and 1 basket, in
"British- and the "Park House.' All west, Lake Huron is notyet enc and American Wheoln en was now sung in
hands were speedily performing ablutions bridgeds0 enthuajaatie a style that an r r,rorP one tenial weeklies. anal a number of other of Goderich would tern them all out of place of 3 and 2 ; and sprite of 75e.
you cannel go far in that direction. called for, whon Mr. Hibbard responded celebrities, too numerous M mention. I office at the next election. (Hear, hoar.) instead of 50a. to be given for the second
and otherwise sprucing up after thelong, Trtntiu therefore, gentlemen, whethergreen peas struck from
dusty rade of Ge miles, preparatory to in- Rh with wnuther bicycle song -an adapts- in wdditinn,thoy hart one>; a real, who He joined with the previous speakers in basket ; peck of
scar ata be longor short, it will doeoh should not be oyerhmked-a real, live, welcoming tho American wheelmen
list ;rho 8 and 4 varieties of geraniums
dulitin¢ in the evening meal, which was
yleaant to you, I again extend to you tion of Over the Garden Wall." his
unadulterated, Capt. Brown, of the American team
in due only partaken of after a fashion
w most cordial and heart welcome to gentleman has put bicycle words to a d, three-ply poet bicycle pot d slim
over R ithe 12 nches it, diameter.must be wn in
mown only to wheelmen—that can of Y number of papular stn, and every Milwwnkee, who had built bicycle P
our town. (Applause.) poetry and adjusted it to popular tonderod tho thanks of bicyclists for the Messrs Allan, Adanson, Bingham,
beings to whom dyspepsia is unknown. ( PP member of the American team has been ( g ecce tion given then. He regretted ex -
After sumer. Captain Brown and J. V. I "The Queen' was then proposed end supplied with a book cnntwn rg the ain t0 suit the times. Loud tau h- P ooilecn and A. Watson were spp,intedi
ge}ty[ ter, and cries of "Strad up, poet ceaLn¢ly that it was out ,.f their oollecters for the fall show.
Calkins, of Chicago, and Perry Doolittle toasted with all the honors, all present stent, some of which have $ rollicking
up r which Angns S. HibM►nl of 11j'.- power to stay in Gdxlerich until Monday, The treasurer was instructed to pay
d t Alymer, gave I rising to their foal. and singing the first merit, and all of which have w rollickin AS theywere travellingon programme,
veno of the National .Anthem. swinsl to them. w,ankee, the ynnthful hut talented bic Pn'�'
the rites taken at the wormer show,
A BICYCLIC EXHIBITION "The County Council of Huron," esu cle poet of the West, nose to his feet nm nnhl most of the members of the team P-
At this stage in the roceedi ,¢s an in -l went o trot ar time m their vacation. and air the certified acc.augt in con -
m the Square, mu proced conclusively K . P the next boast roposed dwwed ncncefnlly to the nndienee, hie tlth• twee they would hwcu sir vel scant fleeces,
tttwt nothing was impossible ble for eipert novation was mtrdNlu1 theedanks
by the •
wheel- P o "Over the (;mrd- gleed y (•APPlanaa.t
wheelie=todo with the machine. By this i p en•1iGOde singing
nngns h8.n Hibbard.othetithe n- i • x rase, said Johnston,
•tMr. Presjulent andiigenn- I Mr. Hibbard's ' pomAwith bright smiler In ! The "{•• pular" eter ratan i■ quite w
time some 3,000 had gathered and the Ple"Rung wnd chorus by Hibbard and coni dept as the "popular politician. Dr.
most intense ntetest was manifested by I "wheel poet" of Milwaukee, rendering i Heinen -1 am rather surprised that en Wall." a problem had been solved I v "Rib - v, o -,y cy, c -1-e Bycycle."h
at a y I yh The ,mceed sn were then brought aria, is described ea a ratan of unusual
the onlookers as the
Time and
party tllcundertingliout w and
refnin to the I health gathering
ri theOt e, this
nt kine rune �, when¢ mananxiouse to see his Dulc rireat boom to a I P*^ l ' R" ¢ Knickerbacker, the iaiurp 41e,fct of Indi-
of the experts proceeded. P oe wclose h the singing of Auld Lang energy and fact. In his own church he
wnd•` e.'• This little a ieode broke chairman says, they keep the reads in over the garden wall would ;cense an in- I Kyrie," the " ?dational Anthem, ' and w has w surpliced choir and °n elabh,rwto
rad. Mnwecer, u our I under difficulties. Takia¢ w header Y
again loud applause greeted the enema- end that " Every day will },e Kundw�, should he n.verse of the "Star Spangled Banner."
ful performance of • difficult fat,and the by y P
+\rrnnty xoxvttc
ladies, of whom there was a large num- the ice, and thenceforward the sonar of repair and sheet,' he complimented for td rview with the beloved
hate, sun ob- Ihritual, yet he can w adapt Imre as toe
recollectteteghe entirely wt home iu rite simplest
Mgr' Teemed too bee changing o the most den fr rat the aiddlea I dentslity wait $ppe*red tdcbei' a'iJockaand Tamann�s have to P"J tabs sit. s bfacttc�m1 tou rent gate andnel runningthe risk inf gbtting opened dull and heavy, with indications onuntry chapel. His competitor for the
,1f stationary Mcy lea without disturbing Frairna.' listenting us at your own expense. • "footer" from the old men of the o� a full day's rain, hot the hioycliats place wee the Res•. Dr. Viorthineten, re
I' l were nut height and earl) enjoying the Detroit, the most popular preacher in
the sgsilil►riom-pe erhapdd she Brownof was the next tea and the
when ethetwtes," 1But I am sure no one hand Woo T1°e so long °re" sues the receive calux t i tionrthe (Laughter.)
{,eaker was m t an authority, entd„ nth wheelinsc. it hat been dodged that city. Of hist, to illustrate his tact,
wnd Calkins -was, perhalar• p e3.the party to make w start at nine ami t ei a tt one source of his popularity,
the series it was now getting abnnt II ,stn struck
get " Yankee 1 nett reetnn their Accra. the Ameri• I and is sou°ilyeptnnd ,f it roadie a n affoird td buy luzuriee Canada. coll• ie nes' n, but at that hoar a heavTwin met the following anecdore is 1o14. Ala y
tusk, and the exhibition] to be resent this evening after listening 10 the remarks o1 the two it, which Ixstodi until Rhein 11o'clock. called shout chane chetah work, and neat
through, when along came the ambulance, this
a Chilton, the American en -1 at 1 h honor to owe visitors, for troth- doctors and the other wheelmen who '(q,a, "bikes" fnrttathetetl in the sitting her surd to is atady, when ptrswntly he
Wising one of the wheelmen, the this port responded se fellows : —I am „t this kind do much to cultivate had Woken, he had nearly Cdeme to the room of the British Exch&rge, and pare• apOeatad in the vie>let dressing gown
robber tire of -Those bi vele had cosec fid of the opportunity that has igen aE• 'nod feeling which is now existingbe that a machine was muco of a nn- d the t{msein giving ready chorus to the that she had given hens the previews
forded me of wilding my welaotne to that IM
Oft rhes earring Aim t„ avail hinted' of grippe
tinged lays of the ilwwnkee warbler. Christmas. Eiaedl, heel she gene when
the mower made of fennel. The waggon which hoe been extended to the Rtte+te I s^itch of tine and
have great
der theft ranee t Puni horrws nowinAt 11 o'clock the captain passed the another caste, and lo: the reverend gsa-
almn carried the heavier haggwge of the herr to -night, mint of whom sure me fel-11)411)1e:word for all who were reedy to take the tleman shags before her in a black ens
tourists and appeared t,• t,^ . • slaral,ld low countrymen. and alt of whnnt will. I (that h, unety the time since tilt close of the that peeuliwr condition known sus "al
milit ary to the party •m .rare, however brief their stay in
war that feeling has been increasing. and' persuaded." (Hear, hear. ) in ennclusinn road to propate to mount, and eighteen rook, of which she had been the donor